Syllabus Luh1b2_2019-1 Reg & Int(2)

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ENGLISH 1/LUH1B2 (2 credits)

COURSE SYLLABUS Semester Ganjil 2019/2020
Last Updated: August 9, 2019

This syllabus outlines the requirements, expectations, and policies for this course.
Become familiar with it and refer to it throughout the semester.

University Coordinator: Retno Hendryanti, Ph.D

Instructor : Team Teaching
Offered : All semesters. Class for Semester Ganjil 2018/2019 starts 19 August
2019 and ends 4 December 2019

Welcome to LUH1B2

In this course, we will be learning and developing our English speaking, listening, reading, and
writing skills, with an emphasis on leveraging our speaking skills. We are also learning cross
cultural understanding (CCU) and intercultural communication as the content of our language
learning. In other words, we will be learning about CCU and intercultural communication as we
are practicing our English skills. As your English skills are getting better and better, it is
expected that you will be able to use your English to learn CCU deeper. In order to meet that
goal, the resources include various topics regarding one’s profession, cross culture
understanding, and intercultural communication delivered in the forms of popular essays,
pictogram, short movies, and vlogs. Through your conscientious and dedicated work this
semester, you will find yourself well prepared to participate in conversations about yourself,
your own and others’ culture.

Program Learning Outcomes Referred by LUH1B2

Graduates has the ability to:

1. communicate effectively, both orally and in written communication
2. function on multidisciplinary and cross-cultural teams
3. recognize the need for life-long learning, including the access into current issues in their
major and entrepreneurial knowledge

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 1
COURSE Learning Outcomes for LUH1B2

CLO #1: Students will be able to use simple sentences in present tense to present some interesting facts
about themselves in the form of a monolog with “intermediate mid” fluency level.
CLO #2: Students will be able to use simple and compound sentences in present and past tenses to
participate in short conversations about themselves, especially their place of origin and its
cultural background with “intermediate mid” fluency level.

CLO #3: Students will be able to: (2a) explain the main ideas of the assigned readings on one’s dream
country (interpretive reading), (2b) describe at least one country they want to visit (focusing on
the country’s cultural characteristics) and (2c) compare and contrast the culture of their own
and dream countries in the form of role play(or discussion) and 2-3 paragraph essay
(presentational writing) using vocabulary and sentence structures they learned in class.

CLO #4: Students are able to present their dream job in enough detail (including the name of the
position, tasks, and responsibilities) and describing their dream country where they intend to
build their career, particularly explaining the reasons they select the country in terms of its
cultural background in general and work culture in particular as well as identifying preparation
needs to apply for the job and stay in the dream country (presentational speaking).

Assignments and Exams

We will be completing two types of assignments this semester. The written tasks are shorter
opportunities for writing descriptions about yourself and a place you want to visit as stepping
stones to get prepared for the speaking tasks. Speaking 1 – 5 are will give you the chance to
construct new information and orally communicate the new information regarding yourself, your
culture, and others’ culture based on the synthesis of various related multimodal information that
we will be studying in class. The reading texts, pictogram, and videos used as course materials
include various topics under an umbrella theme of My Dream Job Abroad. You must complete
and submit all assignments and attend the Mid and Final Tests to receive a grade for your
participation this semester.

You may collect bonus points of maximum 10 points by:

1) completing extra tasks from your lecturer during the semester (NOT after the final
exam), and
2) submitting an evidence of your participations in any of Language Center’s programs that
relate to what we learn in class. The assignments and tests are weighted as follows.

