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Course : English IV Mo d a lid a d : CGT

Learning outcome

At the end of this session students will

be able to use the vocabulary related to
food and modals should and have to .
Let’s start

How much do you remember ?

Learning vocabulary related to food

give students more opportunities to talk
to others in English .
Giving advice
At the Doctor’s Office
The next conversation is at the doctor's office between Manuel who is
a patient and Dr. Martinez. The patient talks about his symptoms and
the doctor has to prescribe medicines.

B: Good afternoon, Dr. Martinez. the time.

A: Good afternoon, Manuel. How can I help A: Okay, I have to check your pulse…Perfect,
you? your pulse is fine. Are you allergic to any
B: Well, I feel dizzy and weak. I also have a medications?
headache. B: No, I am not.
A: Do you eat lots of sweets? A: So, I have to prescribe you some painkillers
B: Yes, I eat candy and drink soda because I for the headache, you have to take one tablet
love them so much, they are my passion. for three days. You also have to get a blood
A: You have to eat less sugar. test and rest for some days.
B: Really? But I love sweets. I have to eat B: I promise I will come back with the results.
them because they make me feel good. A: And I have to give you the diagnosis and the
A: Do you have any other symptoms? real treatment.
B: Well, I have to tell you that I feel sleepy all B: Thank you doctor! Have a good day.
At the Doctor’s Office
The next conversation is at the doctor's office between Manuel who is
a patient and Dr. Martinez. The patient talks about his symptoms and
the doctor has to prescribe medicines.

B: Good afternoon, Dr. Martinez. the time.

A: Good afternoon, Manuel. How can I help A: Okay, I have to check your pulse…Perfect,
you? your pulse is fine. Are you allergic to any
B: Well, I feel dizzy and weak. I also have a medications?
headache. B: No, I am not.
A: Do you eat lots of sweets? A: So, I have to prescribe you some painkillers
B: Yes, I eat candy and drink soda because I for the headache, you have to take one tablet
love them so much, they are my passion. for three days. You also have to get a blood
A: You have to eat less sugar. test and rest for some days.
B: Really? But I love sweets. I have to eat B: I promise I will come back with the results.
them because they make me feel good. A: And I have to give you the diagnosis and the
A: Do you have any other symptoms? real treatment.
B: Well, I have to tell you that I feel sleepy all B: Thank you doctor! Have a good day.

Headache Backache Toothache Earache

Stomachache A cough A cold Runny nose

Circle the correct words.
1 We has to / have to answer the questions.
2 Emma has to / have to go to the studio.
3 Your brother has to / have to leave now
4 Peru has to / have to work a lot in soccer.
5 Jay’s parents has to / have to wait for their daughter.
6 University students has to / have to read information on
their virtual platforms.
Circle the correct words.
1 We has to / have to answer the questions.
2 Emma has to / have to go to the studio.
3 Your brother has to / have to leave now
4 Peru has to / have to work a lot in soccer.
5 Jay’s parents has to / have to wait for their daughter.
6 University students has to / have to read information on
their virtual platforms.
Complete these sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO
has to have to don't have to doesn't have to
1. I ________ go right now. I'm very late!
2. It's OK - you ________ do anything. Just sit there and wait for me.
3. Wait for Greg. He ________ make sure that the door is locked.
4. A good student ________ be very organized. Organization is very important.
5. It's a free museum - we ________ pay anything.
6. At the end of the year the students ________take an exam. It's necessary for them
to continue the course.
7. I know you don't like supermarkets so you ________ to come if you don't want to.
8. We ________ make sure that our hands are very clean.
9. We ________ go into college today because it's Sunday so it will be closed.
10. You ________ be more careful! I don't want you to break it!
Complete these sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO
1. _______ you ______ go right now. It’s still very early.
2. ________ Mary ______ do take the test now?
3. _______ Peruvians ______ be more polite? – Of course, they have to.
4. _______ a good student ________ be very organized?
5. _______ we ________ pay to enter the museum?
6. At the end of the year, _______ the students ___________take an exam to continue
the course?
7. Mother, ______ I ________ go to your doctor’s appointment?
8. Teacher, ________ we ________ make sure that our hands are very clean?
9. _______ students ________ go into college today because it's Sunday so it will be
10. ______ it ________ be so formal! I don’t like politicians meetings !
Study-life balance at university

Study-life balance at university


I’m heavy. I weigh 120

kilos. What should I do?

You should exercise

every day .

What kind of food should I

eat ?

You should eat vegetables, but

you shouldn’t eat fast food
What’s the
matter ? I have a cold
What should I do?

You should take hot

What seems to be the
problem ? I have a
toothache .
What should I do.
You shouldn’t eat sweets

You should avoid eating

things that are very cold or
very hot
We use SHOULD …
LET’S PRACTICE -fa28-4584-8e0c-
Let’s practice!
Ta s k a s s ig n me n t : He a lt h p ro b le ms

Through this activity, students create a

d ia log g ivin g a d vic e a b o u t h e a lt h p ro b le ms b y
us in g imperatives , should/shouldn’t and the
vocabulary learned during the week. Then,

they share it in a short video (3 -5 min).

Co n c lu s io n s

• What did you learn in this unit?

• Which parts of the lesson are
new to you?
• Which parts do you recognize?
• Are the topics relevant to you?
Questions ?

Course : English IV Mo d a lid a d : CGT

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