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Kedron Brook Catholic Community

embracing the parishes of

Good Samaritan &
St John the Baptist
Joined in joyfully praising and worshipping God
23rd October 2022 — Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

St John the Baptist Dear Brothers and Sisters

131 South Pine Road,
ENOGGERA Last week, on Tuesday, we celebrated the feast of St Luke, the Evangelist, and we have
Our Lady of the Immaculate for some time now been reading from his gospel. Who is St Luke? St Luke was a Gentile
Conception physician from Antioch who was one of the companions of St Paul and travelled with
18 Halle Street, him in his missionary journeys. St Paul himself echoed this when he remarked in his
EVERTON PARK second letter to Timothy (Tim 4:11) that Luke remained with him during his trials. During
St Carthage’s Luke’s association with Paul and the other apostles, he learned much about Jesus and
115 Beaconsfield Tce the early Church and rose from being an ordinary follower to a great evangelist who
GORDON PARK gave us the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. St Luke is symbolised
St Columba’s by a winged ox or bull – a figure of sacrifice, service and strength. From his writings, he
170 Kedron Brook Road, opened us to the themes of mercy, compassion, desire for universal salvation, concern
WILSTON for the poor, and brought the role and importance of women in Jesus’ enterprise to the
PASTOR fore.
Fr Ihemelandu Uzuegbu
Parish Priest In today’s gospel readings, St Luke showed God’s disdain for a proud and haughty heart
SEMINARIAN on the one hand and His richness in mercy and forgiveness to the humble on the other.
Thomas Popovic Here and in the first reading, God shows that He is impartial to all and not a respecter of
PARISH OFFICE persons. Jesus’ message is simple, pride goes before a fall. There is virtue in humility,
Monday—Thursday 9am—1pm and God’s grace and salvation follow a humble heart.
23 Lovedale Street
PO Box 278 In the first reading (Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 written around 175 BC), many Jews were
Ph 3352 1730
living in cities that were predominantly populated by pagans, and were unknowingly for
EMAIL: a long time assimilated into that dominant pagan culture. However, among them was Sirach, a wise Jew, who did his best and taught them how faithful Jews should live a good life, what moral and spiritual choices they should make, and what behaviour would
OFFICE STAFF be honourable in religious people. Chapter 35 begins with a discussion of the kinds of
Pastoral Co-Ordinator: sacrifice that would be truly acceptable to God. Sirach asserts that the just God has no
Marie-Louise Singson favourites. Rather, He always hears and grants the humble prayers of the widows, the
Youth Co-Ordinator:
Michelle Ventura Rodriguez
orphans, the lowly, the weak, the sinners and the oppressed.
Secretary: Michelle Giuliani
Finance: Cherylann Baxter A hard look at the gospel pericope and the first reading reveals a parable and message
Admin: Majella Adams addressed to our hearts. They are life-giving words meant to reveal to us our call to be
SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVE humble, the realisation that we are nothing but sinners [“O God, be merciful to me, a
Anne Marie Troutman sinner” (Lk 18:13)] and the reality that “whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted” (Lk 18:14).
Follow the parish on social media
/kbcatholic @kbcatholic Today, my dear friends more than ever before, as humans and Christians we need
authenticity to discover the self and God's salvific desire and plan, in our lives and in our
The person who humbles society. The first step is to know that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of
themselves will be exalted God (Rom.3:23), and therefore in need of forgiveness like the publican. We must avoid
the temptation to act like the pharisee who see not ones own faults and sins nor ones
need of God’s grace, but the sins of others and a willingness to place oneself on a
pedestal of moral high ground. Do I see myself better than the pharisee? Do I see myself
as a better Catholic or Christian than others? If I do there is that element of the proud
pharisee in me because I have lost focus on the fact that I am called to imitate Christ and
compare my righteousness to that of Christ and not my fellow human beings?

Shalom! Fr Ihemelandu Uzuegbu

READINGS FOR THIS WEEKEND 23rd October 2022 — Year C – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading Sirach 35:12-14. 16-19 The prayer of the humble will penetrate the heavens.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 32:2-3. 17-19. 23 The Lord hears the cry of the poor.
Second Reading 2 Timothy 4:6-8. 16-18 All that remains is the crown of righteousness reserved for me.
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! God was in Christ, to reconcile the world to Himself; and the Good News of
reconciliation He has entrusted to us. Alleluia!
Gospel Luke 18:9-14 The publican returned to his home justified; the Pharisee did not.

READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND 30th October 2022 — Year C – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading Wisdom 11:22 - 12:2 You have mercy on all things because You love everything that exists.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 144:1-2. 8-11. 13-14 I will praise Your name for ever, my king and my God.
Second Reading 2 Thessalonians 1:11 - 2:2 The name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in you and you in
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! God loved the world so much, He gave us His only Son,
that all who believe in Him might have eternal life.
Gospel Luke 19:1-10 The Son of Man came to seek and to find that which was lost.

