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Mi presentación

What’s your name?

My name is Delia Uño Caiguara

Is your first name Mary?

What’s your cell number?

My number is 73862833

Where are you from?

I am from Bolivia

How old are you?

I am nineteen years old

What’s your marital status?

I am single

What’s your job?

I am a student

Is your nam Paty?

No it isn. It’s Adriana

Is your cell number 76826453?

No it isn’t. it’s 72816242

Are you from Peru?

No i’m not. I am from Potosi in Bolivia

Pregunta y repuesta

Where de donde eres, donde vives, donde naciste, donde estudias, donde

When cuando es tu cumpleaños

Who con quien vives?

Who is your father?

Why por qué estudias turismo

Respuesta vicauis

How old

How are you how much cuánto cuesta una botella de agua mineral

How many sister ur brother do tou have?

Presente simple – verbos

Simple present

studyto y= ites to work

I study I work
You study You work

He studies He works

She studies She works

It studies It wowrks

We study We work

You study You work

They study They work

Primera persona: I, you

Tercera persona: he, she, it

To Watch To dance

I watch I dance

You watch You dance

He watches He dances

She watches She dances

It watches It dances

We watch We dance

You watch You dance

They watch They dance

To sing

I sing

You sing

He sing

She sing

It sing

We sing

You sing

They sing
the days of the week

lunes = Monday

martes = Tuesday

miércoles = Wednesday

jueves = Thursday

viernes = Friday

sábado = Saturday

domingo = Sunday
months of the year

They time

05:00 It’s five o’clock

05: 05 It’s five past five

05:10 It’s ten past five

05:15 It’s quarter past five

05:20 It’s twenty past five

05:25 It’s twenty five past five

05:30 It’s half past five

Los números

1 One 7 seven 13 thirteen

2 Two 8 eight 14 fourteen

3 three 9 nine 15 fifteen

4 four 10 ten 16 sixteen

5 five 11eleven 17 seventeen

6 six 12 twelve 18 eighteen

19 nineteen 50 fifty 90 ninety

20 twenty 60 sixty 100 one hundred

30 thirty 70 seventy

40 fourty 80 eighty

What are the days of the week?

They are Sunday Monday tuesdey wednesdey Thursday

What time is it?

It is five past eight

It’s five past eight

How much it twenty one plus five?

It’s twenty six

What are the months of the year?

They are jonuary, ferbruary, march, april, may, june, july, august, september,
october, nobember, december.
Tema 1


1. Vocabulary: Common verbs in the tourism sector

Write the verbs in correct place

work - speak – arrange - travel - deal with

- take

I work in a tourist information office

I speak Spanish, English and French.

I deal whit business customer

I arrange different groups

I take hotel bookings

I travel to La Paz city.

Reading and vocabulary about Luciana ‘ life and life in Potosí city

Read about Luciana Cisneros life

My name is Luciana Cisneros. I am a travel agent and work in”

El Mundo” tourism travel Agency, in Tarija. I speak Spanish,
three foreign languages: German, Chinese and English; and
only one native language like Quechua. My movil phone
number is 72435686. The manager of “El Mundo Agency” deals
mainly with foreign guests. I like my job because I’m interested
in travel. I arrange guests’ travels and hotel bookings all over
Bolivia. Apart from that, we often get foreign tourists who want
to change their travel arrangements.

Mi nombre es Luciana Cisneros. Soy agente de viajes y trabajo en la Agencia de viajes de turismo “El
Mundo”, en Tarija. Hablo español, tres idiomas extranjeros: alemán, chino e inglés; y una sola lengua
nativa como el quechua. Mi número de teléfono móvil es 72435686. El gerente de “Agencia El Mundo”
trata principalmente con huéspedes extranjeros. Me gusta mi trabajo porque me interesa viajar.
Organizo viajes de huéspedes y reservas de hoteles en toda Bolivia. Aparte de eso, a menudo
recibimos turistas extranjeros que quieren cambiar sus planes de viaje.

