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Restoring Andean Landscapes to Secure Local

Environmental Services and Global Benefits

Author: Cuesta, Francisco

Source: Mountain Research and Development, 37(1) : 153-154
Published By: International Mountain Society

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Mountain Research and Development (MRD) MountainPlatform
An international, peer-reviewed open access journal
published by the International Mountain Society (IMS)

Restoring Andean Landscapes

to Secure Local Environmental
Services and Global Benefits
Effective landscape restoration practices degraded tropical landscapes and desired characteristics of the
require scientific knowledge about have set ambitious goals, such as the ecosystems in question (Hobbs and
ecosystem functions, land use history, restoration of 20 million hectares of Harris 2001). Defining goals is an
and institutional arrangements. In close Latin American tropical landscapes essential element in designing
collaboration with local partners, the by 2020. However, there is still a long restoration actions that are
Consortium for the Sustainable way to go to link the global agenda effectively oriented toward
Development of the Andean Ecoregion with local processes. Persisting achieving the desired outcomes. In
(CONDESAN) is working to develop and knowledge gaps continue to hamper addition, the conceptual
assess restoration practices in Andean the implementation of sustainable framework must reflect the
ecosystems. The approach combines land management practices, dynamic nature of ecosystems. The
various tools at the landscape scale, including restoration. For example, it resulting variability means that
emphasizing the need to integrate is still poorly understood how certain short- and long-term
restoration actions into land use planning tropical Andean ecosystems function, outcomes of restoration practices
and the importance of monitoring how different land use practices might not be adequately assessed by
restoration practices. The sustainability affect their functioning, and, most indicators that compare the
of restoration practices remains a importantly, how they respond to current state of the ecosystem to a
challenge, but the work underway will different restoration practices. past state. Indicators for assessing
allow CONDESAN to generate sound restoration outcomes should
alternatives for Andean landscapes. CONDESAN’s approach to therefore take the desired future
landscape restoration characteristics of the ecosystems in
Knowledge gaps hamper question as the point of reference.
 Landscape restoration actions take
restoration efforts In order to take full advantage of the
opportunity offered by these new place in a wide range of
Tropical montane forests and high initiatives, the Consortium for the environmental and socioeconomic
Andean grasslands are 2 of the most Sustainable Development of the conditions. This requires the
biodiverse ecosystems worldwide. Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN) adoption of common standards to
Despite their limited area compared conceives of restoration as a tool, ensure that restoration actions are
with the Amazonian lowlands, taking into account the following implemented in a consistent and
tropical Andean ecosystems provide aspects: comparable way. These standards
fundamental environmental services can be defined by designing and
on local, national, and global scales,  Restoration is an integral applying a common
the most important services being component of land management, methodological approach, and by
biodiversity conservation, carbon and as such, it is closely linked to developing protocols to guide the
storage, and water supply for cities, sustainable production systems. implementation and subsequent
agriculture, and hydropower Restoration actions must therefore evaluation of the actions.
(Buytaert et al 2011). Although simultaneously take account of the Moreover, the use of common
tropical Andean landscapes are benefits and needs of landowners, protocols and a set of common
highly relevant to sustainable the development agenda of the tools will also ensure the
development in the Andean local government, and the interests comparability of restoration
countries, large areas are converted of environmental agencies. actions and their transferability
every year to serve agricultural uses, Institutional arrangements are a from one ecosystem to another.
urbanization, and, more recently, key aspect in securing the long-  Restoration actions must be
mining. This has increasingly given term sustainability of restoration monitored and evaluated as part of
rise to concerns about the loss of actions. a continuous learning process on
biodiversity and disruptions of the  A clearly articulated conceptual how the given ecosystems function
environmental services that these framework is urgently needed to and how they respond to
ecosystems provide. In response, provide a context for the restoration practices. The adoption
international cooperation and restoration practices promoted. of a common monitoring protocol
governments are increasingly This must include clear and containing criteria and indicators
encouraging restoration practices in realistic goals that are linked to the that were standardized by leading

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scientists as well as validated by hectares of alpine grasslands (p aramos The knowledge generated through
local practitioners is essential for and punas) in 5 Andean landscapes of these actions will be disseminated and
ensuring cross-compliance with Ecuador and Peru. To support the incorporated in the national
multiple restoration goals and implementation of these actions, 10 restoration programs that both
objectives (PACTO 2013). experimental studies have been set up countries are currently promoting. In
Monitoring is key in assessing the to assess the effectiveness of different Peru, the knowledge will feed into the
restoration practices. The studies National Program for the Recovery of
accomplishments of a restoration
cover forest and non-forest Degraded Areas implemented by the
process, starting with the National Forestry Service of the
ecosystems with different objectives
evaluation of the methods used and Ministry of Agriculture and
and land use histories. A first group
continuing with subsequent Irrigation. In Ecuador, the knowledge
of experiments is aimed at restoring
assessments of whether the habitat structure to improve remnant will inform the National Forest
restoration site is following a forest patches and ecosystem Restoration Program of the Ministry
desired pathway. In addition, productivity, as well as soil physical of Environment.
monitoring provides an conditions and vegetation cover to
opportunity to search for and increase water infiltration and water REFERENCES
appraise sensitive indicators. Such regulation capacity. The second Buytaert W, Cuesta-Camacho F, Tobo n C. 2011.
indicators are fundamental in group of experiments focuses on Potential impacts of climate change on the
environmental services of humid tropical alpine
monitoring dynamic processes in recovering heavily degraded regions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20:19–
terrestrial ecosystems, such as pasturelands by establishing complex 33.
Dickinson AK. 2014. Analog forestry: Creating
restoration of environmental agroforestry systems using analog productive landscapes. European Tropical Forest
services, carbon sequestration, and forestry as the main approach. In Research Network News 56:103–110.
analog forestry, the forest’s structure Hobbs RJ, Harris JA. 2001. Restoration ecology:
biodiversity preservation. Repairing the earth’s ecosystems in the new
and its functioning with regard to millennium. Restoration Ecology 9:239–246.
service delivery are considered PACTO [Pacto pela Restauração da Mata
antica]. 2013. Protocolo de Monitoramento para
Evaluating restoration practices critical in establishing programas e projetos de restauração florestal.
in Ecuador and Peru socioeconomically productive Recife, Brazil: Pacto pela Restauração da Mata
landscapes with a high biodiversity to ^ntica.

Taking into account these biomass ratio (Dickinson 2014).

considerations, CONDESAN, with the AUTHOR
support of 2 regional initiatives— Generating knowledge for Francisco Cuesta1,2
EcoAndes, a project funded by the national restoration programs
Global Environment Facility through Biodiversity Department, Consortium for the
The various experiments will be Sustainable Development of the Andean
the United Nations Environment Ecoregion (CONDESAN), Germa n Alema
monitored during 2 consecutive years
Programme, and the Andean Forest E12-123, 170504 Quito, Ecuador
using a common set of sensitive
Program, funded by the Swiss Agency 2
ecological and socioeconomic Palaeoecology & Landscape Ecology,
for Development and Cooperation— Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem
indicators. By measuring indicators
and in close collaboration with local linked to productivity (carbon Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam,
nongovernmental partners— PO Box 94248, 1090 GE Amsterdam, The
sequestration), plant community Netherlands
Fundaci on Imaymana, Nature and structure and composition, and key
Culture International Peru, and soil properties, we will be able to Ó 2017 Cuesta. This open access article is
Fondo de Paramos de Tungurahua— generate critical knowledge about licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License (http://
is helping to restore around 5000 how the restoration practices affect Please
hectares of montane forest and 2000 the ecosystems. credit the authors and the full source.

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