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 2
Assignments & Exam for English 1
PLO CLO Type of Portion
No Grading Elements Task Details assessed assessed work

Infographic/poster on 1 1 Individual 5%
1 Task 1 Interesting Facts About Me

A 4-minute video OR role 2 2 Group of 10%

play in groups of 4 on 4-6
2 Task 2 “Interesting Facts about

Group videos OR role play 2 2 Group of 10%

OR presentation on The 4-6
3 Task 3 Culture of Our Favorite
Place: What Not to Do

Completing KWL A and 3 3 Individual 5%

Diagram Venn on “My
Task 4: KWL Table
4 Dream Country and how it
and Diagram Venn
differs from my Home
Short essay on A place I 3 3 Individual 15%
Want to Visit
5 Mid Test: Writing 2

Role play on the comparison 3 4 Group of 15%

of Indonesian work culture 4-6
6 Task 5 and one selected country’s
work culture

A 5-minute Interview about 1,2,3 4 Individual 30%

Final Test: Speaking My Dream Job Abroad
Bonus points can be earned 1 and/or 1, Individual 10%
from: 2 and/or and/or
a. completing extra tasks 3 2,
BONUS Points from lecturers during the and/or
8 (Speaking/reading/ semester, prior to the 3,
writing/listening) Final Exam and/or 4
b. participating in any LaC
programs (1 activity is
valued 1 point)
Total 100%

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 3

The grades assigned to your work are a measure of how successfully you have completed a task,
which is an indicator of how well you appear to have learned the lessons the task intends to
teach. Grades are not a measure of your worth as a person, nor a reward for the effort you have
put into completing the assignments. Grades are one important evidence of how you learn what
you are doing well and where you can improve. If you have any questions about your grade,
please feel free to ask your lecturer.

Nilai Skor Matakuliah (NSM) Nilai Mata Kuliah (NMK)

80 < NSM A
70 < NSM ≤ 80 AB
65 < NSM ≤ 70 B
60 < NSM ≤ 65 BC
50 < NSM ≤ 60 C
40 < NSM ≤ 50 D
NSM ≤ 40 E

Course Policy

The following policies for the course enable us to know what to expect from each other this
semester. Please see us, your lecturers, if you have any questions.

Attendance and tardiness

Your attendance is a significant factor in your success in English 1. If you’re not in class, how
can we learn from you? You may be absent three times (25% of the total presence) this semester
without penalty. We recommend saving these for illnesses and emergencies. If your absence is
higher than 25%, you will automatically NOT be allowed to attend the final test, which is the
interview conducted at the last three meetings, Consequently, you will earn 0 (ZERO) for the
final test. It’s best to notify me in advance if you must miss a class. Also be sure to inform your
lecturer in advance of special circumstances, such as religious holidays or other university-
excused absences for which there will be no penalties (you must provide all relevant
documentation). If you have an emergency or illness, please remain in contact with me by email so
that we can make appropriate arrangements for you to keep up with assigned work.

Late Assignments
The assignments are designed in a way that earlier assignment becomes the foundation of the
next assignments. Therefore, submitting an assignment on time is critical so that you can proceed
to the next ones easier and faster. All assignments must be submitted on their due date or
earlier. You will be penalized 0.5 point for every day that an assignment is late.

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 4
We hope you will do your part to help foster a conducive, respectful, and comfortable
environment in our class. In class, you are expected to use English all the time. Don’t worry if
you think that your English is not perfect, that’s why we are here in this class, working together
to leverage our English speaking skills. When contributing to class discussion—and you will, of
course, contribute—please avoid the use of potentially offensive or hurtful language. We
welcome your use of laptops in class, but please limit your use to tasks that are directly relevant
to the coursework. Other uses of laptop are an unfair distraction to those seated around you.
Please do not use mobile devices of any kind for texting, checking email, or any other activities
not directly related to class activities. You will receive one warning about distracting use of
technology in class. After the first warning, your distracting use of technology will cause you
to be marked absent on that class day.

Student disability services

Students who need assistance or appropriate academic accommodations for a disability may
contact us, the lecturers, after class, during office hours, or by appointment.

Meeting with Us, the Lecturers

We strongly encourage you to meet with us during our office hours or by appointment to discuss
any aspect of the course.

Finally, again, welcome to LUH1B2. We look forward to learn alongside with you this semester!

