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Exercise 1

Write the correct form of the plural as in the example.

Escriba la forma correcta del plural como en el ejemplo.

1. life lives family ..families ……... boy …boys……………...

2. man … men……… city ………cities……. sandwich…sandwiches…..
3. doctor ……doctors…… nurse ……nurses………engineer ……engineers…..
4. half ………halves…… shelf ………shelves……cliff…cliffs…………..
5. child ……children... lady ……ladies… goose ………geese……………

Exercise 2
Write these sentences in the plural form as in the example.
Escriba estas oraciones en la forma plural como en el ejemplo.

1. Is it a level? ¿Es un nivel? Are they levels? ¿Son niveles?

2. There isn’t a nail. No hay un clavo There aren’t nails

3. What is that? ¿Qué es eso? …What are these…

4. This is a brush. Esta es una brocha. …those are brushes

5. There is a dictionary. Hay un diccionario. ………There are dictionaries

6. That window is clean. Esa ventana está limpia. ……Those Windows are clean

7. A box and a hammer. Una caja y un martillo. ………boxes and hammers


Replace the personal pronouns by the possessive adjectives:

Reemplace los pronombres personales por los adjetivos posesivos:

1. Where are my wrenches? (I) ¿Dónde están mis llaves?

2. That’s her library. (she) Esa es su biblioteca.

3. Their work is driving cars in the city. (They) Su trabajo es conducir carros en

la ciudad.

4. Your project is excellent. (You) Tu proyecto es excelente.

5. His favorite hobby is swimming. (He) Su pasatiempo favorito es la natación.

6. It’s a water pump It name is Pedrollo. (It)

Esta es una bomba de agua. Su nombre es Pedrollo.

7. They are our instructors. (we) Ellos son nuestros instructors.

8. I have an album it color is black. (It) Yo tengo un álbum. Su color es negro.

9. Nancy is from Ica City her husband is from Batán Grande. (She)

Nancy es de la ciudad de Ica. Su esposo es de Batán Grande.

10. I like Chongoyape it weather is healthy. (It)

Me gusta Chongoyape. Su clima es saludable.


Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjectives:


1. I don’t know where my books are / Yo no sé dónde están mis libros.

2. We are students and he is our instructor.

Somos estudiantes y él es nuestro instructor.

3. She says that her pencil case is new. / Ella dice que su cartuchera es nueva.

4. What’s your last name Victor? / ¿Cuál es tu apellido Victor?

5. Daniel’s car is very old, but her motorbike is new.

El carro de Daniel es muy viejo, pero su motocicleta es nueva.

6. I often forget my keys. / Yo amenudo olvido mis llaves.

7. Mr Rojas has his classes at noon. / El señor Rojas tiene sus clases en la tarde.

8. We bring our tools to class. / Nosotros traemos nuestras herramientas a clase.

9. Rosa likes her new software. / A Rosa le gusta su nuevo software.

10. You have to write in your notebook. / Tienes que escribir en tu libro de

Fill in the sentences with the correct form (past simple) of the appropriate verb

1) Daisy _skipped_ the rope in the garden?

2) Anne slept on her homework.
3) The young lady lay on the beach.
4) Mary dropped the litter into the recycling bin.
5) Tom solt lemonade.
6) Joe cut the paper into smaller pieces.
7) The family went on holiday on Monday.
8) The bus driver drove the bus to the station.
9) Robert hung a birdhouse on the tree.
10) Paul and James gave presents to each other.
11) The lorry driver changed the wheel of the lorry.
12) Jasmine played the piano.
13) Hanna studied for the test at home.
14) Leila swam in the sea.
15) Kyle ran home.

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