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QUES A B C D ans

A __________is a list of instructions, telling the computer None of the

what to do Process Program Machine above B
In a mainframe computer the Host processor Other processors and All of the
manages_________ User Interfaces Data Storage peripheral devices above C
Single-user computers fall into _____categories 2 3 4 5 A
None of the
Workstations are commonly used for ________ CAM CAD CAE above B
Super Mini
Which computers are also known as "Super micro"? computers Mainframes Workstations Computers C
The capability of microcomputers that enables switching Multiprogramm
between multiple tasks is known as _______ Multiprocessing ing Time Sharing Multitasking D
Special-purpose palmtops that keep phone directories
and calendars and also provide calculator capabilities are Personal Digital None of the
known as_________ Laptops Assistants Docking Stations above B
Object-Oriented Programming is a concept of
_______generation of computers. First Second Third Fourth D

The device that is roughly the size of a postage stamp and

is present at the core of the computer is__________ RAM ROM CPU Hard disk C
The ________of the CPU sends command signals to the
other components of the system ALU RAM IR CU D
Arthmetic Calculations and Data manipulations are
performed by_____ ALU RAM IR CU A
Which of the following is not a key element of the
computing process? Hardware Software People Information D
All of the
Logical operations of the ALU include comparison of Numbers Letters Special Characters above D
Primary All of the
Memory associated with CPU is called Primary Storage Memory Main Storage above D
The loaded programs and software get stored in
_____memory ROM RAM Flash SAM B
The opposite of RAM is _____ ROM RAM Flash SAM D
Serial Access Stand Alone None of the
SAM stands for_________ Memory Memory Special Access Memory above A
__________memory comes with instructions
permanently stored inside. ROM RAM Flash SAM A

The main purpose of which memory is to accelerate the

working of the computer while keeping its price low ROM Cache memory SAM RAM B
Flash memory is a solid state memory TRUE FALSE A
None of the
Refreh Rate of a monitor is measured in, Hertz Gigaflop Megaflop above A
A fast line printer can print as many as ________ lines per
minute. 3500 3000 4000 1500 B
The number system used in computers is ______ Decimal Octal Binary Hexadecimal C
__________is a network of satellites that helps users None of the
determines a location on Earth. SAN VLAN GPS above C

_________mouse is exclusively used for graphics program T1 T3 T17 T4 C

_________is a popular pointing device for portable None of the
computers Track ball Joystick Mouse above A
For entering drawings and sketches into the computer None of the
________device is used Digitising Tablet Joystick Track ball above A
All of the
The drum scanners rely on _______technology CCD CAD PMT above C
Scanners used to scan large sheets of loose papers are
__________ Flat bed Drum Sheet Fed Hand held C
Which device is used in various competitive
examinations? OCR OMR BCR MICR B

Supermarkets use a bar code system called the ________ UPC UPS POS BCR A
All of the
Different shades of gray are displayed in a ______monitor Monochrome Gray scale Color above B
Monochrome Monochrome None of the
MDA stands for ________ Display Adapter Display Array Mono Display Adapter above A
_________is not a General Purpose Software Tally MS Word MS Excel PowerPoint A
Monitors that are 16 0r more inches diagonally are often Full screen Full Page None of the
called ________ monitors monitors Large screen monitors above B
characters per
Bandwidth is measured in_____ bytes per sec bits per sec pages per minute sec A
The printers that are used in most calculators and fax
machines are ______printers Dot matrix Inkjet Laser Thermal D
Which of the given device is used in engineering
applications where precision is mandatory? Printer Plotter Graphics Tablet MICR B
None of the
Based on data access auxiliary devices are ________ sequential random both a & b above C
Universal Serial Universal Server Universal Serially Universal
USB stands for_______ Bus Bus accessed Bus Standard Bus A
______________is one billion floating-point arithmetic None of the
operations per second. Megaflop Gigaflop Flop above B
Multiprogrammi Multithreadin
The Mainframe computers exhibit______________. ng Multitasking Multiprocessing g A
Ultra Large
Ultra Line Scale Scale Ultra Large Scale Ultra Large
ULSI stands for, Integration Integration Integrator Scale Integer B
_______________is used for easy and fast information
storage in such devices as digital cameras and home
video game consoles. Cache Memory Flash Memory RAM ROM B
For giving a public presentation, which software would be MS
used? Tally MS Word MS Excel PowerPoint D
___________scanners are more secure biometric
authentication schemes when compared to the other
devices. Iris Face Finger Voice A

