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Standard Terms and Conditions

In these conditions the expression “Performer” and words and the Performer shall be entitled at his own cost and
importing the masculine gender shall be construed as expense to have his own physician present at any such
feminine where applicable and the singular shall include examination. The Performer will have no right, title or
the plural. interest in or to such insurance;

A. Conditions of Engagement. The Performer will: (h) not voluntarily engage in any hazardous pursuit
nor take any risk, the taking of which would invalidate or
(a) render to the best of his skill and ability and on a affect any normal policy of insurance on the life or health
first priority basis all such services as are usually rendered of the Performer or might interfere with the Performer’s
by a film or television actor of first class repute for the performances hereunder nor (except with the consent of
purpose of playing the Role at such times and places and in the Producer) fly otherwise than on a scheduled airline of a
such manner as the Producer may reasonably require major international carrier from the date two (2) weeks
during the production of the Picture; before the starting date until completion of all services
required of the Performer hereunder;
(b) wear such clothes, wigs and make-up and his hair
in such styles as the Producer may require; The Producer (i) upon completion of his services hereunder return
shall provide the Performer with all required wearing to the Producer in good condition (fair wear and tear
apparel (such apparel to be returned in accordance with excepted) all property and wardrobe provided by the
Condition 1 above). All wardrobe furnished or paid for by Producer;
the Producer shall be and remain its property and shall be
returned promptly to the Producer; (j) not at any time whether during or after the
subsistence of this Agreement, take part or be concerned
(c) not without the prior written consent of the in the performance broadcasting or recording of any words
Producer, make any statement or supply any confidential music or actions that form part of the Role hereunder;
information which is identified as such, relating to the
Picture or the terms hereof or to the Performer’s services (k) not incur any liability on behalf of the Producer nor
hereunder or to the affairs of the Producer (but this shall pledge its credit nor represent that he is entitled to do so;
not prevent proper disclosures of information to the
Performer’s professional advisers); (l) not be required to undertake without his prior
consent any act or performance which he shall reasonably
(d) comply with all reasonable rules and regulations consider to be hazardous or dangerous;
made by the Producer;
(m) apply for or assist the Producer in applying for
(e) keep the Producer informed of the Performer’s membership of foreign labour organizations or for work
whereabouts and telephone number; permits passports and visas and such other matters as may
be necessary to enable the Producer to make full use of the
(f) use his best endeavours to attain and maintain Performer’s services hereunder; and
such a state of health as will enable the Performer to
render his services hereunder as effectively as possible and (n) with the exception of pantomime performances,
as will enable the Producer to effect insurance on normal notice of which the Performer shall provide to the
terms on the Performer against loss arising from his Producer, not at any time, whether during the exclusive
inability to perform the said services and make true and period or thereafter, portray in any medium any role or
accurate replies and statements for the purpose of any character, or provide any endorsement or testimonial
such insurance; which is the same as or substantially similar to the role
portrayed by the Performer in the Picture or which tends
(g) at a reasonable time when so required attend and to ridicule, burlesque or satirize any role portrayed by the
submit to such usual and customary medical examination Performer in the Picture or conflicts with the Performer’s
as the Producer or its medical advisers deem necessary for obligations hereunder.
the Producer’s insurance purposes including self-insurance
B. Results and Proceeds. All aspects of the results and defamation or mutilation of any part thereof, or contain
proceeds of Performer’s services hereunder shall be unauthorized variations, alternatives, modifications,
created within the scope of Performer’s employment, changes or translations. All rights granted to Producer by
including without limitation, “behind-the-scenes” footage, Performer pursuant to this agreement shall be irrevocably
and shall be as employee-for-hire (all of which shall be vested in Producer and shall not be subject to rescission by
