Faith Movies

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Episode 1


Scene 1

Characters: Mrs Lebechi, and Mr Ruben.

Settings: Int/day. Location: Dinner table.

Camera opens on Lebechi who is busy setting the table joyfully while we hear sound of shower
as Mr Ruben is bathing.

Lebechi: (With smile) Baby the table is served. Once you are done from the bathroom,rush to
the dinner table.( Silence is observed) Are you there?(After awhile he walks out afraid) Why are
you walking like a ghost in your own house. Please cheer up

Mr Ruben: (Comes out and knee before the wife) I can't eat this food. If I do I will die, not after
all that I did. Baby please forgive me, I promise it will never happen again. (Lebechi goes to sit
down as camera pans on her face to scene 2


Scene 2

Characters: Mrs Lebechi, Angel and Mrs Udoka.

Setting : Ext/day. Location: Road

Camera opens on the two women discussing over what happened in the meeting.

Angel walks and greets them. They responded.

Mrs Udoka: (looks at Angel) that reminds me. Are you sure you are looking after your husband
so well?

Mrs Lebechi: (laughs) you eh...of cause. Oh I understand, is it that one relax soon I will start
spitting. So tell me, if I don't take care of him who will?

Mrs Udoka: ...They will o or I should say they are.

Mrs Lebechi: What are you talking about...

Mrs Udoka: Put your eyes down,I don't understand his movement again with some of this
ladies. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Mrs Lebechi: Ah my husband can't cheat on me,never. Do you know what we have been
through? I married him when he has nothing...Now he wants to cheat?

Mrs Udoka: Its not he want to.He is already swimming inside it. Be careful.

Mrs Lebechi: I will not stand here and watch you insult my husband. This discussion is over.If
you dare bring it up again. I will not take it lightly.( She leaves)

Mrs Udoka: You see somebody I am helping....


Scene 3.

Characters: Mr Ruben, Mrs Lebechi

Settings: Ext/day. Day. Location: Mr Ruben's house.

Camera opens on Mrs Lebechi who is standing with the husband in front of their house.

Mr Lebechi: Please na.Okay you can drop me at the junction so I can find my way from there.

Mr Ruben: Darling please,I am tired. You know how stressed I was. Just manage,maybe when
you are done let me know. I will come pick you up.

Mrs Lebechi: If you say so, Let me go. Sleep very well but don't over sleep least you will miss my

Mr Ruben: No o. I will be at alert .( Pecks her and she leaves.Mr Ruben smiles as he goes inside)

Camera cut.

Scene 4

Few minutes later

Characters: Mrs Lebechi, Mr Ruben and Joan

Settings: Int/day. Location: Mr Ruben's house.

Camera opens on Lebechi who walks into the compound

With a bag as someone going to the market. She enters the house,cut to see her at the
entrance of the bedroom(music playing on the is background) She opens the door.
Lebechi: ( on opening the door) Jesus!!! So sorry sir/ ma. Please I forgot something.( She goes in
as camera captures husband Mr Ruben on their matrimonial be with a girl. They both became
afraid. She goes to the wardrobe,picks her pause and leaves)

Mr Ruben: Kia! What a mess. I am in trouble ( looks at Joan) you caused this...I mean this is our
materimonal bed.

Joan: Why are you fijecting like a child.Did you not enjoy it (trying to get up) she is gone. No
need for fear. Can we...

Mr. Ruben: ...before God and Man,if you don't disappear from this place,they will announce
your obituary date.(She runs out with her clothes) Oh my God (hitting his hands on the bed)
somebody tell me am dreaming...Lebechi! Baby!!! She is gone( He gets up and camera fades as
he dresses the bed and pans to Lebechi's tears)


Scene 5

Characters: Mrs Lebechi, and Mr Ruben.

Settings: Int/day. Location: Dinner table.

Camera opens on Lebechi who is still sitting while tears rolls down her chick.