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 5

Wee Assignment /Due

Dates Activities
k Dates

CLO #1: Students will be able to use simple sentences in present tense to present some interesting facts about
themselves in the form of a monolog with “intermediate mid” fluency level.
1. Introduction to LUH-1B2
2. Introduction to the Unit Theme: My Dream Job Abroad
3. Introduction to each other (Handout 01)
4. Introduction to Intercultural Communication
1 August 19-24 a. Culture Shock: N/A
b. The Importance of Intercultural Communication and
Interesting Facts about Me – Part 1
1. YouTube Videos on “Interesting Facts about Me”
2. Infographic Biography Samples
3. Handout 02 & 03
4. Pronunciation practice: Adjectives

a) 15 Interesting Random Facts About Me: Homework:
b) 10 facts about me: Infographics/poster
2 August 26-31 (individual) on
Learn how to create an Infographics Interesting Facts
a) using Free Apps: About Me
b) Using Power Point:
c) Using MS Excel:

Interesting Facts about Me – Part 2

1. Handout 04
2. Create a 4-minute video in groups of 4-6 on “Interesting Facts
about Us” (Can be revised at home, if needed)
3 Sept 2-7 Infographic/poster
Bring to class:
a) Your smartphone or lap top to create a simple video
Learn how to upload a video on YouTube before class.

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 6
CLO 2: Students will be able to use simple and compound sentences in present and past tenses to participate in
short conversations about themselves, especially their place of origin and its cultural background with
“intermediate mid” fluency level.
My Favorite Place(s) and Its Unique Culture – Part 1
1. Overview – Indonesia
2. Handout 05: Jigsaw 1
a) Overview – Indonesia:

4 Sept 9-14 Watch:

a) Indonesian Culture and Etiquette Tips:
b) First impressions of Indonesia:
c) European Girls' First Impression About Indonesia!
d) Indonesian Culture - What Not To Do:

My Favorite Place(s) and Its Unique Culture – Part 2
A 4-minute video in
1. Jigsaw Discussion
5 Sept 16-21 groups of 4-6 on
2. Handout 05
“Interesting Facts
about Us”
CLO #3: Students will be able to: (2a) explain the main ideas of the assigned readings on one’s dream country
(interpretive reading), (2b) describe at least one country they want to visit (focusing on the country’s cultural
characteristics) and (2c) compare and contrast the culture of their own and dream countries in the form of 2-3
paragraph essay (presentational writing) using vocabulary and sentence structures they learned in class.
My Dream Destination – Places I Want to Visit
1. KWL Table A – Part 1 (Column 1 and 2)
2. Handout 06
Submit: Group
Read: videos on The
Favorite Place:
What Not to Do
6 Sept 23-28 b) My Dream is to go to Paris, France:
a) 10 Important Things to Know Before Visiting London:
Group presentation
b) Five Things to Know Before You Visit Paris:

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 7
c) Taipei, Taiwan – Five Things You Should Know Before
You Visit Taiwan:
My Dream Destination – What are The Differences Between
Eastern and Western Culture?
1. Cultured Conversation: Yang Liu’s Pictogram
2. Handout 06 (KWL Table & Venn Diagram)
3. KWL Table A – Part 2 (Column 3)
7 Sept 30-Oct 5 _____________________________________
a) The Different Culture Between Indonesia and Taiwan: The
Importance of Intercultural Communication and
b) Intercultural Communication – Nonverbal Communication:

8 Oct 7-16 Mid-Term Test: Scheduled UTS Exam (120 minutes)

CLO #4: students are able to present their dream job in enough detail (including the name of the position, tasks, and
responsibilities) and describing their dream country where they intend to build their career, particularly explaining
the reasons they select the country in terms of its cultural background in general and work culture in particular as
well as identifying preparation needs to apply for the job and stay in the dream country (presentational speaking).
My Dream Job: What do I Want to Be?
1. Discovering your dream job:
2. Handout 07: HIT (Hobby, Interest, Talent) Table
Watch (Choose at least two videos of your interest):
a) Sosok Sukses Warga Indonesia di AS (2) - Nelson Tansu:

b) Sosok Sukses Warga Indonesia di AS (Irma:

Multidisciplinary Designer):
9 Oct 17-19

c) Chef Indonesia Mengajar di AS - VOA untuk NET TV:

d) DR. Taufik, Dosen Teknik Elektronika di California

Polytechnic State University (Dr. Taufik - FTE):

e) Muhammad Arief Budiman: Ilmuwan Senior di Orion Genomic,

St.Louis, Missouri:

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 8
f) Sri Lestari Tulastono: Muslimah Indonesia di Electronic Power
Research Institute (EPRI):

g) Tansri Bratakusumo: Desainer Grafis di Council on Tall

Buildings and Urban Habitat di Chicago:

h) Hueyni Hariputra: Pemilik Bisnis Asesoris Batik di Chicago,


i) Alfred Ticoalu: Peneliti, Penulis, Pengarsip Musik Jazz di

Chicago, Illinois -
Preparing to Apply for a Job Overseas
1. Jigsaw Discussion 2
a) Seven Simple Steps to Finding a Job Abroad (pdf)
b) I Landed My Dream Job Abroad—and Here's How You
Can, Too:
Homework (Week
c) The Smart Career Move You Haven't Considered: Working
10 Oct 21-26 Create a scenario for
roleplay (Group of 4
d) How I Made It in a 'Man's' Field: 5 High-Powered Women
Tell All:
e) 15 Things You Need to Know About Working Abroad:

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 9
What It is Like to Work Around the World

1. Jigsaw discussion (Grouping based on the same selected country)

2. Handout on comparison between the work culture of Indonesian
work culture and one selected country
a) From Mexico to Korea: What It's Like to Work Around the
Oct 28 - Nov Role play
11 - Watch:
9 (2 performance
12 meetings) a) Expectations in the Canadian Workplace:
b) Japanese Work Culture:
c) Doing Business in Turkish:
d) Turkish Culture Tips:
e) Cultural Tips For Conducting Business in Indonesia:

Deliverable 4:
Final Exam: a 5-minute interview
Youtube video on
First group of students
13 Nov 11-16 comparison of two
Interview Topic: My Dream Job Abroad (based on all work done in
countries’ work
week 1 – 12)
culture due; 15%
Last day of Bonus
Points submission
(10 pts max) – Any
LaC program
Final Exam: a 5-minute interview
supporting what you
Second group of students
14 Nov 18-23 learn in class
Interview Topic: My Dream Job Abroad (based on all work done in
(speaking, reading,
week 1 – 12)
writing, listening): 1
activity = 1 point
MAX: 10 points à
Final Exam: a 5-minute interview
Nov 25 - Dec Third group of students
15 4
Interview Topic: My Dream Job Abroad (based on all work done in
week 1 – 12)

16 Dec 9-18 Final Exam Week – Can be used to set up remedial task/exam

NOTE: PLO: Program Learning Outcome; CLO: Course Learning Outcome

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 10
Rubric for Infographic on “Interesting Facts about Me”

Criteria 85 - 100 75 - 84 65 - 74 55 - 64 £ 54
Clarity of Messages are clear and Messages are clear enough Some messages are The main ideas are unclear. Main ideas are very
Message easily understood. and easily understood. unclear. unclear.
Picture & • Color, shape, size, and • Color, shape, size, • Color, shape, size, • Color, shape, size, and • Color, shape, size, and
Infographic arrangement of and arrangement are and arrangement are arrangement are arrangement are
Design graphics contribute eye catching and eye catching and present but do not add distracting or
meaning to the overall contribute some contribute few to the information. misleading.
message. meaning. meaning.
• Design elements of • Important design • Infographic is
infographic contribute • Design elements of • Design elements of elements, such as title, incomplete, missing
to clear infographic contribute infographic do not may be missing. many important design
communication of self- to clear enough interfere with elements.
description communication of communication of
information. self- description self- description
information. information.

