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ROWE 2022

TABLE OF CONTENTS OPTIONAL RULES............................................................... 9

• Introduction ................................................................... 2 13) MISSILES......................................................................... 9
1) THE MAP BOARDS .......................................................... 2 14) OBSTACLES .................................................................... 9
2) DATA CARDS................................................................... 2 SCENARIOS........................................................................ 10
3) UNITS .............................................................................. 2
QUIZ ...................................................................................... 11
BASIC RULES ....................................................................... 3  DESIGNER’S NOTES ...................................................... 12
4) GAME OVERVIEW ........................................................... 3  CREDITS ......................................................................... 12
5) MOVEMENT (2-D INERTIAL SYSTEM) ............................ 3  TRANSLATOR’S NOTES (2022) .....................................13
6) STACKING ....................................................................... 5  TRANSLATOR’S RULES NOTES .....................................13
7) FIRE ARCS ....................................................................... 5
QUIZ ANSWERS .................................................................13
8) SHOOTING ...................................................................... 5
9) COLLISIONS .................................................................... 7
ADVANCED RULES ............................................................. 7
10) MANEUVERS................................................................... 7
11) SHOOTING (ADVANCED RULES) .................................. 8
12) COLLISIONS (ADVANCED RULES) ................................ 8

• INTRODUCTION ① Thruster Strength
This game uses a three-dimensional inertial movement Represents the unit’s maneuvering thrusters and its ability
system to recreate the space battles seen in the Super to change velocity by accelerating in six directions in the
Dimension Fortress Macross TV series. This unprecedented, horizontal plane (XY axes, movement along the map board)
unique game system should prove to be a satisfying and two directions on the vertical plane (Z axis, movement
experience for all players. through different altitudes).

1) THE MAP BOARDS ② Fire Arc

1-1) The map boards represent the vastness of outer space This alphabetic code refers to the arc of fire in which a unit
where Valkyries play a vital role in battle. may shoot at targets.
1-2) There are 6 map boards, each labeled A through F in
(Main Weapon is on the left, Sub Weapon is on the right)
the center of each board. One or more of these map boards
will be laid out to create a battlefield according to the ③ Armor Thickness
needs of the scenario being played. The effectiveness of the unit’s armor at resisting damage.
1-3) At the center of each map board, the numbers 1
④ Durability
through 6 are printed to indicate directions (*like a
The maximum number of damage points a unit can
compass rose).
withstand before being destroyed.

⑤ Fuel Load
Represents the total amount of fuel (of two types, used by
different thrusters) that the unit can carry into battle.
(M is for Maneuvering, T is for Turning)

⑥ Firepower
The shooting strengths of the unit’s weapons.
(Main Weapon and Sub Weapon are listed separately)

⑦ Ammo
2) DATA CARDS Represents how many times each weapon may shoot
Each of the various unit types has a matching data card, (ammunition).
which has an information display of different numerical
values that represent the performance of each unit. ⑧ Fuel Consumption
Represents how much fuel the unit consumes while
maneuvering, rotating, and changing altitude.
(Normal state on the left, missile-loaded state on the right)
Each unit symbol represents four possible orientations.
L H: Horizontal (Level) orientation, pilot’s Head up
L B: Horizontal (Level) orientation, airframe’s Belly up
V U: Vertical orientation, airframe’s nose Up
V D: Vertical orientation, airframe’s nose Down


4-1) This is a two-player game that may be played by up
to six players if they break the units up among two teams
of players. One side plays the U.N. Spacy Earth Macross
forces and the other plays the Zentraedi Army.
4-2) Gameplay is divided into game rounds.
4-3) Each game round is further divided into several game
phases. One turn ends when all phases are complete, then
a new turn begins.
5-13) A unit must accelerate during the ② Movement
① Movement Planning Phase Phase by the thrust amount plotted during ① Movement
Both players plan how their units will move for the turn
Planning Phase.
and writes this down in secret. Enter how much fuel is
consumed on entry form B.
A Gnerl Fighter Pod unit plotted to thrust by 5 hexes in
② Movement Execution Phase direction A must move to hex a. If it instead thrusted by 3
Both players move all their units according to their hexes in direction B, it would move to hex b.
movement plans.
③ Attack Phase
Both players may attack enemy units within line of
sight. Attacks are always considered to be
simultaneous, and all unit damage takes effect at the
same moment.


