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Cambridge Young Learners

English Tests

Starters 2
Answer Booklet
Examination papers from
University of Cambridge
ESOL Examinations:
English _for Speakers of Other Languages

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First published 2001
Updated edition 2007
Repri nted 2015
Printed in Ita ly by Rotolito Lombarda S. p.A.
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-0521-69349-3 Answer Book let
ISBN 978-0-521-693 48-6 Student's Book
ISBN 978-0-521-69350-9 Cassette
ISBN 978-0-521-6935 1-6 Audio CD
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Introduction 4

Test 1 Answers 6

Test 2 Answers 10

Test 3 Answers 14

Thematic Vocabular~ List 1q


The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests offer an elementa ry-level testing system for lea rners o f English
between the ages of 7 and 12. The tests include 3 key levels of assessment: Starters, Movers and Flyers.
Sta rters is t he lowest level in th e system. Test in structi o ns are ve ry si mple a nd co nsist o nl y of words and
structures specified in the syll ab us.
The complete test lasts abo ut 45 minutes an d has the foll owing compo nents: Listening, Reading a nd
Writing, and Speaking.

length number of parts number of items

Listening approx. 20 minutes 4 20

Reading and Writing 20 minutes 5 25

Speaking approx. 3- 5 minutes 5 -

Candidates need a pen o r pencil fo r t he Reading and Writing paper, a nd coloured pens o r pencils fo r t he
Listening paper. A ll answers are written on the question papers.

In general, th e a im is to focus on the ' here a nd now' and to use la nguage in meaningfu l co n texts. In
a dditi o n to multiple choice and short a nswer q uesti o ns, ca ndidates are asked to use coloured pencils to
mark their respo nses to one task. T here are 4 parts. Each pa rt begin s w ith a clear exam ple.

main skill focus input expected response numbe r of questions

1 listening for words picture and dialogue carry out instructions 5

and prepositions and position things
correctly on a picture

2 listening for numbers illustrated comprehension write numbers and names 5

and spelling questions and dialogue

3 listening for specific 3-option multiple choice tick correct box next to picture 5
information pictures and dialogues
(present tenses)

4 listening for words, colours picture and dialogue carry out instructions, locate 5
and prepositions objects, and colour correctly
(range of colours is: black,
blue, brown, green, grey,
orange, pink, purple, red,


Read ing and Writing

Aga in, the focus is o n the ' here and now' a nd th e use of langua ge in meaningful co ntex ts w here possible .
To complete the test, ca ndidates need a sing le pen or pencil o f an y colour. There are 5 parts, each starting
with a clear example.

main skill focus input expected response number of questions

1 reading short sentences lexical items, pictures, tick or cross to show if 5

and recognising lexis and senten ces sentence is true or false

2 reading sen tences about 1 picture and sentences write 'yes'/ 'no' 5
a picture and writing
one-word answe rs

3 spe lling of single words pictures and sets of write words 5

jumbled letters

4 reading a text cloze text word s choose and copy missing 5 I

writing mi ssing words and pictures words correctly


5 reading questions about story presented through 3 write one-word answers 5

a picture story pictures and questions to questions
writing one-word answers

In th e Speaking test, th e ca ndida te speaks w it h 1 exa miner fo r abou t 4 m inutes. T he format of the test is
ex plained in adva nce to the child in their native language, by a teac her o r person fami lia r to them. T his
perso n then takes the chi ld into the exam roo m a nd introduces t hem to th e exami ner.
Spea king abi li ty is assessed acco rding to var io us criteria, includi ng comprehensio n, t he ability to prod uce
an a ppropriate res po nse and pronunciation.

main ski ll focus input expected response

1 understanding and followi ng scene card point to the correct part of the
spoken instructions picture

2 understanding and following scene card and 8 small place the object cards on the
spoken instructions object ca rds scene card as directed

3 understanding and answering scene card answer questions with

spoken questions short answers

4 unde rsta nding and answering 3 object cards answer questions with
spoken q uestions short answers

5 understanding and responding to no visual prompt answer questions w ith

personal qu estions short answers

Further information
The topics, structures, words and tasks upon w hi ch the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests are based
are comprehensive ly described in t he H a ndboo k, so teachers o r pa rents can k now exactl y w ha t to expect.

