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MOUS culled (Social Partnership) «2 evel Ve WGA ese 919 Sal etter cl UsL2, Aaa Aout Sz SHIS HMA ZLG-US 9(UL. GL.V)-OL. Ueircraratieetate ata vuro/eoze sand flea a)sRarsll wardclsIedct:e¥/o3/2ozea uasuis:cs AAW auatadlad Hy 2022/c0U. Urdlictott: MR Nese, ARM rowel ara Acuwd, wehawA Rad wa Ula Aci sieBElot use? wou WA WA Gru gyeraru yset Cena eu a3 Szalotl GR WD, AMal vllg Boa viele Ul ARs aga MUA sta wal AAs SUMMeL BLS US Awe AIL ala Meuel AAs said eeurrierroll ouster ae Bon Sell. B Uictolet AUS curler se wee ARS aumteell aauristi WA vatetet Hie 2A RVs AaawlAr VauBet s2au Veeott Meri AeA As ol usatel sal sq B. eet; HHS cHollEetsl (Social Partnership) alt UAL aetrucu WAL Aaj Ace Seat He qoMlea Mae szat, Vell sa tMee-s al 2 ott 5 U,000 atoll aaa eAui seBeTel is yr 52 ANE Grea ys Rael AAs euouii Maa Rac a}. ml AMS euouMed Geert Mensa Zeatell aizee Acual, Ya A@ed Raye wa Uchly Aawlyi s2BeT aowcrey w euz szeted B. Aavecll UA Sst aGA uetaetl Merelledel uxieol aera sud a aumtemui Uae eretacteel Are oko 2ee (UA Uda je] wvellawet secuni wera a2: cad Maa sris(a) WAett sMeeizaleumedel sot cl:2¥703 720220 wrtall ae Ase Get HLUBSs cuollerdl {en ro eatl uGA ager aig s2au at 2o2e- Pall Berwuri 3.42U.00/- Airtel Parada adladl Hol wre Erect sect AE Ell. B ottoret Resize Maen Zen sell yoet Aaegua vie, ewretotl yet yer MeuaAni we wVslz ale wus eurtletS (Social Partnership) 26 10 zat AGA eeU ag sear al eoze-zetl diersuani ure io, yver AEezZzeoz-02-4a0-02 Bon atcl ator tld B.U2U.00/- Atuiell adladl rye ervueda rigd uci Wa B. te 2a aba egcuell fle Aad Mla yu 224: (a) BAUAUGA egerte] Brua: es aut Bruni uoo Aatallael weal arc A ASA. AM}, wallet wa weal wl Soslegsurell Gueteicttett wil sunt Sruaell wer aviet 2,000 Qarelleel 28a. wi, WA arei coer) 2eLAlGA eqcrtel eatuett s2atni WAY. A UM O2(A) 2ataGA ager Aaralloled ursell 2a. (2) HOURS eurlletal (sp) Hi Meese wsetael YAst Maer Aout wus euler sta vest, Mousa aud, duy ake DMM RAAAAAL (csv) Focrott yseu Weald RVUs eusllers Bon eau WU Asia sea WA B. Pall Salou arciott aletted, AAU AAell game war Yor arctlaeA Use Cla ereett Aenea well estat (3) aad wera da: 2H Halelell eal Ader AAs /Mot-ursrd aed, viieoll aed, Qot-eigisrdl Arend asst risMA/AD Aus euollerd Ion 2autEA egeriell wurst we 2% 5A. wl aUMteefl euuctl WE As cls uset2 WA aigy auGrad waa ~ ArUMets AUA Ug tao Aarni Waal. (8) WPse sere dzgell Ayal ys Asiet: ZAULAGA Brefl AALUotL WoL UUlaet Hse] HLA ysl Asiel WWse Usetz alee salud wld, Meese uset2 WR 2alAGA Vel MET WMA Weg, Arell AeA / a3 LACH wrflet WA AHaicle 