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Idioms on

Food Items
Idioms on Food Items 6

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

1. Apple pie order In perfect order सही हालात में , व्यवस्थित

2. An apple of discord Cause of quarrel झगड़े की वजह

3. Apples and oranges Usaged with reference to इसका प्रयोग तब होता है जब दो

two things that are चीज़ों के बीच अंतर दर्ााना हो
fundamentally different क्य़ोंकक दोऩों के बीच तल
ु ना करना
and so it is not sensible to तका संगत नहीं है ।
compare them

4. A bad egg /a bad A bad person दज

ु न

Idioms on Food Items 7

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

5. Egg on To urge to do something ककसी मर्

ु त
ा ापर्
ू ा या र्तरनाक
foolish or dangerous काम के ललए मनाना

6. To put all eggs in To risk everything in one एक व्यापार में सब कुछ लगाना
one basket enterprise

7. To buy a lemon To buy something useless बेकार वथतु र्रीदना

or defective

8. Cry over spilt milk To cry or complain about अब पछताए होत क्या जब चचड़ड़या
something that has चुग गई र्ेत
already happened
Idioms on Food Items 8

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

9. To have a finger in To be involved in lots of कई काम में एक ही समय में

every pie different things व्यथत होना

10. To overegg the To exaggerate or ruin ज्यादा अच्छा करने के चक्कर

pudding something while trying बबगाड़ दे ना
hard to improve it

11. A knuckle sandwich A punch मुक्का

12. In the soup In serious trouble परे र्ानी में

13. Apple of one’s eye A favourite person आँऱ्ों का तारा

Idioms on Food Items 9

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

14. Polish apple To flatter चापलस

ू ी करना

15. Banana A poor country with a week एक गरीब दे र् स्जसकी सरकार

republic government that depends on कमजोर हो और जो एक वथतु के
money from a single export ननयाात पर ननर्ार हो।

16. Upset the To ruin plans सारी योजना चौपट करना

apple cart

17. Second banana The second most important ककसी संथिा या काया में दस ू रा
person in an organisation or सबसे महत्त्वपर्
ू ा व्यस्क्त
Idioms on Food Items 10

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

18. Cherry pick To select carefully ध्यान से चुनना

19. Not give a fig To be unconcerned मतलब ना रर्ना

20. A lemon Worthless item मूल्यहीन वथतु

21. Peaches and Going well, comfortable and आरामदायक बबना परे र्ानी के/
cream without problem/ smooth skin दागरहहत त्वचा
without blemishes

22. A plum Highly coveted, a prize or a इस्च्छत (पद इत्याहद), इनाम

Idioms on Food Items 11

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

23. Sour grapes That is coveted but cannot be अंगूर र्ट्टे हैं (जैसे इस्च्छत हो पर
obtained hence belittled ना लमले।)

24. To be full of To have lots of energy and ऊजाा व उत्साह से र्रा हुआ
beans enthusiasm

25. A carrot top A red-haired person लाल बाल़ों वाला व्यस्क्त

26. To pass an To something in order to make र्ांनत की पेर्कर् करना

olive branch peace and end disagreement

27. Pea – brained Stupid बेवकूफ

Idioms on Food Items 12

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

28. To be in a To experience difficulties उलझन व समथया में होना


29. Couch potato One who keeps seated जो बैठ कर टे ललववजन दे र्ता रहे
watching television

30. Hot potato Difficult or controversial issue वववादथपद मुद्दा

31. Small potatoes Insignificant or unimportant तच्

ु छ / हीन
Idioms on Food Items 13

SL Word Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

32. Salad days Youthful period of one’s life युवावथिा

33. To bear fruits To produce results फलदायक

34. To be a To become physically disabled अपंग होना


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