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Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Vocabulary (Unit 7: Jobs; Applying for a job; Places)
1. This adjective means ‘not modern’.
A. up-to-date B. current C. contemporary D. old-fashioned
2. This is a person you work with.
A. assistant B. employer C. colleague D. applicant
3. This is a letter that says positive things about you and the way you work.
A. application B. position C. CV D. reference
4. You use this to describe a building or room that has a lot of space.
A. manual B. spacious C. positive D. modern
5. This is another word for ‘help’.
A. assist B. train C. apply D. fill in
6. This verbs means to manage or organize other people.
A. earn B. recruit C. supervise D. employ
7. This is a person who has applied for a job.
A. application B. manager C. applicant D. officer
8. This is what you have when you get a better job with more money.
A. experience B. skill C. contact detail D. promotion
9. This is the amount of money you earn every month or every year.
A. part-time B. staff C. wage D. salary
10. This adjective describes work where you do not need to have any special knowledge or training.
A. expert B. trained C. qualified D. unskilled
11. This describes a person who has done a lot of training, and/or is very experienced at what they do.
A. highly-qualified B. unexperienced C. well-paid D. full-time
12. This is another word for ‘employ’.
A. fire B. recruit C. manage D. supervise
13. This is someone whose job is to sell a company’s products, often by traveling to different places.
A. business owner B. electrical engineer C. hotel receptionist D. sales representative
14. This is a person who designs fashionable clothes.
A. police officer B. security guard C. fashion designer D. marketing manager
15. This is someone who serves customers in a shop.
A. steel worker B. truck driver C. shop assistant D. accountant
16. This is the place in a hotel or office building where people go when they first arrive.
A. flat B. office C. reception D. lift
17. This is a person whose job is to produce computer programs.
A. graphic designer B. programmer C. technician D.
18. This is the floor of a building that is at the same level as the ground outside
A. ground floor B. second floor C. top floor D. basement
19. This is the person who is responsible for managing an organization.
A. colleague B. employee C. staff D. manager

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Grammar (Unit 7: Present Perfect; Prepositions)
20. I my mobile phone. Do you know where it is?
A. lost B. have lost C. has lost D. losed
21. When high school?
A. did you finished B. did you finish C. you finished D. have you finished
22. David says he the perfect job. He’ll tell us about it tomorrow.
A. find B. has found C. will find D. was found
23. They already.
A. arrived B. could arrived C. ’ve arrived D. has arrived
24. The children _ their pets to do some funny things.
A. have taught B. teaches C. teached D. has taught
25. How long ? - For two years only. Then my wife died in a car accident. - Oh, I’m sorry.
A. were you married C. have you been married
B. you was married D. you’ve been married
26. The company in the last year and we need to recruit new staff.
A. have grown B. has grew C. grew D. has grown
27. How long ago it?
A. you have bought B. have you bought C. did you buy D. you bought
28. Did you know that my colleague all the way round Britain to raise money for
homeless children?
A. has run B. runned C. have run D. runs
29. How long your car? - Since Christmas.
A. have you had B. you have C. you’ve had D. did you have
30. You a lot of stupid things in your life, but leaving your job is the worst.
A. have done B. did C. were done D. has done
31. How long your best friend?
A. have you know B. have you known C. did you know D. do you know
32. House prices _ so much that we’re not going to sell our house now.
A. have fell B. fell C. have fallen D. has fallen
33. your parents their car yet?
A. Do / sell B. Has / sold C. Have / sold D. Did / sell
34. you everything that was on the shopping list?
A. Were / bought B. Did / bought C. Has / bought D. Have / bought
35. I much about what job I’d like to do in the future.
A. didn’t thought B. wasn’t thought C. hasn’t thought D. haven’t thought
36. Our team a match for three weeks.
A. didn’t win B. haven’t won C. don’t win D. didn’t won
37. The children _ in a plane before and they’re very excited.
A. haven’t flew B. hasn’t flown C. didn’t fly D. haven’t flown

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
38. I’ve been an engineer ten years.
A. for B. just C. since D. recently
39. She wrote three letters this morning, but she hasn’t posted them although it is
already 3:00pm.
A. for B. yet C. since D. lately
40. Tom and Mary have been engaged six months.
A. so far B. already C. for D. since
41. I am not hungry. I have _ eaten.
A. yet B. now C. just D. ever
42. I haven’t seen my cousin Paul we were children.
A. before B. ever C. for D. since
43. I have been to Paris.
A. never B. ever C. yet D. sometimes
44. We have lived in New York 2016.
A. since B. for C. just D. until
45. I am still working. I haven't finished my work .
A. already B. yet C. still D. never
46. Have you been to New York?
A. never B. ever C. yet D. forever
47. I have been a teacher 2012.
A. already B. just C. since D. for
48. Have you a decision yet?
A. completed B. ended C. done D. made
49. I’ve the beds and washed the floors.
A. made B. done C. gave D. set
50. Mary didn't very well in her geography exam.
A. do B. make C. fix D. organize
51. I’m sorry, but I think you’ve a mistake.
A. took B. got C. made D. done
52. Sorry, but I really have to a call right now.
A. go B. play C. do D. make
53. When you’re _ your homework, you can watch television.
A. made B. done C. picked D. set
54. I only one mistake in my English test.
A. made B. did C. finished D. created
55. I know I haven’t very well in my exams.
A. died B. passed C. made D. done
56. We're having guests tonight, so please _ your bed.
A. go B. play C. make D. do

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
57. My flat is the tenth floor.
A. on B. at C. in D. up
58. There are two students _ the class.
A. next B. in C. on D. front
59. Why don’t we meet Jimmy’s flat tomorrow evening?
A. up B. at C. on D. down
60. The oranges are not in the basket. They are the table.
A. in B. between C. next D. on
61. When you go _ my office, you’ll see the papers you need on the floor.
A. down B. next C. into D. in
62. My pencil is the books and the notebooks.
A. between B. in C. on D. next
63. The café is the top of the building and there’s a fantastic
A. in B. to C. onto D. at
64. The red car is of the house.
A. behind B. in front C. next to D. under
65. Walk the shopping centre and go out the other side.
A. up B. through C. in D. across
66. There isn't anything my pocket.
A. between B. next to C. in D. near
67. I’m sorry but the lift isn’t working so you’ll have to walk to the meeting room.
A. up B. through C. in D. into
68. Our house is to the supermarket.
A. in B. on C. behind D. next
69. In the hotel, the dining room is to the café,
A. next B. across C. through D. down
70. Oh my God! I saw a mouse the sofa.
A. behind B. in C. next D. between
71. This is the fifth floor. You’ll have to go two floors to get to the photocopying
machine on the third floor.
A. along B. into C. around D. down
72. There is a big supermarket the park.
A. on B. near C. in front D. next
73. Be careful when you walk the street.
A. through B. above C. across D. up
74. Please, go the stairs carefully.
A. below B. down C. through D. at
75. The train is going the tunnel.
A. around B. below C. at D. through

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

Filming Everest
Film maker David Breashears (1) already climbed Mount Everest three times when
he (2) to make a film, so that audiences could share his (3) . He set off on this
nine week adventure the following spring, with his photographic equipment and with six
climbers from (4) the world. (5) the conditions were
hard and dangerous, with temperatures of - 40°C, the climbers made good (6) . Then,
when they were just one thousand metres from their goal, there was a terrible (7) . The
team didn´t give (8) , however. They hid in a tent on the mountainside until it passed.
Thirteen days later they (9) the top. "I was so tired that it was (10) to enjoy our success
at first" said David. "Climbing Everest is difficult enough but filming made it even harder. I am
1. (A) had (B) has (C) was (D) did
2. (A) invited (B) decided (C) organised (D) requested
3. (A) acts (B) events (C) occupations (D) experiences
4. (A) along (B) above (C) about (D) around
5. (A) Although (B) Because (C) Since (D) Unless
6. (A) improvement (B) progress (C) increase (D) development
7. (A) climate (B) storm (C) weather (D) air
8. (A) out (B) back (C) away (D) up
9. (A) arrived (B) landed (C) reached (D) entered
10. (A) impossible (B) unable (C) unfit (D) improbable


What Fresh Graduates Should Know about Their First


For recent graduates, internships may become a stepping stone to full-time, paid employment.
Before accepting an offer to work as an intern you should get some information about the
company’s reputation of procuring their interns and decide accordingly. If they usually hire one
intern but have tens of employees working day and night, it is better to look for other companies.
The best place to have an internship position is an organization that gives you an opportunity to
gain real work experience and develop your skills instead of using you as a cheap worker.

Another thing that should be considered is the size of the company. Sometimes bigger and more
established organizations are better as they have a clear hierarchy and therefore it gives you a
clear idea of your position and the job description and most importantly, it will be easier to get a
mentor. Startups with only five employees are usually more flexible in terms of job

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

After you choose a company, do a little research on the company including the people who work
there. You can do a Google search and comb social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and
Twitter to dig deep about the company’s hiring managers and what they expect from a new

Social media is also very useful to keep in touch with as many people as you can and build your
network. Do not hesitate to maintain any personal connection you have because those
connections could be the first ones who inform you about a new job opening or any vacant
positions you can apply for.

If you aim for a dream job, do not overlook an entry-level position just because it offers
mediocre salary. Entry-level employees are more likely to be given room to grow and learn from
their mistakes. They will also be able to figure out the job routines and get used to them when
they actually get the position they have been dreaming about.

As your first few jobs might be very demanding yet less rewarding, remember to have fun and
enjoy your life. Working overtime may not always be a good idea to accelerate your career,
especially if you have to be more stressed than your seniors who earn bigger salaries. Setting the
76. What should a fresh graduate take into account when finding an internship?
A. Company’s recruitment procedure.
B. Company’s reputation of hiring interns.
C. Company’s worker union.
D. Internship salary.
77. Why is a more established organization a better place to work as an intern?
A. It has flexible work hours.
B. It offers higher salary.
C. It has clear job descriptions.
D. It offers full-time position.
78. What are the recommended media for doing research on the company?
A. Google search, Facebook, LinkedIn
B. Google search, Twitter, Yahoo
C. Google search, Twitter, Gmail
D. Google scholar, LinkedIn, Twitter
79. Why is networking important for recent graduates?
A. To get information about job openings.
B. To get information about job security.
C. To keep in touch with an ex-employer.
D. To maintain good relationship with fellow interns.
80. What is the advantage of taking an entry-level position?
A. Getting mediocre salary.
B. Getting promotion.
C. Understanding company’s policy.
D. Understanding job routines.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Vocabulary (Unit 8: Inventions; Technology verbs)
1. You use this when your hair is wet.
A. aeroplane B. battery C. camera D. hair dryer
2. If you use this to find your way, you will not get lost.
A. air conditioner B. GPS C. engine D. gas cooker
3. This is a computer that you can carry about with you.
A. laptop B. electricity C. kettle D. match
4. These protect your eyes from the sun.
A. life raft B. microwave oven C. pump D. sunglasses
5. You use this to see in the dark.
A. satnav B. telescope C. umbrella D. torch
6. You dry yourself with this after a shower or a swim.
A. washing machine B. towel C. wheel D. aeroplane
7. This cooks food very quickly.
A. air conditioner B. microwave oven C. battery D. camera
8. This lets you see the stars more clearly.
A. telescope B. microscope C. engine D. electricity
9. You use these to light a fire or a candle.
A. matches B. sunglasses C. gas cookers D. hair dryers
10. The batter on this phone lasts a long time but you have to it quite often if you use it a lot.
A. subscribe B. click on C. recharge D. connect
11. When you share a computer with someone else, you need to on with your name and password.
A. switch B. turn C. log D. charge
12. I’ll our holiday photos onto my homepage so our friends can see them.
A. recharge B. download C. invent D. upload
13. There are a lot of sites where you can music and videos.
A. set up B. last C. download D. log in
14. You don’t need to this modem in because it’s wireless.
A. press B. plug C. search D. download
15. I the computer but nothing happened. Is it working properly?
A. switched on B. uploaded C. pulled backwards D. pushed forwards
16. If you this button, a light will come on.
A. press B. search C. set up D. subscribe
17. When you have written your email, just press and off it goes.
A. switch B. send C. turn D. upload
18. I to a daily newspaper online which means I don’t have to go out and but it every day.
A. set up B. charge C. subscribe D. click on
19. Tell me what you want to buy and I’ll for it online to get the best price.
A. connect B. download C. invent D. search