deemed a “work made for hire” for Producer as specially Performer or reversion on behalf of itself by operation of
commissioned for use as part of a motion picture in law or otherwise.
accordance with Sections 101 and 201 of the U.S. Copyright
Act or a work done in the course of employment” pursuant Any breach by Performer of any of the foregoing warranties
to Section 13(3) of the Copyright Act (Canada)). or agreements shall entitle Producer, in addition to its
Consequently, all material, works, writing, ideas, gags and rights at law or in equity, to terminate this Agreement
dialogue composed, submitted or interpolated by without further liability.
Performer in connection with the preparation or
production of the Production shall automatically become (a) Producer shall have the right in perpetuity,
Producer’s property, as a result of Performer’s throughout the universe, to use and to license the use of
employment hereunder. Producer shall be the sole and Performer's name and likeness, and shall have the exclusive
exclusive owner of the Production, including, without right to simulate Performer's voice, signature and
limitation, every element thereof (including the character appearance by any means in and in connection with the
of the role portrayed by Performer), the copyright therein, Production and the advertising, publicizing, exhibition,
and all of the results and proceeds of Performer’s services and/ or other exploitation thereof in any manner and by
hereunder, for all purposes. Producer shall have the right any means whether now known or hereafter devised;
in perpetuity, to distribute and exhibit the Production and
all or any part of the results and proceeds of Performer’s (b) As employer, Producer shall have the exclusive
services hereunder, either separate from or together with right in perpetuity, throughout the universe, to use, in any
the Production or any other material, without limit as to manner and by any means now known or hereafter
the number of times or places throughout the universe, in devised, (i) Performer's name and likeness on the positive
all languages, by any means and in any and all media now prints of the Production and in connection with the
known or hereafter devised. Producer shall also have the advertising and exploitation of the Production and all of the
right to cut, edit, add to, subtract from, arrange, rearrange photographs, recordings and other results and proceeds of
and revise the Production, and all or any part of such results Performer's services hereunder, and (ii) Performer's name
and proceeds, as Producer in its sole discretion may and likeness in institutional advertising. Producer shall also
determine. Without limiting the foregoing, Producer shall have the exclusive right in perpetuity, throughout the
have the right in perpetuity, throughout the universe, to universe, to use and to license others to use, in any manner
use and authorize others to use, in any manner and by any and by any means now known or hereafter devised,
means now known or hereafter devised, including without Performer's name and likeness in and in connection with
limitation, in connection with commercial tie-ups and/or as commercial advertising and commercial tie-ups relating to
part of any themed entertainment venue, restaurant, or the Production;
store, the results and proceeds of Performer’s services
hereunder, as well as Performer’s name, biography, (c) Producer shall have the exclusive right to shoot
simulated signature, sobriquet, photograph, likeness, voice “behind-the-scenes” and “making of” footage and to make
and/or caricature (hereinafter referred to as “name and one or more promotional films of thirty (30) minutes or
likeness”), in connection with the advertising, publicizing, less. Performer shall render services for said promotional
promotion and exploitation of the Production. films during the Term as Producer may request. Producer
shall have the right to use the footage and the results and
Performer hereby waives the benefits of any provision of proceeds of Performer’s services in such promotional films,
law known as "droit moral", "moral" rights, or analogous or otherwise, for no additional compensation to Performer,
rights which they may have in relation to the services as in accordance with all of the terms and provisions set forth
such rights may presently or in the future exist, by in the UBCP Agreement;
legislative enactment or otherwise. Performer agrees not
to institute, support, maintain or permit any action or (d) Merchandising; Publishing: As employer, Producer
lawsuit on the ground that any exercise of the rights shall have the right in perpetuity, throughout the universe,
granted and assigned to Producer hereunder constitute an but only in connection with the role portrayed by
infringement of any moral rights or "droit moral" or a Performer in the Production, to use and to authorize others