In this game, all movement follows the law of inertia
through vector motion. The Basic Rules only deal with the
XY plane (two dimensional axes) and assumes there is no
height/altitude change. The altitude level of all units is the
same. Valkryrie, Gerwalk and Gnerl Fighter Pods are always
LH. Glaug, Regult, and Battroid units are always VU.
5-2) Inertial Movement
5-1) Thrust
A unit that thrusts to a certain velocity in a certain direction
All units move by using their maneuvering thrusters. in one round will continue to move at that same velocity
5-11) Each unit applies their thrust to accelerate in one of and in the same direction in later rounds, according to the
the six hex directions during the ② Movement Phase. law of inertia. The combination of a direction and a velocity
5-12) The unit’s Thrust Strength (the maximum amount of is called a movement vector.
acceleration in one round) in each of the six possible 5-21) A unit that moved at a velocity during the previous
directions is found on the data card. 1 unit of thrust is equal round and does not thrust during the current round will
to 1 hex/round of acceleration to the unit’s velocity. continue to move at the same velocity and in the same
Example: direction as in the previous round (it retains the same
A Gnerl Fighter Pod unit, facing in the direction of A movement vector as the previous round).
(forward), can thrust up to 5 hexes in A direction (forward)
in one round. The unit may thrust up to 4 hexes in direction
B (forward right). (The Thrust Strength shown on the data If a unit thrusts by 3 hexes in the first round (moving to
card represents the maximum amount of acceleration that hex a) but does not thrust in the second round, it must
the unit may take in each direction. Therefore, in reality, the automatically move to hex b. If the unit thrusts by another
“thrust” would actually be applied in the opposite direction 3 hexes in the same direction, the unit will instead move 3
to accelerate the airframe.) hexes beyond b.
5-3) Rotation
A unit may only rotate to change its heading at the start of
its movement each round. A unit may rotate by any number
of hex sides in one round.

5-22) If a unit is moving at a velocity from a previous round

and thrusts in the same direction in the current round, the
thrust is added to the previous velocity.
In the previous round, a unit thrusted by 2 hexes (moving
to hex a). In the current round, the unit thrusts by 3 hexes
in the same direction. In the current round, the unit moves
to hex c, not hex b. This is because the new thrust of 3 is
added to the previous velocity of 2 hexes for a new
velocity of 5 hexes.
5-4) Fuel Consumption
A unit consumes fuel whenever it uses its maneuvering
thrusters to accelerate or its vernier thrusters to turn.
5-41) A unit consumes an amount of maneuvering fuel
listed under M on the data card for each hex of thrust
applied in any direction.
5-23) If a unit is moving at a velocity from a previous round Example:
in one direction and thrusts in a different direction in the
A Valkyrie that is not loaded with missiles consumes 2
current round, the thrust vector is added to the previous
units of maneuvering fuel for each hex of thrust. When it
movement vector to find the new movement vector.
accelerates by 2 hexes, it consumes 4 units of fuel.
5-42) A unit consumes an amount of turning fuel listed
A unit thrusts for 2 hexes forward in one inning and moves under T on the data card when it rotates during a turn.
to hex a. In the next round, it thrusts 1 hex in the forward However, a unit always consumes the same amount of fuel,
left direction. Following the dashed line, the previous no matter how many hex sides it rotates.
movement vector of 2 hexes forward and the new thrust Example:
of 1 hex forward left are added together and the unit
moves to hex b. If the unit does not apply further thrust, it A Valkyrie that is not loaded with missiles consumes 2
moves to hex d in the following round. If it instead applies units of fuel when rotating 60°, 120°, or 180° in one turn.
2 hexes of thrust in the forward right direction, it moves 5-43) When a fuel level reaches 0, that type of movement
to hex c. action (maneuvering thrust or turning) may no longer be

5-5) How to Plot Movement 7) FIRE ARCS
During each round’s ① Movement Planning Phase, each 7-1) A fire arc refers to the area in which a unit can shoot
player enters the moves they wish to make in the current at a target, depending on the shooting unit’s facing.
round on log sheet A.
7-2) There are five types of fire arcs in this game, labeled
A through E.
7-3) Each unit may only shoot at targets that are within
their fire arc.
7-4) Each unit may also shoot at targets that are stacked
in the same hex with it (Advanced Rules only).