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Grammar (Unit 8: Conditionals; Relative clauses)
20. If my dog a noise outside, he barks.
A. hear B. hears C. will hear D. heard
21. When the kettle , it itself off.
A. boil / will switch B. boils / switches C. will boil / switch D. will boil / switches
22. If you sun scream, you will burn.
A. won’t use B. don’t use C. doesn’t use D. aren’t using
23. The children _ us when they arrive at summer camp.
A. will call B. would call C. call D. called
24. If there is no sun, we any hot water.
A. wouldn’t have B. didn’t have C. don’t have D. doesn’t have
25. Mr Peter isn’t happy if he lunch at exactly one o’clock.
A. doesn’t has B. don’t have C. isn’t having D. doesn’t have
26. If you heat water to 100 C, it .
A. will boils B. will boil C. boil D. boils
27. The computer will not work again if you it in.
A. didn’t plug B. aren’t plugging C. don’t plug D. won’t plug
28. My mother will buy me a new computer if she enough money.
A. have B. will have C. is having D. has
29. If I get the job, I a party.
A. has B. have C. will have D. would have
30. Ice if you heat it.
A. melts B. will melt C. melt D. is melting
31. The air conditioning in the hotel doesn’t work if the windows open.
A. have been B. will be C. are D. is
32. I good the next day if I to bed early.
A. feel / go B. will feel / go C. feel / will go D. will feel / will go
33. When it rains, my cat outside in the garden.
A. doesn’t go B. won’t go C. didn’t go D. isn’t going
34. She dinner if you to the supermarket.
A. will cook / goes B. cooks / go C. cooks / will go D. will cook / go
35. If the world runs out of water, there a war.
A. would be B. will be C. is D. are
36. If my sister doesn't study today, she to the concert tomorrow.
A. doesn’t go B. could go C. goes D. won’t go
37. My brother will be very angry if I his laptop without asking him.
A. used B. uses C. will use D. use
38. John will go to the party if he time.
A. has B. will have C. won’t have D. doesn’t have

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
39. This is the town is famous for its cheese.
A. which B. who C. where D. whom
40. Someone stole my money belt contained my wallet and all my documents.
A. who B. which C. whom D. where
41. That’s the shop has all those expensive clothes.
A. who B. which C. where D. when
42. Ants are small insects live in big groups.
A. who B. whom C. where D. that
43. Look! That’s the phone _ works on solar energy.
A. where B. who C. that D. whom
44. I made this cake with the recipe your mother gave me.
A. which B. who C. where D. whom
45. The office I work is only a five-minute walk from the city centre.
A. that B. which C. who D. where
46. We have lost the suitcase we put all our presents.
A. that B. which C. who D. where
47. Is that the house they found those dead bodies?
A. which B. where C. that D. who
48. The victim called the police arrested the criminal immediately.
A. who B. which C. that D. where
49. The bank robber the police caught has escaped.
A. which B. where C. whom D. when
50. They finally found the murderer was hiding in a small village.
A. who B. which C. that D. where
51. Isn’t that the boy had a fight with your brother?
A. which B. who C. where D. whose
52. Yesterday I met John and Mary are my brother's friends.
A. where B. which C. why D. who
53. She’s the girl got the best exam results in our school.
A. that B. which C. where D. when
54. I know a person can speak seven languages.
A. whom B. which C. that D. where
55. The security guard was working that night didn't see anything.
A. who B. which C. that D. where
56. They found the weapon _ was used in the crime.
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
57. The patient had a serious disease was taken to hospital immediately.
A. where B. whom C. which D. who

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

Jacqui Swift
Jacqui Swift has worked as a journalist for newspapers, a music magazine and TV program. At
the (1)………………, she is writing for a music website (2)…..............started last month.
“I (3)………………to write for the Internet because this is where you find the very latest
information about bands. I love the speed of the Internet. I can write a piece in the morning and
see it (4)………………on the website in the afternoon. The same story won’t be in the
newspapers (5)………………the next day. It may (6)… up to six weeks before you see it in
I am a (7)………………of a team. We have to work fast and mustn’t make any (8)…
1. (A) period (B) time (C) moment (D) date
2. (A) which (B) what (C) who (D) when
3. (A) thought (B) persuaded (C) imagined (D) decided
4. (A) show (B) appear (C) attend (D) display
5. (A) over (B) during (C) towards (D) until
6. (A) take (B) last (C) stay (D) remain
7. (A) worker (B) colleague (C) member (D) person
8. (A) faults (B) mistakes (C) accidents (D) failures
9. (A) good (B) strongly (C) well (D) happy
10. (A) is (B) will (C) has (D) does

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

The Escalator
An American, Charles D. Seeberger, invented moving stairs to transport people (11)
the 1890s. He (12)….....................this invention an “escalator”, taking the name from Latin
“scale”, (13)…………….means ladder. Escalators move people up and down
short (14)………………..Lifts do the same, but only move (15)… small number of
people. If
an escalator breaks down, it can still be (16)… ordinary stairs. An escalator can
(17)……….. 8,000 and 9,600 people an hour, and it (18)………………..not need a person
to operate it.
11. (A) in (B) at (C) by (D) on
12. (A) announced (B) called (C) translated (D) explained
13. (A) what (B) whose (C) who (D) which
14. (A) distances (B) directions (C) measurements (D) lengths
15. (A) the (B) a (C) some (D) any
16. (A) walked (B) made (C) used (D) changed

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
17. (A) from (B) between (C) to (D) above
18. (A) is (B) has (C) did (D) does
19. (A) coming (B) becoming (C) continuing (D) developing
20. (A) stores (B) shops (C) places (D) houses

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Advantages of Living in a Big City

Do you live in a big city? It is said that living in big cities is expensive because of the high living
cost. There are also pollution and traffic problems that make living in big cities unpleasant.
However, many people enjoy living in big cities because they offer convenience and countless
options for entertainment.

Many big cities already have good public transportation systems, which make it easy for the
citizens to go anywhere around the city. This also reduces and helps overcome the problem of
traffic jams that often occur at peak times. With the convenience of public transportation, the
citizens do not have to drive everywhere and can save money as they do not have to pay for
parking charges.

Staying healthy is everybody’s concern and in big cities you can find the best possible medical
care for any diseases, especially the severe ones. Moreover, compared to rural areas, access to
medical treatment is easier because there are always clinics or medical centers that open 24 hours
in many parts of the city so you can get medical help anytime, as soon as you need it. Reaching
hospitals is also easier as public transport is usually available 24 hours a day.

There is a saying that big cities never sleep. This is true for some cities in which the nightlife
begins just when people in other cities are ready to go to bed. Big cities like New York, Madrid,
London and Paris have vibrant nightlife. People can still find entertainment, dine out or go
shopping into the early hours.

City dwellers are usually more diverse and there are many communities that hold social events or
parties, which provide interesting opportunities for social interactions and social networking. The
social interactions allow you to learn about other cultures and share interests with people from
different backgrounds, which makes you more open minded and able to understand individuals.
On the other hand, the social networking helps you to broaden not only personal but also
professional relationships.

All in all, living in big cities is more convenient because of the complete facilities provided. The
advanced transportation system enables the citizens to access public facilities easier, cheaper and
faster. Big cities also provide better education and health service. In addition, city life is more fun
and exciting because there is a wide range of entertainment to enjoy and a lot of social events to

21. Why do many people like living in big cities?

(A) It is more expensive.
(B) It is more modern.
(C) It is more crowded.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
(D) It offers more entertainment.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
22. What is the advantage of a good public transportation system?
(A) People do not need to buy bus tickets.
(B) People do not need to drive their car everywhere.
(C) People can use public transport for free.
(D) People have to pay for parking charges.
23. Why is it easier to get medical treatment in big cities?
(A) Because medical treatment is more affordable.
(B) Because hospital facilities are more complete.
(C) Because ambulances are provided for free.
(D) Because medical centers open 24 hours.
24. What can people in big cities do in the early hours but people in rural areas cannot?
(A) Dine out
(B) Sleep
(C) Go jogging
(D) Travel
25. What is the benefit of attending social events?
(A) You can treat your friends.
(B) You can be a social person.
(C) You can learn about cultural diversity.
(D) You can be more open about yourself.

Read the following conversation and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
A: OK. All packed?
B: Nearly. I’ve got the tent. I’ve got my walking boots.
A: Have you got a good coat? They say it’s going to
rain. B: Err, I only have this one.
A: Yeah, it’ll be OK. Hey, what’s that?
B: Oh yeah, my brother gave it to me.
A: Wow, that is cool! Where do I switch it on?
B: Here. But you press this if you want different types of light.
A: What do you mean?
B: Press here if you want normal lighting. But you need to press here for long distances.
A: Wow! That’s amazing.
B: It can light objects sixty metres way. And press it again and you get a flashing red light for
A: Aaah, I want one!
B: And listen to this.
A: How did you do that?
B: I pressed this button. It’s a sound for emergencies. You know, if you get lost during the day
and you need help.
A: Brilliant! What is this for?
B: Plugging it into your laptop.
ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
A: Why do you need to do that?
B: To recharge the battery.
A: But what if you don’t have your laptop?
B: Well, the battery lasts for a hundred and sixty hours so you shouldn’t need it.
A: Fantastic. Where can I get one?
26. What are the people going to do?
(A) go camping
(B) stay in a hotel
(C) visit their brother
(D) go hiking
27. Why does Speaker B need a coat?
(A) It’s going to be cold.
(B) It’s winter.
(C) It might rain.
(D) It will be extremely hot.
28. How many different kinds of lighting can the torch provide?
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
29. How can the torch help in an emergency?
(A) It has a built-in mobile phone.
(B) It makes a special sound.
(C) It has its own GPS.
(D) It can be plugged into a laptop.
30. How long does the battery last?
(A) for ever
(B) 100 hours
(C) 116 hours
(D) 160 hours

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Vocabulary (Unit 9: Travel and holidays)
1. This is a holiday on a big luxurious boat.
A. cruise B. package tour C. camping D. self-catering
2. This is a holiday where you travel and hotel are organized for you by a travel agent.
A. sightseeing B. self-catering C. package tour D. cruise
3. In this type of accommodation, there are cooking facilities so you don’t have to eat in restaurants.
A. camping B. self-caterting C. cruise D. package tour
4. This is a small amount of money you give to waiters, taxi drivers or hairdressers.
A. price B. bill C. change D. tip
5. You use this in the replace of sheets and blankets, especially when you go camping.
A. sleeping bag B. luggage C. money belt D. passport
6. When you go camping, this is like a little house and it protects you from the weather outside.
A. tent B. umbrella C. raincoat D. sun tan lotion
7. This is a thin book that gives information, or advertises something.
A. manual B. brochure C. flyer D. leaflet
8. This is a general word for somewhere to stay.
A. caravan B. camper van C. accommodation D. hostel
9. This is a man-made river that boats travel on.
A. avenue B. bridge C. canal D. district
10. This is a long wide road with trees down both sides.
A. catacomb B. tunnel C. cellar D. avenue
11. This is what it is called when tourists visit interesting places.
A. sightseeing B. skiing C. clubbing D. diving
12. This is where dead people are buried.
A. avenue B. cemetery C. canal D. tunnel
13. This adjective means ‘extremely interesting’.
A. boring B. fascinating C. dull D. tedious
14. This adjective means ‘very old’.
A. innovative B. modern C. ancient D. up-to-date
15. This adjective means ‘something you will always remember’.
A. ordinary B. unremarkable C. unmemorable D. unforgettable
16. This adjective means ‘there is only one’.
A. luxurious B. spectacular C. stunning D. unique
17. This adjective means ‘very famous’.
A. fascinating B. unforgettable C. legendary D. ancient
18. This adjective means ‘attractive or beautiful’.
A. unappealing B. stunning C. ugly D. unpleasant
19. This adjective means ‘very expensive and comfortable’.
A. luxurious B. reasonable C. painful D. inconvenient

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Grammar (Unit 9: Past perfect; -ing/-ed adjectives)
20. When we finally at the airport, we had missed our flight.
A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. had arrived
21. I wanted to get a cheap package holiday, but they out by the time I looked online.
A. sell B. have sold C. sold D. had sold
22. I had always dreamt of going on a cruise for my honeymoon but instead we camping
in Wales.
A. go B. have gone C. went D. had gone
23. I surprised when I saw how beautiful the island was because I had heard it was a
fantastic place.
A. am not B. wasn’t C. haven’t been D. hadn’t been
24. When we get to the hotel, it looked like they it for a year.
A. don’t clean B. didn’t clean C. haven’t cleaned D. hadn’t cleaned
25. It a horrible day at work and when I got home I just wanted to forget all about it.
A. is B. was C. has been D. had been
26. When I met my cousin from Australia last year, we each other for more than twenty
A. hadn’t seen B. haven’t seen C. didn’t saw D. don’t see
27. The waiter a tip because he had been rude and unhelpful.
A. hadn’t got B. hasn’t got C. didn’t get D. doesn’t get
28. I couldn’t see the teacher because he before I arrived the school.
A. had left B. has left C. left D. was leaving
29. He very tired because he had carried the bags upstairs.
A. has been B. had been C. was D. were
30. I was starving when I arrived home. I anything for two days.
A. didn’t eat B. wasn’t eaten C. hadn’t eaten D.
31. He asked me to give his book back but I it.
A. have lost B. had lost C. was lost D. lost
32. It rained every day on our holiday which was really .
A. pleasing B. pleased C. annoying D. annoyed
33. Have you seen any films recently?
A. interesting B. interested C. disgusting D. disgusted
34. We met this really couple in France who wouldn’t leave us alone.
A. interesting B. interested C. boring D. bored
35. My dog was very the first time he saw snow.
A. exciting B. excited C. boring D. bored
36. We were very after the long flight to Australia.
A. energizing B. energized C. tiring D. tired
37. I am very because my grandmother is sick in hospital.
A. worrying B. worried C. releasing D. released