____________ are examples of sequential-access media. Magnetic tapes Hard Disk Pen Drive CD A
None of the
Tapes are sometimes called ____________. streamers streaming tapes both a & b above C
Million Bytes Million Bits Per Multiple Bytes Per None of the
MBPS stands for _________________. Per Second Second Second above A
All of the
__________come with data already encoded onto them. CD-R CD-ROMS CD-RW above B
A __________drive consists of a NAND-type fl ash
memory data storage device integrated with a USB
(Universal Serial Bus) interface. Flash drive DVD CD Hard disk A
Data and Data and Hardware and People and
The systems model describes the relationship between Information Procedures Software Procedures A
Which characteristic of information indicates that
information is condensed into a usable length Relevant Timely Concise Complete C
The aerospace, automotive,chemical,electronics and Supercomputer Embedded
petroleum industries use__________computers Mainframes s Micro Computers Computers B
Dividing a complex task among several processing units is Multiprogramm
known as Multitasking ing Multiprocessing Time Sharing C
Lotus Symphony & Resolver One are examples of Processing Spreadsheet Presentation
____________. package Package DBMS Software B
The name must
begin with
Names can be 1 either a letter Names can
to 255 or an Names cannot be valid contain
Which of the following is not a rule for Naming ranges? characters long underscore cell addresses exclamation D
_______ is a Union Operator used in MS Excel. : , ; C
Which of the following operators has the highest
precedence in MS Excel 2010? : , & % A
___________category of functions in Excel are used to Maths and
calculate absolute values, cosines, logarithms, etc. Financial Statistical Trignometrical Database C
______is the interest rate received for an investment
consisting of payments (negative values) and income
(positive values) that occur at regular periods. IRR PMT FV PV A
Which of the following functions are used to calculate the
loan instalments? PV PV PMT IRR C
Initial cost of Salvage value of None of the
In the SLN function, the argument LIFE corresponds to? the asset the asset Useful life of the asset above C
FACT(5) =______ 0 120 -120 #Num Error B
MOD(-6,-4) returns -2 1 2 #DIV/0 Error A

_________function returns an evenly distributed random RANDBETWEEN

real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. RAND( ) () MOD( ) INT( ) A

By default, a workbook opens with ________worksheets. 4 2 3 5 C

ROUND(32.5, -1) returns? 35 32 30 25 C
_________function adds the cells specifi ed by a given
condition or criteria. IF( ) SUMIF( ) COUNTIF( ) SUM( ) B
Which function returns the largest value in a list of None of the
arguments, including numbers, text and logical values? LARGE( ) MAX( ) MAXA( ) above C
When a formula contains text that Excel doesn’t
recognize________error is dispalyed. #NULL! #VALUE! #NAME? #REF! C
None of the
The default alignment of dates in MS Excel is_______ Right Left Centre above A
__________option allows the users to rotate text. Align Right Orientation Increase Indent Bottom Align B
Shortcut key used to copy formats in Excel is, >CTRL+V->R >CTRL+V CTRL+C->CTRL+V->F >CTRL+V->A A
A normal data range can be converted into a Table by
using _______shortcut. CTRL+E CTRL+T SHIFT+T ALT+T B
Data from two worksheet locations can be easily None of the
compared using the ___________option. Freeze Panes Macro Splitting Panes above C
__________is a key that identifies patterns, colors or
symbols associated with the markers of a chart data
series. Legend Data Series Gridlines Axes A
One can easily access the taskcentered functions such as Quick Access
printing and sharing from ____________. Backstage View Tool Bar Home Tab Ribbon A
Which chart is suitable for a data set that has only one
series of information? Bar Column Pie Area C
_________are used to give the users a quick look at
trends or patterns that may not be easily spotted in the
data itself. Charts Sparklines Pivot Tables Filters B