63 Mada WA Maral SogaZsUz Rewy wa Nady seat U2 Asia A WA. AMA UeUYHs AAA Sosiagsur 6a 52q Usd. Bui alate] Xslet, Ravelled wa Maa Le zBatVlefl YAU, Ra glu, odl2 WA WGEAZ AMAA WA aA aizeet ih Yau, ARuaal ughvis, WBAB arr WA Bud sclUsH Val RBRec Sostagsue WA suger uAlloraUel ed yur Ac asa. (Y) GUEoY SoGlazsrzell Aw Guallor: 2aLAUGA are Bouter wa AMrectid Usfale Atel sce Sogiagsue wa YAUAA UUs seal Says ATA wa vada wr Sratofl Ueuetofl mai WA. 25s Mregiclel sMA tcl uMvusler YAUee] MBe/cura 52 wr ALAA WAST WA Act uieota asiaeu ued LAL 52. AS, we oullerdell BAH Uriel AAA WA LAr sGEActell MAUD U2 Mefz 28a. (S) Wiese usetz te AAWRee uldeti wate: Wes user Wr Hotes yao we eat Aas wa Qt-das srludlaell ae sla eeuaGA agcrte] dutctet secu 12 URL WAUAELZ WA. Use wider w3dl aetgoll Aegise wut ae SAA WA AXotl AHL UU WA eteali ASA. WL WAG, MBse wsetzou saleudled od wa AWA sada ast staal ads MAA WLAN oT viel Hw ars salad tM oureui wa AA AT Slojefl ELA wietall 85 SAL a152 oid. a Sra AeDoll AeTuet Rat-aioiMet eatorct woe wr Aye AA Wese euallerdell cuore VBA. (9) Gracin AAAs Mea mnaat wd Ars Mada isa; Mad wou wour wa Yleausod 1d GAM 254 wr MatAlett usuz WA Matiead HIS HAC USA UA Woe AS Sq WE Aol GuAMa sd asta ol. Mw alarsict, sje WA Moet Uctett Marlo eee seal WA ctar WA enc wari Wa WA aoa HBetctual WUAUL WA A YA seal maa. Act Gra sills YAMd SIAL MLZ AVL Goll Audet cticll, Eu wal wile slot sia UU Wed. (C) YUZ otnatisla cerzeuet: VAMUAGA WUA SAAC ottetiel Guta otaisla wc WA stalusAA Ur ass Yuga sri mad. AS ua ottaiidla ani wi Rsor wateduial ord set oti BAS Au A, A wadlauct mac aArerell wanda use anal an otettaat 412 waotell wu sa mei sel usa. () waa uBar : © MMMM Ano Yaa UBalte] eeauctet Marg Aettor s2a. eee a alu ytlledl Ast M/Alee-So-Dys AU vileiotl acura weea sett Aeusfled Meg-ueit 2a WW SAL WIA Glotd. £25 Aas arf wiz Mzwt-wott ia Maat-s ni ota uA Migs AdeLretoll Hot DPA ze (UAL ula) El. Deet-c Hi will well woud Hz wrilet WA UB alat Mewl-c Hi waar WUAAi Wad. URAAMA ya Mee-9 MA Mea-cui QarallWAa yaa wll asd. AMA yaa udla Gurict, w9z WU Renaldo ABsa Ber See WA wI UAL Goerezz UA seal waa Vell. wee WA UAL Udall Seat waa aUUGA agai Yaa udlattott Ade wu Ars el LU YLoe-ot-Wos aUutlett Aaueled we guy you A wa 2u% AM a oA A AA wietall euouett Marella yaa well asia. ALAA ager USA AH aAloe-Wet-Ds Ane vietoll aununiel yaar AAA Rarelled we Ciges 2a. BL VAUAGA agouni o2(A) eetaGA ager Maellelled ude A. Bui sset Aarellolwma % yaa wr asta. (10) W8se useraell urea uBar : wURs curled sia vest, Moraes aud, vie Re Aaa BANCAAAR (con) Bonet USAAA MPs wEete cotatel weet (dleudl) He