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Integrated Production Systems

WS 2015/16

Multiple Choice [ ] Theorie arithmetic [x]

[ x ] 3 methods of Taylor’s scientific management

• Separation of mental and manual work •

Selection and instruction
• Motivation on basis of output

Question about Heijunka

Just-in time vs. production levelling

5 barriers of introducing CIP

• Management: o • Employee: o
resistance to change o fear of losing job o
loss of authority o fear of losing status o not
incapable of teamwork enough insight on the concept

Push vs. pull principle

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4 steps to reduce the internal set-up time

• Ensure that external set-up actions are performed while the machine is still running •
Separate external and internal set-up actions • Convert internal set-up time to external
activities • Improve all the set-up actions

Five sample structures of global production networks

5 fails and 5 traps of TQM

• Fails: o Too many mechanisms

o Insufficient commitment o Not enough focus on customer
o Undefined goals o relationship
No clear concept o o Quality breaks
Unrealistic timeline o No integration of employee
o “Just another program” • qualification o Not enough
Traps interface optimization

Philosophy of LCA and 3 rules for the operator and utilities

• LCA is to provide more flexibility to the process with low cost •

Operator and utilities: o Loading and unloading positions are
separate o Unloading part as close as possible to the
operator o Operator should be able to work on more than
one workplace to reduce cycle time
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List KPIs of TPM and give an example each

• Motivation: Fluctuation of workers • Productivity: OEE •

• Cost: Piece costs Delivery: delivery time •
• Security and environment: Amount of Quality: Scrap rate
Difference between energy and exergy

• Exergy is “available energy” that can be converted • Exergy

is dependent on the parameters of energy flow and environmental parameters,
whereas energy is only dependent on the flow •
Energy is a measure of quantity, exergy a measure of quality

5 problems due to insufficient transparency

• Cognitive stress • • No demand-oriented information

Inefficient management • provision
Inadequate documentation • Long quality control circles

Benefits of lean administration (also TPM management)

• Reduce cycle time • • Increase quality •

Reduce operating costs • Standardize
Increase productivity 3 phases
of Lean development and the influence of research

1. Develop and assess ideas: Idea management 2.

Develop concepts: Product specific development 3.
Develop “ready for production” solutions: Lean product production

Product Carbon Footprint and Corporate Carbon Footprint

• Direct amount of greenhouse gas emitted by product during its entire life cycle • Carbon
emissions of a company as a whole

Average CO2 emission per kWh in Germany and France

• Germany: 525g – 600g CO2/kWh •

France: 25g – 100g CO2/kWh

OEE Formula

• OEE = Availability * Performance Efficiency Rate of Quality

Advantages and disadvantages of rearrangements of machines for an intersection free material flow

• Productivity and quality goes up • • Damage to machines while moving •

Saving in costs of operation Production downtime
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Questions from the case studies

• Question about standby and turn off

• Draw value stream map, exactly as in case study • ABC analysis,
exactly as in case study • Carbon emission calculation, similar as
in case study • Electricity data analysis, exactly as in case study •
OEE task , exactly as in case study • Cp, Cpk task, similar to case
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memory log February 11, 2016

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