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Editor’s Note

From the Editor’s Desk

Respected Reader, ‘Greening Pakistan: Embracing Sustainable

Environmental Practices’ celebrates our commitment
Welcome to the 9th Edition of Aspirant!
to preserving and nurturing our natural resources.
In this highly anticipated edition, we delve into
Through this thought-provoking article, we showcase
the important current affairs topics that deeply affect
the transformative power of sustainable environmental
our beloved nation. Our dedicated team of writers aims
practices and encourage our readers to actively
to provide comprehensive and scholarly perspectives
participate in building a greener and more sustainable
on these pressing issues, offering insightful analysis and
proposing sustainable solutions for our esteemed
‘Impacts of Technology on Human Life’ delves
readers to consider and adopt.
into the fascinating intersection of technology and
‘Unveiling Pakistan's Security Puzzle: Tackling
humanity, exploring the profound ways in which
Challenges for a Bright Future’ takes a closer look at
advancements in science and innovation have shaped
the intricate web of security challenges our nation
our lives. From the rapid growth of artificial intelligence
faces, providing a meticulous examination of the
to the ethical considerations of emerging technologies,
underlying factors and presenting innovative strategies
we aim to foster a deep understanding of the
to navigate towards a brighter and more secure future.
opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
‘The Political Evolution of Pakistan: From
Finally, we will conclude this enriching journey
Struggle to Strength’ traces the remarkable journey of
with an overview of ‘News Highlights of the Week’,
our nation's political landscape, highlighting the key
ensuring our readers are well-informed about the latest
milestones and transformative moments that have
developments shaping our nation. We sincerely hope
shaped our democratic system. Through meticulous
that this extended edition provides invaluable insights
research and compelling narratives, we shed light on the
into these pressing issues, igniting a passion for critical
challenges overcome and the achievements attained so
thinking and active engagement in shaping the future of
our great nation.
‘The Single National Curriculum (SNC):
Thank you for choosing Aspirant as your
Effects, Benefits, and Challenges’ explores one of the
trusted source of knowledge and information.
most significant educational reforms in our nation's
Happy Reading and best wishes for your future
history. With a keen focus on the impact of this holistic
curriculum on our future generations, we analyze its
potential benefits, address the challenges, and advocate The Aspirant Team
for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to

Analytical Essays

Analytical Essays
Thorough - Focused - To the Point

Analytical Essays

Unveiling Pakistan's Security Puzzle: Tackling Challenges for a Bright Future

“Security is not just about protecting ourselves from the dangers; it is about building resilience to face those dangers."

Introduction Historical Perspective of National Security

Pakistan faces a myriad of complex and Pakistan's national security history is a complex
interconnected national security challenges in the 21 st tapestry woven with geopolitical rivalries, internal
century. These challenges arise from various factors, conflicts, and economic challenges. Since its inception in
including geopolitical tensions with neighboring 1947, Pakistan has grappled with an uneasy relationship
countries, internal instability, and economic with neighboring India, resulting in multiple wars and
vulnerabilities. This thought-provoking article aims to border disputes. The Cold War era further complicated
provide a comprehensive analysis of these multifaceted its security situation, establishing Pakistan as a key
challenges, while also offering insightful suggestions and player in South Asian geopolitics. Political instability has
potential solutions to effectively address them. also influenced national security, often prioritizing short-
term gains over long-term strategic planning. Moreover,
Understanding the National Security
economic vulnerabilities, such as reliance on foreign aid
As stated by Dr. Maleeha Lodhi, former
and fluctuating economic performance, have added
representative to UN, "National security is a broad concept
another layer of complexity to Pakistan's security
that goes beyond military might. It encompasses economic
prosperity, social cohesion, and strong institutions. We must
Current State of National Security
invest in these areas to truly safeguard our nation." It is a
multidimensional concept that encompasses a wide In recent years, Pakistan's national security
range of aspects. At the simplest level, it refers to the scenario has evolved / shaped by both traditional and
protection of a nation's citizens, territory, and interests non-traditional security challenges. Traditional security
from external threats or aggression. However, in a more issues, including tension with neighbouring countries like
comprehensive sense, national security also involves India, Afghanistan and Iran continue to dominate the
safeguarding the nation's economic strength, nation's security discourse. The emergence of non-state
maintaining political stability, and preserving cultural militant groups and the unrest in Balochistan further
values. It is a dynamic and evolving entity, shaped and complicate the security landscape. According to the
influenced by both internal and external factors. In the Global Security Index, Pakistan's national security score
context of Pakistan, understanding its national security stands at 0.44, positioning it at rank 122 out of 163
involves analyzing the geopolitical dynamics of the countries. Global Terrorism Index 2022 reports a
region, the historical and current internal political decrease in terrorism incidents by 86% from their peak in
scenario, and the socio-economic landscape of the 2013. Similarly, the Pakistan’s crime index is 43.2 as per
country. the latest available stats. On the non-traditional front,
economic insecurity, food security, climate change, and
cyber threats are emerging as significant concerns. The

Analytical Essays

country's economy faces issues like a high inflation rate, Terrorism / Militancy: In the words of Mohtarma Benazir
decreasing foreign reserves, and heavy reliance on loans, Bhutto, former Prime Minister, "The battle against terrorism
making it vulnerable to external shocks. Climate change is not just a military fight. It is, above all, a battle for hearts
poses another vital threat, with Pakistan ranked among and minds." Terrorism and militancy form another
the top ten countries most affected by climate change challenging facet of Pakistan's national security. Over
globally. The cyber domain has also seen an increased the past several decades, Pakistan has faced a surge in
risk with instances of cyber-attacks and information terrorist activities, primarily attributed to militant
warfare posing challenges to national security. Pakistan's groups such as the Taliban and other extremist factions.
ability to address these diverse challenges is crucial for These groups not only pose a direct threat to the safety
its national security in the 21 century. and security of Pakistan's citizens and infrastructure but
also taint the country's international image, affecting
Traditional Security Challenges
foreign relations and economic stability. The violence
Geopolitical Tensions / Armed Conflicts: As mentioned by
and instability bred by these groups also hinder social
Dr. Moeed Yusuf, former National Security Advisor "Security
and economic development, exacerbating the state of
is not a zero-sum game; it requires regional cooperation and
inequality and poverty in the country. Pakistan's efforts
mutual understanding. Without peace, the path towards
in combating these issues - through military operations,
prosperity becomes immensely challenging." Geopolitical
strategic diplomacy, and attempts at social reform - are a
tensions continue to pose a significant challenge to
crucial part of its ongoing national security strategy.
Pakistan's national security. The ongoing conflict with
Despite the progress made, the specter of terrorism
India, particularly over the disputed territory of Kashmir,
continues to loom, necessitating a constant, concerted
remains a source of strained relations and potential
effort towards peace and stability.
military conflict. The situation in Afghanistan also
Limited Self-Reliance in Security Equipment: Pakistan's
impacts Pakistan's security, especially with recent
reliance on imported security equipment poses a
developments and changes in Afghan leadership.
significant challenge to national security. While some
Additionally, the recent escalation with Iran followed by
progress has been made in defense production, the
the strike and counter strike into each other’s territory
country still heavily depends on international imports.
also opened a new source of security concern.
This reliance on suppliers impacts geopolitical relations,
Moreover, Pakistan's strategic alliances,
strategic decisions, and exposes the nation to potential
particularly its relationship with the United States and
disruptions. Moreover, excessive spending on defense
China, shape its geopolitical standing. The country's role
imports strains the budget and diverts funds from critical
in the Belt and Road Initiative, and its position in the US-
areas like education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
China power dynamics, add another layer of complexity
Achieving self-reliance would require investment in
to its geopolitical challenges. These geopolitical tensions
R&D, a robust defense industry, and a shift in policy focus
require careful navigation, balancing relations with
towards long-term capability development.
powerful neighbors and global superpowers, while
Budgetary Constraints: Limited spending on security
protecting national interests and maintaining stability.
poses a challenge to Pakistan's national security
framework. Budget constraints often result in

Analytical Essays

inadequate resource allocation, hindering the nation's debt, and an imbalance in trade. Imports significantly
ability to effectively combat the numerous threats it outweigh exports, resulting in a persistent current
faces. Pakistan's defense budget is around US$11 billion, account deficit. The country heavily relies on foreign aid
significantly lower than India’s US$74 billion. This and loans, which jeopardizes its economic autonomy and
spending disparity impacts Pakistan's military increases vulnerability to global economic shifts. Limited
capabilities and hampers its ability to keep pace with diversification and over-reliance on traditional sectors
regional and global developments. Insufficient resources like textiles and agriculture expose the economy to
also impede modernization and capacity-building efforts sector-specific shocks. Ongoing energy and water crises
required to address emerging security threats. hamper industrial growth and agricultural production,
exacerbating economic challenges. Strengthening the
Non-Traditional Security Challenges
national economy and reducing vulnerabilities is crucial
Political Instability: A political analyst once stated,
for enhancing Pakistan's national security.
"Political stability is the cornerstone of a secure nation.
Rise in Extremism / Intolerance: Renowned Human Rights
Without it, all other aspects of security become vulnerable."
Activist late Asma Jahangir described, "Extremism can only
Political instability within Pakistan's borders is another
be countered through moderation and de-radicalization. To
critical aspect of its national security challenges. The
achieve this, we must collectively champion human rights,
struggle between democratic governance and military
tolerance, and pluralism." Extremism and intolerance pose
influence has consistently disrupted the nation's political
significant threats to Pakistan's national security. Rooted
landscape. This constant shift can undermine policy
in religious or ethnic intolerance, these ideologies fuel
continuity, negatively impacting long-term national
violence and discord, hindering socio-economic
security strategies. Additionally, regional disparities,
development and tainting Pakistan's international image.
ethnic tensions, and religious extremism contribute to
They also aid in the growth of militant factions and
internal unrest, thereby weakening the nation's internal
terrorist groups, exacerbating internal tensions and
security. The rise of extremist groups and their impact on
pushing the country towards political instability. To
social harmony and national unity further exacerbate
improve national security, comprehensive educational
this issue. Hence, political stability is not only key to
reforms, social awareness campaigns, and inclusive
addressing these internal conflicts but also crucial in
policies are essential in combating extremism and
strengthening Pakistan's overall national security.
fostering tolerance.
Economic Vulnerabilities: Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, former
Interoperability Gap Between Civil and Military
Minister of Planning once stated, "Economic diversification is
Institutions: In the words of Lt Gen Rizwan Akhtar, former
key to our national security. Dependence on few industries
DG ISI, "Cooperation and interoperability between our civil
makes us vulnerable, but diversification can open up new
and military institutions is critical for a robust national
avenues for growth and stability." Economic vulnerabilities
security framework. Together, we stand stronger." One of
significantly impact Pakistan's national security. A fragile
the challenges impacting Pakistan's national security is
economy can lead to social unrest, political instability,
the lessened interoperability between civil and military
and threaten national security. Pakistan's economy faces
institutions. A clear divide and lack of mutual
high inflation, extensive poverty, ballooning external
understanding between these entities can lead to

Analytical Essays

disjointed policies, miscommunication, and ineffective currently the 5th most climate-vulnerable country in the
security strategies. Enhancing the interoperability and world. Due to its vulnerable geography, Pakistan faces
fostering a comprehensive understanding and increasing threats from floods, droughts, and heatwaves,
cooperation between civil and military institutions is which can cause devastation and loss of life. The
crucial to augmenting Pakistan's national security. This country's agriculture sector, an important part of its
can be achieved through regular dialogues, joint training economy, is particularly susceptible to changing weather
exercises, and collaborative policy-making, ensuring that patterns and water scarcity. These challenges can result
all security decisions are comprehensive, well-rounded, in food security issues, displacement, and competition for
and effective. resources, leading to social unrest. Additionally, climate
change worsens health security concerns, potentially
Poor Health Security: Lt Gen Nigar Johar, Surgeon General
increasing the spread of infectious diseases. Addressing
Pakistan Army once commented, "Health security is integral
climate security requires efforts in mitigation,
to national security. A nation with a healthy and productive
adaptation, sustainable infrastructure, and integrating
population is more resilient in the face of crises." Health
climate considerations into national security strategies.
Security is an emerging issue in Pakistan's national
security domain. WHO ranked Pakistan 124th out of the Deteriorating Food Security: In the words of Mr. Kofi
169 countries in its 2023 ranking. With a growing Annan, former UN Secretary General, “Food security is a
population and strained healthcare infrastructure, the global problem, not a local one. When food security is
country faces challenges in ensuring citizens' health and threatened, it's not just the hungry who suffer, but all of
wellbeing. Infectious diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, humanity." Food security is crucial for Pakistan's national
and COVID-19 pose significant threats. Non- wellbeing. In the 2023 Global Hunger Index, Pakistan
communicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular ranks 102nd out of the 125 countries with serious level of
diseases further strain the healthcare system. food security challenge. Threats like fluctuating food
Inadequate access to clean water, sanitation, and prices, climate change impacts on agricultural yields, and
malnutrition, especially in rural regions, jeopardize rural-urban disparities in food access persist. To address
health security. Limited healthcare funding and a this, the country's agricultural sector needs
shortage of trained medical personnel complicate the technological advancement, policy support, and
situation. Boosting Pakistan's health security requires improved nutrition awareness campaigns. By enhancing
investment in health infrastructure, disease prevention, agricultural practices, fair pricing mechanisms, and rural
health education, and training of healthcare personnel, infrastructure, food security can contribute to societal
forming an integral part of the nation's security strategy. stability and overall national security.