Further in form ati o n a bo ut t he Carnbridge Young Learners English Tests ca n be o bta ined fro m t he Loca l
Secre tary for Ca mbridge ESOL exa min atio ns in yb ur area, o r from:

Ca mbridge ESO L (Y LE Subj ec t Office r)

Ca m bridge Assessment
l Hills Road Telephone: +44 1223 553997
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CBl 2EU e-ma ii: ESO LHel pdesk@Ca mbridgeESO L.o rg
Un ited Kingdom www. Ca mbridgeESOL.org
Test 1 Answers


Part 1 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
1 the glasses and the elephant
2 the trousers and the tiger
3 the jacket and the lion
4 the sock and the horse
5 the hat and the snake

Part '2 (5 marks)

1 Tony (correct spelling) 2 Bath (correct spelling)
3 7/seven 4 R ed (correct spelling) 5 14/fourteen

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 c 2 A 3 B 4 c 5 c
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the fl ower next to th e ball - purple
2 Colour the flower in the dog's mouth - blue
3 Colour the fl ower behind the chair - yellow
4 Colour the flower between the two boys - red
5 There should be a gr een flower in front of the snake.

TRANSCRIPT H ello. This is the Cambridge Starters 2

Practice Listening Test, Test 1. MAN: Put the trousers on the tiger.
WOMAN: Sorry, what?
Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at MAN: Put the trousers on the tiger.
the picture. Listen and look. There is
[pa use]
one example.
MAN: Put the jacket on the lion.
MAN: Put the shoe on the monkey. WOMAN: Sorry?
WOMAN: Pardon? MAN: Put the jacket on the lion.
MAN: Put the shoe on the monkey.
Can you see the line? This is a11 MAN: Put the sock on the horse.
example. Now you listen and draw WOMAN: Where do I put it?
lines. MAN: Put the sock on the horse.
[pause} [pause]

MAN: Put the glasses on the elephant. MAN: Put the hat on the snake.
WOMAN: Sorry, where? WOMAN: Pardon?
MAN: Put the glasses on the elephant. MAN: Put the hat on the snake.
[pause] [pauseJ

Test 1 Answers

Now listen to Part I again. 4

MAN: And where do you go to school?
[The recording is repeated.]
GIRL: I go to Red House School.
[pause) MAN: Is that A - E - D?
GIRL: Yes, that's right.
That is the end of Part 1.
Part 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write MAN: And how many children are in your
a name or a number. There are two class?
GIRL: There are fourteen.
MAN: Fourteen! That's a small class!
[pause] GIRL: It's OK. I'm very happy there.
MAN: Hello! What's your name? [pause]
GIRL: My name's Kim.
MAN: How do you spell that? Now listen to Part 2 again.
GIRL: K-1-M. [The recordi ng is repea ted.]
MAN: That's a nice name.
[pau se]
That is the end of Part 2.
MAN: And how old are you, Kim?
GIRL: I'm eight. [pause]
MAN: Eight?
GIRL: Yes. It's my birthday today! Part 3 Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
MAN: Happy birthday! There is one example.
[pa use) [pause!
Can you see the answers? Now you What's the crocodile doing?
listen and write a name or a number.
[pause l
GIRL: Can you see the crocodile?
1 Bov: Is it swimming in the water?
MAN: Who do you live with, Kim? GIRL: No, but the boy's swimming. The
GIRL: I live with my mum and my dad. crocodile's next to the water.
MAN: And what's you r dad's name? Bov: Is the crocodile sleeping?
GIRL: His name's Tony. GIRL: No, he's watching the boy.
MAN: Is that T - 0 - N - Y?
GIRL: Yes. That's right. [pause]

[pause) Can you see the tick? Now you listen

and tick the box.
MAN: Where do you and your family live? [pause)
GIRL: We live in a house in Bath Street.
1 What's the baby doing?
MAN: I don't know that street. How do you
spell it? GIRL: There's Ann with her baby brother.
G IRL: B-A-T- H. Bov: Does the baby drink milk?
MAN: Oh! Thank you. GIRL: He does, but he's playing with his
toys now.
Bov: He loves the doll!
3 [pa use)
MAN: Do you have a garden at your house?
GIRL: Yes, and there are seven trees in it. 2 What 's Nick doing?
MAN: How many trees?
GIRL: Can you see Nick?
GIRL: Seven. It's a big garden.
Bov: Yes, he's with the monster.
[pau se] G IRL: Is Nick painting a picture?
Bov: Yes, he's painting a picture of the
G IRL: Is Nick's sister with them?
Bov: No, she's not there.