Mr Ruben: Please,I don't know what came over me. It was the devil (Lebechi looks at him
angrily) No! I am the one but just let go. (Lebechi stands and walks up to him to bring him up as
they huge)




Scene 1

Characters : Mr Clement and Mr Sabastin.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Road.

Camera opens on Mr Clement who is driving and on seeing Mr Sabastin stops. Came down from
the vehicle.
Mr Clement: Sabastin! Where on earth did I wrong you? I Lended you money you used in
starting that business of yours. You promised to pay me back in 12 months,now it's 24 months.I
have been asking for my own money to no avail Sabastin why?

Mr. Sabastin: I am deeply sorry,it's just that there is this projects i invested the money into. I
know it's going to benefit you at the due cause. Please,still give me sometime.

Mr. Clement: Sometime you said? Okay,I will (angrily walks into his car)

Mr. Sabastin: It has not gotten to that please. A little time can do. I have been pleading with
you(Mr. Clement zooms off)

Camera cut

Scene 2

Characters: Mr Clement, negative spirit and bad spirit.

Settings : Ext/day. Location: Mr Clement's house.

Camera opens on Mr Clement who is moving round the compound in deep thought.

Negative spirit: Deal with him. He deserves it

Positive spirit: Please,still bear with him.

Negative spirit: Have you imagined what that money would have done for you by now.

Positive spirit: Patience is a virtue. Who knows if he will return it with much interest that will
amaze you.

Negative spirit: It's not true. If he has money as that,why trecking. Why looking hungry. You
money is gooooone.

Mr Clement: Never, it's not possible. I Clement Elendu will not loose my money for any reason.
(He goes inside)

Camera cuts.

Scene 3.

Characters: Mr Clement, Chibuike , Madubuogu and extras.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Mr Clement compound .

Camera opens on Mr Clement who is eating when bike drives into the compound. His son
Chibuike jumps down. Runs to the father and embraces him.

Mr Clement: (looks at him) So this is you finally.The last time I saw your face was before you left
to the city.Then you later called that you got admission into the university. How you have been
coping is what I can't explain.

Chibuike: That's one of the reasons why I came back.

Mr. Clement: Please,go and drop your bag. Then join me at meal.

Chibuike: Sure I will( he goes inside as Mr Clement continues eating. Chibuike comes out. Drags
a chair to himself,seats and as he tries to eat) How on eat did Mr Chibuike died.

Mr. Clement: We are at the table. Let's wat first before we start talking about the dead. Besides
is not all dead person that they discuss at meal.

Chibuike: This one is more important than this food dad. Mr Sabastin have been responsible of
my education from jamb till date and you say I should not talk about it at meal.

Mr Clement: I have entered my own grave o.

Chibuike: I don't understand...wait,wait...he told me he was owing you but is saving it up and to
compensate you he will train me fot the favour you did to him. Don't tell me you have hand in
his death Mr. Clement Elendu.

Mr. Clement: Forgive me my was the devil..

Chibuike: The devil. I vowed with my blood to bring justice to his death. Dad ,you are not
exceptional to that vow ( he runs out and came in with some youth) Tell them what you just
told me.

Mr Clement: I don't know what entered me ( camera pans on his face)

Scene 4

Characters: Mr. Sabastin and Mr Clement

Settings : Ext/day. Location: Mr Clement's compound.

Camera opens on the men eating and drinking.

Mr. Sabastin: Ah. I was thinking who must have come in between our relationship to damage it.
We use to be friends and you have always answered me anytime I call.
Mr. Clement: Nobody came in between us,it's money. You know, money is a spirit. It can turn a
good man to a demon.

Mr. Sabastin: Why will a good man allow that. That your money will yield plenty harvest to you.

Mr. Clement: Isee. Enjoy your self (camera pans off his face)

Camera cuts

Scene 5

Characters: Mr Clement, Chibuike,Madubuogu and extras.

Settings : Ext/day. Location: Mr Clement's compound.

Camera opens on Mr Clement who is kneeling down.

