ReleaseInformation V3.5 SP1 Patch 4

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Release Information

Profile V3.5 SP1 Patch 4
Release Date 30.10.2012
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1.1 Responsible for the release 3


2.1 New Products 4
2.2 Features and Improvements 4
General 4
Visualization 4
SoftMotion 5
New Drivers: 5
CODESYS Application Composer 5
Fieldbusses 6
Runtime System 6
Usability – Project Handling 7
Usability – Online 7
User Management 8
PLCopenXML 8
Licensing 8


4.1 Compatibility Information for End Users 9
4.2 Compatibility Information for OEMs 10




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1 General
This document contains information on a product version which was released in compliance with our
quality guidelines.

1.1 Responsible for the release

Name Role
Dieter Hess Product Manager / CEO

Dirk Schubel Manager Product Development (Base Technology)

Hilmar Panzer Manager Product Development (Application Technology)

Andrea Hein Manager Quality Assurance

Responsibilities of the undersigned

• Product Management
(Confirmation that the content of the version to be released meets the requirements of the
Product Management)
• Product Development
(Confirmation that the version to be released was developed in compliance with the relevant
process description)
• Quality Assurance
(Confirmation that the version to be released was released in compliance with the relevant
process description)

Kempten, 30.10.2012

____________________(Dieter Hess)

____________________(Dirk Schubel)

____________________(Hilmar Panzer)

____________________(Andrea Hein)

Note: If the version you are updating from is not CoDeSys V3.4 but an earlier version, please make
sure to read the release information documents of the versions in between.
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1 Major Improvements (V3.5 SP1)

1.1 New Products

CODESYS Static Analysis

Using CODESYS Static Analysis you can improve the quality of your IEC source code.

Supported features: A predifined set of rules to check your source code, a possibility
to define naming conventions and some software metrics.

The following products/features are not part of the CODESYS setup:

• CODESYS Application Composer Development Kit
• CODESYS Static Analysis
• CODESYS Source Control
• CODESYS VisuElement Toolkit
• EtherCAT IO-Link Terminal EL6224
• EtherCAT ProfibusMaster Terminal EL6731

Please contact our sales department under to obtain these products.

1.2 Features and Improvements

Performance: Reduce the impact of CODESYS plug-ins on the Large Object Heap
Due to limitations in the .NET memory management, users who work with large projects over several
hours often encountered out-of-memory exceptions during complex operations like “build”, “download”,
or “online change”. We now improved the memory footprint throughout the entire programming system
so that out-of-memory conditions are by far less probable to occur than in previous versions.

Visu: TextEditor
A new visualization element to edit text files.
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Visu, Combobox: A second combobox which is similar to the table element where an IEC array
variable can be configured

Visu, Alarm: Visualization of Alarms on a remote CODESYS HMI

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SM: CNC: Quadratic velocity mode (jerk limitation)
The FB SMC_Interpolator now supports a new velocity mode (in addition to trapezoid and sigmoidal): a
quadratic mode. Hence, path acceleration has a steady, trapezoid shape and the jerk can be limited by
a user parameter.
In this mode, the generated set positions limit the path jerk and a machine following these values will
have a lower excitation.

SM: CAM visu editor
A new visualization frame is provided, that – in combination with the corresponding FB – allows the
user to display and edit a cam table in the CODESYS visualization.

Visu: Release 3DPath element
A new visualization element is provided that can display a 3D path. The user can generate and display
a 3D path and – with a navigation frame – control the view on the path in 3D.
The element is designed to display CNC paths and works with the FBs of SoftMotion CNC, providing
the path.

SM: Update all visu FB templates: use new visu elements
In addition to the existing visu frames that fit the SoftMotion FBs, a new set of visu frames providing a
modern look and feel has been developed. Changes in the new “Style Concept” now automatically
results in changes of the visu frames as well.

SM: CNC: Modulo axis in CNC
CNC supports the control of modulo axis from the CNC program. An axis can get an arbitrary modulo
value. The path planning will take this into account and use the shortest way.

New Drivers:
SM: Lexium23 driver (CAN)

SM: New generic driver for DSP402
Any CANopen or EtherCAT device supporting CiA DSP402 can be used as SoftMotion axes, since this
feature adds a SoftMotion axis and driver below the slave device.

SM: New driver Festo CMMP-AS EtherCAT

CODESYS Application Composer

Application Composer: Generate simple, Composer-dedicated CODESYS options/view/menu
A new reduced profile of CODESYS can be used that is dedicated to the CODESYS Application
Composer and includes only the options/views/menu commands needed by the Composer.
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Application Composer: Configure default module instances
The definition of a father module can make settings of its default child modules.