[pau se]

Tes t I Answers

3 What's Mum doing? Bov: Sorry, what?

WOMAN: The flowe r in the dog's mouth.
GtAL: Where's Mum?
Bov: Yes. I can see it now.
Bov: She's in the kitchen. She's giving the
WOMAN: OK. Colour it blue.
baby her breakfast.
Gt AL: And is Dad there? [pa use]
Bov: No, he's reading a book in the living
room. 3
GtAL: Oh . WOMAN: Now find the flower behind the chair.
Bov: Where?
[pa use] WOMAN: The flowe r behind the chair. Colour it
4 What's Tom doing?
Bov: Yellow. Right.
Bov: I can see an aeroplane. Look!
GtRL: Yes, Tom's watching it. [pa use)
Bov: Is he flying his kite?
GtRL: No. He's playing football today.
WOMAN: Find the flower between the two boys.
[pa u se] Colour it red.
Bov: The flowe r between the two boys - m ake
5 Wh o's playing the fJian o? it red. Yes?
WOMAN: That's right.
GIRL: Who's playing the piano?
Bov: It's Sue. She loves the piano. [ pa use]
GIRL: Is Ben playing with her?
Bov: No. She's playing with her sisters. 5
WOMAN: Can you see the snake?
Bov: Yes.
Now listen to Part 3 again. WOMAN: Draw a flower in front of the snake.
Bov: OK. Draw a flower in front of the snake.
[T h e recording is repeated .] WOMAN: And now colour it. Make it green.
Bov: Green. Like the snake!
[p a use]
[p a use]
That is the end of Part 3.
Now listen to Part 4 again.
[pa use]
[The r ecordin g is r epeated .]
Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look .
[pa use]
There is one example.
[pa use] That is the end o f the Starters Practice
Listening Test 1.
WOMAN: Can you find the flower under the tree?
Bov: Pardon?
WOMAN: Th e flower under the tree. Reading and Writing
Bov: Yes.
WOMAN: Colour it pink. Colour the flower under the
tree pink. Part 1 (5 marks)
1./ 2 )( 3 )( 4 ./ 5 ./
[pa u se]

Can you see the pink flower? This is Part 2 (5 marks)

an example. Now you listen and 1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 yes 5 no
colo ur and draw.
Part 3 (5 marks)
[p au se]
1 li me 2 m ango 3 ora nge 4 ban ana
5 coconut
WOMAN: Now find the flower next to the ball.
Bov: Where?
Part 4 (5 marks)
The flower next to the ball. Colour it
purple. 1 night 2 m i lk 3 feet 4 hand 5 duck
Bov: Purple. OK.
Part 5 (5 marks)
[pause ]
1 red 2 b all/football 3 2/two
4 ea t ing/ta lki ng/sitting 5 teacher/woma n/lady
WOMAN: Can you see the flower in the dog's

Test 1 Answ e rs


Pa rt Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from ch ild:

Usher bri ngs candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hello.

This is (child's name*).

Examiner: Hello, •. My
name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello

1 Points to Scene card. Look at this. This is a

garden. The children are
playing in the garden.
Points to ball. Here's the ball.
•, where's the duck? Points to items in picture.
Where are the flowers?

2 Points to Object cards. Now look at these.

Which is the monster? Points to Object card. Is this the monster?
(pointing to monster)
I'm putting the monster
in the water.
Now you put the monster
under the tree. Puts Object card in place.

Which is the watch/radio? Points to Object card. Is this the watch/radio?

(pointing to watch/radio)
Put the watch/radio on Puts Object card in place. Where's the table?
the table. Q.n the table.
Which is the pineapple/ Points to Object card. Is this the pineapple/fish?
Put the pineapple/fish Puts Object card in place. Between the two boys.
between the two boys.

3 Removes Object cards and Now, •, what's this? house Is it a house?

points to house on Scene
card. How many windows has Has it got one? Two?
it got? four
What colour Is the door? red Is it blue? Red?
Points to woman. What's the woman doing? drinking Is she drinking?

4 Puts Scene card away and

picks out three Object

4. 1 Shows horse card. What's this? horse Is it a horse?

Can you ride a horse? yes/no
What's your favourite
animal? dog Do you like cats? Dogs?
4.2 Shows phone card. What's this? phone
What colour is it? black Is it white? Black?
How many phones have
you got in your house? one Have you got one? Two?
4.3 Shows chicken card. What's this? chicken Is it a chicken?
Do you like chicken? yes/no
What do you eat for
supper? rice Do you eat rice?

5 Puts away all cards. Now, •, where do Do you live in (name of

you live? (name of town or city) town or city)
What's your teacher's
name? Pat Is her name Pan
What's your favourite Do you like English
lesson? English lessons?

