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10/28/21, 6:15 PM LONG EXAM 1 Gynecology September batch Customized program OCTOBER 28, 2021

LONG EXAM 1 Gynecology

September batch Customized
program OCTOBER 28, 2021
Choose the best answer

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1. 25 yr old nulligravid, with primary amenorrhea, has tanner stage 5 breasts, no

cervix and uterus on internal examination. Which of the following should NOT be
in your list of possible diagnosis?
(1 Point)

Turner's syndrome

Androgen Insensitivity syndrome

Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome

2. Type of precocious puberty where the female patient develops masculine

secondary sexual characteristics
(1 Point)




hormonal… 1/32
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3. Which of the following describes the procedure when you perform inspection with
visualization of the external genitalia? *
(1 Point)

Young children may be examined in the frog leg position.

All of the above

An infant may be examined in the lithotomy position.

Lithotomy is not generally used for girls 4 to 5 years of age.

4. 50 year old nulligravid, experiencing postmenopausal prolonged heavy bleeding.

She has BMI 30 kg/m2, hypertensive and diabetic. What is your primary diagnosis?
(1 Point)





5. For patients with primary amenorrhea, and disorder of sexual development,

karyotype of 46 XY, gonadectomy is done for what medical reason?
(1 Point)

prevention of development of gonadoblastoma

prevention of development of masculine features

to facilitate development of breasts

prevention of development of endometrioma… 2/32
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6. A.G. noted to have primary amenorrhea. On examination, there was a bulging

membrane at the introitus. What is the best treatment for her? *
(1 Point)


Do a pelvic ultrasound

Do a cruciate incision at the hymen

Give antibiotics

7. What is the relative size ratio of cervix to uterus in a child? *

(1 Point)

2 to 1

1 to 2

None of the above

Equal size

8. This medication is effective for patients with AUB since it is a cyclooxygenase

inhibitor, and thus block the formation of both thromboxane and the prostacyclin
(1 Point)


GnRH agonists

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents

oral contraceptive pills… 3/32
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9. What is the first major diagnostic decision of the obstetrician with respect to the
newborn? *
(1 Point)

Abdominal examination

Assessment of the ovaries

Identification of the uterus

Gender assignment

10. This gonadotropin provides the major survival factor that rescues the follicles from
their programmed death (atresia) and allows them to start growing, increasing in
size and beginning to synthesize steroids
(1 Point)





11. This condition is characterized by a triad of café-au-lait spots, polyostotic fibrous

dysplasia, and cysts of the skull and long bones, and presents with signs of
precocious puberty. Patients also have facial asymmetry, bony defects and a
lifetime increased risk of malignancy.
(1 Point)

congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Asherman syndrome

swyer syndrome

McCune-Albright syndrome… 4/32
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12. Bone age in cases of precocious puberty is determined via:

(1 Point)

DEXA scan

hand wrist films

bone absorptiometry testing

blood calcium levels

13. Present in individuals with ovaries that have as SRY antigen present and majority
are true hermaphrodites *
(1 Point)


Accessory ovary

Unicornuate uterus

Vaginal agenesis

14. This event is an absolute requirement for the final maturation of the oocyte and
the initiation of the follicular rupture.
(1 Point)

FSH surge

LH surge

estradiol peak


15. Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE regarding the general approach in
a gynecologic examination of pediatric patients? *
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Many gynecologic conditions in children can be diagnoses by rectal examination.

One excellent technique is for the physician to sit not stand during the initial encounter.

Poor interaction during the first visit will not interfere with future physician-patient

Efforts should be devoted to a hurried approach.

16. A mother of a 4 y/o girl was worried about her daughter. Her daughter was noted
to have discomfort at the vulvar area associated with vaginal discharge. How will
you visualize the vagina and cervix? *
(1 Point)

Do a rectal examination

Utilize the lithotomy position

Accomplished with the insertion of speculum

Use an otoscope or ophthalmoscope as a magnifying instrument

17. 35 year old G2P2 (2002), experiencing prolonged heavy bleeding. She has
symmetrically enlarged uterus and severe dysmenorrhea. What is your primary
(1 Point)





18. Components of a complete pediatric examination, EXCEPT: *

(1 Point)

History… 6/32
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Rectal exam (if necessary)

Invasive visualization of the vagina and cervix

Inspection with visualization of the external genitalia

19. Why was the dominant follicle "selected"?

(1 Point)

it is characterized by a well-vascularized theca layer thus allowing a better access of the

gonadotropins to their target receptors (preferential delivery of FSH and LDL substrate.)

