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Universidad estatal de Bolivar

Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias,

Recursos Naturales y del Medio
Semana 12
Nombre: Dennyce Chala
Curso: A1agroB
Teacher: Oswaldo Culqui
Fecha: 07/08/2023
Pag 12

A.-Look at the Pictures in the article.What do you see?

B.-Read the article .What’sthe best title?Check the correct answer

Try one of these activities in your free

Buy and sell Find an old friend Take favorite photos and
What do you want? A new Where is your best videos
video game? A new phone? friend from? Do you have pictures or
What don’t you old Elementary school movies on your cell phone
schoolbooks ?Buy and sell now? Does your friend or camera? post them
things online ¡ live in your city? ¡Upload

Search his or her name ,and Your favorite photos and

find your friend . videos for friends

Share a tour find a map app to stream music.

Tour a museum from your Where do you want to Do you want to discover a
home! Go to the Egyptian go? new band or listen to your
Museum in Cairo, Search the address and city favorite Singer on your
Barcelona’s ,and find a map .Get cellphone ?Use an app to
Picasso Museum, or directions to stores ,parks stream music.
Kyoto’s ,or a new restaurant .
National Museum.

C.- Read the article again. Where do the article again? Where do the
heading go?Write them in the artificle.

Map it! Take a Share photos and videos

Get Buy and Find an
Music sell old

D.- Pair work. What activities do you do online? Tell your partner.

 I have never bought online for fear of being scammed.

But sometimes I play onlinewith my college friends.

 I always check my social networks to see new posts and photos.

From time to time Ipost photos and videos on Facebook.

Pag 53
A. Listen to Helen and Michael talk about the pictures on four wbsites.

A. Listen again. Correct the false sentences

1. Michael looks at videos of Stephen 3. Michael shops on the website


2. The Museum of Modern Arts is in 4. Helena often uploads videos


3. Writing Let’s chat!

A. Choose a topic for a chat: free times, online activities ,or school .Write
a question about .Your topic .
1. What do you do in your spare time?
Actually, I don't have free time, only at night, well, rarely, but those little moments I
escape to read a little. I really like reading online

B. Group work Send your question to the classmate on the right in a text
message or on paper. Read and answer your classmate’s question. Continue
to read and answer all of the question in your group.

A: What do you doin your free times?

A: In my spare time I read fantasy books, I love them, my favorite book is the little
prince, it's a very cute story, at night I take an hour from 9:00 to 8 :00. I enjoy every
B: What do you do in your free times?
In my spare time what he always does is sleep.
A: What do you doin your free times?
A: I eat out at the mall
B: What do you do in your free times?
My favorite food KOBE

4. Speaking My favorite website

. Group work Add a question about online habits to the list. Then ask and answer the
What’s your favorite website or app? What new websites do you read?
My favorite application is WhatsApp Through the social network
where I can send messages, photos, Facebook, I found out about the latest
videos in general files to my friends. occurred news instantly.

What other websites or apps do you What blogs do you read?

usually use?
I don't read any blog
I use the virtual library of the UEB for
my academic work. Applications that I
use to communicate are Facebook,
WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram are the
ones that I use the most.
PAG 54
Quick pair

Make a list of online activities. How many do you know? You have one minute.

 Use de social media

 Check email

 Play games

 Stream music

 Watch videos

 Shop online

 Post photos

Lesson B Test your partner!

Write three prices and say them to your partner. Can your
partner write themcorrectly?

Check his or her answers. You have two minutes.

My prices My partner’s prices

Book $24.25 Book $25
Coat $80.50 Coat $60.80
Cell pone $250 Cell phone $150
Shoes $100.15 Shoes $70


What are three activities both you and your partner do for fun? You
have twominutes.

A: I play games for fun Do you?

B: No, I don't play games Do you go

shopping for fun?A: Yes, sometimes.

Lesson D Do you remember?

Buy Find Share

Find Take

Complete the sentences with the correct words. You have one minute

1. Buy Find and sell online.

2. Take photos and videos.

3. Find an old friend

4. Share a tour
2.- In the real word
How much are they? Find two different prices for each of these items. Them write about
 a laptop
 a small camera
 an umbrella
 a belt
 Jeans
 a downloaded song

Different Prices
My partner's
A black belt is $20,00 at Style Shop. It’s $15,00 at Stefyy's Acces5ories. A blue
laptop is $15,00 At Style shop. It’s $10,20 at Nicole’s store. An umbrella is $30.23 at
fiftieth shop. It’s $20.0 at Maria’s store.
A belt costs $10.00 at Moll It costs $9.0 at karla's store. The blue jeans are $80.34
at shein. It costs $41.00 at moll
I download music in YouTube it comes out totally free. In exchange on Spotify it is
priced at $30.00 per month.

PAG 55

Lesson A Lesson B Lesson C Lesson D

 Jobs  Asking  Abilities  Reading’’Fu
 Simple for  Can for n Jobs’’
present someon ability;and,but,an  Writing:My
wh- e on the d or abilities
question phone
s with  Having
does someon
e wait
Warm Up

A.-Where do the people usually work?

 in hospitals
B.- Do you know of the Jobs in the pictures?Do you know any other Jobs?
 in the offices
 inInthe
 He is chef
 In the restaurant
 In the event

PAG 56

1.-Vocabulary Jobs

A.-Match the Jobs and the people.Then listen and check your answer

a.- c.- doctor e.- Flight g.- Nurse I.- Police k.- Waitres
accountant attendant officer
b.- d.- f.- waiter h.- Pilot J.- L Taxi
cook/chef electrician Receptionist driver
B.- PAIR WORK Point to people in the pictures and ask what their jobsare.Your partner
says the Jobs.Take turns

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a waiter


A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a doctor

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a electrician

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a pilot

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a pólice officer

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a receptionist

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a accountant

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a cook/chef

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a Fight aftendant

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a nurse

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a waitress

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a txi driver

A: What’s his job?

