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Terakreditasi : C (Cukup)
NPSN : 69765067 NSS : 401110265067
Alamat : Desa Sindangsari Dusun II, Kecamatan Lempuing, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir 30657
email : https ://



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Prog.Keahlian : XI/Semua Program Keahlian
Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 26 November 2021
Durasi Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Tulislah nama dan nomor peserta pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia
2. Bacalah baik-baik semua pertanyaan yang ada pada lembar soal sebelum menentukan jawaban yang
3. Tulislah jawaban pada lembar yang tersedia
4. Lembar jawaban jangan dicoret-coret
5. Jika ingin mengganti jawaban yang ditulis berilah tanda (=)
Contoh A, B, C, D, E diganti A, B, C, D, E
6. Periksalah sekali lagi jawaban dengan teliti, sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas
7. Serahkan lembar soal dan lembar jawaban kepada pengawas apabila waktu berakhir

A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar !

4. Eca : will you help me to build a

1. Ronaldo :sir, would you like me to close the snowman?
window for you? Ola: yes, of course ...
Mr. Adi : yes, please. It’s very cold Complete the dialogue above ...
inside. a. I won’t
a. Asjing help b. I will
b. Offering help c. I will not
c. Refusing something d. Will I ?
d. Accepting an offer e. Shall I ?
e. Suggestion
5. Romy : may I help you?
2. Ela : mom, do you need some help ? you look Deny :hmmm. Don’t brother yourself,
so busy this morning thanks.
Mom : of course, dear. I need another pai The underlined sentence express...
of hands to wash the dish a. Asking help
The underline sentence expresses ... b. Giving help
a. Accepting help c. Offering help
b. Offering help d. Refusing an offer
c. Refusing help e. Accepting an offer
d. Looking for something
e. Apologizing 6. Andi : Do you need any help?
bino : yes, please. I can’t find my
3. Boy : sony, will you give me that book? glasses.
Sony : sure, .... The underlined words express..
a. I don’t want to a. Preference
b. I am busy today b. Accept help and assistance
c. I will c. Accept apology
d. I will not d. Offer help and assistance
e. I have to go e. Make agreement

7. Miko : It’s very hot here ...

Sinta : Sure. No problem e. We go fishing
The suitable expression to cmplete the dialogue is 13. Wina : I’ve problem with my mobile
... phone what’s your idea?
a. could you close the door? Sisi : ......
b. Would you mind if I turn on the fan? Wina : that’s good idea
c. Would you turn off the fan? a. I think you should buy the new one
d. May I leave now? b. How a pity you are
e. Would you mind if I you turn on the fan ? c. That’s not my business
d. Making a call is easy
8. Tomy : this question is so difficult to e. I don’t know nothing
Jay :..... 14. Kano : how do you feel the temperature
The suitable expression to complete the here?
dialogue is ... Aji : ....
a. just don’t answer it Bima : I think so. We need to open all
b. let’s stop studying and go playing windows
c. would you like a cup of coffee? a. so hot here
d. Let me help you work on it. b. good job
e. I can come to your house c. yes I believe
d. nice weather
9. Mike : oh my God, I left my book at e. good weather
Dave : .... 15. Sita : .......... about the math test ?
The suitable expression to complete the Mada : It’s too hard to do. I couldn’t
dialogue is ... answer number 3
a. Shall I take it for you? a. in your opinion
b. Just forget it b. would you agree that
c. Let me take you to school c. whatdo you think
d. I’II treat you chicken noodles d. I believe
e. Just buy it e. When do you attend

16. Adi :.......

10. Nike : Sir, I think I’m losttable Gia : I love it
expression a. where do you go?
Jery : ....... b. Do you think so?
The suitable expression to complete the c. How do you like the movie?
dialogue is ... d. Are you sure?
a. Let me help you carry your bag e. I am fine
b. Can I help you ? I know this place
c. May I help you ? I have a dog too 17. Alina ... song every night
d. Shall I clean your shoes? a. Sings
e. can you show me the way? b. Sing
c. Is
11. Jane : we will have a long holiday in the d. Does
next semester, what are you going e. Do
to do?
Dina : ......... 18. They ... a test every week
Jane : I do hope you have a nice trip a. Does
a. I don’t know b. Has
b. I am busy c. Are
c. I am thinking of going to the beach d. Have
d. The beach is not clean e. Is
e. The holiday wilbe boring
19. She is a student. She ... at school
12. Indah : look at the views what do you a. Studying
think about the river? b. Study
Andi : I think.... c. Studies
a. It is amazing d. Does
b. I can do nothing e. Studied
c. Yes, good
d. I can swim 20. We .... soccer match
a. Do classroom. Then, I was taken to the hospital
b. Watching because of the high fever.
c. Watches At the hospital, I was brought into the
d. Watch emergency unit. The doctor immediately gave
e. Does some treatments. Finally, I had to stay there
for one week. Every day the doctor kept me
the following text is for number 21 to 25 on a drip. At the seventh day, my condition
To: All teachers was getting better. After the final check, the
Would you please come to watch our student’s doctor gave me permission to go home. Now,
performance for Angklung festival on June 21 I’m okay and because of my illness, I am now
st 2021 in Hall of Surya Dharma School at more careful about keeping in my house clean
08.00 a.m . until the end of the event especially my room, I don’t want to get the
Sincerely, same illness again. Ok, think that’s all from
Surya Permana me, write to me soon ok?

21. Who is the recipient of the text above? Regards

a. Teachers Nadira
b. Students
c. Students and teacher 26. What is the topic of the letter above?
d. Math teacher a. Getting fever
e. Headmaster b. Went to hospital
c. The doctor recipe
22. When will the festival be held? d. In hospital
a. June 21st e. Sickness
b. June 22st
c. June 23st 27. What did the writer do when she felt her body
d. June 24st became weak?
e. June 25st a. She bought medicine
b. She consumed the medicine
23. Where will the festival be held? c. She took a rest all day
a. the hall d. She went to hospital
b. the yard e. She does nothing
c. the football court
d. the tennis court 28. What was the disease that she got?
e. the street a. Stomach
b. Toothache
24. when will the festival be begun? c. Dengue fever
a. 08.00 d. Sore throat
b. 09.00 e. Influenza
c. 10.00
d. 11.00 29. Why the writer was taken to the hospital?
e. 12.00 a. She got high fever
b. She got diarrhea
25. What kind of the text is it? c. She got headache
a. Invitation d. She got broken bones
b. Report e. She got toothache
c. Advertisement
d. Personal letter 30. How long she was taken care in the hospital?
e. Public letter a. Four days
b. Five days
the following text is for number 26 to 30 c. Six days
d. Eight days
Kupang, April 2, 2013 e. Seven days

Dear Paula,
Hello Paula, how are you? It’s been a month
since I last heard from you. Well I just wanted
to tell you that I was in a hospital last week.
According to the doctor I was infected by
dengue fever. At first, I felt my body became
weak then fainted when was studying in the

1. Mention 3 expression of giving a suggestion!

Read the following dialogue and then answer
the questions!
Amir: “We have been waiting nearly three
quarters of an hour.”
Budi: “Yes, I think the bus will never come.”
Amir: “Would it be an idea to walk?”
Budi: “Yes, it’s a good idea.”
Amir: “Has the new restaurant opened today?”
Budi: “It has opened yesterday already. My
friend told me it has a new and delicious
Amir: “Why don’t we eat there?”
Budi: “it is a wonderful idea.”

2. When did the new restaurant open?

3. Who told Budi that the restaurant had a
delicious menu?
4. make 2 expression about offering help
5. make formal invitation

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