it is preprogrammed to be selected by natural selection

It has the highest LH receptors

It is the largest follicle in the cohort

20. A 6 y/o girl, wearing a tight fitting pants and shirt, was brought to your
clinic. She has vaginal discharge associated with pruritus. She usually wipes
her genital area from posterior to anterior. What is your diagnosis? *
(1 Point)


Lichen sclerosus

Labial adhesions


21. Which type of leiomyoma can cause abnormal uterine bleeding

(1 Point)



intramural… 7/32
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22. Which of the following is NOT an indication for pelvic examination in the
adolescent? *
(1 Point)

Dysfuctional uterine bleeding

Delayed puberty

None of the above

Pelvic pain

23. This gonadotropin provides the critical signal for the recruitment of a cohort of
preantral follicles (cyclic recruitment)
(1 Point)





24. follicular phase corresponds to

(1 Point)

proliferative phase

luteal phase

secretory phase

menstrual phase… 8/32
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25. Which of the following is an example of WHO type 1 amenorrhea?

(1 Point)

Sheehan syndrome

Prematire ovarian insufficency



26. Treatment for vaginal agenesis wherein a neovagina is built by utilizing labial skin
and results in a vaginal pouch whose axis is directly posterior *
(1 Point)


Williams procedure

Strassman Metroplasty

Vecchietti procedure

27. Determine the correct Tanners staging: Breast: (+) breast budding; Pubic hair:
labial hair spreads over mons pubis
(1 Point)

B2, PH2

B2, PH3

B3, PH3

B3, PH2

28. basal levels of LH > 5 mIU/ml is diagnostic of:

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GnRH-dependent precocious puberty

GnRH-independent precocious puberty

29. Which of the following statement/s is TRUE in performing rectal exam in pediatric
patient? *
(1 Point)

Always included in the gynecologic examination in a child.

Normal prepubertal uterus and ovaries are not palpable on rectal examination.

All of the above

Many gynecologic conditions in children can be diagnosed by rectal examination.

30. Which of the following conditions exhibits cryptomenorrhea?

(1 Point)

Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser synrome

Asherman syndrome

Swyer syndrome

Imperforate hymen

31. Treatment of GnRH-dependent precocious puberty:

(1 Point)



GnRH agonist

levonorgestrel… 10/32
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32. What is the typical appearance of the lesions present in Lichen sclerosus? *
(1 Point)

Hourglass or figure-8 formation involving the genital and perianal area

Translucent vertical midline line

Grapelike masses from the vagina

Red donut-like structure

33. Which of the following statement/s should be considered when you visualize the
vagina and cervix in pediatric patients? *
(1 Point)

Accomplished without the use of any insertion of instruments

All of the choices

Use otoscope or ophthalmoscope as a magnifying instrument and light source.

One method is to utilize the knee chest position.

34. Primary amenorrhea is considered if patient has not menstruated at what age in
(1 Point)





35. A 7 y/o girl was noted to have nocturnal vulvar and perianal itching. What should
be included in your examination to confirm your diagnosis? *
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Perform examination under anesthesia using a lighted Killian nasal speculum and a
fiberoptic scope which are useful for examining the prepubertal vagina

Do a rectal examination

Dabbing of the vulvar skin with clear cellophane adhesive tape ideally before the child
has arisen in the morning and tape is subsequently examined under the microscope.

Recurrent vulvar and perianal itching may be indications for vaginosopy

36. 25 yr old nulligravid, with primary amenorrhea, has tanner stage 5 breasts, no
cervix and uterus on internal examination. What is the best diagnostic procedure
that you should request for to rule in your diagnosis?
(1 Point)

abdominal ultrasound


Complete blood count, platelet count, blood typing

cranial CT scan

37. Excess ovarian tissue noted near a normally placed ovary and connected to it *
(1 Point)

Accessory ovary

Polycystic ovary

Ovarian cyst

Supernumerary ovary

38. A 5 y/o girl was brought to your clinic. She was noted to have vaginal
discharge and erythema. What will you utilize in performing a gynecologic
exam to visualize the external genitalia? *
(1 Point)

She may be examined in the frog leg position.… 12/32
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Place her on her mother's lap

Utilize knee chest position

Place her in lithotomy position.