Mr Clement: He didn't know I poisoned his food and drink. He died on the way while going back
to his house. Please forgive me.

Chibuike: Why dad? Mr Sabastin was a good man and he had good plans for you but you
allowed the devil.

Madubuogu: For this atrocity you have committed. You are hereby banished according to the
law of our land. Youth ,take me away.(They drags him out and Chibuike continues to cry)

Camera cuts



Scene 1

Characters: Mrs Rhoda and Kosi

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Mrs Rhoda' apartment.

Camera opens on Kosi who is standing outside waiting for the mother. Mrs Rhoda' comes
out,dress so indecent and the daughter watch her lock the door.

Mrs Rhoda': Let's go...

Kosi: I don't want to go again.

Mrs Rhoda: Why? I mean you have been longing for this day. Why change of mind all of a

Kosi: Mummy,if I should be honest with you. I don't like what you are wearing. It's so indecent.

Mrs Rhoda: (shocks) indecent? But it's what is invork. Every woman out there looks good and
charming. It's a new generation and I will not be left behind.

Kosi: Am sorry I won't go.

Mrs Rhoda: You mean you won't go? (She stands for some time and goes inside)

Camera cuts.

Scene 2.

Characters: Mrs Rhoda and Kosi

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Mrs Rhoda's apartment.

Camera opens on Kosi who is sitting in front of their door when the mother opens the door and
comes out

Kosi: Oh my God, mummy you look so beautiful on this outfit

Mrs Rhoda: (locks the door and gets to her. Touches her head) thank you so much my beautiful
daughter. Then if I may ask,where did you learn this indecent dressing of a thing.

Kosi: It was in church,our priest thought us. We should dress as we will be addressed. Now that
you are looking more beautiful. Let me hold your bag and I will proudly introduce you to my

Mrs Rhoda: God bless that priest. Infacty ward is safe there. Let's go before we run late.( They

Camera cuts.



Scene 1

Characters: Chief Ucheoma, Engr Amobi and Ndubuisi.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Chief Ucheoma' compound.

Camera opens to Engr. Amobi sitting in an admirable compound. Music on the background as
Chief Ucheoma comes out the house with a file.

Engr Amobi: Good morning chief.

Chief Ucheoma: Good morning engr,how are you. I got your message so this is the file (Hands it
over to him) please make sure there is no complain.It must be built as it is here(while Engr.
Ucheoma goes through the building drawings)

Engr Amobi: (closing the file) I have assured you before now that it will be done accordingly (as
Ndubuisi is seen coming and on getting to them. He looks at the Engr) Good morning sir
(Ndubuisi did not respond) Chief I beg to take my leave

Ndubuisi: Good morning chief...(Chief responds)

Chief Ucheoma: Alright. We will talk over the phone( He leaves)

Chief Ucheoma: Please sir down(he seats)

Ndubuisi: (Reluctantly) you sent for me.

Chief Ucheoma: I did. You see,I have watched you roam bout in this village and I decided to ask
you for the last time. What do you want to do as hand work or business.

Ndubuisi: I want to travel abroad.

Chief Ucheoma: You can't say that. I have tried it severely with you ,no way. How many
businesses have I established for you yet you came back with excuse.

Ndubuisi: If that one will be issue now. Get Keke for me.Within 6 months,trust me it must have
become 2.

Chief Ucheoma: Are you sure? It's a deal,by tomorrow you will have one.

Ndubuisi: (Fail on the floor) thank you so much. What can I do without you( praise him)

Chief Ucheoma: It's ok. Just remember it's going to be my last time helping you.

Ndubuisi: I won't fail you sir chief.

Chief Ucheoma: Go inside my wife is in the kitchen. At least for breakfast. ( He runs inside
screaming Lolo) Ndubuisi...Is ok.
Camera cuts.

Scene 2.

Characters: Ndubuisi,madam Sharp Sharp,sales girls and bar extras.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: madam Sharp Sharp bar.