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

o be (1)……………….about 50 years ago. The increase in the use of cars and improvements in camping (2)…………………

ublic of privately-owned campsite (6)…………….has up-to-date facilities, (7)…hot showers and swimming pools.
ean and tidy. In the forests, they must put out any fires and keep food hidden

1. (A) famous (B) popular (C) favourite (D) current

2. (A) tools (B) baggage (C) equipment (D) property
3. (A) way (B) directions (C) voyages (D) distances
4. (A) on (B) by (C) at (D) of
5. (A) take (B) make (C) pick (D) do
6. (A) where (B) who (C) which (D) when
7. (A) such (B) like (C) as (D) just
8. (A) lonely (B) single (C) separate (D) alone
9. (A) remain (B) stay (C) leave (D) let
10. (A) wild (B) natural (C) loose (D) free

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
I=Interviewer, Z=Zoltan
I: Zoltan, you’re a (11) _ which means you study snakes all around the world. So
you have to travel a lot. Do you ever (12) holidays?
Z: No, not often. My work is also my hobby so I’ve been to Paris, to Rome, to the Pyramids and
I went (13) there but it was always because my work took me there. For my last trip
I was in the Sudan and I went looking for (14) .
I: But you must take a holiday sometimes?
Z: Well, once or twice I have travelled to places not connected to snakes. For example, I spent a
holiday in the Seychelles with some friends. They enjoyed the beach and the markets while I
went diving with my underwater (15) .
I: Is that your most important item when you travel - your camera?
Z: Yes, my camera and my sleeping bag. With a sleeping bag, you can (16)

anywhere you want.

I: So, do you ever stay in (17) ?
Z: If I go with friends, I might stay at a luxury hotel or a resort but normally I’m on my own so

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Z: Yes, but I have been interested in snakes since the age of (19) . So, when
we travelled, I looked for snakes and took them home. For me, a holiday has always been
about (20) - about finding beauty and the unknown.
11. (A) entomologist (B) herpetologist (C) ornithologist (D) botanist
12. (A) get (B) go (C) take (D) do
13. (A) skiing (B) clubbing (C) sunbathing (D) sightseeing
14. (A) butterflies (B) snakes (C) birds (D) plants
15. (A) camera (B) sleeping bag (C) computer (D) laptop
16. (A) study (B) work (C) sleep (D) eat
17. (A) trees (B) hotels (C) caves (D) rivers
18. (A) always (B) usually (C) often (D) rarely
19. (A) eighteen (B) fourteen (C) four (D) two
20. (A) exploration (B) explanation (C) excavation (D) relaxation

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
How to Plan a Trip

Traveling can be tricky for a newbie. If you want to take a trip to a new place abroad or which is
far away from where you live, you may need to make a good plan in order to avoid troubles during
the trip. So once you know where you want to go, you should decide when and how you are going
to go there.

Many people take a trip during holidays because that is the time when they can take a break from
work or studies. Unfortunately, traveling during holiday season may not be a good choice as
prices for flight tickets and hotel rooms are usually higher than the off-season period when
tourism is not booming. If you have a limited budget, you may consider taking a day off work
during the off- season when prices are lower and discounted.

Your budget will also determine what means of transportation you are going to use. Taking a road
trip might be cheaper, but you should be in good shape and prepare your car for a long trip. If you
choose to fly, you may have to take public transportation to get around in your holiday destination.
Whether you take a taxi, subway or bus, you should know where you are going based on the
itinerary that you have planned before and make sure you know the routes and the fares.

Next, calculate your costs. What kind of accommodation do you want? If you take a road trip, you
may prefer to stay in a motel. Hostels are cheaper, but today you can search online and find hotels
offering rooms with low rates. If the costs are more than you can afford, make cuts where you can.
You may cut expenses for eating out or even cut the trip short and get back before the holiday
season ends.

Once you are exactly sure of where and when you want to go, how you will get there and where
you are going to stay, make your reservations. You can book your flight and accommodation
online and even many attractions have ticket sales online so you can skip the lines and enjoy the
attraction right in. You may also consider taking travel insurance. You will have some protection
in case you could
ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
not travel during the time your tickets are booked for. If you plan to travel internationally, keep
your passport, travel documents, visas and similar items in one place to ease you in accessing

Lastly, pack light. Heavy luggage will only restrict your movement and cause discomfort. A
1. When is the best time to take a cheap trip?
(A) During the holiday season.
(B) During the off-season.
(C) During the peak period.
(D) During the day off.

2. What is the advantage of taking a road trip compared to flying?

(A) A road trip is longer.
(B) A road trip could be dangerous.
(C) A road trip is usually cheaper.
(D) A road trip requires you to be in good shape.

3. If your budget for accommodation is very limited, you can do the following, EXCEPT:
(A) Stay in a luxury hotel.
(B) Stay in a hostel.
(C) Cut your trip short.
(D) Find a low rate hotel room.

4. What is travel insurance for?

(A) To protect your health during the trip.
(B) To give protection if you lose your luggage.
(C) To give protection when traveling.
(D) To give protection if you should cancel your booking.

5. Why should you bring light luggage?

(A) To restrict your movement.
(B) To save your energy.
(C) To ease you in moving around.
(D) To give space for camping equipment.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.

Travel is something which people do every day. It is very difficult to avoid the need to travel. It
may be a trip to school, university or to work. Travelling can often take a long time, especially
when great distances need to be covered. People often enjoy travelling abroad for holidays. But
for some people travelling is not fun at all. Some people suffer from travel sickness. This means
that they will become very unwell each time they travel.

Travelling can be either affordable or costly. It often depends on how far you want to travel and
the choice of transport. Using a bicycle will not cost anything as you power it by using your legs.
However, the use of a bicycle can be hard work and can take a lot of time to travel long

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Cars and motorcycles are faster modes of transport, but are more expensive to use as gasoline is
needed for them to work. It can usually be assumed that the longer you wish to travel, the more
expensive and time consuming it will be.

The use of a plane is necessary for people wanting to travel very long distances. A pilot will fly
a plane from an airport for many thousands of miles to take people to places far away. Although
traffic is rarely a problem for airplanes, it can take a lot of preparation to travel by plane. People
often need to arrive at the airport three hours prior to departure.

A train is another mode of transport which is ideal for travelling long distances within the same
country, or between countries which are connected by land. A train driver will stop at train
stations on route to allow passengers wishing to proceed to the scheduled destination to board
the train.

A number of destinations can be travelled to by using the sea. People often depart from a
harbour in a ferry which is driven by a captain. If the journey is a long distance, people may
choose to sleep on the ferry while they wait to arrive at their destination. Some people choose to
go on a cruise for their holiday, which would involve stopping at many different city ports for a
short amount of time. People who need to travel short distances may choose not to use any
transport at all. People often rely on their legs to take them to places nearby. This is often
6. Which mode of transport does not cost money?
(A) Train
(B) Car
(C) Walking
(D) Bus
7. Why do some people not enjoy travelling?
(A) They find it a waste of time
(B) It is not comfortable
(C) It is expensive
(D) They become unwell
8. Name the mode of transport which is controlled by a pilot and stops at an airport.
(A) Train
(B) Airplane
(C) Car
(D) Bus
9. Name the mode of transport which is controlled by a captain and stops at a port.
(A) Train
(B) Car
(C) Ship
(D) Airplane
10. Which mode of transport is ideal for travelling between countries connected by land?
(A) Bicycle
(B) Train
(C) Airplane
(D) Car

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Story 1 Story 2
A: So where did you go A: Where did you stay?
exactly? B: On the River Nile B: In a hotel near the train station. But it was a mistake. My bag
from Aswan to Luxor. was stolen from the reception desk!
A: Wow! How long did it take? A: Oh no! When did it happen?
B: Well, the cruise took about B: Just after we’d arrived.
four days in the end, but we A: Who took it?
stopped in lots of places. But on B: A man outside the hotel. He’d followed us into the hotel.
the first day, just after we’d left Fortunately, the hotel receptionist ran after him and got it back.
Aswan, the boat’s engine After that it was fine. We went sightseeing, visited a couple of
stopped working. museums—you know, all the usual things. But then, on the very
A: Oh no! What happened last night, there was no electricity in the hotel.
next? B: Well, eventually they A: So, what did you all do?
fixed the problem but we B: Well, first I went to look for the manager but she’d already
spent an left. The person at the front desk had some candles, and all the
extra day on the ship, which was guests sat together in the bar area and sang songs. Actually, it
fine. It was relaxing watching was a lot of fun in the end. That was probably the best part of
day-to-day life on the river. the vacation…

11. In story 1, what was the accommodation? 14. Who got the woman’s bag back for her?
(A) a camping site (A) a hotel guest
(B) a ship (B) a man who had followed them
(C) a luxurious hotel (C) the woman herself
(D) a camper van (D) a hotel employee
12. What is the advantage of taking a road trip 15. What did they enjoy most of all?
compared to flying?
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
13. In story 2, where was the woman’s bag
stolen from?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
(A) sightseeing
(B) the museums
(C) the last night
(D) the arriving day
(A) inside the hotel
(B) the train station
(C) just outside the hotel
(D) inside the museum

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Vocabulary (Unit 10: Education; Phrasal verbs)
1. This is knowledge or ability you need to do something well.
A. discipline B. lesson C. rule D. skill
2. This is an examination you pass because you need it to get a job or go to university.
A. qualification B. schedule C. subject D. timetable
3. This is a period of time when people learn something with a teacher.
A. discipline B. lesson C. qualification D. rule
4. This is a topic you learn about at school.
A. schedule B. skill C. subject D. timetable
5. These are instructions that say you must and mustn’t do.
A. schedules B. lessons C. qualifications D. rules
6. This word means making people follow rules.
A. discipline B. skill C. subject D. timetable
7. This word means to join and pay for a course.
A. apply B. enrol C. instruct D. teach
8. This word means to fill in a form to ask to join a course or to get a job.
A. apply B. enrol C. instruct D. teach
9. This includes days and times for subjects in school each week.
A. schedule B. timetable C. discipline D. lesson
10. This is a plan of events or tasks with times and dates.
A. qualification B. timetable C. schedule D. rule
11. This word means to tell someone to do something.
A. apply B. enrol C. teach D. instruct
12. This word means to help people learn a new subject or skill by explaining or demonstrating it.
A. apply B. enrol C. teach D. instruct
13. The dog wasn’t happy when I his bone.
A. gave up B. set up C. took away D.
14. We eating meat last year but I do miss it sometimes.
A. died out B. gave up C. took away D.
15. I with my friends at least once a week and we usually have dinner in a nice restaurant.
A. get together B. pick up C. set up D. die for
16. A lot of uncommon words in the language eventually .
A. cope with B. give up C. pass on D. die out
17. I know I Nick’s number somewhere, but I’ve lost it.
A. picked up B. wrote down C. passed on D. died out
18. This old recipe was to me from my grandmother.
A. picked up B. set up C. passed on D. got together
19. I a few words of Chinese when I was there, but it’s a very difficult language to learn.
A. picked up B. got together C. set up D. gave up

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
20. The parents an after-school club to teach traditional dances to the children.
A. passed on B. wroted down C. picked up D. set up
21. Desert plants are adapted to extreme heat.
A. pass on B. set up C. cope with D. take away
22. I'm a glass of water.
A. setting up B. writing down C. dying out D. dying for

MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Grammar (Unit 10: Passive)

23. Self-defence _ in my schools nowadays.
A. teaches B. is taught C. taught D. was taught
24. ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ by J K Rowling.
A. was written B. written C. wrote D. are written
25. Your order yestersay. You should receive it tomorrow.
A. sends B. is sent C. sent D. was sent
26. J K Rowling ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’.
A. was written B. written C. wrote D. is written
27. Students their timetables at the beginning of each academic year.
A. are given B. was given C. were gave D. has been given
28. The judge Smith to five years in prison.
A. was sentenced B. sentenced C. is sentenced D. sentence
29. The tourists on a tour of the temple.
A. is taken B. took C. were taken D. was taken
30. Smith to five years in prison.
A. was sentenced B. sentenced C. sentences D. was sentence
31. Ancient languages by many people anymore.
A. don’t study B. aren’t studied C. didn’t study D. wasn’t studied
32. Over a million dollars in cash from a bank in Los Angeles.
A. has tolen B. has been stolen C. were stolen D. had been stolen
33. We up by a loud noise at five o’clock in the morning.
A. are waked B. are waken C. were waked D. were waken
34. Thieves over a million dollars in cash from a bank in Los Angeles.
A. stolen B. were stolen C. have stolen D. was been stolen
35. The British museum by more than a million people every year.
A. is visited B. has been visited C. was visited D. will be visited
36. I at the airport – I took the bus.
A. don’t pick up B. aren’t picked up C. didn’t pick up D. wasn’t picked up
37. English as the official language in more than 50 countries.
A. had been spoken B. was spoken C. is spoken D. will be spoken
38. The teachers _ by the children’s good behaviour on the school trip.
A. wasn’t surprise B. wasn’t surprised C. weren’t surprise D. weren’t surprised

