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CHAPTER 1 arbitrary method of exaction

A. Concepts, Nature, and Characteristics ○ Exaction = excessive or harsh

Taxation demand of a reward or fee for an
● Act of laying a tax; the process or official service
means by which the sovereign,
Meaning of Taxes
through its law-making body, raises
● Are the enforced proportional and
income to defray the necessary
pecuniary contributions from
expenses of the government
persons and property levied by the
● A way of apportioning the cost of
law-making body of the state having
government among those who, in
jurisdiction over the subject for the
some measure, are privileged to
support of the government and all
enjoy its benefits and must bear its
public needs
● Refers to the inherent power of the ● At the heart of it, taxes are there
state to demand enforced to promote t h e general welfare
contribution for public purpose and protection of its citizens, as
○ Taxation → can refer to the well as revenue and non-revenue-
power of tax or the process generating purposes
by which the power is ● Note: Taxes should be paid in legal tender
exercised, or both
Essential Characteristics of Tax
Purpose, Scope, and Rationale ● It is an enforced contribution
● Provide funds or property with which ○ Not a voluntary payment or
to promote the general welfare donation; imposition is not
and protection of its citizens dependent upon the will or
○ Taxation may also be exercised to assent, open or implied, of
attain various social and economic the person taxed
objectives ○ Taxation without
● In its broadest and most general representation (or consent in
sense, taxation includes every some form of those who will
imposition of charge or burden by be taxed) is contrary to the
the sovereign power upon persons, principle of good
property, or property rights, for the government
use and support of the government ○ Principle of Representation →
and to enable it to discharge its applies to political communities,
appropriate functions not individuals
● <Taxes are what we pay for a ■ Satisfied by their
civilized society. Without taxes, the adequate
state would be paralyzed for a lack representation in the
of the motive power to activate and legislative which
operate it.= votes the tax
○ Despite the natural ● It is proportionate in character
reluctance to surrender part ○ Ordinarily based on ability to
of one’s hard-earned pay; in practice, some
income, everyone who can people pay very high taxes,
must contribute their share or some, none at all
○ Governments are expected ○ Example: Progressive Taxation
to respond in the form of ● It is generally payable in money
tangible and intangible ○ Unless qualified by law (e.g.
backpay certificates under Sect
benefits; improve the lives of 2, RA No. 304),
the people and enhance ○ Pecuniary burden → exaction to
moral and material values be discharged alone in the form of
● Dispels the notion that taxation → money
● It is levied on persons or property ○ Taxation involves, and a tax
○ Taxes may also be imposed on constitutes, a charge or
acts, transactions, rights, or burden imposed to provide
privileges income for public purposes
○ However, it is only a person who ○ Public purposes includes
pays the tax
support of the government,
○ Property is resorted to for the
administration of law, or
purpose of ascertaining the
payment of public expenses
amount of tax that must be
○ Revenue derived from taxes
paid; enforces payment in
cannot be used for purely
case of default
private purposes, or for the
○ Not all who pay a tax shoulder the
exclusive benefit of private
burden of the tax
● It is levied by the state which has
jurisdiction over the person or property ○ <Public purpose or purposes= is
implied in the levy of tax
○ Object to be taxed must be
● It is required to be paid at regular or
subject to the jurisdiction of the
definite period
taxing state
o They are commonly required to be
○ Necessary to ensure the tax can paid at regular periods or intervals
be enforced every year.
○ A state can tax all persons
subject to its jurisdiction for Theory and Basis of Taxation
all their property left by ● Existence of government
them within, yet its taxing ○ Power of taxation proceeds
power stops at the state upon the theory that the
boundary lines existence of government is
■ Cannot reach over into necessary; cannot continue
another jurisdiction to without means to pay
seize upon ○ Gives the right to compel citizens
○ Philippines → territorial principle; and property within its limits to
jurisdiction-based contribute
● It is levied by the law-making body of the ● Reciprocal duties of state and inhibitors
state ○ Found in the reciprocal
○ The power to tax is a duties of protection and
legislative power which support between the state
under the Constitution, only and its inhabitants
the Congress can exercise ○ Taxpayer → receives
through the enactment of tax general advantages and
statutes protection which the
○ Obligation of a tax → statutory government affords the
taxpayer and his property
■ Power to tax is no longer
○ Benefits-received principle
vested exclusively on
Congress can be in the form of
■ Local legislative compensation or
bodies are now given consideration for the other:
direct authority to protection for support and
levy taxes, fees, and support for protection
other charges ● Public purpose requirement for lawful
pursuant to the
○ Doesn’t mean that only
Constitution subject
those who are able to and do
to such guidelines
pay taxes enjoy the
and limitations
privileges and protection;
● It is levied for public purpose or
both are enjoyed by those
who do not and cannot pay legislative body, can impose taxes