MASS INFOMATION Collections 15th & 16th October 2022

Direct Debit Credit Card Envelopes Cash
Wilston $924 $302 $367 $507
Immaculate Conception
9:00am Mass Gordon Park Inc. with Wilston $338 $81
Enoggera $252 $194 $111 $265
St Columba’s
8:40am Rosary Everton Park Inc. with Enoggera $483 $133
9:00am Mass
WEDNESDAY Happy Seniors Weekend
St John the Baptist
9:00am Mass followed by adoration This weekend we celebrate all our
THURSDAY wonderful senior parishioners
St Columba’s
8:30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament All Souls Day—2nd November
8:40am Rosary
9:00am Mass Envelopes are available at all our churches should you wish to have a mass
offered for your deceased loved ones during November. Please take an enve-
FRIDAY lope home with you, write the name/s clearly on the back of the envelope
St Columba’s and place it in the collection plate at mass, hand to it Fr Iheme or drop it off at
6:30am Mass the Parish Office. There will be a slide show at the two masses for All Souls
Day. A special place will also be provided, beside the altar, for pictures of your
deceased loved ones, should you so wish. This will help us carry them in our
thoughts, and we will end the mass with a special prayer for the dead.
Should you wish for your deceased loved ones’ names to be included on the
power point, but you did not take an envelope, simply email the list of names
St Columba’s St John the Baptist to the Parish Office. To allow the office staff time to compile the slide show,
5:00pm Vigil Mass 9:00 am Mass (Sun) please send the envelopes and lists on or before Wednesday 26th October.
9:30am Mass (Sun) 5:30pm Mass
Immaculate Conception St Carthage’s
7:30am Mass (Sun) 8:00am Mass (Sun) PARISH MEETINGS
Followed by 24 hr Perpetual
Adoration until Mon 8.30am DATE TIME MEETING VENUE
25/10/22 7:00pm SJB PPC meeting Enoggera Hall
Reconciliation times
Friday after 6:30am Mass St Columba’s 26/10/22 6:00pm Music planning meeting Parish Office
Saturday 4:30pm St Columba’s
Sunday 5:00pm St John the Baptist 3/11/22 6:00pm Combined Advent Planning Parish Office
or by appointment meeting
16/11/22 7:30pm Combined PPC meeting Enoggera Hall
Parish Notices
 Children’s Liturgy - 9:30am Mass at Wilston: 23rd October, 13th November, 27th November.
 Good Samaritan PPC news: Andrew Burke, the chairperson for the Good Samaritan PPC has retired from
this position. We thank Andrew for all his time and dedication to our Pastoral Council and wish him all the
best. We also welcome Gordon Platt into the role of Chairperson of the Good Samaritan Parish Council and
thank him for accepting this position.
 Long Term Volunteer Opportunities in the Australia-Pacific Region - The Cagliero Project, Salesians of Don
Bosco: We are seeking long term (6-12 month) volunteers for January 2023 to work with young people in
our Salesian communities with disadvantaged young people in Samoa, Cambodia, Timor Leste, Solomon
Islands and Australia. Applications close October 31st, 2022. Send us an enquiry - or
 Baptism Preparation sessions: The last Baptism Prep for 2022 will be held on Saturday 5th November,
10:00am. Preparation sessions will resume in February 2023.
 Lost and Found: Margaret O’Hara found a walking stick in the Enoggera church car park. If this is yours
contact Margaret on 0416 429 610. Sue Walsh also found dark framed reading glasses in a black case, if this
is yours it is in the sacristy at St John the Baptist. A pair of sunglasses was found at the Wilston Church.
These have been handed in to the Parish Office if you think they may belong to you.
 Advent planning meetings: See meeting notices on pg 2.
 WHS Maintenance Representatives :
Wilston: Marcus Egan ( Enoggera: John Coleman (
Gordon Park: John Murphy ( Everton Park: John Connors (
Please let them know if there are any maintenance issues of which you would like the Parish Office to be made aware of.

Save the date: KBCC Christmas Service of Lessons & Carols, 16th December 2022 at St Columba’s, Wilston,
6:00pm-7:30pm. More information to follow.

