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James J.

309 Midland Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840 (732) 429-3514 Education Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ M.S. in Mathematics, Expected May 2012 Thesis: Matchings and independent sets in almost regular graphs GPA 3.96/4.0 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ B.A. in Mathematics, May 2010 Research Papers James Alexander, Jonathan Cutler, and Tim Mink, Independent sets in graphs with given minimum degree, submitted to Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. Awards The Margaret and Herman Sokol Graduate Research Fellowship Award given to one graduate student in the College of Science and Mathematics, applicants from many disciplines. Included $5,000 summer stipend. Talks Independent Sets in graphs with Given Minimum Degree (with Tim Mink) Department of Mathematical Sciences Seminar, Montclair State University, 2011 Independent Sets in graphs with Given Minimum Degree New York Combinatorics Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, 2012 Undergraduate Research University of Georgia Mathematics REU - Athens, GA, Summer 2008. Experience Teaching Instructor and Lecturer for Math 451:02 (Topology) Montclair State University, Spring 2011 Lecturer for Math 061 (Basic Skills) Montclair State University, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011 Substitute Lecturer for Calculus I (3 times), II (4), III (2) Montclair State University, Spring 2011, Fall 2011 Tutor for SAT and AP Level Test Preperation Cambridge Education, Summer 2010, Summer 2011 TA/Grading TA/Grader for Math 431(Modern Algebra), Math 221 (Calculus II) Montclair State University, Fall 2010 TA/Grader for Math 451:01 (Topology), Math 221 (Calculus II) Montclair State University, Spring 2011 TA/Grader for Math 469 (Mathematical Modeling), Math 222 (Calculus III) Montclair State University, Fall 2011 Peer Mentor/Grader Math 135(Calculus I), Math 136 (Calculus II) Rutgers University, Spring 2008 - Fall 2010 Languages
A Procient in L TEX, Beamer and Maple Working Knowledge of Matlab and Mathematica


Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Ocer, 2011 Tutor for Montclair State Unviersity Comprehensive Exam, 2011 K.I.P. 501(c)3 Nonprot, Volunteer, 2002-2010 Graduate Coursework: Additive Combinatorics Graph Theory Complex Variables Discrete Mathematics Operations Research Analysis of Real Variables Undergraduate Coursework: Topology Advanced Calculus I,II Complex Analysis Graph Theory Set Theory Linear Algeabra Abstract Algebra


Abstract Algebra Partial Dierential Equations Measure Theory (Spring 2011) Linear Algebra (Spring 2011) Applied Industrial Math. (Spring 2011)

Mathematical Logic Mathematical Reasoning Ordinary Dierential Equations Partial Dierential Equations Applied Math Numerical Analysis Linear Optimization

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