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Road Materials and Pavement Design

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Laboratory and field evaluation of cement grouted

bituminous mixes

G. Bharath, Manoj Shukla, M. N. Nagabushana, Satish Chandra & Amit Shaw

To cite this article: G. Bharath, Manoj Shukla, M. N. Nagabushana, Satish Chandra & Amit Shaw
(2020) Laboratory and field evaluation of cement grouted bituminous mixes, Road Materials and
Pavement Design, 21:6, 1694-1712, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2019.1567375

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Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2020
Vol. 21, No. 6, 1694–1712,

Laboratory and field evaluation of cement grouted bituminous mixes

G. Bharath ∗ , Manoj Shukla, M. N. Nagabushana, Satish Chandra and Amit Shaw

Flexible Pavements Division, Central Road Research Institute, Delhi, India

(Received 8 June 2018; accepted 3 January 2019 )

Cement Grouted Bituminous Mix (CGBM) is a composite material, in which air voids present
in the bituminous mix are grouted with a cementitious material. The main aim of this study
is to develop and evaluate CGBM in the laboratory and field. A conventional dense graded
Bituminous Concrete (BC) mix is also considered for comparison. This paper presents the
details of different investigations carried out for evaluation of CGBM mix for properties such
as Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS), Resilient Modulus and Dynamic Modulus at different tem-
peratures. Performance characteristics such as rutting, fracture energy, moisture resistance, oil
spillage and durability were also evaluated for the mixes. A CGBM test section has been laid
on site and is being monitored for its performance. Results show that CGBM has better ITS,
Resilient Modulus, Dynamic Modulus, and Rutting performance than a conventional bitu-
minous mix. It shows a slight reduction in durability and crack resistance due to the relative
brittleness of the hardened cement constituent but within acceptable limits. The material is also
more resistant to damage by moisture and diesel. CGBM mixes are less temperature suscep-
tible compared to conventional bituminous mix. Dynamic Modulus and Phase Angle master
curves for CGBM mixes have been developed in the study. Full depth grouting was observed
in field core samples and Micro Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) tests were carried out to
check the air voids connectivity and their content in the CGBM mix.
Keywords: cement grouted bituminous mix (CGBM); full depth grouting; dynamic modulus;
rutting; fracture energy; durability

1. Introduction
Cement Grouted Bituminous Mix (CGBM) is a unique type of composite surface course that
consists of an open graded porous bituminous mix as its core structure, grouted with a pre-
cisely selected cementitious material. Technically, it is a designed amalgamation of concrete
pavement and bituminous pavement, thus consequently and desirably having the nature of both
rigidity and flexibility. The need for such a new kind of pavement material arises to overcome
deficiencies in conventional surfacing (Bituminous Concrete) while retaining its advantages and
benefits. Specifically, the issue of ‘rutting’ in bituminous pavements and ‘provision of joints’
in concrete pavements giving poor riding quality are likely to be completely eliminated in
‘Cement Grouted Bituminous Mix’. This kind of pavement has been christened differently by
different researchers and developers, such as Asphalt-Portland Cement Concrete Composite,
APCCC (Al-Qadi, Gouru, & Weyers, 1994), Semi-Flexible Composite Mixture (Zhang, Huang,
& Goodwin, 2013), Semi-Rigid Pavement (Dong Qing Wu & Zhang, 2011), Grouted Macadam
Composite Material (Hou, Xu, & Huang, 2015), etc. It is to be noted that CGBM has not been

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Road Materials and Pavement Design 1695

adopted on Indian roads mainly due to lack of data on its performance under Indian conditions.
All the studies related to CGBM have been from outside India and mainly from the developed
world. Therefore, the present study was undertaken for the evaluation of the strength and per-
formance characteristics of cement grouted bituminous mix and its comparison with those of
conventionally used surface layers of bituminous concrete.
The main issues related to conventional mixes which can be checked or controlled using
CGBM are as follows:

a) No need to provide joints; which are essential in non-continuously reinforced rigid

concrete pavements (Anderton, 2000; Oliveira, Thom, & Zoorob, 2006)
b) Rutting caused by channelisation of heavy traffic is drastically reduced, when compared
with conventional bituminous pavements (Al-Qadi et al., 1994)
c) Moisture induced damages are also minimised due to the highly impervious structure of
this composite material (Al-Qadi et al., 1993)
d) Early opening to traffic, as 24 h is enough for the grout to set, in contrast to concrete
pavements (Hassan, Setyawan, & Zoorob, 2002)