Work in pairs, imagine that you are Luciana. Ask and answer the questions.

What is your name? Luciana Cisneros

What is your job? I am a travel agent

Where do you work? I work at the tourism travel agency “El Mundo”, in Tarija.

What foreign languages do you speak? German, Chinese and English; and a single native language
like Quechua.

What native language do you speak? I speak Quechua

What is your cell phone number? My mobile phone number is 72435686

Do you like your job? I like my job

Why do you like your job? because I am interested in traveling.

Write true sentences about yourself and tell the class

My name is Delia Uño Caiguara I’m nineteen years old. My phone number is 73862833 My address is
calle costas I live in Potosí city. I study tourism at Tomas Frias university, I live with my parents. I learn
English, French and quechua

• Potosí department and life in Potosí city

Do you live in La Paz city or Potosi city?

I don’t is La Paz city. I live in Potosí

How many provinces does Potosi d. have?

It has 16 provinces

What are they?

They are
Where is DP located?

It is located to the sou thuest of Bolivia

What is the main capital of dp?

• Tick then sentences which are true

a. Most Potosina people live in flats

b. Most houses are old

c. Most miners ‘workers go to work at about nine o’clock.

d. Miner people don’t go home for lunch

e. Children start school when they are four or five

f. Potosí city is very hot in winter.

g. Shops open at about a quarter to nine in the morning.

h. Most restaurants close at about nine o’clock in the evening.

• Match the following questions and answer

a. She works in “El Mundo” 1. What does Luciana do?

tourism travel Agency. 2. Where does she work?
b. She is a travel agent. 3. How many foreign
c. She speaks quechua language languages does she speak?

d. She speaks three foreign 4. What native language does

languages she speak?

e. The manager of “El Mundo 5. Who does the manager of

Agency” deals mainly with foreign “El Mundo Agency” deal with?
guests. 6. What does she arrange?
f. She arranges guests’ travels 7. What do foreign tourists
and hotel bookings all over Bolivia want?
g. Foreign tourists want to change
their travel arrangements.
Listen a short conversation between an interviewer and a tour guide and complete it with the following

Organize sometimes use take asks usually 2 work

Never often start to earn want.

Interviewer: what do you do at the beginning of the day, Miriam?

Miriam: I sometimes get up early every day and then go to American Travel Agency. I start a city
tour to English speakers. American, Australian, British. I speak English, so I use my English all the
time. At five past nine I a groups to different interesting places. So that, there are different city tours
and every time I go out somebody asks a new question, so I earn get bored.

Interviewer: How many days a week do you work?

Miriam: I 2work seven days a week, that is every day, from Monday to Sunday, I often work at
half past eight and finish work at one o’ clock, but on a busy day I organize from half past eight to three,
especially on Saturdays.

Interviewer. Do you like your job?

Miriam: Yes, I like it very much, because I am enjoying the job at the moment. I earn a lot money
in the summer, but I don’t want to do this for the rest of my lif

Learning two


1. Listening and practice the conversation.

Interviewer. So what do you do at the beginning of the day Darina?
Darina. I usually go to reception and meet the head housekeeper. There’s usually a printout from the
computer telling us which rooms are stay – overs and which ones are check – outs. We
call the rooms SOs and COs
Interviewer. SOs and COs?
Darina. That’s right. An SO, or stay –over, is the general routine clean. We change the sheets every
two days, towels every day if necessary, and clean the bathrooms.
Interviewer. And what about the bedrooms?
Darina. In the bedroom we make the bed, clean and tidy up. If people are staying over, we just give
it a quick tidy and don’t disturb their things.
Interviewer. So, how many days a week do you work?
Darina: Six days a week 1
Interviewer: And do you have to work on Saturdays and Sundays?
Darina: I always work on Saturdays and Sundays.
Interviewer: So do you have any free days?
Darina: I always take Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Interviewer: And what time do you finish work at the hotel?
Darina: I often work from nine to one, or nine to two, but on a very busy day, especially if it’s a
Monday with a lot of check outs, sometimes I don’t finish until three in the afternoon.
Interviewer: What are you responsible for as Assistant Housekeeper?
Darina: Well, I help the head housekeeper. We‘re responsible for about six people, six
chambermaids, but sometimes eight in the summer with full occupancy. One of my main
duties is to train new staff. Usually, on their first day, they stay with me all day. Then on the
second days, they work with one of the chambermaids. I also have a bleeper so that people
can contact me in case they have problems or any questions. When people have cleaned
their rooms, I check everything‘s OK before the new guests check in.

