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Grade –Six
G.C.H Academy
Unit: 2
Nature of the Land in the
Immediate Surroundings of the
Nature of the Land in the Immediate Surroundings of
the House

Different environments
Urban environment Rural environment Estate environment
Nature of the Land in the Immediate
Surroundings of the House
Different physical features
• Highlands
• Coastal belts
• Plains or lowlands
• Slopes
• Rivers
• Forests.
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.2
2. Write the features of the lands in which those houses are located and write the advantages and the
disadvantages of those features in the following grid.
Nature of the Features Advantages Disadvantages
land in which the
houses are located
The house located in a • Streams • Can get cool and fresh • Less transportation
rural environment. • Trees air. • Less job
• River • Can get fresh fruits and opportunity
• Paddy field vegetables. • Fewer Services
• Clean water is
The house located in a • Plains • Jobs related to fishing • Have to face natural
coastal environment • Beaches industries disasters (Tsunami,
• Have a cool breeze Cyclone)
• Sand bank • Important for tourist • Less job opportunity other
industry than fishing industry
Activity 2.2
2. Write the features of the lands in which those houses are located and write the advantages and the
disadvantages of those features in the following grid.

Nature of the Features Advantages Disadvantages

land in which the
houses are located
The house located in • Lots of building • A Lot of services • More
• Wide roads available environmental
an urban • Good Transportation
• Fewer trees pollution
environment. facilities.
• Lot of job opportunities • High temperature
• High population

The house located in • Lot of trees • Suitable for tea and • Landslides
• Lot of hills and rubber cultivation. • Fewer roads
a highland • Fresh Water.
environment. • Suitable for vegetable
• Tea cultivation and flower cultivation.
Activity 2.2
3. Observe the nature of the immediate surroundings of your house and
mention the features you see.
Plant and Animal Diversity
• Due to plant and animal diversity, different environments are created in
the immediate surroundings of the house.

• The species of animals that live facing the challenges of

❖The hot sun
❖Threats from enemies
❖ Diseases
Plant and Animal Diversity
• The bird that can be seen during the season of the Sinhala and Tamil
New Year .
The koha bird or the Asian koel
• What is meant by migrant birds?
The birds migrating to our country during the winter season as they
are unable to bear the coldness there.

• Name three migrant birds.

❖Indian Pitta,
❖Paradise fly catcher (Sudu Redi Hora)
❖Sivuru Hora are examples for migrant birds
Migrant birds
Benefits we gain from plants
❖Purification of the construction of buildings
atmosphere ❖Providing food and medicine
❖ Providing food and habitats
for animals
❖Supply of timber for
manufacturing furniture
❖Making the environment cool
❖Giving shade
❖ Providing fuel
❖Supply of timber for the
Benefits we gain from animals and their different
effects on the environment.
❖Crow-pheasant - Destroys snails that harm the crops.
❖Termite - Breaks down the waste material and helps
❖Earthworm - Contributes to loosen the soil and to enrich it.
❖Bat - Helps in the propagation of seeds.
❖Dragonfly - Destroys insects that harm paddy fields.
❖Crow - Eats waste material.
❖Parrot - Adds beauty to the environment.
Activities 2.3
1. Enter the names of animals and plants you find in the immediate
surroundings of your house in the following table.
Animals Plants
2. Put a ' √ ' in the relevant cage in the following table to identify
the uses of the above plants. Several uses can also be obtained
from the same plant.
• Uses of plants
Kind of Food Medicine Making Ornaments Other
plant furniture

3. Write three uses that man, animal and the environment can
obtain from each plant.

4. Classify the animals you find in these pictures, under the

categories given in the following table.
Insects that help
Animals that spread
diseases to man
Nocturnal animals
Poisonous reptiles that
harm man.
Complete the cross-word puzzle with the help of the clues given.
1. Beautify the environment.
2. A poisonous snake.
3. A migratory bird.
4. Spreads diseases such as Dengue and Malaria.
5. Helps to enrich soil.
6. A reptile that is protected by law.
7. Forecasts the weather.
8. Spreads a disease called plague.
9. Helps paddy cultivation and brings an income to the house hold.
10. Destroys snails that harm crops.
Human Activities in the Immediate Surroundings
of Your School / House
Ethnic groups
• Sinhala

• Tamil

• Muslim

• Burgher or Malay.

• Buddhism

• Hinduism

• Catholicism

• Islam.
Activity 2.4
Activity 2.4

Regions Religious Festivals

Buddhism ❖Vesak festival
❖ Poson festival
❖ Esala festival
• Hinduism ❖Thai-pongal
❖Maha Shivarathri
• Catholicism/Christianity ❖Christmas
❖Easter Festival
• Islam ❖Milad un-Nabi festival
❖Ramadan festival (Id-ul-Fitr)
❖Haj festival
Activity 2.4
Economic Activities of the People in the
Immediate Surroundings of Your School

• Agricultural

• Industrial

• Service sectors
Agricultural Activities
• Fishing industry • Livestock farming • Cultivation of crops
Agricultural activities -Dry Zone in Sri Lanka





Agricultural activities –Northern area in Sri Lanka





Agricultural activities –Mountainous area in Sri

1. Carrot
2.Milk live stock
Agricultural activities –Kalani river valley in Sri Lanka

1. Banana
2.Green leaves
3. Vegetable cultivation

Agricultural activities –Coastal belt in Sri Lanka
2.Faulty farming
3.Rearing goat
4.Rearing pig
Agricultural activities -Wet Zone in Sri Lanka

1. Rubber cultivation
2. coconut
3. Vegetables cultivation

Various crops cultivated according to the nature
of the land.

❖Cultivation of coconut on the plains

❖Paddy cultivation in river valleys

❖Tea and rubber cultivation in hilly areas.

Industrial Activities
Industries which use raw materials found in your area
Raw Material Industry
Timber Furniture
Clay Pots
Clay Tiles

Clay Bricks

Cement Flower pots

Cement Bricks
Small scale domestic industries

❖Production of sweet meats

❖Products related to rice flour

❖Sewing garments

❖Coir products
Industries based on traditional technological skills
Areas of Industries based on traditional technological skills


❖ Postal



Classification of the public service on the way
how they are provided to the general public

Services supplied on the basis of charging
concessionary price

• Issuing season tickets in transportation

• Providing medicines at a concessionary price at ‘Osu Sala’

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