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1. Do you think bullying is a serious issue in your school? Give reasons to support your opinion!

Answer: Yes, I think bullying is a serious

issue because it affects students both psychology cally and physically. Beside that school is a place to get education. Students should feel
comfortable being in school and should’t be fear of getting bullied by other students.

2. Did this opinion article raise / change your awareness about bullying? Please explain!

Answer: Yes of course, by reading this article irise my awareness about bullying because this article gives me more information about it and
shows me that bullying is kind of a crime.

3. Do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? Why? Give reasons to support your opnion!

Answer: Yes, I think people should get education about bullying to decrease amount of bullying.

4. Do you think bullying should be declared as punishable crime? Give reasons to support your answer!

Answer: Yes, it should be declared as punishable crime to give punishmen for people who have done bullying so that others will be fear to
do bullying.

5. Discuss the article on bullying in a group? Does it change your perspective on bullying or not? Give reasons to support your answer

Answer: Yes, my perspective about bullying is same because my friends have the same perspective as mine. They also think that bullying is
a crime. For example, the victims of bullying will get trauma psychologi cally not only being injured.

6. Are you aware of cyber bullying? Do you think it is worse than physical bullying? Why? Support your opinion with example!

Answer: Yes, I aware any kind of bullying. I think physical bullying is worst than cyber bullying because it makes the victim injured
physically and psychologically but cyber bullying only affects physically.

7. What can young people like you do to prevent or stop bullying? List at three things you and your friends can do to prevent or stop

Answer: To prevent bullying we can : - Prevent to get involved in bullying - Solve every problem with friends in the right way not by doing
bullying - Inform to other friends that bullying is criminal acts that violate the law.

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if i am a person who got bullied everyday at school, i will feel very down and sad everyday. Maybe i probably choose not to come to
school and lock down myself somewhere outside the school. Because bully is must be done by a group, i think i will go ask my parent to
help solve my problem. Or maybe i could ask my teacher for helping me out of this condition.


1. Do you think politics has changed much since the time of President Sukarno ?
- Yes, I think so.
2. Why did president sukarno want everyone to be united ?
- Because he wants justice , solidarity , cooperation - mutual and nation.
3. What is the new kind of colonialism that president sukarno istalking about ? Does is still exist? If yes, please this describe in what ways ?
support your answer with example.
- Colonialism today is in terms of technology.
Because of the state of technology in terms of Indonesia has been colonized and influenced by technology from developed countries.
4. From this article, can you figure out president’s sukarno hopes and dreams for the world ? expalin.
- Soekarno hope that someday The countries of the world will unite ( the strong help the weak ) and therefore he seeks a high menjunnjung
vowel and human dignity.
5. What are you hopes and dreams for the world and especially for your country? Describe.
- I hope like what Soekarno hope that someday The countries of the world will unite ( the strong help the weak ) and therefore he seeks a
high menjunnjung vowel and human dignity.
Indonesia may someday become State Ideealis.
6. Do you think president sukarno was able to realize his dreams and hopes? If yes, how?
- I think everybody can be realized with the cooperation and support each other without a showdown.
By way of early training is discipline and respect for parents and mengmbangkan sense of patriotism.
7. According to president sukarno , peace is very important. what do you think ? Discuss.
- Peace is one element of the success of a common goal such as Independence.
Without peace a State / organization / etc can be disintegrated and can injure democracy.
8. If you were given a chance to gives a speech in front of all the president and prime ministers of the world, what would you talk about ?
Discuss in details.
- I would say that the government needs to increase honesty in every state leader, providing good role models for all segments of society.
Indeed, it takes the synergy of all parties and would be a lot of pertentengan and dissent.

1. What do you think of Madame Loisel? Do you know anyone who has thesame personality as Madame Loisel? How are they alike? Please
Answer: Madame Loisel is really arrogant because of her beauty. Yes, Snow White’s Stepmother is really arrogant too. She is a witch who
wants to be a beautiful woman in this world and she will kill any body who more beautiful than her
2. In the beginning of the play, Madame Loisel was very sad and unsatisfied.Why was she sad and unsatisfied? What did she want? Support
your answer with examples from the play.
Answer: She is sad and unsatisfied because she really hopes to get a rich and handsome husband but she get the ugly and cheap man.
3. Why do you think Madame Loisel borrowed the necklace from her friend? Answer: Because she is shy if someone see her without a
beautiful gown and necklace. She also believe that everyone will like her if she is wearing that necklace
4. Do you think she had a good time at the ball? Support your answer with examples from the play.
Answer: Yes, she is. Because everyone see her and tell that she is beautiful. But, in the end she has to get it back earlier.
5. Do you think Madame Loisel's longing for higher-class life ruined her?Support your answer with reasons.
Answer: Because she lost the necklace and then become a maid to have enough money pay of the missing neclace
6. What event brought about the beginning of a new life for Monsieur and Madame Loisel? Did this event change their life for better or
worse? Give reasons to support your answer
. Answer: The event make their live go worse because they have to work harder to pay the necklace.
7. Why do you think they didn't tell Madame Forestier that they had lost thenecklace? Give reasons to support your answer
. Answer: Because Madame Loisel was chose to replace it. Yes, when Madame Forestier tell that her necklace was fake and then, Madame
Lioisel spent the past ten year to replace it
8. Did the ending of the play surprise you? What kind of ending did you expect? Explain.
Answer: Yes. I expect that the necklace is real and not imitation.
9. What is the moral of the story? Discuss what you learned from this story.
Answer: 1) Be your self and dont exxegerate. 2) Show to the world who the real you are. 3) Don’t compare yourself to another people.
10. If you had a chance to rewrite the story, how would the story end? Write a new ending for the story?
Answer: Madame Loisel was found the necklace and return it to Madame Forestier. Disclaimer :