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
1. Every day, the ancient Shaolin temple is visited by hundreds of tourists. They come from all
over China and from every (1) . There are soldiers, business people, retired people, and
young couples. In particular, there are parents with excited children who are punching and
kicking. Most people have learned about Kung Fu from movies and TV, so they all come to the
Shaolin Temple to see the place where Kung Fu began. According to history, people started
learning Kung Fu at the Shaolin Temple in the (2) century. Since then, Kung Fu
teachers have taught generations of students.
2. Nowadays, the name Shaolin is known across the Kung Fu world. It is a (3) and a
multi-million dollar business. Shaolin (4) are sold from the website. There are movie
and TV projects, and Kung Fu demonstrations are given by groups of Shaolin performers. As a
result, the Shaolin Temple has started a new interest in Kung Fu, and it is (5) in
hundreds of new schools in China. In the city of Dengfeng, for example, six miles from the
Shaolin Temple, more than 50,000 students are (6) at one of the sixty martial arts schools.
3. For six days a week, eleven months a year, the school (7) starts early and finishes
late. Male and female students as young as five get up early for their first class. They always wear
red (8) and stand in rows, practicing Kung Fu. Many of these students have seen
Kung Fu at the movies, and they dream of becoming a Kung Fu movie star or a famous kickboxer.
Others want to learn the (9) they will need for a
good job in the military or on the police force. Some students are sent by their parents because the
schools are well-known for their hard work and
(10) . At night, the students sleep in unheated rooms. They train outside even when
the weather is below freezing. They hit trees to make their hands stronger and the movements are
repeated again and again for hours on end.

1. (A) background (B) family (C) education (D) reference

2. (A) first (B) fifth (C) fifteenth (D) twentieth
3. (A) product (B) design (C) advertisement (D) brand
4. (A) adverts (B) advertisers (C) producers (D) products
5. (A) taught (B) instructed (C) skilled (D) qualified
6. (A) applied (B) enrolled (C) registered (D) joined
7. (A) schedule (B) timetable (C) agenda (D) calendar
8. (A) dresses (B) clothes (C) costumes (D) uniforms
9. (A) experiences (B) services (C) skills (D) qualifications
10. (A) discipline (B) punishment (C) correction (D) rule

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
The Cannes Film Festival
The Cannes Film Festival is the most famous film festival in the world. (11).......................a film
presented there it is immediately famous. The festival is (12)…...................where some of the
industry’s most important business takes place and where many actors and directors
The (14)………………began in 1939 when the French government (15)… have
ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
The festival was put (18)........................until after the war and finally took place on September
1946. At (19)…..................., the festival was mainly a tourist and a social event. However, as
11. (A) Although (B) Whether (C) If (D) As
12. (A) and (B) too (C) also (D) else
13. (A) become (B) turn (C) get (D) change
14. (A) fact (B) idea (C) opinion (D) view
15. (A) decided (B) thought (C) considered (D) wondered
16. (A) where (B) what (C) who (D) which
17. (A) yet (B) even (C) already (D) ever
18. (A) off (B) away (C) on (D) through
19. (A) least (B) first (C) once (D) last
20. (A) done (B) had (C) tried (D) shown

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.

Banking and banks are very important for the functioning of the modern world. Without banks the
way we use money would not work. Banks enable people to save money, borrow money and to
pay for things with ease and security.

Each country in the world has its own well known banks that have branches in nearly every city so
that they are convenient for people to use. People often have to visit the local branch of the bank
when they want certain services. There are also some very big multinational banks that have
branches in most countries in the world.

As well as the local branches that are in most cities, each bank will also have a head office. This is
where all central tasks are performed that let the local braches function. The people that work in
the branches will be the bank manager, the person in charge, and various tellers who work behind
the bank counter and help the customers. There will also likely be security guards to protect the
money, workers and customers.

Most customers will just need to see the tellers when they go to the bank if they are paying money
into their account as either cash or a check. However, they might need to see the bank manager if
they want to open an account or if they have become overdraw, when they have spent more money
than there was in the account. Also if they want to borrow money and get a loan the person will
need to see the bank manager who will have to approve it.

As well as being able to use cash or checks to pay for things, banks also offer their customers the
more convenient methods of using either a debit card or credit card. These methods are very
convenient as you just need to carry a small plastic card to be able to pay for anything. When
paying with plastic you will need to either sign a receipt or enter a PIN number to conform the
purchase and that you are authorized to use the card.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

1. According to the text, what do banks enable people to do?

(A) Buy products
(B) Save money for the future
(C) Get money now that they have to pay back later
(D) All of the above
2. What is the purpose of the head office of a bank?
(A) To support the local branches to work properly.
(B) To offer services to local customers.
(C) To work with other banks.
(D) To look impressive.
3. What do bank tellers do?
(A) They protect the money.
(B) They help the customers.
(C) They arrange loans for customers.
(D) They are in charge of the bank branch.
4. What happens when a bank customer spend more money than they have in their account?
(A) They will need to see the security guard.
(B) They will have to go to the police station.
(C) They will have to have a meeting with the bank manager.
(D) They will have to borrow money from the bank.
5. Which of the following methods is more convenient when paying for something than using a
(A) Using a plastic card
(B) Using cash
(C) There is not a more convenient method.
(D) With an exchange of products.

What a British Person Should Know When Eating Out in America

Eating out may be a simple thing, but for British people who have just come to America, it could
be an experience full of surprises. Here are five main differences a Brit should pay attention to
when eating out in a restaurant in America.
Ordering Drinks
The first thing a waiter would ask when you sit down in an American restaurant is whether you
would like bottled or tap water. If you choose bottled, you will then be asked whether you would
prefer still or sparkling. Soon, the water you ordered will be brought to you. Coffee and soft
drinks will also be gladly refilled. The waiter will proactively ask if you want another coffee or
coke. In Britain, water and soft drinks must be requested and they are not free.
The Service
Waiters in American restaurants are more pleasant and attentive. They are always chatty and
often come to your table during the meal to refill drinks and check everything is okay. In
England, waiters are less likely to frequently check on customers. If you need something, you
can raise your hand and waive at the waiter or else, you will be left alone for hours.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

The Menu
In an American restaurant, picky eaters can customize the menu to suit their exact preferences by
reeling off special requirements and substitutions. You can order salad but without tomato or
with a special dressing to accommodate your diet. There is a friendly atmosphere that
encourages you to have exactly what you want and satisfy your appetite. On the other hand,
people in England tend to order a meal with all the options that come with it. It is less common
for them to complain about the food or have the waiter send dishes back to the kitchen.

Picking up the Bill

In America, a waiter will bring you the bill even though you have not asked for it. This would be
seen as very impolite by British customers, as it implies that they are being hurried out of the

Tipping in England is optional. You will tip if you are satisfied with the meal and service, which
is generally about 10%. If you are dissatisfied, you do not need to tip and this is quite common.
In America, a tip of 15-20% is generally mandatory. For American waiters, tipping is the main
source of their income. Even if the service is bad you should still tip, but it makes sense to give a
smaller tip.
6. What would a waiter ask first in an American restaurant
(A) ? Whether you would like water or soft
(B) drink. Whether you would like bottled or tap
(C) water. Whether you would like coffee.
(D) Whether you would like a cocktail.
7. What is a waiter in Britain less likely to do?
(A) Check on customers.
(B) Ask for tips.
(C) Bring the menu.
(D) Take an order.

8. What are British customers less likely to do when eating out?

(A) Order salad without tomato.
(B) Order hamburger without mayonnaise.
(C) Substitute the drink.
(D) Substitute the menu.

9. How do customers pick up the bill in British restaurants?

(A) Wait until a waiter come.
(B) Put money on the table.
(C) Raise a hand and waive.
(D) Go to the cashier.
10. How much should you tip a waiter in America?
(A) Less than $10.
(B) About 10%.
(C) Between $15 and $20.
(D) Between 15 and 20%.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Vocabulary (Unit 11: Archaeology)
1. This is a person who studies the past.
A. astronaunt B. climber C. collector D. historian
2. This is a large stone structure or underground room where someone is buried.
A. tomb B. body C. painting D. skeleton
3. These people study how people from the past lived by looking at their houses and belongings.
A. archaeologists B. conservationist C. criminal D. explorer
4. This is a round container used for cooking, serving, storing, and other purposes.
A. knife B. pot C. collar D. plate
5. This is a person who travels into space.
A. astronaut B. historian C. mountaineer D. robber
6. This is a precious, usually green stone from which jewelry is made, or a blue-green color.
A. copper B. silver C. jade D. gold
7. This person climbs mountains.
A. soldier B. tourist C. mountaineer D. archaeologist
8. This is the action of finding something you didn’t know was there.
A. discovery B. archaeology C. civilization D. statue
9. This is what you call a person who works to protect a natural place.
A. astronaunt B. climber C. conversationist D. collector
10. This is the act of killing an animal (or human) for your god(s).
A. discover B. make a sacrifice C. excavate D. do business
11. This is a person who goes to or finds places that people don’t usually go to.
A. conversationist B. criminal C. historian D. explorer
12. This is a human society from the past.
A. development B. evolution C. civilization D. archaeology
13. A person who goes somewhere on holiday.
A. mountaineer B. robber C. soldier D. tourist
14. This is a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides that form a point at the top.
A. pyramid B. civilisation C. excavation D. statue
15. The Aztecs used to make this when an animal was killed to please a god.
A. discovery B. excavation C. religion D. sacrifice
16. This word means having a strong belief in a god or gods.
A. ancient B. religious C. historical D. historic
17. This means to dig in an area to find objects from the past.
A. cook B. do business C. hunt D. excavate
18. This is the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body.
A. collar B. body C. skeleton D. tomb
19. This is a metal or stone image.
A. civilization B. pyramid C. archaeology D. statue

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Grammar (Unit 11: Say/Tell; Reported Speech)
20. Mum us she would be late home and not to wait her for dinner.
A. told / with B. said / to C. told / for D. said / for
21. My grandfather always used to that one day we would live in space.
A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk
22. Did David you his plans for the summer?
A. tell / about B. say / about C. tell / that D. say / for
23. My husband me a funny joke this morning.
A. tells B. says C. told D. said
24. ‘Every day I have lunch at a restaurant.’
A. Mr Philips said that every day I have lunch at a restaurant.
B. Mr Philips said that every day I had lunch at a restaurant.
C. Mr Philips said that every day he has lunch at a restaurant.
D. Mr Philips said that every day he had lunch at a restaurant.
25. ‘I usually walk to work.’
A. I told them that I usually walk to work.
B. I told them that she usually walked to work.
C. I told them that I usually walked to work.
D. I told them that he usually walked to work.
26. ‘We’re going to that new art gallery.’
A. The students said that they were going to that new art
B. gallery. The students said that we were going to that new art
C. gallery. The students said that they were going to this new art
D. gallery.
The students said that we would go to that new art gallery.
27. ‘I’m meeting Sam for coffee later.’
A. Nick said that he had been meeting
B. Nick said that he was meeting Sam for coffee later.
C. Nick said that I was meeting Sam for coffee later.
D. Nick said that he was meeting Sam for coffee the following later.
28. ‘We were in Paris at the weekend.’
A. My friends told me that we were in Paris at the weekend.
B. My friends told me that they were in Paris at the weekend.
C. My friends told me that we had been in Paris at the weekend.
D. My friends told me that they had been in Paris at the weekend.
29. ‘The children visited their Grandma in hospital.’
A. The children’s mother told me that she had visited their Grandma in hospital.
B. The children’s mother told me that she had visited her Grandma in hospital.
C. The children’s mother told me that the children had visited her Grandma in hospital.
D. The children’s mother told me that the children had visited their Grandma in hospital.
30. ‘I’ve booked the flights to New York.’
A. Dad told us that he booked the flights to New York.
ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
B. Dad told us that he was booking the flights to New York.
C. Dad told us that he had booked the flights to New York.
D. Dad told us that he had been booked the flights to New York.
31. ‘I’ve finally finished decorating the whole house.’
A. Mum said that she had finally finished decorating the whole
B. house. Mum said that she finally finished decorating the whole
C. house.
D. Mum said that she had finally finished decorating her whole house.
Mum said that she finally finished decorating her whole house.
32. ‘I’ll see you on Monday’
A. Jane told me that I would see me on Monday.
B. Jane told me that she would see her on Monday.
C. Jane told me that she would see you on Monday.
D. Jane told me that she would see me on Monday.
33. ‘We will do everything we can to help your mother.’
A. My neighbour told me that they would do everything they could to help their mother.
B. My neighbour told me that they would do everything they could to help my mother.
C. My neighbour told me that you would do everything you could to help your mother.
D. My neighbour told me that they were going to do everything they could to help my mother.
34. ‘Kids, we’re having lunch in the garden today.’
A. Mum told us that they were having lunch in the garden the next day.
B. Mum told us that we were having lunch in the garden the day before.
C. Mum told us that we were having lunch in the garden that day.
D. Mum told us that they were having lunch in the garden that day.
35. ‘I rented a car and drove all round the island.’
A. Jamie said that she rented card and had driven all round the
B. island. Jamie said that she’d rented car and drove all round the
C. island.
D. Jamie said that she had rented a car and driven all round the island.
Jamie said that she’d rented a car and had driven all round the island.
36. “I may leave tomorrow.”
A. Nancy said that she might leave the next day.
B. Nancy said that she might leave tomorrow.
C. Nancy asked if she should leave the next day.
D. Nancy informed me to leave tomorrow.
37. “Rita is busy right now.”
A. Keshav said Rita was busy.
B. Keshav informed that Rita was busy then.
C. Keshav said Rita had been busy.
D. Keshav informed that Rita is busy.
38. “I am going out tonight.”
A. Manisha said that she was going out tonight.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
B. Manisha said that she was going out that night.
C. Manisha said she was going out that night.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

The History of Film

The world’s first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere.
Although it only (1)…………….of short, simple scenes, people loved it and films have (2)
……………popular ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to
(3)................the story.