39. Most common cause of GnRH-dependent precocious puberty

(1 Point)


CNS lesions

Primary hypothyroidism

Granulosa cell tumor

40. 19 year old nulligravid, with primary amenorrhea; Breast: Tanner stage 4; Uterus
present on internal exam; karyotype: 46 XX; BMI: 18 kg/m2; Which of the following
is your primary consideration?
(1 Point)

Swyer syndrome

anorexia nervosa

Kallman syndrome

Ashermans syndrome

41. 20 year old nulligravid, with primary amenorrhea; Breast: tanner stage 0; Uterus:
absent; karyotype: 46 XY; Which of the following should NOT be in your list of
possible diagnosis?
(1 Point)

Androgen insensitivity syndrome


17 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency… 13/32
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17,20 desmolase deficiency

42. Which of the following cases can expect delayed menarche?

(1 Point)

11 year old female doing ballet for 4 years now

10 year old female with BMI of 28 kg/m2

9 year old female with karyotype 46 X0

12 year old female with Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome

43. What is the predominant hormone in the luteal phase?

(1 Point)





44. 25 year old G2P0 (0020), amenorrheic for 1 year after she underwent dilatation
and curettage for spontaneous abortion; Which of the following is your primary
(1 Point)

Swyer syndrome

Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome

Kallman syndrome

Ashermans syndrome… 14/32
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45. Third ovary that is separated from the normally situated ovaries *
(1 Point)

Supernumerary ovary

Accessor ovary

Ovarian cyst

Polycystic ovary

46. mean interval between breast budding and menarche is:

(1 Point)

5.5 yrs +/- 1 year

2.3 +/- 1 month

2.3 yrs +/- 1 year

3 yrs +/- 3 months

47. What is the goal of treatment in patients with vaginal agenesis? *

(1 Point)


Creation of a vagina when patient is sexually active

Create a cruciate incision at the hymen

Treatment of infection

48. AUB secondary to intrauterine foreign bodies or trauma

(1 Point)

AUB-I… 15/32
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49. 16 yr old nulligravid complaining of prolonged heavy menses. Blood work-up for
coagulation factors, complete blood count , platelet count and peripheral blood
smear are all normal. What is your primary diagnosis?
(1 Point)





50. This condition is characterized by a triad of café-au-lait spots, polyostotic fibrous

dysplasia, and cysts of the skull and long bones, and presents with signs of
precocious puberty. Patients also have facial asymmetry, bony defects and a
lifetime increased risk of malignancy. Identify which type of precocious puberty
this condition can cause:
(1 Point)

GnRH-dependent precocious puberty

GnRH-independent precocious puberty

51. These are the proteolytic enzymes that cause tissue breakdown of the
endometrium during menses
(1 Point)

matrix metalloproteinase

aromatase enzyme

17 hydroxy dehydrogenase… 16/32
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52. This enzyme inhibits the menstrual blood from clotting

(1 Point)



17 hydroxydehydrogenase

matrix metalloproteinase

53. Ovulation occurs __ hours after the initial rise in LH

(1 Point)





54. Which hormone can rescue the corpus luteum during the first few days following
conception, to maintain production of progesterone?
(1 Point)




hCG… 17/32
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55. 28 year old G1P1, with irregular heavy menses; maintained on Aspirin due to
congenital heart disease. transvaginal Ultrasound findings are normal; What is
your primary diagnosis?
(1 Point)





56. Most common cause of ambiguous genitalia *

(1 Point)


Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Virilizing luteoma

Adrenal Tumor

57. Which of the following is NOT included in the general approach in a gynecologic
exam of a child? *
(1 Point)

Always be in a hurry to finish the examination

Establish rapport with patient

Avoid destruction and negative experience

Gentleness and patience with the time spent

58. The initial endocrinologic change associated with the onset of puberty is:
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activation of the positive gonadotropin response to increasing levels of estradiol

midcycle gonadotropic surge and ovulation.

episodic secretions of LH occur during sleep and while awake.

the occurrence of episodic pulses of LH occurring during sleep

59. AS A RULE, the first thing to RULE OUT in a patient of reproductive age who
experiences AUB, should be:
(1 Point)

blood cancer

uterine cancer


ovulatiory disorders

60. Determine the correct Tanners staging: Breast: (+) secondary mound formed by
areola; Pubic hair: labial hair inverse triangle formation
(1 Point)

