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Lecture 1 value chain: Breaks the org up in parts (cost and value factor). More focus on externalmarket&consumers.

operations management: the physical production of goods or services (line processes) efficiency: use minimal resources raw materials, money and labor to produce the desired volume of output effectivity: degree to which the organization achieves stated goal Vraag 1 Mock supply chain management: managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to final consumers. competitive strategy: Product leadership (R&D, highschool employees, diferentation), Cost leadership (operational excellence), Customer intimacy productivity: organizations output of products and services divided by its inputs Lecture 2 competitive advantage as a wedge between willingness to pay and costs. 3 steps: 1. using activities to analyze costs (determine cost drivers), 2. analyse relative willingness to pay ( quality & design) 3. strategic options and choices Costs & willingness to pay strategic planning: breaking down processes, relative costs position, relative willingness to pay Lecture 3 corporate culture: The set of key values, beliefs, understandings, and norms that members of an organization share. 1 adaptive cultures : visible behaviour (change & risks). Expressed value (value people and change processes) Unadaptive cultures: visible behaviour ( politically. Bureaucratically, no change) Expressed value ( own benefit, reduce risk) types of cultures. Needs of environment zie blaadje!

Lecture 4 7-s model Purpose vraag 2 Mock Hard ( Easier to define, managementdirectly influence) : Strategy (the plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage over the competition.), Structure (the way the organization is structured and who reports to whom.), Systems (the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in to get the job done.) Soft (Difficult to describe, less tangible, more influenced by culture): Style (the style of leadership adopted.), Staff the employees and their general capabilities., Skills (the actual skills and competencies of the employees working for the company)., Shared values (core values of the company that are evidenced in the corporate culture and the general work ethic.) Lecture 5 communication is essential for effective management and managers use communication to persuade and influence others Purpose directed (attention to vision, values, employee behavior), stragetic conversation (open comm. Listening and feedback), methods (richchannles, personal networks, non-verbal ecommunication) 1 concept of channel richness, Vraag 3 Mock dialogue: reveal feelings, build common ground, shared meaning, long-term discussion: state positions, build oppositions, short-term complex and difficult situationdecentralize( expensive, high quality, innovation), simple situationcentralize Lecture 6 Mintzberg understand function of organization. 5 structures Simple structure(shop), machine bureaucracy(airline), professional org(university), division org(government sector), ad-hocracy(R&d company) 5 coordination meganism direct supervision, mutual adjustment, standaridzation of work, skills, outpur 6 key parts stragetic appex (top management), middle-line (middle management), operating core ( operation processes), technostructure ( design systems), support staff, ideology (norms, values) design parameters individual positions, superstructure, planning, decision-making system, decentralization situational factors age, technical systems, environment, power

Lecture 7 Vraag 6 Mock Possible criteria for decision making: utilirian approach, individualism apporach, moral rights approach, justice approach, disruptive approach Total corporate social responsibility: economic responsibility(profitable), legal resp(obey the law)., ethical resp(do whats right), discretionary resp (contribute to community). Sustainable Development: Economic Development that generates wealth, Meets the needs of current generation, Saving the environment for future generations Managers are weaving sustainability into strategic decisions Lecture 9 4 tools for putting stratgey into action: leadership (motivation), Human resources (training), Information and control systems (budget allocations), Structural design ( organization chart) 3 types of control: feed forward (input, inspect raw materials), concurrent control(ongoing activities, adaptive culture), feedback control ( organizations output, survey customers). Balanced scorecard = comprehensive management control system that balances traditional financial measures with measures of customer service, internal business processes, and the organizations capacity for learning and growth Lecture 10 Stragetic HRM structure: Find right people, manage talent, maintain effective workplace. Innovations in HRM: part-time employees, technology in support systems. Attracting effective workforce: HR planning, recruiting resource, select candidate, welcome employee Improve quality of people ! Lecture 11 3 stages achieving behavioral change: unfreezing, changing, refreezing 8-step model: urgency, coalition, clear vision, communicate, empower, celebrate, consolidate, support 4 reasons for resistance: self-interest, lack of understanding, uncertainty, different assesment& goals

5 colors of thinking: yellow (`use power to achieve solutions), blue ( rational process focussed on the best outcome), red ( proper use of HRM tools), green ( creating learning situations), white ( let energy flow free) Lecture 12 PARADIGM:A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them (symbols, stories, rituals, control, power, org structre) Confusius approach to social harmony and defined moral obligations between individuals and social systems. formalized into political and religious system Rheinland model european model coordination by shared values, government involvment, collectivism Anglosaxion American model coordinated by rules, minimum government involvment, individual goals

Project Cost leadership means for Linganet that is offer language programs as cheap as possible. The organization aggressively seeks efficient webhosts and pursues cost reduction. A low cost position means that Linganet can undercut its competitors prices and still offer comparable quality and earn some profit Linganet is has a simple structure and contains the following situational factors: - Young - Small - Simple - Dynamic The company is leaded by only one person, Roos Steevels, and makes this company an entrepreneurial firm. She is the boss and has only some employees who are outsourced. The age and size of the company are young and small, therefore is doesnt have a formalization kind of behavior. However this could be an advantage since the industry where Linganet is operation, requires a quick decision making leadership style. Linganet is a young company that's tightly controlled by the owner, R. Steevels. Entrepreneurial organizations or sole proprietorships are the most common types of organization. However, a particularly strong leader may be able to sustain an entrepreneurial organization as it grows, and when large companies face hostile conditions, they can revert to this structure to keep strict control from the top.

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