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My name is kershaw David

Thanks for accepting my friend request.

I know you do not know me before but don't be frightened, I am just an admirer. i
hope you don't mind if will can be friends here on qq?

How are you doing today?

When i was looking for a friend to add in qq, i saw your profile. Sorry for
barging into your profile, if hope you don't mind? Can we be friends?

I’m from Beijing China.

My parents live in Russian Moscow I was born and raised in Russia

what is your name and where are you from?

wow, you have a lovely name.

I am 56 years old. How old are you? friend.. has

If I may ask: what are your hobbies?

Your hobbies are lovely, my dear. I enjoy reading, walking on the beach, fishing,
camping, seeing good comedies, kayaking, horseback riding, and also spending some
time out with my son. I have not time for all this now since I have been in Syria
for the last 6 years.

I'm also a very good cook. I've learned how to cook from my mom, she taught me how
to prepare so many dishes. I enjoyed cooking with my late husband so much and It
will be nice to prepare a nice meal for a special man like you. I know you will
enjoy my dishes.

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is pasta and chicken, but I only eat a little meat, I love my
vegetables. I love to cook great home made meals and try new recipes too. I love to
eat healthy and stay fit because health is wealth.

If I may ask, what are your likes and dislikes about the friends you keep?

I like real things, I like an honest, truthful, caring person. I dislike dramas,
cheating, lies, disrespect, racism & betrayal. I want someone who can like me for
me, regardless of age, distance, language barrier, cultural differences or material

Yes... Because I strongly believe love knows no barriers and It's the conquer of
all things. (OPTIONAL)

What is your favorite color?

Such a brilliant choice dear. I love red because it's the symbol of LOVE, I love
red roses.

If I may ask, what attracts you to a man?

If I may ask my dear, do you most times wish for a woman who will love and cherish
you for the rest of your life? (OPTIONAL)

I wish for a man who will love and trust me and I will love him, respect him,
cherish him and make him happy for the rest of is life.

It's said that true love is a strong and lasting affection between spouses or
lovers who are in a happy, passionate and fulfilling relationship.

I strongly believe in true love which example is the emotion shared between a
couple who has been married for 40 years and who are still passionate about each
other and care deeply for each other.True love gives self-confidence, happiness,
comfort, can help live a longer life, True Love Gives Peace Of Mind. Do you agree
with me?

So my dear, what do you expect from a woman?

My heart melts for a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent, a man
who has can offer a great smile in hard times, a man who can go a long way to make
me laugh. A man who is very ambitious and who has a good heart, A man who is very
strong and independent and confident, most of all I like a man who is very kind to
people around.

If I may ask, have you ever had a relationship on the internet before? (OPTONAL)

I have not had a relationship since I lost my husband 6 years ago. The death of my
husband brought me so much heartbreak, when he died a whole part of me died and I
never had the intention of falling in love, though I tried to continue with my life
then I got myself involved in a relationship that did not end up very well that I
decided to stay away from men and focus on my carrier. But when I came across your
profile, I had this strange feeling coming from my heart and flowing through my
veins, I saw light in my path again and I smiled at your picture.

If I may ask my dear, what is the color of your beautiful eyes?

Your eyes beautiful, I would love to look into your charming and magical eyes to
feel the brightness of your beautiful soul.
My eyes are blue, as blue as the sea. And in my eyes, you are the most beautiful
and tender man in the whole world.

I feel connected to you in a way, and I am so comfortable and happy writing to you
because as I write to you I have a huge smile on my face.

Of course, there is no problem, but be aware that I am not always here on Facebook
as it goes against my work policies. In the camp, we are limited in a lot of
things, the only way for me to contact my son is by email. I only opened this
Facebook to find the family of a former colleague in order to offer them my
condolences because he had just died and that's how I came across your profile.

Well dear, I am currently talking to you from the UN secret military camp here in
Aleppo. I find you very attractive with an nice soul that I would really love to
know you more. Please my dear, I want you to give me your email address so that we
can continue this conversation in a more secure and private way.