auBe seat Maer Meus at crsstcl2 EO! (Expression of interest} 2% SZ wpIAg WUA. saz Ws yerel waacind ursid ws, Aaa, Arend wa eoiMe eee Uatactl AGAMA Wide sell AAA sia weeels WELL arate iy WE UMasl CAMs wa wtaMs Marayell aatatetcticucll areiGTr SLGEAAA HAL SA. WL LaLa SIGRA ala wl uazpee] ygeiisat 54 niet NALA, Mag Hleget let, yvariolsllen a2 riydl Anaad (14) Wese cuotlera ud ule Ast: Maver Aout, By eet ASL ALAA eyeroll aaUUot WA HaUlclet HL Uiese usetal Hz Aaictarre Mole RTst WA aetos§ MU MAwe (SoPs) Asl2 Usa. (Az) BsCBor waht aver Uestzell Asta: AALUGA VgHoll aiLUotl WA acter HA AHL YM wal Mse ursotal stat seavrl BLA. Bere Qeutay, Yet Al Ee ANG a aigeurai AL Uae €2s auall dle csu- Wy WU Wse wsetda RoGar wal VW usta ysl usa VsBor weled @arctauz As- NL WI Saeiett URMW-1 Hi catteen Wud eA. ouyidla at eoze-z3 HE RsRor vat ager uA at UA Aatell 3.0u,000/- MA ome AMany MUAH! BA AA A wml craigsa arfell Ez aT 9% ott EB auLZALAi WAR. (23) Adefor agsuz wa MAT ASMsu: a) UALS Aworl: 5AAz Wg ACU (Cosjel WBA wi Mse HUF Barer Aout on wuclls2et Aevorll GA. UL MAUD WU Ager Bud w, wdcua, otiatiMle cararluet UA WBA sAaz als Qeriefl watoterdl 22. b) AAY ULselz Aer: atitiletate, weit ct avflar zat yal (Rashtriya Raksha University - RRU) AAGA ARAL WI MBs! Hie Maw Aeun wd Maw wusere Awol tH sil SRA. B Bon RRu reuaGA egcrotl wewtasy, Mefl-Aewd, sors, a AML Maer Aouriel wae wee Usa 52d. ¢) Aart stGERa: eueGA wer ue As orator GAA sl Pott wtaa wash (wiaAs wa wutaAs Magy oA. sMeaote wg egcrt (Cos) Aot Nea UAL VX. Ai atrgla zat yMaWAen saul wack Arnott WAMA, Act GsHseB, WA WVse siarsez - aH Batt, Rais Was Meal Cas GCERT, Uc Yale saul warcit Arnett YAARB, wml ACs eau oucuusl- wrctare, ote Acute YAAR war Aracia uel} Pea Mave (preferably Exservicemen) AA Act aie Weyer urlact aGrad ua ed. Aas ryraMs wa weaNs Aarayell etrearctrarcll sat, siGRA(URMr-2) WA AH ola UYe seach wi fle caus HAUL HLL WIAL UII ACU HIE UAget B. d) dotvisni Ala 112 AAre UeutusH wa Mare eer: yori wes wa Graici2 witaAs Aare ASiGsHses), AAU wgla ur aictearrgla ALS, atoll wor Aes AAS eumieded wees wr ala zai YRaMA wa uevrl sla vu eunied ud As Are vers Asaaad wat Ao eeuct meas wrecllgct sa. F ws yale wes UA Grace HAs Aa AE GsHsEB)e] APAaet Rncette] 2A. ala Ae Met Uofluletri, Qerellda qsecluiel vd» wrevni uRAd seat wd Mees all cut qoreicll ua wwe) Bowl ue24 6. BU Br AW Meat ¢ al az yell uaa’ AH AH As Ana wa Mattel uta Al} iy uz ly ML2 YSatUi wad, GReet rir Qaeda GuARell Awueaeell, weete] Masza seatell avictt, sial sala atuid, year Ret Aaa, UUs war ciaoticis slatcall, euhs eegMell we, aleal MA UUs AU