CGBM shows better performance in terms of durability and strength when compared to
conventional hot mix asphalt pavements and thus can be successfully used for bridge deck
overlay (Al-Qadi et al., 1994). Comparative studies of CGBM and conventional bitumi-
nous mixes have shown that at higher temperatures, the ITS values for CGBM increase
by 2–3 times those of bituminous concrete (BC) mixes (Anderton, 2000; Oliveira et al.,
Zhang et al., 2013 examined CGBM and PG 70–22 Hot Mix Asphalt through various strength
and performance tests. CGBM was observed to have a higher dynamic modulus, better resistance
to moisture induced damage and thermal cracking, lower temperature susceptibility and lower
rutting values. CGBM samples were found to have higher fractural strength when compared
to HMA mixtures. Husain, Karim, Mahmud, & Koting, 2014 evaluated CGBM designed for
different aggregate gradations. It was found that, as the aggregate (aggregate gradation) gets
coarser, there is an increase in VIM (voids in the mix) which helps in the flow of grout slurry. In
case of less porous aggregate gradation, the movement of fluid grout was found to be delayed.
One day cured specimens had more abrasion loss in comparison to the 28-days cured specimens.
Moreover, the abrasion loss was found to be inversely related to the compressive strength of the
Raju, Reddy, & Reddy, 2014 examined rut resistance and moisture damage susceptibility for
CGBM and found them to be lower in comparison to normal bituminous mixes. The average
value of elastic modulus using beam flexure tests for CGBM was measured to be 10400 MPa
(at 35°C). Hou et al., 2015 report higher values of dynamic stability and fatigue life for CGBM
as compared to conventional bituminous mix. The CGBM had a flexural strength of 5.2 MPa
against 6.63 MPa for the bituminous mix. The retained Marshall stabilities of CGBM and the
bituminous mix were 110.1% and 87.8% respectively and the TSR values were 85.5% and 81.8%
respectively. The modulus of the CGBM mix has been determined in terms of resilient modulus,
flexural modulus and dynamic modulus. Al-Qadi et al., 1994 showed resilient modulus values in
the range of 3000– 3400 MPa (at 22°C). Anderton, 2000 evaluated the resilient modulus values
of CGBM and reported them to be 19200, 11200 and 5800 MPa at temperatures of 5, 25 and
40°C respectively.Based on field and laboratory studies conducted on CGBM mixes, rutting
performance has been reported superior by almost all the researchers who worked with this
material (Ding, Sun, Shen, & Huang, 2010; Gawedzinski, 2008; Hou et al., 2015; Ling et al.,
2009; Raju et al., 2014).
1696 G. Bharath et al.

Figure 1. Aggregate gradation for BC and CGBM mixes.

2. Objective
The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the mechanical properties and perfor-
mance characteristics of CGBM mixes and compare them with those of conventional Bituminous
Concrete (BC) mix. The following main issues are examined.

• Evaluation of CGBM properties such as stability, indirect tensile strength, resilient modu-
lus, dynamic modulus, compressive strength and performance in terms of rutting, fatigue,
moisture resistance, durability and resistance to petroleum products.
• Evaluation of grout material properties with respect to water content and curing period.
• Field performance evaluation of CGBM mix.
• Comparison of the performance of CGBM with that of conventional BC mix.

3. Experimental Protocol
The laboratory studies involved material selection, characterisation and mix design for CGBM
and BC mixes. Brief details are given in the following subsections.