Application Composer: Support for printing/documenting of module instances and declarations

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Application Composer: Support for project comparison

Redundancy EtherCAT should be supported by CODESYS
A ring topology is used in the EtherCAT to support redundancy. If any segment in the network is
broken, the masteris still able to update I/Os in the slaves using another route.

CAA Device Diagnosis: Implementation of an end user library
New CAA library for fieldbus diagnosis in IEC is needed for end users.

CANopen Master: Reduce config size.
Many I/OConfigParameters are created by the configurator. Each parameter has an overhead of 20
Bytes. This overhead can be reduced if parameters are grouped in arrays.

Profibus Configurator: Display text-messages (from gsd) on status page for Diag/ExtDiag

EtherCAT: Support EtherCAT slave<->ProfibusMaster gateway device EL6731

Runtime System
MicroRTS: Runtime System should be available for small systems (Flash < 100 kB, RAM < 40
Standard v3 Runtime System is prepared for single chip controllers.
Actual footprint: 88 kB code / 16 kB RAM on a Cortex-M3 target
 Standard v3 Communication Stack
 IEC-Application is running from flash
 Monitoring (read/write/force)
 Start/Stop/Single cycle
 Exception Handling
 Breakpoints (CDS-20137)
 Online-Change (CDS-17645)

Config: System Event configurator as in CODESYS V2.3
System Event Configurator is now available as in CODESYS v2

All calls to IEC code from the runtime should be surrounded by rts_try / rts_catch exception
handling to avoid a crash of the communication thread in case of errors here
There is a new generic rts_try/rts_try catch structured exception handling mechanism in the runtime
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system to handle exceptions directly in the protected code parts. The generated IEC codes with user
code behind (e.g. FB_Exit/FB_Init code) is protected no with this mechanism. So exceptions during
download or during loading the bootproject is handled now in a safe way. A log message is provided
with the kind of exception, the name of the code part and the position of the exception.

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Usability – Project Handling

Navigator: Improve the "Find Object" dialog handling
The “Find Object” dialog in the navigator has been completely redesigned and is now much easier to
use. You can display the “Find Object” by simply starting to type when the keyboard focus is within the
navigator, or by invoking the corresponding command in the dropdown menu of the navigator.

Navigator: Correlation between node and editor should be improved
The currently selected object in the navigator now automatically changes when open editors are
switched, so that the currently active editor is always selected in the tree. We know that this is a
behaviour that might disturb some of our users (while the others will probably like it), so the old
behaviour can be restored by deactivating the “Track Active Editor” option in the dropdown menu of the

Frame: New command "Open parent object" in the context menu of an editor tab
The context menu of an editor tab has been extended by two new commands: “Select Object In
Navigator” and “Select Parent Object In Navigator”. They can be used to quickly select the object of the
active editor in the navigator, or its parent object, respectively. These commands are especially
interesting for those users who switched off the “Track Active Editor” option mentioned above.

FileCommands: Additional file type "All usable file types"
The File :: Open… dialog now contains a filter “All supported files”, which has become the default.
Using this filter, projects, libraries, and project archives are displayed simultaneously. Note that this
way, project archives can now be opened using File :: Open…, too. The command File :: Project
Archive :: Extract… becomes obsolete, but is still present.

File Commands: Change the template structure in the "File::New" command
We reworked our project template structure. Especially the (Miscellaneous) category and some
obsolete templates have been removed.

Tree Editor: it would be nice to support the NUM + '*' key to expand all closed collapsed nodes
The keys Numpad-* and Numpad-/ can now be used to expand and collapse tree nodes recursively.
By the way, this will work for all trees in CODESYS, not only for the navigator.

Usability – Online
Value of a String variable should be displayed in tool tip.
In Structured Text inline monitoring, long values like strings and floating point numbers are truncated at
a certain position (which is configurable). Now, the entire value is displayed in a tooltip when the
mouse is hovered over such a truncated watch box.

ST: Use double click to change prepared boolean value in online mode
In Structured Text inline monitoring, a double click on boolean watch boxes now quickly toggles the
prepared value between TRUE, FALSE and <none>, instead of opening the Prepare Value dialog.

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Watch and POU animation variable: The widths of columns aren't memorized
The tabular declaration watch windows (displayed in the declaration part of POUs, methods, etc., and
in the views Watch 1 to Watch 4) now memorize the column widths as adjusted by the user. By the
way, the same feature has been implemented for the Messages view.

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User Management
User Management: Setting access rights to folders is not inherited by child objects
Access rights that have been specified at a folder object are now inherited by the objects within that
folder, as expected.

User-permissions: Folder-structure is missing in dialog "permissions"
The aforementioned improvement is also displayed in the Permissions dialog. The list of objects is no
longer flat, but displayed hierarchically according to the actual project structure.