Entrevistador. Entonces, ¿qué haces al comienzo del día, Darina?

Darina. Normalmente voy a recepción y me encuentro con la jefa de limpieza. Por lo general, hay una
copia impresa de la computadora que nos dice qué habitaciones son de estadía y cuáles de salida.
Llamamos a las salas SO y CO

Entrevistador. ¿SO y CO?

Darina. Así es. Un SO, o quedarse en casa, es la limpieza de rutina general. Cambiamos las sábanas
cada dos días, las toallas todos los días si es necesario y limpiamos los baños.

Entrevistador. ¿Y qué pasa con los dormitorios?

Darina. En el dormitorio hacemos la cama, limpiamos y ordenamos. Si la gente se queda a dormir,

simplemente lo ordenamos rápidamente y no molestamos sus cosas.

Entrevistador. Entonces, ¿cuántos días a la semana trabajas?

Darina: Seis días a la semana

Entrevistadora: ¿Y tienes que trabajar los sábados y domingos?

Darina: Siempre trabajo los sábados y domingos.

Entrevistador: Entonces, ¿tienes días libres?

Darina: Siempre tomo los martes o miércoles.

Entrevistador: ¿Y a qué hora terminas de trabajar en el hotel?

Darina: A menudo trabajo de nueve a una, o de nueve a dos, pero en un día muy ocupado,
especialmente si es un lunes con muchas salidas, a veces no termino hasta las tres de la tarde.

Entrevistador: ¿De qué eres responsable como asistente de ama de llaves?

Darina: Bueno, ayudo a la jefa de limpieza. Somos responsables de unas seis personas, seis
camareras de piso, pero a veces ocho en verano con ocupación completa. Una de mis principales
funciones es la formación de nuevo personal. Normalmente, el primer día, se quedan conmigo todo el
día. Luego, el segundo día, trabajan con una de las camareras. También tengo un busca para que la
gente pueda contactarme en caso de que tengan problemas o alguna pregunta. Cuando la gente ha
limpiado sus habitaciones, compruebo que todo esté bien antes de que lleguen los nuevos huéspedes.

• Work in pairs, answer these questions.

a. What are SOs?

R. SOs are stay-oveers, which refer to romos that guests continue to occupy.
b. What are COs?
R. Cos are check.outs, which refer to romos that guests are leaving.
c. What do the housekeepers usually do if they have an SO?
R. If housekeepers have an SO, they usually perform a general routine clean, which includes
changing sheets every two days, towels every day if necessary, and cleaning the
d. How many days a week does Darina work?
R. Adriana Works six days a week
e. How often does she work at the weekend?
R. she always Works on Saturdays and Sundays.
f. When does she have some free time?
R. She always takes Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
g. What hours does she sometimes work on Mondays?
R. She sometimes Works from nine to one, or nine to two on Mondays, bu ton busy days,
especially if it’s a Monday with a loto f check-outs, sometimes she doesn’t finish until three
in afternoon.



The words in the travel agent’s questions below are in the wrong order. Write them out in the
correct order and match them with the right customer’s response.
1 ticket you show please me your can?
2 sign you form could this please?
3 have telephone can number your I?
4 check at would 8.30 please p.m. in you?
5 earlier you an could flight take?
a. Certainly. May I borrow your pen?
b. Yes. It’s 2018550.
c. But that’s two hours before departure!
d. I’m afraid not. I can’t get to the airport before 3 p.m.
e. Yes. Here it is.

