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The PAVA ALIBLANCA (Penelope albipennis) is a species of bird endemic to the montane

forests of Peru. It is distinguished by its predominantly black and white plumage, as well

as its cautious and elusive behavior. In this report, we will explore in detail the biology,

habitat, threats and conservation efforts related to the Peruvian white-winged guan.

 Biology and Characteristics:

The PAVA ALIBLANCA is a species belonging to the Cracidae family, which is

characterized by its medium size, robust legs and short tail. Its plumage is mostly black,

with a white wing patch and a distinctive white crest on its head. They are herbivorous

birds, which feed mainly on fruits, seeds, leaves and shoots. Their behavior is mainly

terrestrial, although they are also capable of flying short distances.

 Habitat and distribution:

The PAVA ALIBLANCA is found mainly in the montane forests of the Andes of Peru,

where it lives at altitudes ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 meters above sea level. It prefers

dense, well-maintained wooded areas, where it can find a wide variety of food and

suitable shelter.

 Threats:

Despite being a species adapted to mountainous environments, the PAVA ALIBLANCA

faces several threats that endanger its survival. Deforestation, habitat fragmentation

due to agricultural and urban expansion, poaching and the illegal trade in wild birds are

some of the main threats facing this species.

 Conservation:

Given its threatened status, the PAVA ALIBLANCA is protected by national and

international laws in Peru. Several conservation projects are underway to protect their

habitat, monitor their populations and educate local communities about the importance

of their conservation. These efforts include the creation of protected areas, the

restoration of degraded habitats, and the promotion of responsible ecotourism.

The PAVA ALIBLANCA (Penelope albipennis) is in danger of extinction in Peru due to a

series of threats that affect its habitat and population. These threats include:

 Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: Deforestation and conversion of forests to

agricultural land, grasslands and urban areas have significantly reduced the

habitat available for the PAVA ALIBLANCA. Forest fragmentation also hinders the

mobility of these birds, which can lead to greater vulnerability to other threats

and loss of genetic diversity.

 Hunting and Capturing: The PAVA ALIBLANCA is hunted and captured for use as

food and for the illegal trade in wild birds. Overhunting and indiscriminate

trapping can drastically reduce the populations of these birds and negatively

affect their ability to reproduce and survive.

 Impacts of Climate Change: Climate change can affect the habitat and behavior

of the PAVA ALI BLANCA, altering the availability of food and water, as well as

reproduction and migration patterns. Changes in climate may also increase the

frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods,

which can negatively affect these birds and their habitats.

 Interactions with Humans: Human activities, such as logging, mining,

urbanization and unregulated tourism, can also negatively affect the PAVA ALI

BLANCA and its habitat. Human presence can cause disturbances in the nesting

and feeding areas of these birds, as well as increase the risk of collisions with

vehicles and other forms of unnatural mortality.

In summary, the Peruvian white-winged guan faces a series of threats that endanger its

long-term survival. Conservation of this species requires effective measures to protect

and restore its habitat, as well as to address the underlying causes of its decline,

including illegal hunting and forest fragmentation. Furthermore, it is important to

involve local communities, governments and other stakeholders in conservation and

awareness efforts to ensure the survival of the PAVA ALIBLANCA in Peru.

 TYPE OF DIET: The PAVA ALIBLANCA (Penelope albipennis) is mainly herbivorous,

although it can also supplement its diet with small insects and other

invertebrates. Their diet includes a variety of plant foods, such as fruits, seeds,

shoots, leaves, flowers, and berries. These birds are known to forage on the

forest floor in search of food, using their beak to search and collect the resources

available in their habitat. The diversity of their diet allows them to adapt to

different environmental and seasonal conditions, which contributes to their

survival in their natural environment.

 SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF ITS PLUMAGE: Main coloration: The plumage of the

PAVA ALIBLANCA is mostly black on the upper part of the body, including the

back, wings and tail.

 White Wing Patch: One of the most distinctive features of the PAVA ALIBLANCA

is a patch of white feathers on the wings, which contrasts sharply with the

surrounding black plumage. This patch is especially visible when the birds are in


 White Crest: Another striking feature of the PAVA ALIBLANCA is a crest of white

feathers on the top of its head. This crest can be raised and lowered, and is an

important part of behavioral display and communication between individuals.

 Facial plumage: The head and face of the PAVA ALIBLANCA are usually black,

with some areas of bare blue or red skin around the eyes and beak. These areas

may change color during the breeding season or in response to changes in their

emotional state.
In summary, the plumage of the PAVA ALIBLANCA is a distinctive combination of black

and white, with unique characteristics that help identify this species in its natural


 ITS SPECIFIC HABITAT: This species is found in the dry forests of the north of our

country, it lives on slopes and elevations of 300 to 1300 meters above sea level,

previously it also occupied carob groves at sea level. Now, you can find them

protected in the ACP (Private Conservation Area) Chaparrí, an area of more than

34 thousand hectares that dedicates its efforts to conserve not only the White-

winged Guan, but also 230 other species, including the Bear Spectacled species

that only lives in South America.

"Urgent Rescue: The Fight for the Survival of the PAVA ALIBLANCA in Peru"
The White-winged Guan, symbol of the montane forests of Peru, faces a desperate

battle for its survival. With its population reduced to between 300 and 400 individuals in

the wild, this national treasure is on the brink. Discover how the Laquipampa Wildlife

Refuge and the Salitral-Huarmaca Dry Forests Regional Conservation Area become vital

bastions for their protection. However, habitat degradation and relentless poaching

threaten their existence. Join us in this fight against the clock as the White-winged Guan

faces its "Critically Endangered" classification and fights for its place on CITES Appendix¡
The fourth time that a coin from our country receives this recognition from the

magazine “EL ECO Filatelico y Numismático” and the NEXO Group.

The coins of the “Endangered Wildlife of Peru” series were issued by the Central Reserve

Bank of Peru (BCR) in order to promote numismatic culture (study and collecting of

coins) and highlight the natural riches of our country. All coins in the series have the

denomination of one sol and are legal tender throughout the country.

In that sense, the coin alluding to the PAVA ALIBLANCA was awarded as the “Best Legal

Tender Coin of the year 2018” in the VI edition of the Nexofil & Nexonum Awards, an

award that recognizes the best stamps and coins in the world. The award ceremony was

held at the Royal Mint of Spain, during the month of October of the current year.
In conclusion, the PAVA ALI BLANCA (Penelope albipennis) is an emblematic and crucial

species for montane forest ecosystems in Peru. However, it faces a series of challenges

that endanger its long-term survival. Habitat loss and fragmentation, illegal hunting and

the wild bird trade, along with other factors such as climate change and human

disturbance, seriously threaten this species.

It is imperative to take effective measures to protect and conserve the PAVA ALIBLANCA

and its habitat. This includes implementing conservation strategies in collaboration with

local communities, creating and expanding protected areas, restoring degraded

habitats, and implementing policies to combat illegal hunting and wildlife trade.

Furthermore, it is crucial to continue researching and monitoring PAVA ALIBLANCA

populations to better understand their needs and behaviors, and thus implement more

effective and adaptive conservation measures.

Conservation of the PAVA ALI BLANCA is not only vital to ensure

the survival of this endangered species, but also to protect the
biodiversity and ecological balance of montane forest ecosystems
in Peru. It is everyone's responsibility to work together to ensure
a safe and sustainable future for the PAVA ALI BLANCA and future

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