3.1. Aggregates and bitumen

Aggregates used in this study were procured from Agra quarry in the state of Uttar Pradesh,
India. They were tested for their physical properties and were found suitable for wearing course
of flexible pavement.
The aggregate gradations for BC and CGBM mixes are shown in Figure 1. The BC mix is a
dense graded mix with 19 mm nominal size of aggregate as per MoRTH (2013). The CGBM is
an open graded mix with the aggregate grading of a surface dressing layer. The nominal size of
aggregate for CGBM is 13.2 mm.
VG30 (PG64-22) viscosity grade bitumen was used for the two mixes. Properties of the binder
are given in Table 1. Mixing and compaction temperature ranges for VG30 binder were taken as
158–162°C and 142–146°C respectively, based on corresponding viscosity requirement criterion
of 170cP and 270cP (as per MS-2, 7th Edition, 2015).
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1697

Table 1. Physical properties of VG30 bitumen used in the study.

Property Value obtained Test method (BIS)

Specific gravity, 27°C 1.02 1202 (1978)

Penetration, 25°C,100 g, 5s (dmm) 61 1203 (1978)
Softening point (°C) 50 1205 (1978)
Ductility, 27°C (cm) Above 100 1208 (1978)
Viscosity at 60°C (Poise) 2894 1206 (1978)
Viscosity at 135°C (cP) 575 ASTM D4402-15

3.2. Grout material

The grout material used in this study is a mixture of cement, sand and polymer modified mor-
tar. It was jointly developed in collaboration with one of the Industry Partner. The suitability
of the grout material was checked with respect to two main decisive criteria; full depth grout
penetration and compressive strength. Full depth grout penetration is related to the flowability or
the workability of the grout slurry which was measured using a Marsh Flow Cone. For strength
evaluation, standard cubes having 50 cm2 face area were tested with respect to varying water
content and at different curing periods. The results for the respective tests performed to check
the variation of grout flowability and compressive strength with respect to mixing water content
are shown in Figure 2 (a) & (b), which indicates that flowability of the grout material increases
with increase in water content with a corresponding decrease in grout compressive strength. The
above exercise was performed to find the optimum quantity of mixing water content for grout,
which can produce a full depth of grout penetration in the mix along with adequate strength of
the grout material.

3.3. Mix design

The optimum bitumen content for the high voids bituminous mix was determined based on a
drain down test. The maximum drain down loss was taken as 0.3 percent (Setyawan, 2005). The
binder content required to limit the drain down to 0.3% was obtained as 2.41 percent by weight
of the mix as shown in Figure 3. There are no proper criteria for the selection of a number of
blows or gyrations for the compaction of high void bituminous mixes. Researchers have adopted
different methods of compaction for such mixes. Some researchers have used varying number
of Marshall blows (10–75) applied on one or both faces (Anderton, 1996, 2000; Al-Qadi et al.,
1994; Husain, Mahmud, Karim, & Hamid, 2010, 2014; Hou et al., 2015; Khan, 2010; Ling et al.,
2009) while others have used the gyratory compactor (Gawedzinski, 2008;Hassan et al., 2002).
The Marshall samples for CGBM mixes were prepared with the application of the Marshall
hammer on only one face. The degree of compaction was varied from 20 blows to 70 blows with
an increment of 10 blows after each set of Marshall samples. A plot of the variation of air voids
(as calculated from the volumetric study) with respect to number of Marshall hammer blows for
the CGBM mix is shown in Figure 4, which indicates that minimum 40 blows are adequate to
achieve the desired degree of compaction, as there is no significant change in air voids beyond
The Marshall samples for the conventional Bituminous Concrete (BC) which served as a ref-
erence mix were prepared in accordance with the Marshall mix design as per Asphalt Institute
Manual Series (MS-2, 2015). 100 mm diameter specimens with varying binder contents were
prepared for the mix design exercise. The design binder content (OBC) for BC mix was selected
corresponding to 4% air voids, and it was 5.4% by weight of the mix.
1698 G. Bharath et al.

Figure 2. Grout flowability and 7 days compressive strength of grout material.

Figure 3. Selection of OBC w.r.t. Drain Down for CGBM mix.