B4, PH4

B5, PH5

B4, PH5

B5, PH4

61. Which of the following is an example of WHO type 3 amenorrhea?

(1 Point)

Sheehan syndrome

Prematire ovarian insufficency

PCOS… 19/32
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62. What is the most common gynecologic problem in the prepubertal female
about 80-90% of children? *
(1 Point)

Labial Adhesions


Lichen Sclerosus


63. Which of the following cases with AUB warrant an endometrial biopsy?
(1 Point)

45 year old nulligravid, diabetic

16 year old with PCOS

30 year old with thin endometrium and submucous myoma

17 year old with von Willebrand disease

64. Treatment for vaginal agenesis, EXCEPT: *

(1 Point)

Intestinal vaginoplasty

Williams procedure

Abbe Mcindoe

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65. A.G. noted to have primary amenorrhea. On examination, there was a bulging
membrane at the introitus. What is your diagnosis? *
(1 Point)

Labial fusion

Imperforate hymen

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Vaginal agenesis

66. True or complete precocious puberty is also known as:

(1 Point)

GnRH-dependent precocious puberty

GnRH-independent precocious puberty

67. What treatment is best for adolescents diagnosed with AUB-O?

(1 Point)

cyclic progestogen


Levonorgestrel intrauterine system

GnRH agonists

68. A 2 yr old female was brought to your clinic due to vaginal bleeding. On
inspection, she has Tanner 2 breasts. Her height is taller than most 2 year olds. On
abdominal ultrasound, a 6 cm solid ovarian mass was noted. What is your most
likely diagnosis?
(1 Point)

GnRH-dependent precocious puberty… 21/32
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GnRH-independent precocious puberty

69. 18 year old nulligravid, with heavy uterine bleeding, diagnosed with von
Willebrand disease; What si your primary diagnosis?
(1 Point)





70. Maximum GnRH pulse frequency in the luteal phase

(1 Point)

1 GnRH pulse/minute

1 GnRH pulse/60 minutes

1 GnRH pulse/90 minutes

1 GnRH pulse/3 hours

71. A mother of a 4 y/o girl was worried about her daughter. Her daughter was noted
to have discomfort at the vulvar area associated with foul smelling vaginal
discharge. Your gynecologic examination in the clinic is inadequate. What is the
next best step to do? *
(1 Point)

Perform the examination under anesthesia

Send the patient home

Be quick in performing your gynecologic examination

Do coercive measures… 22/32
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72. Primary amenorrhea should be considered in girls who have not menstruated
within __ years of breast development.
(1 Point)

73. A synthetic androgen used for treatment of AUB

(1 Point)


GnRH agonists

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents

oral contraceptive pills

74. Involves the removal of the septum by a wedge incision and the reunification of
the two cavities during laparotomy *
(1 Point)

Cruciate incision

Vecchietti procedure

Williams procedure

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75. A 5 y/o girl was brought to your clinic due to vaginal discharge. The child is
susceptible to vulvar infection. What is the physiologic reason why this child will
be susceptible to vulvar infection? *
(1 Point)

The vagina of a child is rich in glycogen, lactobacilli, and a sufficient level of antibodies
to help resist infection.

There is a significant geographic barrier between the vagina and anus.

The vulvar and vaginal epithelium lack the protective effects of estrogen and thus are
sensitive to irritation or infection.

The vaginal epithelium of a prepubertal child has an acidic pH, which provides an
excellent medium for bacterial growth.

76. What is the condition that is associated with a single cervix, a single horn of the
uterus with the fallopian tube of the side entering it are seen and ovaries may be
present on the opposite side? *
(1 Point)

Unicornuate uterus

Transverse vaginal septum

Absence of cervix and uterus

Septate uteri

77. This medication is effective for patients with AUB since it inhibits ovarian steroid
production at the hypothalamatic-pituitary level. Side effects include menopausal
(1 Point)


GnRH agonists

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents… 24/32
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oral contraceptive pills

78. Which of the following is NOT a differential diagnosis in prepubertal females

with vaginal bleeding? *
(1 Point)

Sexual abuse

Foreign bodies

Urethral prolapse

Imperforate hymen

79. Mechanism of action of pharmacologic doses of estrogen used to treat acute

heavy menstrual bleeding:
(1 Point)

High doses of estrogen are potent inhibitors of fibrinolysis

High doses of estrogen are cyclooxygenase inhibitors and thus block the formation of
both thromboxane and the prostacyclin pathway.