OK. Thank you, •. Goodbye

Goodbye. Leaves

·~ Rem em ber to use the chil d 's n ame throug ho ut t he test.

Test 2 Answers

Part 1 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
1 the horse and rhe floor next to the woman
2 rhe doll and rhe armchair
3 the train and the mat
4 the clock and the wall between rhe two pictures
5 the photo and the big cable in front of rhe window

Part 2 (5 marks)
1 Alex (correct spelling) 2 4/four
3 Boar (correct spell ing) 4 5/five
5 Chips (correct spelling)

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 A 2 B 3 A 4 c 5 A
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the box under the small table - brown blue tomato

2 Colour the spider on the floor next to the bike - black
3 Colour the letter 'T' on the box on the big cable - blue
4 Draw a tomato in the box on the floor in front
of the bike.
5 Colour the ca ke under the big table - yellow

TRAN SCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge Starters 2

Practice Listening Test, Test 2. M AN: The doll is in the armchair.
WOMAN : Sorry? Where?
Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look al the picture. M AN: In the armchair. The doll is in the
Listen and look. There is one example. armchair.

[pause] [pause]
M AN: The book is on the bookcase. 3
WOMAN: What? M AN: The train is on the mat.
M AN: The book is on the bookcase. WOMAN: Pardon?
MAN: The train is on the mat.
[pa use)
Can you see the line? This is an example.
N ow you liste11 and dmw lines. 4
M AN : The clock is on the wall between the two
1 W OMAN : W here?
M AN: The horse is on the floor, next to the woman. MAN: On the wall between the two pictures.
W OMAN: Where? [pause]
M AN: It's on the floor, next to the woman.
[pa use]
M AN: Th e photo is on th e table.
WOMAN: Which table?
M AN: On the big table in front of the window.


T est 2 Answers

Now listen to Part 1 again. 5

WOMAN: And who does the monster play with?
[The recording is r epeated.]
Bov: She plays with her dog.
[pause] WOMAN: What's its name?
Bov: It's Chips!
That is the end o f Part 1. WOMAN: Is that C - H - I - P - S?
Bov: Yes!
[ pause]
Part 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write
N ow listen to Part 2 again.
a name or a number. There are tw o
exam ples. [T he recordi ng is repeated .]

[pause I [pause)
WOMAN: Hello! What's your name? That is the end of Part 2.
Bov: My name's Nick.
WOMAN: How do you spell that? [pause]
Bov: N - 1- C - K.
Part 3 Look at the pictures. Listen and look .
[pause] There is one example.
WOMAN: How many pages are there in your book? [pause]
Bov: There are eight pages.
WOMAN: Eight! Wow! And is it a good story? What's Tom doing?
Bov: Yes. It's funny too.
WOMAN: Is Tom sitting on a chair?
Can you see the answers? Now you MAN: No, he isn't. Ben is sitting on a chair.
listen and write a name or a number. Tom's dancing.
WOMAN: Is he dancing with his friends?
Ipause) MAN: Yes. He's dancing with three friends.

1 [pause]
Bov: There's a monster in the story.
Ca n you see the tick ? N ow you listen
WOMAN: And what's the monster's name?
Bov: Her name's Alex. and tick the box.
WOMAN: How do you spell that? [pause]
Bov: A - L - E- X.
1 What's Ann doing?
WOMAN: Is Ann with her friends in the garden?
2 Bov: No, she isn't. She's in the living room.
WOMAN: How many arms has the monster got? WOMAN: Are they reading a story?
Bov: The monster's got four arms. Bov: No, they're not. They're looking at
WOMAN: Four! That's a lot! photos.
Bov: I know!
[pa use]
2 Which girl is Sue?
MAN: Has Sue got black hair?
WOMAN: Where does this monster live? WOMAN: No, she hasn't. She's got brown hair.
Bov: She lives in a house in Boat Street. MAN: Is she wearing a dress?
WOMAN: That's a funny name! WOMAN: Yes, she is - and a red hat.
Bov: Yes! You spell Boat, B - 0 - A - T.
WOMAN: Oh! [pause]
[pa use J 3 What's N ick doing?
4 Bov: Is Nick playing the piano?
Bov: The monster has got five feet! MAN : No, he isn't. He's standing next to the
WOMAN: How many? piano.
Bov: Five. She's very good at soccer! Bov: Is he singing?
WOMAN: I see! MAN: No, he's talking to the teacher.