3.4. Grouting the compacted porous bituminous samples

The compacted bituminous mix skeleton once cooled down to ambient temperature becomes
ready to be grouted. The cementitious grout having the desired flowability and strength (at 20%
water content, which was selected based on optimisation of grout for flowability and strength
with respect to its mixing water content as explained in heading 3.2) was then poured onto the
top surface of the porous bituminous sample (with samples still in the split mould) until no
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1699

Figure 4. Air voids reduction with number of Marshall hammer blows in CGBM mix.

further grout penetration was observed. Sometimes the porous bituminous samples may need to
be slightly shaken to help release the entrapped air and ease the flow of grout into it. Initially
trial grouts were prepared at different water contents starting from 16% and up to 40% with an
increment of 2% after each trial. Selection criteria for finding the optimum water content was
flowability (measured in terms of Marsh Flow Time) and full depth grout penetration in the
specimens of CGBM. At 16% water content, grout could penetrate only to a small depth (partial
depth of grouting) and most of the grout was retained on the surface as shown in Figure 5 (a). At
18% water content, grout penetration was observed up to the half depth of the specimen, but at
20% water content, the grout material could be seen to penetrate to full depth of the sample (full
depth grouting) and voids in the sample appeared to be filled completely with grout, as shown
in Figure 5 (b). At such optimised value of water content, full depth grouting was observed in
both the cases of laboratory prepared samples and cores taken from the trial section laid on the
road. Air voids in the laboratory prepared CGBM (grouted samples) was found to be 2.59% as
computed using Micro-CT technique.
The extent of grout penetration into the voids of bituminous mix structure is not only linked
to initial air voids but also affected by morphological characteristics of air voids, void structure
and size which significantly influence the interconnectivity of voids in the mix structure (Vavrik,
Pine, Huber, Carpenter, & Bailey, 2001). The voids are either opened; partially opened or closed
in the bituminous mix. The degree of grouting depends on the quantity of opened and partially
opened voids and their size. The grout material does not penetrate easily into closed voids. To
improve the extent of grouting of the bituminous mix, closed voids should be reduced as far as

4. Assessment of mechanistic properties

The different tests corresponding to mechanical strength parameters performed on the samples
prepared in the laboratory are described below.

4.1. Indirect tensile strength, stability and compressive strength

The Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) was determined as per ASTM D6931 (2012) on cylindri-
cal samples by loading them along a diametrical axis at a deformation rate of 51 mm/min. The
maximum load P, taken by the specimen was used to calculate the indirect tensile strength. Mar-
shall stability and compressive strength for both types of the mix were determined as per ASTM
D1559 (2012) and ASTM C39 (2015), respectively. The comparative laboratory test results for
1700 G. Bharath et al.

Figure 5. Depth of grout penetration.

stability and compressive strength of the two mixes are given in Table 2. The laboratory test
results for ITS at three test temperatures of 25°C, 35°C and 45°C are shown in Figure 6.

4.2. Modulus of resilience (MR )

Resilient modulus or modulus of resilience (MR ) is an important parameter used for the design
and analysis of pavements. The resilient moduli values of BC and CGBM were measured using
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1701

Table 2. Test results for stability and compressive strength.

Stability (kN) Compressive strength (MPa)

Mix type Sample No. Individual Average Individual Average

BC 1 16.9 2.3
2 18.0 17.3 2.0 2.2
3 17.2 2.2
CGBM 1 109.6 5.6
2 119.1 114.6 5.9 6.0
3 115.2 6.4

Figure 6. ITS test results for BC and CGBM mixes.

Table 3. Resilient modulus values of two mixes.

% reduction of resilient
Resilient modulus (MPa) at test modulus at different
temperature (°C) temperature w.r.t. 25°C
Mix type 25 35 45 35 45

CGBM 19,162 15,832 10,512 17.4 45.1

BC 5895 2150 1050 63.5 82.2

the repeated Indirect Tension Test method. Three specimens were prepared for both mixes for
determining the resilient modulus at different temperatures. Table 3 gives the percent reduction
in the modulus value at a higher temperature with respect to the value obtained at 25°C. CGBM
mixes have a higher resilient modulus value as compared to that of the normal bituminous mix.
Resilient modulus values of both CGBM and BC mixes decreased with an increase in test tem-
perature, which is quite obvious and expected. The resilient modulus of BC mix reduced from
5895 MPa to 1050 MPa (82.2%) when test temperature was changed from 25°C to 45°C. The cor-
responding reduction in the MR value of CGBM was 45% only. This shows that CGBM mixes
are less temperature susceptible as compared to bituminous concrete mixes.