1. Can you please show me your ticket?

R. Yes. Here it is.

2. Could you please sign this from?

R. Certainly. May I borrow your pen?

3. Can I have your telephone number?

R. Yes. It’s 2018550.

4. Would you please check in at 8:30 p.m.?

R. But that’s two hours before ddeparture!

5. Could you take an earlier flight?

R. I’m afraid not. I can’t get to the airport before 3 p.m.

Complete the statements and questions below using have got.

Example: … his Passport and ticket ?(he)

Has he got his passport and ticket?

1 Have they got a very good brochure on Italy. (they)

LONDON UK R (O1) 499 95 11

NANTESNTE 12345.. 06 50 H T 11 00 F2 Y AF 1863 ➢

CHATEAU- ……..6 12 55 H R 15 25 8 Y AF 1865 ➢

BOUGON +1 ………7 14 55 H T 17 05 SF Y AF 1863

6MLS/9.5KM 12345.. 17 30 K 20 40 3 Y VM 6155
12345.. 17 30 K 20 40 F2 Y /VM
12/2 8 5055
1/2 2 D0 VM 6155
8 /VM
D0 5055
NICE 123456 09 55 H P 12 45 310 CYL AF 1831 ➢
NCE 7 12 30 H R 15 25 320 CYL BA 342
NICE COTE 123456 18 45 H R 21 40 320 CYL BA 352
+1 7
D’AZUR 1 123456
2 Has your son got a return ticket? (your son)
3 Have I got a room facing the sea? (I)
4 Has the hotel got a swimming-pool. (the hotel)
5 Do these tickests have an expiry date? (these tickets)
6 Have we got a stopover in Singapore. (we)

Look at this extract from the Air France timetable and at the key to the abbreviations and

Match the following questions and answers.

1. which airline are you travelling a. To New York.
with? b. Heathrow
2. what’s your name, please? c. Business class.
3. When do I check in? d. One hour before departure
4. Where are you going? e. By the window, please.
5. What date is your flight? f. Greta Scala.
6. Which airport do I leave from? g. Air France.
h. Thursday.
7. What day is that?
i. 22nd June.
8. Where would you like to sit?
9. Which class, madam?

Put the words in these question is the correct order.

1. time the leave what flight does?

2. arrive London do when in you?
3. are hotel which in you staying?
4. to would on you where holiday like go?
5. number your what contact is telephone?
6. you travel like Tokyo to would to?
7. Tuesday which Madrid on airlines to fly?
8. your going brother is where in March to?

In order:

1. What time does the fllight leave?

2. When do you arrive in London?

3. Which hotel are you staying in?

4. Where would you like to go on holiday?

5. What is your telephone contact number?

6. Would you like to travel to tokyo?



1. Go up as far as the cinema, then turn right, and it’s on the left
2. Keep straight on, past the cathedral, then turn left at the bus station, and it’s on the right

We use the imperative to give instructions:
Go downstairs/ upstairs, turn right and you’ll see ski hire office
Be careful not hit other skiers

• We don’t use the imperative with a subject pronoun

Turn left and then right

• We use the auxiliary verb don’t with the imperative

Don’t drop your ski poles

Go straight down this road as far


Take first turning on the

the second right
third left

left at the bus

Turn right after station


1. The shopping center

head towards the cinema and turn right

2. The tourist information center

Go straight 2 and a half blocks and turn right

3. The railway station

Go straight until you run out of street and turn right

4. The post office

Go straight and turn left

5. The grand hotel

Go straight until you reach the end of the street and turn right

5. YOU ARE THE TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER. Working in pairs. Use the map to
ask each other the way to:

The post office

How do I get to the post office?

Walk to the left past the bench and turn right.

The castle

How do I get to the castle?

move to the right and turn left

The bank

How can i go to the bank?

move left and straight

The museum

How do I get to the museum?

Go left 2 blocks and turn right


can you name the places 1-6 on the plan.

