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Review Article

Mental Health Care Act 2017: Review and upcoming issues

Prasanna Kumar Neredumilli, V. Padma, S. Radharani
Department of Psychiatry, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Abstract Mental Health Care (MHC) Act 2017 is published in the Gazette by Government of India. It is aimed at
strengthening human rights of persons with mental illness. Changes such as advance directive and nominated
representative are new, and review boards and responsibilities of government are clearly emphasized. The
objective of this article is to give an overview of MHC act 2017 and its upcoming issues while implementing it.

Keywords: Advance directive, Mental Health Care Act 2017, nominated representative

Address for correspondence: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Neredumilli, Department of Psychiatry Government Hospital For Mental Care, Visakhapatnam,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

INTRODUCTION Management of persons suffering from mental illness

was being done mostly in inpatient settings in hospitals
Legislation plays a vital role in the treatment of persons and closed wards, and they were at disadvantage position
suffering from mental disorders. Insight of illness may not as there were chances for vulnerability and human rights
be present in majority of mental disorders when compared violation. These violations in human rights could lead to
to physical illness and the law guides for treatment in further psychiatric issues such as depression and anxiety.
a proper direction. In India, different legislations have
come. Mental Health Care (MHC) Act 2017 has passed Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD)
through different timelines. It was passed and approved was passed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly
by Parliament and got assent by the president in April in 2006 and was signed and ratified by India in 2007 and
2017 and eventually come into force from May 29, 2018. made India eventually responsible for the revision of
Earlier with the Mental Health Act (MHA) 1987, there was disability laws in India and introduction of MHC Act[1]
a start for human approach for treating mental disorders 2017. MHC act is published in the spirit of UNCRPD
with provisions for human rights but without emphasis on with human rights of person with mental illness (PMI)
issues like consent. Provisions for voluntary admissions and review board acting as the backbone on the fulcrum
and special circumstances were started. As it involved the of mental capacity.
department of police and honorable courts in admission
and discharge procedures, it had failed to remove virtual As per MHC act 2017, mental health professional (MHP)
criminal flavor on admission of patients with mental illness. includes psychiatrist, professionals having a postgraduate
There was no time frame for maximum period of inpatient degree including Ayurveda in Mano Vigyan Avum
hospitalization for persons admitted involuntarily with Manas Roga or Homoeopathy in Psychiatry or Unani in
exception of special circumstances. Moalijat (Nafasiyatt) or Siddha in Sirappu Maruthuvam,

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DOI: How to cite this article: Neredumilli PK, Padma V, Radharani S. Mental
10.4103/AMH.AMH_8_18 health care act 2017: Review and upcoming issues. Arch Ment Health

© 2018 Archives of Mental Health | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 9

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Neredumilli, et al.: Review of mental health care act 2017

