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1. Preencha as frases com o pronome reflexivo correto.

a) Paul had a great time. He enjoyed ____________ a lot at the party.

b) I’m not going to do your job. You can do it ____________.

c) I learned english by ______________.

d) They like to travel by ________________.

e) We had a picnic last weekend. We prepared the food ____________.

2. Preencha as lacunas com a preposição correta.

a) My birthday party is ______ November 19th.

b) The concert is _________ Saturday _____ 7 p.m.
c) I like to go to the park __________ summer.
d) My parents live _________ Main Street.

3. Escreva uma frase indicando “suggestion” com as expressões abaixo:

a) Let’s: ____________________________
b) What about: _______________________
c) Why don’t: ________________________
d) Would you like: _______________________

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