Enter the terminal by the Departures entrance. The Information Desk is in front of you. Turn left for
domestic flights, turn right for the bank and the car hire office. The airport shops are on the left, opposite
the airline desks. Turn right after the airline desks and you will see the check-in desk next to the lost
property office. There is a café in the center of the ground floor for the restaurant and bar.
When your flight is called, follow the signs to departures and have your boarding card ready, then go
through passport control and airport security. You can visit the duty-free shop, on the right of the
departure lounge, to buy tax-free goods. Then follow the corridor along to your departure gate.

7. Before you look at the text, try to answer these questions.

a. How many tourist information centers (TICs) do you think there are in Britain?

It is estimated that there are around 1,500 tourist information centers throughout the
country. These centers play a crucial role in promoting tourism and serving tourists,
providing useful information and support during their stay.

b. Do you think they close at weekends?


c. Do you think it is expensive to book accommodation at a TIC?

yes due to the comfort of the rooms

d. Do you think you can book accommodation in advance if you write to a TIC?

Yes, because in ICT in the tourism sector, its advantages and the great

impact generated by the good use of these.

There are over 700 tourist information centers (TICs) in Britain
You will usually find TICs centrally positioned in towns or beside main roads, and at point of entry
into Britain – look out for this sign:
In London there are the British travel center and tourist information centers which specialize in
England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland.
Most TICs are open Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 17.00, although in summer many are open longer
and at weekend. Some are open from Easter to September only.

Wherever you got, TICs will help you find accommodation for the night. Many centers will make a
reservation for the same night in their locality- in England a small charge is usually made ( about
95p); in Scotland the service is free ( a small deposit it refunded at the end of the stay); in wales
and Northern Ireland the service is free. A number of them also offer a reservation service enabling
you to arrange accommodation for the same of the next night in different locality (providing the
service also operates there). This linked accommodation service is known as book-a-bed-ahead.

Please note that the centers do not make advance bookings by mail or telephone. You are advised
to call in personally at the TIC and book your night’s accommodation before 16.00.


The Potosí Bus Terminal, also known as Potosí Bus Terminal, is an important connection point for
land transportation in the city of Potosí, Bolivia. This terminal offers transportation services to various
cities and regions of the country, facilitating passenger mobility both locally and nationally. It is a
strategic place for those who want to travel by land from Potosí, providing comfort and security to


Read the article and choose the best title for it

Antoni Gaudí was a Catalan architect was born in Catalonia on the Mediterranean Coast of
Spain on June 25th, 1852. Barcelona ‘s most famous architect, the city is full of his work,
including the many houses he built for rich industrialists, like the famous “La Pedrera (Casa
Milá) building and Palacio Guell.

From 1908 until 1926 Gaudí worked only on the Sagrada Familia. he got up at seven o’clock
in the morning every day and walked to mass in Gracia. He ate lunch in his workshop and
worked until six or seven in the evening. He often didn’t eat for long periods of time. His furniture
was an old bed and an uncomfortable sofa and he had an old coat for a blanket.

On the evening the 7th June, 1926 a tram hit him as he tried to cross a road. He was dirty and
wearing old clothes. No one recognized him.
Taxi drivers refused to take him to hospital. Eventually, someone took him to public hospital.
When they discovered who he was, they moved him to a private room. He died three days later.
His church is still unfinished but modern architects are continuing the work today.

Antoni Gaudí fue un arquitecto catalán que nació en Cataluña, en la costa mediterránea de
España, el 25 de junio de 1852. El arquitecto más famoso de Barcelona, la ciudad está llena
de su obra, incluidas las numerosas casas que construyó para industriales ricos, como la
famosa “Edificio La Pedrera (Casa Milá) y Palacio Güell.
Desde 1908 hasta 1926 Gaudí trabajó únicamente en la Sagrada Familia. se levantaba todos
los días a las siete de la mañana y caminaba a misa en Gracia. Almorzaba en su taller y
trabajaba hasta las seis o siete de la tarde. A menudo no comía durante largos períodos de
tiempo. Sus muebles eran una cama vieja y un sofá incómodo y tenía un abrigo viejo como

La tarde del 7 de junio de 1926, un tranvía lo atropelló cuando intentaba cruzar una calle. Estaba
sucio y vestía ropa vieja. Nadie lo reconoció.
Los taxistas se negaron a llevarlo al hospital. Al final alguien lo llevó al hospital público. Cuando
descubrieron quién era, lo trasladaron a una habitación privada. Murió tres días después. Su
iglesia aún está sin terminar, pero los arquitectos modernos continúan el trabajo hoy.