Setcelell ure sl Laiell wits WA ous Yat UA. ary at seated 2a. 2) 2230 Hele Hace Ulred Seu UZ MUL: WL MAUD Vaal Aelell ielctot MAM YElot SVal U talot Bet $22 F eselaly wR EA. B rrflar Barat lA 2ozoet wojrittori Marella Aree Usstalel Atel sat WIZ Avy 2A. a atale, Het Wa UR-eett Yo Asmat uz tautet Bet 52a, F QareMlAAa Aout valol Asia we wARs, wis wa alas _ AA Guide 52a, Sal AD aizataz, welaesd WA Wella Aaa si2BeT oicuaar ~ He Aref arictada usa. f) MoMA UGMA U2 Ue: 2alaGA egeuni cued sicel ARs ea Awad yar wleAlst yeor AL UGA UL IMAM wiciarAct, Gee WA MARS crcl ugMrd ea MARS WA MAAS AGA WZ Mat, ct oAt, WGVAz ti wa ugMed ad Fl wer EMU st2BeT ue weal wewacz ugMedl aia cumsett caSArcctett Ualoll ASH UA wore UMOUMet athe U2 AULA ce YSaUAi Wad. 2eUaGA 2ACUHI National Cadet Corps (NCC) $@Wallet Anant wad. Qasllwa anol Aortett Wal wgVeuc WefAlz crcl weuc MS MPse wrsoral stat wearer Mad y wyuAel Au Asal 2a. staBel niote alot wa AA: zauaGa agcwri Maeda aizag, wtlaesd, Wella Rad, Meals, SoA Rae, uictdls AMAA, WAGs AsMAA ae ani daar AAU HoulAet sr2BeToll tH 12 Doe Aa rote ler wa Auactall srauni wad. aur MEU MaAULA SrA HULA eel gepaited UA Aerial Box DSsal (noayoll yaa Ulauri cust Actol WAL. UL U2 Aerie Bou W3srfl (noa), Ayset UAL Rated, ours Aad WA wile Ua AAI steBT ctocae w2 Reusllada AR, mua wi AArw eraqaene we szaui wed. h) Udet Ev, yeati set Wal Wleectl: GSHSEB atloUeM Hott at ellen aot ardor MA Auet Actas WA HAA HSM GIA Es UNsotl eMUatel YIAA Hse 35 secu WIN USA UA Aotlal WAL. MAL ULozctlotl Gu MewMell vuctA szeu wL2 Gujarat School Quality Accreditation Council (GSQAC) all AHA Ut MUTUAL] Yeuisot WEL SAL iad, i) WeRse eurtlera stat caus aizuctet: Are] Acer Mse usorat sai yor y aus Aa sari waa Pui wat Aareuet, LeiQs, UoaUAd2 ugMed, eGuNMor Aa wa $5 AedwDee, TWA MIS RarwAee, RsrGo1 WA otugiisla ceraaauust, ctolloll Raed, wees sGodSlor wa SoutrMett ACU WA YAAdt atctarzet wet WMA Bat Art cya AM AAEotalla WM WA Yor Ars AA eumed Aue seauni wed. SAM YEA UA S22: Wese usotelel wut AAsatet uBet yal aan ul wa MEA@WSs wWewetdell AAA Ur Hal. LEA rig us sMavcizall euntedel sAAaa Ba Red uaie src Wese user wa saz s2a. satel aed wa Acad wes SLA WLU Ma ots seauni Waa. B sale seifell cudliall au ark wd wcii BBA. BAL ALL2 sl UU UUMAMl Uactrlot MAM wopUle selzed areouUT aly coud asta. anal? aS wd siveubdaa WBe ua AAaa WRe : AHA MALTA Aol Maer sui ougisla WA wa sialugAd doa La katLot ALicdLef VE. AHL MUMUBTA Moz oii Fler carcraauuet wa Baro Yee} K) Wet Seq USA WLU Sele ewe Nest cAz2gall ULret All esrtetl aieclai ca UWA aHaicd as ud gwouaa We uA AMaa WReniel uaz ad Ua