taxes ○ Levy of a tax may be made by a
○ Protection in the enjoyment of local legislative body subject to
rights is a duty owed by the state limitations
to every citizen ○ Constitution expressly grants the
○ From the contributions, the power to tax to LGUs
government renders no ● It is subject to constitutional and
special or commensurate inherent limitations
benefit to any particular ○ Power of taxation is not absolute;
subject to certain limitations or
property or person
■ Tax is compulsory
○ Most limitations are specifically
and the payer gets provided in the Constitution or
no definite, specify implied
commodity or service ■ The rest are inherent and
■ Not imposed on the basis spring from the nature of
of a special or peculiar the taxing power itself
benefit ○ Individual equities and
○ A person cannot object to or inequalities, however, are
resist tax payment solely not considered in the
because there is no personal exercise of power and the
benefit arising from the mere fact that taxation is
payment (Lorenzo vs. unjust or oppressive with
Posadas [1937]) respect to a particular
● In taxation, what matters is that the tax taxpayer does not render a
imposition is for public purpose tax law invalid

Nature of the Power of Taxation Aspects of Taxation

● It is inherent in sovereignty ● The exercise of the power of taxation
○ Inherent in sovereignty as involves two aspects, and they are:
an incident or attribute ○ Taxation → levying or imposition
thereof, being essential to of the tax which is a legislative act
the existence of every ○ Tax administration →
government collection of the tax
○ Exists apart from constitutions levied which is
and without being expressly essentially administrative in
conferred character
■ Constitution ● Taxation and tax administration, together,
provisions relating to the two process constitute the taxation
the power of taxation system
do not operate as
grants of the power Extent of the Legislative Power to Tax
to the government ● Being legislative, all incidents are
■ Merely constitute naturally within the control of the
limitations upon a power legislature
which is practically ● Has the discretion to determine
limitless the manners mentioned, subject to
■ Its existence is recognized constitutional and inherent
by the provisions relating restrictions
to taxation ● The subjects or objects to be taxed
● It is legislative in character ○ Refers to the coverage and kind
○ Exclusively legislative; cannot be of nature of the tax
exercised by the executive or ■ Persons, natural or
judicial branch juridical; property,
○ Only the Congress, the national real or personal, or
tangible or taxpayer is entitled to
intangible; business, exemptions, or his
transactions, rights, liability has already
or privileges; been extinguished
○ A state is free to select the subject ● The amount or rate of the tax
of taxation ○ Generally, the legislature may levy
○ Inequalities which result a tax of any amount or rate it sees
from a singling out of one fit
particular class for taxation ○ If the taxes are oppressive or
or exemption infringe no unjust, the only remedy is
constitutional limitation, so ballot box and voting or
long as it is reasonable and election of new
not arbitrary (Luz vs. Araneta representatives (Cooley,
[1968], Sison Jr. vs. 178-181)
Ancheta, [1984]) ○ <The power to tax involves the
● The purpose or object of the tax so long power to destroy.=
as it is a public purpose ■ Describes not the
○ The legislative body can purposes for which
levy a tax or make an the taxing power may
appropriation provided it is be used, but the
for public purpose extent to which it
○ However, the determination on may be employed to
what is a public purpose is not raise revenues
conclusive ○ Taxes cannot be held invalid
○ Decision on the question is a merely because the power
judicial function, not legislative
which is manifested by its
○ Once it is settled that the
imposition may involve the
purpose is public, the courts
power to destroy
can make no other inquiry
○ Constitution → says that the
into the objective of the
rule of taxation should be
legislature in imposing the
uniform and equitable
tax (Pascual vs. Sec. of
■ Power to destroy →
Public Works [1961])
must be exercised with
○ Judicial action is limited only to a caution to minimize injury
review where it involves:
■ Must be exercised fairly,
■ Determination of the equally and uniformly
validity of the tax in ● The manner, means, and agencies of
relation to collection of the tax
constitutional ○ Refers to the administration of the
precepts; tax may be tax or the implementation of tax
declared invalid laws
because it violates ○ Legislature must equally
the constitutional possess the sole popper to
requirement of prescribe the mode or
uniformity and equity method of tax collection, and
in taxation to designate officers for
■ Determination in an enforcement, as well as
appropriate case of remedies which the state or
the application of a taxpayer may avail
tax law; courts may ○ This power or authority does not
involve the following:
decide a tax has
■ Choice of the subject to be
been illegally
collected when the
■ The definition of the
purpose for which the tax industry, being one of the
is imposed greatest contributors to the
■ Determination of the country’s wealth
amount thereof ● Tax provisions may be enacted so that low
○ Must observe and comply with income earners pay little to no income
procedural requirements taxes
prescribed ○ Exclusions, exemptions,
deductions, and tax credits
Non-revenue Objectives of Taxation
● Tax provisions may provide
● Primary purpose of taxation is to raise
incentives for certain desirable
revenue for the support of the