4.3. Dynamic modulus (E*) and phase angle (φ)

Dynamic modulus is defined by the stress–strain relationship under continuous sinusoidal load-
ing. Temperatures, rate of loading, age and mixture characteristics are the influencing factors.
The dynamic modulus test was conducted at temperatures of 20°C, 35°C and 50°C for both
CGBM and BC materials. For each temperature, the frequencies of 25, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, and
1702 G. Bharath et al.

Table 4. Dynamic modulus and phase angle values for selected mixes.

Dynamicmodulus (MPa) Phase angle (degree)

Frequency Hz 20°C 35°C 50°C 20°C 35°C 50°C 20°C 35°C 50°C 20 C 35°C 50°C

25 26,971 19,680 13,602 14,054 6020 2112 6.1 7.9 12.0 15.0 27.4 37.0
20 26,553 19,225 13,168 13,537 5775 2004 6.1 8.1 12.4 15.5 27.1 35.2
10 25,372 18,041 11,884 12,064 4806 1553 6.2 8.3 13.5 16.9 28.5 34.5
5 24,230 16,889 10,602 10,665 3943 1194 6.3 8.8 14.9 18.4 29.8 33.8
2 22,777 15,402 8905 8956 2968 825 6.4 9.6 17.0 20.6 31.3 33.1
1 21,678 14,261 7623 7771 2359 639 6.5 10.5 18.5 22.2 31.9 32.1
0.5 20,630 13,105 6467 6678 1866 498 6.8 11.5 19.7 23.8 32.2 30.9
0.1 18,144 10,200 4454 4458 1048 297 7.6 14.3 19.4 27.8 32.3 28.5

Figure 7. Master curves for dynamic modulus at a reference temperature of 35°C.

Figure 8. Master curves for phase angle at a reference temperature of 35°C.

0.1 Hz were considered. Phase angle (φ) is a visco-elastic characteristic of bituminous mixes.
Phase angle is obtained as an output of the dynamic modulus (E*) test. The average dynamic
modulus and phase angle values are given in Table 4. The test was performed asper AASHTO
TP 79 (2013). Master curves for the dynamic modulus and phase angle at a reference temperature
of 35°C are shown in Figures 7 and 8 respectively. The model adopted for developing the master
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1703

curves for phase angle was a modified version of the sigmoidal model given by Yang & You,
Dynamic modulus (E*) values decreased with a decrease in frequency and with an increase
in test temperature. Dynamic modulus values of CGBM are significantly higher than those of
conventional bituminous mixes at the same temperature and frequency. Phase angle (φ) increased
with a decrease in frequency and with an increase in test temperature. For bituminous concrete
(BC) mixes, the phase angle values are higher as compared to the values obtained for CGBM
mixes. Phase angles for combinations of high temperature and low frequency have been found
to have a reversing trend which is commonly attributed in the literature to the aggregate locking

5. Performance evaluation
5.1. Rutting
Rutting performance of the two mixes was studied at 60°C temperature using a wheel tracker
device. The slabs (size 30 × 30 cm) were prepared with a roller compactor at the design density.
The test slabs were subjected to vertical pressure of 620 kPa applied through 50 mm wide wheels
having a diameter of 200 mm and running at a speed of 60 passes per minute. Each sample was
subjected to 20,000 passes (10,000 to and fro repetitions) of the wheel load. Rutting performance
of both CGBM and BC mixes is shown in Figure 9. The CGBM mix showed much smaller rut
deformation than the BC mix.