B: He’s a waiter


2.-Languague in context At work

A.-Read two job profiles.What are their Jobs?

PAG 57

What does she cook? What did she cook? What is she cooking?
She cooks a delicius spagetti She cooked a She is a cooking a chocolate
broaester cake
Where does she cook? Where did she cook? Where is she cooking?
She cooks in the restaurant She cooked at home She is cooking at the evento
When does she cook? When did she cook? When is she cooking?
She cooks from 11:00 to 7:00 She cooked from 8:00 to She is cooking from 12:00 to
10:00 18:00
Who does she cook with? Who did she cook with? Who is she cookking with?
She cooks with my brother She cooked with my She is cooking with my aunt
Why does she cook for? Why did she cook for? Why is she cooking for?
She cooks because she is She cooked because her She is cooking because her
hungry mom is hungry brother is hungry

A.-Complete the conversations with the correct words.Then practice with a partner

1.- A: What does your brother do? A: When does sue work ?
B: Oh,Tom’s a doctor. B: On Mondays,Wednesday,and Fridays.
A: Really? where Does he work ? A: And what company does she work
B: He Works in a hospital? B: She Works for twon Bank
B.- PAIR WORK Write questions about Mr.Miller,Lisa,and Nicole.Then ask answer them

What Does Mr. Millerdo?

What does lisa do? Where does Nicole work?
He is a teacher She is a waitress She Works has
When does she work? recepsionist
Where does he work ?
SHE WORKS FROM 3:00 to What company does she
He works in a university 9:00p.m work?
She Works at the company

A: What does Mr.Miller do ?

B: He’s an English teacher .

4.-Speaking People’s Jobs

CLASS ACTIVITY And teo Jobs to the chart.Them find classmates who know people with
those Jobs.Ask for more information.

Job Classmates Person Extra information

Chef Mariana Marco He Works at Speedy sushi.
Nurse Karla Adriana She Works at hospital
Police officer Natalia Jonathan He Works in Manta
Taxi driver Genessis Dario He Works in Quito.
Pilot Mario Carlos He Works in Mexico.
Doctor Sara Juan He Works at Hospital.

A: Do you know a chef. A: Where does he work?

B: Yes.My friend Marco is a chef . B: He Works at Speedy sushi.

A: Do you know a Nourse. A: Where does she work?

B: Yes.My Sister Adriana is a noruse . B: She Works at

hospital A: Do you know a Police officer. A: Where does he work?

B: Yes.My brother Jonathan is a pólice officer . B: He Works in Manta

A: Do you know a Taxi driver. A: Where does he work?

B: Yes.My aunt Dario is a Taxi driver. B: He Works in Quito.

A: Do you know a Pilot. A: Where does he work?

B: Yes.My cous Carlos is a pilot . B: He Works in Mexico.

A: Do you know a Doctor. A: Where does he work?

B: Yes.My aunt Juan is a doctor . B: He Works at Hospital.

PAG 58
1.-Interactions On the phone

A Look at the pictures.Where does Michael work?

B.- Listen and practice.

C.- Listen to the expressionsThen practice the conversation again with the new
D.- PAIR WORK Practice the conversation again with the names below

Gabriela Garcia Anthony Davis Kumiko Takahashi Roberto Santos

A: Good morning ,Quality Hotel.

B: Hello.Can.I speak to Gabriel Garcia ?
A: Who is this ,please?
A: Good morning ,Quality Hotel.
B: Hello.Can.I speak to Anthony Davis ?
A: Who is this ,please?
A: Good morning ,Quality Hotel.
B: Hello.Can.I speak to Kumilo Takahashi ?
A: Who is this ,please?
A: Good morning ,Quality Hotel.
B: Hello.Can.I speak to Roberto Santos ?
A: Who is this ,please?

PAG 59

A.- Listen to kevin call star computers on five different days.Where is ellen Astor each
Number the pictures from 1to 5
3 At lunch 1 In a meeting 2 On another line 5 On vacations

4 With a customer

B.- Listen again.How does kevin ask to speak to Ellen Astor? Number the questions
5 Is Ms.Astor there?
4Could I please speak to..?
1Can I please speak to Ellen Astor?
3 Can I speak to Ellen Astor?
2 Could I speak to Ms.Astor,please?
3 SPEAKING Role-play the situation.Then change roles.
Student A: You are a receptionist at sun travel.Answer the phone.Tell the caller to
wait,and then say why the person can’t talk.
Student B: Call Sun travel.Imagine someone you know works there.Ask to speak to the
A:Hello,Sun travel
B: Hi.Can I please speak to jackie miller?
A: Of course.Just a minute,please…
I’m sorry.Jackie’s with a customer
B: Oh,ok.Thanks.

PAG 60
PAG 61

A.- read the amswers.Write the questions .Then practice with a partner

1. Can jenny swim? No ,Jenny can’t swim

2. What can billy do ? Billy can fix computers.
3. Can Tom and jill sing well Yes,Tom and jill can sing very well.
4. Can you olay an instrument? No,I can’t play an instrument
5. What can you and jay do? Jay and I can dance and speak French.
6. Can sally paint at all? No, Sally can’t paint at all.

B.- PAIR WORK Make six sentences about Frank with and,but,or .Tell your partner


 Frank can draw and Frank can swim.

 Frank can paint but Frank can’t sing.
Frank can’t dance or play the guitar

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