Ula MBerell Cys Ua a vdeti wate ysael Mara Bettas, yrret URL lal SAUL BLA. Arvettett Mcfleoiell allow caer seatefl 2A. (Av) Be Wa wte Rls: © Ug wud UMou ougisla aeilou aBeri RoBi wal wz Moe ae Aoreuseaad saci Ula. Aarell Ae oF AsUnal 254 Be 8s: 09-2202-02-110-01 (EDN-18)Hiell €2 SALEM As ator sue AA] Ysani waa. 2 ours wa BRec Soslegsue, ARR, Aa@s wr Mar-dawlls eigell avast Asouaaiol wares, ctollell wate, MOUASH WA EUAN? YRULMetl Da voiQa Marcia nites wr sop rye a#dcu wel uae Raat Aauelladed aivanel wA Maret Aust aia wcriell wa seal waa. apeaTor SIGCRAA A WT Mula Aat UA oleate URAL WA Hawa Uz Gell acl genre vieja wal FIs sectell Url B. * Uadlutet Deeitet Aral WA Aslaell esi A Fez seated aell Ala cl A UA we UI WEA Ancl Aateu A. ow rig weed sraied acd ual Fa arlell vierwula Maraiwa wutllet wer etteti Paul wiz aMlartet giNaeUi Ula aizell relent seated 2A. © Wade SUL HZ Yorttet MavAA vuellet aq teu woul outa anui uatlet werwurtla Maas sacl Aatefl 2a. 2 UL BAe] WA eye Arstetl All Vey avidl-amict allo] USetl BAA, URUAL MA Mandel Morais yor Mad ucuMell szate] 22a. 2 WL HA Wor HAAG yieell wor Sq WE Guallor 5A ast otal. cract Zell 25H aN WME AS Seettell 2a. UL Sead Aaitstefl AM suis sida Ue Uesteel seul AAU 2E/0E/202 2all Al UZ HAE HAA Woda sai weal B. ea eet Gu wa, = Aaa Aeuor, Yewecetott APAUrcrsflett A Ua gsuell, ya, } Ulot ArAULcAslett UAasll, Atwoicet, Hitlers. > widtet wall, Hot. yvet rllale] sialcar, aH aiga-a, wMarciaatitlletsie. & wait weal, uot 4AM (cttatt)e| siatciar, aH aigar-a, waver aiitiletore > Ml yva Aasllett vic AAs, acaeaithetie, & UNs rir1t Ua, uot rile Meee] sialaas, TAH aiger-a, UAaeta aiitlletae rirrtet UAaal, wet 2.5.rilsl Made] stalae, Br ¥ga-2, wAarcte dtithletae > UMaall out Aeusi, AAaucariiheirx2, UR Hetlestesl Aaa), uMarceriitlletare ea > wMaslULA wa w.@), Bacar. > Ceurssll, ccerr,Asee-22, aiitlletate > saul, ala 2eu yaMA,, aileaz > sau, wud yAaMA, Hduew > wWs aAasl(WLA), Aa AcurwAaca,riitller. ee Raza, WAM SAA AS o.€/4, SL Mare Hsett earet, rtieMlert2. > was Mag Mauisel sd ols cire, A Harry Het ctaat, Yea 2x, atitlera2 Re VUese starseral wit Meu wMauctell sA4 Aser-vg, aielle1. waall, ywrict weaMs Maret ols, As22-r0,211tlleta12. > cour BeaMaqusiAlsled (sAaeal, aude sa wWesay > UA RAAAA UAsiAsMea, (sAael, adel sAA wWesay > AsiGeee vorzcsll, were /awAe. > ave au Aaa AcuspaMacaartitherr-2. wd.AAa. Aaa Aout aitheie wana, xielerre@aq Aeuriell Aciwuse Guz v v wudls seat HI2). > eu Base side. > uae Asact WAsidslel MAse sie . uRAre-1 Aare Meio star Wese wdeizr yA arf cuns dle amu wal ysaraurt ELA we BUA Ys Ul MBse ulsotal