and also a professional registered with the concerned State on independent basis. Persons suffering from neurotic
Authority under Section 55 (clinical psychologists, mental disorders and psychotic disorders with the exception of
health nurses [MHNs], and psychiatric social workers) and chronic disorganized psychosis,delirium,dementia and
they will become eligible for assessing mental capacity organic psychosis may have capacity and may be considered
and eventually for admitting them as inpatient in under this act and eventually has to be admitted on
independent admissions as per the 2017 act. Mental health independent basis. The clause “mental capacity” segregates
establishment (MHE) includes inpatient establishments PMI and this segregation may raise doubts whether MHC
of all health establishments including all other medical Act is in true spirit of UNCRPD or not. There needs to
treatment modalities as specified by act for care of be further information by the guidance document of the
PMI excluding residential places. This makes even the expert committee.
multispecialty hospitals and general hospitals under the
purview of the act for registration as MHE and these ADVANCE DIRECTIVE
hospitals may not register due to unnecessary fears which
may lead to decreased treatment options for PMI. The A person who is not a minor having mental capacity can
Indian Psychiatric Society has given representations to write directive as specified by mental health authority
government to remove general hospital from registration regarding his intention for the way he/she wishes to
as MHE, but the Government did not consider it. The act be cared for and not to be cared for and can appoint
highlighted the importance of clause “meant for care” for nominated representative (NR) in spite of whether he/she
PMI, and this is reflected for defining places like sheltered is having past illness or had treatment for mental illness.
accommodation for not specifying MHE registration as NR has to sign if name is mentioned in AD and also
seen in draft rules. signatures by two witnesses have to be taken. In case PMI
comes alone and has not written or given AD, he/she may
Even though it may appear that the MHCA 2017 may not be given treatment after consent and may be admitted as in
be applicable to MHP practicing at outpatient services patient admission. If PMI wants to be treated at corporate
or establishments without registration, there are some hospital only and relative is not in a financial position to
sections of the act they too have to follow. These include give treatment, then relative or caregiver or MHP may apply
advance directive (AD), aspects of confidentiality, rights to board for review of AD. PMI suffering from psychosis
to access basic medical records by patients, and provisions may perceive that harm will be done by known persons like
of treatment procedures such as electroconvulsive family members or unknown persons and may write AD
therapy (ECT), psychosurgery, seclusion, and emergency and thereby cannot get treatment. In these situations also,
treatment. MHP or relative may approach the board for review of AD.
The provision of AD may not be aware in illiterate persons
The definition of mental illness encompasses in broader and implementation of these sections by them is debatable.
sense and is not equated with unsoundness of mind and has The past literature also reveals that implementation of AD
to be determined by international classification of diseases has been difficult.[2] However, there are some favorable
(ICD 10) and not by the past treatment or hospitalization. aspects of AD for MHP and these include nonapplicability
The broader definition of mental illness may lead to of AD in emergency treatment, duty of PMI or NR to
persons having milder mental illness to be branded as make access of AD, and MHP not liable if not given copy
having mental illness leading to stigma and further may of AD or for unforeseen consequences of valid AD.
affect the persons for accessing treatment. The clause
“mental conditions associated with abuse of alcohol or NOMINATED REPRESENTATIVE
drugs” signify that deaddiction centres may come under
the purview of act unless they specify that they give care Psychiatric illness may cause burden to caregivers and
for only substance abuse persons. in turn can affect the care of PMI. The MHC act 2017
has given sections for support of PMI by way of NR.
If a person (including PMI) is able to understand the The NR can be a relative or caregiver, suitable person
information for decisions admission, treatment or appointed by board, or person of organization registered
personal assistance or appreciate reasonably foreseeable under societies registration act and may be revoked by
consequences of decision or communicate the decision board. NR shall not be minor and has to give consent in
by means of speech, expression or gesture, then he is writing to MHP. NR can seek information of diagnosis and
deemed to have capacity to make decision regarding MHC treatments, rehabilitation, planning discharge, application
treatment and can write AD and is eligible for admissions for admission, and give consent if required.
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Neredumilli, et al.: Review of mental health care act 2017

The high caregiver burden with mental disorders and legal aid. It shall support establishments for PMI to
can sometimes lead to orphanage of PMI leading to live in less restrictive community and in family. The other
wandering aimlessly and NR could support in this issue. measures include conducting programmes for suicide
In situations where the PMI has not written NR, may be and stigma prevention. Measures for increasing human
due to unawareness of the act, then relative or caregiver resources of mental health services were mentioned.
can be deemed to be considered as NR and if not willing However, feasibility and practical implementation in real
then the board appoints a suitable person. In admission scenario may be debatable. Regarding confidentiality,
where PMI is voluntarily admitted as independent information of PMI has to be made available only to NR
admission, NR is not necessary to stay with him. In and MHP and has to be protected from others except in
cases where family is included in delusional rubric of threat to life. In cases of NR who sometimes may not be a
patient, there are chances of appointing other person family member, the availability of confidential information
who may not be having good intent as NR and the role can affect the privacy of information of PMI.
of NR in this type of cases may not be appreciable. The
Indian Psychiatric Society has highlighted that AD and The duties of central and state Government includes
NR are not patient friendly, but the government has not establishment of halfway homes, sheltered accommodation,
considered the representation. and Supported accommodation, hospital and community
based rehabilitation services. The supported accommodation
The state shall maintain a panel of trained caregivers[3] whose is for those who have own or rented accommodation without
antecedents are verified by police and having them will help caregiver, and they will get domiciliary care at doorstep.
family members to attend to their personal duties. There
are rules for providing emergency service number available The government shall start child mental health services,
to family caregivers at every district headquarter to call provide psychotherapies like cognitive behavior therapies
for help. Special care shall be taken by the government and also include mental health in school syllabus. There
regarding vulnerable caregivers such as single, adolescent, shall be counselor in secondary schools. Elderly PMI shall
and elderly caregivers. have quality mental health services.