5.2. Flow number

Flow number (AASHTO TP79, 2013) is a criterion to evaluate the rutting potential of bitumi-
nous mixes. The test consists of three phases: primary, secondary and tertiary; during which
specimens are subjected to repeated axial compressive pulse loading (0.1 s loading period and
0.9 s rest period) of 600 kPa applied in a haversine pattern. The primary stage is identified by a
fast accelerating increase in permanent axial strain followed by a decelerating rate. A constant
rate of permanent axial strain is observed in the secondary stage and finally, the tertiary stage
occurs when a severe accelerated rate of permanent axial strain is noted. Finally Flow Number
is given by the number of load pulses corresponding to the beginning of the tertiary stage. Gyra-
tory samples of diameter 100 mm and height 150 mm were used for this test. The test results are
given in Table 5. The rutting resistance (indicated by the flow number) is significantly more for
the CGBM mix than for the BC mix.

Figure 9. Rutting Performance of CGBM and BC mix.

1704 G. Bharath et al.

Table 5. Flow number values for BC and CGBM.

Flow number, Cycles

Mix type Sample-1 Sample-2 Sample-3 Average

BC 110 101 107 106

CGBM Not reached even after 10,000 load cycles

Figure 10. Deformation curves for CGBM and BC mix.

5.3. Fracture energy

The strain controlled ‘indirect tensile strength’ test was performed on the CGBM and BC mixes
in order to evaluate their cracking resistance. The test was performed at a temperature of 25°C
and at a strain rate of 50.8 mm/min. Two replicate specimens were tested for each mix type and
the corresponding load versus deformation curves are shown in Figure 10. In general, CGBM
specimens were observed to have higher values of maximum stress than the control bituminous
mix (BC). However, after reaching the maximum value, the stress in CGBM specimens decreased
more rapidly than that in BC mix specimens, showing a more brittle nature of CGBM over BC.
We can relate this tensile cracking (splitting) phenomenon to the related fracture energy. The
fracture energy is calculated as the area under the stress–strain curve, which is related to the
field fatigue performance of mixtures. Table 6 compares the fracture energy of CGBM and BC

5.4. Moisture resistance using MIST

Moisture damage is basically related to the loss in strength due to reduced adhesion between
aggregate and bitumen along with a reduction in the cohesive property of the binder and the
filler material. This situation arises in the field due to water logging accompanied by repeated
pressurised ingress of water into the pavement under the effect of moving traffic. In order to
simulate such kind of field conditions; the Moisture Induced Sensitivity Test (MIST), as per
ASTM D7870 (2013) was followed in which an accelerated moisture conditioning method with
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1705

Table 6. Fracture work for CGBM and BC.

Fracture work (

Mix Type Sample No. Individual Average

BC 1 33,770 34300
2 34,920
CGBM 1 32,530 31800
3 31,110

Table 7. Tensile strength ratio (TSR) for MIST.

ITS (MPa) without MIST ITS (MPa) after MIST TSR %

Mix type Sample No. Individual Average Individual Average

BC 1 1.00 0.76
2 0.97 0.99 0.87 0.80 80.87
3 1.01 0.78
CGBM 1 2.37 2.18
2 2.31 2.33 2.30 2.24 96.28
3 2.31 2.25

cyclic loading is used. The test parameters were set as: pressure at 275 kPa; temperature at 60°C
corresponding to PG64-22 (VG30) bitumen; the number of cycles to be 3500. After conditioning,
the specimens were kept in a water bath (at 25°C) for 2 h and then tested for their retained indirect
tensile strength. The Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) evaluated using Eq. 1is given in Table 7.
TSR (%) = × 100 (1)
where T2 is ITS value of the conditioned specimen and T1 is ITS value of the unconditioned
Moisture damage resistance evaluated in terms of TSR was measured for CGBM and BC
mixes. The CGBM mix was found to have significantly better resistance to moisture damage as
compared to the bituminous concrete mix as shown in Table 7.

5.5. Performance under oil spillage

Spillage of petroleum products is common and frequent at parking lots, toll plazas and intersec-
tions. Such cases lead to softening of bitumen and easy removal or separation of the aggregates
resulting in a ravelling type of pavement failure. There is no specific test procedure but to have
a comparative study, the BC and CGBM samples were conditioned by keeping them in a sub-
merged state in a diesel bath for 24 h. The samples were then tested for their retained strength in
terms of ITS values which gave a comparative idea of their resistance to such kind of deteriora-
tion. The retained ITS values are given in Table 8. It is observed that the retained ITS value is
significantly more for the CGBM mix compared to that obtained for the BC mix.

