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January 10th, 2020

Welcome to This Week Live

I am still, yes STILL your host Rocky Red Panda
I am not going anywhere. This is my show and no one can
make me. I won this show fair and square! I call anyone
who says otherwise un American…

What does this sound like? Oh yeah… OUR DUFAS in


There are a few words that tend to be going around since the
start of 2020 now 2021, Libtard, Sheep, Facist, Dictator…..
So many more I could mention but Im not.

I will state for the record on my show that YES I am a demo-

crat and im also a Libertarian so tech YES I am a libtard and
a sheep… BAAAH…. But im not a Black sheep like some
of the Republicans who enticed what we saw in Washington
and still follow blindly to someone who could easily be com-
pared to a Insurrectionist on steroids.. no I mean a fast food
diet… yes Im talking to you blackburn, cruise and any other
republican who still followed blindly and allowed such ac-
tions to happen.
I had a whole script written for this week where I was going
to talk about the news of the week and poke fun at some of
the news stories BUT after what happened in Washington the
other day, It threw my script out the door as it became gone
with the wind……. (Insert flashback here).. Wait no? NO
flashback like they do in Family Guy? Okay gotcha. Thank
you low show budget.

So for the first episode of 2021, I get to sit here and have my
favorite segment, The Good The Bad and the HUH?!?! Be on
one topic and one topic alone… January 6th, 2021. A day
we as Americans will remember much like Pearl Harbor Day
or like in Japan, its not Christmas, its KFC Day….. OH look
our presidents favorite holiday.

ALMOST forgot to toss my card…. Let me see here…

nope… not that… nada.. dont think so… HEEEY.. iv been
looking for this…. Dont think so… Hey here we go… the
card…. (Toss card)

I really want to do the good the bad and the huh but at the
same time, I dont…….I may turn into the HULK… HULLK

But I took that faithful oath when I signed onto doing this
talk show that no matter what. Through rain, sleet and snow,
ID bring you the news of the week.. so here I am… contem-
plating my actions as I go through with this.
We are about to tread into dark subject matter here and
THERE is no turning back. Youv seen me upset but no ones
seen me at my worst and your about to…

I just have to say…



5 years of following a racist facist Dictator.. OH look who

wants to burn down democracy…. Because on January 6th..
the Us capitol was overrun by Trump MAGA supporters and
5 PEOPLE DIED including a capitol city police officer who
was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. .. first time since
the war of 1812 when the British burnt down Washington.

Who could of seen this happening.. EVERY SINGLE PER-

SON ON THIS PLANET.. including me.

Over these years… people have said if you join him in the
baseless lies and you follow blindly that something like this
wouldn’t happen…. It couldn’t happen.. GUUESS WHAT
IT DID. I HOPE. Your enjoying your judges, tax cuts and
undermining the true meaning of what democracy is…. Your
president did this to you and America…. OH NO.. dont try
to play the I DIDNT see this coming.. YOU DID SEE IT
COMING!!!!! And you waited 4 no 5 years to finally say
enough is enough when we have been trying to tell you since
the very beginning?!?!?!?!?!

There are a few names that come to mind.. like Senator Josh
Holly…. With your first in the air…. To the MOB… its the
fist to white power… yeah white power……. So much the
blood on your hands.

This is another day that will live in Infamy.

Including this guy dressed up like the loyal order of Water


All jokes aside.

Democracy died within the capitol on the 6th..

Senators and representatives that YOU THE PEOPLE

elected were doing there GOD FORGIVING JOB!! Certify-
ing the electoral votes from each state to say Joe Biden will
become our next president.. UNLESS YOU WERE ONE OF
THOSE PEOPLE WHO STILL follow those baseless
claims that the election was rigged.. they investigated.. they
found no wrong doing so your claims are invalid. Much like
that coupon that youv been holding onto that will save you a
buck off your next meal during chow time at the OK corral…

OH and those people who think these were all ANTIFA in

costume………………….. This cant possibly be trump sup-
porters… they were so peaceful.. if it were trump supporters
then I would be very shocked..

(We must maintain law and order or were cease to have a


THIS isn’t law and order.. this is domestic terrorism at its

WHAAT ISNT YOURS. We are a democratic society!!!!
SO start acting like one!!!!!

Out of all the darkness.. 5 people died including Capitol Po-

lice Officer Brian Sicknick.. HE DIED protecting the
capitol building from unlawful lawlessness.

That same day Head of Capitol Police Resigns.

Now we as Americans are left with questions like how could

this happen?!?!?! How could we let it get this bad…

Its so baad that over 100 lawmakers are calling for the presi-
dents removal.

Nancy Pelosi threatens to pursue impeachment if the presi-

dents cabinet does not remove him using the 25th Amend-
That is what we call YOUR TOO OLD TO DRIVE AND
TAKE AWAY THERE PRIVLAGES but this person has nu-
clear missiles.
So what is the 25th amendment? It allows the cabinet to get
rid of the president if he's unable to discharge the powers and
duties of his office. That checks fine.

The president did make a video yesterday stating that there

will be a peaceful transition of power on January 20th….
WHO knows what will happen between now and then..

I can tell you what wont happen.

Twitter perma banned the presidents account

Facebook also blocked is account indef.
FORGETTABOUT IT.. no Instagram…

There have been reports that the president went on an angry

Tyrate the other night when he learned about his Twitter be-
ing banned. HULK SMASH?!?!?! welp.. if you break it,
you bought it.

We’ve learned that in the final days of the presidents power

in office… he will be issuing more metal of freedoms but
this time to 3 golfers… GOLFERS……that’s right…. OH

That joke putted right into the hole of democracy.

Now out of all this bad… we do have time to celebrate..
short lived celebration.

Lets look back at 2021 and the year it was.. wait.. no its not
even the end of 2021.. it still feels like 2020….

2020 became old enough to drink and this is how it starts


Out of the good… Democrats turned Georgia all blue for the
first time since 1992 when they voted for Bill Clinton. War-
nack and Ossoff won there run off elections which if my
numbers are correct, gives us control of both house and sen-

What this also means is it makes Senator Chuck Schumer

majority leader replacing Mich McConnell.

AH yes that’s a good thing! Things are looking up… to think

that within 10 days, we will have a new elected president
take office… and of course trump wont be there at the inau-
guration to which Biden said that’s mutual.

What a crazy week it has been.. and 2021 has only just
started. We got through this together.. Thank you..
Well be right back with the Artist Of The Week Yasmin
Yara after these messages!

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