HUMAN RIGHTS The major importance of human rights in MHCA 2017

will eventually lead changes in aspects of caring PMI and
Human rights are given major importance and includes may include upgrade facilities in sanitary and environmental
the right to access MHC treatment, cost affordability conditions, making preventive measures to all forms of
and good‑quality mental health services, accessibility, and abuse to PMI, facilities for caring both mother and child,
without discrimination. The facilities include acute care maintaining records and to release information to PMI
and outpatient and inpatient treatment. or NR or board if needed, aspects of confidentiality and
facilities of telephones or e‑mail, and providing details of
There are sections in MHC act 2017 for PMI to have a board and free legal services.
dignified life, protection from cruel treatment, self‑hygiene,
privacy, proper clothing, pay for work, living in community, CENTRAL MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY AND
adequate food, no tonsuring, no force of uniforms, STATE MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY
emergency and ambulance services, mobile, e‑mail facilities,
and free legal services. Insurance for mental disorders and Central Mental Health (CMH) Authority comprises
treating the PMI according to International guidelines. 20 members with 3‑year term and maximum age of 70 years
There are provisions for not separating woman and child and have to meet every 6 months and may be joined by
below 3 years of age and if separated for more than 30 days televideo conference. CMH comprises of secretary, joint
it should be approved by authority. This act has given secretaries of department of health and family, director
significance for rights of PMI receiving inpatient treatment general of health services, director of central institutes,
and grossly neglected the rights of PMI of community. mental health professional with 15 years experience,
Unemployment is reported to be significant in persons with psychiatric social worker, clinical psychologist, MHN, two
mental disabilities[4] when compared to other disabilities, members of PMI, caregivers, persons of nongovernmental
and this issue is not give importance in this act. organization (NGO), and persons relevant to mental health.
CMH shall register MHE, have quality norms of MHE,
Government has to take measures and they include supervise MHE, maintain national register of MHP, train
allocating budget in terms of adequacy,priority,equity MHP, and advise central government on MHC.
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State mental health authority shall meet not <4 times a Mental illness comprises different disorders and, in
year and comprises principal secretary, joint secretary, some cases of delusional disorder where the delusion is
head of mental health institute, eminent psychiatrist, MHP, systematized, it will be difficult for nonpsychiatrists to
psychiatric social worker, clinical psychologist, MHN, recognize this as mental illness, and in these types of cases
two members of PMI, caregivers, and persons of NGO. psychiatrist has to give extra effort as he/she is the only
The Indian Psychiatric Society has requested to include person of board having adequate knowledge for mental
professional associations of psychiatrists in authorities, illness and has to convince the other board members. As
the government has not considered. the board will be set up at district level or areas specified
by authority, it will become difficult for the PMI and MHP
staying in remote areas for access of board and it may lead
to delay in treatment.
MHE registered as clinical establishment can apply ADMISSION AND TREATMENT
for registration with fees as prescribed, after fulfilling
standards specified by authority and within 10 days without Voluntary admission as per the MHA 1987 is changed as
inquiry can get provisional registration having validity for independent admission (Section 86 of MHC act 2017 and
12 months. This is followed by publishing online or print of Section 17 of 1987) and refers to admission of PMI who
all particulars of MHE by authority within 45 days. MHE has the capacity to make MHC and treatment decisions or
has to submit the evidence for minimum standards within requires minimal support in making decision and has mental
6 months from the date of such standards specified by the illness of severity requiring admission, likely to benefit or
authority. The authority shall give public notice for filing understand the nature and purpose of admission. Informed
objections, and MHE has to submit evidence and if there are consent has to be taken. The person admitted in this section
no objections communicated to MHE, then it is deemed to may himself be discharged even without the consent of
get permanent registration. The authority shall conduct audit medical officer. MHP includes psychiatric social worker
of all registered MHE every 3 years. In case if MHE fails in and mental health nurse, and they may admit PMI in MHE
aspects of human rights or persons of MHE had committed as per the act. But whether they will be having considerable
an offence then the authority may issue showcause, and experience in assessing capacity for treatment decisions is a
at last, registration may be canceled. MHE has to display matter of debate. In cases of PMI not able to understand the
certificate, website, phone, and address of board. Among purpose or nature of treatment resulting in not accepting the
the members of AUDIT, there shall be psychiatrist and one treatment and also unable to take care himself, violent, then
a representative of an organization for PMI. the PMI has to be admitted as supported admission (Section
MENTAL HEALTH REVIEW BOARD 89 of MHC act 2017 and Section 19 of MHA 1987)
after application given by NR provided PMI shall not be
Mental Health Review Board will be set up mostly in readmitted within 7 days. It is followed by examination
every district as per the CMH recommendation and will by psychiatrist and MHP and if the findings are as per
be for a term of 5 years. Review board members can be this section of the act, then PMI can be admitted for a
holding office up to the maximum age of 70 years and maximum period of 30 days after taking AD and it has to
members comprise Honourable District Judge (retired be reported to board. Consent can be obtained from NR
also considered), representative of district collector, and the consent from PMI has to be reviewed every 7 days.
psychiatrist, medical practitioner, and two persons can If admission requires more than 30 days or readmission
be either PMI or caregivers or persons of NGO. The within 7 days (section 90), they should be examined by two