8-1) Shooting is when a unit uses its firepower to attack
an enemy target within its weapon’s range and fire arc.
8-2) Each unit may only shoot at one target during the ③
Attack Phase (if a unit has both a main weapon and a sub
weapon, it still only makes one shot during a single round).
8-3) Even if multiple units shoot a single target at the
same time, each shot is handled separately.

8-4) Shooting Method

Shots are resolved on the Attack Resolution Table.
8-41) First, find the shooting weapon’s firepower. If the
target enemy unit is within the fire arcs of the shooter’s
5-6) Valkyrie Transformation main and sub weapons, the firepower of both weapons
In a single round, a Valkyrie may transform from a Fighter may be combined.
into a Gerwalk or Battroid, from a Gerwalk into a Fighter or 8-42) A weapon’s firepower changes over distance.
Battroid, or from a Battroid into a Gerwalk or Fighter.
Look up the Firepower at Range table on the data card to
5-61) To plan a transformation, mark the abbreviation of find each weapon’s power at different ranges.
the unit type on log sheet A during ① Movement Planning 8-43) After finding the final firepower, roll one die. The die
Phase. roll is modified by relative velocity modifier found on the
5-62) No thrust or rotation is allowed in the same round Relative Velocity Mod. Chart when cross-referenced with
that a unit transforms. Inertia from the previous round will the target range.
continue to move the unit along the same movement * Use the starred () column on the Relative Velocity Mod.
vector. Chart when the units are moving along the same directional
5-63) Transformation does not change a unit’s orientation. axis (either away from or toward each other).
6) STACKING 8-44) Cross-reference the shot’s firepower and the
6-1) When two or more units are placed in the same hex, modified die roll on the Attack Resolution Table to see the
this is called a stack. result of the attack.
6-2) In the Basic Rules, whenever units are stacked Example:
together, they run the risk of colliding.
Shooter: Regult ① 2nd round position
6-3) A colliding unit immediately performs a Collision
② 3rd round position
Resolution (see (9) Collisions).
Target: Valkyrie ③ 2nd round position
6-4) Units may freely pass through the same hexes during
movement. Collision resolutions are only performed at the ④ 3rd round position
end of the ② Movement Phase. The Regult (②) shoots the Valkyrie (④) in the 3rd round.
The target range is 3 hexes.

A Regult has a Firepower of 5 at target range 3. A relative
velocity of 7 at target range 3 gives a modifier of -2 on the
hit confirmation roll. Therefore, if the Regult player rolled
a 5 for hit confirmation, the roll would be modified to 2
before referencing the Attack Resolution Table.

8-5) Damage
Cross-reference the shot’s final Firepower with the
modified die roll on the Attack Resolution Table. If the
result is anything other than a “0,” the target is hit and
damage must be resolved. All damage takes effect at the
end of the round.
8-51) If the damage result is “E,” the target is eliminated.
The unit is destroyed; its counter is removed from the map.
8-52) If the damage result is a number greater than “0,”
this is the amount of damage that the target takes.
Subtract the target’s Armor Thickness from the damage
result to find the final damage result. If this final damage is
greater than zero, the target takes that many points in
damage against its durability. Tick off a number of boxes
equal to the final damage result under the target’s
Durability on log sheet B. When a unit loses its last point of
Durability, it is destroyed, and its counter is removed from
※ How to measure relative velocity
the map.
To find the relative velocity between two units,
superimpose the current movement vector of one unit
onto the movement vector of the other. The shortest A Valkyrie is shot with a damage result of 2. A Valkyrie has
range between the end points of those two vectors is an Armor Thickness of 0, so its final damage result is (2 – 0 =
equal to the relative velocity between those units for this 2) 2. The Valkyrie’s controlling player ticks off two boxes
round. from the unit’s Durability on log sheet B.

8-6) Ammo
Each time a unit shoots a weapon, the controlling player
must tick off a number of Ammo boxes equal to the
number of shots from log sheet B.
8-61) After shooting, check the Ammo column for the
weapon used. When all the squares are ticked off, the
weapon is out of ammunition and can no longer shoot.
8-62) A Valkyrie/Gerwalk/Battroid may shoot all 3 shots of
its gun pod’s ammo in one shot, combining the Firepower
of all three shots into one attack.

The Regult and Valkyrie have a relative velocity of 7.