Sparklines are
Sparkline can printed when
display a trend We can create we print a
based on several We can also create worksheet
adjacent data in sparklines at sparklines for rows of that conatins
The advantage of Sparklines is, a clear manner the same time data that we add later them D
Shortcut key for Macros are assigned in combination with None of the
_____key. SHIFT CTRL ALT above B
We can use _________function to create a hyperlink that
opens a document that is stored on a server, intranet or None of the
internet. Index( ) Match( ) Hyperlink( ) above C
Text-to-Cols All of the
Non-excel files can be easily opened in Excel using, wizard Import wizard Through Macros above A
The________tab in the format cells dialog box gives
absolute control over numeric formatting. Font Border Number Alignment C
There are ________ fill colors and patterns. 1 million 10,000 1 thousand 16 million D
Default alignment of values and dates in MS Excel 2010
is_________ Left Right Centre Justified B
Which kind of conditional formatting provides a visual
representation of how the data in each cell compares to All of the
the other cells of the worksheet? Data Bars Color Scales Icon Sets above D
A$1 is an example of __________reference. Relative Absolute Absolute Row-wise Column-wise C
One can view different areas of the worksheet None of the
simultaneously by using the__________option. Split Panes Freeze Panes Conditional Formatting above A
__________ is a key in the chart that identifies patterns,
colors or symbols associated with the markers of a chart
data series. Data Bars Legend Gridlines Axis B
There are _________types of chart types in MS Excel
2010. 50 65 73 80 C
It is not sparklines can Column width
necessary for be created at Sparklines cannot be of the Column
the data to be the same time printed when we print sparkline can
next to the by selecting the worksheet be increased
Which of the following is not true about sparklines? sparklines multiple cells containing them or decresed C
_______are used to demonstrate the “what”, not the
“why” of the data. Column Chart Sparklines Area Charts Pivot Tables B
We have to use________cell reference if we want the None of the
macro recorded to run in the same cell only. Absolute Relative Both A & B Above A
________function can be used to open a document that
is stored on a network server, intranet or Internet. Vlookup() Hyperlink() lookup() Index() B
Which of the following non-excel files can be opened in All of the
Excel? Text File Lotus 123 Quattro Pro above D

Field with most The field

While sorting data in MS Excel 2010, the best field to first The first field in duplicate The last field of the containing
sort by is? the data entries data text B
None of the
_______in MS Excel 2010 has built-in filtering features. Excel Table Charts Sparklines above A
_________ are used to exchange data within Excel and
between Excel and other Windows applications. OLE DDE Database Engine Both A & B D
________feature in MS Excel 2010 hides the rows and
columns containing data that do not meet the criteria we Conditional
define. ne. Sort Sparklines Filter Formatting C
We can apply dynamic filters in MS Excel 2010 for data
such as _______. Text Values Dates Formulas C

Restrict data to Limit the

predefined number of text Restrict dates outside a All of the
Data Validation can be used to, items in a list characters certain time frame above D
We can limit the choices in an Excel data validation list,
by using named ranges and the _________function to
create dependent validation lists. Index( ) Match( ) Indirect( ) Direct( ) C
In MS Excel 2010, when a cell is locked, we View its None of the
can't_________ contents Edit it Both A & B above B
In MS Excel 2010,_________allow us to turn our data
inside out, upside down, sideways and backwards, quickly
summarize and analyze large amounts of data in lists and
tables. Sparklines Charts Pivot Tables Filters C

An Excel
database/list or
any range that A collection of A database file created
Source data for creating a Pivot Table in MS Excel 2010 has labeled ranges to be in an external All of the
can be, columns. consolidated application above D

Listing unique Creating a pivot

values in any report with sub-
column of a totals and All of the
Pivot Tables can be used for, table. custom formats Transposing data above D
Each column in Each row in the
the source data source data
should contain should contain
Which of the following is not a pre-requisite for creating a one type of the details for The source data can Data is set up
Pivot Table in MS Excel 2010? data. one record have blank rows as a Table C
______feature of Pivot Tables can be used to summarise None of the
dates by Quarters or Months Group Summarise Slicer above A
_________is the shortcut key to see a shortcut menu. SHIFT+F10 F10 F2 CTRL+F7 A
Inorder to filter the contents of the pivot table on more None of the
than one field, we can use________. Slicer Running Totals Filter above A
Apart from the sum function, which other function can be All of the
used in summarisation of data in a Pivot Table? Product Varp Average above D
All of the
In text files, the delimiter in text can be, Tab Space Comma above D
A text file in which a comma separates each column in Comma Comma Separated
the data is known as a ________file Fixed-length Separated Value Tab Separated C
_________are used in text files to indicate the beginning
and end of text strings. Text Qualifiers Commas Tabs Spaces A
The extension of a Fixed-width text file is______. .csv .prn .txt .xlm B
Shortcut key used to convert a data range into a table in
MS Excel 2010 is, CTRL+L CTRL+T Both A & B CTRL+W C
In Pivot Tables, ________work like a filter without going None of the
to drop-down. Slicer Field List Calculated Fields above A
In MS Excel 2010, we use ___________to show the % of Grand % of Column
current running total which is divided by grand total. Total % Running Total % of Parent Total Total B
Easy addition of
The biggest advantage of converting a data source into a rows and The appearance All of the
table for a Pivot Table is, Easy Filtering columns improves above B
To fill the same number (or text value) over and over,
instead of entering the data several times, the user can
enter the data once and select the______________to Auto Sum None of the
enter data in the remaining cells. button Fill Handle Format Painter above B