User Management: Improve the double click action in the status bar
The current user can logoff quickly by double clicking the “Current user” status field, instead of
selecting the Project :: User Management :: Logoff menu command.

PLCopenXML: Optional export/import of the declaration parts as plain text
Optionally, declaration parts are now additionally exported as plain text. This preserves the formatting
and all the comments of the declaration parts which otherwise would be lost due to the limitations of
the PLCopenXML file format.

PLCopenXML: Support SFC implementations
SFC is now supported for PLCopenXML, both export and import.

Library: Protection and licensing with Wibu Dongle
Compiled libraries can now be license protected using a Wibu dongle.
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2 Installation

In CODESYS V3.5 we updated from version 2.0 to version 4.0 of the Microsoft .NET framework. The
framework version that is actually used is determined by the executable startup file (CODESYS.exe).
In order to avoid any compatibility risks between these two versions, we decided that our setup will
prohibit an installation of CODESYS V3.5 or newer into a directory which already contains any
CODESYS version before V3.5 (Otherwise, the CODESYS.exe would be overwritten by the newest
version running on .NET 4.0 and consequently the older CODESYS version would also be executed
under .NET 4.0, which might cause compatibility problems).

We strongly recommend our OEM customers who adapt the CODESYS setup to implement a similar

3 Compatibility Information

3.1 Compatibility Information for End Users

Online Change [CDS-26087]

In some cases, applications downloaded with older versions, will ask for online change on login with
version 3.5 and greater.
This incompatibility is caused by the upgrade from .NET Framework 2.0 to .NET Framework 4.0.

Mapping of IEC task priorities [CDS-23211]:

The mapping of IEC task priorities to OS priorities has changed with this release. This only affects
systems where the available IEC task priorities do not match the number of available OS task
Now, the priority of an IEC task is mapped linearly to the OS priority. At the end of the OS task range,
all IEC tasks are residing at the same priority, e.g.:
- IEC prio=0, OS prio range for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 64

- IEC prio=10, OS prio range for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 74
- IEC prio=11, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 75

- IEC prio=15, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 79
- IEC prio=16, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 80
- IEC prio=17, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 80
- IEC prio=32, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 80
Previously, it was mapped as follows: IEC task prio / (32 / OS task range)
So some tasks with near priorities, are residing at the same priority level:
- IEC prio=0, OS prio range for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 64

- IEC prio=10, OS prio range for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 69
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- IEC prio=11, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 69

- IEC prio=15, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 71
- IEC prio=16, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 72
- IEC prio=17, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 72
- IEC prio=32, OS prio base for all IEC tasks=64..80 --> IEC task prio on OS= 80
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In the device description, the number of available priorities must be specified with the priorities actually
available on the target:
<ts:section name="taskconfiguration">
<ts:setting name="mintaskpriority" type="integer" access="visible">
<ts:setting name="maxtaskpriority" type="integer" access="visible">

Monitoring of Properties: No synchonization between monitoring and IEC-tasks necessary to

avoid jitters [CDS-26070]
The synchronization for calling property variables from the monitoring is removed now! So the user is
responsible for the data consistency in this property.
To enable the function call for monitoring, you have to specify explicitly the following attribute at the
{ attribute 'monitoring' := 'call' }

3.2 Compatibility Information for OEMs

In accordance with the requirement to simplify and shrink the footprint of the runtime system we
removed the CmpCAAResMan component.
This has a certain influence on the other CAA related components like CmpCAACallback,
CmpCAAMemBlockMan, …
These components are now citizens of the CODESYS Runtime System without any special behaviour.
They behave like any other runtime system component. We removed all references to the
CmpCAAResMan component in all projects, *Itf.m4 and *Dep.m4 files.

In order to still be able to provide the resource management feature of IEC libraries we changed every
CAA related library as follows:
Each function now has a sibling function prefixed with an underline character (e.g. CL2.DriverOpenH
<-> CL2._DriverOpenH).
Prefixed functions are externally implemented functions and will be linked directly to the related
functions inside the runtime system.
These functions do their job without having to worry about the resource management.
The function family without a prefix is now implemented as a wrapper which realizes the resource
management job. This is done with a new version of the CAA_ResMan.library.

The CAA_ResMan.library contains all “old” functions but now implements them as internal functions
that will return an error code.
All “old” functions are marked as obsolete and will generate a compiler warning if they are used in
projects or libraries.
We extended this library as follows:
Some IEC code was added to the RSMUtility folder which will implement the resource management
algorithms and is used by other libraries which require resource management.
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CmpChannelServer [CDS-431]:
The channelbuffer and the number of channels can be adjusted by these settings:
CHANNELBUFFER_ALLOC_ON_HEAP is not needed anymore, the channelbuffer of the

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CmpChannelServer is now always allocated from heap. The CmpChannelServerEmbedded, however,

still only uses a static channelbuffer.