5.6. Durability
To check the durability of the two surface materials, the Cantabro Test was conducted using the
Los Angeles abrasion machine but without the charge (steel balls) as per ASTM D7064 (2013).
1706 G. Bharath et al.

Table 8. Retained ITS values for the oil spillage test.

ITS (MPa) without oil ITS (MPa) after oil
conditioning conditioning Retained ITS %
Mix type Sample No. Individual Average Individual Average

BC 1 0.55 0.32
2 0.52 0.537 0.36 0.343 63.98
3 0.54 0.35
CGBM 1 1.79 1.70
2 1.75 1.797 1.62 1.657 92.21
3 1.85 1.65

Table 9. Cantabro test results.

Avg. Weight
Mix type Sample No. Initial Wt. (P1), g Final Wt. (P2), g Weight. Loss, % Loss, %

BC 1 1269.0 1244.3 1.9

2 1260.9 1241.5 1.5 1.7
3 1271.3 1250.4 1.6
CGBM 1 1309.6 1077.4 17.7
2 1292.1 1098.2 15.0 16.1
3 1308.8 1106.1 15.5

This test was performed as an indicative measure just to aid and indirectly assess the cohesion,
bonding and effects of traffic abrasion (wear and tear) on the two distinct comparative mixes i.e.
the conventional BC and the CGBM. To perform this test, Marshall samples were conditioned
for 6 h at 25°C prior to abrasion. The loss in weight of the samples expressed as a percentage
of the initial weight is the indicative property for the abrasion loss caused due to wearing and
tearing action. The test results are given in Table 9. CGBM samples were found to be nearly 10
times more susceptible to abrasion loss in comparison to BC samples.

6. Field investigations
For the field performance study, CGBM resurfacing was laid on two test sections in the city of
Surat, Gujarat state, west coast of India with a length of 100 m each. The PG 64–22 (VG-30)
grade bitumen was used for the preparation of the mix for the test section. The existing bitumi-
nous surface was cleaned, and the emulsion was used for tack coat and 40 mm compacted hot
high void bituminous mix was laid using the paver. The bituminous mix was spread uniformly
and compacted after the selected compaction temperature range was reached. The paved bitumi-
nous mix was rolled with a 10-ton static steel wheel roller to obtain the target air voids. Once
the bituminous surface was cooled to ambient temperature, the required amount of cementitious
grout material mixed thoroughly with water was poured on the high void bituminous mix surface
and spread uniformly over the entire surface of the test section. Any excess grout observed on
the surface was removed and any unfilled air voids observed were again filled with grout. After
the grout was allowed to set for one day, the section was cured by sprinkling of water which was
repeated for 3 days. Various stages of CGBM construction in the field are shown in Figure 11 (a)
to (f). After the grout was set, cylindrical core samples of 100 mm diameter were extracted from
test sections to observe the extent of grout penetration and to measure the properties of the mix.
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1707

Figure 11. Stages of CGBM construction at field. (a) Brooming; (b) tack coat application; (c) laying
bituminous mix; (d) compaction of bituminous mix; (e) grout application and (f) finished surface.

All the cored specimens showed full depth grout penetration as can be seen in Figure 12 (a) and
12 (b). Measured strength parameters of the field core samples included Indirect Tensile Strength
(ITS) and Resilient Modulus (MR ). The results are given in Table 10.
In order to verify the actual field samples in terms of their volumetric analysis, the field core
samples were checked for their air void content. This analysis was done using the technique
called ‘Micro Computed Tomography’ or ‘Micro-CT’. The air voids in the field core sample
were found to be 3.16%. These remaining air voids relate to the closed voids in the bituminous
mix which were unable to be filled with the grout material. Micro-CT images of a field core
1708 G. Bharath et al.

Figure 12. Field core samples.

Table 10. Test results for field core samples.