I use the internet more to connect to my other officers in the camps around Syria.

I can communicate best with you via Email, WhatsApp and Google Hangouts. I hope you

Thank you so much sweetheart for trusting me with your email address. I knew our
path didn't cross by accident or coincidence but by God's plan, It has been a
longtime I had a conversation with a man as free as I am right now.

So if you don't mind, may I know more about you and your family?

Thank you for trusting and sharing your beautiful family experiences with me.

My father was a four-star general in the US Army before he died, when he was still
alive we lived in San Francisco, He owned a mansion and till now the mansion is
still there as my own. I happen to be the only daughter of my parents, but he was
not always with us “me and my mother”, He was always on peacekeeping missions
serving his country.

My mother died after a brief illness then my father was still on a peacekeeping
mission, He came for the funeral and after the funeral, he thought it will be very
lonely for me to live in the house after the death of my mother, and he still had
to continue with the peacekeeping mission.

So he asked his friend General Billy who was then living in Texas if I could come
to live with him in Texas explaining his reasons to him, his friend was fine with
it that was how I found myself in Texas.

After medical school, I completed my residency in neurosurgery at Massachusetts

General Hospital and after my residency, I was still with General Billy.

Then a UN doctor contract came up, and he shortlisted my name for the position of a
neurosurgeon that was how I got my first medical contract with the UN.

When I left Sudan, I was asked to report to Syria for my third and final contract
with the UN, it was not long after I reported to Syria I got a radio call that my
husband had died of cancer the news came to me as a shock I didn't know how to take
it, I was heartbroken she meant the whole world to me.

I was at her funeral with my son Jerry. Months after the funeral, I came back to
Syria and since then I have not seen my son again, but we get to communicate
through email but not all the time.

I am a God-fearing woman, I do have my Christian faith to credit for my life,

attitude and success; I am not the type of woman who is focused entirely on

If I may ask my dear what's your religion?

My mom had baptized me in a Pentecostal church, but she was a good Christian and my
father just believed in God. I am a searcher for the truth between earth and heaven
since I was young, so I had to study very deeply all religions. Nowadays I say that
all religions are good, but we interpret it to everyone as we want and I believe in
some superior power, (you can call God, universe, power of the mind, anything you
want) I believe that we are not alone; we are not the only planet that has life.

I believe in being ethical, which means respecting everyone on this earth, and that
if you think wrong of someone, you are doing the wrong to yourself first. What do
you think dear?
I am glad we share the same perspective about this, I see we have so much in

If I may ask my dear how often do you go out to hang out with friends or partying?

I don't go out often that much ever since I lost my late husband, going out alone
seems not enjoyable to me, so the few times that I go out must be with my son and
that has been a long time during the funeral of my late wife before I came back to

I will be looking forward to going out with that special man like you someday.

So my dear what’s your favorite drink?

My favorite drink is Red Wine, but I prefer Champagne for celebrating.

So my dear if I may ask; what are your favorite TV Shows?

FRIENDS, Rich Texan, One Tree Hill, CSI New York, Law and Order.

What are your favorite movies?

Personally, I also love the Titanic, The Notebook, The Godfather, Raging Bull,
Ghost. I love romantic comedies.
My dear what brand of music do you like?

I love blues, 80s, and 90s, R&B, Jazz, Gospel Jams, and Rock&Roll among all
classical. I also love the opera.

Do you have a favorite musician?

That's nice my dear, Don Williams is a nice artist who inspires me in terms of
music and for that he is my number one musician.

My favorite music band is ABBA, What about you my dear?

Are you a sports fan? And what are your favorite sports?

I have a passion for sports and my favorite sport is soccer and I also like
baseball, basketball, sea fishing, kayaking, boating, sailing are my sports of
choice. I’m not afraid to speak my mind, trust my gut, and follow my heart. I don't
care if it gets me in trouble... LOL

Do you have any favorite sport team you support in particular?

Manchester United football club that’s my team, I love their pattern of playing
when I am in town I love traveling going to watch their match.
What inspires you in life?