Rider to Standard UBCP Performer Contract – Yarn Productions Inc.

to use, in any manner and by any means now known or whatsoever, the Performer is and will be an independent
hereafter devised, Performer’s name and likeness in, and in contractor engaged under a contract for the provision of
connection with, any merchandising, and/or publishing services. The Performer will not be a servant or employee
undertakings whatsoever. Without limiting the foregoing, of the Producer or of any of its associated or subsidiary
Performer hereby consents to the foregoing uses, including companies.
without limitation, the use of Performer’s name and
likeness in connection with packaging and/or the front In the event that the services of Performer hereunder are
cover, or in any part of such merchandising/publishing being furnished by a corporation, notwithstanding the fact
undertaking; that this Agreement is drafted in the form of an agreement
between Producer and Performer in Performer's individual
(e) Soundtrack; Phonorecords: As employer, Producer capacity, such corporation hereby agrees to furnish to
shall own the further exclusive right, throughout the Producer the services of Performer, and to grant to
universe, in perpetuity, to use and to license the use of Producer the rights and benefits set forth herein, in
Performer’s voice from the soundtrack of the Production accordance with all of the terms and conditions contained
on phonorecords, compact discs, and any other form of herein and otherwise to abide by such terms and
sound-only media now known or hereafter devised conditions. In such event, the following additional terms
(collectively hereinafter, “phonorecords”), and to use and and conditions shall also apply: (i) Performer represents
to license the use of Performer’s name and likeness on and warrants that such corporation is a duly organized and
jackets and labels of such phonorecords and to advertise existing corporation and is presently in good standing
and publicize the use of Performer’s voice on such under the laws of the State, Province, or other jurisdiction
phonorecord(s). Performer shall not perform any such of its incorporation; that such corporation has a valid,
selection(s) on any phonorecord not issued or authorized binding and subsistent written employment agreement
by Producer. Performer represents and warrants that with Performer pursuant to which Performer is obligated
Performer is not a party to any agreement which would to render Performer's services exclusively to such
prevent Producer from fully exercising the rights granted corporation for at least the full term of this Agreement;
hereunder without the consent of any other person, firm that such corporation is exclusively entitled to and controls
or entity. No additional payments shall be paid to the all rights in and to the results and proceeds of Performer's
Performer for such uses; and services granted to Producer hereunder; (ii) Producer shall
pay directly to such corporation all of the compensation
(f) Performer specifically agrees to the provisions of that would have been payable to Performer had Producer
Paragraph (d) and Paragraph (e) above. employed Performer directly and such corporation will fully
perform and discharge, and Producer shall have no
C. Warranties and Indemnification. Performer warrants responsibility or liability on account of, any obligations of
that Performer has not made and will not make any an employer with respect to Performer and Performer's
commitment in conflict with this Agreement; that all services hereunder, including, but not limited to, the
material furnished by Performer is wholly original with withholding and/or payment of any sums required to be
Performer except to the extent such material may be taken withheld and/or paid by such employer to any
from material in the public domain or furnished by governmental authority, or pursuant to any guild or union
Producer, and that no material furnished by Performer will health, welfare, or pension plan; (iii) if such corporation
violate or infringe upon any right whatsoever of any should be dissolved or otherwise cease to exist or for any
person, firm or corporation. Performer hereby agrees to reason whatsoever fail or neglect to perform or comply
defend and indemnify Producer and Producer's successors, with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
licensees and assigns against all losses, costs (including Performer may at Producer's election be deemed to be
without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees), liabilities employed directly by Producer for the balance of the term
and claims of any nature arising from any breach or alleged hereof upon the terms and conditions set forth herein;
breach of any agreement or warranty made by Performer. (iv) in the event of a breach or threatened breach of this
In the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Agreement by such corporation and/or Performer,
Agreement by Performer, Producer shall be entitled to seek Producer shall be entitled to seek legal, equitable and other
legal, equitable and other relief against Performer as relief against such corporation and/or Performer as
Producer may in its sole discretion determine. Producer may in its sole discretion determine; and
(v) Producer shall have all rights and remedies against
D. Independent Contractor/Loan-Out Corporation. Performer which Producer would have if Performer were
During the term of the Agreement and for all purposes directly employed hereunder by Producer, and Producer

Rider to Standard UBCP Performer Contract – Yarn Productions Inc.

shall not be required first to resort to or exhaust any rights
or remedies which Producer may have against such The remedies herein provided shall be deemed cumulative
corporation before exercising Producer's remedies against and the exercise of one shall not preclude the exercise of
Performer. any other. Performer specifically agrees that Producer may
seek to recover by appropriate action the amount of the
E. Remedies. Performer acknowledges that Performer's actual damage caused Producer by any failure, refusal or
rights and remedies in the event of a breach or alleged neglect of Performer to keep and perform Performer's
breach of this Agreement by Producer shall be strictly agreements, representations and warranties herein
limited to the right, if any, to recover damages in an action contained. No waiver by either of the parties hereto of any
at law, and Performer shall not be entitled by reason of any failure by the other party to keep or perform any covenant
such breach to rescind this Agreement, or to restrain or condition of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a
Producer's exercise of any of the rights granted to Producer waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach of the same,
hereunder. or any other, covenant or condition.

