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Student A: Do you know that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking?

Student B: I know, but i think it is not as dangerous as people say it is.

Advertisement A. Passive smoking is a silent killer.
by You can use this example to start your conversation:

Student A: What do you mean by not dangerous? Do you know that people who breathe
in secondhand smoke regularly are more likely to get the same diseases as smokers,
including lung cancer and heart disease?
Student A: What do you mean by not dangerous? Do you know that people who breathe
in secondhand smoke regularly are more likely to get the same diseases as smokers,
including lung cancer and heart disease?
Student B: Yeah it is bad. But, my pregnant sister is also a secondhand smoke because
her husband is a smoker and she is okay with it.
Student A: You have to warn your sister, pregnant women exposed to passive smoke
are more prone to premature birth and their baby is more at risk of low birthweight and
cot death.
Student B: Really? Is it based on something credible?
Student A: Yeah! It is. The scientist said that. It is so bad that for every 8 smokers who
die from a smoking-related disease, 1 non-smoker dies from second-hand smoke
Student B: Oh my God, thank you for the information. I will warn people around me.
Student A: Yes, my pleasure. Let's raise awareness for people around us.
Student B: I agreewith you.
Contoh Dialog 2
Student A: Do you know that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking?
Student B: I know, but I think it is not as dangerous as people say it is.
Student A: Man, it is dangerous. Do you know what passive smoking means?
Student B: Passive smoking is when someone breathes in second-hand tobacco smoke,
Student A: Yes, not only second-hand smoke is made up of the smoke that smokers
breathe out but also sidestream smoke — the smoke from the end of lit cigarettes and
Student B: I believe that it is fine as long as the smoker smoke in open public or in the
smoker room.
Student A: If someone smokes indoors, the harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke can
stay in the air for hours. You cannot reduce the smoke to acceptable levels, even if you
ventilate or filter the air.
Student B: Yeah, but still, nature will cleanse itself.
Student A: Only 100 persen smoke-free environments can protect you from the effects
of passive smoking.
Student B: Well, what can we do, then? It is not like we can ban all smokers.
teacher to get a feedback on your writing.
Tulis teks eksposisi analitis tentang salah satu isu terbaru di media. Berikan setidaknya
dua (2) argumen ditambah penjelasan untuk mendukung pernyataan tesis Anda.
Ikuti format teks eksposisi yang diberikan di blok bangunan.
Ketika Anda selesai menulis draf pertama Anda, konsultasikan dengan guru Anda untuk
mendapatkan umpan balik pada tulisan Anda. Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of
information about many things in the world such as science, technology, sports, arts and
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and knowledge about something happening in
any part of the world which we can see directly.
Thirdly, reading can give us pleasure. When we are tired, we can read books, newspapers or
magazines on the entertainment column such as short stories, comedies or quizzes to make
us relax.
Draf2 Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of information about many things in the world such
as science, technology, sports, arts and culture.
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and knowledge about something happening in
any part of the world which we can see directly.
Thirdly, reading can give us pleasure. When we are tired, we can read books, newspapers or
magazines on the entertainment column such as short stories, comedies or quizzes to make
us relax.
Fourthly, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian
Jaya we may feel that we’re really sitting in the jungles, not at home in our rooms.

My Lovely, Sarah
What is it like there? Still hot? The weather is still cool here. Sar, about your invitation to
come to visit you, I'm not sure if I can go there. In fact, it's nearly impossible because I don't
think I can afford it.
So, why don't you come here? I'll show you around my beloved hometown.
With love,
Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia:
Bandung, 21 Mei 2022
Sayangku, Sarah
Seperti apa cuaca di sana? Masih panas? Cuaca di sini mah tetap sejuk. Sar, tentang
undangan yang kamu kirim ke aku untuk datang mengunjungi kamu, kayaknya aku tidak
yakin apakah aku bisa pergi ke sana. Bahkan, hampir tidak mungkin karena aku pikir saya
tidak mampu untuk ke sana.

