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I am a digital wizard, a master of bytes,

I bring the world together with my
digital delights.
I transmit, receive, and process with
Empowering users with knowledge and
What am I?

What is ICT?
ICT stands for Information and Communications Technology.
It involves the use of technology for everyday tasks such as
sending emails, making video calls, searching the internet,
and using tablets or mobile phones.
It also includes the use of older communication technologies
like telephones, radios, and televisions
ICT allows students to manage their own learning, think
critically and creatively, solve real-world problems, work
collaboratively, make ethical decisions, and adopt a global
perspective towards issues and ideas.
What is ICT Integration?
ICT integration is the use of ICT to enhance skills.
It can improve the quality of education by increasing
learner motivation and engagement, facilitating the
acquisition of basic skills, enhancing teacher training, and
promoting a shift to a learner-centered environment.
Practices of ICT Integration in Teaching-
Learning Process

ICT integration in teaching involves communication via

emails, using the web for research, creating online groups
and wikis, participating in online collaborative activities,
and applying technology-enhanced/web-based lessons in
the classroom.
Why is ICT Integration Important?

ICT integration in education improves engagement and

knowledge retention. It provides fun and enjoyable ways to
teach, which increases student engagement.

Some Disadvantages of ICT in Education

While ICT has many benefits, it also has some
disadvantages such as the risk of misleading information,
cyber attacks, and hacks. It also poses a risk to traditional
methods of teaching and learning.
Types of Knowledge in ICT Integration

ICT integration involves three types of knowledge

Content Knowledge (facts, concepts, theories, and
principles taught in academic courses),
Pedagogical Knowledge (knowledge of creating effective
teaching and learning environments)
Technological Knowledge (knowledge of and ability to
use various technologies and technological tools).
For your activity, I want you to raise your right
thumb if it shows ICT integration and thumbs down
if not.

Enhance skills
Increase Learner motivation and engagement
Enhance Teaching Training
Facilitate acquisition of Basic Skills
Promote a shift to a learner-centered environment.
Faster but less memorable learning
Less direct social interaction

Get a sheet of paper and answer this note; each number corresponds to
2 points.
1. ICT involves the use of technology for everyday tasks such as:

A) Sending letters and using typewriters.

B) Making video calls and searching the internet.
C) Writing with pen and paper.
D) Using fax machines and pagers.

2. ICT allows students to:

A) Learn only from textbooks.

B) Manage their own learning and think critically.
C) Rely solely on teachers for knowledge.
D) Solve fictional problems.

3. ICT integration in teaching involves practices such as:

A) Sending letters via postal mail.

B) Using the web for research and creating online groups.
C) Conducting experiments in a traditional laboratory setting.
D) Delivering lectures using only chalkboards.
4. ICT integration in education improves engagement and:
A) Decreases student motivation.
B) Reduces knowledge retention.
C) Provides fun and enjoyable ways to teach.
D) Limits student participation.

5. Some disadvantages of ICT in education include:

A) Enhanced learning experiences.
B) Increased risk of misleading information.
C) Improved access to resources.
D) Enhanced traditional teaching methods.
6. The three types of knowledge in ICT integration are:

A) Historical knowledge, cultural knowledge, and scientific

B) Content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and
technological knowledge.
C) Mathematical knowledge, linguistic knowledge, and artistic
D) Personal knowledge, social knowledge, and emotional

Create an acrostic poem using the

word ICT Integration.

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