Quick identifi
Better Visual Instant visibility Ineffective in cation of data
Which of the following is not an advantage of Dashboards presentation of of all systems in highlighting outliers and
in MS Excel 2010? data. total inefficiencies correlations C
________dashboard is used by top-level management in
decision making. Strategic Analytical Operational Informational A
Conditional All of the
A dashboard can be created in MS Excel 2010 by using, Excel Table Formatting Sparklines above D
The possibility of error in a cell in MS Excel 2010 is
indicated by a____ in the left corner of the cell Blue Square Green triangle Red triangle Black square B
Formatting User comment has None of the
A red triangle in the top right corner of a cell indicates, Error in the cell Error been added to the cell above C
We can use _________function to show the number of None of the
the week in a month. week( ) weeknum( ) weekday( ) above B
If the value in A1 is "ITT" and in B1 is "ICAI ", which
function in Excel will return " ITT @ ICAI " in cell C1? A1+ "@" + B1 A1 # "@" # B1 A1 & "@" & B1 A1 $ "@" $ B1 C
Pagelayout ->
To frequently print a specific range of cells on a Page Setup -> Pagelayout -> Page Setup -> Print
worksheet , the option used is Print Area Print Area Area Print Area A
Analysis Tool
Non-excel files can be opened in MS Excel using the Add Ins Developer Tab Text Import wizard Pak C
Which of the following is not an option under Freeze Freeze Last
Panes Freeze Panes Freeze Top Row Freeze Last Column Row D
_________are the basic cell references that adjust and All of the
change when copied or when using AutoFill. Absolute Relative Mixed above B
MROUND(-10,-3) returns 9 -9 1.4 #NUM B
AVERAGE(4,5,6, AVERAGE(A1,B1 All of the
Which of the following is correct? 7) ,C1) AVERAGE(A1:A6,B1:B6) above D
_______________is not a kind of Dashboard. Strategic Analytical Interrogative Operational C
____________ are the most widely used data All of the
visualization components for dashboards Excel charts Sparklines Pivot Tables above A
When a formula is copied that uses a name, the effect is None of the
the same as using a___________ cell reference. Relative Mixed Absolute above C
_____ is an interface between hardware and user. OS OP OM OD A
Executing a job on a computer system often requires
several of its resources such as _____. CPU time Memory space File storage space All of These D
Operating system not acts as the manager of the various
resources of a computer system and allocates them to
specifi c programs and users to execute their jobs
successfully. TRUE FALSE Can't Say None of These B
Operating system manages many kinds of activities
ranging from user programs to system programs
like__________. Printer spooler Name servers File server All of These D
Execution System
A process includes the complete ___________ Data context context Speed context B

Process is not a program. TRUE FALSE Can't Say None of These A

A process is only an ___________of a program in
execution. Data context System Instant None of These C

Creation and
deletion of user Mechanism for Mechanism not for Mechanism
Which of them is not process management activities of and system process process for deadlock
an operating system? processes synchronization communication handling C
_____________is a large array of words or bytes. Memory Main-Memory Both A and B Nither A Nor B C

?To decide
To keep track of 'which process
'which part of is loaded into
memory are memory when
The major activities of an operating system with currently being memory space To allocate and de-
reference to memory-management are used and by becomes allocate memory
__________________ whom available space, as needed. All of These D
___________ is a collection of related information
defined by file creator. Computer File Data None of These B