Soon the public had (4)…………..favourite actors and actresses and, in this (5) , the first
stars appeared. In 1927, the first ‘ talkie’, a film with sound, was shown and from then on, the
public (6)....only accept this kind of film.

Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (7)……….produced 95% of all films.

With the arrival of television in the 1950s, (8)………….people went to see films, but in
(9).....................years cinema audiences have grown again. More countries have started to
1. (A) consisted (B) contained (C) belonged (D) held
2. (A) gone (B) been (C) made (D) kept
3. (A) join (B) read (C) explain (D) perform
4. (A) your (B) his (C) our (D) their
5. (A) reason (B) way (C) method (D) result
6. (A) should (B) would (C) might (D) will
7. (A) who (B) where (C) when (D) which
8. (A) other (B) each (C) fewer (D) any
9. (A) recent (B) now (C) modern (D) present
10. (A) many (B) lots (C) much (D) plenty

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

William the Hero!

Brave William Baldock, who is six years old, is a hero after helping his mother when she fell
downstairs. William quickly rang (11)… ambulance when he discovered his mother
broken her leg. In spite of being frightened, he (12)…………..the emergency services what had
happened and answered all the questions they asked him. He also telephoned his father (13)
……………work, and then his grandmother, to explain what he had (14)…
waiting for (15)… people to come, William looked after his 18-month-old sister.

When ambulance man Steve Lyn went to the house, he was amazed: ‘it’s (16)….........that a
11. (A) to (B) off (C) for (D) with
12. (A) said (B) talked (C) spoke (D) told
13. (A) in (B) at (C) on (D) by

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
14. (A) done (B) made (C) acted (D) worked
15. (A) these (B) every (C) each (D) this
16. (A) pleased (B) fine (C) clever (D) great
17. (A) put (B) set (C) dial (D) hit
18. (A) since (B) because (C) as (D) although
19. (A) manage (B) find (C) get (D) reach
20. (A) agreeable (B) happy (C) grateful (D) approving

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
When most people are ill with a non-life threatening condition they will most often see a General
Practitioner, a GP, also called a Family Doctor. These doctors generally work in the local
community in surgeries rather than in hospitals, so they are convenient for people to see for a
consultation. However, other GPs can work in a very wide range of areas, such as in hospitals, in
education and for insurance companies.
As the name suggests, GPs are doctors that do not have a specialty, such as a brain surgeon or
cancer specialist: they are able to diagnose and treat all the possible diseases and problem that one
of their patients might have. They can treat and manage most illnesses and perform some minor
surgeries in their practice. Then for more serious cases they will refer the patient to a specialist
that will work in a hospital.
If you are ill and need to see a GP you will normally need to make an appointment. Sometimes
you can just walk into the surgery and see a doctor, but that is not very likely as GPs are normally
very busy and all their appointment times will be fully booked. Often you have to wait several
hours if not at least one of two days before you can get an appointment with a GP. If you are too
ill to wait you have to go to a hospital and visit the accident and emergency department.
GPs also make house-calls. These are when the GP comes to your house to treat you or see a
patient. Most often a GP has to make house-calls to see elderly people who cannot get to the
surgery easily. They might be ill and need to doctor to give them medicine or it could be that the
GP just want to check on them and make sure that they are ok.
If you are ill, the doctor will normally prescribe you some medicine and tell you to go away for a
few days before you go back and visit them again if you have not started to get better. The GP will
also explain how you can have a better lifestyle that could prevent you from becoming ill in the
first place. They will normally recommend that you stop smoking cigarettes (if you do), not to
drink too much alcohol and to get exercise. Once you have your prescription you will need to visit
a pharmacy to get the medicine the doctor prescribed you.

31. What is the difference between a specialist and a GP?

(A) There is no difference, they are both doctors.
(B) The GP normally works in a hospital and the specialist works in a surgery.
(C) A GP can treat patients with many different illnesses, while the specialist focuses on one
area only.
(D) You need to be referred to a GP but not to a specialist.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
32. Where do GP normally work?
(A) In a hospital
(B) In a school
(C) In a surgery
(D) In a mobile vehicle
33. Why will you often have to wait to see a GP?
(A) They are very busy, so all their appointment times get full.
(B) To make sure you are really ill.
(C) So the GP will have enough work to do each day.
(D) You will need to travel a long way to see them and the journey will take a few days.
34. What sort of person will most likely be visited by a GP in their own home?
(A) A new born baby.
(B) An old person.
(C) Someone with a serious illness.
(D) GPs do not visit patients in their houses.
35. What do GPs do as well as making ill people better?
(A) They give advice about how to not become ill in the first place.
(B) They help the families of people who have died.
(C) They are participate in local community activities.
(D) They work with the people who make the medicine to sell more of it.

Read the following conversation and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
R = Reporter, A = Archaeologist
R: I believe archaeologists discovered this pyramid in 1978.
A: That’s right. But we haven’t excavated everything yet. There’s still a lot to do.
R: Where are we standing now?
A: We’re near the north wall of the pyramid.
R: And why have you brought me here?
A: Well, recently we discovered this box in the ground which tells us a lot about the Aztecs.
R: Yes, I can see that it’s full of objects. What are they?
A: Some of them are pots or plates. They used them for cooking.
R: I see. And what else is in there?
A: There were some small pieces of gold and a precious blue stone called jade, but we’ve taken
them out now. The Aztecs used to do a lot of business so these types of stones were important. We
also found some small statues which had religious importance. And also there were knives. The
Aztecs used to sacrifice animals—and even other humans—to their gods, so the knives are
probably for sacrifices.
R: Did you find any bodies?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

A: Actually, yes. The skeleton of a dog, but it wasn’t a sacrifice. It wore a beautiful collar so it
was obviously an important animal.
R: Did the Aztecs use to keep dogs as pets?
A: No, they didn’t use to have pets. Well, we don’t think they did. But obviously this dog
was important in some way. Maybe the owner used him for hunting.
36. What did the archaeologist find in the pyramid?
(A) A box full of objects
(B) Jars and bowls
(C) Some bodies
(D) The skeleton of a person
37. Why is the finding important?
(A) Because there is a fourteenth-century pyramid.
(B) Because it tells them a lot about the Aztecs.
(C) Because it is from the ancient civilization.
(D) Because there are different rooms inside the pyramid.
38. What is the purpose of gold and jade from their excavation?
(A) For cooking
(B) For doing business
(C) For sacrificing
(D) For religious activities
39. What did the Aztecs use to make a sacrifice to their gods?
(A) Precious stones
(B) Small statues
(C) Animals and humans
(D) Knives and dogs
40. What did the Aztec owner use the dog for?
(A) Sacrificing.
(B) Keeping as a pet.
(C) Religious importance.
(D) Hunting.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Vocabulary (Unit 12: Nature; Extreme weather)
1. This is an animal that can live in both water and on land.
A. amphibian B. ecosystem C. plant D. insect
2. This animal’s body temperature changes according to where it is, and it usually lays eggs.
A. amphibian B. reptile C. mammal D. bird
3. This is a warm-blooded animal that gives birth to live young.
A. fish B. ecosystem C. mammal D. plant
4. This is an animal that lives in water and has fins and a tail.
A. insect B. amphibian C. mammal D. fish
5. These are very small, have six legs and can sometimes fly.
A. insects B. animals C. reptiles D. birds
6. These lay eggs, have wings and can usually fly.
A. fish B. birds C. plants D. insects
7. This is the name for the plants and animals that live in an area.
A. amphibian B. mammal C. ecosystem D. reptile
8. This is a very violent storm, usually over land with winds which cause a lot of damage.
A. flood B. hail C. lightning D. tornado
9. This happens when there is too much water in an area.
A. hurricane B. snowstorm C. flood D. thunderstorm
10. This is a wind storm that usually travels over water. It can cause terrible damage.
A. thunder B. flood C. hurricane D. hail
11. You see this flash of electricity in the sky when there is a storm.
A. tornado B. lightning C. hurricane D. snowstorm
12. Make sure you plant as many vegetables as you can during the growing .
A. season B. economy C. difficulty D. modernization
13. It’s easy to survise in a country that has a strong _ .
A. nature B. economy C. resource D. dilemma
14. There has been a lot of modern like new hotels and shopping centres.
A. society B. problems C. economy D. development
15. Unfortunately there are a lot of social like unemployment and crime.
A. traditions B. industries C. problems D. economy
16. Tradditional like fishing are becoming more and more rare.
A. industries B. difficulties C. growth D. seasons
17. The area is rich in natural like coal and oil.
A. modernization B. resources C. problems D. industries
18. Many countries in Europe have been facing economic .
A. development B. nature C. resources D. difficulties
19. People have a serious - they want social development but they don’t want to lose their traditional values.
A. society B. economy C. tradition D. dilemma

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Grammar (Unit 12: Conditionals; Indefinite pronouns)
20. Has seen my keys?
A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. anywhere
21. The Turkish manager hasn't got to say about the teams's terrible performance.
A. everything B. nothing C. somebody D. anything
22. I haven’t had _ to eat since this morning.
A. anything B. something C. nothing D. anybody
23. We have got new to play our matches. It is a big park near the town centre.
A. anywhere B. somewhere C. somebody D. nothing
24. It’s strange, we haven’t seen all day.
A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. nobody
25. happened to Manchester United last season. They played really badly.
A. Something B. Somebody C. Everyone D. Someone
26. It’s a bit boring here because there isn’t to go at night.
A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. anything
27. I couldn't find a post office .
A. everyone B. somewhere C. somebody D. anywhere
28. Where is ? Why are they all late?
A. someone B. anyone C. everything D. everyone
29. Can you answer the phone? is calling.
A. Everybody B. No one C. Someone D. Nobody
30. I know my phone is here .
A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. somebody
31. Did you win important last year?
A. anything B. nothing C. nobody D. anywhere
32. I need to drink. Is there any water?
A. something B. anything C. nothing D. somewhere
33. As soon as I walked in, I noticed that was missing.
A. anyone B. nowhere C. anybody D. something
34. I can’t find my cat . I hope she isn’t lost.
A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. anyone
35. They had difficulties finding to live.
A. nobody B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everybody
36. called for you but he didn’t leave his name.
A. Nobody B. No one C. Everyone D. Someone
37. There was inside. The building was empty.
A. everybody B. somebody C. nobody D. body
38. There we can do by ourselves if we don’t have any practical help.
A. nothing B. something C. anything D. nowhere