[pause] [pa use]

Test 2 Answ ers

4 What's the cat doing? 3

WOMAN: Look, th e cat's having its breakfast. WOMAN: Now find the box on the big table.
MAN: Is it drinking milk? Bov: OK.
WOMAN: No, it's eating fish. WOMAN: Can you see the big letter 'T' on the box?
MAN: Doesn't it like milk? Bov: Yes.
WOMAN: No, it doesn't. WOMAN: Colour it blue.
Bov: O K, blue.
[pa use)
5 What's Mum doing?
MAN: Where's Mum? Is she in the kitchen? WOMAN: Can you see the bike?
Bov: Yes, she is. Bov: Yes.
MAN: Is that Mum singing? WOMAN: In front of the bike, there's a box.
Bov: No, it isn't. Mum's listening to the radio. Bov: OK.
[pause] WOMAN: Now, draw a tomato in that box.
Bov: Pardon?
Now listen to Part 3 again. WOMAN: Find the box in front of the bike .. . and
draw a tomato in it.
[The recording is repeated.]
[pa use]
That is the end of Part 3. WOMAN: Can you see the mouse under the big
[pause] table? It's eati ng cake.
Bov: Yes - colour the mouse?
Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look. WOMAN: No, colour the cake. Colour it yellow.
There is one example. [pause]
[pa use] N ow listen to Part 4 again.
WOMAN: Find the tomato on the big table. [T he recording is repeated. ]
Bov: Sorry?
WOMAN: The tomato on the big table. [pa use]
Bov: Yes.
WOMAN: Colour it red. That is the end of the Starters Practice
Listening Test 2.

Can you see the tomato on the table? Reading and Writing
This is an example. Now you listen
and colour and draw.
Part 1 (5 marks)
[pa use]
1 ,/ 3 ,/
2 " 4 " 5 "
WOMAN: Can you see the box under the small Part 2 (5 marks)
table? 1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 no 5 yes
Bov: The box under the small table? Yes.
WOMAN: OK. Now, co lour it brown. Part 3 (5 marks)
Bov: Sorry, what?
WOMAN: The box under the small table. Colour it 1 bird 2 mouse 3 mon key 4 g iraffe
brown. 5 elep hant
Part 4 (5 marks)
2 1 hair 2 skirt 3 shoes 4 toys 5 bed
WOMAN: The re's a spider near the bike. Can you
see it? Part 5 (5 marks)
Bov: Sorry? Which spider? 1 ball/footba ll 2 t ree 3 fi sh 4 boy
WOMAN: The spider on the floor next to the bike.
Bov: OK.
5 bird
WOMAN: Now, colour the spider black.

rpa use]

Test 2 Answers


Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from child:

Usher brings candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hello.

This is (child's name*).

Examiner: Hello, •. My
name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello

1 Points to Scene card. Look at this. This is the

sea. The family is in a
Points to frog. Here's the frog.
•,where's the ball? Points to items in picture.
Where are the birds?

2 Points to Object cards. Now look at these.

Which is the snake? Points to Object card. Is this the sn ake?
(pointing to snake)
I'm putting the snake next
to the tree.
Now you put the snake Puts Object card in place.
next to the girl.
Which is the cake/egg? Points to Object card. Is this the cake/egg?
(pointing to cake/egg)
Put the cake/egg between Puts Object card in place. Where's the woman ?
the woman and the man. Between the woman and
the man.
Which is the handbag/ Points to Object card. Is this the handbag/
glasses? glasses?
Put the handbag/glasses Puts Object ca rd in place. Under the helicopter.
under the helicopter.

3 Removes Object cards and Now, • what's this? fish Is it a fish?

points to fish in Scene card.
What colour is it? yellow Is it red?
How many fish are there ? five One? Two?
Points to boy. What's the boy doing? swimming Is he swimming?

4 Puts Scene card away and

picks out three Object

4.1 Shows TV card. What's this? TV lsitaTV?

Have you got a TV? yes/no
Where do you watch TV? living room Do you watch TV in the
living room? At school?

4.2 Shows chair card. What's this? chair Is it a chair?

Is it old or new? old
Points to cand idate's chair. What colour is your chair? grey Is it brown?
4.3 Shows trousers card. What are these? trousers Are they trousers?
Are you wearing trousers? yes/no
What are you wearing on Are you wearing shoes?
your feet? shoes

5 Puts away all cards. Now, •, do you live Is your house big?
in a big house or a small
house? big/small
How many rooms are Are there six rooms?
there in your house? six Four room s?
What sports do you like? swimming Do you like swimming?

OK. Thank you, •. Goodbye

Goodbye. Leaves

" Remember to use the c hild 's na me througho ut the test.