Jadi, kenapa nggak kamu yang datang ke sini aja? Aku bakal nunjukin kamu pemandangan
sekitar kampung halaman tercintaku ini.
Dengan cinta,Putri
hal 70You: I want to send a letter for my parents.
Friend: That's would be nice! What do you want to tell them?
You: I want to tell about our recent field trip. How should I start to write?
Friend: Firstly, you need to write the address, date and your parents' name. After that,
you can write some greetings and continue to write about the story of our field trip and
don't forget to write closing statement and your signature.
#situasi kedua teman mu marah
Lucy: No, I didn't. What is the problem?
You: I think it's just a misunderstanding and I want to convince her to write your cousin
an apology letter.
Lucy: That's sounds good. I hope they make up soon.
You: I hope so. How about meet up with Ani this afternoon and talking about the
Lucy: Ok. I will come along.
Hal 71
Hello, how are you? I hope you're are fine. How's your holiday? Last week I went to Mount
Bromo. Here, I’m going to tell you about my experience in Bromo.Last week I went to Mount Bromo.
I stayed at my auntie’s house in Probolinggo, East Java. The house has a big garden with colorful
flowers and a small pool.In the morning, my friends and I saw Mount Batok. The scenery was very
breathtaking. We rode on horseback. It was scary, but also fun. Then, we went to get closer and look
at the mountain.We took pictures of the beautiful scenery there. After that, we took a rest and had
lunch under a big tree. Before we got home, we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We went home in the
Jawabn hal 81 bag b
A: Nita, how do you think about the current forrest fires? It is everywhere in the news.
B: Yes, Devi, it is a big fire there in Sumatra. It cause a lot of smokes, which is harmful to
health. I think it si because of forest clearing by irresponsible people.
A: Forest clearing? How does that cuase forest fire?
B: Companies and farmers often cut their land before they plant new crops. The
problem is that after that they burn the trees. The fire can then spread uncontrolably to
the forest.
A: Surely the dry season helps the spreads too.
B: Yes it is. Fire can burn faster in dry air and with lack of rain.
A: Hopefully the fire can be put down fast before it spread more. The smoke can cause
lungs and throats irritation. It is very dangerous for children and elderly to breathe in
such dirty atmospheres.
B: Yes it is very dangerous. The smoke hamper and disrupt transportations too. Flight
had to be cancelled and driving cars in smoke is very risky.
#Hal 82 A: Have you heard about Sumatran tiger hunting news this morning?
B: Yeah, they're so cruel. It's the biggest reason why the Sumatran tiger population has
been decreasing lately.
A: I know right. They make a profit out of their skin.
B: Also, their habitat is tainted, and it's humans' fault again.
A: If only they were aware of the impact!
B: Fortunately, there are good people that are aware of this too.
A: You mean that organization that protects the endangered animals?
B: Yeah, they're heroes. They prevent them from being extinct by protecting them in
some ways.
A: They're currently operating a wildlife protection project by saving its habitat first.
B: That's cool man. not only saving the Sumatran tiger, but they're also helping all
animals living there.
A: And they're making even stricter regulations for animal hunters with the serious
B: They deserve it though. I'm sure that the organization will do well.
A: I want to save the Sumatran tiger or endangered species like them too someday.
B: Yeah! That's my dream!
*) Disclaimer: dibawah hal 83
. Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta
Baim: Have you read today's news?
Panji: Yes, I have. It's about the flood in Jakarta, isn't it?
Baim: Yes, it is. Floods have become a serious problem in Jakarta today.
Panji: The government should pay more attention to this issue. There are many
negative impacts for those whose houses are flooded. For example, the destruction of
homes and property, loss of property, illness, and even death.
Baim: I agree with you. However, flooding occurs due to human behavior. People often
throw garbage in the wrong place, such as in rivers or sewers. It makes rivers and
gutters full of garbage, so water overflows onto the streets when it rains and causes
Panji: That's not the only cause. Floods also happen because people cut down trees
illegally. Therefore, there is no absorption of water by the trees. This causes rainwater
to go directly into rivers or sewers.
Baim: So it means that the flood was our own doing. It was our fault.
Panji: You're right. We must work together to solve this problem.
Baim: I think so.
Baim: Sudah baca berita hari ini?
Panji: Ya, sudah. Ini tentang banjir di Jakarta, bukan?
Baim: Ya, memang. Banjir telah menjadi masalah serius di Jakarta saat ini.
Panji: Pemerintah harus lebih memperhatikan masalah ini. Banyak dampak negatif bagi
mereka yang rumahnya terendam banjir. Misalnya, perusakan rumah dan harta benda,
kehilangan harta benda, penyakit, bahkan kematian.
Baim: Saya setuju dengan Anda. Namun, banjir terjadi karena ulah manusia. Orang
sering membuang sampah tidak pada tempatnya, seperti di sungai atau selokan. Itu
membuat sungai dan selokan penuh dengan sampah, sehingga air meluap ke jalan-
jalan saat hujan dan menyebabkan banjir.
Panji: Itu bukan satu-satunya penyebab banjir. Banjir juga terjadi karena orang-orang
menebang pohon secara ilegal. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada penyerapan air oleh
pepohonan. Hal ini menyebabkan air hujan langsung masuk ke sungai atau selokan.
Baim: Berarti banjir itu ulah kita sendiri. Itu salah kita.
Panji: Anda benar. Kita harus bekerja sama untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.
Baim: Saya juga pikir begitu.
3. Causes and effects of bullying on teenagers
Ricky: Hello, how are you?
Weny: Hi, I'm fine.How about you?
Ricky: I'm great. Where have you been?
Weny: I am from borrowing English books in the library.
Ricky: Have you heard what happened at our school?
Weny: Yes, I have. Someone bullied a teenager who was still a child.
Ricky: I think those who like to bully others because of less attention at home, or it could
be that he is a victim of bullying.
Weny: Yes, I think so. The effects of bullies are dangerous.
Ricky: Yes, fellow teenagers should support and collaborate with each other.
Weny: I don't know, we just have to keep our friends from bullying other people,
especially teenagers.
Ricky: Yes, I agree with that.
Ricky: Halo, apa kabar?
Weny: Hai, aku baik-baik saja. Bagaimana denganmu?
Ricky: Aku sangat baik. Kemana saja kamu?
Weny: Saya dari meminjam buku bahasa Inggris di perpustakaan.
Ricky: Sudahkah kamu mendengar apa yang terjadi di sekolah kita?
Weny: Ya, saya sudah mendengarnya. Seseorang membully seorang remaja yang masih
Ricky: Saya kira orang yang suka mem-bully orang lain karena tidak mendapat
memperhatikan di rumah, atau mungkin mereka adalah korban bullying.
Weny: Ya, saya juga pikir begitu. Efek dari pembully itu berbahaya.
Ricky: Ya, sesama remaja harus saling mendukung dan berkolaborasi.
Weny: Entahlah, kita hanya harus menjaga agar teman kita tidak mem-bully orang lain,
terutama remaja.
Ricky: Ya, saya setuju dengan itu.

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