Ide Lomba Lomba Class Meeting

1. Kompetisi menebak kata

2. Lomba fashion show dengan tema menarik dari barang bekas
3. Pertandingan tarian
4. Kompetisi membuat komik
5. Lomba membuat infografis
6. Kompetisi menjaga kebersihan dan tata ruang kelas
7. Pertunjukan kelas
8. Perlombaan kebersihan kelas
9. Lomba membuat video blog
10. Turnamen catur
11. Kompetisi balas pantun
12. Pertandingan geguritan
13. Lomba yel-yel kreatif
14. Kompetisi fotografi
15. Kompetisi senam kreatif
16. Turnamen olahraga elektronik
17. Lomba membaca cerita
18. Kontes menulis cerita pendek
19. Pertandingan sepeda lambat
20. Duel otak
21. Kompetisi menciptakan konten edukatif di media sosial
22. Pertandingan film pendek
23. Lomba senam antar kelas
24. Lomba desain kalender sekolah
25. Pertandingan tarik tambang
26. Lomba melukis
27. Lomba takraw
28. Festival band
29. Lomba permainan tradisional
30. Lomba balap karung kreatif
31. Lomba baca puisi
32. Tantangan tari TikTok
33. Pertandingan cerdas cermat
34. Debat
35. Kompetisi sepak bola
36. Turnamen futsal
37. Kompetisi basket
38. Lomba penulisan ilmiah
39. Lomba memasak
40. Lomba baris berbaris
41. Lomba membuat sketsa
42. Lomba membuat komik
43. Lomba hafalan Pembukaan UUD 1945
44. Turnamen voli
45. Lomba hafalan Ayat Al Quran (Juz Amma)
46. Lomba memasukkan paku ke dalam botol
47. Kompetisi tenis meja
48. Lomba makan kerupuk
49. Turnamen bulu tangkis
50. Pertunjukan busana muslim
51. Lomba kerajinan tangan
52. Pertunjukan stand up comedy
53. Kuis menebak gambar
54. Kontes menyanyi
55. Lomba pidato
56. Kompetisi estafet
57. Lomba renang
58. Lomba azan
59. Tantangan tari K-pop
60. Kompetisi menebak tokoh
61. lomba menyusun atau membuat pantun.
62. Lomba make up dengan tutup mata
63. Lomba tari-tarian tradisional
64. Lari sehat
65. Lomba mendongeng
66. Lomba menebak bau dengan mata tertutup
67. Lomba menyusun puzzle dengan cara memecahkan misi
68. Camping
69. Pentas seni
70. Turnamen tinju
71. Lomba membuat layangan
72. Lomba dongeng bahasa inggris
73. Lomba drama dengan tema tertentu
74. Jurit malam
75. Panjat pinang
76. Lomba mengajar
77. Lomba membuat barang yang berguna dari barang bekas
78. Lomba menciptakan hal unik yang bermanfaat
79. Lomba fashion show dengan tema guru
80. Switch of antara guru dan murid
81. Lomba mengecat kelas
82. Lomba teriak paling keras
83. Lomba meniru suara unik
84. Pengakuan dosa
85. Lomba membuat web
86. Lomba voli air
87. Tamasya
88. Lomba main, mainan tradisional
89. Battle jualan
90. Lomba main alat musik tradisional
91. Lomba menyanyikan musik keroncong
92. Lomba membuat aransemen lagu
93. Lomba cerdas cermat
94. Lomba menyablon baju
95. Lomba menjahit
96. Lomba mencari, membuat baju atau apapun dengan bahan seadanya
97. Pijat memijat
98. Ranking satu
99. Lomba temukan bakatmu
100. Lomba mendesain sekolah impian

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