Test 3 Answers
Part 1 (5 marks)
L ines shou ld be drawn between:
1 th e banana and the top of the teacher's desk
2 t h e mouse and the in side of t he boy's bag
3 th e ruler and a place und er t he gi rl's desk
4 the picture o f the body and th e boa rd
5 th e eraser and the floor i n fro nt o f teacher 's desk

Part 2 (5 marks)
1 Pat (correct spelling) 2 7/seven 3 16/si xteen
4 K im (correct spelling) 5 H ello (correct spelling)

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 c
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour t he boy's shoes - blue
2 T he letter 'A' shou ld be written on the box under
t h e cupboa rd.
3 Colour the fl owers next to the w indow - pink
4 T here should be a banana next to the apples on
t h e tabl e.
5 Colour t he girl's T-shirt - or ange

TRAN SCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge Starters 2

Practice Listening Test, Test 3. MAN: The mouse is in the boy's bag.
WOMAN: Sorry? Where?
Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at the MAN: The mouse is in the boy's bag.
picture. Listen and look. There is one
[pa use]
MAN: The ru ler is under the girl's desk.
The pencil is on the boy's desk.
Sorry, what?
The ruler is under the girl's desk. •
MAN: The pencil is on the boy's desk.
[p ause]
[pa use]
Can you see the line? This is an MAN: The picture of the body is on the board.
example. Now you listen and draw WOMAN: What?
lines. MAN: The picture of the body is on the board.

[pa use] [pause]

1 5
MAN: The banana is on the teacher's desk. MAN: Th e eraser is on the floor in front of the
WOMAN: Where? teacher's desk.
MAN: The banana is on the teacher's desk. WOMAN: Sorry?
MAN: The eraser is on the floor in front of the
[pa use] teacher's desk.

Test 3 Answ er s

[p ause] 4
WOMAN: And who's that?
Now listen to Part 1 again. Bov: That's th e baby.
[pause] WOMAN: What's his name?
Bov: His name's Kim.
[The record ing is repea ted.] WOMAN: How do you spe ll that?
Bov: K - 1- M .
[pa u se ]
[pa useJ
That is the end of Part 1.
[pa use] WOMAN: The girl's reading a book.
Bov: That's right. The name of the book is
Part 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write 'Hello'.
a name or a number. There are two WOMAN: H - E d ouble L - O?
examples. Bov: Yes.
WOMAN: Well, it's a great picture.
[pause] Bov: Thanks !
WOMAN: Hello! What's you r name? [pa use]
Bov: I'm Tom.
WOMAN: How do you spe ll that? Now listen to Part 2 again.
Bov: T - 0 - M.
WOMAN: Oh! [The r ecording i s repea t ed.]

[pau se] [pause]

WOMAN: What are you drawing? That is the end of Part 2.

Bov: It's a picture of some children.
WOMAN: Great! How many children are there? [pa u se]
Bov: Three. There are three children.
Part 3 Look at th e pictures. Listen and look.
[pa u se] There is one example.
Can you see the answers? Now you [pa use]
listen and write a name or a number.
Which is Ann?
[pau se]
WOMAN: Wh o's the girl in the picture? GIRL: Is Ann in the living room?
Bov: That's Pat. She's my friend. Look! Bov: No, her sister's in the living room. Ann is
WOMAN: Oh yes. Do you spell her name in the bedroom.
P - A - T? GIRL: Is she playing with her toys?
Bov: Yes, that's right. Bov: No. She's putting them in the cupboard.

[pau se] [pau se)

2 Can you see the tick? Now you listen

WOMAN: And w hat's this? Is it her house?
and tick the box .
Bov: Yes. It's a big house. It's got seven [pau se]
WOMAN: How m any bedrooms? 1 Which boy is john?
Bov: Seven.
WOMAN: Is John watching a game of soccer?
WOMAN: Wow ! That is big !
Bov: No, he isn't. He's playing soccer.
[pause] WOMAN: Is he p laying at school?
Bov: No, he isn't. He's playing at the beach.
[pau se]
WOMAN: What's the number on the door? I can't
see. 2 Wha t's May doing?
Bov: It's number sixteen.
WOMAN: Number sixteen? MAN: What's May doing? Is she reading?
Bov: Yes! T hat's right. WOMAN: No, look. She's got a pencil.
MAN: So, she's writing?
[pa u se ] WOMAN: No, she isn't writing. She's drawing a
picture in her book.

