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Part 1: Greeting (1 minute)

1. What’s your full name?

- My full name is Trì Văn Khải

2. What’s your student number?

- It’s 19008052
3. How old are you?

- I am 22 years old.
4. Where’s your hometown?

- My hometown is Tra Vinh City.

5. What do you like doing in your free time?

- In my free time, I like listen to music, playing sports, go out with

6. How do you travel to school?

- I travel to school by motorbike.

7. What’s your major?

- My major is machanical engineering Teachnology

8. What would you like to do in the future?

- In the future, I would like a mechanical engineer.

9. Can you introduce yourself?

- My full name’s Trì Văn Khải. I am 22 years old. I come From Tra
Vinh city. At present, I am a final year university student. My family
has 4 members: my parents, my younger sister and me. My hobbies are
playing volleyball, listen to music and going out with friends. In the
future, I would like to work in HCM City.
Part 2: Social Interaction (2-3 minutes)
1. Hobbies
a. Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

- Yes, i course. I have some hobbies like hanging out with friend, listen
to music, playing valleyball.
b. Do you have enough time for your hobby (hobbies)? Why (not)?

- Yes, I have enough time for my hobbies. I usually spend about 30

minutes every night listening to songs on youtube. I often have coffee
with friend at weekends.
c. Do you spend lots of money on your hobbies? Why (not)?

- My favorite hobby is playing volleyball. therefore, I spend about

300.000 dong buying a pair of shoes, T- shirt, ball, and net.
d. How long have you had your hobby?
- I have played voleyball two years ago.
e. What hobby would you like to try in the future?
- In the future, I would like to lean how to play the guitar because I
think I can make more new friends thanks to this hobby.
f. What are some popular hobbies( for men and women) in your country?
- In my country, men often play sports, have coffee with friend, play
chess, and read books while women usually go shopping, plan trees,
cook, arrange, and travel
2. Transportation
a. How do you travel to school or work?
- I travel to school by motorbike.
b. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation? Why?
→ I prefer private transportation because it is convenient. I can be flexible
about time. I don't need to depend on the schedule of public transportation
like bus or taxi.
C. What types of public transport are popular in your hometown?
→Popular public transports in my hometown are bus, passenger bus, coach
and taxi
3. Travel Travel
a. Do you like traveling? Why?
→ Yes, of course. I like traveling because of some reasons.
First, it helps me reduce stress at work or at school.
Second, I can visit many interesting places in my country.
Third, I can enjoy local food and widen knowledge about cultures,
customs and habits of the locals.
b. In which season do you prefer to travel?
→ I prefer to travel in the spring because the weather is cool. Besides, I can
see different kinds of flowers bloom. Moreover, houses and shops are
beautifully decorated.
c. What places have you visited up to now?
→ Up to now, I have visited some interesting places such as Can Tho
City, TPHCM City and Ba Dong beach.
4. Free time
a. What do you usually do after school?

- After finishing classes at school, I usually play sport.

b. How do you spend your weekends/weekdays?

 At weekends, I usually football, hang out with friends ( have coffee

with fiends), go to the gym or come back to the countryside to visit
my parents
c. Do you like listening to music/ reading books/ watching TV/ playing

games? Why?
-> Yes, of course. I like listening to music because it helps me relax
after a hard-working day at school. Besides, some types of music useful
for my concentration on study. ( what is more, some songs with
meaningful lyrics inspire us to live better)
-> Yes, I like reading books I can widen my knowledge. Moreover,
stories make me have more enotions. I can find out advice from books.
Thanks to books, I can dêlop my imagination with creative ideas.
-> Yes. I like watching TV because I can update the latest news
happening around the word. In addition, some educational programs on
TV are necessary for children, students, and even adults.
-> Yes. I like playing games because they can help improve observation
and reaction. Besides, I can make more friends during the time I play a
5. School/ Study
a. Do you get along with your classmates?

Yes, i get on well with my classmates, i can study, work in groups or

play sports with them.
b. What things do you like most when you study at your school?

I like many things about my school. first, the facilities are good. ( for
example, the elevator run well ) the laboratories, the rooms, and the
worksshops are modern. Secon, the campus is wide. Therefore, it is
suitable for outdoor activities.
Third, the lecturers are qualified, experienced, friendly and enthusiastic
c. What things do you dislike when you study at your school?

There are some things i thanks dislike when I study at my school

First, there is a problem with the parking lot. For example, students
often lose helmets.
Second, the photocopy area is narrow and hot.
Third, the canteen is small, so sometimes it’s difficult for student to
find a seat /a place at break time.
Finally, there is a crossroads in front of my school. Therefore,
everyone can be in danger anytime
6. Family
a. Do you have a large family or a small family?

- I have a small family . Now i am living with parent.( there are 4

people in my family: My parent, my younger sister and me
b. Have you got any brothers and sisters?

- Yes, I have. I have a younger sister.

c. Who do you get along with your family?

- In my family, I get along with my parents because it is easy for me

to share feelings with them. I can talk to them about study, lifestyle
and difficulties in life.
Part 3: Description (4 minutes)
1. Describe your favorite sport

2. Describe your favorite place to enjoy your free time

3. Describe your hometown

4. Describe your favorite holiday/festival

5. Talk about the ways to stay healthy

6. Talk about the benefits of reading

7. Describe your dream house

8. Describe a piece of clothing you like

9. Describe your favorite TV show

10. Describe a family member you admire

Part 4: Further Discussion (4 minutes)

1. Favorite sports
What do you think is the most popular sport in the world? Why?
What is the most popular sport in your country?
2. Favorite place to enjoy your free time Do
people need a place to relax after school or work?
Do you think leisure time is important to everyone? Why?
3. Hometown
What is the best thing about your hometown?
Does your hometown have any festivals? Tell us about it.
4. Favorite holiday
Are there special foods connected with your favorite holiday?
Do you think holidays are important? Why?
5. The ways to stay healthy
What do you do if you can't get to sleep?
What disease frightens you the most? Why?
6. The benefits of reading
Have you ever lent books to your friends and never got them back?
What is the most interesting book you have ever read?
7. Dream house
Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by
themselves? Why?
What would you like to change in your house?
8. Favorite clothes
Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?
Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes?
9. Favorite TV show
What are the advantages of watching TV?
Would you participate in a TV show if you are invited?
10. A family member you admire
What is the best memory you have ever had with that person?
What are the advantages of living with family?

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