Application Application Application

Operating system acts as an intermediary between Data,Computer programs,Comp hardware,Computer
_______ and ________. Data uter hardware Data None of These B
Examples of storage media are ______________. Magnetic tape Magnetic disk Optical disk All of These D
A file system normally organized into directories to ease
their use. TRUE FALSE Can't Say None of These A

Not Support of
primitives for
Activities of an operating system with reference to file Creation and files and Mapping of fi les onto
management includes ____________. deletion of fi les directions secondary storage Both A and C D
A computer system normally consists of several I/O
devices such as __________. Terminal Disk Tape All of These D

Issues ensures correct data

I/O requests commands to transmission to/from
Device Management keeps track of ___________. from processes the I/O devices an I/O device All of These D
Computer systems often store large amounts of
information, some of which is highly sensitive and
valuable to their users. TRUE FALSE Can't Say None of These A
Which module ensure that user can trust the system and
rely on it only if the various resources and information of
a computer system are protected against destruction and
unauthorized access? System Security Study Special B
The user gives commands with are executed by
_________ OS OT Both A and B Nither A Nor B A
The main function of a command interpreter is to
________ the next user specified command. Get Execute Both A and B Nither A Nor B C

According to Throughput, if n processes are completed in

an interval of t seconds, the throughput is taken as
_____________processes per second during that interval.
n+t n*t n/t n-t C
Operating systems are found on almost any device that
contains a computer. TRUE FALSE Don’t Say None of These A
___________ is normally measured in processes/hour. Throughput time ?Response time None of These A
Turnaround time is the interval from the time of
submission of a _________ to the system for processing Process,Proce
to the time of completion of the ________. Data,Data Job,Job Size,Size ss B
In any computer system, it is desirable to maximize
throughput and to minimize turnaround time and
response time. TRUE FALSE Can't Say None of These A
The time of submission of a job to the system for
processing to the time the first response for the job is Turnaround
produced by the system is called __________. Throughput time ?Response time None of These C
The process is currently able to run, but for some reason
the OS has not placed the process on the ready queue is
known as _________. Executing Waiting Blocked Suspended D

The operator
collect all the
programs and
would batch
them together
and then load
Programmer It was not them all into
would fi rst punched on The operator would set the input
write the cards or paper the appropriate device of the
Which of them is not a execution of Process Management program on tape along with switches in the front system at one
in Early Systems? paper its data. panel to run the job. time. B

Jobs mostly Jobs normally Jobs normally

perform input vast input small
numerical amount of data, amount of
calculations, perform very Jobs mostly perform data, perform
with little I/O little no calculations, with very little
What do you mean by CPU-bound jobs? operations. computation. great I/O operations. computation. A
Which programs used for scientific and engineering
computations usually fall in this category of jobs? CPU-bound jobs I/O-bound jobs Both A and B Nither A Nor B A
Multiprogramming Systems required _______. Large memory protection Job status preservation All of These D
______ is used for each loaded process. PCB JCB MCB SCB A
Examples of popular modern operating systems for Microsoft
personal computers are ___________. Windows Mac OS Linux All of These D
Process identifi Program
A typical Process Control Block includes ________. er counter I/O status information All of These D
_________should contain some CPU-bound and some I/O-
bound jobs so that at least one job is always ready to
utilize the CPU. PCB Main memory Data None of These B

The part of the The part of the

Computer must OS must decide
decide which of which of the
the ready jobs ready jobs The part of the OS
should be should not be must decide which of
allocated the allocated the the ready jobs should
Job for data CPU for be allocated the CPU
What is CPU scheduler? Preparation. execution. for execution. None of These C
The act of reassigning a CPU from one task to another
one is called a _________. Multitasking Context switch Multitherading None of These B
All threads of a process also share the same set of Accounting
operating system resources, such as ________. Open files Signals information All of These D
Due to the sharing of address space, there is no
protection between the threads of a process. TRUE FALSE Can't Say None of These A
Different processes may belong to different ______. Users Data Conditions Applications A
Thread can be in anyone of several states that name's
includes _______. Running Terminated Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
Lightweight Heavyweight All weight
Traditional processes are referred to as _________. processes processes No weight processes processes B
Multiprocessing is the use of two or more Central Data,Computer Computer
Processing Units (CPUs) within a single ________. Data system Data Networking B
Making a Managing the
computer resources of a
system user- computer
Objectives of an operating system are friendly system Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
____________ sometimes refers to the execution of
multiple concurrent software processes in a system as
opposed to a single process at any one instant. Multiprocessing Multitasking Multitherading All of These A
In a __________system, all CPUs may be equal, or some
may be reserved for special purposes. Multiprocessing Multitasking Multitherading All of These A

