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ignou THE PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY Enrolment No: 2381552330 Course Title: ication skills Course Code: ” Assignment No: .BEGAE-182/TMA/2024... Study Centre: Shivaji.callege-38045.... Phone No. Email ID: ... Date: .....3.March,2024 Name: ... Satyam. Patel...... Hno.13 Kh no.1/14 Kotla vihar Signature: 1.1.0041..... \gloi najatgarh road New Satyam . erat ‘ferafterag ignou ferme a umvesny Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi,New Delhi - 110068 re GRU Sct onty Cara a ) Enrolment Number : 2351552330 3 ae RC Code: ‘38: DELHI 3 Naraina Popeane, °~ “BSCO RR Aeneer el Science Name: SATYAM PATEL Guardian's Name: HARI SHANKAR PATEL 23515: galas: HNO 13 KH NO 1/14 KOTLA VIHAR, PHASE 4 : NAJAFGARH DELHI Pin Code: 110084 TRidigrteenn ames lh OR BE Bcc Site amesneeead = pred rie, Shaws ae ncraed tae eae Fis er BEGAE-182: English Communication Skills Assignment July, 2023 & January, 2024 Sessions (Based on Blocks-4) Max. Marks: 100 Answer all questions. 1. What do you understand by the term ‘non-verbal communication’? What are its 10 advantages? 2. Write a short note on Macro functions of communication. 10 PE co you differentiate between Group Discussions at Interviews and Group Discussions 10 aes You are attending an international Conference in your city. You have just met a in General? 4, What are “homonyms” and “homophones”? Explain with suitable examples. 10 5. What are some of the meeting etiquettes which one must follow while attending @ 10 meeting? Also suggest ways to end a meeting. 6. Aconstruction company Is planning to cut down several trees in your locality to bulld 10 new flats. As the President of your Residential Association write a formal letter to the editor of your local newspaper highlighting this issue. 10 participant from the U.S.A. Write a dialogue in 10 turns where both of you get introduced to each other and discuss your expectations from the conference. 8 Write an essay on Barriers to communication. 10 ‘A group of five students have been given the topic “Environment Pollution and ways to curb it” for group discussion. Attempt a group discussion for a set of three students, 10 40. You have been invited to speak in a webinar for high school students on the topic: 10 “Contribution of Youth in Nation building” Write your speech in eround 300 words. = 2) appealing Ad ds Quack Vicuab ushile )” [oxtmrening Anes clea, helps ho snalleo q Qirongext Fmpach _amacleting Hno _pxerertoction appealing inal meticealde [Build Cemmnections Gnol strut: Epective — ___laym- Vesibo) (Goqraink on wd [4 G@anechion\ andt_devdlon rust ound Itkel thoad to Lone another? 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