God, with his love and mercies he shows us each passing day. My son also is a huge
source of inspiration for me. I also love to help people, so much inspires me.

Who is your role model?

My dad was also my best friend and greatest role model. He was an amazing dad,
coach, mentor, soldier, husband and friend. I am proud of him.

Do you believe in true love?

Yes, I do.

How do you react when someone upsets you? And what do you do to calm yourself down?

I feel unhappy at that moment; I go to a quiet place and listen to cool music that
will calm me down.

What turns you off?

Anything fake, lies, deceit, cheating, quarreling and argument turns me off.


If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?

I would change how I tend to dwell on the past because it's really dragging me down
lately. Our experiences in life made us who we are. No one is free from difficult
times in life or what some may call baggage. How you've dealt with those
experiences will determine if you're damaged or resilient. I'm a prime example of
resilience and not looking to do damage control. I understand everyone has old
baggage, but I want someone who has put the old baggage up for old memories and is
ready to create new memories. Life is short and you never know about tomorrow, so
if you want to live, live life like there is no tomorrow.

What's the best dream you've ever had?

My Sex Fantasy Dream about us.

Who is your mentor?

My mentor is my late dad, he was a nice, caring and understanding dad, who loves
and take good care of his family, he always speaks the truth, and he is a self-
discipline man, my dad is ready to risk everything he has for his loved ones, but I
do feel the pain because he never lived to enjoy me, he was really the best dad in
the world. He always tells me that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, so
for you to be successful in life you have to face some challenges.

So tell me; what are some places you have visited?

I have been out of the States several times on different occasions, maybe on a work
trip or vacation trip. My work has taken me to places like; Spain, Malaysia,
England. I have been to Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, and now in Syria for my contracts
with the UN. While on a vacation trip I and my son have been to; Switzerland,
Italy, Paris, and Dubai.

So tell me when traveling do you travel alone or you like traveling with a

I would love my next vacation trip to be with that special someone, because I don’t
believe I’m destined to travel this road alone; I look forward to sharing my last
journey in love, laughter & friendship. Loving a man is no longer enough for me.
The genuine friendship that develops, enjoying each other's company, the ability to
communicate one’s needs, desires, hopes & dreams, for me, will sustain the
relationship. I may not be perfect, but I am perfect, for someone. Looking for my
“Lover and Companion” to live a fun-loving life and “Travel” around they would
with. I'm looking for a man who is a good communicator

Describe the perfect vacation you have had?

Flying to Paris, then taking a train through France, Switzerland, Italy,

Yugoslavia, and Greece. Then spending 1 month on Santorini a Greek Island together
with my daughter. I had the time of my life, and these are my fondest memories. I
will do it again.

What is your biggest fear?

I don't want the people I trust to leave me. I don’t want to lose them to anything,
especially death. If I lost them, or they left me in the dust, I wouldn’t be able
to trust again. I’d lose my trust, my emotions would probably leave with my trust.
I’d be overwhelmed with loss.

What has been the best decision you've ever made?

Choosing not to dwell on my past, but rather be happy because Life is too short to
be unhappy.

What 3 physical features do you get compliments on most?

My eyes, smiles, skin/complexion, and sometimes my voice too. People like it for
some reason.

What can you remember is your best moment ever?

My wedding day/the day my son was born, and the day I met you is slowly making its
way up there.

How about your worst moment in life?

That was 6 years ago when I lost my wife to cancer.

Have you ever thought of leaving your country in search of the man you want to be
with in the future?
Yeah, like I said; I would swim a Thousand Rivers and Climb a Hundred Walls just to
be with the Person I Love

What languages can you speak? Which would you like to learn?

I speak English fluently.

What are the five most important things in your life?

God, Family, Love, My son & living to help others without asking for anything in


Tell me two things you can't live without?

My daughter the woman I love. I can't live without him because I wanna make him
Happy & I can't live without Love

What would you cook for a date at home?