Symmetric Simple System Mini

SMP stands for _________. Multiprocessing Multitasking Special Multitherading Process A

Not-Uniform Non-Uniform No-Uniform Major No-Uniform

NUMA means __________. Memory Access Memory Access Access Mini Access B
The IBM ______ Regatta is an example of a high end SMP
system. p710 m690 p690 m710 C
________ is the simultaneous execution of two or more
processes by a computer system having more than one
CPU. Multiprocessing Multitasking Multitherading All of These A

TIME-SHARING concept was introduced in the _______. 1960 1970 1980 None of These A
____________ is a mechanism to provide simultaneous
interactive use of a computer system by many users in
such a way that each user is given the impression that FILE Multitheradin
he/she has his/her own computer. MANAGEMENT Time-sharing Multitasking g B
advantages of
Reduces CPU quick response Offers good computing
Advantages of Time-sharing Systems includes _________. idle time time facility to small users All of These D
Multiple programmers can simultaneously proceed step-
by-step_________ portions of their programs or trying
out various approaches to a problem solution. Writing Testing Debugging All of These D
A computer system consists of one or more processors,
main memory and many types of I/O devices such as
________. Disks Tapes Terminals All of These D

A __________ is a collection of related information. File Information Data None of These A

Examples of storage media are _________. Magnetic tape Magnetic disk Optical disk All of These D
Data transfer
Optical disk has its own properties like ____________. Speed rate Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
A computer system normally consists of several I/O
devices such as __________. Terminal Printer Disk All of These D

Issues Ensures correct data

I/O requests commands to transmission to/from
Device Management keeps track of ___________. from processes the I/O devices an I/O All of These D
File Access methods includes ____________. Access Random Access Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
The logical architecture of a computer system includes Operating
___________. Users System Computer Hardware All of These D
The operating system layers provide various facilities and
services that make the use of the hardware
resources________. Convenient Efficient Safe All of These D
____________ acts as an intermediary between the
hardware and its users, System OS Data None of These B
Which of the following Tab is not avalibale in Ms-
PowerPoint 2010? Home Page Layout View Design B
Which of the following will not advance the slides in a The mouse
slide show view? The esc key The space bar The enter key button A
_____________ is a template used to create consistent
layouts throughout the MS PowerPoint 2010
presentation. Notes Master Slide Master Handout Master Clip Art B
In MS-PowerPoint 2010, Default Page Orientation is
________ Portrait Landscape Both A and B NONE B
Want your logo in the same position on every slide, All of the
automatically, Insert it on the _____ in PowerPoint. Handout master Notes master Slide master above C

Objects on the slide that hold text are called _____. Placeholders Object holders Auto layouts Text holders A
Which of the following group is not avalibale on Drawing
tools Format Tab? Insert Shapes Shapes Styles Sort Arrange C
____ is use to apply formatting from text, shapes and None of the
pictures to another selection in Ms-PowerPoint. Format Painter Copy Styles above A
By the help of which group of Insert tab, we are able to
add sharts, shapes and lines in Ms-PowerPoint. Image Illustrations Links Media B
How many tabs we have in Ms-PowerPoint 2010? 8 9 7 10 B
Which of the following group is not avalibale in Home tab
of Ms-PowerPoint? Clipboard Slides Alignment Font C
Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a All of the
presentation? Outline Slides Notes above C
How many groups we have in Insert tab of Ms-
PowerPoint? 6 7 8 9 B
______ is a technology that allows linking to documents All of the
and other objects in PowerPoint. Object Linking Styles Clipboard above A
In PowerPoint, you can use _____ to launch any other
Presentation, Application or Website from your None of the
presentation. Styles Action button Object Linking above B
You can modify the background of a PowerPoint
presentation by using _____ Tab. Design Insert Transitions Slide Show A
The special effects used to introduce slides in a Custom Present
presentation are called_____in PowerPoint. Effects animations Transitions animations C

