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JAN 2011 DEC 2011

OPERATIONAL FORCES MEDICAL LIAISON OFFICE HERE TO SERVE The Operational Forces Medical Liaison Office (also known as the Fleet Liaison) exists to provide a single point of contact for responsive two-way access and communication between operational units and shore based medical treatment facilities. Establishing a close working relationship with the OFMLO will enhance each senior medical department representatives ability to ensure optimum medical readiness for their crew. The OFMLO can: * coordinate requests for assistance from homeported/deployed/transient operational units * provide orientation to services available and furnish points of contact * provide information concerning admission and disposition of Operating Forces personnel, (including medical boards and limited duty status) * notify local operational units of all non-elective admissions * coordinate processing of specialty consultations and appointment notification Please get to know your OFMLO. You can contact the Naval Hospital Bremerton OFMLO at 360-475-4313/4616. The Fleet Liaison office is manned 24 hours 365 days a year. The duty cell phone numbers are (360) 536-5812/3159. ENROLLMENT OPEN AT NAVAL HOSPITAL BREMERTON Due to increased capacity, NHB has re-opened enrollment in all primary care clinics. For members PCS'ing into the area, enrollment to the hospital will be mandatory. Letters inviting back Active Duty Family Members who have been enrolled into the civilian network in the past year have gone out, as well as letters inviting back retirees previously enrolled to NHB as Active Duty or Active Duty Family Members. NHB's transition to Medical Home Ports has made this possible. Letters of invite are dependent upon available capacity in Medical Home ports. FROM THE NAVAL HOSPITAL BREMERTON EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS OFFICE Don't let Black Friday be a recurring event in your neighborhood!!! As it was said in the movie, "Prepare for the Ice Age!!!" Snow, Rain and Wind are coming this winter and as you prepare for the holidays, also ensure you've prepared your emergency preparedness supplies in your car, home and family. There are plenty of specials on backup power, safe indoor heating and battery operated light sources. The time and investment you make now will make those power outages during the winter a bit more endurable. Check your local Department of Emergency Management web site for other helpful hints or tips to prepare for this winter. STRESS MANAGEMENT AND SUICIDE AWARENESS Stress in life is inevitable and not always bad. Stress can provide the opportunity to learn a new skill, increase productivity and performance or compel you to take action. However, unmanaged stress can be disastrous and lead to suicidal feelings. Stress and suicide are closely related with suicide often being referred to as the dark side of stress. Help is available. To assist someone who is going through a stressful situation and may be considering suicide, the Navy wants Sailors and their families to ACT. A = ASK Ask the person if they are depressed or thinking about suicide. Dont be afraid. Research reveals that persons who are contemplating suicide want to talk to someone. C = CARE Listen, offer hope, dont judge. Let them know you CARE. T = TREAT Take action! Get them TREATment as soon as possible. Follow up with them to continue letting them know you care. If you or someone you care about is at risk for suicide, immediately contact your chain of command, your chaplains or Naval Hospital Bremerton.

Important Numbers Bangor Clinic 360-315-4391 Family Medicine 360-475-4379 NHB General Info 360-475-4000 Health Promotion 360-475-4541 Internal Medicine 360-475-4206 Marketing Dept 360-475-4408 Pediatric Clinic 360-475-4216 TRICARE Regional Appointment Center 1-800-404-4506 TriWest 1-888-874-9378

To be added to the email distribution list of this monthly newsletter, please call Kendra Scroggs at 360-475-4408

Caring, for Life

TRICARE YOUNG ADULT-PRIME TIME! Young adult dependents can now submit applications for TRICARE Prime options under the TYA program for coverage effective January 1, 2012. The TYA webpage is updated and can be accessed at There is a fact sheet for download and the applications are available as well. Please take the opportunity to look at the applications and familiarize yourself with the options now available under the TYA program. Additionally, there are over 70 TYA related FAQS available on the website, just type in TYA. CHIROPRACTOR AVAILABLE TO ASSIST ACTIVE DUTY MEMBERS The Chiropractic Clinic at Naval Hospital Bremerton is open to serve active duty service members that are referred for chiropractic care by their primary care manager. Primary care managers can refer patients directly to the Chiropractic Clinic as a patient is not required to be seen by Physical Therapy first. The Chiropractic Clinic services include diagnosing and treating mechanical disorders of the spine. TRICARE INFORMATIONAL BRIEFINGS To increase awareness about the TRICARE program, Naval Hospital Bremerton is hosting TRICARE Overview briefings. These briefings are open to anyone interested in learning more about the TRICARE program. The next briefing will be held in Naval Hospital Bremertons Healthcare Support Building (Building 14) at 11:00 on the following date: December 7th. No reservation is required. For information, please call Kendra Scroggs at (360) 475-4408. FAMILY NIGHTS, PRE-DEPLOYMENT/INFO FAIRS? WE HAVE BRIEFERS AVAILABLE Naval Hospital Bremerton has staff willing to speak to your command or family group -- about Health Promotion activities, the TRICARE program, or any other health related topic you wish to discuss. Please contact Kendra Scroggs at 475-4408 if you are interested in having a hospital or TriWest rep speak to you. CHILDREN IN HOSPITAL/CLINIC AREAS The safety of all patients (including children of adult patients or siblings of children being seen) is our primary concern. For this reason, and to avoid unnecessarily exposing healthy children to sick patients, we ask that only children being seen for an appointment be brought to the hospital. Children should not accompany parents for their adult visits as it is often inappropriate for children to be present in the room during adult physical exams. Additionally, for the comfort and safety of other patients and of your children, it is recommended that only children with appointments be brought to the clinics. Other childcare arrangements should be made for siblings without appointments. When children are in the hospital/clinic they must be supervised at all times and leaving them unattended in the waiting rooms is not allowed. Childcare arrangements (sitter, CDC drop off, etc) should be made, if needed, and if parents arrive with children who are not appointed and it seems unsafe for them to be seen, they may be rescheduled. Thank you for your cooperation. BENEFICIARY COUNSELING AND ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR CAN ASSIST WITH CLAIMS ISSUES If you are having issues with claims or other TRICARE issues, dont struggle alone. You can get prompt, courteous assistance by contacting or visiting our local Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (formerly known as Health Benefits Advisor). Please call 475-4651 to schedule an appointment and to determine what paperwork (if any) you will need to bring to your appointment. MOVES AND RELOCATIONS AT NAVAL HOSPITAL BREMERTON In order to increase efficiency and position services in the most accessible and logical site, some clinics and administrative spaces for Naval Hospital Bremerton will be relocating to new areas. As updates become available, further information will be disseminated. Effective now The Pediatric Clinic is located on the 3rd Floor of the Family Care Center (situated between the Dermatology Clinic and Family Medicine offices). The Coumadin Clinic has moved to the Internal Medicine Clinic, Room 6040A, on the 6th floor. There is no change to phone numbers or hours of operation at this time. The Substance Abuse & Rehabilitation Program (SARP) has been relocated to the 7th floor of the hospital. New phone number is 360-475-5350. Respiratory Therapy has moved to the 6th Floor, Room 6002. No change in phone numbers. Customer Relations Office has moved to the 1st Floor, Room 1106/1106A. On the horizon The TRICARE Service Center (date to be determined)

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