Smiles!!! That is going to be a secrete because I will be making her favorite

meal... Even if I do not know how to, before then I must get instructions from good
quality chefs and also read cooking books, to meet up to perfection the day I will
cook the meal.

What positive lessons have you learned from your past relationships that will help
you succeed in future relationships?

Love” “Trust” & “Understanding

How do you normally spend your leisure time?

Listening to music, cuddling up reading a magazine or watching TV, cooking.

How much do you enjoy walking in the park?

I enjoy it a lot; feel the fresh air of the nature, viewing the beautiful green

If you are at a loose end what are some of the following things you do?

I will have hope and never to give up.

What do you think is the biggest mistake that men/women make in their
Not trusting, understanding and trying to find time and share things with each

I know this question can be out of the line... LOL Lets say If you could wake up
tomorrow with any superpower, what would it be?

Hmm, that would be the power of Clark Kent also known as superman, I want to be the
one to save the day.A good relationship where two lovers understand each other,
they're concerned for each other, and they respect one another, I don’t think that
there will be problem about that, to me is no problem as far as they both love
their selves.

Are you a left or right-handed person?

I am a right-handed person

If you are found guilty of a crime, would you admit yourself and accept your

I will admit my self, accept my mistakes, and face the consequences, because I am a
God-fearing man, and I do abide to the truth.

If you see somebody you don't know who needs help, would you be of any support?

Yes I would help in any way, because God in heaven says it is good to help those
that are in need, and he loves a cheerful giver. I think it's important to have
compassion for others in need of help. I have a good and caring heart. I don't like
arrogance or to be selfish. It's the strangest thing, but kindness attracts
kindness, like whenever I see someone’s car got broke down, I always love to help
and assist that person, because when mine also gets broke down or I had a flat tire
someone has always come to my rescue.

Can you drive a vehicle? Do you have a car?

I have 2 cars that I drive when I am back in town; I have a Benz G Class 2012 and a
Mitsubishi Outlander 2012 jeep, but love to get a new one for myself and the lady
who happens to be the apple of my eyes and that I believe I will accomplish very

Are you willing to relocate if you find your soul mate?

For me it depends on my soul mate; If she willingly wants me relocate to Her Home,
it's okay with me, but if she likes to relocate to my Home that will be fine so
long as we stick together as ONE, Perhaps him might want us to Buy another Home, it
is fine as long as he’s the happiest Man on Earth
If I may ask my dear, do you live in a house of your own sweetheart?

I am planning on buying a house in your name where we will both live together

I am having a home in Austin, Texas that is worth over 4.7 million dollars. My late
father have two other Luxurious mansions in California and Washington DC

Are you financially stable?

Yes of course I am financially stable,

What do you spend most of your money on?

Though I have not got the time to settle around in town and relax with what I have
of which I'm not boasting off, but when I'm in town for the few times; I enjoy
going shopping and spending vacation abroad with my sons. I have a lot of taste for
fashion and clothing line up as Dolce and Gabana is my favorite brand. I also enjoy
spending money on designing my home with the nicest and latest home appliances. I
already have my eyes set to have a registered company of my own that will deal into
supplying of FP SO materials to offshore and onshore fabrication companies, that I
will do when I have finally settled down with you right beside me and when we are
finally together because you are the man I want to spend the rest of my life with,
I can't wait to call you my husband.

Do you like holding hands and exchanging casual kisses with your partner?

Yes... Holding her close and make her feel the warmth of my body while kissing her.

Do you think you can be trusted by your oman?

Yes of course I can be trusted, because I am ready to open up my mind and my heart
and also lay down my life for the woman I love.

Marriage they say “Is For Better, For Worse” do you believe in this principle?

Yes, I do believe in that, because that is where you have to show that you love
your partner very much.

Would you like to remarry?

I can remarry when she loves me and love my son so much that she care about the
family been together as one big family with so much.
Have you talked about your feelings with someone else?

