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Venus is the second planet in the solar
system in order of proximity to the Sun
ORBIT and the third smallest after Mercury
Although all planetary orbits are and Mars. Like Mercury, it lacks natural
elliptical, the orbit of Venus is the satellites. It is named in honor of Venus,
closest to a circle, with an eccentricity of the Roman goddess of love (in Ancient PLANET
less than 1.2%. Greece, Aphrodite). As the second

The cycle between two maximum

brightest natural object after the Moon,
it can be seen in a clear night sky with VENUS
elongations (synodic orbital period) the naked eye. It appears at dawn and at
lasts 584 days. After those 584 days dusk. Due to the distances of Venus and
Venus appears in a position at 72° from Earth's orbits from the Sun, Venus is
the previous elongation. Since there are never visible more than three hours
five periods of 72° in a circle, Venus before sunrise or three hours after
returns to the same point in the sky sunset.
every eight years (minus two days It is a rocky and terrestrial inner planet,
corresponding to leap years). This often called the sister planet of Earth,
period was known
At inferior as the Sotis
conjunction, Venuscycle
canin since both are similar in size, mass and
Ancient Earth than any other
come closer composition, although totally different
in thermal and atmospheric matters INTEGRANTES:
planet. On December 16, 1850, it
reached the closest distance to Earth (the average temperature of Venus is - OCUPA AMASIFEN NELSON
since the year 1800, with a value of 463.85 °C). Its orbit is an ellipse with an - CHAVEZ TRUJILLO GEORGE
39,514,827 kilometers (0.26413854 eccentricity of less than 1%, forming the ALUMNO: THIAGO ALEXANDER PÉ REZ
AU). Since then there has never been most circular orbit of all the planets; it CARDENAS
such a close approach. An almost as barely exceeds that of Neptune. Its GRADO : °
close approach will be in the year atmospheric pressure is 90 times higher
2101, when Venus will reach a than Earth's; It is, therefore, the highest SECCION:
distance of 39,541,578 kilometers atmospheric pressure of all the rocky
planets in the solar system. It is PROFESORA:
(0.26431736 AU).
yellowish in color due to its
atmosphere, which is mostly composed
of carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) and nitrogen (N2).
Venus has a dense atmosphere, made up
mostly of carbon dioxide and a small Structure and surface SURFACE TEMPERATURES
amount of nitrogen. It is the warmest planet in the solar The average surface temperature is
surface is ninety times higher than the system. around 467° C (872°F), hot enough to
atmospheric pressure at the Earth's It is a terrestrial planet: it is small and melt lead.
surface (a pressure equivalent on Earth rocky.
to the pressure submerged in water at a Its atmosphere is dense: it traps heat SURFACE PRESSURE
depth of one kilometer). and that is why it is so hot.
Rotation It has an active surface, which includes The atmospheric pressure at the surface
Venus rotates on itself very slowly in a volcanoes. is about 92 ties that of erarts equivalent
retrograde motion, in the same It rotates in the opposite direction to to the pressure found 900 meters (3000
clockwise direction if the north pole is the Earth and most of the planets. feet) underwater on Earth.
taken as a reference, from east to west Weather on Venus
instead of west to east like the rest of A day lasts 243 Earth days.
the planets (except Uranus, which is A year lasts 225 Earth days.
very inclined), taking 243,187 Earth
days to make a complete rotation on retrograde movement
itself. The reason for the peculiar It is in the east direction, lasts 6 weeks
rotation of Venus is not known. If the and its intermediate moment is the
Sun could be seen from the surface of inferior conjunction. Therefore, it
Venus, it would appear rising from the begins 3 weeks before the inferior
west and settling in the east, with a day- conjunction, covering the last 3 weeks
night cycle of 116.75 Earth days10 and of a synodic cycle and concludes 3
a Venusian year of less than one stellar weeks after the conjunction, covering
day (0.92 Venusian stellar days). the first 3 weeks of the next. In the rest
of the synodic cycle Venus appears to go
in a straight line towards the East for 77
weeks and the intermediate moment is
the superior conjunction

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