Neglected Climate Security: Zartaj Gul, former Minister of Weak Disaster Management Capability / Mechanism:
Climate Change remarked, "Climate change, if left Dr. Ishrat Husain, former Advisor to PM on Institutional
unaddressed, poses one of the greatest threats to our nation's Reforms rightly described, "Developing a robust disaster
security. We must act now to mitigate its effects and adapt to management mechanism is more than just a security issue;
the changes it brings." Climate change presents a it's a matter of safeguarding our nation's future. From
significant challenge to Pakistan's national security. earthquakes to floods, we must be prepared for any
According to the Global Climate Risk Index, Pakistan is eventuality." Disaster security is crucial for Pakistan's

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national security framework. The country is prone to as an example of civil-military cooperation. The NAP was
natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and landslides, a comprehensive action plan aimed at countering
resulting in significant loss of life and property. These terrorism and extremism, developed with mutual
disasters have immediate devastation and long-term understanding and cooperation between civil
socio-economic impacts, affecting national security. institutions and the military. The plan demonstrated the
Climate change is expected to escalate the intensity and potential effectiveness of interoperability between these
frequency of such disasters, making disaster two key institutions in Pakistan.
management a priority. Proactive strategies, including
Combatting Extremism: Operation Zarb-e-Azb: In
risk assessments, early warning systems, and emergency
2014, the Pakistan Armed Forces launched Operation
response mechanisms, are crucial. 'Build Back Better'
Zarb-e-Azb, a military campaign against various militant
should be incorporated in recovery efforts for
groups. The operation was largely successful in terms of
community resilience. Prioritizing disaster security will
its stated objectives, significantly reducing the presence
safeguard citizens and infrastructure, strengthening
and operational capabilities of extremist groups within
national security.
the country.
Cyber Vulnerabilities: Dr. Shireen Mazari, former Minister
COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Response of All
remarked in one of her speeches, “In the age of digital warfare,
Stakeholders: The COVID-19 pandemic posed an
cybersecurity is no longer an option but a necessity. We must
unprecedented threat to Pakistan’s national security,
enhance our cyber defense capabilities to protect our
stretching its healthcare system to the limit. However,
national assets and citizen's data." In the digital age, cyber
the national response involving all stakeholders,
vulnerabilities are a critical aspect of national security in
including the federal / provincial governments,
Pakistan. The increasing digitalization of infrastructure
healthcare institutions, military, and civil society, had
presents both opportunities and challenges. It fosters
been commendable. Despite some shortcomings, the
innovation, streamlines public services, and drives
collective effort of all stakeholders was instrumental in
economic growth. However, it also exposes the nation to
managing the crisis, underscoring the importance of
cyber threats like data breaches, cyber espionage, and
cooperation and interoperability in tackling national
cyber terrorism. These threats can damage critical
security challenges.
infrastructure, compromise confidential information,
Disaster Management during Floods 2022: In 2022,
and undermine national security. They can also disrupt
Pakistan experienced severe floods that affected millions
public services, impact economic activities, and erode
of people and caused significant damage to
public trust in digital systems. To strengthen Pakistan's
infrastructure. The disaster highlighted the need for a
national security, enhancing cyber security measures,
comprehensive disaster management plan that involves
investing in advanced defense capabilities, and
both civil and military institutions. The Pakistan Army's
promoting a culture of cyber hygiene are crucial steps.
response was crucial in providing immediate relief
Case Studies – Significant Efforts / Initiatives
efforts, including rescue operations and distribution of
Civil-Military Relations: The National Action Plan: The aid. This collaborative approach between civil and
National Action Plan (NAP), introduced in 2015, stands military actors emphasized the necessity of coordinated

Analytical Essays

efforts in disaster management. It also highlighted the Collaborate with International Partners: Establish
critical role of disaster security in safeguarding partnerships with international players for capability
Pakistan's national security. In the long term, building enhancement and knowledge sharing in areas like
resilient infrastructure and implementing effective early cybersecurity and economic diversification.
warning systems can mitigate the impact of future
Long-Term Objectives (8-10 Years)
disasters and strengthen Pakistan's overall security
Invest in Alternative Energy Sources: Initiate
nationwide projects for the exploration and utilization of
Way Forward – 10 Years’ Roadmap
alternative energy sources to reduce dependency on
Short-Term Objectives (1-3 Years) traditional forms of energy.

Boost Law Enforcement Capabilities: Strengthen law Economic Diversification: Diversify the economy by
enforcement agencies through comprehensive training promoting investment in sectors such as technology,
programs, technological upgrades, and improved healthcare, renewable energy, and digital services.
intelligence sharing mechanisms.
Establish Sovereign Wealth Fund: Following the
Promote Social Cohesion: Launch social awareness Norwegian model, set up a sovereign wealth fund fueled
campaigns to foster inclusivity, respect for diversity, and by national resources to safeguard the economy from
cultural understanding to mitigate extremism and price fluctuations and ensure long-term economic
terrorism threats. stability.

Socioeconomic Development: Prioritize economic Conclusion

diversification, investment in alternative energy sources,
In conclusion, enhancing national security is a
and infrastructure development to reduce dependency
multi-faceted task that requires concerted efforts in
on traditional forms of energy and promote sustainable
various domains such as geographical security,
cybersecurity, social cohesion, education reform, and
Strengthen Cyber Defense: Invest in advanced economic diversification. A roadmap with clearly defined
cybersecurity measures, conduct regular risk short, medium, and long-term objectives provides a
assessments, and establish strict protocols to guard structured approach to tackling these challenges.
against data breaches. Ultimately, the aim is to build a resilient nation that can
effectively address potential threats while fostering an
Medium-Term Objectives (4-7 Years)
inclusive and harmonious society. The path to achieving
Educational Reforms: Reform the education system to
this involves continuous learning, adaptation, and
emphasize critical thinking, tolerance, and cultural
collaboration both at the domestic and international
understanding. Introduce curriculums that discourage
levels. Pakistan's journey towards enhanced national
extremism and promote social harmony.
security, although challenging, is a necessary pursuit that
Promote Cyber Hygiene: Implement nationwide cyber can lead to a more secure and prosperous future for all its
hygiene awareness campaigns, targeting both individuals citizens.
and institutions.

Analytical Essays

The Political Evolution of Pakistan: From Struggle to Strength

"Democracy is in the blood of the Muslims, who look upon complete equality of mankind and believe in fraternity,
equality, and liberty." - Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Introduction framework that would safeguard the rights of every

citizen, regardless of their caste, creed, or religious
The political narrative of Pakistan is marked by a
beliefs. His vision was built upon the motto of "Unity,
series of transformative events and influential figures
Faith, Discipline," which emphasized societal harmony,
that have shaped its political landscape. From the
religious tolerance, and disciplined progress, with an
moment of its inception, Pakistan embarked on a roller
unwavering commitment to the welfare of the people.
coaster ride of military regimes, democratic interludes,
and socio-political upheavals. This tumultuous journey He envisioned a democratic system where
has navigated through the corridors of power, witnessed power emanated from the people and was harnessed for
the turns of democracy, and echoed the presence of the betterment of society. Jinnah's principles continue to
martial law. These strains, though challenging, have not serve as a guiding beacon in Pakistan's political journey,
only forged Pakistan's unique political identity but offering unwavering direction and inspiration in the
continue to shape its future trajectory. This essay aims to quest for a democratic and just society. His visionary
provide an in-depth exploration of Pakistan's political ideals have shaped the nation, providing a strong
evolution, delving into the critical events that have foundation for progress and prosperity, while fostering
shaped its political landscape. We will examine the unity and inclusivity among its diverse population.
resilience of the nation, the lessons learned from the Jinnah's enduring legacy stands as a testament to the
past, and the path towards a democratic and prosperous profound impact he has had on the nation's identity and
Pakistan. trajectory.

Principles Set by Quaid-i-Azam Historical Perspective and Current State

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is renowned As per Dr Stephen P. Cohen, "The political evolution
for his famous statement: "You are free; you are free to go to of Pakistan is a complex and intriguing journey. Despite many
your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any challenges, it remains a resilient state with a strong sense of
other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may national identity." Pakistan's political history presents a
belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do surprising blend of democratic and military rule. Since its
with the business of the state." This profound quote independence in 1947, the country has experienced
encapsulates his vision for a democratic Pakistan, a three significant military coups: in 1958, 1977, and 1999.
nation that upholds religious freedom and social equality These periods of military rule span over three decades,
as fundamental values. accounting for approximately 33 out of 76 years of
Jinnah envisioned a nation firmly rooted in the
principles of democracy, equality, and freedom. He firmly Despite these interruptions, democracy has
believed in the rule of law and a constitutional shown tenacity in Pakistan. The country has held 11

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general elections since its inception. Indeed, the political processes multiple times, undermining the establishment
landscape of Pakistan is evolving. The period after last of a strong and stable democratic system.
dictatorial rule it has witnessed three successful
Economic Challenges: Economic difficulties, including
democratic transitions, notably in 2008, 2013 and 2018.
high inflation, poverty, and unemployment, have created
This period has seen a marked increase in voter turnout,
discontent among the public, often leading to social
with 55% of eligible voters participating in the 2018
unrest and political instability.
elections compared to only 44% in 2002.
Judicial Activism: Instances of judicial activism, where
Major Challenges Faced by the Political System
the judiciary has directly intervened in political matters,
According to Dr. Ishrat Hussain, former Governor of have often disrupted the balance of power and hampered
the State Bank of Pakistan, "Pakistan's democracy has the smooth functioning of democracy. These challenges
weathered numerous storms, and each one has made it have created a complex and volatile environment for
stronger. The road to a prosperous and inclusive Pakistan lies democracy in Pakistan, necessitating comprehensive
through democratic evolution and the strengthening of strategies and reforms to strengthen democratic
institutions." Despite multiple attempts to establish a institutions.
democratic governance system, Pakistan has faced
Corruption: Widespread corruption at all levels of
numerous obstacles. Key challenges include:-
government has undermined public trust in democratic
Political Instability: Frequent changes in government, institutions. This has crippled economic progress and
often due to military interventions, have resulted in a hindered the delivery of public services. Notably, several
lack of political stability. This uncertainty has made it former leaders, including Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali
difficult for governments to implement long-term Zardari, faced serious corruption allegations.
development plans and has often led to policy
Lack of Voter Education: Many citizens lack sufficient
understanding of the democratic process and the
Sectorial Violence: Pakistan has witnessed a surge in significance of their votes. This can lead to uninformed
sectarian and ethnic violence, which has threatened the voting or political apathy, neither of which are conducive
country's unity and peaceful coexistence. This has often to a robust democracy.
resulted in the suppression of minority rights and has
Electoral Malpractices: Instances of vote-buying,
been a significant challenge to democratic values.
rigging, and other forms of electoral fraud can undermine
Terrorism: Pakistan's fight against terrorism has been a the legitimacy of the democratic process, leading to a
significant hurdle to democracy. The government's general distrust in the system.
struggle to maintain law and order and protect citizens'
Weak Political Institutions: The effectiveness of a
lives and properties has often led to the erosion of civil
democratic system relies heavily on the strength of its
institutions. Weak or corrupt institutions can impede the
Military Interventions: The military's prominent role in function of a democracy and lead to a breakdown of law
Pakistan's politics has been a significant challenge. and order.
Military interventions have suspended democratic

