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Extension 1

General Instructions Total Marks – 56

o Time Allowed – 1 hour 45 munutes
Section 1
o Write using a black or blue pen. 6 marks
o Board Approved calculators may be o Attempt Questions 1-6
o Allow about 10 minutes for this
o Questions 1-6 – Multiple Choice section
o In Questions 7- 12, show relevant
mathematical reasoning and or
calculations. Section 2
50 marks
o Begin questions 7-12 on a fresh sheet
of paper. o Attempt Questions 7 - 12
Allow about 1 hour 20 minutes
o Attempt all questions.
o Your solutions are to be digitally
submitted through your Google
Classroom within the allowed time.

This is a school based paper and does not necessarily reflect the content
or the format of the Higher School Certificate examination in this subject.
SECTION 1 Multiple Choice (6 marks)
Attempt Questions 1–6
Allow about 10 minutes for this section



2. If and , what is vector in terms of and ?


3. Which of the following direction fields best represents the differential equation
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

4. An examination consists of 36 multiple-choice questions, each question having three possible
answers. A student guesses the answer to every question. Let X be the number of correct answers.
What is ?

(A) 9
(B) 12
(C) 18
(D) 36

Find .





6. Consider the polynomial p(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d with a and b positive. Which graph could
represent p(x)?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

End Section 1

Section II
Attempt Questions 7–12 (50 Marks)
Answer each question in the appropriate writing paper
In Questions 7–12, your responses should include relevant mathematical reasoning and/or calculations.

Question 7 (9 marks) Start a new page.

(a) Using the substitution or otherwise, evaluate the integral: 2

(b) 1
Find the area under the curve y = from x = 1 to x = 2.
4 − x2 2

(c) In the diagram, the shaded region bounded by the curve , x-axis, y-axis and the 2
line , is rotated about the y-axis. Find the exact volume of the solid of revolution.

i) Differentiate

ii) Hence or otherwise find 1

Question 8 (10 marks) Start a new page.

Find the following vectors in terms of and

ii) 2

iii) 1

i) Find the size of correct to the
nearest degree. 2

ii) Find the vector OC that is

perpendicular to OA.

(c) A rescue plane, flying at a height of 900 m and a speed of 80 m/s is approaching three
sailors in a life raft. The plane is to drop a survival package to the raft. The package will
be released to fall under gravity from the plane as it approaches the raft.

Taking the origin at the point at which the package is released, the equations of motion
the package as it falls (using gravity as 10 m/s2) are:
x = 80t and y = –5t

i) Show that the equation of the trajectory of the package as it falls is 2

x = –1 280y.
ii) Find the time it takes for the package to hit the water.

Question 9 (7 marks) Start a new page.

(a) Solve the differential equation below using the method of separation of variables. 2

(b) After time t years the number N of animals in a national park decreases according to the

The initial number of animals in the national park is 500.

i) Verify that is a solution of the above equation, 1
where A is a constant.
ii) After one year the number of animals in the national park is 400. 2
Find the time taken for the number of animals to reach 200.
Answer correct to three significant figures.

(c) A rock drops into a pond, creating a circular ripple. The radius of the ripple increases 2
from 0 cm, at a constant rate of 7 cms−1. At what rate is the area enclosed within the
ripple increasing when the radius is 16 cm?

Question 10 (9 marks) Start a new page.

(a) On a busy highway, 5% of vehicles passing a checking point are heavy vehicles. (Write
answers to the following questions to 4 decimal places.)
i) What is the probability that two vehicles chosen at random passing the checking
point will be heavy vehicles?
ii) A random sample of 25 vehicles, passing the checking point, is photographed each
hour. What is the probability (correct to 3 significant figures) that three of the 25
vehicles will be heavy vehicles?

iii) What is the probability (correct to 2 significant figures) that at least four of the 2
vehicles from the sample of 25 will be heavy vehicles?

(b) A family of eight is seated randomly around a circular table. 2

What is the probability that the two youngest members of the family sit together?

(c) Two standard dice are rolled together, and the sum of the numbers rolled is noted. The
result is recorded as either a 5 or not a 5.
i) If p is the probability of a sum of 5, find the value of p. 1

ii) Find and 2

Question 11 (8 marks) Start a new page.

Express 5sinx + 12cosx in the form A sin(x + ) where 0    . (Give the value of 
2 2
in radians, correct to two decimal places.)

(b)  2x 
State the domain and range of y = sin −1   . 2
 3 

(c) Prove that . 2

(d) 2

Question 12 (7 marks) Start a new page.

(a) Use the process of mathematical induction to show that: 4

1 + 3 + 9 + ................. + 3n−1 =
1 n
3 −1

(b) The graph of is shown below.

Sketch the following curves on separate half page diagrams.

i) 1

End of Assessment

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