proceedings are deemed to be judiciary proceedings as per psychiatrists and can be admitted for a maximum period of
the IPC 193, 219, 228 and also shall be held in camera. They 90 days if they satisfy norms as per this section of the act
have to dispose application given by MHP for supported and have to inform the board for permission, taking account
admissions within 7 days for Section 89, 21 days for Section of AD and consent should be reviewed fortnightly along
90, and 90 days for others. Their remuneration and salaries with planning for community‑based treatment. While the
will be met by central authority grants. The functions of PMI is receiving treatment as per supported admission and
board includes registering and reviewing AD, appoint in case if NR wishes for discharge of PMI then he has to
NR, decide objections against MHP and MHE, deciding apply to the Board. In this section, the treating psychiatrist
for nondisclosure of PMI information, visit jails, protect should be cautious for checking consent and record notes
human rights. and intimating the board at regular intervals as specified.
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If admission is extending beyond 90 days, it can be or at community for a maximum period of 72 h with
extended for 120 days at first instance and thereafter for informed consent of NR to prevent death or irreversible
180 days each time after complying with the provisions of harm to health of person or person inflicting serious harm
this section of act. Provisions for involuntary admission to himself or person causing serious damage to property.
of PMI with disability/chronicity may not be in tune with Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) shall not be used as form
UNCRPD, but in psychological disorders it is different as of treatment in this section of emergency treatment. There
there may situations of harm or death of himself or others is provision of transportation of PMI to nearest MHE.
by PMI may eventually require these types of sections for
safety and protection of PMI or others. ECT without anesthesia, sterilization of PMI, and chained
procedures shall not be performed. PMI shall not be kept
PMI who are wandering, not capable of taking care of in seclusion and only physical restraint should be used to
himself can be taken under protection by police officer prevent imminent harm and to be recorded in medical
and after informing NR they may produce before public notes. Board permission has to be taken for ECT in minors
health establishment (100 of MHC Act 2017, 23 of MHA and in case of psychosurgery.
1987). If he / she had mental illness then PMI has to be
treated as per the provisions of act and in case if he/she ECT is effective treatment and has been using since long
is not eligible as per independent admission then has to be time with less side effects. Imposing ban on unmodified
examined by psychiatrist and MHP as per section 89. In ECT may lead to removal of efficacious treatment for
case of PMI is ill treated or neglected then the police officer the PMI of remote distant places where anesthetist may
may produce for 10 days in MHE and after assessment the not be available. ECT is a lifesaving option in emergency
treatment of PMI has to be followed as per the provisions psychiatric situations like suicide and removing its role
of the act (101,102 of MHC Act 2017, 25 of MHA 1987). cannot be replaced. The Indian Psychiatric Society has
In case of prisoners act, Air force act, Army act, Navy act highlighted the importance of unmodified ECT, but the
and code of criminal procedure can be treated at psychiatric Government has not considered.
ward in medical wing of prison and when there is no facility
of psychiatric ward they can be transferred to MHE after There are provisions for psychiatrist responsibility for
permission from board (103 of MHC Act 2107, 27 of MHA PMI care and future treatment in consultation with PMI
1987). As per the rules under section 121 of MHC Act there or NR. But for PMI who are not interested to continue
shall be screening for all inmates of prison during the time medication after discharge or stopped treatment after going
of entry including Mental status examination, urine testing into community, there are no alternative provisions to deal
for common drugs of abuse, protocols for dealing prisoners with them. Provisions for rehabilitation and managing
with suicidal risk, counselling for stress and prison after the assets/property of PMI are not given in this act. The
care services. When proof of mental illness is challenged research should be conducted with informed consent from
during the judicial proceedings of honourable court then PMI, state authority, and institutional ethics committee.
the honourable court may send to board for scrutiny (105
of MHC Act 2017,26 of MHA 1987). If a person contravenes the act there are fines ranging
from imprisonment of 6 months, ten thousand rupees to
In admission of minor (Section 87 of MHC act 2017 and 2 years, five lakh rupees. There is provision for the central
Section 16 of MHA act 1987), NR of minor has to give government for control over CMH. In cases of difficulties
application to medical officer and after being examined that arise in giving effect to the act, the central government
by two psychiatrists or psychiatrist and medical officer or may publish orders for making provisions not consistent
psychiatrist and MHP and if they are satisfied as per the with act. In view of communication and travel difficulties,
norms of this section then the minor can be admitted in there are provisions for Northeastern states regarding
separate accommodation from adults, consent taken from relaxations for time frames. As per the MHC act 2017, a
NR and informed and informed to board. If admission person who commits suicide is presumed to have severe
lasts more than 30 days, it should be again informed to stress and shall not be punished. However, the clause
the board. In case of minor girl and NR is male, a female “unless proved otherwise” of this section may make police
attendant should be appointed by NR. to investigate for the cause. There will be no prosecution or
legal proceedings against authority or board when done in
Emergency treatment good faith. However, relaxations for legal proceedings done
Medical treatment can be given for mental illness by in good faith were given to authorities and board but not
registered medical practitioner to a PMI either at MHE to MHP and other personnel directly involved in treatment.
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Neredumilli, et al.: Review of mental health care act 2017