ater Goracumi wad, ele Alege ouster aT crs Qarall aA Wese udorala ysaouri wteicll WsH 2H wet AsRor wala udlel anati nee 522. etteuslar arf 2022-23 HIE oUns El6 €75,000/- (213 Man UMA Srt2)ofl Geis UTS 254 AD See srai Vater ct BS UZ BULULCHL BALEAAL, BAL CUS E16 25204 EAT 7H ell als aU a szanti maa. al UA Malet Meatlsor loti 8s oun ME sre 2sHed Guear Mas we UD WA MLUsot UA UL ¥ Sato VBA, Woe AS ual Sef LZ Ae Guear sal asta dl. A VWIDeU resi srt clare 2 WA 3 Meueett Uo os AD Wwe Sect 4 BEL B Wal oll GuaTlar crt Ys victolet waz yor sal asta. Aauell Re wi Gras 254, MA YWAG Ss yw ATAct seaui wil B: ont sual. Maret 25H (8) 1 | gs Des NA AAwde2 - afl wa wig 20,000 2 | aartuisell ug Ue qtulatel UEUtASH UGA HI2 AMw Mais wer wezUet | 24,000 datgell UU 3 | Maid wa wtaruct zig Veatsd wa cue 6,000 4 | cAlot Alor aerged wal - ad 22lg, AsyBA, AV DAw ee aig WA wericl uate | 6.0074 5 fanuzsin ua anal sluz, Awol, Abalo.ej wUes4 WA WAAL BrUAell waaell | 2500 a, Fr a 6 | Baretdl, wsayectal, YA (MaMa wer azar cuclly wa weal Mary Asas 4,000 7 | Manelled wa aatg Hz ctoflol Y@UA, Hstot WA Ate ULE LAL 1,000 B | LALdA Wr AOU Hstot career - ALAA via wig ABet EGAAAl esi | 1,000 AMewHatet 9 | Aa MA US Aa, mules udlaual, slecer Ast AD? ell wea ug. 5,000 10 | aizaiel, BHetAAdt, NCC, 26162 UCTS ATA cratell cuc{ly HLBeN Wek 5,500 yA arf Aauell dle get See uRMre - 2 araletar siG—Ra Aa ae wMaall, was wa weal Maier (wtza) Pie | sRaveiz vg agcat (weet aa) sau raat Dre YARD, ala eat YRAA, aula [Rawisst, wes Wag Rane sad aidleor wsall, ccert, aithetare | euuatall cuctedl As aat, meta wataiatall ate nieas HA Griae MAAS Mays — Be Wee siadseaal, wa Was, ai seul vat Are VARA aud yMaTA Wee Magder Lan Sage ies earch eT Fi amtacneti eye Te NSN EE PRS Weegee, augifla ucieste, Aa Aeust su uR@rw -3 Wes2 weed useot NA aac a uel | sMatet2 alg egeet (cos) (exten 2 | aqeararstl, yovatct HULAAs wel G dai? HLeAMs Mara ods 3 | Paursal, was Baer Rawrisell 5 AA aioe ne ~ | 4 | Ravissl, GCERT, atitletaiz 4 al 5 [ae mese stedsezal, wi Dau, aitleoe Pees ey [e"| sd citied ace acetee oe a 7 | aeflar 2att yawlalet YARD Mies tiir i 8 | GaeMe-1 iy et ms a 9 | Maalae-2- pe etn WOURS curled (Social Partnership) stat RUMAH 2A UGA Beat az seu oitola wet UsI2, Aaa Aes BLA G2 SHis: MNOL-9 219-US.9(UL.GL)-9L4 UAaiecra, atielletare ttdlut:e 2/06/2023 dma: | CA) Yreiet HRSLz, Maret etiar Sater suis» aaol-aeas-usa(ULSL.a-oLe ALAA/1O/2ORZ (2) sMarerzsll euarteretl SQA ct. 22/06/2028 ol UA suis: AMrw euviseet UGA /2023-2¥/9992 HURL Bata: Matar Aeustett t..2/10/ 20220 veel eld sara Yr wri UUs GuMerdl( Social