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"Navigating the terrain: Exploring Challenges Encountered by ACC Instructors in

the Era of AI Integration"


Artificial intelligence (AI) heralds a new era of teaching and learning language and literature (cite),

offering innovative tools and personalized experiences. AI technologies, such as language processing

algorithms and automated essay grading systems, promise to streamline language instruction and

literary analysis, providing tailored feedback and resources for students. This integration has sparked

optimism about the potential of AI to revolutionize language and literature education, enhancing

students' language proficiency and analytical skills (cite).

The rapid advancement of AI technologies has permeated nearly every aspect of our daily lives,

including education. Within different disciplines in tertiary education , where the nuances of human

communication and interpretation are central, the integration of AI presents both opportunities and

challenges. On one hand, AI offers the potential to augment traditional teaching methods by providing

personalized learning experiences and targeted feedback. Students can benefit from adaptive learning

platforms that cater to their individual learning styles and pace, ultimately enhancing their language

proficiency and analytical abilities.(Cite)

However, the widespread adoption of AI in education also raises complex questions about the role of

human instructors and the nature of pedagogical interaction. While AI systems can efficiently assess

student performance and provide immediate feedback, they may lack the empathetic understanding
and nuanced insight that human teachers offer (cite). Furthermore, the reliance on AI for language

instruction and literary analysis may raise concerns about the preservation of critical thinking skills and

the development of creativity in students.

In navigating the integration of AI into higher education, it is essential to strike a balance between

leveraging the benefits of AI technologies and preserving the irreplaceable contributions of human

educators. Collaboration between AI systems and human instructors can optimize the learning

experience, combining the efficiency of automated tools with the empathy and expertise of teachers. By

embracing AI as a complement to traditional teaching methods, educators can empower students to

excel while fostering essential skills for the digital age.(Cite)

Thesis Statement:

In "Navigating the Terrain: Exploring Challenges Encountered by Abuyog Community College

(ACC) Instructors in the Era of AI Integration," this research aims to investigate the unique

hurdles faced by ACC instructors as they navigate the integration of artificial intelligence (AI)

into their teaching practices, offering insights into effective strategies for optimizing AI

integration while maintaining the integrity of education at the community college level.

Problem Gap:
While the integration of AI into education is a rapidly evolving field, there is a notable lack of

research specifically focusing on the challenges experienced by instructors at community

colleges like Abuyog Community College (ACC). As ACC instructors strive to incorporate AI

technologies into their teaching methodologies, they may encounter distinct obstacles

stemming from the college's unique context, resources, and student population. Understanding

these challenges is crucial for developing tailored solutions and maximizing the benefits of AI

integration in community college education.

Significance of the Study:

This research holds significant significance as it addresses the specific challenges encountered

by ACC instructors in integrating AI into their teaching practices. By examining these challenges,

the study aims to provide actionable insights that can inform instructional strategies,

curriculum development, and resource allocation at Abuyog Community College. Moreover, the

findings of this study have the potential to contribute to the broader discourse on AI integration

in community college settings, offering valuable guidance for educators and policymakers

seeking to leverage AI technologies to enhance student learning outcomes and prepare

students for the demands of the digital age.

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