Rebuild of *Dep.m4 and *Itf.m4 files

All OEM-Customers, who implement their own runtime system components, have to rebuild the
corresponding *Dep.m4 and *Itf.m4 files with the BuildUtils provided with the runtime system V3.5 SP1.
This procedure is recommended in principal for every release, but this is now required.
If you don’t do this, you get compile warnings in your component like:
$\components\sysout\sysout.c(110): warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from
'char [15]' to 'const CMP_EXT_FUNCTION_REF *'
$\components\sysout\sysout.c(110): warning C4047: 'function' : 'RTS_UINTPTR' differs in
levels of indirection from 'RTS_VOID_FCTPTR'
$\components\sysout\sysout.c(110): warning C4024: 's_pfCMRegisterAPI' : different types for
formal and actual parameter 2

Control Win: CmpWebserver removeable via runtime config file [CDS-28375]

WebServer is configurable now in CODESYS Control Win. To increase the security of the system, this
webserver can be deactivated in the CODESYSControl.cfg by removing the two components:
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4 Known Restrictions

Component Description Jira ID

Visualization Visu profile 3.5 with compiler version < CDS-26091
leads to compile errors
Visualization Group box, target visu: Title is not drawn in built-in CDS-29146
visu if device has Motorola byte order
Gateway, Control Win Win2000 and WinXP < SP3 is no longer
Softmotion The automatic test routine for the driver
SM3_Drive_ETC_KEB_H6 has not been
Online Help French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Russian
help have not been updated since V3.4.1.0.
64-Bit Compiler The CODESYS x64 compiler is released with
The main infrastructure, some base components
and the Control Win adaptation of the runtime
system is prepared for 64-bit. The following
components are missing:
Scheduled for SP1/SP2:
- CmpIecVarAccess (SP1)
- Optional components (CmpPlcShell,
- All external CAA Libraries
- All external System Libraries

For the following components, the 64-bit

compatibility is checked for SP1:
- Visualization + TargetVisualization +
- IO-Driver
- Motion

64-bit release for any other operating system upon


Color gradient The new feature color gradient is released for the CDS-26152
platforms supporting this feature (Windows, Linux,
but not WinCE). The support of this feature must
be declared in the device description.
PLCOpen XML The Import/Export of settings of the SFC Object CDS-28361
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(declaration and usage of flag variables as well as

build options) is not currently supported. The
imported object will get global SFC settings.

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Application Encryption
Encryption overview:
Action Supported Not supported
Download X
Bootproject on download X
Online Change X
Bootproject on online change X
Bootproject on demand X
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5 Features and Changes / Addressed Defects

The link below leads to an Excel sheet which contains information on the new implementations and the
changes in the current version:
Key, Summary, Description, Resolution, Priority, Issue Type, Components, Target User Group, Fix
Version, Release Note
Special release information for OEM partners can be found in the RID note with the filter ‘Target User
Group’ for ‘OEM’ or ‘OEM and End User’.

Features and Changes_Addressed Defects CODESYS v3.5 SP1 Patch 4.xls

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6 Release Information
This chapter describes the tests conducted during the release of the above mentioned version and the
corresponding results.

Test Environment Result

CAN x86 Passed / Released
Compatibility_internal (Autotest) 3 category only Passed / Released

Compile (Autotest) x86 Passed / Released

Compile_General Passed / Released
ExampleApplications Passed / Released
LicensingGate (Autotest) Passed / Released
Performance (Autotest) Passed / Released
Profibus (Autotest) NetX Passed / Released
Quality Gate Passed / Released
RuntimeFull (Autotest) WinXP/x86, Control RTE Passed / Released
RuntimeFull (Autotest) Win7/32 Bit, Control RTE Passed / Released
RuntimeFull (Autotest) WinXP/x86, Control Win Passed / Released
SM_CAN_Schneider_Lexium32 (Autotest) Passed / Released
SM_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32 (Autotest) Passed / Released
Symbolconfiguration Passed / Released
UserMangement_Online Passed / Released
Visu_Editor Selected categories: Visu- Passed / Released
Element Image, Visu-
Element MeterBar, Visu-
Element Button, Visu-
Element Poti,Visualization
Visu_Online (Autotest) WinXP, Control Win, Passed / Released
Integrated Visu
Visu_Online (Autotest) WinXP, Control RTE, Passed / Released
Target Visu
Visu_Online (Autotest) WinXP, Control Win, Passed / Released
Target Visu
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7 Document Release

Created Andrea Hein QMB 29.10.2012

Reviewed Peter Zenker QS 29.10.2012
Released Peter Zenker QS 29.10.2012
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