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Absence of Political Accountability: In a healthy and assembly are protected more than they were during
democracy, politicians and government officials are held the periods of military rule.
accountable for their actions. When accountability is
Decentralization of Power: The democratic process has
lacking, it creates an environment conducive to
led to the decentralization of power to provincial
corruption and inefficiency.
governments, strengthening federalism and encouraging
Social Inequalities: Extreme economic and social local governance.
inequality can distort democratic processes, leading to
Legislative Progress: Several landmark bills have been
the marginalization of certain groups and the
passed in the democratic era, addressing issues like
concentration of power in the hands of a few.
human rights, women's rights, and minority rights.
Excessive Bureaucracy: An overly bureaucratic system
Political Awareness: Democracy has led to increased
can hinder the efficient functioning of democratic
political awareness among the citizenry. People actively
processes. It can lead to delays in policy implementation
participate in the electoral process, engage in public
and create opportunities for corruption.
discourse, and hold their leaders accountable.
Lack of Civil Liberties: Democracy thrives in an
Economic Progress: The democratic era has seen some
environment where citizens are free to express their
significant economic reforms and development projects,
thoughts and participate in political activities without
contributing to the nation's progress. Despite economic
fear of repression. The lack of such liberties can cripple a
crises and challenges, many democratic governments
democratic system.
have implemented policies to improve the nation's
Evolving Political Systems: Unraveling the Impact infrastructure, boost industries, and promote
As stated by Michael Kugelman, "Despite the
turbulence in Pakistan's political history, the resilience of its International Relations: Democracy has also improved
citizens and the strides they've made towards a more Pakistan's image in the international community,
democratic society are commendable. The journey is far from attracting foreign investment and fostering better
over, but the progress should not be understated." Despite diplomatic relations with other nations.
the political upheavals and challenges, democracy in
Important Case Studies
Pakistan has harvested several positive outcomes over
1971 Debacle: The central government's failure to
the past 76 years, some of which are delineated below:-
address regional concerns and demands for autonomy
Strengthened Institutions: The democratic process has
led to severe discontent, ultimately resulting in a bloody
allowed various institutions to develop and mature.
conflict and the division of the nation.
Crucial democratic institutions like the judiciary, civil
The Lawyers' Movement: The Lawyers' Movement of
society, and media have emerged stronger, playing
2007 serves as a testament to the power of civil society
significant roles in the country's governance and
in safeguarding democracy. In response to the
suspension of the Chief Justice by the military ruler,
Civil Liberties: Democracy has also paved the way for the
lawyers across the country mobilized in a show of
reinforcement of civil liberties. Freedom of speech, press,
defiance. Their sustained protests ultimately led to the

Analytical Essays

restoration of the Chief Justice and catalyzed the Lessons Learnt

transition back to democratic rule.
Dr. Maleeha Lodhi rightly describes, "Pakistan's
The 2008 Democratic Transition: The democratic political history is a rich tapestry of trials, tribulations, and
transition in 2008, following a decade of military rule triumphs. Each challenge faced and overcome has served as a
under General Pervez Musharraf, marked a significant critical lesson in resilience and the power of unity. As Pakistan
turning point in Pakistan's political scenario. Despite continues to evolve politically, the lessons learnt from our
apprehensions of military interference and political history will play a crucial role in shaping a more democratic
instability, the transition was largely peaceful. The and equitable future." The main lessons learnt are
general elections held in February 2008 saw the Pakistan delineated below:-
People's Party emerge victorious, marking a significant
The Importance of Strong and Stable Governance: A
victory for the pro-democracy forces in the country. This
recurring theme in Pakistan’s history is the struggle for
case study exemplifies the resilience of democratic
stable and effective governance. From the early years of
aspirations within the Pakistani populace and the
independence, political instability, power struggles, and
potential for peaceful political transitions.
abrupt shifts between military and civilian rule have
The 18th Amendment: Passed in 2010, the 18th plagued the nation. This lack of stability has often
Amendment of the Constitution was a landmark resulted in policy inconsistency, economic challenges,
legislation that devolved significant powers from the and social unrest. Therefore, it is crucial for any country
central government to the provinces. It addressed long- to establish strong, transparent, and democratic
standing grievances regarding the over-centralization of institutions that are resistant to individual power plays
power and marked a significant step towards fostering a and can ensure consistent policy direction and social
more inclusive and balanced political system. It also stability.
reinstated parliamentary sovereignty, further
Role of Military in Politics: Pakistan's history provides a
strengthening the democratic structure.
cautionary tale about the dangers of military
The National Action Plan (NAP): The National Action involvement in politics. The country has experienced
Plan, initiated in 2015 as a response to the brutal several military coups, which have not only disrupted
terrorist attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, democratic processes but also contributed to
marked a significant shift in Pakistan's approach to authoritarian rule, suppression of civil liberties, and
counter-terrorism. The NAP, which was developed with political repression. Such military interventions in
consensus among all political parties, demonstrated the politics often lead to short-term stability at the expense
potential for bipartisan collaboration in addressing of long-term political development and democratic
national crises. consolidation.

This highlights the importance of decentralization and The Need for Balance Between Central and Provincial
inclusive political systems in fostering unity and Powers: The secession of East Pakistan to form
preventing secessionist movements. Bangladesh underscores the importance of maintaining a
balance of power between central authorities and
provinces. Neglecting regional demands for autonomy

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and equal representation can lead to separatist Foster Civil Liberties: Safeguard core freedoms like
movements and civil conflict. It is essential for nations to speech, assembly, and press freedom, and protect
foster inclusive political systems that respect regional citizens from political repression. This can be achieved
identities and empower local governments. through legal protections and strong law enforcement
The Importance of Economic Stability and
Development: Throughout Pakistan’s history, economic Medium-Term Objectives (4-7 Years)
instability has often accompanied political turmoil.
Reduce Economic Inequality: Implement inclusive
Whether during military dictatorships or civilian rules,
economic policies and targeted social programs to
economic challenges, such as inflation, unemployment,
address social and economic disparities. This will help
and corruption, have persisted. This highlights the
bridge the wealth gap and promote equal opportunities.
importance of sound economic policies, transparency,
Encourage Military Neutrality: Establish clear rules and
and good governance in achieving economic stability and
regulations to limit the military's role to defending
sustainable development.
national borders and maintaining internal security,
The Challenge of Religious Pluralism and Sectarian
without interference in political matters. This can be
Tensions: Since its inception, Pakistan has grappled with
achieved through legislative reforms and strengthening
its identity as an Islamic republic. The vision of its
of civilian oversight of the military.
founding father for a secular state where all citizens are
Promote Interfaith Harmony: Initiate education and
equal regardless of their religious beliefs, faces continual
public awareness campaigns to encourage tolerance and
challenges. This underscores the necessity for nations to
interfaith dialogue, easing sectarian tensions and
cultivate respect for religious diversity, promote
fostering a more inclusive society.
pluralism, and prevent the rise of sectarian tensions.
Long-Term Objectives (8-10 Years)
10 Years Roadmap for Pakistan's Political Development
Consolidate Democratic Institutions: Ensure that
Short-Term Objectives (1-3 Years)
democratic institutions are deeply entrenched, resistant
Strengthen Democratic Institutions: Implement reforms
to individual power plays, and capable of providing
to enhance the transparency and accountability of
consistent policy direction and social stability.
political institutions. This should involve promoting civic
Sustain Economic Stability and Development: Establish
education to ensure voters make informed decisions and
sound economic policies, promote transparency, and
fostering an independent judiciary to uphold the rule of
maintain good governance to achieve sustained
economic stability and sustainable development.
Promote Political Accountability: Initiate legislative
Cultivate Respect for Religious Diversity: Develop long-
reforms and strict enforcement of anti-corruption
term strategies to foster respect for religious diversity
measures to hold politicians and officials accountable for
and promote pluralism, preventing the rise of sectarian
their actions, fostering public trust in the democratic
tensions and ensuring a peaceful co-existence of all
religious communities.

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In conclusion, Pakistan's journey as a nation

offers valuable lessons for democratic development,
underlining the importance of strong and stable
governance, military neutrality in politics, balanced
power dynamics, economic stability, and religious
pluralism. The 10-years’ roadmap delineated above
proposes a systematic approach to reforming and
strengthening Pakistan's democratic institutions,
promoting accountability, protecting civil liberties, and
fostering economic and religious diversity. While the
road ahead is fraught with challenges, a commitment to
these objectives will undoubtedly pave the way for a
more democratic, prosperous, and inclusive Pakistan.

Analytical Essays

The Single National Curriculum (SNC): Effects, Benefits, and Challenges

"The Single National Curriculum is a transformative step for Pakistan, aiming to reduce educational disparity and
uplift academic standards." - Dr. Nadeem ul Haque, former Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission

Introduction students for the future. Lastly, the curriculum includes a

component of ethics and citizenry, building a foundation
Education is the foundation of any nation's
for students to become responsible and informed
development, and Pakistan's SNC represents a
members of society.
transformative leap towards an aligned and equitable
educational framework. The famous quote by Nelson The SNC's importance in Pakistan's educational
Mandela, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you ecosystem cannot be overstated, given the country's
can use to change the world," underscores the pivotal role complex mosaic of ethnicities, cultures, and income
that a well-crafted curriculum can play in shaping the levels which are often reflected in its educational
future. The SNC aims to standardize education across institutions. Traditionally, these varying educational
the country, ensuring that all students, regardless of paths have created silos and contributed to an uneven
their socioeconomic background, have access to the level of knowledge among the populace. By building a
same quality of education and learning opportunities. common foundation of education for all children, the
This article delves into the effects, benefits, and SNC aims to demolish these silos, thus contributing to
challenges brought about by the SNC in Pakistan, aiming social harmony and national unity. It is envisioned that a
to provide a comprehensive overview of its impact on the single curriculum will foster a sense of shared identity
nation's educational landscape. and collective purpose among Pakistan's future
generations, leveling the intellectual playing field and
Scope and Importance of SNC
offering equal opportunities for academic and
The Single National Curriculum (SNC), introduced
professional success.
in August 2021, is characterized by several key features
However, the implementation of such a broad-
designed to unify and enhance Pakistan's educational
sweeping educational reform is not without its
system. First and foremost, among these is the uniformity
challenges. Critics argue that the SNC may oversimplify
of core content, which ensures that all students in various
the complexity of regional needs and diverse educational
regions of the country study the same basic material. This
ecologies within the country. Educational theorist Amina
standardization extends across public and private
Syed highlights this concern by stating, "SNC may overlook
schools as well as madrassas, promoting inclusiveness
the rich diversity of local and regional educational
and equality. Furthermore, the SNC puts a strong
requirements." The tension between a unified educational
emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills, moving
standard and the recognition of regional and cultural
away from rote learning. It also integrates regional
particularities is a central obstacle the SNC faces, raising
languages and cultural heritage, acknowledging the
questions about how to balance standardization with
diversity within the nation, while incorporating modern
local autonomy and identity.
pedagogy and up-to-date learning tools to better equip

