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AI Bootcamp Outline for High School Students

To introduce high school students to the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including its
applications, ethical considerations, and hands-on experience with AI tools and programming.

This bootcamp is designed to be conducted over a span of 1-2 weeks, with daily sessions of
approximately 3-4 hours each.


1. Introduction to AI
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence: Definition, history, and importance in today’s world.
- Discussion on popular AI applications (e.g., virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles, image

2. Ethical and Social Implications

- Ethical considerations in AI: Bias, privacy concerns, job displacement.
- Group discussions and debates on AI’s impact on society.

3. Basic Concepts and Algorithms

- Introduction to machine learning vs. traditional programming.
- Explanation of key concepts: algorithms, data, training, and inference.
- Hands-on activity: Introduction to programming in Python for AI (variables, loops, conditionals).

4. Machine Learning Fundamentals

- Understanding machine learning: supervised vs. unsupervised learning.
- Exploring common algorithms: linear regression, decision trees, and neural networks.
- Hands-on activity: Building and training a simple machine learning model using a beginner-friendly
library (e.g., Scikit-learn).

5. Deep Learning and Neural Networks

- Introduction to deep learning: What are neural networks?
- Hands-on activity: Building a basic neural network using TensorFlow or PyTorch.
- Discussion on real-world applications of deep learning.

6. AI Project Development
- Group project assignment: Students form teams and choose a practical AI application (e.g., image
classification, chatbot).
- Project phases: Planning, data collection, model training, evaluation, and presentation.
- Mentored sessions: Teachers and AI experts provide guidance and support during project development.

7. Final Project Presentation

- Each group presents their AI project to the class and invited guests (parents, school administration).
- Evaluation and feedback: Peers and mentors provide constructive feedback on projects.

Resources and Tools:

- Laptops/desktops with Python installed (Anaconda distribution recommended).
- AI libraries: Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch.
- Online resources: Access to educational platforms, tutorials, and datasets.
- Project management tools: Trello, GitHub for collaboration and version control.

Guest Speakers and Field Trips:

- Inviting guest speakers: AI researchers, industry professionals, or university professors.
- Field trip: Visit to a local tech company or university AI lab (if feasible).

- Continuous assessment based on participation, quizzes, and project milestones.
- Final project presentation evaluation by peers and mentors.

By the end of this bootcamp, students will have a solid understanding of AI fundamentals, practical
experience in building AI models, and awareness of the ethical implications of AI technology.

Adjust the curriculum and activities based on the students’ prior knowledge and interests to ensure
engagement and effective learning throughout the bootcamp.

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