Camera opens on madam Sharp Sharp dress gorgeous. With sharp make up serving people in
her bar as Ndubuisi draws into the bar.

Ndubuisi: (jumps down from the Keke) Madam Sharp Sharp...Na we dey here o. We done land...
(Extras starts halling him) Give everybody one one bottle. around.

Madam Sharp Sharp: Who go pay Ndubuisi,I no wan IOU.

Ndubuisi: No dey insult me. I say I am in charge. I declare 2 "bo" for all man here ( madam
Sharp Sharp,runs inside and starts bringing drinks with her girls)

Extras: ( Singing) "Ndubuisi Ndubuisi ka anyi geso,ma ona ejeje ma ona olala. Ndubuisi kanyi

Camera cuts.

Scene 3

Few weeks later.

Characters: Ndubuisi, Ernest,Obinna,madam Sharp Sharp,sales girls,Hilary and bar extras.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: madam Sharp Sharp bar.

Camera opens on madam Sharp Sharp, sitting on one side of her bar drinking with a customer
as the sales girls is attending to other customers. Ndubuisi quietly drives in and back. He
reluctantly gets to a table and sits.He waves at one sales girl to attend to him. As one of the
customers comes to sit with him.

Ernest: (sitting down) Ndu Ndu...longest time. Wetin dey...

Ndubuisi: Nothing gum. Like seriously.

Ernest: I don't understand. Few weeks,you were rich. Big money with Keke that your uncle gave
you. This week you are already complaining.
Ndubuisi: Forget that stuff. Infact,I want to sale this Keke. Anyhow price.I have fund out that my
destiny is not in Nigeria. Let me travel.

Ernest: With Keke money...if you say so. I will tell that my friend over there (pointing towards
madam Sharp Sharp) to get a buyer for you.

Ndubuisi:I can't wait. Let me top one bottle for you. At least one for the road.

Ernest : Bar girl,over here. My oga is around (continuity in scene 6)

Camera cuts.

Scene 4

Characters: Ndubuisi,Obinna and Ernest.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Inside Keke.

Camera opens on them inside keke as they are discussing.

Ndubuisi: The Keke is 1.5million naira and I am telling you to give me #200,000.00 you are
saying #100,000.00. Okay make it #150,000.00,Just transfer it.

Obinna: No problem,let me call my account officer (he calls) Yes, please send me 150k to my
account so I can transfer to my customer here.

Ernest: So which country would you like to travel to.

Ndubuisi: Panya. Just that I don't know the the amount for visa and flight but I will ask.

Obinna: The account number please.(Ndubuisi calling) I have sent it.

Ndubuisi: Brings out his phone from the pocket. Oh I have seen it. This android phone is for
sale too.Just give me 10k.(Ernest transfers it) I have seen it.(Leaves)

Ernest: (Ndubuisi about going) What of my percentage and your aim card.

Obinna: Dont worry I will do that.(They start the Keke and reversed. Then zoom off)

Camera cut.

Scene 5
Characters: Ndubuisi, Ernest,Chief Ucheoma and extras.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Chief Ucheoma compound.

Camera opens on Chief Ucheoma sitting in front of his house when Ndubuisi runs inside and fail
on the floor.

Chief Ucheoma: (gets up) Who is chasing you?

Ndubuisi: Armed robbers...They came to my house last night. Beat hell out of me and requested
for my Keke key which I gave them,Even my phone. The most painful one is my money.

Chief Ucheoma: This is serious,only you they robbed?

Ndubuisi: No armed robber will get that kind of thing and still go into another person's room.
That armed robber must be greedy.

Chief Ucheoma: And the armed robber is you. How could you frame up this...Ndubuisi!

Ndubuisi:(Getting up) I don't know what you are talking about. I meant every thing I am saying
here.( Stretching his body in pain)

Chief Ucheoma: (Calling) Ernest! ( Ernest comes out and Ndubuisi is shocked) Do you know him.

Ndubuisi: Is like but not that much.

