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Home » 2023 WAEC Civic Education

Answers [Essay-OBJ] is Out

WAEC Civic
Questions and
Answers 2023
The waec civic education
answers 2023 questions for the
essay and objective exam paper
can now be seen here. The West
African Examination Council
(WAEC) Civic Education for
SSCE will be written on
Thursday, 25th May 2023.

The Waec Civic Education

(Essay) paper will start at 9:30
am and will last for 2hrs while
the Civic Education (Objective)
exam will commence at 11:30 am
and will last for 1hr.

In this post, we will be giving

out the waec civic education
questions for candidates that
will participate in the
examination from past

2023 WAEC Civic

Education Answers.
PAPER 2 [Essay]
Answer any FOUR questions.
Write your answers in the answer
booklet provided.

1. a) What are values?

(b) State six importance of
values to Nigerian society.

ANS: (a) Values are the ideas,

things, or principles cherished
by people in a society.

(b) (i) Values help to determine

and control the behavior of
individuals in society.
(ii) They act as criteria or
measures for the judgment of
the actions of individuals in
(iii) Values give focus and
direction to individuals in the
family and society at large.
(iv) Values help us in decision-
(v) Values modify our attitudes
and feelings towards other
people through tolerance of
di"erent opinions and behavior.
(vi) Values act as standards of
conduct for people in a society
(vii) Values guide people toward
the achievement of declared
objectives e.g. individual,
family, communal, corporate,

and national objectives among


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(viii) Values promote unity,

harmony, and cooperation in
(ix) Values encourage a sense of
responsibility and hard work
among Nigerian citizens.

2. (a) Explain the

term citizenship education.
(b) State four reasons for
e"ective citizenship education
of Nigerian youths.

ANS: (a) Citizenship education

is a process of enlightening or
training citizens on their rights
and responsibilities. Citizenship
education is a form of education
given to citizens with a view to
making them responsible
individuals who are committed
to the meaningful development
of their society.
(b) E"ective citizenship
education helps to:
(i) sensitize Nigerian youths on
their duties and rights as
(ii) produce responsible, well-
informed, and self-reliant
Nigerian youths.
(iii) inculcate the right values
and attitudes into the youths for
the development of society.
(iv) help citizens especially
youths identify national
problems and pro"er solutions.
(v) produce enlightened youths
who are politically and
nationally conscious.
(vi) instill in the youths high
moral standards which are
required for the development of
the country.
(vii) encourage national
integration and nation-
(viii) prepare the youths for
future leadership roles.

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3. (a) What is the meaning of the

Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR)?
(b) Highlight any six rights or
freedoms in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights of

ANS: (a) Universal Declaration

of Human Rights (UDHR) refers
to a global proclamation
specifying the rights of
individuals. It is the primary
international expression of the
fundamental/ inalienable rights
members of the human race.
It was adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations
Organization on December 10,
1948, in Paris, France. The
Charter consists of thirty (30)
articles on Human Rights.

4. (a) Define human tra#cking.

(b) State six causes of human
tra#cking in Nigeria.

ANS: (a) Human tra#cking is

the illicit/ illegal business in the
sale and transportation of
human beings for economic and
other selfish purposes. Usually,
the unsuspecting victims are
lured away into forced labour,
prostitution, and other forms of

(b) (i) Poverty – this makes

victims very vulnerable.
(ii) Youth unemployment.
(iii) Disorientation of
values/moral decadence in the
(iv) Greed and get-rich-quick
(v) Corruption in the society
which encourages adventures
into crimes.
(vi) Bad leadership which fails
to protect citizens and provide
for their social, economic, and
other related security.
(vii) Ignorance or lack of
knowledge/ awareness on the
part of victims of human

Waec Civic Education

Objective Questions 2023.

PAPER 1 (Objective)
Answer All the questions in this
Write your answers in the answer
sheet provided.

1. The following are goals of

citizenship education except
A. preparing learners for
B. developing an appropriate
attitude in the learners.
C. creating job opportunities.
D. providing social amenities.

2. HIV/AIDS is spread mainly

A. indiscriminate sexual
B. kissing and hugging.
C. sharing toiletries with
D. handshake with victims.

3. Which of the following is a

major problem of the Nigerian
Civil Service?
A. Neutrality
B. Red tapism
C. Impartiality
D. Anonymity.

4. Community development
projects can best be achieved if
the people are
A. cooperative.
B. religious.
C. optimistic.
D. knowledgeable.

5. People living with HIV/ AIDS

could be assisted by
A. isolating them.
B. showing them love.
C. blaming them.
D. avoiding them.

6. Which of the following does

not promote national
A. Respect for the symbols and
identities of the country
B. Promotion of people’s culture
and tradition
C. Appropriate use of the mass
D. Inappropriate use of state

7. Modern countries adopt a rule

of law in order to make
A. lawyers independent.
B. the law supreme.
C. the judiciary part of the
D. laws in parliament.

8. The habit of obeying tra#c

regulations helps the individual
A. report late at work.
B. avoid an unnecessary
C. be lazy at work.
D. use the unauthorized route.

9. Which of the following roles

should a responsible parent
A. Sending the children to hawk
on the street
B. Instilling in children
appropriate values and attitude
C. Encouraging early marriage
D. Showing favour to a
particular child.

10. A challenge facing the

protection of human rights in
Nigeria is
A. absence of public complaints
B. failure of leaders to promote
rule of law.
C. independence of the judiciary.
D. press freedom.

11. When there is a dispute in a

community, members should
A. be indi"erent to the issue.
B. cooperate with others.
C. leave the community entirely.
D. be resolute to their cause.


Keep following, more questions

and answers will be added soon.

PS: Once again, there is nothing

like waec civic education expo.
Do not fall victim to scammers
online trying to obtain money
from you with fake promises of
having access to live question
paper before the exam. What we
have on this page are likely
exam questions from waec past
questions and answers to serve
as a revision guide.

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