Yes and you are the only person whom I am sharing my feelings

The last time I went on vacation was 6 years ago as I told you sweetheart. My love,
lets take a vacation together, on an island far from all the stress and trouble of
life, just the two of us in the comfort of each others arm. I want to spend the
rest of my life waking up to your side kissing you gently while I watch your
smiling eyes as you smile, bringing you breakfast in bed, giving you good treatment
I want to be by your side at night and get up to see your beautiful eyes closed
with your head resting on my chest and your hand crossed around me. I want to show
you how beautiful my love is for you. I want to take our relationship to a
beautiful level knowing that we will never be far from each other again.


My love, we have known ourselves better, and we have gone so deep in love that we
are now addicted to each other and staying far away from you keeps me breathless.
Sweetheart, I need you to apply for my vacation, so I can come to you, I want us to
have fun and romantic moments together, I want us to take a step forward and never
part again.

The reason it has to be the man or trusted companion who applies is that the UN
headquarter received several emails from parents of their contract staff stating
that they do not allow their wife to come for vacation or visit their families to
know how they were doing.

Proper investigations were then carried out by the UN and they found out that some
staff gets their vacation and travel to meet other man and spend their vacation
bonuses on them without reaching to their families.

The UN created new terms on the contract that states that the man will apply for
the vacation and a percentage of the vacation bonuses will be sent to the man who
applied for the vacation.

Honey, I will send you the sample letter and the address for you to send the letter
requesting my vacation, but before I do that, I need you to know that for
international contractors, the UN will require a little fee for Insurance and
processing of the vacation certificate. Because of trust and for my security, this
is the reason why the UN requires our man to apply for our vacation. This was in
the contract I signed with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

My darling, you have to know that for my vacation to be approved, you will have to
pay a little amount to the UN vacation agency for my vacation certificate to
certify that I'm on vacation and in safe hands. With the vacation certificate, the
UN will be able to get a replacement while I'm on vacation. You have to know that
the money will be refunded as soon as my vacation is approved and as my Partner who
has applied for my vacation, you are entitled to 25% of my total vacation benefit
for the 6 years I have not gone on vacation, which is 25% of 1.8 million dollars,
which is $400,000.

The last time I went on vacation, my late parents paid a little amount of 2000
dollars to the UN vacation agency for my vacation certificate. I am sure it will
not exceed this amount, rather it will be less than that.
Honey, Have you ever thought of us being together?

I know that is your wish, and I will be so glad to make it come true for us and for
our future together, I really do care about you, so I am willing to make any
sacrifice just to make our dreams come true, We can make anything work as long as
we stick together in true and pure love with trust and one understanding.

Honey, under normal conditions it is the duty of the man, who applies to the U.N
for the vacation certificate of her woman who is in the peacekeeping mission as the
law requires, cause the law does not permit us to go into any transaction or have
access to money while in the united nations peacekeeping mission.

All you need to do is write to the UN that you are my man and you need me to come
for vacation for one to three months and you want them to grant me vacation
certificate to enable me come to you as the law required.


You must know that I have vacation benefits of $ 200,000 per year, and I have not
been on vacation for the last 6 years, as you know already. Therefore, I have
accumulated a vacation benefit of $ 1.2 million, which you are entitled to as my
woman. So you must know that with all these, I am not looking for a rich woman to
flirt or play with; all I am focused on is true love, and true love could be found
anywhere, be it the village or city, rich or poor, because love knows no bound. All
that I have ever desired and prayed for is for God to bring me a compassionate,
loving, faithful, honest, understanding and caring woman who has the same vision as
me; A woman I would love and cherish with all that God has blessed me with, and I
have always thought you are that very woman I pray for over the last 6 years.Maybe
you forgetting the fact that I am in a war zone where anything can happen at any
given time. We could lose contact at any moment.
Honey I will send you the sample letter and the address for you to send the letter
requesting my vacation, but before I do that, I need you to know that for
international contractors, the UN will require a little fee for Insurance and
processing of the vacation certificate. Because of trust and for my security, this
is the reason why the UN requires our women to apply for our vacation. This was in
the contract I signed with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

The last time my deceased wife applied, if I remember, she paid a token of 3500
euros to the agency. But I don’t know if the fee will be lower or increased now,
since a lot of time has passed since my last vacation.