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significantly influence the social fabric of Pakistan,

nurturing a generation that is better equipped to operate
Statistical Picture of Pre-SNC and Post-SNC Period
in a globalized world while rooted firmly in their own
The available data paints a telling picture of the
identity. Important effects of SNC are delineated in
pre-SNC educational landscape in Pakistan, which is
succeeding paras.
marked by significant disparities. According to the
Standardization of Quality Education: The SNC's
Pakistan Education Statistics report, in the years
primary intent is to establish a uniform standard of
preceding the SNC, only 30% of government schools met
quality education across Pakistan. This effort addresses
the national minimum standards for education,
long-standing inequities that have resulted from a
compared to 70% of private institutions, illuminating a
fragmented education system characterized by a wide
stark contrast in educational quality. Yet, post-SNC
gulf between private, public, and religious schooling
implementation forecasts suggest promising changes.
systems. The standardization process involves the
Early evaluations have shown a tentative increase of 10%
formulation of a consistent set of learning objectives,
in meeting national standards across all schools, serving
teaching methodologies, and assessment criteria that all
as a hopeful indicator of the potential leveling effect of
educational institutions must adhere to. The premise
the SNC.
behind this move is encapsulated by education policy analyst,
Moreover, school enrollment figures are
Dr. Salman Zafar's observation, "When every child has access
expected to see an uptick, with predictions of at least a
to the same high-quality resources and instruction, we lay the
15% increase in enrollment nation-wide as the SNC
groundwork for a more just and progressive society." As such,
becomes uniformly established, according to the
the SNC is a cornerstone reform in Pakistan's
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
educational policy, aiming to raise the bar for academic
These statistics are pivotal in gauging the practical
excellence and ensuring that every student, irrespective
impact of the SNC, reflecting a gradual shift towards a
of their economic or social standing, receives an
more equitable academic environment throughout
education that equips them with the skills to thrive in the
21st century.
Effects of SNC
Reduction in Educational Disparity: One of the most
The reverberations of the SNC are far-reaching, pivotal goals of the SNC is the reduction in educational
impacting not only the quality of education but also the disparity across different strata of Pakistani society. By
cultural ethos within which Pakistani students learn. The bringing all governmental, private, and madrasah schools
curriculum is not just a vehicle for academic content; it is under one cohesive educational framework, the aim is to
also a conveyor of values and perspectives. As dismantle the hierarchical structure that has historically
international education expert, Andreas Schleicher of the privileged certain schools over others. The SNC aspires
OECD, has articulated, "The test of a successful education is to democratize knowledge, making quality education a
not the information that students can recall, but the value universal right rather than a privilege of the few. As noted
system within which they apply this knowledge." By instilling in a study by the Sustainable Development Policy
a unified value system that respects diversity while Institute, discrepancies in literacy and numeracy skills
promoting shared ideals, the SNC is positioned to across various school types are anticipated to narrow

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significantly as the curriculum is fully implemented and based learning and inquiry-based discussions, thereby
resources are distributed more evenly. This initiative encouraging students to question, debate, and engage
marks a significant step towards an egalitarian deeply with the material, fostering a generation of
educational system where meritocracy can flourish and thinkers and innovators who are well-prepared to
where every child, no matter their background, can contribute to the socioeconomic development of
aspire to achieve their fullest potential. Pakistan.

Unified National Identity: The SNC initiative extends Updated Teaching Methodologies: The SNC is set to
beyond academic benefits, reaching into the realm of revolutionize teaching methodologies by introducing a
national identity formation. Through a standardized blend of traditional and innovative strategies designed to
curriculum, the SNC fosters a unified national identity cater to diverse learning styles. In the thrust for
amongst Pakistan's youth, addressing both the cognitive modernization, interactive pedagogies such as
and emotional dimensions of learning. Advocates of the collaborative projects, digital learning tools, and
SNC argue that a common educational experience can experiential activities are being embraced. This paradigm
strengthen national solidarity and reduce inter-regional shift from passive to active learning seeks to involve
and sectarian divides. This is particularly pertinent in a students more directly in the process of their educational
country like Pakistan where ethnic and linguistic journey. Teachers are being trained to facilitate rather
diversity has often been a source of fragmentation. than dictate, creating classroom environments where
Integrated into the curriculum are elements that critical thinking is nourished and students are
celebrate Pakistan's rich cultural tapestry while encouraged to take ownership of their learning. These
emphasizing common civic values and the updated teaching methodologies aim to align with global
responsibilities of citizenship. The cultivation of a shared educational standards, preparing Pakistani youth to be
national story aims to inspire a commitment to the competitive and adaptable in an ever-evolving world.
collective well-being and resilience of the nation,
Increased Access to Education: The expansion of access
preparing students not only as global citizens but
to education is a pivotal element of the SNC. By
stewards of their national heritage as well.
standardizing the quality of education, there is an implicit
Enhancement of Critical Thinking Skills: The SNC is mandate to ensure that all children, including those from
engineered not just to relay information but to enhance marginalized communities, rural areas, and economically
critical thinking skills among students. With a more disadvantaged families, are brought into the fold of
standardized approach to education, the curriculum formal education. Initiatives under the SNC aim to
emphasizes analytical abilities, problem-solving, and reduce financial barriers, improve school infrastructure,
logical reasoning. These are integral competencies in a and recruit skilled educators across the country.
world where information is abundant and the challenges Enhanced access also includes gender-inclusive policies
are complex. Policy makers, like Dr. Nadeem Javed, argue that encourage equal participation from girls, an aspect
that "In the knowledge economy, rote memorization is futile. that has traditionally been overlooked in certain regions.
Instead, the ability to think critically, to analyze data, and to The move towards a more inclusive education system is
come up with innovative solutions is what will set our encapsulated by the Ministry of Education's commitment;
students apart." The SNC actively incorporates project- "Education for all is not just a slogan, but a promise to our

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future generations, ensuring that every child has the right and who wish to pursue higher education abroad, thereby
opportunity to learn and succeed." This inclusive approach fostering a workforce capable of excelling in both local
is anticipated to not only improve literacy rates but also and global arenas.
contribute to the overall socio-economic development
Challenges to SNC
by creating a more educated and skilled workforce.
"While the SNC aims to reshape the educational
Promotion of Critical National Issues: In alignment with
landscape, we must also acknowledge the hurdles ahead,"
its comprehensive approach to education, the SNC
cautions education reformist, Faizan Ali. "The true test will be
introduces the discussion of critical national issues into
in the implementation and overcoming resistance to change.
the classroom. Topics such as environmental
It's about rewriting the future, one lesson at a time." This
conservation, public health awareness, and sustainable
quote encapsulates the optimism and the pragmatic
development are not just peripheral subjects but are
acknowledgment of the challenges that the SNC would
woven into the fabric of the educational content. The aim
face. As much as it is an educational policy, it is also a
is to imbibe a sense of civic duty and awareness in
transformative journey that requires the collective effort
students from a young age, prompting them to engage
of all stakeholders. Some key challenges are described
with the pressing challenges facing Pakistan today. This
initiative supports the idea that an informed and
Resistance to Change: "Change is never easy, and the
proactive citizenry is essential for the advancement and
educational sector is no exception," says educational
problem-solving that the nation requires. The inclusion
reformist, Dr. Aamir Raza. Resistance to change poses a
of these critical issues in the curriculum ensures that
significant challenge to the implementation of the SNC,
Pakistan's future leaders are not only academically
as educators and institutions may be hesitant to abandon
proficient but also socially and ethically conscious,
longstanding practices and approaches.
equipped to make informed decisions for the betterment
of their country. Teacher Training and Preparedness: According to teacher
educator, Hina Altaf, "An overhaul in curriculum demands
Harmonization with Global Educational Standards: The
equally rigorous teacher training, which is currently lagging
SNC is meticulously designed to bring Pakistan's
behind." The challenge of adequately training and
educational framework in line with international norms,
preparing teachers for the new curriculum is crucial for
ensuring that students are globally competitive. The
the SNC's success.
curriculum is benchmarked against the educational
standards of countries renowned for their academic Aligning Regional Education Policies: "Provincial
excellence. In this vein, the SNC includes language autonomy in education matters is both a strength and an
proficiency, scientific literacy, and mathematical acuity obstacle," observes policy analyst, Zahid Hussain. The
as core components mirroring global expectations. challenge lies in aligning regional education policies with
Moreover, it integrates a multicultural and international the federal SNC, as provinces have their own educational
perspective, preparing students to navigate and jurisdictions which may resist uniformity.
contribute to an interconnected world. By harmonizing
Infrastructure and Resource Allocation: "The disparity in
with universal educational standards, the SNC also
school infrastructures across Pakistan is a visible hurdle,"
envisions facilitating smoother transitions for students

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remarks educational NGO director, Kashif Ali. Ensuring that under similar conditions may offer valuable insights.
every school has the necessary infrastructure and Analyzing such instances not only highlights best
resources to implement the SNC is a substantial practices but also reveals the pitfalls that must be
challenge. avoided to achieve the ambitious goals set forth by the
SNC initiative.
Linguistic and Cultural Diversity: "Our nation's linguistic
and cultural fabric is rich and diverse, which complicates the Case Study 1: Finland's National Core Curriculum: The
creation of a 'single' curriculum," notes linguist, Dr. Naveen Finnish education system’s approach to standardizing
Aslam. The challenge revolves around accommodating education is renowned worldwide. The National Core
the linguistic and cultural diversity in a unified Curriculum in Finland provides a clear framework that
curriculum. guides education providers in fostering skills such as
critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.
Financial Constraints: "Without proper funding, the
Finland's initiative emphasizes equity, with all students
promise of the SNC risks remaining on paper only," says
having access to the same quality of education regardless
economist, Rehan Malik. Financial constraints pose a
of their background or the school they attend. Their
significant challenge, as substantial resources are
holistic approach has been lauded for the consistent high
required for the curriculum's nationwide rollout.
performance of Finnish students in international
Assessment and Evaluation Systems: "Revamping the
curriculum necessitates an overhaul of our assessment
Case Study 2: Japan's Gakushū Shidō Yōryō (National
techniques as well," points out educational researcher,
Curriculum Standards): Japan's implementation of
Fareeha Qasim. Updating and standardizing the
National Curriculum Standards, known as Gakushū Shidō
assessment and evaluation systems to match the SNC's
objectives is a vital challenge. Yōryō, outlines the content of education from
elementary to upper secondary schools. The Japanese
Community and Parental Involvement: Educational
model is characterized by a high degree of specificity and
activist, Omar Farid, believes that "Parental and community
detail, allowing for consistent educational experiences
involvement is pivotal and remains a major challenge in terms
across the nation while still permitting individual schools
of acceptance and support for the SNC." Gaining the
some flexibility in how they achieve the goals set out in
support and involvement of parents and communities is
the curriculum. The homogeneity and rigour of Japan's
crucial for the real-world implementation of the
educational system have been instrumental in driving the
curriculum changes.
country's academic excellence.
Case Studies
Case Study 3: Singapore's National Curriculum: A strong
In the light of these challenges, the success of the central curriculum is a cornerstone of Singapore's
SNC hinges on a pragmatic and inclusive approach. It education system, one of the highest-ranked in the world.
demands relentless effort and coordination across This curriculum is constantly reviewed and updated to
various levels of government, educational institutions, stay relevant and to equip students with future-ready
and communities. A look into case studies where skills. The approach in Singapore balances
curriculum reforms have been successfully implemented standardization with adaptation, allowing schools to

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tailor to their students' needs while ensuring that core Year 8: National and International Benchmarking: After
competencies and values are consistently instilled. The a substantial period of implementation, benchmarking
country’s strategic curriculum development involves against national and international standards will become
stakeholders from various sectors, evidence of the essential to align with global best practices and to ensure
government's commitment to comprehensive the competencies of the students meet international
educational planning. expectations.