St Columba’s Church Wilston - Restoration Work

The restoration work at the St Columba’s Church continues with the pointing work on the lower level at the
southern side still ongoing. All scaffolding has now been removed and the fence on the western side will be
removed soon. Installation of the repaired windows is now completed. Work on the roof flashings and replacement
of broken tiles will commence with the use of a knuckle boom and this will be completed by the end November.
Subject to weather, the work is expected be completed well before Christmas. Thank you for your patience.
If you would like to make a donation towards the restoration fund, you can simply transfer to the account details
below. Please include your name in the reference field. A tax deductible receipt can be issued to you, if you
contact the parish office with the details of transfer. Thanking you in advance for your support. Together we will
hand over a beautiful church to the next generation

Name: FOSC Nat Trust BSB: 064 786 Account: 1000 24202 Ref: Your name

Special Days and Feasts coming up

Friday 28th October—Sts Simon and Jude, apostles (red)
Tuesday 1st November—All Saints (violet) Mass Times: 9:00am Everton Park 6:00pm Wilston
Wednesday 2nd November—All Souls (violet) Mass Times: 9:00am Enoggera 6:00pm Wilston


The Good Samaritan Social Committee would like The Social Committee invites you to a Seniors’ get together,
donations for Starting with a special Mass including anointing on
The Annual Christmas Raffle. Thursday 17 November, 11:00am, St Columba’s
Please leave at the Parish Office in the next few weeks. A cup of tea will be provided after the mass in the
Tickets will commence to be sold in the first week in Parish Office Meeting room.
November at all masses. Transport will be provided if required.
We appreciate your generosity. All welcome! For catering purposes please contact the parish
ALL MONIES RAISED WILL BE GIVEN TO A CHARITY NOMI- office if you would like to attend. Depending on the demand we
NATED BY FR IHEMELANDU hope to have this mass every 2 months.
Our parish has implemented the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults policy. For any matters relating to Safeguarding issues,
please contact our Safeguarding representatives at
or by contacting STOPline or 1300 304 550 (for anonymous reports)
Please visit the Archdiocesan safeguarding hub at or
DO YOU KNOW of SOMEONE WHO… or perhaps YOU might be SOMEONE WHO…

 Has expressed a desire in becoming Catholic

 Has been Baptised in another faith and would like to learn about the Catholic faith
 Has a child over the age of eight who has not yet been baptised
 Was baptised Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

We would like to invite you to come and meet with others in a tiny group to learn more about our FAITH. The sessions
will focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist during the Easter season. There are separate sessions for children or youth.
Becoming Catholic means undertaking a spiritual journey. This will normally take about 6 - 9 months depending on the
readiness of each individual. It is called Christian Initiation. There are ceremonies or 'Rites' at each stage to mark the
steps along the way. The whole journey is called the 'Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults' (RCIA).

The RCIA is the process established for the universal Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the
Sacraments of initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. RCIA is centred on developing and strengthening a
deep relationship with Jesus and the Church that He founded. The journey is a gradual process of answering God's call
and becoming aware of God's presence in your life. This would be a series of conversations in a relaxed and friendly
environment and it is okay to ask and enquire for more information and clarification at any stage of this journey of
initiation into the Catholic faith community. This journey takes place through distinct phases over a period of time
suitable for the participant, through weekly learning sessions, meeting the parish community, attending Mass and
gaining an understanding of the faith life of the Catholic faithful.

The RCIA process is a restoration of the ancient catechumenate, following the era of the Apostles. The beginning of
this process is called the Catechumenate. This will ultimately lead you to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism,
Confirmation and Communion. If you have already been baptised in another Christian tradition, you will be following a
slightly different process of continuing conversion leading up to Reception (not baptism, because you have already
been baptised), Confirmation and First Communion.

The culmination of all these preparations is celebrated with the whole community at Mass on the Easter Vigil where
you will be receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. The RCIA programme brings you to becoming part of a community
of faith; hence you will be accompanied along the way by the RCIA team who will share with you their own Faith.
There is no cost for this programme.

For information please contact the Parish Office at 3352 1730 or Email us at

Marie-Louise Singson

We pray for those who are unwell

Yvonne Boyle, Theo Botha, Lorraine Brosnan, Wilma Burton, Alex Crawford, June Crimmen, Mary Dann,
Sheila de Zilva, Biddy Dwyer, Joseph Flor, Lyn Groessler, Varun Gupta, Gabrielle Harris, Sherry Henricksen, Mary Hewitt,
Kathleen Hicks, Colleen Jackson, Gordon Jackson, Pietro Jacuzzo, Fran Johnson, Bevan Johnson, Lesley Keleher,
Troy Kemp, Michael McGowan, K McCarthy, Raechel Mansfield, Ann Mansfield, Dawn Marano,
Joy McGowan, Cristina Neroni, Moira O’Sullivan, Joshua Price, Janet Quirk, Guiseppe Santoro,
Irene Savage, Thomas Savage, Bridget Simpson, Eric Spaid, Fay Tynan, Jeanette Wharton, Lynne Wilson Taylor,
Kerryn Whiteside, Sr Carmel & Sr Dorothy.
We remember those whose anniversaries of death occur about this time

We extend our sympathy and support to all families who have recently lost a loved one

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