Estrogen can block ovarian steroid production

estrogen in pharmacologic doses causes rapid growth of the endometrium.

80. At the OPD, a mother brought her 4y/o daughter for consultation due to foul
smelling bloody vaginal discharge associated with genital area pruritus. What
is your primary consideration? *
(1 Point)

Labial adhesions

Lichen sclerosus

Foreign bodies

Mycotic vulvovaginitis… 25/32
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81. Which of the following is an example of WHO type 2 amenorrhea?

(1 Point)

Sheehan syndrome

Prematire ovarian insufficency



82. Length of secretory phase is 14 days because:

(1 Point)

folliculogenesis completes in 14 days

it corresponds to the life span of the corpus luteum

estrogen naturally declines in 14 days after ovulation

progesterone rises in response to folliculogenesis

83. Clitoral anomaly usually seen in association with extrophy of the bladder *
(1 Point)

Bifid clitoris

Labial fusion

None of the above

Clitoral fusion

84. Which of the following is NOT a normal gynecologic finding in a prepubertal

child? *
(1 Point)

Vaginal epithelium appears redder and thinner.… 26/32
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Vaginal secretions have an acidic pH.

Vagina is 4-6cm long.

85. 20 year old nulligravid, experiencing irregular heavy menses. She has facial acne
and hirsutism. Internal exam findings are normal. What is your primary diagnosis?
(1 Point)





86. which enzyme converts androgen to estrogen?

(1 Point)

matrix metalloproteinase


17-hydroxyprogesterone oxalase


87. Precocious puberty secondary to use of hormone cream or adult medications

containing estrogen:
(1 Point)




hormonal… 27/32
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88. A 45 year old G3P3 (3003) with heavy menstrual bleeding secondary to multiple
large myoma uteri. What is the preferred treatment?
(1 Point)



dilatation and curettage

oral contraceptive pills

89. Window of implantation is typically defined as:

(1 Point)

days 16-18 of a 28 day menstrual cycle

days 18-21 of a 28 day menstrual cycle

days 20-24 of a 28 day menstrual cycle

days 28-30 of a 28 day menstrual cycle

90. Maximum GnRH pulse frequency in the follicular phase

(1 Point)

1 GnRH pulse/minute

1 GnRH pulse/60 minutes

1 GnRH pulse/90 minutes

1 GnRH pulse/3 hours

91. According to the 2 cell-2 gonadotropin theory, conversion of androgen to

estrogen takes place inside which cell?
(1 Point)

granulosa… 28/32
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92. Treatment of choice for patients with Septate uteri which is often associated with
miscarriage problems *
(1 Point)

Creation of neovagina

Manual dilation of vagina

Simple incision at the edges of the septum

Hysteroscopic resection of septum

93. A 6 y/o girl, wearing a tight fitting pants and shirt, was brought to your
clinic. She has vaginal discharge associated with pruritus. She usually wipes
her genital area from posterior to anterior. Behavioral reasons that
predispose her to your diagnosis, EXCEPT? *
(1 Point)

anatomic proximity of the rectum and vagina

poor perineal hygiene

child's clothing

child lacks fat pads and pubic hair

94. Rapid cell proloferation and the filling of the triangular space between the two
uterine cornu *
(1 Point)

first stage of Musset's 3 stage process

second stage of Musset's 3 stage process… 29/32
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third stage of Musset's 3 stage process

95. This refers to number of antral follicles in the ovaries which determines the
capacity of the ovary to provide oocytes that are capable of being fertilized.
(1 Point)

follicular cohort

dominant follicle

initial recruitment

ovarian reserve

96. AUB secondary to low PGF2alpha/PGE ratio

(1 Point)





97. Which of the following is the correct sequence for pubertal development?
(1 Point)

breast budding -> pubic hair ->growth spurt ->menarche

breast budding -> growth spurt ->pubic hair ->menarche

menarche-> growth spurt ->pubic hair -> breast budding

breast budding -> pubic hair ->menarche --> growth spurt… 30/32
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98. Which of the following cases can expect early menarche?

(1 Point)

11 year old female doing ballet for 4 years now

10 year old female with BMI of 28 kg/m2

9 year old female with karyotype 46 X0

12 year old female with Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome

99. AAUB secondary to localized overgrowths of endometrial tissue, containing

glands, stroma, and blood vessels, covered with epithelium.
(1 Point)





100. What is the predominant hormone in the follicular phase?

(1 Point)





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