Way Forward: A 10-Years’ Roadmap for the SNC Year 9-10: Sustaining Reforms and Innovative
Adaptation: The final stretch of the roadmap will involve
The path ahead for the SNC requires a vision that
sustaining the reforms through innovative practices and
is both strategic and adaptable. To navigate the
regular curriculum updates to keep pace with the
subsequent decade effectively, it will be necessary to
evolving demands of the 21st century. Emphasizing
build a 10-Year Roadmap that encompasses:-
inclusive education and fostering lifelong learning will be
Year 1-2: Comprehensive Review and Stakeholder
crucial to cement the sustainability of the SNC.
Engagement: Initiating with a detailed analysis of the
Laying out such a roadmap promises a future where the
current educational landscape, stakeholder engagement
SNC not only takes root but flourishes, ultimately leading
must be prioritized to gather insights and build
to an educated populace that is well-equipped to meet
consensus. This phase should also include the
the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
development of a detailed implementation plan, with
roles and responsibilities clearly outlined for all parties Conclusion
As Pakistan forges ahead with the
Year 3-5: Infrastructure Enhancement and Resource implementation of the SNC, it becomes abundantly clear
Allocation: Concentrating on closing the gap in that there is much to learn from international models.
educational infrastructure and ensuring equitable Yet, it is crucial to develop solutions that are cognizant of
resource allocation will form the cornerstone of this Pakistan's unique educational tapestry. Embracing
period. This phase will also tackle the challenge of regional diversity, investing in infrastructure, engaging
teachers' professional development by offering with communities, and ensuring continuous and inclusive
extensive training and continuous support. policy development are steps that cannot be overlooked.
With careful consideration and dedicated effort, the SNC
has the potential to unite varied educational landscapes
Year 6-7: Curriculum Implementation and Continuous
of Pakistan under a banner of quality education for all.
Assessment: With the groundwork laid, the focus will
The success of this ambitious initiative will depend on the
shift to the full swing implementation of the SNC across
resilience and adaptability of all stakeholders involved,
all regions. It is critical to install a continuous feedback
from policymakers to educators to the communities they
mechanism during this stage to monitor the effectiveness
of curriculum delivery and make data-driven

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Greening Pakistan: Embracing Sustainable Environmental Practices

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - Native American Proverb

Introduction importance of individual and collective action in

embracing sustainable environmental practices, a notion
As eloquently stated by environmentalist and
that is equally applicable to Pakistan's journey towards
former US Vice President, Al Gore, "The future of our planet is
environmental sustainability.
at stake. Sustainability is the path to our survival and
prosperity." This quote encapsulates the essence of our Simply put, a sustainable environment is one that
necessity to adopt sustainable environmental practices. can meet the needs of the present without compromising
In the context of Pakistan, a country with a rich natural the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
heritage but fraught with environmental challenges, this It involves taking into account the long-term impact of
imperative is all the more pressing. The nation's future our actions and making responsible choices that
hinges on its ability to balance economic growth with minimize harm to the environment.
environmental stewardship, ensuring that the beauty
However, achieving sustainability requires a
and bounty of the land remain for generations to come.
holistic approach that encompasses social, economic, and
Pakistan, a country known for its breathtaking environmental factors. This means finding a balance
landscapes and rich biodiversity, finds itself at a critical between the needs of people, the planet, and prosperity.
environmental crossroads. The decisions made today will It also involves taking into account the
not only determine the future of its environment but also interconnectedness of various environmental issues
have a profound impact on the overall health, well-being, such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, and
and even the very survival of its people. resource depletion.

This thought-provoking article delves into the Sustainable environmental practices seek to
exploration of how Pakistan can effectively transition mitigate these challenges by promoting responsible use
towards more sustainable and resilient environmental of resources, reducing waste and emissions, conserving
practices. It emphasizes the pressing need for immediate biodiversity, and protecting vulnerable ecosystems. They
action, highlights the numerous benefits of embracing also involve promoting renewable energy, sustainable
sustainable practices, and sheds light on the policies that agriculture, and responsible urban planning. By
can pave the way forward. By implementing these embracing these practices, Pakistan can not only
measures, Pakistan can pave the path towards a greener safeguard its environment but also promote equitable
and brighter future for generations to come. development and improve the overall quality of life for its
Understanding the Sustainable Environment
The Dismal State of Our Environment: A Wake-Up Call
In the words of Dr. Jane Goodall, renowned
ethologist and environmental advocate, "What you do makes Pakistan faces a multitude of environmental
a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference challenges. Rapid urbanization, deforestation, pollution,
you want to make." This sentiment underscores the and climate change have all led to significant

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environmental degradation. The country's rich Billion Tree Tsunami, a government-led afforestation
biodiversity is under threat, as habitats are lost and project, is one such example. However, the road to
species face extinction. However, as observed by sustainability is long and arduous, requiring collective
environmentalist David Attenborough, "The natural world is action, stringent policies, and significant behavioral
the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth change.
living." This quote underscores the urgency for Pakistan
Environmental Challenges
to protect its natural heritage and implement sustainable
Dr. Tariq Banuri, a renowned Pakistani
environmental practices. These practices are not just
environmental economist, states “the fate of Pakistan's
necessary for the survival of the country's unique flora
quest for sustainable development hinges on how we handle
and fauna but also for the wellbeing of its people and the
our precious natural resources and environment.” To ensure
vitality of its communities.
effective environmental management, it is imperative
Pakistan's current environmental situation is a
that we comprehend and tackle the obstacles that
mix of opportunities and challenges. The country, blessed
impede the adoption of sustainable practices. Here's a
with diverse ecosystems ranging from mountains to
comprehensive list of the environmental challenges
deserts and forests to coastlines, is a reservoir of rich
faced by Pakistan:-
biodiversity. However, this natural wealth is under
Climate Change: Climate change is arguably the most
significant strain due to rapid urbanization, uncontrolled
daunting environmental challenge facing Pakistan. With
deforestation, and pollution. Pakistan ranks 176th
rising temperatures, unpredictable weather patterns,
of 180 countries in the latest Environmental
and an increase in extreme weather events such as floods
Performance Index (EPI).
and droughts, climate change threatens not only the
Climate change poses a severe threat, with
environment but also the livelihoods of millions of
Pakistan placed 8th on the latest Global Climate Risk
Index due to its vulnerability to extreme weather events.
Deforestation: Rapid deforestation is another significant
In terms of energy, Pakistan's Alternative Energy
issue. Forests, the lungs of our planet, are being
Development Board (AEDB) reports that renewable
indiscriminately cut down to make way for urban
energy sources currently contribute about 4% to the
development and agriculture. This not only disrupts
total power production capacity, with plans to increase
ecosystems but also increases Pakistan's vulnerability to
this to 30% by 2030. Moreover, according to the Pakistan
climate change.
Environmental Protection Agency, only 50% of urban
waste is collected, with the rest often burned or dumped Water Scarcity: Pakistan is currently grappling with
in rivers, posing severe environmental and health risks. In severe water scarcity. The combination of over-
terms of air quality, Pakistan ranks 2nd most polluted extraction, wasteful water use, and lack of efficient water
country in the world. management systems has led to dwindling water
resources. This poses a significant threat to agriculture,
On a positive note, there is an increasing
the backbone of Pakistan's economy, and human health.
awareness of environmental issues among the public and
some promising initiatives have been launched. The

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Air Pollution / Smog: Air pollution, particularly in urban Policy and Governance: The effectiveness of
areas, is another pressing environmental challenge. environmental policies and the political will to implement
Emissions from vehicles, industry, and burning of solid them play a critical role in environmental sustainability.
waste contribute to poor air quality, posing serious Inadequate regulations, insufficient enforcement,
health risks to the population. corruption, or lack of coordination among different
government entities can all impede sustainability efforts.
Loss of Biodiversity: Pakistan's diverse ecosystems are
under threat due to habitat destruction, pollution, Technological Advancements: While technology can
climate change, and overexploitation of species. This loss provide solutions to environmental problems, such as
of biodiversity not only disrupts ecological balance but renewable energy technologies and waste management
also threatens the resources upon which local systems, it can also contribute to environmental
communities depend. degradation if not responsibly managed. E-waste, for
instance, is a growing problem.
Factors Affecting the Sustainable Environment
Social and Cultural Factors: Societal attitudes towards
Dr. Adil Najam, the Dean of the Pardee School of
the environment, ingrained cultural practices, and levels
Global Studies at Boston University and a prominent
of environmental awareness can all influence
Pakistani expert on climate change, offers a thought-
sustainability. Public apathy or resistance to change can
provoking perspective on the environmental challenges faced
hinder environmental conservation efforts, while a
by the country. According to him, "Our greatest
strong culture of environmental stewardship can
environmental challenge lies in our failure to acknowledge,
facilitate sustainability.
comprehend, and address the environmental issues that
confront us." This powerful statement highlights the Best Practices / Initiatives at National Level
urgent need to recognize the gravity of these challenges
Renowned climatologist Dr. Qamar-Uz-Zaman
and work collectively and diligently towards sustainable
Chaudhry offers a thought-provoking perspective on the
solutions. The following factors play a crucial role in
climate crisis: "Climate change is not a looming threat for
shaping Pakistan's sustainable environmental growth:-
Pakistan; it is an existing reality. Urgent and decisive action is
Population Growth: Rapid population growth places needed to adapt to this new normal and mitigate its most
significant pressure on natural resources. More people severe consequences." Here are some initiatives and
means more demand for food, water, energy, and space, measures currently in progress:-
leading to over-exploitation of resources, increased
Community-Based Conservation Initiatives: A number
waste, and accelerated habitat destruction.
of successful community-based projects have been
Economic Development: Unsustainable economic implemented in Pakistan, such as the Aga Khan Rural
practices, such as over-reliance on fossil fuels and Support Program and the Sarhad Rural Support Program.
unchecked industrial growth, contribute to pollution and These initiatives involve local communities in
resource depletion. Additionally, economic inequality conservation efforts, promoting sustainable practices
can hinder sustainable development efforts, as those in while also providing economic benefits.
poverty are often forced to prioritize short-term survival
over long-term environmental sustainability.

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Zero Waste Initiatives: Some cities in Pakistan, such as legislation to protect the environment, such as the
Lahore and Islamabad, have launched zero waste Pakistan Environmental Protection Act and the National
initiatives that aim to reduce waste generation, promote Forest Policy. These laws provide a framework for
recycling and composting, and improve waste sustainable development and promote environmental
management practices. These efforts not only help in conservation at all levels of society.
reducing environmental pollution but also create job
International Cooperation: Pakistan has also
opportunities in the recycling sector.
collaborated with international organizations such as the
Renewable Energy Projects: Pakistan is making strides United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and
towards renewable energy production, with projects Green Climate Fund (GCF) to implement sustainable
such as the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park and various development projects. This cooperation allows for
Hydropower Project. These projects not only help in knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and access to
reducing carbon emissions but also contribute to the funding for sustainability initiatives in the country.
country's energy security and economic development.
NGOs' Contributions: Various non-governmental
Sustainable Agriculture Practices: The government has organizations (NGOs) in Pakistan are working towards
initiated programs such as the Prime Minister's environmental protection and sustainable development
Agriculture Emergency Program, which promotes through projects such as tree plantation drives, waste
sustainable agricultural practices such as crop management initiatives, and awareness campaigns.
diversification, efficient use of water resources, and These efforts supplement government initiatives and
organic farming. Such efforts help in conserving natural contribute to the overall goal of a greener and more
resources and promoting sustainable livelihoods for sustainable Pakistan.
Private Sector Involvement: Businesses in Pakistan are
Environmental Education and Awareness: The increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability
government has also taken steps to promote and implementing environmentally friendly practices.
environmental education and awareness, with initiatives Some companies have adopted sustainability strategies,
such as the Clean Green Pakistan Movement and various such as reducing their carbon footprint and
educational campaigns. This increases public implementing green supply chain management. This not
understanding of environmental issues and encourages only benefits the environment but also improves their
individuals to take action towards sustainability. public image and attracts socially responsible consumers.