Which is the best title for it?

1 The life of Antoni Gaudí

2 The making of the Sagrada Familia
3 Famous sights of Barcelona

1. Read about Diego Huallpa

According to the legend tells that the Peruvian Indian, Diego Huallpa, discovered the silver of the
Rich Mountain, so that he was the original discoverer of the Potosi silver. One day he was herding
his llamas, when he realized two of them missing. He set off to look for them. By night fall the cold
took over and Diego had to stop to make a fire. He made his fire at the foot of the Mountain P’utuqsi.

The tale says that the fire grew so strong that the earth beneath it started to melt, and shiny liquid
started oozing from the ground. Then Diego realized that he had discovered something the Spanish
conquerors had a great appetite for. The Spanish eventually found out about the silver, which later
lead to Potosí becoming an important mining center.

Según la leyenda cuenta que el indio peruano, Diego Huallpa, descubrió la plata del Monte
Rico, por lo que fue el descubridor original de la plata potosina. Un día estaba pastoreando sus
llamas, cuando se dio cuenta de que dos de ellas habían desaparecido. Partió a buscarlos. Al
caer la noche el frío se apoderó de él y Diego tuvo que parar a hacer fuego. Hizo su fuego al
pie de la montaña P'utuqsi.

La historia dice que el fuego se volvió tan fuerte que la tierra debajo de él comenzó a derretirse
y un líquido brillante comenzó a manar del suelo. Entonces Diego se dio cuenta de que había
descubierto algo por lo que los conquistadores españoles tenían un gran apetito. Los españoles
finalmente descubrieron la plata, lo que luego llevó a Potosí a convertirse en un importante
centro minero.

2. Biography of Melchor. Pérez de Holguín

Read these sentences and underlined the verbs of the past simple.
Bolivian painter, Melchor Perez de Holguin was the most prolific of the ancient court of Charcas in high
Peru (Bolivia). He was born in Cochabamba and died in Potosi.

Holguin printed a great mysticism in his paintings.

He imposed a style that would greatly influence his disciples, which flooded the Potosí market from
copies and imitations. But his style evolved little, his iconography is rich and varied.

He painted to founders and reformation of religious orders, items of sacred history and religious
reference, as well as allegories and historical of great documentary value due to its richness in folkloric
details and social events of the time.


El pintor boliviano Melchor Pérez de Holguín fue el más prolífico de la antigua corte de Charcas en el
alto Perú (Bolivia). Nació en Cochabamba y murió en Potosí.

Holguín imprimió un gran misticismo en sus pinturas.

Impuso un estilo que influiría mucho en sus discípulos, los cuales inundaron el mercado potosino de
copias e imitaciones. Pero su estilo evolucionó poco, su iconografía es rica y variada.

Pintó a fundadores y reformas de órdenes religiosas, elementos de historia sagrada y referencia

religiosa, así como alegorías e históricos de gran valor documental por su riqueza en detalles
folclóricos y acontecimientos sociales de la época.

3. Answers
• Where was Melchor Perez de Holguin born?

Melchor Perez de Holguin was born in Cochabamba

• Where did Melchor de Holguin die?

He died in Potosi.

• What did Holguín do?

He imposed a style that would greatly influence his disciples.

• What did Melchor Perez and Holguin paint?

He painted to founders and reformation of religious orders, items of sacred history and religious

• What painting did he do and what year did he do in Holguin?

The last judgement was painted in 1706



Lucy Tan Works in a busy tourist information office in the center of Bolivia. Listen to this dialogue and
tick the places she mentions.