9-1) As a Basic Rule, when multiple units end their
movement in the same hex, they are at risk of colliding.
9-2) Consult the Collision Resolution Table to check for
damage for all units involved.
9-3) Roll one die and cross reference the die roll with the
relative velocity of the units in the hex. The method of
resolving damage is the same as for the Attack Resolution
A Regult (Armor Thickness: 1) and a Valkyrie (Armor
Thickness: 0) end their movement stacked in the same hex
together. They have a relative velocity of 5 and a die roll of
4 gives 3 points of damage.
Regult: 3 (damage) – 1 (Armor) = 2
Valkyrie: 3 (damage) – 0 (Armor) = 3
9-4) If three or more units end their movement stacked in
the same hex together, use the highest relative velocity
between any two units when rolling on the Collision
Resolution Table.

With the Advanced Rules, perfect three-dimensional 10-21) Each orientation has different thrust values for
movement is achieved by adding the Z-axis to the game. accelerating in each of the 6 directions in the horizontal
Now, players must consider each unit’s altitude when plane and 2 directions along the vertical axis.
planning their movement.
10-3) Changing Orientation (Loop and Roll)
10) MANEUVERS In the Advanced Rules, two new turning moves, looping
10-1) Z-Axis and rolling, are added in addition to rotating.
All movement in the Basic Rules deals only with the two- 10-31) A loop is when a unit pitches its nose up or down to
dimensional X and Y axes of the flat coordinate plane of the freely change its orientation from vertical to horizontal (or
map. The Avanced Rules add the vertical Z axis, allowing for vice versa) by 90° (quarter loop) or 180° (half loop).
three-dimensional movement.
LH (Level, Heads Up)  VU (Vert. Up)  LB (Belly Up)
10-11) Vertical altitudes are represented as XY planes
LH (Level, Heads Up)  VD (Vert. Down)  LB (Belly Up)
measured by their distance from the 0 (zero) Z coordinate.
LB (Level, Belly Up)  VU (Vert. Up)  LH (Heads Up)
Altitude ranges from 0 up to infinity and from 0 down to
negative infinity. LB (Level Belly Up)  VD (Vert. Down)  LH (Heads Up)

10-12) Each unit has two types of vertical thrusters (+ and -) 10-32) A roll is when a unit inverts its orientation by rolling
for accelerating up or down in altitude. along its forward axis.

10-13) Movement in the vertical Z axis is handled by the law LH (Heads Up)  LB (Belly Up)
of inertia, just like movement in the XY plane. LB (Belly Up)  LH (Heads Up)
10-2) Orientation 10-4) Changing Orientation and Maneuvering
In the Advanced Rules, there are four directions of In one inning, a unit may change orientation (rotate, loop,
orientation: two in the level flight state (LH and LB) and or roll) twice and use maneuvering thrusters (horizontal or
two in the vertical state (VU and VB). (See (2) Data Cards). vertical) once OR change orientation once and use
maneuvering thrusters twice.

10-41) A unit cannot perform the same orientation change Example:
(turning maneuver) action twice in one round. (Combining The horizontal relative velocity between the two units is 7.
a rotate with a loop, a rotate with a roll, or a loop with a roll
Regult: 2nd round, altitude: 2
in one round is OK, but not two rotates, two loops, or two
rolls). 3rd round, altitude: 3
10-42) A unit cannot activate two vertical thrusters or two Vertical velocity: +1
horizontal thrusters in the same round. A unit may combine Valkyrie: 2nd round, altitude: 6
activating one horizontal thruster and one vertical thruster
3rd round, altitude: 4
in one round.
Vertical velocity: -2
10-43) As with the Basic Rules, maneuvering consumes fuel.
In this case, the vertical relative velocity is 3. This is added
Maneuvering thrusters (horizontal/vertical acceleration)
to the horizontal relative velocity of 7 to give a final
consume M fuel.
relative velocity in the Advanced Rules of 10.
Turning actions (rotates, loops, and rolls) consume T fuel.
Log Sheet A Entry Examples:
10-5) Record all vertical maneuvers on log sheet B.
A Gerwalk in LH (Level, Heads Up) orientation. Current
vertical thrust power is +5 and -1.
Start Altitude: 0 11) SHOOTING (ADVANCED RULES)
There is no change to the shooting rules in the Advanced
Vertical Velocity: 0
Rules except with regards to fire arcs and the vertical axis.
1st Round Applies +1 Vertical Thrust
11-1) Fire Arcs
Altitude: 1
In addition to the 5 types of fire arcs in the horizontal plane
Vertical Velocity: +1 (designated A through E), there are 3 types of fire arcs in
2nd Round No thrust the vertical axis (f, u, and d) in the Advanced Rules.
Altitude: 2 f: May shoot targets at any altitude
Vertical Velocity: +1 u: May only shoot targets at higher altitudes
3rd Round Applies +1 Vertical Thrust d: May only shoot targets at lower altitudes
Altitude: 4 11-2) Target Range
Vertical Velocity: +2 The Advanced Rules include the vertical distance between
4 Round If the unit does not thrust, the altitude shooter and target when measuring target range. 1 level of
will climb to 6 altitude difference equals 1 additional hex of target range.