Performer acknowledges and agrees that the services to be F. Insurance. Performer shall assist Producer in securing
rendered by Performer hereunder are of a special, unique, customary insurance by submitting to customary medical
unusual, extraordinary and intellectual character, making examinations and by signing such instruments as may be
them difficult to replace and giving them a particular value, reasonably required in connection therewith. In the event
the loss of which cannot be reasonably compensated in Performer fails to qualify for such insurance at customary
damages in an action at law; that if Performer breaches any rates, Producer shall have the right to terminate this
provision of this Agreement, Producer will be caused Agreement without obligation to Performer.
irreparable harm; and that, therefore, Producer shall be
entitled, as a matter of right, at its election, to seek to G. Transportation and Living Expenses. Performer shall
enforce this Agreement and all of the provisions hereof by use the method, means and devices of transportation
injunction or other equitable relief. furnished or designated by Producer in connection with any
travel that Performer is required to undertake pursuant to
Performer hereby expressly recognizes that in the event of the terms of this Agreement. From the date hereof until
a failure or of an omission by Producer constituting a the completion of all services required of Performer,
breach of Producer's obligations of this Agreement, the Performer shall not travel in an aircraft other than as a
damage (if any) caused Performer by Producer thereby is passenger on a regularly scheduled commercial airline. For
not irreparable or sufficient to entitle Performer to the period during which Performer is rendering services at
injunctive or other equitable relief. Consequently, any overnight location(s), Producer shall furnish to
Performer's rights and remedies in the event of a failure, Performer living accommodations of Producer's choice and
omission or default constituting a breach by Producer shall pay to Performer the minimum per diem required by
under the terms of the present Agreement, shall be limited the UBCP Agreement, in full satisfaction of all
to Performer's rights, if any, to recover damages in an accommodations and meal allowance expenses required
action at law, and in no event shall Performer be entitled under the UBCP Agreement.
by reason of any such breach to rescind this Agreement or
any of the rights granted to Producer hereunder, or to H. Publicity. The Performer hereby undertakes that
enjoin or to restrain the distribution or exhibition of the during and throughout the continuance of the Performer’s
Picture. engagement hereunder and at any time during or after the
release of the Picture throughout the world, the Performer
The Producer shall not be under any liability in respect of: will not do anything to prejudice the production or
successful exploitation of the Picture and in the event that
(a) any claim for loss of publicity or opportunity to the Performer shall commit a breach of any of the
enhance the Performer’s reputation notwithstanding the provisions in this clause, the Producer may at any time
fact that the Producer may abandon production of the thereafter, by written notice to the Performer, either
Picture or the use of the Performer’s services therein after terminate the engagement of the Performer hereunder or
having advertised the same; and cancel its obligations to accord the Performer credit
thereafter as provided in the Agreement
(b) any loss or damage to the Performer’s property
whilst in transit to or from or whilst at places where the I. UBCP Agreement. This Agreement is subject to the
Performer renders services hereunder. UBCP Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein,

Rider to Standard UBCP Performer Contract – Yarn Productions Inc.