ITS, MPa Resilient modulus, MPa

Sample No. @ 25°C @ 25°C @ 35°C @ 45°C

Core Samples 1 1.85 18,350 13,256 9508

from Field 2 1.86 17,956 12,856 10,502
3 1.77 17,502 13,156 9878
Average 1.80 17,936 13,089 9963

sample showing the air voids as observed for the plan view and the side view are shown in
Figure 13 (a) and (b) respectively, wherein the blue coloured region indicates the isolated voids
and the other (yellow) coloured region indicates the inter-connected voids. Voids marked in blue
colour are significantly smaller in size in comparison to the voids marked in yellow colour, as
can be inferred from the legend mentioned in Figure 13.
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1709

Figure 13. Micro-CT image for the top and side views of field core samples.

For having a check on the field performance, regular site visits were made to the CGBM test
sections. No rutting has been observed in the field section even after 12 months (0.3msa). The
CGBM surface was also checked for its skid resistance using British Pendulum Tester (BPN
instrument) as per ASTM E303. The observed value of skid resistance as measured in terms of
BPN were 60 for wet condition and 70 for the dry condition. The permissible skid value for the
wet condition is 55 as suggested by Hosking, 1992. The skid resistance of the CGBM surface is
found to be adequately enough for the dry as well as wet conditions.

7. Concluding remarks
The main objective of the present study was to evaluate CGBM for its mechanistic properties
and performance in rutting, fatigue, moisture resistance and oil spillage resistance. The following
main issues were examined in the present study.

 Identification of suitable mix volumetric parameters for preparation of high void

bituminous mix.
1710 G. Bharath et al.

 Selection of suitable cementitious grout material quality from the consideration of

flowability and strength.
 Laboratory evaluation of CGBM properties such as stability, indirect tensile strength,
resilient modulus, dynamic modulus, compressive strength and performance in terms
of rutting, fatigue life, moisture resistance, durability and resistance to petroleum
product exposure.
 Performance evaluation of CGBM for a laid test section.
 Comparison of the performance of CGBM with that of conventional bituminous
concrete (BC) mix.

The following are the outcomes of the study -

• Grouted mixes had significantly smaller rutting, nearly 1/10 times as compared to the
BC mix.
• CGBM had a Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) value of 96% indicating significantly better
resistance to moisture induced damage in comparison to the BC mix having a TSR
value of 80%.
• CGBM mix shows approximately 3, 7 and 10 times higher value of resilient modulus
corresponding to test temperatures of 25, 35 and 45°C, when compared to the BC mix
at the same conditions. This trend shows lower temperature susceptibility of CGBM in
terms of Resilient Modulus, when compared to the BC mix. A similar trend is observed
for the Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) of the CGBM with about 2.5 times higher values
than the BC mix.
• In terms of compressive strength and stability; CGBM shows respectively, approxi-
mately 6.5 and 2.75 times higher values in comparison to the BC mix.
• CGBM mix was found to be more resistant to the damaging effect of oil spillage than
the BC mix. The retained ITS value for CGBM mix immersed in diesel for 24 h was
92.21 percent against 63.98 percent for BC mixes.
• Dynamic moduli of CGBM specimens are substantially higher than those of BC mixes,
at all temperatures and frequencies.
• IDT test results show that CGBM is less fatigue resistant when compared with the
control BC mixture. The fracture energies for BC and CGBM mixes were 34.3 × 103
and 31.8 × 103 Nmm respectively.
• Air void content in the laboratory prepared CGBM (grouted) samples and the field core
CGBM samples were checked using Micro-CT technique and they were found to be
2.59% and 3.16% respectively.
• Full depth grouting was observed in the laboratory prepared samples and cores taken
from the trial section laid on the road. No rutting has been observed in the field trial
section even after 12 months (0.3 msa).

The Surat Municipal Corporation, Gujarat, India; Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology,
Surat, Gujarat, India and M/s. International Combustion (India) Limited are thankfully acknowledged for
their help and support during laying of test section of CGBM.

This work was supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research [grant number FTT-MLP-0581].
Road Materials and Pavement Design 1711

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