A type of
animation A method of A method of moving All of the
What is a motion path in PowerPoint? entrance effect advancing slides items on a slide above C
Which of the following should you use if you want all the The slide layout Add a slide design
slide in the presentation to have the same “look”? option option Outline view template D

Delete and Click and drag Double click the chart Click the chart
In order to edit a chart, you can _____ in PowerPoint. create new the chart object object object C
Which by default theme was appliyed on the slides in Ms- None of the
PowerPoint? Apex Theme Office Theme Angels Theme above B
Slide Orientation option available in which group of
Design tab in PowerPoint? Themes Background Page Setup Page Layout C
Which of the following section does not exist in a slide
layout? Titles Lists Charts Animations D
How the information is arranged on the slide is controlled
by _____ in PowerPoint? Slide layouts Background Themes Slide Master A
Most slide layouts include _____ for title and body text in
PowerPoint. Background Placeholders Themes Effects B
The presentation inherits various design elements as well
as prewritten content that’s stored in the template called
_____. Background Slide layouts Themes Effects C
Slide layout option available in ____ group of Home tab
in Ms-PowePoint. Slides Font Editing Clipboard A
A Powerpoint presentation has ______ masters. 4 3 2 5 B
_________is not a master in Powerpoint 2010. Slide master Handout master Notes master master D
We can use the __________________tools to write on None of the
the slides while presenting. Pen Highlighter Both A & B Above C
We can add notes to our slide in the __________beneath Quick Access
the slide. Toolbar Slide Outline Notes Pages Area Ribbon C
The Powerpoint presentation can be saved using the
shortcut key. Ctrl+S Shift+F12 Both A & B Ctrl+F3 C
Slide Sorter
Which of the following is not a view of Powerpoint? Normal View View Notes Page View Outline View D
Note outlines presentations Communication of All of the
PowerPoint presentations are widely used as___. for teachers by students planning above D
MSPowerPoint 2010 can be used to prepare professional-
looking presentations made up of a series of slides that
can contain __________. Charts Diagrams Video All of Above D
PowerPoint 2010 gives the ability to add and edit Edit pictures on Enhance
__________. slides animations Video in presentation All of Above D
Which of them is not a part of PowerPoint Ribbon? Home Design Tool Slide Show C
By default , Save, Undo and Redo appear on the Quick
Access Toolbar TRUE FALSE A
The very bottom of the screen is the ______, which tells Navigation
about the slide that is currently displayed. Notes Status bar Task Bar Pane B
Which one is a part of Screenshot in Powerpoint 2010? Windows Images Pictures Snipp Tool A
SmartArt graphic includes ___________ List Cycle Process All of Above D
Which one is not a part of Layout tab after clicking the
table? Table Table Styles Alignment Table Size B

What is the Shortcut key of Hyperlink in Ms-PowerPoint? Ctrl+H Ctrl+L Ctrl+K None C
Blank From Existing All of the
A new presentation can be created from ______. Presentation Presentation From Design Template above D
In slide layout panel how many layouts are available for None of the
text layout by default? 4 7 12 above A
What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion Animation
effects to different objects of a slide? Slide Transition Slide Design Animation Objects Scheme D
What feature will you use to apply motion effects in Animation
between a slide exits and another enters? Slide Transition Slide Design Animation Objects Scheme A
The selected design template can be applied on _______ To current slide To all the new All of the
in PowerPoint. only To all the slides presentation you above D
In Word 2010, Page layout tab includes __________. Create Show Paragraph Tables C
____________ margins are the blank space around the
edges of the page. Page Footer Header Document A

________ margin setting adds extra space to the side

margin or top margin of a document that we plan to bind. Page Gutter Semi Extra Adjust B

Portrait means ____________ Vertical Horizontal Both A and B Nither A Nor B A

Business correspondence uses __________page size
which is the default page size in Word. 8 1/2 by 11 8 1/2 by 10 8 1/4 by 10 None A
In News letters __________option is used to splits the
text into two or more areas and also available in word
2010. Row Columns Both A and B Nither A Nor B B

Break option includes ____________sections. Page Section Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
__________page Section break inserts the section break
and then starts the new section on the next odd or even
numbered page. Even or Odd Continuous Next Page New Page A
According to Add line numbers, Table is counted as one
line. TRUE FALSE Can't Say None A
Ctrl + A is used for ______________ Delet All Select All Unselect All None B
To Insert an optional hyphen in word 2010 user use
________shortcut key. CTRL+ - CTRL+ : CTRL+ , CTRL+ _ A
In Word 2010, Themes Group includes ______________. Colors Fonts Effects All of These D
Page Background includes ______________. Watermark Page Color Page Borders All of These D
___________Text flows around the image and hugs its
shape. Tight Through Behind Text: None A

