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Final integrative product: Global warming and climate change. L.V.A.


1.Leslie Yoani Zamora Santellan.

2.Abigail Pelayo Sandoval

3.Verónica Gisela Urdiano Basurto

Leslie.-Hello everyone, my name is Leslie and I am a sixth semester student at the
Autlán Regional Preparatory School. On this occasion I have the pleasure of
presenting you the following report made by my classmates and yours truly; The
topic we will talk about is: the human impact on the environment.
To begin with, what is the environment?
Abigail. The environment is the space in which the life of different organisms
develops, favoring their interaction. In it there are both living beings and non-living
elements and others created by the hand of man.
Leslie. With this clear, we ask you the following question: What is the human
impact on the environment?
Verónica. One of the most visible impacts is global warming, the greenhouse
effect and the melting of the poles due to pollution. Pollution occurs thanks to
factors such as:
the generation of a large amount of waste; waste that is not friendly to the
environment and takes years to degrade like plastics. Rivers of plastics and waste,
as well as electronic waste. This is garbage that is very difficult to recycle or
dispose of and that produces a high level of pollution. Water contamination.
Deforestation and the large amounts of oil in the seas. As well as the gases
produced by factories and automobiles in large cities.
Global warming and climate change have been used interchangeably, but for years
scientists have preferred to use "climate change" to describe the complex changes
currently affecting our planet's weather and climate systems.
Climate change encompasses not only the increase in average temperatures, but
also natural disasters, changes in the habitats of fauna and flora, rising sea levels
and many other effects. All of these changes are occurring as humans continue to
add heat-trapping greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane to the
We call global warming the consequences generated by the release of these
greenhouse gases, but this phenomenon is actually causing a series of changes in
the Earth's long-term weather patterns that vary by location. As the Earth rotates
each day, this new heat rotates in turn, collecting moisture from the oceans,
increasing here and settling there, ultimately changing the rhythm of the climate to
which all living beings have become accustomed.

Leslie: Did you know?...

CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have increased from around 280 parts per
million (ppm) in the pre-industrial era to more than 420 ppm today. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that to limit global
warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, global CO2 emissions must be
halved by 2030 and reach net zero by the year 2050. On the other hand, sea level
has risen approximately 23 cm since 1850. It is expected to continue rising at a
rate of 3.3 mm per year.
Action on climate change is crucial to protect the planet and ensure a sustainable
future for generations to come.

Leslie. --But... What are the impacts that pollution caused by humans has on the
environment? And, How does pollution affect the geographic environment?
Abigail. Geographical aspects such as mountains, hills and others can lead to
concentrating a greater amount of pollutants in the air. The geographical location
and the shape of the terrain influence which places will concentrate the most
pollution. Some of the impacts that are appearing in our lives due to this are
sudden changes in climate, increasingly extreme temperatures and shorter
seasons. Appearance of severe meteorological phenomena, such as hurricanes,
earthquakes, tsunamis or droughts. Holes in the ozone layer, allowing the entry of
ultraviolet rays that harm many living beings, such as humans. All of these
phenomena are becoming more severe due to the changes that our geographical
environment has undergone, which was our shield against catastrophes. Now,
without our forests, we can no longer cope with storms. Without bodies of water,
disasters are becoming more and more common. droughts and these are just
some of our current problems.
Vero. Global warming produces other problems, such as floods in South Asia in
2022, which caused more than 120 deaths and affected millions of people in India,
Bangladesh and Nepal. In the Western United States in 2022, a drought occurred
that caused billions of dollars in damage to agriculture and caused water outages
in California and other states. This is the longest drought in the region in recorded
history. It is crucial to remember that these are just a few of the many climate-
related catastrophes occurring around the world. The frequency and intensity of
these events are increasing due to climate change, putting millions of people and
ecosystems at risk.