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

39. You better if you exercised more.

A. feel B. will feel C. felt D. would feel
40. If Paul television so often, he would have more time for his homework.
A. doesn't watch B. didn't watch C. won't watch D. wouldn't watch
41. I would be happier if I more money.
A. have B. will have C. had D. would have
42. If I can finish my homework in time, I _ her.
A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. would visit
43. What you _ if you were President for a day?
A. did / do B. would / do C. do / do D. will / do
44. We would be able to swim better if we swimming more often.
A. go B. went C. will go D. would go
45. If I won some money, I a new house for my parents.
A. bought B. would buy C. buy D. will buy
46. I to university if my marks are good.
A. go B. went C. will go D. would go
47. If you an animal, what would you choose to be?
A. were B. was C. would be D. are
48. If he me her phone number, I will call and invite her.
A. gives B. gave C. will give D. would give
49. We would save energer if we solar power.
A. use B. will use C. used D. would use
50. If Carol here, she would help me with my maths homework.
A. is B. were C. will be D. would be
51. Our cities more beautiful if we planted more trees and flowers.
A. look B. will look C. looked D. would look
52. I to your party if you invite Lily and her friends.
A. don't come B. didn't come C. won't come D. wouldn't come
53. We wouldn’t have so much pollution if we more.
A. walk B. will walk C. walked D. would walk
54. If you wanted to see everything in London, you to stay for months.
A. have B. had C. will have D. would have
55. If I meat so much, I would try being a vegetarian.
A. didn’t like B. wouldn’t like C. don’t like D. won’t like
56. Barbara would get good marks in her tests if she _ her homework.
A. does B. did C. will do D. would do
57. We would be very scared if we ourselves in the middle of a tornado.
A. found B. would find C. fouded D. find

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

Sharks are some of the most frightening creatures in our oceans. They are well prepared for
feeding under water because they can (1)…………………very well, and they can also (2)
movement through special lines on the sides of their bodies. These make sharks very
(3)…........................for smaller sea creatures that become their food.
Although sharks are similar (4)….............other fish in a number of ways, their bodies are
For example, unlike other fish, most sharks (5)………………. to swim all the time in order
to breathe and stay alive, (6)…........they hardly sleep at all. Also, if sharks are turned over on
1. (A) watch (B) look (C) notice (D) see
2. (A) touch (B) feel (C) know (D) catch
3. (A) dangerous (B) difficult (C) serious (D) important
4. (A) with (B) from (C) to (D) of
5. (A) ought (B) need (C) must (D) should
6. (A) so (B) as (C) but (D) or
7. (A) perfectly (B) finally (C) fully (D) completely
8. (A) which (B) who (C) what (D) whose
9. (A) sort (B) care (C) deal (D) handle
10. (A) discover (B) search (C) find (D) study

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

When the Spanish explorer Cortez reached Mexico in the sixteenth century, he found the
people there using a drink they (11)………………chocolate. It tasted quite strong (12)…
pepper in it. To (13)… taste better, the Spanish added sugar to it. When chocolate
came to Europe in the seventeenth century, people started to drink it with milk, (14)…
water. Nowadays, tones of chocolate and cocoa are (15)… factories, where they
turned (16)…...................many popular sweets and cakes.

11. (A) announced (B) told (C) called (D) declared

12. (A) while (B) because (C) so (D) whether
13. (A) let (B) cause (C) allow (D) make
14. (A) apart (B) except (C) rather (D) instead
15. (A) delivered (B) directed (C) prepared (D) produced

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
16. (A) down (B) into (C) off (D) over
17. (A) Both (B) Every (C) Either (D) Each
18. (A) ought (B) can (C) have (D) might
19. (A) what (B) which (C) who (D) whose
20. (A) brings (B) fetches (C) supplies (D) gives

Read the email and choose the correct option (A–D) to answer the questions.
Hi Mum and Dad,

Well I can't believe that another school year has finished. I wish I could come home and see you
for the summer, but I've got a job looking after two little children. I had applied for a waitressing
job, which was better paid than what I'm doing now, but they wanted someone with experience,
which I don't have, so I didn't get it. I started last week and it seems to be all right. The children
are nice and their mother Karen is OK, too, although I don't see very much of her because she
works. For my first day with the children, Karen thought it would be nice if we did something fun
together, so she asked me to take them to the zoo. I hadn't been to a zoo since I was a little girl, but
I remember that you used to take me quite often and I loved it. I don't remember though, why we
stopped going.

Anyway, my first shock was how expensive it was. It cost twenty pounds for adults and fifteen
pounds fifty for each child but there was a two pound discount for students like me. Of course
Karen had given me the money – she paid for my ticket as well. The zoo was much bigger than I
remembered and there was so much to see that we spent the whole day there.

We saw every kind of animal you can imagine. Ryan, the little boy, loved the reptile house with
all those disgusting snakes and Julie liked the tigers, but my favourite was the elephant house. I
don't know what it is about elephants, especially the babies, but I love them. Maybe I should have
been an explorer or a tropical vet or something. It was absolutely brilliant! Maybe we should all
go together again like we used to.

Anyway, I have to go.

Bye for now


21. Why wasn't Jane working as a waitress?

(A) She wanted something with more money.
(B) They wanted someone who had done that kind of work before.
(C) She wanted to work with children.
(D) Because it was worse paid than the job she’s doing at the moment.
22. How much did it cost for Jane and the children to get into the zoo?
(A) 49 pounds
(B) 51 pounds
(C) 52 pounds
(D) 20 pounds
ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
23. When she was a child, how often did Jane go to the zoo?
(A) she never went to the zoo
(B) once
(C) regularly
(D) seldom
24. How much did the ticket cost?
(A) the same as it used to
(B) more than it used to
(C) less than it used to
(D) There is no information about this.
25. Which animals does Jane not like?
(A) pythons
(B) elephants
(C) tigers
(D) snakes

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.

Many people like to keep pets. Some just have one pet while other people keep many different
pets. This often depends on if they live in a big or small house. If a person lives in a small house,
or even a flat or apartment, they cannot keep a lot of pets as there is not enough room. If people
live in a big house that has a garden then they will be able to keep more pets and bigger ones.

For a person who lives in a small house a small pet is often good. They could keep a bird or two as
these are very interesting pets. They have brightly colored feathers and make nice chirping sounds.
If you have a parrot it can even learn to talk, but it takes a long time to teach it to say some words.
If a bird is too noisy then they could keep some cute animals like mice, gerbils or hamsters. These
are all nice and fluffy so you can take them out of their cages and play with them. Fish are also a
type of pet for people without much space or time. They just need some food and their bowl or
tank cleaning sometimes.

People that have more space and time to look after a pet could keep something bigger that needs
more care, such as a dog or cat. Cats do not need to be looked after as much as a dog, but they get
lonely if there is no one there with them. They often like to have someone to sit with and who
strokes them. This makes them happy and they start to purr. If someone has a dog they need to
take it out for walks so that it can get exercise. It is good to take a dog out twice a day. Dogs need
exercise so they cannot be kept in the house all the time.

There are then pets that need a very large amount of space. These would be animals such as horses
or donkeys, it could even be a domestic pig. For these animals a person needs more than a big
garden, they need a field so the animal has space to move and run around, as well as grass to eat.
These are types of animals that would generally not come into the house and the owners would
only spend part of the day with them.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

26. Why can a person in a small house not have a lot of pets?
(A) They can have a lot of pets.
(B) They cannot grow enough food for them.
(C) They do not have enough space.
(D) Other people might not like too many pets.

27. Why are birds good pets?

(A) They do not eat much.
(B) They are brightly colored and make nice sounds.
(C) They can be trained to play fetch.
(D) They are not good pets.

28. According to the passage which of the following is a cute animal?

(A) Mice
(B) Fish
(C) Horse
(D) Cat
29. From the passage, why do cats start to purr?
(A) Because they are stroked.
(B) Because they are fed.
(C) Because they are left alone all day.
(D) Cats do not purr.

30. Which of the following is an animal that would not normally come into a house?
(A) Cat
(B) Dog
(C) Gerbil
(D) Donkey

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.

Meeting Someone New

Good morning, I would like to introduce myself. My name is David Johnson and it is nice to meet
you. I come from near Cambridge. I live in a small village that is close to the city of Cambridge. I
am 20 years old. I am studying history at university and work in a shop at the weekends. I have
one brother and one sister. They are both older than me. My sister is 26 years old and my brother
is 22 years old. They have both graduated from university and work in London.

Hi, my name is Lucy Spalding and it is great to meet you all. I am really excited to see so many
people. I am 24 years old and am an only child. I come from Newcastle, which is in the North of
England and a long way away from here. My mother is a teacher and my father works in an office.
I finished a degree in Media Studies last year and am unemployed at the moment. I want to move
to London to find work sometime.

Hello, it is nice to see you all. I’m Elaine. I come from Cardiff and it is great to be here to meet
you all in Reading. I am 42 years old. I am married to my husband, Richard, and have two
children. One son called Andrew who is 18 years old and one daughter who is 16 years old and
called Tracy. I work in a supermarket and my husband is a police office. My son wants to study
computing at university while my daughter wants to become a singer.

Good morning. It is pleasure to meet my. Please let me introduce myself to you. I am Hamid and I
come from Pakistan. My home town is Islamabad, the capital city. I am 19 years old and have
come to the UK to study English. I will stay here for one year. I want to learn a lot. My family is
big. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. I am the oldest and my sister, the youngest, is 11 years old. My
father works as a government official and my mother is a housewife. I want to learn English so I
can get a good job. I do not work as I spend all my time studying.

1. Where is David Johnson from? 4. How many siblings does Hamid have?
(A) London (A) 2
(B) Reading (B) 3
(C) Cardiff (C) 4
(D) Cambridge (D) 5
2. What is the name of Tracy’s mother? 5. Elaine’s children want to do what?
(A) Elaine
(B) Lucy
(C) Richard
(D) Andrew
3. How many brothers does Lucy Spalding

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
(A) Sing and work as police officer
(B) Study computing and sing
(C) Work as a hairdresser and study
media studies
(D) The passage does not say.
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Halloween is a celebration that happens on the 31st of October. It originally came from a Christian
religious day. The 1st of November is All Saints Day, so Halloween is the eve or night before this.
Nowadays it is mainly just an excuse for people to have fun.
The holiday was mainly celebrated in America and from there has spread to many other countries.
It is meant to be the day, and mainly the night, when monsters come out of hiding. This means that
people associate scary and frightening things with Halloween.
There are three main traditions linked to Halloween. The first is carving pumpkins, the second is
decorating your house and the third is trick-or-treating.
Pumpkins are big vegetables that go an orange color when they are ripe and ready to eat. When
someone carves a pumpkin they cut the top off it and scoop out all the seeds and flesh from the
inside. Then they carve a pattern into the outside of the pumpkin. Often they cut the pattern so that
there are holes into the center of the pumpkin. It is traditional to carve your pumpkin into a scary
face. Then when it is dark you put a candle or light inside the pumpkin so the light shines out of
the frightening face that was carved.
Then the pumpkins would be used to decorate your house. You would put them in a window or on
the front porch so people in the street can see them. However, the decorations have become much
better over the years. Now people try to make their houses look as if they are a haunted house by
making skeletons to hang in the garden or putting tombstones outside the house. They might also
make it look as if there are lots of spider webs. The people from the house try to make it look as
scary as possible.
Finally, children will get dressed up in costumes and go out trick-or-treating. This is where they
go to people’s houses and ask for sweets or candy, their treat. If the house refused to give them
anything then they would play a trick on the house. Adults do not go trick-or-treating, unless that
are looking after children, but do often have their own parties at night. At these parties people
would also be dressed up as monsters or anything else that is scary.

6. Why is Halloween scary and frightening? 9. What do people try to do when they decorate
(A) It is in the dark winter. their houses?
(B) It is when monsters come out. (A) Make them look scary.
(C) It is because it is Christian. (B) Make them look cute.
(D) Halloween is not a scary holiday. (C) Make them look old.
7. Which of the following is not part of (D) Make them look bright.
Halloween? 10. Why do adults go trick-or-treating?
(A) Carving pumpkins
(B) Trick-or-treat
(C) Decorating your house
(D) Singing special songs
8. Where are pumpkins normally displayed?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
(A) To get candy and sweets.
(B) To have a party.
(C) To look after children.
(D) To give other children sweets.
(A) In cars
(B) On the front porch
(C) In the kitchen
(D) At churches

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Weather in the UK

The weather affects everyone, and everyone has something to say about the weather. This is
especially true in a country like the UK that has very changeable weather. In the UK the weather
from one day to the next can be completely different, or even from the morning to the afternoon.
The weather can change from being rainy one day to sunny the next, or from strong wind and
gales in the morning to snow in the afternoon.

In the UK there are four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the weather is different
in each of them. However, there is not a sudden change between the seasons. The end of the
winter season is the same as the start of the spring season. It takes several weeks for the weather to
change enough for people to notice the difference.

The summer is the season with the best weather. In general, it is hot and sunny with only a little
rain sometimes. However, it can sometimes be cold and wet for one or two weeks at a time.
British people like to spend a lot of time outside when it is nice in the summer. After the summer
is the autumn. In this season the weather gets colder and there are stronger winds, also it will rain
more. All the leaves will start to fall off the trees as it is cold. Frost might start to form on the
ground towards the end of the autumn.

Winter is the coldest season in the UK. The temperature will often be at zero degrees Celsius. This
means that ice will often form on the ground overnight where there were puddles. This makes it
difficult to walk sometimes. There might also be snow, but the UK does not get much snow,
mainly just cold rain in the winter. Then when winter ends the spring starts. The temperature will
start to get warmer and the winds will not be as strong. Plants start to grow again and new leaves
form. It is always nice when the spring starts as it means the nice weather in the summer is nearly
back again.