Language Use • Representing the • Somewhat representing • Only partial message • Representing irrelevant • Too many language
message related to the the message related to being delivered. message to the task. errors.
task. the task. • There are 2 • There are 3 • Causing
• There are no • There is 1 grammatical grammatical mistakes. grammatical mistakes. misunderstanding
grammatical mistakes. mistake.
Total points: 300, Final Grade: 300 : 3 = 100

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 11
Presentational Speaking Rubric 1 (Intermediate)
For Task 2, Task 3, & Task 4
Students video record themselves OR perform a skit or role play, describing interesting facts about themselves

Criteria 80-100 70-79 60-69 0-59

Pronunciation The student's The student's The student is The student struggles to
pronunciation is pronunciation is clear, inconsistent in their pronounce words.
accurate. with few errors. pronunciation. Some
words are pronounced
correctly, and others are
not correct.
Fluency The student speaks The student is able to The student demonstrates The student has great
clearly and articulately respond to prompt with some fluency and is able difficulty putting words
with no hesitation. few errors and relative to construct a simple together in a sentence.
ease. sentence.
Comprehension The student's speech The student's speech The student's speech The student's speech
reflects a clear reflects comprehension reflects basic does not reflect
understanding of the of the topic or prompt. comprehension, but with comprehension of the
topic or prompt and frequent errors. topic or prompt.
includes details.
Content The student's content The student's content is The student's content has The student's content is
reflects deep relevant to the topic, some relevance to the not relevant to the
understanding of the with few errors. topic, but incorrect words prompt or question.
topic. are used.

Vocabulary The student's The student's The student's vocabulary The student's
vocabulary reflects a vocabulary enhances relates to the topic, is vocabulary is limited to
sophistication in his/her response to the very basic, with a few high frequency words,
speaking, similar to a topic/prompt. errors. and a few basic words
native speaker. related to the topic.

Total max points: 400, Max. Final grade: 400 : 4 = 100

Rubric is a modification of speaking rubric available at:

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 12
KWL Rubric

Criteria 85 - 100 70- 84 50 - 69 £ 50

Pronunciation The student completes The student completes The student completes The student partially
KWL Chart with > 7 KWL Chart with 5-6 KWL Chart with 3-4 completes KWL Chart.
entries in each column. entries in each column. entries in each column.
Fluency The student answers all The student answers all The student answers The student answers less
the W questions in the L the W questions in the L more than half of the W than half of the W
section. section. questions in the L questions in the L section.
Total max. points: 200, Max. final grade: 200 : 2 = 100
Rubric is a modification of KWL Chart rubric available at:

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 13
Rubric for English 1 (LUH1B2) Midterm Test

Criteria 85-100 70-84 50-69 £ 50

Ideas & Content Main Idea is expressed in Main Idea is Main Idea may be Lack of central idea
exceptionally clear, focused, expressed in clear, cloudy because the
and engaging ways. focused, and supporting details are Supporting details do not
engaging ways. too general or off-topic. correspond to one another
Main idea is supported by
relevant and strong details Main idea is
supported by
appropriate details
Organization Sentences are effectively Sentences are Sentences are organized Lack of coherence; sentences
organized in a logical appropriately in relatively are disorganized and hard to
manner. organized in a understandable follow
logical manner. manner, although some
Paragraph #1, #2, and #3 are do not seem to closely Paragraph #1, #2, and #3 do
engaging and smoothly Paragraph #1, #2, connect to one another. not connect to one another.
connect to one another. and #3 smoothly
connect to one Paragraph #1, #2, and #3
another. connect to one another.

Word Choice Always communicate Often communicate Sometimes Rarely communicate

massage with appropriate massage with communicate massage massage with appropriate
word choice. appropriate word with appropriate word word choice.
choice. choice.