The future favorable ray of hope for MHPs includes guidance Conflicts of interest
document by expert committee on mental capacity as mental There are no conflicts of interest.
capacity is the backbone for AD and admission procedures.
The other includes the power of central authority to modify REFERENCES
or make additional regulations on AD after periodical review. 1. The Mental Health Care Act 2017. Available from: http://www.
CONCLUSIONS Healthcare%20Act,%202017.pdf. [Last accessed on 2018 Jun 11].
2. Zelle H, Kemp K, Bonnie RJ. Advance directives in mental
Mental health care Act 2017 is published with main health care: Evidence, challenges and promise. World Psychiatry
emphasis of Rights of PMI in every aspect. MHP 3. Draft Rules and Regulations under Mental Healthcare Act, 2017.
should give utmost importance to the Rights, address the Available from:
transitions from MHA 1987 to MHCA 2017 including Draft%20Rules%20MHC%20Act%2C%202017%20%281%29.pdf.
taking care to record and maintain case notes at every stage. [Last accessed on 2018 Jun 11].
4. Drew N, Funk M, Tang S, Lamichhane J, Chávez E, Katontoka S,
et al. Human rights violations of people with mental and
Financial support and sponsorship psychosocial disabilities: An unresolved global crisis. Lancet
Nil. 2011;378:1664‑75.

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