You must know that the UN account is only available to members of the United
Nations only, and because you are not a member, you can only make transfer to UN
agent, when the UN agent receives the money, the UN agent sends it to UN account.
That's how it works here honey.

Okay, if you want me to give you time, no problem, but I need to know exactly when
to apply for my vacation, because I can't keep writing here all day and night, it
doesn't encourage our relationship. When someone is in love, you want to be with a
person which is what I'm trying to do, but in your case it's something different,
and I wonder why. If you really love me, that you will feel the same, but because
you don't feel the same, the fact that you don't care about our meeting soon makes
me think differently about your feelings for me. I'm too old to play, too honest to
lie, and too tired to type on Skype almost every day. If you really care for me, I
want you to prove it. Love is timeless, love includes all the problems and doubts,
love solves all the problems, no matter how hard it seems, love conqurers all
things,love is unselfish, love is above all. Everything you do, you think only of
yourself and you don't care about me and where I am. I really don't understand what
time is for, but I have to tell you that love is the most spontaneous thing on
earth, when you least expect it to be love. So if you have something for me, it is
also necessary to take into account my statement that was with the woman of my
dreams, the woman I loved so much, with everything that makes me a man, but if it
is for you too much to understand, don't think they have to be togethere anyway...
when you least expect it to be love. So if you have something for me, it is also
necessary to take into account my statement that was with the woman of my dreams,
the woman I loved so much, with everything that makes me a man, but if it is for
you too much to understand, don't think they have to be togethere anyway... when
you least expect it to be love. So if you have something for me, it is also
necessary to take into account my statement that was with the woman of my dreams,
the woman I loved so much, with everything that makes me a man, but if it is for
you too much to understand, don't think they have to be togethere anyway...

Honey, I need you to be calm and make this little sacrifice for us and our great
future together, because finally you will be the happiest woman, I promise you. If
you need time, then how long? Indeed, the UN hopes to hear from you as soon as
possible, and if they do not hear from you with the expected duration, then it will
be a problem for me, I will be in trouble if you do not . Do not answer in time.
The reason is that I am a very important person who occupies a privileged position
in the UN agency as a medical service provider and, as such, they expect that my
holiday process as per the terms that you have already agreed, they will think that
I'm lying about something, they will think that I'm working with someone outside
the base, and that will be a problem for us. Honey,I need you to understand all
this and do everything possible to get us together as quickly as possible. I need
you to make this small sacrifice for us, and I promise you that you will be well as
soon as I am yours, and all that disturbs you will be solved by me your man


Sweetheart, I want you to know that, there in the bank, there are agents who may
tell you all sort of rubbish and try to make you not make the payment in other for
us not to be together, they did the same to my late wife each time she went to the
bank to pay for my vacation certificate just as you are about to, sweetheart. I
want you to ignore what ever they tell you and don't listen to them. Some agents
have been positioned in these banks and my safety should be your priority, I have
to tell you all these because you will come across this sweetheart, so you have to
be careful and don't mind what they have to say to you. If you are asked the reason
why you are making the payment, tell the bank it is for family purpose and do not
say anything more to anyone,it is your money and you have the right to send it to
any of your family member anywhere in the world and you owe no one many
explanations, as I said earlier sweetheart, all you have to do if you are asked for
the reasons why you are making the payment is to tell the bank that it is for
family purpose, do not say anything more. It is normal for you to be asked
questions and for you to be told some things that are not necessary, just ignore
all that because most of these agents only want to spoil things for people not
minding importance of the transaction to be made, all they want is to get
information in other to know things about us to easily get details because most of
these agents works for terrorists and you may not even know so it is not safe for
you to tell them anything at all, don't listen to any of them and don't say
anything to anyone for my safety reasons. I love and trust you so much and all I
need is your love and trust. I know you are my brave woman sweetheart.

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