Thrust/ Example:
Round Altitude
Velocity If a Regult’s altitude is 3, a Valkyrie’s altitude is 4, and the
S 0
horizontal distance between the two is 3 hexes. The
1 1 +1 / +1 altitude difference of 1 is added to the horizontal range.
2 2 0 / +1 The final target range is (3 + 1 = 4) 4 hexes.
10-6) Relative Velocity (Advanced Rules) 12-1) In the Advanced Rules, units only need to roll on the
Collision Resolution Table if they are in the same hex and at
In the Advanced Rules, the relative velocity in the Z
the same altitude. The method of resolving collisions is the
(vertical) axis is added to the relative velocity in the XY
same as in the Basic Rules. Don’t forget to add the units’
(horizontal) plane.
vertical velocity when determining the relative velocity.

13) MISSILES 13-4) Missile Flight
13-1) Missiles may be used with the Advanced Rules. Missiles may only be launched in the same direction that
The missile capacity for each unit is as follows: the launching unit is facing. During the first round that a
missile unit is launched, only fill in the initial thrust amount.
Valkyrie: 2 mid-range missiles
13-41) Missiles move the same way as other units.
Glaug: 2 short-range missiles
13-41) Missiles move by their initial thrust amount during
Regult: 2 mid-range missiles
the first round they are launched. Missiles also inherit the
[A Valkyrie should be required to launch any missiles before inertial velocity of their launching unit and will continue to
transforming into a Battroid (where the wings are folded move by their inherited movement vector + thrust vector in
in), but this is not stated anywhere in this game. – Ed.] the following rounds.
13-2) A unit loaded with missiles uses the missile-loaded Example:
Fuel Consumption rates listed on its data card instead of
A Valkyrie launches a missile during the 3rd round.
the normal Fuel Consumption rate.
13-3) When using missiles in a game, new phases are
added to the game round.

① Movement Planning Phase

② Movement Execution Phase
③ Missile Movement Planning Phase
④ Missile Movement Execution Phase
13-5) Missile Attack Resolution
⑤ Missile Interception Phase
⑥ Attack Phase An exploding missile attacks enemy units in the same hex
and at the same altitude.
※ Phases ① and ② are the same as in the Basic Rules.
Mid-range missile Firepower: 10.
13-31) ③ Missile Movement Planning Phase
Short-range missile Firepower: 6.
Each player plots the movement of their missiles being
launched in this round and their missiles that were There is no modifier to the die roll during a missile attack.
launched in previous rounds. Record missile movement on 13-6) Missiles do not collide with each other and do not
log sheet A. cause each other to explode, even if they are in the same
13-32) ④ Missile Movement Execution Phase hex and at the same altitude. Do not perform a missile vs.
missile Collision Resolution or Attack Resolution.
Move each missile unit according to its movement plan.
13-33) ⑤ Missile Interception Phase
14-1) Large rocks floating in outer space (asteroids) act as
Players may use their own units to shoot at and intercept obstacles in this game.
missile units. Units that shoot during this phase may not
14-2) At the end of the ② Movement Phase, any unit in the
shoot in the following ⑥ Attack Phase.
same hex (and altitude, if using the Advanced Rules) as an
13-33) ⑥ Attack Phase asteroid unit must roll for a chance of a collision with the
Units that did not shoot in the previous phase may now asteroid.
shoot at targets. Also, any missile in the same hex and 14-3) Asteroids are always considered to be stationary and
altitude as an enemy unit explodes. As always, all combat are treated as if they have an Armor Thickness of 2.
and damage is simultaneous.
14-4) If an asteroid takes 4 or more points of damage, it is
destroyed, and its counter is removed from the map.