Many people in the UK complain about the weather, but as the weather changes so much it is very
interesting and gives the people something to talk about all year round.

11. How can the weather in the UK be 14. When will frost first start to form on the
described? ground?
(A) Boring (A) In the spring
(B) Wet (B) In the summer
(C) Changeable (C) In the autumn
(D) Humid
(D) In the winter
12. How quickly can the weather change? 15. Why do people like the spring?
(A) From one week to the next.
(B) From one morning to afternoon.
(C) From one day to the next day.
(D) The weather does not change much.
13. How many seasons are there in the UK?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
(A) It means the summer is nearly back.
(B) It is not winter.
(C) It is the shortest season.
(D) It only happens every other year.
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Five

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Shopping is a necessary part of life which very few people can avoid. It is a daily routine for some
people. Some people shop for pleasure while other people go shopping just to buy the necessary
items in order to survive. The weekend is usually a good time to go shopping because people have
free time from work. At this time the shops are usually very busy because people try to get the
best items for the lowest price before the item runs out of stock.
Some people go shopping more regularly than other people to browse products in shops even
when they do not have much money. This is known as window shopping and allows people to
plan ahead and save for the things they want to buy in the future or wait for the items to drop in
price. Some people spend a lot of time looking for bargains while others do not think of the price
and are happy to spend a lot. Some people believe that the more expensive the item, the better the
quality, but this is not always true. It is sensible to buy items which are affordable, but some
people use a credit card or borrow money from the bank so that they can buy the items they really
want rather than wait for it.
Sometimes shopping can be stressful when choosing a gift to buy other people for a special
occasion. It is common to buy a gift voucher so that a friend or loved one can go shopping
themselves at their own convenience. Shopping online is often popular with people who have a
busy lifestyle. People are able to order their necessary and luxury items from the comfort of their
own home, or even on the move. Delivery is usually free and items are often cheaper than in shops
on the high street. The only real problem is that the item description and quality may be different
than what they hoped for. This could mean the customer may become disappointed with the item
they receive and will need to return it at their own cost. People who go to shops to do their
shopping often use self-service payment machines. This usually saves time as the shopper does not
need to join a long queue. However, it can be frustrating when the machine has a problem and the
sales assistant is not always available to help.

16. Why is the weekend a good time to go 19. When can shopping be stressful?
A. When shops are about to close
A. It is very busy on the weekend.
B. When it is very busy
B. People are free from work.
C. When buying a gift for someone
C. Things are usually cheaper. On the weekend
D. The shops are closed.
20. Is there sometimes a problem with online
17. What are people doing when they go shopping?
shopping just to have a look and not to buy?
A. Bargain hunting
B. Window shopping
C. They do not have much money
D. Looking for the best quality
18. What do some people usually think about
items of better quality?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
A. No, the shops are open 24 hours a day
B. Yes, with the quality and description
of the item
C. Yes, there are too many queues
D. No, there are no problems
A. They are cheaper
B. They are harder to find
C. They are more expensive
D. They are on sale

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.

Clothing is something we all should wear in order to fit in to society. The act of wearing clothing
is a choice in some indigenous societies while in a more modern culture you could find yourself in
trouble with the police if you choose not to wear clothes. Clothes are easily accessible and can be
bought in most high street shops. Supermarkets are also beginning to sell clothes. Clothes are for
keeping people warm or serving as protection from the strong burning sun. Certain items of
clothing can be expensive, especially if it is made by a well-known brand or is a particular design.
While clothing is affordable for most people, the price usually depends on the quality of the
material used to make the item and its brand name. In most countries clothing is taxed, while food
is not. This is probably because clothing can be considered as a luxury item, especially if it is of
very good quality.

The type of clothing that is worn usually depends on the occasion. People that attend a wedding
usually wear formal clothes. Men often wear suits and women wear dresses. Formal and smart
clothing is often worn in times of celebration. People often wear different clothing at work. Some
jobs require people to wear a special uniform which should be worn by all employees. A pilot,
doctor or air hostess may be required to wear a uniform so that all the staff can be easily
recognized. Other jobs are less strict and may allow people to wear casual clothes. Construction
workers are usually asked to wear protective clothing, especially when the site is considered
highly dangerous.

People often choose to wear comfortable clothing inside their own home. This choice of clothing
may be very different to the clothing they would normally wear outside. Some people even stay in
their bedclothes all day on the weekend when they plan to relax and not go anywhere. People
often wear clothing which matches their current state of health or their age. Pregnant women are
likely to wear baggy clothes, while youths often wear tighter clothing to show their figure.
Younger females often wear high heeled shoes while elderly people tend to wear more
comfortable shoes which will allow them to walk with ease.

21. When can items of clothing be expensive? 24. What type of clothing is worn in times of
A. When they are from the supermarket. celebration?
B. When they are taxed too much. A. Formal
C. When it is a well-known brand or B. Casual
design. C. Protective
D. When they are in the sale. D. Bedclothes
22. What kind of job requires workers to wear 25. Who is more likely to wear baggy clothing?
protective clothing?
A. Pilots
B. Construction workers
C. Doctors
D. Air hostess
23. How do some youths usually like to wear
their clothes?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
A. Youths
B. Workers
C. Pregnant ladies
D. Elderly people
A. Baggy
B. Tight
C. Short
D. Long

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
There are many different kinds of sports that are undertaken by a wide variety of different people.
Some people do sport for their career and other people purely do sport for enjoyment and
recreation. Some sports, like cricket, require the use of a lot of equipment, while others need very
little in order to successfully play a game in that sport. Some people use public playing fields to
play sport for free, while other sports such as squash, tennis, badminton and table tennis are
usually paid for on an hourly basis in the comfort of a local leisure centre.
Most sports are played with a round object often known as a ball. Some sports use more than one
ball and snooker is one of the unique sports that make use of a number of balls while being played.
The game itself is often controlled by an impartial individual known as an umpire in cricket and a
referee in sports like football and rugby. Most sports have a duration of not more than a few hours,
however some athletic tournaments can last for up to a week and a game of cricket can be five
days in duration before a winner is announced.
Some people prefer to watch sport. This can either be done by going to a stadium, a local leisure
centre, park or on the television. It is often cheaper to watch sport from the comfort of a person’s
home than to visit the stadium or a special event. Some sports, such as football and cricket, are
really popular in the United Kingdom but not in the USA. In the USA people often play basketball
and baseball. However, most countries put aside time to compete in world sporting events such as
the football world cup or the Olympics, which occur every four years.
Nowadays, people who suffer from any kind of disability are also encouraged to participate in
sport and most sport equipment is adapted to suit the needs of a disabled person. This means sport
is something that can be enjoyed no matter the physical ability of the person. The para-olympics
takes place a week after the main event and it is equally popular. Participation in sporting activity
is encouraged by doctors and at schools given the beneficial impact it has on the health of the
individual that participates, and it is for this reason and the competitive nature of individuals that
sport remains a very popular activity worldwide.

26. Which sport requires the use of a lot of 29. What sport can last longer than a day in
equipment? duration?
A. Football A. Football
B. Athletics B. Baseball
C. Cricket C. Rugby
D. Rugby D. Cricket
27. What sport is popular in the United 30. How often is the Olympics held?
A. Baseball
B. Cricket
C. Basketball
D. Athletics
28. What sport is popular in the United States?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
A. Every year
B. Every two years
C. Every four years
D. Every day
A. Cricket
B. Baseball
C. Football
D. Squash

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
In many countries the legal systems are very complex. This is because they have been developed over
very long times. Every time that a new case is decided it can have an affect on future cases. This
means that the people who work in legal situations have to be clever. They have to know and
understand all the rules and precedents. A precedent is when a previous decision will have an effect on
future cases as it was related to an important point.
There are many people who work with the law, such as solicitors or judges. A solicitor is a lawyer who
spends most of their time advising their clients and preparing legal documents, such as wills or
contracts for buying and selling houses. They need to be very careful and make sure that all the details
are correct, otherwise their clients might lose a lot of money.
A barrister is a type of lawyer who works in court rooms. They will either work for the prosecution or
defense sides. If they are a prosecution lawyer they are trying to prove that the defendant (the person
on trial) committed a crime. They have to present evidence to show that the defendant is guilty. If they
are a defense lawyer then they work for the defendant and have to show that the evidence presented is
not enough to prove that their client is guilty and he should be judged to be not guilty.
Then there are judges and magistrates. A magistrate will hear trials about less serious crimes, while a
judge’s will be about more serious crimes. These are the people who have to decide what punishment
will be given to someone who is guilty. The punishments could range from a small fine up to a long
prison sentence, and even a death sentence in some countries. The trial happens in the judge’s
courtroom, so the judge is responsible for making sure the trial is run fairly and follows the law.
If a lawyer believes that a trial was not fair or there was a mistake in the law, they can ask for a new
trial that will generally be hear by an appeal court where an appeal judge will be in charge. Often
appeal judges will be the most experienced judges in a country, so they know a lot about the law and
how to apply it.

31. What do lawyers have to be? 34. What is the most severe punishment a judge
A. Nice could give?
B. Clever A. A long time in prison.
C. Greedy B. A fine.
D. Fast workers C. A judge does not give punishment.
32. What could happen if a solicitor makes a D. Capital punishment.
mistake? 35. Why might an appeal be needed?
A. Someone who is innocent could go to
B. Someone could lose their job.
C. The client could lose some money.
D. The client could learn something new.
33. What does a defense lawyer have to do?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
A. The first trial was not fair.
B. The first trial took too long to finish.
C. The first trial was done perfectly.
D. The first trial had too many people
A. Show that the prosecution’s evidence
is not enough.
B. Prove that the defendant is guilty.
C. Show that the defendant was someone
D. Prove that the judge has made a mistake.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Driving in Different Countries

Although people drive in all countries, the rules can be quite different between nations and areas. For this
reason, you should always learn the laws before you decide to drive in a foreign country. If you are not careful,
you can get into trouble, since the rules might be very different from what you are used to. For example, you can
find some big differences in laws related to the minimum driving age, the appropriate side of the road to drive
on, and mobile phone use while driving.

In the United States of America, people who live in Alaska may obtain a learner’s permit (legal permission to
drive while being supervised) at the age of fourteen. This is quite different from the driving laws of Niger, where
a person must be at least twenty-three years old to drive. If you are curious to know the minimum driving age in
most countries, the answer is eighteen.

It may also surprise you to learn that not every country allows its citizens to drive, although most of them do.
For example, women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia no matter how old they are. Instead, they must
have a male family member or hired male driver to travel by car.

Driving on the right or left side of the road also varies. For instance, in Great Britain, Cyprus, Australia, India,
and Malaysia people drive on the left. However, in the U.S., Mexico, France, and Canada people are required to
drive on the right. As a matter of fact, one country can have different driving rules for different areas. For
example, people in Hong Kong drive on the left, while drivers in other parts of China use the right side of the

Other driving laws that are different between countries include those related to using mobile phones. In Japan,
using any kind of mobile phone device is illegal, even if you do not need to hold the phone with your hands.
However, in Argentina and Australia, drivers are allowed to talk on their mobile phones as long as they do not
use their hands.

You might also find it interesting to learn that some countries have very strange or unusual laws. For example, in
the country of Cyprus, it is against the law to eat or drink anything while driving. Even more interesting is that in
Germany, there is a famous road called the Autobahn, where certain parts have no speed limit at all!

36. According to the passage, why is it illegal to eat or 38. Why should you learn the laws before driving in a
drink while driving in Cyprus? foreign country?
A. Eating or drinking while driving causes car A. It is important because it is fun to learn
accidents. about other countries’ driving laws.
B. Eating or drinking while driving stops B. It is important because you can get into
drivers from watching their speed. trouble when you are not used to another
C. Eating or drinking while driving is not country’s rules.
responsible. It is not important to learn the laws before
D. The passage does not give the reason. driving in a foreign country.
37. Which of the following is true according to the D. It is important because you can have a car
passage? accident if you do not know the rules.
A. You can drive as fast as you want on all 39. What is a learner’s permit?
parts of the German Autobahn. A. It is a temporary driver’s license.
B. It is okay to hold your mobile phone and B. It is permission to drive while being
talk while you drive in Australia. supervised.
C. Females cannot drive a car in Saudi Arabia.
C. It is a special driving course in the U.S.
D. People in India drive on the right side of the It is a special driver’s license for foreign
road. visitors.
40. Which of the following law differences between
countries is not discussed in the passage?
A. Drinking alcohol and driving.
B. The minimum driving age.
C. The appropriate side of the road to drive on.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
D. Talking on your mobile phone while driving.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
How to Trace Your Family Tree Online

A family tree or genealogical tree is a diagram that shows the relationships between members of a
family in several generations. Creating a family tree is a great way for children to broaden their
knowledge about great grandparents and other family members who have passed away or who they
have never had the chance to meet. For adults, it can be a way to learn about family history and how it
has affected their present and future lives.