Misiones Jesuitas

Liberty house

Rich montain

Floating island

To salt of Uyunni

Murillo house

Popo lake

Kari kari montain


Should is used to express duty and to indicate a correct or sensible is therefore a
usual way of expressing advice.

We use the modal verb should for giving recommendations and advice.
You should drink lots of water

You shouldn’t carry a lot of cash

We use should the infinitive without to after a modal verb

You ought to contact the police
You should
You could (always) take a bus
I suggest you

• Match these sentences. a. You ought to contact the airline.

1. I can’t find my passport. b. You could try La Belle Angele.

2. My wife is feeling very ill. c. I suggest you try your hotel.
3. How do I get to the airport?
4. Where can I change money d. You ought to contact the police.
on a Sunday?
5. Are there any good French e. Then you should visit
restaurants? Buckingham Palace.
6. I’m only in London for the day.
f. You could always take a bus.
7. I’ve lost my ticket.
g. You should take her to hospital.

• Listen this conversation and practice in pairs

Tourist: Oh, it’s so hot¡ Phew ¡…Could you give me some information about
the city, please? We have got a day’s stopover for sightseeing.
Tourist informer: Certainly, madam. This leaflet will give you plenty of ideas on what to see. It
includes directions to all the main attractions.
Tourist: Hmm. What would you recommend?
Tourist informer: if you are only here for a day, you ought to visit the "Rich Mountain” – that’s
the top part of the city. Then in the afternoon you could visit the magnificent religious and civic buildings
shine, such as The Mint House, considered America‘s Slag Dump, The Cathedral, San
Francisco, between others. And you should try to visit Santa Teresa Hotel.
Tourist: that sounds like a busy day¡ what about places to eat?
Tourist informer: Well, Potosi city is full the restaurants, you could take a taxi to the. Street on the
corner, it’s Doña Eugenia restaurant where serves traditional foods such as: k’alapurqa,
chicharron, and so on, or you could eat at the 10th November market. That is into the
market, upstairs with stalls selling lots of different types of food.
Tourist: Mmm. You ‘re making me hungry¡
Tourist informer: OK. Let me mark those places on this map. I suggest you travel by taxi. They’re
quite cheap, and of course they‘re only five Bolivians per person.
Tourist: thank you very much
Tourist informer: you’re welcome, have a good stay.


Turista: ¡Oh, hace tanto calor! ¡Uf!…¿Podrías darme alguna información sobre

la ciudad, por favor? Tenemos una escala de un día para hacer turismo.

Informador turístico: Por supuesto, señora. Este folleto le dará muchas ideas sobre qué ver.
Incluye direcciones a todas las atracciones principales.

Turista: Hmm. ¿Qué recomendarías?

Informador turístico: si sólo estás aquí por un día, deberías visitar la "Montaña Rica", es decir

la parte alta de la ciudad. Luego por la tarde podrá visitar los magníficos edificios religiosos y cívicos
que brillan, como The Mint House, considerado el vertedero de escoria de Estados Unidos, La
Catedral de San Francisco, entre otros. Y deberías intentar visitar el Hotel Santa Teresa.

Turista: Suena como un día ajetreado. ¿Y qué hay de los lugares para comer?

Informador turístico: Bueno, la ciudad de Potosí está llena de restaurantes, puedes tomar un taxi
hasta allí. En la esquina está el restaurante Doña Eugenia donde sirven comidas tradicionales
como: k’alapurqa, chicharrón, etc., o puedes comer en el mercado 10 de noviembre. Eso es hacia el
mercado, arriba con puestos que venden muchos tipos diferentes de comida.

Turista: Mmm. ¡Me estás dando hambre!

Informador turístico: OK. Déjame marcar esos lugares en este mapa. Te sugiero viajar en taxi. Son
bastante baratos y claro, sólo cuestan cinco bolivianos por persona.

Turista: muchas gracias

Informador turístico: de nada, que tengas una buena estancia.

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