Scenario Guidelines ◎ Victory Conditions

All units must remain on the map. Any unit that moves off Whichever side destroys all enemy units before the
of the map is considered to be destroyed in regard to scenario ends is the winner.
victory conditions and cannot return to the game. ◎ Expanded Scenario
SCENARIO 1  Valkyrie vs. Regult (for Basic Rules) Once you are familiar with the game, try giving 2
◎ Map Boards missiles each to the Valkyrie and Glaug.

SCENARIO 3  Valkyrie vs. Gnerl (any rules)

◎ Map Boards (Expanded Scenario) ◎ Map Boards

◎ Units in Scenario ◎ Units in Scenario

Valkyrie x 1 (place freely on map board A) Valkyrie x 1 (place freely on map board A)

Regult x 1 (place freely on map board B) Gnerl x 1 (place freely on map board B or E)

◎ Scenario Length ◎ Scenario Length

Scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds. Scenario lasts for a maximum of 7 rounds.

◎ Victory Conditions ◎ Victory Conditions

Whichever side destroys all enemy units before the The Zentraedi player wins if the Valkyrie is destroyed.
scenario ends is the winner. Otherwise, the U.N. Spacy player wins.

◎ Expanded Scenario  Special Rule: Unmanned Fighter Pods

Once you are familiar with the game, try the same The Gnerl Fighter Pods are all unmanned and can only
scenario with a larger map and three units per side. apply thrust (maneuver and change altitude) on odd-
numbered rounds. However, they may shoot during
every round.
SCENARIO 2  Valkyrie vs. Glaug (for Advanced Rules)
◎ Map Boards

◎ Units in Scenario
Valkyrie x 1 (place freely on map board A)
Glaug x 1 (place freely on map board B or E)
◎ Scenario Length
Scenario lasts for a maximum of 6 rounds.

This page of exercises will guide you in playing the game PROBLEM 3  Relative Velocity
and testing your knowledge of the rules. If you can solve all The Valkyrie and Glaug move as described in Problems 1 and
these problems correctly, you will be invincible in the game. 2 with their relative positions shown in the figure below.
Give it a try when you are confident in the rules.
What are the relative velocities of both units during each
PROBLEM 1  Two-Dimensional Movement round? Answer for both Basic Rules (ignoring Glaug’s
A Valkyrie moved as shown in the figure below. How would altitude changes) and Advanced Rules.
you plot the Valkyrie’s movement to cause it to move in this
manner? The Valkyrie is loaded with missiles.

PROBLEM 2  Three-Dimensional Movement

A Glaug unit moves as shown in the figure below. Altitude is PROBLEM 4  Shooting
shown for each round. How would you plot the Glaug’s The Valkyrie shoots the Glaug in the second round. If the
movement to cause it to move in this manner? How much die roll is 5, how much damage does the Glaug take?
fuel does this movement consume? The Glaug’s orientation Answer for both Basic and Advanced Rules.
is always LH (level flight, heads up). * The Glaug is loaded
with missiles. The Valkyrie shoots with both its main and sub weapons
(gun pod shoots one round of ammo).

* Quiz answers are found on the following pages.

* Note that the six horizontal directions are labeled A

through F in this quiz, even though the six directions are
labeled on the game’s map board as 1 through 6.

 DESIGNER’S NOTES In this Dogfight game, we also designed the rules around
The 3D inertial movement system used in this, the first physics. One problem is determining relative velocity and
game in the Macross series, HG-016 Dogfight: The Game of distance.
Space Dogfight in Macross [1983], is a system I’ve been As you can see in this illustration,
thinking about ever since I designed Solomon [HG-003 Velocity 2 at Distance 2 is at the
Mobile Suit Gundam: New Type [Tsukuda Hobby, 1981], same vector angle as Velocity 1 at
known in Japanese as ソロモン攻略戦, or “Siege of Distance 1.
Solomon,” instead of “New Type” – Ed.] last year.
“Relative Velocity and Distance
In Solomon, I decided that shooting combat rules should be Correction” allows one to express
the focus of the game. So, the movement rules were this angular velocity.
simplified. When I design a game, I like to focus on a
The matter is still far from perfect.
specific aspect. For Dogfight, I focused on the movement,
It’s still a challenge for future game
so I designed a new 3D inertial movement system.
I first thought about this 3D inertial movement system
The 3D inertial movement system in this game blows my
when I was designing an actual space battle game [note
mind [or, “confuses me” – Ed.], even as the designer.
that “actual game” is a Japanese term for simulation games
Altitude changes are important, but they are also
that use scale miniatures on a simulated battlefield, as
confusing. So, I recommend that beginning players start
opposed to board games like this one – Ed.] before
with 2D movement. It’s difficult until you can master the
Solomon. Since it was an actual game and not a board
rules in 2D. But playing the game shouldn’t constantly
game, it was nearly impossible to reproduce three
require flipping through the rule book. You can’t play a
dimensions (altitude differences), and the inertial
game quickly if you are doing that kind of thing (it just isn’t
movement was very complicated. It was impossible to play
playable, is it? Mr. Everyman ΟοΟ). Once you understand
without a programmable calculator.
the game system, you won’t need to constantly consult the
Inertial movement, which is quite complicated in actual game rules. I think that is the most important thing I am
games, becomes easier with a board game. This is partly designing the game for.
because I’ve managed to deal with acceleration and partly
The 2nd installment of the Macross series, HG-018 City Fight
to do with hexes. Rotating 187 degrees of direction and
[Tsukuda Hobby, 1983], is planned to simulate the urban
moving so many centimeters and millimeters in an actual
battle seen in the first episode. I’m looking forward to it.
game can be expressed easily in hexes by combining
vectors in three coordinate axes. THQ: Atsutoshi Okada