Tracing and creating a family tree can be difficult and complicated to do, especially if you do not have
sufficient knowledge about your family history and only have a few old photos and documents.
However, digital technology has made it easier for you because now you can access online databases
and search engines and obtain the information you need within minutes. The key information that you
need includes names (common surnames or family names), dates of significant events (birth, marriage,
death, emigration) and places to locate records such as church registers.

You can start your genealogy research by building a skeleton family tree. For this purpose, you can go
to various sites on the Internet. After you have done the basic family tree, it is time to dig deeper by
going to more specialized websites that contain military or employment records, parish records or
wills. In this phase, you need to be sure of what you are searching for. For example, if you look for the
military records of your great grandfather, you should have his full name, date of birth and the forces
in which he served. Here are some sites that genealogists often use to research specific information: 1)
the National Archives site contains wills and naval records, 2) the Origins Network site contains
apprenticeship records, military records and marriage indexes, 3) the Times Online site provides
information about famous or notorious ancestors from 1785-1985 and 4) the CWGC site provides
details of servicemen and women who died during the two World Wars.

Of course, not all information is available online and you should not expect to find your entire family
tree in one place. You may still need to visit your local family history center and look at cemeteries,
courthouses and churches for more information. You can also make contact with genealogy
communities through their websites and ask for a piece of advice. You can use sites like Genuki and
Cyndis List to consult on genealogy research and find valuable information, genealogical material and
links to hundreds of other genealogy websites.

41. What is the advantage of creating a family tree? 43. What key information that is needed to create a
A. To broaden knowledge about family tree?
B. genealogy. To learn about family
C. history.
D. To memorize the names of all family
To organize family members.
42. What makes creating a family tree easier and
faster to do?
A. Old photos
B. Church register
C. Online databases
D. Military records

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
44. On which site can you find naval records?
A. National Archives
B. Origins Network
C. Times Online
D. Cyndis List
45. Who should you consult when you need help
in creating a family tree?

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
A. Famous ancestors
B. Great grandfather
C. Digital technologist
D. Genealogy community
A. Names, dates and places.
B. Names, dates and photos.
C. Surnames and complete addresses.
D. Full names and dates of birth.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
Halloween in Britain and America
The Halloween celebration originated from an ancient Celtic festival some 2,000 years ago in the area that
is now Ireland. It came to America during colonization and the American version of Halloween emerged as
the result of different European and Native American beliefs and customs being mashed-up. By the
beginning of the twentieth century, Halloween became a holiday for community and neighborly gathering,
and Halloween parties for both children and adults became the most common way to celebrate the day.
Today’s Halloween traditions include trick-or-treating and dressing in costume. Trick-or-treat has its origin
in All Souls’ Day parades in England, during which poor citizens would beg for food and families would
give them pastries in return for praying for their dead relatives. The practice was eventually taken up by
children who would visit houses around their neighborhood and be given food and money. On the other
hand, the tradition of dressing in costume has both European and Celtic roots. At that time on Halloween,
people wore masks when they left their homes so that the roaming ghosts would not recognize them.
Halloween’s main celebration is parties where guests wear horror costume to reflect the day’s theme.
Among teens and kids, however, Halloween costumes inspired by TV shows and movies are more popular,
such as pirate, spider man, batman, Disney princess and Star Wars characters. Party venues are usually
decorated by various symbols associated with Halloween, such as pumpkin lanterns, witches, wizards,
ghosts, spirits and characters from horror films.
Besides attending or throwing a party, many people, especially young adults, like to visit haunted houses.
Travel agencies and attractions see this as a business opportunity and offer special Halloween travel
packages. The Universal Orlando parks in Florida America, for example, feature haunted houses and “scare
zones” that last for weeks to attract tourists from other cities.
Halloween is said to be the second-largest commercial holiday after Christmas. In fact, Halloween has
become an industry and grown significantly in the past decades. The Halloween costumes and symbols lead
many stores and businesses to promote products with a Halloween theme, which makes Halloween today
more commercial. Retailers sell Halloween merchandise while nightclubs, restaurants and bars offer the
hosting of Halloween events.
Both in Britain and America, Halloween falls on October 31st but unlike in the USA, Halloween is not a
major holiday in the UK. Schools, businesses, stores and other organizations are open as usual and public
transport services run normally.

46. What is the origin of Halloween celebration? 49. What has made Halloween become more
A. Native American custom. commercial?
B. Ancient Celtic festival. A. Halloween travel packages.
C. European festival. B. Halloween parties.
D. American All Souls’ Day parades. C. The promotion of Halloween related
47. When was Halloween tradition brought to products and services.
America? D. The sale of Halloween merchandise.
A. During colonization of America. 50. What is true about Halloween celebration in
B. Two thousand years ago. the UK?
C. In the twentieth century. A. It was brought from America 2,000
D. By the beginning of the 20th century. years ago.
48. What was the original purpose of dressing in B. Halloween is a public holiday.
costum C. Halloween is not a public holiday in
A. To scare children. big cities.
B. To pray for dead relatives. D. Public services run normally because
Halloween is not a public
C. To honor dead relatives.
D. To avoid being recognized by ghosts.

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn

1. plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.

A. Antarctic B. Artic C. Tropical D. Desert
2. I'm dying a glass of water.
A. out B. in C. for D. about
3. It was in the 19th Century that scientists began to realise that monkeys and apes were
relatives of man.
A. remote B. distant C. far D. vague
4. Overall, six universities have accepted my application but I to go to Chicago
because my aunt and uncle live there.
A. select B. prefer C. like D. enjoy
5. The of the coastal areas in these parts were called "Myami" but the tribes died out
around 600 years ago as European explorers moved into the area.
A. tenants B. inhabitants C. constituents D. citizens
6. He's taken my bag! Just when you need a policeman, there isn't a single one in !
A. sight B. vision C. reach D. existence
7. Christmas Day on a Sunday this year.
A. comes B. becomes C. falls D. places
8. My original was not to cut jobs but only to reduce expenditure in the company.
A. direction B. view C. aim D. destination
9. Why are you blaming your sister? In my opinion, you are to blame for this accident!
A. strongly B. dominantly C. entirely D. freely
10. You should advantage of our special offer while we have it, Mrs. Foulkes.
A. get B. hold C. have D. take
11. This house is so old now. When it rains, the windows leak and the roof needs to be replaced soon.
, we love it and would never move to another.
A. nevertheless B. although C. though D. despite
12. You can't ignore this problem any longer. You have to with it so we can go on
with the plan.
A. deal B. do C. solve D. beat
13. I don't like watching soap operas and films on TV. I prefer documentaries with
people talking about their lives.
A. reality B. real C. authentic D. genuine
14. Has someone moved the drinks the table while I was gone? I'm sure that glass in
front of Peter was mine.
A. off B. along C. around D. on
15. We couldn't find the hotel and it was getting dark we got out a map and studied it
A. so B. and C. but D. if
16. Well, according to the timetable, a bus should be along in _ two minutes. But I
wouldn't be surprised if we had to wait another half an hour!
ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
A. less B. below C. about D. round
17. Martin Jones, as the Gentle Bank Robber during his three-year reign, was jailed
for 25 years today at the Central Court.
A. named B. reputed C. called D. known
18. I was born about 30km Rome but have always lived in Great Britain.
A. from B. to C. far D. near
19. Don't wash that sweater in hot water, it will shrink.
A. unless B. if C. moreover D. otherwise
20. the vacation, we had the most wonderful weather imaginable. Sunshine all the way!
A. along B. throughout C. moreover D. all in all
21. Police arrested a man late last night in connection with the murder. Police expect to charge the
later this morning.
A. guilty B. suspect C. condemned D. arrested
22. Right, Mrs. Jones. Take these pills twice a day and if the problem more serious,
come back and pay me a visit.
A. goes B. becomes C. turns D. develops
23. When each group of tourists have paid the entrance fee, them with a picnic
hamper and two parasols.
A. provide B. give C. lend D. give out
24. You are the only person in this company who access to both the staff phone list
and the bank information of every employee. Please remember it is a huge responsibility.
A. has B. takes C. opens D. sees
25. We all just looked at the bill and then realised that wasn't even included! So we
had to pay another 15% on top of that! I am never going back to that restaurant.
A. services B. serving C. serves D. service
26. We got home to find the children down the marble hallway in their socks.
A. sliding B. skidding C. falling D. crashing
27. Don't waste time looking a cheap hotel when you arrive. They are all about the
same price.
A. at B. by C. for D. on
28. The man was questioned by the police after acting in a(n) way outside the bank.
A. suspicious B. faulty C. dishonest D. unfriendly
29. Sharon never stops telling us how wonderful she is. She can be a little .
A. selfish B. arrogant C. sensible D. silly
30. If you all the lessons on the course, you get a certificate anyway.
A. go B. frequent C. attend D. assist
31. Although they tried to put the fire for nearly two hours, eventually the firefighters
had to give up.
A. out B. off C. away D. on
32. It's absolutely tonight so make sure you wear both your gloves and your heavy coat.
A. mild B. cold C. freezing D. chilly

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
33. Your behavior today will have serious for your future promotion chances.
A. warnings B. predictions C. consequences D. results
34. How can you deny the allegations Mrs. Penney? people saw you leave the store
without paying.
A. several B. few C. some of D. any
35. How can you possibly work in a zoo if you are terrified snakes?
A. at B. of C. with D. in
36. Are you on foreign language films?
A. enthusiastic B. excited C. keen D. liking
37. This government should be using far policies in an attempt to beat unemployment.
A. crueler B. meaner C. tougher D. harder
38. Homeschooling, which involves children at home, is becoming ever more popular.
A. training B. managing C. bringing up D. educating
39. Can you put me for two days if I come and stay with you?
A. up B. about C. in D. out
40. The floods were caused by two days of rain.
A. pouring B. drowning C. flowing D. shattering
41. It was only a minor accident and we all escaped without .
A. damage B. wounds C. injury D. hurt
42. By 10pm it was very dark and the black car was _ almost impossible to see.
A. so B. therefore C. that D. such
43. Can I borrow $10 you until tomorrow. I have to buy a book for college.
A. to B. from C. for D. with
44. There is so little time left until the exams. I think I need to just concentrate my effort the
most important two exams that I cannot fail.
A. for B. with C. of D. on
45. I was never very at history at school and now I work in a museum. How ironic!
A. good B. expert C. keen D. able
46. My mother would like to consider herself but I think even she would be shocked if we took
her to see that film!
A. broad-minded B. independent C. stubborn D. well-behaved
47. When I first arrived in Russia, I took lessons from an old woman to help me with the
A. private B. secret C. personal D. reserved
48. There was only a light in the morning with no sign that a storm was coming.
A. gale B. cyclone C. breeze D. draught
49. A new type of transistor radio has been by South African electrical engineers.
A. developed B. found C. discovered D. looked into
50. I want to play a game with you. First, about an animal you would like to be. Ready?
A. consider B. imagine C. think D. wonder

ThS. Lý Công ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn
51. Seeing you in that red dress reminds me a lot our honeymoon. Do you remember
that red dress you bought in Hawaii and you wore it nearly every day!
A. about B. to C. on D. of
52. My favourite at school was undoubtedly geography. Now I want to study it at
A. material B. subject C. object D. matter
53. You will need very different clothes when you go on holiday to where you go and
the time of year.
A. relying B. according C. depending D. concluding
54. This wine is from the north of the country, is drunk with the local fish and must be
ice cold.
A. given B. prepared C. made D. served
55. The price of heating oil has been up again by the local government. Many people
have criticised them for doing so as winter approaches.
A. pushed B. taken C. put D. cost
56. Houston is a very city in the summer and it can be very difficult to sleep at night.
A. wet B. damp C. dripping D. humid
57. My uncle is deaf so you may have to raise your voice a little, but don't shout at
A. slightly B. hardly C. extremely D. just
58. After the government's defeat in parliament last night, the new transportation recommendations
will have to a little longer before becoming law.
A. anticipate B. expect C. wait D. delay
59. "Does this pen belong you Juan?" - "No, it is Mick's I think."
A. to B. at C. with D. on
60. I need to pass a difficult even before they see me for interview.
A. proof B. skill C. test D. course
61. Pass me the , I need to put these sheets together.
A. scissors B. eraser C. stapler D. sharpener
62. If you help me the potatoes, I will chop them and you can go and watch the movie.
A. mash B. skin C. break D. peel
63. It isn't going to rain tomorrow, they said, but there may be a few in the evening.
A. puddles B. showers C. breezes D. gales
64. sounding very boring, the film was actually pretty interesting. I would
recommend it!
A. although B. however C. despite D. nevertheless
65. My doctor told me to follow a more _ diet and to cut down on my sugar and caffeine.
A. even B. balanced C. equalised D. unbiased
66. I went back to that house again but never saw anything that looked like a ghost
ever again.
A. over and over B. repeatedly C. constantly D. moreover

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