Chief Ucheoma: You sold the Keke I bought 1.5million . You are sold it 150k. It's wickedness.

Ndubuisi: But you didn't tell me you know him.

Ernest: I was at the bar the day you came...(Flash to 6)

Scene 6

Characters: Ernest and Obinna

Settings: Ext/ day. Location: Road.

Camera opens on Ernest waiting while Obinna is urinating as they come out of the bar. He
comes out.

Obinna: Today will be great. I am beginning to fall for madam Sharp Sharp.

Ernest: "Iga ebuwukwa". Is ocean o.

Obinna:My oga is capable and able.That reminds me, that guy you were drinking with is my
oga's cousin. My Oga bought that Keke for him.

Ernest: For real. And he wants to sell it sharpally

Obinna: Keke of few weeks. No o, let's not allow him. You will help me do something(continuity
of scene 3)

Camera cut.

Scene 7

Characters: Obinna and Chief Ucheoma.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Chief Ucheoma's compound.

Camera opens on Chief Ucheoma, angry.

Chief Ucheoma: Why would this boy do this to me again. Tell me my offence that before the
dad died,he handed him over to me. Tell me.

Obinna: I will handle it chief. Trust me. ( He leaves )

Chief Ucheoma: I wish you were alive. God! (Continuity of 6)

Camera cuts.

Scene 8

Characters: Chief Ucheoma, Ndubuisi, Ernest and extras.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Chief Ucheoma's compound.

Camera opens on Ndubuisi kneeling down pleading for forgiveness.

Ndubuisi: Please chief,you have been like a father to me since my parents passed on. You and
your wife,but believe me I don't know what is wrong with me.

Chief Ucheoma: Nothing is wrong with you . You are simply taking my care for granted.

Ndubuisi: Ernest: Say , something please.

Chief Ucheoma: I want you to get out of my compound right now. And until what is wrong with
you leaves you,do not step your feet into my compound again.(He leaves)

Ernest: You heard him and I wouldn't want to push you out please.
Ndubuisi: Even you,"Nwa boi"

Ernest: just go sir.Thank you so much sir.

Camera cuts.



Scene 1

Characters: Valentine.

Settings: Int/night. Location: Valentine's bedroom.

Camera opens on Valentine who is asleep. Camera pans to his face as he dreams.

Camera cuts.

Scene 2

Characters: Valentine and Clara.

Ext/night. Location Bush.

Clara is seen chasing Valentine with a big Cutlass. He runs all through the bush shouting and
falls on the ground.

Valentine: Please,don't kill me...

Camera cuts.

Scene 3

Characters: Valentine.

Settings: Int/night. Location: Valentine's bedroom.

Camera opens on Valentine who jumps up from bed with sweat all over him.Panting and
looking so afraid.

Camera cuts.

Scene 4
Characters: Valentine and Desmond.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Bar.

Camera opens on Valentine sitting with Desmond looking so pearl.

Desmond: You have been so silent since we came here. What is the problem. Val,can you talk to

Valentine: Guy, I don't understand what is going on around me. The same dream kept coming. I
don't even know this face.What else to do.

Desmond: Relax ,I will take you to somewhere,after that day. That will be the end of your
dream world.

Valentine: Are you sure?

Desmond: Trust me. Take your drink. Your problem is solved( They continue in their drink)

Camera cuts

Scene 5

Characters: Valentine, Kirisham and Desmond.

Settings:Int/day. Location: Kirisham tample.

Camera opens on Kirisham,making some incantations.

Kirisham: (all of a sudden stops) You are a player...

Valentine: Player, how?

Desmond: Supreme one. Explain to us...

Kirisham: Come! Look...( They come closer)

Camera cut

Scene 6

Few weeks back

Characters: Valentine, Cassandra,Benny, Rita and Juliet.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Valentine 's house.

Camera opens on Valentine standing and hugging a girl in front of his house.

Valentine: I love you so much. Be there for me ok.