Producer shall be entitled to the maximum benefits compensation, may be reduced by an amount equal to the
provided for in the UBCP Agreement. To the extent any period of such suspension and by the amount of
provision of this Agreement conflicts with the mandatory guaranteed compensation applicable to such period of
provisions of the UBCP Agreement or any applicable law or suspension, respectively;
regulation, the latter shall prevail; provided, that the
provision(s) of this Agreement so affected shall be limited (d) Termination: Producer may terminate this Agreement
only to the minimum extent necessary to comply with such at any time during a suspension hereunder or within two
UBCP Agreement, law or regulation. In the event the UBCP (2) weeks following the end of such suspension or the
Agreement requires the payment of compensation to Default or Disability giving rise thereto. A termination
Performer in addition to that provided herein, such under this subparagraph or otherwise shall relieve
additional compensation shall be paid at the minimum Producer from all of its obligations hereunder; provided,
applicable rates specified in said UBCP Agreement. however, that if such termination is due to a reason other
than Performer's Default, then Producer shall not be
J. Breach; Disability; Force Majeure. relieved of its obligation to compensate Performer for
services rendered prior to the date of such termination;
(a) Suspension: The running of time under this Agreement and
and Producer's obligations hereunder shall be
automatically suspended upon the occurrence and during (e) Force Majeure: Article A1901 of the UBCP Agreement
the continuance of any of the following contingencies, and is hereby incorporated herein by this reference.
for a period thereafter reasonably sufficient to enable
Producer to resume utilization of Performer's services: (i) If K. Limit On Liability. The parties agree that in any
Performer shall commit a breach of this Agreement, or arbitration or court action pursuant to Article A107 of the
either Performer or Performer's representative shall UBCP Agreement above, the damages that may be
indicate that Performer intends to do so or Performer shall awarded shall be limited to any actual damages suffered.
fail to give written affirmation of Performer's intention fully IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY
to perform hereunder within twenty-four (24) hours after SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR
receipt of Producer's request that Performer so affirm PUNITIVE DAMAGES, OR ANY CLAIM FOR LOSS OF PROFITS,
(hereinafter referred to as "Default"); or (ii) If Performer LOST BUSINESS, OR LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, EVEN
shall be prevented from, or interfered with, in the rendition IF THE OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE
of services by illness, physical or mental disability, accident, POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
military service or other cause which would make
Performer's failure to render services excusable at law, or L. Miscellaneous. The Agreement is not a partnership
if Performer becomes physically disfigured (hereinafter between or joint venture by the parties hereto and neither
referred to as "Disability"). Producer shall have the right party is the agent of the other. The Agreement is not for
to lift any suspension hereunder at any time prior to the the benefit of any third party, whether or not referred to
cessation of the event giving rise to such suspension; herein. Captions and organization are for convenience only
and shall not be used to construe meaning.
(b) Cure: In the event of any breach by Performer,
Producer shall provide notice of breach to Performer, and Producer shall have the right at any time to assign or
Performer shall have a period of three (3) business days in otherwise transfer this Agreement, in whole or in part, or
which to cure such breach, prior to any remedy exercised any or all of Producer's rights or obligations hereunder to
by Producer hereunder; any person or other entity. This Agreement shall be binding
upon and shall inure to the benefit of the respective
(c) Extension; Reduction: Producer may extend the period successors, licensees and assigns of Producer and
for which Performer is employed hereunder, and all dates, Performer; provided that the services to be rendered by
for a period equal to all or any part of the period during Performer hereunder are of the essence of this Agreement
which any suspension continues hereunder by written and such services shall not be delegated to any other
notice given to Performer on or before the later of (i) the person or entity.
expiration of such period of employment, (ii) the
termination of such suspension, or (iii) ten (10) days after The Performer undertakes to do any and all acts and
the end of the Default or Disability. Any period for which execute any and all documents in such manner and at such
Producer has guaranteed compensation to Performer location as may be required by the Producer in its sole
hereunder, and the amount of such guaranteed discretion in order to evidence, protect, perfect, or enforce

Rider to Standard UBCP Performer Contract – Yarn Productions Inc.

any of the rights granted or confirmed to the Producer by by, any and all of the actions of the Producer pursuant to
the Performer pursuant to this Agreement. As security for this paragraph. Such authority and appointment shall take
the performance by the Performer of the Performer’s effect as a power coupled with an interest and is therefore
obligations under this Agreement, if the Performer shall an irrevocable appointment.
have failed following seven (7) days’ notice from the
Producer to execute any document or perform any act This Agreement expresses the entire understanding of the
required pursuant to this Agreement, the Producer shall parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No
have the right to do so in the place and stead of the modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in
Performer as the lawfully appointed attorney of the writing and signed by the party to be charged with such
Performer and the Performer undertakes and warrants modification.
that the Performer shall confirm and ratify, and be bound


Christine Upright

Rider to Standard UBCP Performer Contract – Yarn Productions Inc.

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