As for 3D, it can be handled relatively easily in a board game  CREDITS

by plotting movement. Game Design: Atsutoshi Okada
Coordinator: Kazutoyo Ishii + 1
I struggled and finally created an inertial movement system
Package Illustration: Masao Satake
last year, only to discover that GDW had perfected such a
Printing: Futaba Industrial Printing Co., Ltd.
system back in 1974! I was very surprised when I saw
Triplanetary: The Game of Interplanetary Warfare [GDW, Unofficial Translator and Editor: Tony A. Rowe
1973. Okada probably became aware of the game’s 2nd
edition version, Triplanetary: Space Combat in the Solar
System 2001 [GDW, 1981] when it was featured in an article
about GDW [“GDW: Visit the Future,” by Shunichi
Takanashi] in the Japanese magazine, Tactics [issue 4,
July/August 1982]. Note that Steve Jackson Games has now
published a third edition of the game as Triplanetary: The
Classic Game of Space Combat [Steve Jackson Games,
2018]]. But Triplanetary has a two-dimensional movement

 TRANSLATOR’S NOTES (2022) 5-6) Valkyrie Transformation – The original rule book
[Editor/translator notes and commentary appear in square listed some Valkyrie transformation options in (5-6) and
brackets like this throughout the text. – Ed.] some in (5-64). I combined all options in one location and
eliminated (5-64). Also, the original game used the term
* Additional clarifications added by the editor that do not
“Valkyrie” for both the unit’s name and the fighter
from the original rule books are marked with an asterisk
transformation. I added the term “Fighter” to specify when
(*), like this.
referring to the fighter transformation state of a Valkyrie.
The Valkyrie’s “Sub Weapon” is the head-mounted anti-
Scenario 3 – The expanded rules for Scenario 3 in the
aircraft laser cannon (or cannons, depending on the VF-1
original rule book suggests adding 2 missiles to the Regult
unit. However, there is no Regult in the scenario.
When translating, I worked to preserve the flavor of the
original text as much as possible. There are a few
modifications for clarity, noted here.
Glaug Fuel Consumption – There was no separate Fuel
Consumption rate for a missile-loaded Glaug. This was
different from every other unit that can carry missiles. Also,
the quiz answer for problem 2 gave an incorrect fuel
consumption rate. I based the new missile-loaded rate on
the calculations deduced from the quiz answer.

* Do not read this section until you’ve taken the quiz on the See figure below for Valkyrie’s position and orientation for
previous pages. each round.

PROBLEM 1  Two-Dimensional Movement

Plot Example:
Thrust 1 hex in direction A A–1
Turn right one hex side (60°) R 60

Fuel Consumption:
Maneuvering Fuel 21 M
Turning Fuel 6T

PROBLEM 3  Relative Velocity

PROBLEM 2  Three-Dimensional Movement

Fuel Consumption:
Maneuvering Fuel 16 M
Turning Fuel 3T

Altitude Plot:

[Note that the above velocity values (tracking previous PROBLEM 4  Shooting
round’s velocity) are plotted differently than how you are
instructed to do so in the example in (5-6) (tracking current
round’s velocity). – Ed.]

If you were able to answer quiz problems 1-4 perfectly, you

should feel confident in your ability to play this first game in
the Macross series, Dogfight.


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