Legislation by Government: In recent years, the The Billion Tree Tsunami Project: The Billion Tree
government has enacted several laws and regulations for Tsunami was an afforestation project launched by the
environmental protection, such as the Pakistan government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan, in
Environment Protection Act 1997 and the Climate 2014. The goal was to combat the effects of climate
Change Act 2017. These laws provide a legal framework change by planting a billion trees within a span of five
for sustainable development and hold individuals and years. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the
industries accountable for their impact on the region successfully achieved its target by August 2017,
environment. The government has also introduced well ahead of the deadline. The project has not only

Analytical Essays

contributed to climate change mitigation by related to environmental sustainability, such as clean

sequestering approximately 0.35 million tons of carbon energy, sustainable cities, and responsible consumption
but also created thousands of green jobs. and production. By aligning its policies and strategies
with the SDGs, Pakistan can move towards a more
Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags: The ban on single-use
sustainable future.
plastic bags in Islamabad is a significant step towards
waste reduction and environmental protection. After the Circular Economy: Many countries around the world are
ban in 2019, Islamabad became the first city in Pakistan transitioning from a linear economy (take-make-use-
to take such initiative. The success of this policy can be dispose) to a circular economy (reduce-reuse-recycle). In
seen in the substantial decrease in plastic waste in the a circular economy, resources are used efficiently, waste
city's streets and landfills. This has inspired other cities in is minimized, and products are designed to be
Pakistan to consider similar bans. repurposed or recycled. Pakistan can learn from global
best practices and implement circular economy
Electric Vehicles Policy 2020: The Electric Vehicles
principles to reduce its environmental footprint and
Policy 2020 is a bold initiative by the government of
promote sustainable consumption.
Pakistan to promote a shift towards green energy. The
objective is to ensure that at least 30% of all vehicles in Green Bonds: Green bonds are a form of financing that is
the country are electric by 2030. This policy is expected specifically allocated for environmentally friendly
to result in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas projects, such as renewable energy, sustainable
emissions, air pollution, and dependence on fossil fuels, agriculture, and clean transportation. This innovative
while also stimulating the local manufacturing sector. financial instrument has gained popularity globally as
With the implementation of this policy, Pakistan is set to more investors prioritize socially and environmentally
become a leader in the adoption of electric vehicles in responsible investments. In 2021, Pakistan issued its first
South Asia. green bond of $500 million to finance renewable energy
projects, making it the first South Asian country to do so.
Artificial Rain to Tackle Smog: In an attempt to alleviate
the intense smog that envelops Lahore and other major Way Forward
cities in Pakistan during the winter season, the
Embracing Global Best Practices: Pakistan can
government conducted a successful artificial rain
significantly benefit from embracing and implementing
experiment in Lahore. This endeavor significantly
global best practices in sustainability. Drawing lessons
reduced the impact of smog and improved the Air Quality
from Germany's renewable energy transition or
Index in Lahore.
Norway's electric vehicle adoption can help Pakistan
Global Best Practices make significant strides in its green journey.

Sustainable Development Goals: Pakistan, like many Policy Revisions: The Government should consider
other countries, has committed to achieving the United revising existing environmental policies and strategies to
Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These ensure they are aligned with current global trends. In
goals aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and promote addition, new policies may need to be introduced to
prosperity for all. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable address emerging environmental challenges and
Development includes 17 SDGs with specific targets opportunities.

Analytical Essays

Public Awareness and Participation: Increasing public Education for Sustainable Development: Education is
awareness about environmental issues and encouraging vital in promoting a sustainable mindset among
participation in sustainability initiatives is crucial. People individuals. Introducing environmental education in
need to understand the importance and benefits of schools and universities can help create a younger
adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives. generation that is conscious of environmental issues and
equipped with the knowledge and skills to address them.
Investing in Green Technologies: Investing in green
technologies can help Pakistan reduce its carbon 10-Years Roadmap
footprint and create jobs. Emphasizing the development
Short Term Objectives (1-3 Years)
of renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, and waste
Policy Revisions: Review and revise existing
management solutions should be prioritized.
environmental policies for alignment with global trends.
Strengthening Institutional Capacities: There is a need
Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch public awareness
to strengthen institutional capacities to effectively
campaigns to promote understanding and importance of
implement and enforce environmental policies and
sustainable practices.
regulations. This could entail providing necessary
training, resources, and support to relevant Investment in Green Technologies: Begin prioritizing
governmental and non-governmental organizations. investment into green technologies, specifically in
renewable energy and waste management solutions.
Fostering International Collaboration: International
collaboration can play a vital role in addressing Educational Initiatives: Introduce environmental
environmental challenges. By collaborating with other education in schools and universities.
countries and international organizations, Pakistan can
Medium Term Objectives (4-7 Years)
gain access to additional resources, knowledge, and
Strengthen Institutional Capacities: Provide training
technical expertise.
and resources to governmental and non-governmental
Promoting Innovation and Technology for
organizations for effective implementation and
Sustainability: Innovation and technology can drive
enforcement of environmental policies and regulations.
sustainable development. The Government should
Implementation of Green Technologies: Implement
encourage research, development, and implementation
green technologies in key industries and encourage their
of innovative technologies that reduce carbon emissions,
use in everyday life.
promote clean energy, and decrease waste.
Advancement in Renewable Energy: Promote the
Advancing Renewable Energy Initiatives: Pakistan's
development of renewable energy infrastructure, with a
renewable energy sector has vast potential for growth.
focus on solar and wind energy.
The Government should continue to introduce policies
and incentives that promote the development of Long Term Objectives (8-10 Years)
renewable energy infrastructure and encourage
International Collaboration: Establish partnerships with
investment in this sector.
other countries and international organizations to gain
access to more resources and technical expertise.

Analytical Essays

Innovation and Technology for Sustainability: Foster a

culture of innovation, encouraging the research and
development of technologies that promote

Widespread Renewable Energy Use: Achieve a

significant increase in the country-wide use of renewable
energy sources over fossil fuels.


Pakistan's journey towards sustainability is a

long and challenging one that requires a concerted effort
from the government, private sector, and the general
public. By embracing global best practices, revising
policies, raising public awareness, investing in green
technologies, and fostering international collaboration,
the country can significantly progress towards a greener
future. Additionally, promoting innovation, advancing
renewable energy initiatives, and implementing
environmental education will further strengthen this
journey. It is imperative to recognize that sustainability is
not just an environmental necessity but also a pathway
that can lead to economic prosperity and improved
quality of life. The 10-year roadmap outlines a strategic
framework to achieve comprehensive sustainability,
with defined objectives for the short, medium, and long
term. It is hoped that with a dedicated and consistent
effort, Pakistan can emerge as a model of sustainable
development for other developing nations to emulate.

Analytical Essays

Impacts of Technology on Human Life

“Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of
civilizations, of arts and of sciences.” - Freeman Dyson

Introduction In this comprehensive article, we will delve into

the multifaceted impacts of technology on human beings.
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world,
We will explore the positive transformations it has
technology has seamlessly integrated into every aspect
brought, such as enhanced communication, increased
of our daily lives. From the moment we wake up to the
access to information, and improved efficiency.
time we go to bed, we rely on technology to navigate our
Simultaneously, we will examine the negative
routines. Smartphones have become extensions of
repercussions, including potential isolation, privacy
ourselves, serving as our alarm clocks, personal
concerns, and environmental implications. By gaining a
assistants, and windows to the digital realm. Laptops
deeper understanding of both the advantages and
have transformed the way we work, allowing us to
disadvantages, we can navigate the digital landscape
connect with colleagues and complete tasks from
with greater awareness and make informed decisions
anywhere in the world. Social media platforms have
about our relationship with technology.
revolutionized the way we communicate, enabling us to
stay connected with friends and family, share our Understanding the Technology
experiences, and discover new communities. And online
Before we delve into the impacts of technology,
shopping has forever changed the way we shop,
it is crucial to first understand what technology entails.
providing us with a vast array of products at our
The term 'technology' encompasses a broad spectrum of
fingertips, delivered right to our doorsteps.
tools, machinery, equipment, techniques, and processes
The convenience and efficiency that technology used to simplify tasks and solve problems in our daily
brings to our lives cannot be denied. It has revolutionized lives. This definition extends from simple tools like a pen
industries, streamlined processes, and opened up new or a wheel to complex systems like the internet or
possibilities. However, it is important to acknowledge artificial intelligence. In the context of this article, we will
that technology also has its fair share of drawbacks. focus more on digital technology, which refers to any
Increased screen time and digital distractions have raised technology that uses digital logic or digital signals to
concerns about our mental health and social interactions. function. This category includes computers,
The rapid pace of technological advancements has smartphones, digital platforms, and the internet, among
created a digital divide, leaving some individuals and others. These technologies have become so ingrained in
communities behind. Privacy and security issues have our lives that it's difficult to imagine a world without
become more prevalent as our lives become increasingly them. However, as we will explore in this article, their
digitized. And the environmental impact of technology, omnipresence also brings with it a host of challenges and
from electronic waste to energy consumption, cannot be considerations.

Analytical Essays

The Historical Evolution of Technology Benefits of Technology

The history of technology is as old as human Improved Communication: Technology has

existence itself, with the earliest tools and techniques fundamentally transformed how we communicate. Long
devised by our ancestors marking the beginning of this gone are the days of snail mail and landline telephones. In
journey. The Stone Age saw the development of simple their place, we have smartphones, email, and social media
tools made from bone or wood, paving the way for platforms that allow us to communicate instantly, no
technological advancements. The Bronze Age and Iron matter where we are in the world. Not only has
Age brought about advancements in metalworking, technology made communication more convenient, but it
giving birth to a plethora of new tools and weapons. has also enhanced the quality of our interactions. Video
calling apps like Skype and Zoom allow us to have face-
The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th
to-face conversations with individuals across the globe,
centuries marked a significant turning point, with the
making it easier to maintain personal and professional
transition from hand production methods to machines,
relationships. Moreover, social media networks permit
new manufacturing and chemical processes, improved
us to share our experiences, ideas, and opinions with a
efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam
broad audience, sparking conversations and fostering a
power, and the development of machine tools. This
sense of global community.
period also saw the advent of significant innovations
such as the steam engine, telegraph, and telephone. Increased Access to Information: The advent of the
internet and digital technology has revolutionized access
The 20th century heralded the age of digital
to information. It's as if the entire world's knowledge is at
technology with the development of the first electronic
our fingertips. We can find answers to our queries within
computers in the 1940s. The latter half of the century
seconds, learn new skills from online courses, stay
saw the advent of the internet, fundamentally
updated with global news, and access scholarly articles
transforming the way we communicate, gather
and books without needing to visit a library. This
information, and interact with the world. This age of
abundance of information has democratized education,
information, also known as the Digital Age, saw rapid
allowing people from all walks of life to learn and grow.
advancements and an exponential increase in the use of
Furthermore, it has empowered individuals to make
digital technology.
informed decisions, from healthcare to finance, based on
Today, we are living in an era dominated by
readily available data. However, the challenge lies in
technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine
distinguishing credible sources from misleading ones
learning, blockchain, and the internet of things. They
amidst the information overload.
continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, all
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: One of the most
while raising new questions and concerns that society
significant benefits of technology is the remarkable
must address. As we move into the future, it is vital to
increase in efficiency and productivity in various sectors.
understand this historical context as it forms the
Automation of routine tasks has freed up time and effort
foundation upon which current and future technologies
for complex problem-solving and creative work, thereby
are built.
enhancing workplace productivity. Digital tools and