Cassandra: I will (she leaves)

Valentine: sweet baby ( Sees Benny coming) Wao. See who we have here. Sweet potato. Why is
your face like that.

Benny: Who is she? Is she not coming from your house?

Valentine: Me? How can I have such a classless girl as my girl.You are all I have baby girl.

Benny: I was thinking I will be dragging you with that idiot.

Valentine: For where . Let's go catch some fun baby girl.(She goes inside as Val did sign of the

Camera cuts.

Scene 8

Characters: Valentine,Rita, Benny and Juliet.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Valentine's house.

Camera opens on Valentine coming out with Benny when Juliet steps in.

Benny: What is going on here. Baby who is this...

Valentine: Baby ,I can explain.

Juliet: Which of us is the baby.

Valentine: Oh no...

Benny: Something must be wrong with you.You will come back crawling,and as for you lover
girl.This one is a he goat( she leaves)

Juliet: Why? You took advantage of me. You promised me heaven and earth. Yesterday it was
when are we meeting your parents. Today,in the arms of another girl. Who knows how many
we are.

Valentine: Calm down.

Juliet: I should calm down? Mr Valentine Chiokike,thank you so much( she leaves)
Valentine: Why now( Walking around in confusion)

Camera cut.

Scene 9

Characters: Valentine and Desmond.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Valentine's house.

Camera opens on Desmond scrolling through his phone as Valentine watches him.

Desmond: See this one ( showing him a picture on the phone) She make sense die. Let me get
to Instagram...

Valentine: Desmond! It's strategy I need not girls. Girls full everywhere. Imagine two girls
meeting themselves in my house. Guy e know make sense.

Desmond: But that is through. Guy pick one out of the 20 and stay with that one.

Valentine: For this once I met now,None is qualified. Expect another set.

Desmond: Chief Player...

Camera cuts.

Scene 10

Characters: Valentine and Clara.

Ext/night. Location Bush.

Valentine is seen sitting outside his house when the door slapped open. He gets up to
understand what is going on Clara appears at his back.Lifts him up and drops him on the
floor,sir on top of him and started beating him.

Valentine: Help! Neighbors please help me...

Camera cuts.

Scene 11

Characters: Valentine, Kirisham and Desmond.

Settings:Int/day. Location: Kirisham tample.

Camera opens on Kirisham,Desmond and Valentine is looking into a pot on the table.
Valentine: (Sreens) help!

Kirisham: That girl you must find.If you can find her,your problem is over.

Desmond: Supreme one,You see we don't even know the one to go look for. They are so many
of them.

Kirisham: ( Pointing at Valentine) He knows the right one. Fine her and be free. There is no time.

Valentine: I will. (They leaves as Kirisham continues to do his incantations)

Camera cuts.

Scene 12

Characters: Juliet, Desmond, baby, Grace and Valentine.

Settings: Ext/day. Location: Juliet's house.

Camera opens on them as the walks inside a building through a gate. They sees a young girl
Grace washing clothes and goes to meet her.

Valentine: Good afternoon. My name is Valentine and my friend Desmond.We were told that
one Juliet lives here.

Grace: who are you guys

Desmond: Is a long story but we wish you can tell us if she is still living here or not.

Grace: I don't know the Juliet you people are talking about but let me call my elder sister. Her
name is Juliet also.(She goes in and comes out with Juliet who is carrying a baby)

Juliet: Grace,who brought this he goat here. Get out of this compound before I loose my
temper. Grace why?

Valentine: Juli...I am deeply sorry. I was carried away. I don't want to talk about what I have
been through since you left.

Juliet: what you have been through? I have not told you my own story of carrying this baby you
abandoned. It became so bad that I need 7 days night prayer with my nakedness causing the
day I met you. But if you must live to see the next minute get out

Desmond: Please, find a place in your heart to forgive us. We did it together and have come
together to a peace you. You have a special place in our heart. Please forgive us( Juliet starts
crying and Valentine met her.Carry the baby and embraces her)
Camera cuts.

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