[pa u se ]

Test 3 Answers

3 What's Pat doing? 2

MAN: Find the box under the cupboard.
Bov: Is Pat catching a ball?
GIRL: Sorry? Which box?
MAN: No, the dog is catching a ball.
MAN: The box under the cupboard.
Bov: Is Pat throwing a ball?
MAN: No, Pat's sister is throwing a ball. Pat is
MAN: Now, write the letter A o n the box. Write
bouncing a big ball.
the letter A on the box under the
[pa use] cupboard.

4 Which boy is Sam? [pa use]

WOMAN: Is Sam walking to school? 3
MAN: No, he's got his bike today. MAN: Can you see the flowers next to the
WOMAN: Is he wearing a hat? window?
MAN: Yes, he's wearing a red hat. GIRL: Yes.
MAN: Colour the flowers pink.
[pa use]
GIRL: Pardon?
5 What's Emma doing? MAN: The flowers next to the w indow. Colour
them pink.
MAN: What's Emma doing?
G IRL: She's with her friend, Kim. They're [pause]
looking at clothes.
MAN: Oh yes, look. Emma's pointing at that 4
purple dress. MAN: Can you see the apples on the table?
GIRL: Yes. It's beautiful! GIRL: Yes.
MAN: Now, draw a banana next to the apples.
[pa use] GIRL: What?
MAN: Draw a banana next to the apples on
Now listen to Part 3 again. the table.
(The record ing is repeated.] [pause]
fpa use] 5
T hat is the end of Part 3 . MAN: Now, look at the girl.
G IRL: The girl?
[pause] MAN: Yes. Now, colour her T-shirt orange.
G IRL: Pardon?
Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look. MAN: Colour the girl's T-shirt orange.
There is one exarnple.
[pa use]
Now listen to P~rt 4 again.
MAN: Find the pear on the table.
GIRL: What? [The recording is repeated.]
MAN: The pear on the table.
G IRL: Yes?
MAN: Colour it green. That is the end of the Starters Practice
[pa use] Listening Test 3.

Can you see the green pear? This is an

example. Now you listen and colour
and draw and write. ·

M AN: Can you see the boy?

G1RL: The boy? Yes.
MAN: OK. Now colour his shoes blue.
GIRL: Sorry, what colour?
MAN: Colour the boy's shoes blue.

[pa use]

Tes t 3 Ans w ers

Reading and Writing

Part 1 (5 marks)
2 ./ 3 ./ 5 ./
1 " 4 "
Part 2 (5 marks)
1 no 2 no 3 yes 4 no 5 yes
Part 3 (5 marks)
l boar 2 bike 3 tra in 4 horse 5 plane

Part 4 (5 marks)
1 eyes 2 dad 3 milk 4 mice 5 sofa

Part 5 (5 m arks)
1 bike/bicycle/cycle 2 feet/shoes 3 3/three
4 earing 5 piano

Test 3 Answers


Pa rt Examiner does this: Examiner says th is: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from chi ld:

Usher brings candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hello.

This is (child 's name•).

Examiner: Hello, •. My
name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello

1 Points to Scene card. Look at this. This is a

kitchen. The children are
playing in the kitchen.
Points to window. Here's the window.
•,where's the c lock? Points to items in picture.
Where's the door?

2 Points to Object ca rds. Now look at these.

Which is the box? Points to Object card. Is this the box?
(pointing to box)
I'm putting the box on the
Now you put the box Puts Object card in place.
under the clock.
Which is the plane? Points to Object card. Is this the plane?
(pointing to plane)
Put the plane between the Puts Object card in place. Where's the TV?
TV and the pineapple. Between the TV and the
Which is the guitar/lizard? Points to Object card . Is this the guitar/lizard?
Put the guitar/lizard next Puts Object card in place. N.ext to the woman.
to the woman.

3 Removes Object cards and Now,•, what's this? robot Is it a robot?

points to robot in Scene
card. What colour is it? blue Is it blue?
How many eyes has it two Has it got one? Two?
Points to woman. What's the woman doing? eating Is she eating?

4 Puts Scene card away and

picks out three Object cards

4.1 Shows shoe card. What's this? shoe Is it a shoe?

Are you wearing shoes? yes/no
What colour are your
shoes? brown Are they brown/black?
4.2 Shows bread/rice card. What's this? bread/rice Is it bread/rice?
When do you eat bread/ Do you eat it at
rice? breakfast breakfast? Lunch?
What's your favourite Do you like ice cream?
food? ice cream
4.3 Shows bird card. What's this? bird Is it a bird?
Is it big or small? small Is it small?
Do you like birds? yes/no

5 Puts away all ca rds. Now, •, what's your Is her name Maria?
friend's name? Maria
How old is your friend? seven Is he/she seven? Eight?
What games do you like? computer games Do you like computer

OK. Thank you, •. Goodbye

Goodbye. Leaves

,,. Remember to use the child's name throughout the test.