Analytical Essays

software help in project management, real-time streaming platforms, video games, and digital art offering
collaboration, and streamlined workflows, facilitating diverse forms of leisure and creative expression.
efficiency in professional settings. Furthermore, However, while these advancements have made life
technology has led to the creation of smart homes and easier for many, it is crucial to remember that access to
appliances, offering convenience and time-saving these technologies is not universally available, and
benefits in our day-to-day lives. In essence, technology efforts must be made to address this disparity.
has empowered us to accomplish more in less time and
Drawbacks of Technology
with fewer resources.
Privacy and Security Concerns: As we increasingly rely
Global Connectivity: Technology has made the world a
on technology for various aspects of our lives, privacy
smaller place by bridging geographical gaps and bringing
and security concerns become more pronounced. The
people closer. With the help of the internet, we can now
digital age has given birth to a host of cyber threats, such
interact with individuals from different cultures,
as hacking, identity theft, and data breaches. With vast
participate in global events virtually, and learn about
amounts of personal and sensitive information being
diverse parts of the world without having to physically
stored online, protecting this data has become critical.
travel. This global connectivity has also led to the
Moreover, the proliferation of social media has blurred
expansion of businesses into international markets, with
the lines between public and private, leading some to
the ability to connect with customers, partners, and
willingly share personal information, often without fully
suppliers from any corner of the world. The rise of digital
understanding potential implications. Companies, too,
nomads, who work and live in different countries, is a
collect data on customer behavior for targeted
testament to the freedom and flexibility that technology-
advertising, raising concerns about consent and data
enabled connectivity offers. However, this
misuse. Measures such as strong encryption, two-factor
unprecedented level of global connectivity also brings
authentication, and sensible digital habits can mitigate
challenges, such as cultural misunderstandings and
some of these risks, but the onus is also on companies and
cybersecurity threats, which need to be addressed with
lawmakers to ensure robust data protection norms.
Digital Divide: A significant disadvantage of the rapid
Improved Quality of Life: Technology has significantly
technological advancements is the creation of a digital
improved the quality of life for many people around the
divide. This term refers to the gap between individuals
world. From advancements in medical technology that
who have access to computers and the internet, and
enable better diagnosis and treatment of diseases to
those who do not. The divide can be seen across various
assistive technology that enhances the lives of
dimensions, such as rural vs. urban, rich vs. poor, and
individuals with disabilities, the impact is immense.
developed vs. developing countries. Those on the wrong
Furthermore, technology has simplified daily tasks with
side of the digital divide lack access to crucial
the rise of smart homes. Devices connected via the
information, services, and opportunities provided by
Internet of Things (IoT) such as smart thermostats,
digital technologies, widening socio-economic
refrigerators, and security systems offer unprecedented
disparities. This issue is particularly pressing in the
convenience and peace of mind. Moreover, technology
context of online education, where lack of access to
has transformed how we entertain ourselves, with

Analytical Essays

technology can hinder a student's learning progress. However, on the positive side, technology also offers
Efforts towards digital inclusion, aimed at ensuring solutions to environmental challenges. Renewable
everyone has equal access to technology, are crucial in energy technologies, smart grids, and energy-efficient
addressing this divide. These may include policy appliances are reducing our carbon footprint.
initiatives to enhance infrastructure, lower costs of Furthermore, digital tools are being used to monitor
devices and internet services, and provide digital literacy environmental conditions, predict climate patterns, and
training. promote sustainable practices. Balancing the benefits of
technology with its environmental impact requires
Health Risks: As technology becomes an increasingly
concerted efforts towards sustainable technological
integral part of our lives, it has also introduced a new set
development and responsible consumption.
of health risks. Extended screen time, often associated
with the use of computers, smartphones, and televisions, Over-Dependence on Technology: As technology
can lead to issues like digital eye strain, sleep disorders, continues to evolve, our reliance on it has become more
and sedentary lifestyle-related diseases like obesity and pronounced. While technology can certainly make our
heart disease. In children, excessive screen time can lives more convenient, this dependence also has its
affect cognitive development and social skills. drawbacks. It can breed complacency, as we trust
Furthermore, the ubiquitous presence of technology can machines to perform tasks and make decisions that we
also contribute to mental health issues. The constant once handled ourselves. This can lead to a decrease in
flow of information and the pressure to be always critical thinking skills and an increase in the likelihood of
connected can lead to anxiety and stress. Cyberbullying human error should the technology fail. Additionally,
on social media platforms is another serious issue psychological dependence on technology can lead to
affecting mental wellbeing, particularly among feelings of anxiety or distress when technology is
teenagers. It's important to promote healthy technology inaccessible. On a societal level, our dependence on
habits, such as limiting screen time, taking regular breaks, technology can create vulnerabilities, such as the
using appropriate protective measures like blue-light potential for power grid failures or cyber-attacks that
glasses, and encouraging physical activity and offline can disrupt essential services. Therefore, while
social interaction. technology is undeniably a powerful tool that has
brought numerous benefits, it is crucial to strike a
Environmental Impact: The escalating reliance on
balance and ensure that we maintain our skills and
technology also has significant environmental
implications. E-waste, or discarded electronic devices,
pose a serious environmental threat due to the toxic Future Challenges
materials they contain. Improper disposal can lead to soil,
Ethical Considerations: As technology continues to
water, and air pollution, posing health risks to humans
advance, ethical considerations become increasingly
and wildlife. Additionally, the energy consumption
complex. Innovations like artificial intelligence and
associated with the production, use, and disposal of these
autonomous vehicles raise questions about
devices contributes to global warming. Digital
accountability, transparency, and bias in decision-
technologies also contribute to increased energy use,
making. As we integrate technology into more aspects of
particularly large data centers powering the cloud.

Analytical Essays

our lives, it is vital to ensure that it aligns with ethical Pakistan's Perspective
principles and does not infringe on human rights.
Digital Divide: Like many developing countries, Pakistan
Job Displacement: Automation and artificial intelligence faces significant challenges in bridging the digital divide.
have the potential to disrupt industries and lead to According to a survey conducted by the Pakistan
widespread job displacement. While this has been a Telecommunication Authority, only 22% of the
common concern with technological advancements population has access to broadband internet. This gap
throughout history, the pace of change is becoming disproportionately affects marginalized communities
increasingly rapid, making it difficult for individuals and and hinders their ability to participate in the digital
communities to adapt. Governments must proactively economy.
address this issue by investing in upskilling and reskilling
Economic Opportunities: On the other hand, the
increasing availability of internet and mobile technology
Privacy Concerns: With the increasing amount of has created new economic opportunities in Pakistan. The
personal data being collected and stored, privacy country has seen a surge in e-commerce, freelancing, and
concerns are on the rise. Data breaches and misuse by digital services, providing employment to thousands of
companies have shown that there is a need for stronger individuals.
data protection norms. As technology continues to
Online Harassment: Cyberbullying and online
advance and become more integrated into our lives, it is
harassment are prevalent issues in Pakistan, particularly
crucial to ensure robust data protection laws are in place.
against women and minority groups. The lack of effective
Global Cooperation: Technology has made the world legislation and awareness campaigns exacerbates the
more interconnected than ever, creating both issue, making it difficult for victims to seek justice.
opportunities and challenges. With global issues like
Emerging Technology: Pakistan is also at a critical
cyber-attacks, misinformation, and digital
juncture in terms of emerging technologies. The country
authoritarianism, it is becoming increasingly important
has seen an increase in investments and initiatives
for countries to work together in addressing these
focused on developing artificial intelligence, blockchain,
problems. International cooperation is crucial in building
and other cutting-edge technologies. However, there is a
a safer and more equitable technology landscape.
need for robust regulatory frameworks to ensure ethical
Access and Inclusion: As mentioned earlier, the digital use and prevent misuse.
divide remains a significant challenge in ensuring
Sustainable Development: Lastly, like many countries,
equitable access to technology. Bridging this gap
Pakistan faces environmental challenges such as air and
requires addressing issues like affordability,
water pollution. Technology can play a significant role in
infrastructure, and digital literacy. Furthermore, there is
addressing these issues through solutions like smart
a need for more inclusive design approaches that
cities, renewable energy, and efficient waste
consider diverse needs and abilities.
management systems.

Analytical Essays

Way Forward technology's power and mitigating its risks, we can

ensure that it serves as a tool for promoting equity,
As we move forward in the face of these
prosperity, and sustainability in our societies.
challenges, it becomes apparent that we must adopt a
mindful, balanced, and inclusive approach to technology
use and development. Solutions lie in harnessing the
power of technology for positive change while being
cognizant of its potential risks. Educating individuals
about healthy technology habits, promoting digital
literacy, and fostering ethical standards in technology
design and implementation are crucial steps. At a policy
level, governments and international bodies can enact
robust data protection laws, invest in sustainable tech
practices, and put in place measures to address job
displacement due to automation. By fostering global
cooperation, we can address common challenges and
ensure that benefits of technology are shared equitably
across the globe. Furthermore, the technology industry
itself has a pivotal role in driving change, by incorporating
sustainable and inclusive practices, and focusing on
bridging the digital divide. As technology continues to
shape our future, it's crucial that we guide its trajectory
towards a path that upholds human well-being and


In conclusion, we stand on the cusp of a technological age

that holds immense promise and peril. The indelible
impact of technology has reverberated through every
facet of our lives, redefining the way we work, learn,
interact, and even think. While the benefits are profound,
from improved efficiency to enhanced connectivity, we
must also grapple with the challenges such technology
presents, which range from ethical dilemmas to job
displacement. It is incumbent upon us all—governments,
industry, and individuals alike—to navigate this digital
landscape with a sense of responsibility, foresight, and
inclusivity. Only by striking a balance between leveraging

News Bulletin

Brief - Concise - Crisp

News Bulletin

News Bulletin
12 February 2024 • Victory for PTI-backed candidate in KP Assembly
after vote recount.
• Former PTI MPA murdered in Rawalpindi.
• ANP rejects poll defeat and demands inquiry.
• Eight Indians released by Qatar, months after
• Rafah incursion may hinder prisoner swap talks,
dropping spy-related death sentences.
warns Hamas.
• Two terrorists neutralized in Mardan during
• Landslide in Philippines results in 54 casualties.
intelligence-based operation, ISPR reports.
• PML-N proposes idea of ‘participatory coalition’.
• Indian farmers prepare for large-scale protests over
• President Alvi rejects move to curtail Irsa’s powers.
crop prices.
• Fresh conflict highlights situation in DG Khan tribal
• Record-breaking Kenyan marathoner Kelvin Kiptum
dies in car accident.
• PTI MNA & MPAs-elect allege police raids on their
• US defense chief Lloyd Austin admitted to critical
care unit, says Pentagon.
• Planned PTI protests cancelled amid fears of false
• Challenges of containing inflation with a less
flag operation.
inclusive government highlighted.
• JUI-F protests over ‘stealing of public mandate’ in
• Political instability hindering efforts to reform and
stabilize the economy.
• PTI and Jamaat continue protests in Karachi alleging
• MQM-P and PML-N contemplating cooperation in
election rigging.
government formation.
• Robbers hijack delivery van taking away Rs10m
• Weak coalition government seen as deterrent to
worth of cell phones.
much-needed economic reforms.
• Four Emirati soldiers and a Bahraini officer killed in
• Concerns raised over election credibility due to
Somalia attack.
missing politicians.
• Palestinian president, in Qatar, discusses ceasefire
• Significant irregularities reported in recent election.
• Emotional rollercoaster in Washington as PTI and
• Three-way race for Indonesia’s presidential
PML-N supporters await election results.
• Calls for vote recount by defeated PTI nominees in
• Three fatalities in Senegal protests following
teenager's death.
• Pakistan receives 300,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine
• Iran calls for Israel's expulsion from the UN.
amidst emergence of new Covid variants.
• Philippines accuses Chinese vessels of conducting
• Several PTI protesters arrested in Rawalpindi.
‘dangerous’ maneuvers.
• Protests by PTI Bajaur activists cease as plans to
• Sri Lanka achieves 2-0 series win over Afghanistan.
challenge ‘rigging’ in court announced.
• Australia clinches fourth U-19 World Cup title after
defeating India.

News Bulletin

• Changing technology alters skill demands, says • The 9th season of the Pakistan Super League
Pakistani envoy in Abu Dhabi. commences in Lahore.
• ECP announces results of all Balochistan NA seats. • Pakistan condemns Israel for Palestinian massacre.
• Road links ‘paralyzed’ due to protests across • PM Kakar of Pakistan called for an inquiry into the
Balochistan. case of missing Baloch students.
• PML-N suffers shocking losses in Punjab, prompting • Bitcoin crosses a significant milestone, reaching a
calls for introspection. value of over $50,000.
• Pakistan introduces 20 high-yielding hybrid maize • Political uncertainty looms in India.
seed varieties. • High-level political figures step down following
• MQM-P, PML-N discussing cooperation modalities. election results.
• Half a dozen independents rally with PML-N. • The global economy faces threats from conflict in
• New National Assembly must be summoned by Gaza and Red Sea.
February 29. • Young Chinese women finding solace in AI
• Rejected ballots exceed victory margin in 24 NA companions.
constituencies. • UAE stands by its alliance with Israel through the
• Nationwide protests over alleged ‘election rigging’ Abraham Accords.
escalate. • The economy sees increased remittances and
• Result tallies suspended in three constituencies, exports to the Middle East.
recount in one. • Dr. Atif Mian urges the upcoming government to
• Initial formal contact made between PML-N, PPP to chalk out priorities.
form government. • Bitcoin hits a two-year high.
• PTI plans alliance with ‘another party’ for reserved • Political instability causing concern among the
seats. business community.
• Seven injured as fire erupts in government hospital • Supreme court summoned to investigate attacks in
in Karachi. Jaranwala.
13 February 2024 • Violent incidents lead to unfortunate deaths in

• India and UAE establish a trans-continental trade Mexico, Greece and Pakistan.

deal. • Public demonstrations surge in Balochistan.