For non-sequential information which smart art is used? List Process Cycle Hierarchy A
Create an
Hierarchy smart art is used for___________. Decision tree chart Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
Insert ->> Insert ->> Insert ->>
Create ->> Illustrations ->> Insert ->> Setup ->> Options ->>
For using smart art user choose__________. SmartArt SmartArt SmartArt SmartArt B
To insert a To delete a
shape before shape before To create a shape
the selected the selected before the selected
Add Shape Before option is used for _____________. shape shape shape None A
In Microsoft Word 2010, we can insert many kinds of
data charts and graphs, such as __________. Column charts Line graphs Area graphs All of These D
After apply a chart layout,Chart Tools adding_________
tab. Design View Insert None A

To bring an object to the top of the __________, click the

arrow next to Bring Forward and then click Bring to Front. Queue Link Stack None C
The Selection Pane is the selection and visibility task pane
in Microsoft Word 2010 TRUE FALSE A
Themes have a palette of __________ colours. 10 12 15 18 B
To align the edges of the objects to the left, click
___________. Align Left Align Center Both A and B Nither A Nor B A
_________option is used for flip, rotate, move or resize
all shapes or objects at the same time as though they
were a single shape or object. Selection Grouping Moving Choosing B
Rotate Right
For 90 degrees moving in a word which option is using? 90°. Rotate Left 90°. Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
Start Mail
Mailing Tab includes ____________. Create Merge Preview Results All of These D

Create Group includes ______________. Envelopes Labels Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
Start Mail Select
Start Mail Merge group includes____________. Merge Recipients Edit Recipient List All of These D

Mail Merge Data Base list extension is ________ .accdb .mdb Both A and B Nither A Nor B B
Ascending alphabetical order means____________ A to Z Z to A A to A Z to Z A
Insert Address
Address block appears which dialoge box? block Address block Field Block None A
In Ms Word 2010,_____________ can be for various kinds
of new or updated features that increase our
productivity. New Options Add-Ins New Version None B
Theme effects are ____________. Sets of lines Graphics Charts All of These D
Table of
REFERENCES TAB includes ____________. Contents Captions Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
Table of
Table of Contents Group not includes ___________. Contents Add Text Update Table Insert Text D
User can create a table of contents by applying
_________. Heading styles Font styles Smart Art style All of These A
Microsoft Word 2010 provides a gallery of automatic
table of contents styles. TRUE FALSE A
___________ are used in printed documents to explain,
comment on or provide references for text of a
document. Footnotes Endnotes Both A and B Nither A Nor B C

Citations & Bibliography Group Includes ___________. Manage Sources Style Both A and B Show Notes C
Insert Table of
Captions Group includes____________. Insert Caption Figures Cross-Reference All of These D
A caption is a numbered label, such as _________ Figure 1 Equation 1 Table 1 All of These D
Index Group includes ____________. Mark Entry Insert Index Update Index All of These D
Insert Table of
Table of Authorities Group includes __________. Mark Citation Update Table Authorities All of These D
If user create our own theme then user saving it as document
a_________. Normal Save theme Save Formate None B
___________ are a great way to save time and create
consistent Offi ce 2010 documents. Document Templates File All of These B
Alt+W is used for which Tab? Data Insert View Page Layout C
Show group includes___________. Ruler Gridlines Navigation Pane All of These D
Navigation Pane provides __________ views by clicking
on their respective tabs at the top of the Navigation
Pane. 1 2 3 4 C
_____________ is a series of commands that we can use
to automate a repeated task and can be run when we
have to perform the task. Macro Consolidation What if Analyse None A
While Naming a Macro user cannot use__________- Space @ % All of These D
Six accent colors is available in themes or not? Available Not Available Can't Say None A

Theme fonts contain a ______________. Heading font Body text font Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
Page Setup group includes ___________options. Orientation Breaks Hyphenation All of These D
Margins define the amount of ____________ that
appears at the top, bottom, left and right edges of our
document. Extra space White space Blank space No space B

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