For ease of refe re nce, vocabu la ry is a rra nged in semantic gro ups or the mes . Some wo rds a ppear under more
than one heading.
In addition to t he topics, notions and conce pts listed for t he syllab us, the following categories a ppear:

• adj ec tives • pronouns

• determ iners • ve rb s
• adverbs • models
• preposi tions • questio n words
• conjunctions

AN IMALS nose child/ children

smile cousin
animal dad(dy)
CLOTHES family
chicken bag
fr iend
cow clothes
cro codile dress
grandfat her
dog glasses
duck handbag
elephant hat
fish (s & pl) jacket
frog jeans
giraffe shirt
goat shoe
hippo skirt
ho rse sock
lizard trousers
monkey T-shirt
mouse/mice watch
person/ people
sheep Cs & pl) wear
spider COLOURS
black they
blue us
brown we
green woman/wo men
grey (or gray) you
arm orange young
body pink your
ear purple
eye red FOOD & DR INK
face white
foot/feet yellow
baby breakfast
boy burger
brot her cake

T h em a tic Vocabulary List

carrot kitchen eraser

chicken lamp example
chips CUS fries) living room find
coconut mat f loor
dinner mirror know
drink (n & v) painting learn
eat phone lesson
egg picture letter (as in alphabet)
fish radio line
food room listen (to)
fries CUK chips) sleep look
grape sofa name
ice cream table number
juice television/TV open
lemon toy page
lemonade tree part
lime wall pen
lunch watch pencil
mango window picture
meat playground
milk NUMBERS question
onion read
Cardinals: 1- 20
orang e right (as in correct)
pea rubber
pineapple behind school
potato between sentence
rice here spell
sausage in story
supp er in front of teacher
tomato next to tell
water on test (n & v)
watermelon park tick (n & v)
shop (US store) understand
THE HOME store (UK shop) wall
street window
there word
under write
bedroom alphabet badminton
bookcase answer ball
box ask baseball
camera board basketball
chair book beach
clock bookcase bike
computer class boat
cupboard classroom book
desk close bounce
dining room colour camera
doll computer catch
door correct doll
flat cross drawCing)
floor cupboard drive
flower desk enjoy
garden door favourite
hall draw fishCing)
house English fly

Thematic Vocabu la ry List

football (US soccer) plane thank you

game robot thanks
guitar toy then
hit train well
hobby truck (UK lorry) well done
hockey wow
jump TRANSPORT yes
listen (to)
bus angry
car beautiful
piano fly big
go clean
helicopter closed
play (with)
lorry (US truck) correct
motorbike dirty
plane double
ride (n & v)
ride English
run favourite
swim funny
soccer (UK football)
train good
truck (UK lorry) great
walk happy
table tennis
tennis SUI'\
toy WORK
TV /television
teacher nice
rig ht (correct)
afternoon sad
birthday sand
clock small
day sorry
end their
evening ug ly
morning young
night your
TOYS bye (-bye)
a lot of
ball goodbye lots of
baseball hello many
basketball I don't know
bike f'\O
car oh one
doll oh dear some
football OK that
game pardon the
helicopter please these
kite right this
lorry (US truck) so those
monster sorry

Thematic Vo cabulary Lisi

ADVERBS us jump
we kick
a lot you learn
a gain yours like
here listen (to)
lots VERBS live
not look
now Irregular:
look at
then be love
there catch (a ball) open
today choose paint
too come phone
very do pick up
draw play (with)
P RE POS ITIONS drink point
drive show
a bout
eat smile
Jind start
between Jly stop
get talk
give test
go tick
in (prep oJ place)
have try
in Jront oJ have (got)
like walk
hit want
next to
hold watc h
oj know
on wave
wit h can/ cannot/ can't
and say how
but see how many
or sing how old
sit (down) what
PRO NOUNS sleep where
spell which
he stand (up)
her who
swim whose
take (a photo)
tell NAMES
I Alex
it Ann
its Anna
me Ben
mine Regular: Bill
one add Jill
ours answer Kim
she ask Lucy
that bounce May
theirs clean Nick
them close Pat
these colour Sam
they co mplete Sue
this cross Tom
those enjoy Tony


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