Vocabulary Uses most of the key words Uses many of the Uses some of the key Uses a few or none of the
from the KWL table. key words from the words from the KWL key words from the KWL
KWL table. table. table.

Mechanics & No errors in punctuation, Three to five Six to nine punctuation, Ten or more punctuation,
Grammar capitalization, and spelling punctuation, capitalization, and capitalization, and spelling
capitalization, and spelling errors errors
spelling errors
Total max. points: 500 points; Max. final grade: 500 : 5 = 100.

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 14
Rubric for English 1 (LUH1B2) Final Exam
Individual Interview

Criteria 85 - 100 75 - 84 65 - 74 55 - 64 £ 54

Pronunciatio • Errors in pronunciation are • Some errors in pronunciation • Systematic defects and repeated Very difficult to follow the Did not
n quite rare (<10%) of the total but not interfere with errors in pronunciation, causing pronunciation, owing to serious attempt to
words. understanding. some difficulties in defects in pronunciation make any
• Slight or no L1 accent. Noticeable L1 accent. understanding. initiatives
Strong L1 accent or
Vocabulary • Wide range of vocabulary allows • Sufficient vocabulary to deal • Not enough vocabulary to deal • Vocabulary not sufficient to responses
& Grammar effective expressions of abstract with ideas and opinion and with ideas and opinion. express him/herself, even in in English
topics such as ideas and opinion participate in most formal and • Has vocabulary only sufficient informal situations.
in formal and informal. informal situations. to express him/herself in • Uses L1 more than 2
• Always able to find another way • Show efforts to find another informal situations. times/words.
to express, though seem unsure way to express, though some • Uses few L1 (3-4 words), but • No attempt to use complex
of the intended word. of the words are not properly correcting him/herself structures.
• Uses complex structures with used. • Little attempts to use complex • Use elementary structure with
only few errors, but did not affect • Attempts to use complex structures. frequent basic errors that
intended meaning. structures with some basic • Frequent basic errors that may affect intended meaning.
• Always able to combine variety errors (such as present-past obscure meaning.
ways to respond with proper tenses, singular-plural forms). .
structure Some structures used affect the
intended meaning.
Flow of • Comfortable, natural flow of • Some obvious searching for • Frequent noticeable pauses or • Very disjointed speech.
Speech speech. words, but not requiring hesitations. • Too many fillers when
• Few (1-2x) or no pauses in undue/excessive patience from • Slow speech, listeners need to be responses.
attempts to look for word. the listener patient. One or more complete breakdown.
Shows initiative and flexibility in • Most contributions (70%) are • Has difficulty in developing
developing interaction appropriate and adequate. interaction, especially during role
• Shows some initiatives in play.
developing interaction. Always wait for the initiation from the
interviewer to respond during role play.
Construction • Responses are always • Most of the time, responses • Contributions are sometimes • Ineffective use of transition
of Idea appropriate, effective, and are appropriate, effective, and inappropriate or inadequate signals to connect between
coherent. coherent. • Sometimes, show effective use of one idea with another.
• Always show effective use of • Most of the time, show transition signals to connect Most ideas presented are difficult
transition signals to connect effective use of transition between one idea with another. to follow
between one idea with another. signals to connect between • Some ideas presented are difficult
• The ideas presented are easy to one idea with another. to follow.
follow. • Most of the ideas presented
are still easy to follow.

Task Deals with task fully, effectively, and • Deals with task adequately. • Only partial, limited success in • Very inadequate attempts at
Completion without assistance • Not with complete success and dealing with task. task, or not completed the
still needs help. Needs assistances (3-4 clues) to task.
Misunderstandings are rare, but can complete the task. Needs repeated assistance
be resolved on his/her own without
Total max. points: 500, Max. Final Grade: 500 : 5 = 100

English 1/LUH1B2/RTH 15

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