• Prime Minister Modi of India to inaugurate the • Election Commission of Pakistan underscores the

Middle East's largest Hindu temple in UAE. importance of accuracy in vote counting.

• Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaf forms alliances in Punjab, • Faisal Mosque in Pakistan set for renovation.

Centre, and KP. • Clashes arise in Pakistan following disputed election

• Imran Khan seeks to join forces with all Pakistani results.

political parties except a selected few. • Serious health concerns for South African Cricket

• Protests by farmers in India met with harsh police legend Mike Procter.

response. • Champions League knockout stage commences.

News Bulletin

• Houston demo of overseas Pakistanis urges US not • PSX shares skyrocket, gaining over 900 points due to
to recognize poll results until probe into political transparency.
"irregularities". • Imran open to dialogue, barring PPP, PML-N, and
• Migratory animal species are threatened with MQM-P.
extinction, reveals first UN report. • Sherpao expresses doubts over the election results.
• Assault on Rafah a ‘terrifying’ prospect, says UN. • PHC grants transit bail to MNAs-elect Shahram and
• Gaza’s Rafah becomes battlefield as Israeli strikes Atif.
continue. • Political activists rally against ‘biased’ election
• US wants Pakistan to probe election irregularities. results.
14 February 2024 • Gandapur receives protective bail in numerous
• Indian Prime Minister, Modi, inaugurates a large
• JI dismisses a possible alliance with PTI for
Hindu temple in the UAE amidst upcoming elections.
government formation.
• Ride-hailing service Careem, clarifies their social
• IHC seeks Election Commission's response on pleas
campaign that upset PML-N and emphasizes it was
of three PTI-supported candidates.
not influenced by the political scene.
• PML-N leader and MNA-elect charged for the
• Fazlur Rehman, dismisses the ‘manipulated’ election
murder of an ex-MPA in Rawalpindi.
outcomes and extends an invitation to PML-N to join
• LHC orders government to institute 'free education'
JUI-F in opposition.
regulations in private schools.
• JI declines PTI’s invitation for a coalition government
• GDA calls on the ECP to conduct elections again.
in KP.
• ECP allocated eight days to address complaints
• Microsoft detects hackers from China, Russia, Iran
against poll results.
exploiting its AI resources.
• First child's cure of a rare brain tumor provides hope.
• Bollywood star, Shah Rukh Khan, clarifies his non-
• Armenian soldiers killed by Azeri fire in the most
involvement in the release of Indian Navy officers
significant conflict since the exodus.
held in Qatar.
• Iran imprisons Mahsa Amini’s uncle over anti-
• Netizens express disapproval over Ali Amin
government views.
Gandapur’s nomination for KP Chief Minister.
• The COP hosts UAE, Azerbaijan, Brazil, announcing a
• LHC grants Parvez Elahi bail in an illegal
climate 'troika'.
appointment case.
• Trump remains defiant despite backlash over NATO
• Sindh’s breastfeeding law faces scrutiny between
malnutrition and business rights.
• Equity market recovers 161 points amidst volatile
• Indian police barricade capital city against protesting
• PTCL Group reports substantial loss of Rs14.2bn.
• Undecided presidential race in Indonesia with calls
• Demand for Saudi riyals increases by 30%.
for transparent elections.
• Infrastructure, development allocated Rs190bn.

News Bulletin

• Auto sales in January spike by 81%. • Shehbaz emerges victorious in the race for PM
• Economic Coordination Committee postpones plan House.
to recover Rs100bn from gas consumers. 15 February 2024
• SBP revokes licenses of three exchange firms.
• Voting ended at several polling stations after re-polls
• JUI-F declines the proposition of joining the coalition
in Khushab, Kohat, and Ghotki.
• Pakistan Cricket Board terminated Haris Rauf's
• Five NADRA employees charged over fake CNICs
central contract.
• Omar Ayub chosen as PTI's candidate for prime
• Cyber-attacks on female journalists condemned.
minister, Mian Aslam Iqbal for Punjab CM.
• Protests in Balochistan escalate over alleged
• KSE-100 index suffered a significant drop due to
political uncertainty.
• The Living Indus Initiative recognized among UN's
• India's top court rejected anonymous election
flagship programmes.
funding scheme.
• UN chief advocates for legal mechanisms to resolve
• A fatal shooting occurred at a Super Bowl parade in
poll disputes.
the US.
• More Balochistan parties protest over rigging in
• Sri Lanka celebrated cricket series win against
• SC rejects police report on Jaranwala attacks.
• PTI workers protested against alleged election
• LHC guides poll challengers to approach ECP.
rigging in Peshawar.
• Tragic bus-van collision claims three lives near
• Nawaz's change of heart on premiership
disappointed PML-N members.
• Indian government order to remove Kashmir
• Fraudulent bank manager dismissed according to a
torture-death story contested by a magazine.
foreign bank.
• Kremlin and Musk deny Russian army's use of
• PDM 2.0 is planning initiatives for Pakistan's
• UNRWA's dismantling could result in a 'disaster' for
• Two individuals were killed in a Hub vote recount.
Gaza, warns chief.
• NEPRA demands DISCOs' accountability for
• Canada experiences a gunfire attack on a Sikh
activist's residence.
• PPP will form a coalition government in Balochistan.
• US Senate approves aid bill for Israel, Ukraine,
• Erdogan and Hamas engaged in Cairo talks for Gaza
• Gaza peace discussions start with Erdogan's
• World Bank reported government policies caused
anticipated arrival in Cairo.
agro-sector price hike in Pakistan.
• ECP confirms victories of Sharif family and other
• Recycled clothes don't save the planet due to un-
party members.

News Bulletin

• Awami National Party to protest against poll • Author Ronya Othmann removed from Karachi
"rigging". Literature Festival amid protests over her pro-Israel
• CDA asked to ensure hotels install eco-friendly stance.
waste disposal plants. • Fazl redacts accusation against Gen Faiz concerning
• Lahore ATC declared 30 PTI activists as offenders in Imran's ousting.
the May 9 riots. • Haris Rauf's central contract termination by PCB
• The future of 400 medical students at risk due to stirs controversy.
admissions row. • Ex-SC judge Mazahar Naqvi challenges the
• Routine immunization stressed to combat child jurisdiction of SJC following his resignation.
health crisis. • Indian opposition claims funds frozen in lead up to
• Sindh CM concerned over Centre's performance elections.
evaluation of bureaucrats. • Discussion on cultural appropriation triggered by
• PTI-backed Ejaz Swati joined PPP. Anya Taylor-Joy's 'burqa'.
• Sindh government asked to release funds to combat • PSX takes a 1,000-point hit amid governmental
rabies in Karachi. uncertainty.
• Petrol and diesel prices likely to increase by • PTI attempts reconciliation with long-time rival Fazl.
Rs11/litre. • Potential clarity on the power-sharing formula of
• Industrialists criticize adverse government policies coalition imminent.
in Pakistan. • Justice Naqvi's land purchase facilitated by a
• Water scarcity can escalate conflicts, as warned at developer's cheque, reveals SJC.
UNSC. • Israel launches attack on Gaza's largest operational
• Exhibition celebrates Yoko Ono's contribution to hospital.
conceptual art. • PML-N undecided on nominee for Balochistan CM
• Republicans moved to impeach Homeland Security slot.
secretary. • Pakistan slides down Democracy Index following a
• Protests against alleged election rigging continue in tumultuous year.
Balochistan. • PHC impedes repatriation of Afghan transgenders.
• More voters registered but turnout was lower than • Talks between ANP and PTI refused by ANP.
2018, Fafen analysis revealed. • Election rigging petitions referred to returning
• SC granted bail in a blasphemy case and criticized officers by PHC.
police overreach. • Over 200 NOCs issued by Business Facilitation
16 February 2024 Centre in Rawalpindi.
• Alarming water shortage crisis in Rawalpindi and
• Alexei Navalny, a formidable opponent to Putin, dies
in jail. Western countries hold Russia accountable.
• Sindh given 30-day deadline to establish courts for
• PTI brands the February 8th polls as the 'largest voter
illegal construction cases.

News Bulletin

• Israel announces killing of Hezbollah leader in a 17 February 2024

• There was widespread condemnation of PTI
• Ukraine fortifies 'critical' frontline town.
candidate Salman Akram Raja's arrest in Lahore.
• Belgian recycling plant unearths human foot.
• PPP claims Fazl was the main beneficiary of the no-
• March date set for historical criminal trial against
trust move against Imran.
• Russian emigres across Europe mourned and
• Nobel laureate Yunus alleges forceful takeover of his
protested against Putin following Navalny's death.
• The incoming government was urged to undertake
• Tennis champ Nadal withdraws from Qatar Open
necessary reforms.
citing unpreparedness.
• PPP is set to issue a white paper on poll rigging.
• Sharma and Jadeja's stubborn centuries help India
• Omar Ayub obtained protective bail in 24 cases.
• The government launched an automated property
• Stocks tumble by 1,133 points due to instability
tax payment system.
• Two individuals were arrested in a multi-million-
• Keenu announces a management buyout.
rupee fraud case in Punjab.
• Rising production cost leads to surge in steel bar
• The US reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening
ties with Pakistan.
• Meezan Bank registers record profit in 2023.
• Short-term inflation eased to 34.2%.
• LSM output sees 3.4% expansion in December.
• Exports of textiles rose by 10% in January.
• RLNG prices for February reduced by the regulator.
• 1.4 billion children globally are at risk of diseases and
• IMF's liberal import strategy could destabilise rupee.
poverty, according to the UN.
• Nawaz's plea against Mansehra defeat rejected by
• Pakistan and Turkiye plan to enhance security ties.
• PSL glitz returned to screens.
• ECP’s power to withdraw electoral symbol
• Imran and Qureshi challenged their convictions
before the Islamabad High Court.
• Cabinet approves up to 67% increase in gas tariff.
• PPP seeks a share in Punjab for backing the 'N' in the
• Balochistan continues to protest against alleged
electoral rigging.
• PTI announced plans to protest against 'rigging' and
• 22-hour-long power outages plague GB people.
establish contact with PPP.
• UK and Japan facing recession, problematic for
18 February 2024
major economies.
• Zardari declared as PPP's presidential candidate in
• Petrol price swells by Rs2.73 per litre as announced
by the government.
• Afghanistan's special envoys meet in Doha,
extending invite to the Taliban.

News Bulletin

• Mayor Murtaza Wahab encourages the citizens of

Karachi to actively participate in solving the city's
• Rawalpindi commissioner turns himself in to the
police after making poll rigging allegations.
• PTI demands a judicial commission to probe poll
rigging allegations by ex-Rawalpindi commissioner.
• Malik Ahmad of PML-N accuses PTI of inciting hate
against government officials.
• China increases patrols near Taiwan following a fatal
boat incident.
• PTI seeks resignations of CEC and CJP post
allegations by Rawalpindi commissioner.
• Yale University issues a formal apology for its
historical role in slavery.
• PSX loses over 3,000 points in the week following the
• Rise in food exports causes distress among local
consumers in Pakistan.
• Shadab leads Islamabad United to a significant
victory over Qalandars in PSL opener.
• PTI urges institutions to correct 'flawed' election

News Bulletin

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