Partnership) alzt areini atl UGA ager alg Seale] Saidauati Waa B Aenea Aen Bar wur awa we saani war UMejZU WEA Fg satel Alec UIsIeMlell ABA Aue snr ell. F UA sMaoteal sucurdell sXeu sect 2 Yrotell ErUactell sLAMYdsA AeueUA A Got Srteotl oA yoroLu Festal Salle} Bell Srcatni WA B a "WMRse wdetai” 6A ual "rat UGA ager AMAA" Al] Wawa. 2 God Seidel Pores ciote- 22, As eet wweL Uslzell Asleted oD Yor WHA Seale 2A. + AM aetetl MA AUctot MeL AHO, YS vial alual AAA wae Great wt, Mea Bou zat aA Meual euniedal Mae xs Ayer waa udlatett ARe Gaeni wma war zat aGa agewni uaa AnAc Aurela aga augue BUUA, v4 Bauelled AHA VAL ANAC eau AEA aearodl HL saad. sMeteresl aol SAA ala Fa Aas arbi A eraui Yael aiguucad Aaelleda A euGaz wuuciril wed. Matelfed ener Hell yseiell ui wi aiGeeed Gua’ S20. 2au aUGA agcat M2 Uriel Wed UALeMg RAWR|E yn Seco WARE aad wer Marans yor Asdlor wal 62 asd. augudla af 2022-23 He sd wad Would fAinell Me a. 04,000 (W2DAe wm 2) eHVALA ead a A ttoual mide tore otten Mer eadell be qi ox ott 8 atueearat) wierd AU AULAL Hata aio NULL Helets yriotet UMS gate, WU UOSAIGoA, YAN WILE EL vat WLTSMT aUdte ul we Bagudl sMerorzAll eumLadell SAMA secon 2A MEUM orlenri seal wader Fegia Cell yn Oeteell Morcusaili ampaityes PAU MUA cil] USA. WL YUU Sect Monde aeve sulsell gist UR Aesizal sewed AMOS 06/202 cil UE HLA Hal viel H1sLe WSL WA B. YVHetotl MHUUctaflett ott wel esuell. Buf NRA) atte HAC, Aa oust. wa, + Mlet WAU HMletAAaal, avoicot, ailleraz ve vist ADerall, toto Hollalle stalerar, eal aiga-a w@aueta, atklletare. > dart ABs, wer valal(ougytye) stalera, eau aga-a AAaraarilore > wtetypar aMaslett vioid ABaal, aMarce,aitlleare > als vii UBeall, uiet Aal Maud staleter, eal alga, HBaraa,ailtlletae dist ARasll, tet a1.s.riAaAM Mad stale, ealTH aga-2, wMaucaraiterare > a@asl oun Aout, Marca axilla. > ot Hesstesll Magy, aMaraa aillerare, > aMasllUA. wa MAL), ABaucaroitllerare, > Cawrrsall, ccerrAse7-r2, a1ltlleta1e > sau avlareyMaa, aitleare Fe saul, 1gudyMaRa, HBUIgU pws aAAAN CYA), Mery Aovar Aare, ariel, > sDazsll, uae sddocis ai.c74, S. Dare Hel Heder, aiitllearz, & Was Meg Aewrsell sdMors o.42, dL. Bare HBetl eter, Yet AWA, BieLlewo1e fe Be MRse sir serall any Det UMaetell SQA Asee-y, ailet1z + aMasll, yraia miLaMs May oS, Aser-ro,aiitllerare, aunt RecuMagudsAaled (sRvevl, auauedel SQA Lega) ar Be wAstlallad, (sRaeall, aauetell 624 Mesa) DstGeee woteaall, UNELALE/ UAE, Be urn Marat ous aMarca rites. WTAE, Maa Aust sitll Wace, ditelleraie Mar Bowie Aaaide Gue wes Seal Iz). eur BAse swe. weve Y

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