Leslie. -Now on the other hand, how does the environment influence us
Leslie. Human activities sometimes seriously harm the environment through
different types of pollution. For example, the pollution present in the environment is
already a sad reality, which leads to consequences such as respiratory diseases,
such as asthma and respiratory allergies.
Diseases that develop due to environmental deterioration can be caused by
various environmental risk factors, such as air pollution, exposure to toxic
chemicals, radiation, lack of hygiene, and unsafe water and sanitation services.
sanitation. Some of the diseases associated with environmental risk factors that
represent the greatest annual health burden are:
Diarrhea, caused by unsafe water and sanitation services, and lack of hygiene.
Infections of the lower respiratory tract, largely caused by air pollution in both
outdoor and indoor spaces.
Unintentional non-traffic injuries, including a wide variety of industrial and
workplace accidents,
Malaria, caused by deficiencies in water supply, housing and land use
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a slightly increasing disease
characterized by the gradual loss of lung function, largely caused by exposure to
dust and fumes in the workplace and other forms of indoor air pollution. exterior
and interior.
Abigail. Did you know?...
The entire Earth faces warming
No place on the planet is free from the impact of climate change. In 2020, record
temperatures were recorded in Belarus, Belgium, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France,
Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden,
Switzerland and Ukraine, as well as in Japan, Mexico, Russia and the islands.
Seychelles, while the city of Blenheim (New Zealand) recorded a record 64 days of
drought, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information.

Leslie.- But how do these changes in the environment affect us psychologically?

Abigail. Climate change can affect mental health through several pathways:
extreme weather events are causing post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and
depression; extreme temperatures affect mood, worsen behavioral disorders,
increase the risk of suicide and affect the well-being of people with mental health
problems; distress associated with ongoing or anticipated climate and
environmental changes that cause climate anxiety; and the impacts associated
with changes to the livelihoods and social cohesion of entire communities.

Leslie. - And, how does climate change influence the economy?

Veronica. Climate change is one of the biggest threats to economic stability. Heat
waves reduce work capacity and productivity. Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons
leave millions of people in absolute poverty after devastating populations with total
indifference. And droughts reduce harvests, making the arduous task of feeding a
world population that promises to reach 10 billion people by 2050 increasingly
difficult (World Population Prospects 2019, UN). And the World Bank warns: if we
do not adopt urgent measures, the impacts of climate change could push 100
million more people into poverty by 2030.

Leslie.-We have already talked about the great impact that human beings have on
the environment, but how can we stop this phenomenon?
Veronica. There is no single way to stop or slow global warming, and each
individual, business, municipality, state, tribe and federal entity must analyze their
options to stop this phenomenon. Some ways to stop global warming are:
We can switch to renewable energy sources to power our homes and buildings,
thereby emitting far fewer heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere; We can use
cycling instead of driving our own cars, we can reduce the amount of water we
waste, use biodegradable products, stop using disposable plastic, buy only
necessary products and try to plant trees in unpopulated areas.
Abigail. Global warming is an urgent threat that requires drastic and immediate
actions at the individual, community, national and international levels. While the
task may seem daunting, there are numerous steps we can take to mitigate its
effects and build a more sustainable future.
At an individual level we can reduce our carbon footprint: Adopt responsible
consumption habits.
At the national and international level: Strengthen and expand international
agreements such as the Paris Agreement to set ambitious emissions reduction
targets and promote global cooperation.
Support research and development of clean and sustainable technologies for
energy generation, transportation and other sectors.

Leslie.- Below we present some interviews conducted with some people)



Vero. We have already seen that climate change is a problem that affects us from
different aspects, not only meteorological but also affects us psychologically,
economically by stopping our crops and causing severe repercussions on our
health, it is time to take action to stop this problem. It is time to act. We cannot
continue ignoring the problem. We must take urgent action to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. The future of our planet
is in our hands. We have the knowledge and technology to make a difference.
What we need is the will and determination to act. Together, we can build a better
future for ourselves and for generations to come. A future where the Earth is a
healthy, resilient and habitable planet for all. Together, we can create change.
Leslie. Our planet, Earth, is an extraordinary place, full of life and beauty. It is our
home, the only one we know, and it is our responsibility to protect it. Climate
change is an inescapable reality that threatens our future. We have altered the
natural balance of the planet, and the consequences are already being felt around
the world.
-We hope that this entire report allows you to reflect, learn and understand the
impact we cause on the environment, it is time to analyze and stop this
catastrophe, while we still can do so.
Iberdrola. (2019). Impacto del cambio climático. Iberdrola.

Sánchez, J. (2019, 30 abril). Cómo influye el hombre en el deterioro del medio


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Noelia manson,1 marzo2022,ecología verde,como afecta la contaminación en el

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Efectos sobre la salud mental — Observatorio Europeo del Clima y la Salud. (s. f.).
%20afectar,el%20riesgo%20de %20y

Collection, J. B. N. G. I. (2024, 25 abril). Los gases de efecto invernadero tienen

un impacto cada vez mayor en el día a día del mundo entero. Hacemos un
recorrido por la ciencia para explicar qué es exactamente el calentamiento global
que provoca el cambio climático y cuáles son sus consecuencias. National

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