government activities to encourage investments
○ Also used as a devices for in productive assets or facilities that
regulation by means of will lead to increased employment
which certain effects or ○ Employment specifically for low
and middle income workers
conditions envisioned by the
○ Designed to discourage socially
government can be
undesirable practices, i.e. smoking
● As long as a tax is for public
● Can strengthen anemic
purpose, its validity is not affected
enterprises or provide incentive to
by collateral purposes or motives of
greater production through grant of
the legislature in imposing the level,
tax exemptions or the creation of
or by the fact it is regulatory, or if it
conditions conducive to their
discourages or deters the activities
● Import taxes may be increased to
○ Also applies even though the
protect local industries against
revenue obtained from the
foreign competition, or decreased
tax appears very negligible
to encourage foreign trade
or the revenue purpose is
● Import good taxes may be used as
only secondary
a bargaining tool by setting tariff
rates first at a high level before Basic Principles of a Sound Tax System
trade negotiations are entered into ● Fiscal adequacy
● Taxes may be increased in ○ Sources of revenue, as well as
periods of prosperity to curb receipts taken as a whole, should
spending power and halt be sufficient to
inflation, or lowered to expand meet the demands of public
business and ward off depression expenditure
● Levied to reduce inequalities in wealth ○ Revenue should be elastic
and incomes
or capable of expanding and
● Used to promote science and
contracting annually in
invention to finance educational
response to variations in
activities, or to improve local police
public expenditures
forces’ efficiency in maintaining
○ Alternative A: Incur the risk of
peace and order through subsidy deficits or surpluses due to
○ Reference: RA No. 5448, RA No. inelastic revenue
5447, RA No. 6141 ○ Alternative B: Adjust the amount
● Made as an implement of the police power of public expenditure to fit the flow
to promote general welfare of funds
○ Sugar Adjustment Act → ■ Properly curtailing
designed to obtain a activities so the budget is
readjustment of the benefits balanced
derived by people interested ■ Elasticity can be
in the sugar industry; obtained without
rehabilitate and stabilize the creating any new
taxes annually, but persons residing with a
merely changing the specified territory;
rates ■ Citizens and non-
● Equality or theoretical justice citizens, without
○ Tax burden should be distributed regard to their
in proportion to the payer’s ability property, occupation,
to pay or business
○ Contribution of each ■ Taxes of a
person towards the specified amount
government expenses imposed upon each
should be so apportioned person performing a
that they would feel neither certain act or
more or less engaging in a certain
inconvenienced business are not poll
● Administrative feasibility taxes
○ Tax laws should be capable ■ Example: Community
of convenient, just, and (residence) tax
effective administration or ○ Property → whether real
enforcement at a reasonable or personal; in proportion
cost either to its value, or in
○ No tax is better than its accordance with a
actual operation; each tax reasonable method of
should be clear and plain, apportionment
capable of uniform ■ Example: Real estate tax
enforcement by government → taxed is based on
officials, convenient as to the market value or price sold,
time, place, and manner of whichever is higher
payment, and not unduly
○ Excise → tax which does
not fall within the
● Non-observance of the principles
classification of poll or
will not necessarily render the tax
property tax; a charge
invalid expect to the extent that
imposed upon the
specific limitations are violated
performance of an act, the
Errors on the Part of Tax Officials enjoyment of a privilege, or
● Errors do not bind the government or the engaging in an
prejudice its right to collect the tax legally occupation, profession, or
● Government is never estopped by
■ Obligation to pay is based
the mistakes or errors on the part on voluntary action of the
of its agents or unauthorized or person taxed
illegal acts of public officials ■ Synonymous with privilege
● If through a misapprehension, an tax
officer executed it for a long time, ■ Example: Income tax,
the error may be corrected when value-added tax, estate
the true interpretation is later tax, donor’s tax
ascertained (PLDT vs. CIR [1952]). ● As to who bears the burden
○ Direct → tax demanded or
B. Classifications & Distinctions exacted from the very
Classification of Taxes person who also shoulders
● As to subject matter or object the burden; taxpayer is
○ Personal, poll, or primarily liable and cannot
capitation → tax of a fixed shift to another
amount imposed on ■ Example: Corporate and
individual income tax, assessed; <by the value of=
estate tax, donor’s tax or according to value
○ Indirect — tax demanded ■ Requires an
from, or are paid by, one assessment to
person in the expectation estimate the value of
and intention that he shall such property before
indemnify himself at the determining the
expense of another by amount due
passing the burden to the ■ Example: Real
latter, falling on the ultimate estate tax, excise
purchaser tax on automobiles,
■ Tax imposed on jewelry, customs
goods before duties (except
reaching the cinematography)
consumer who pays ○ Case: Excise Tax
for it as part of the ■ Those imposed
purchase price of under the NIRC on
goods or services certain specified
■ What is transferred is not articles (Chap II-G)
the seller’s liability but are either special or
merely the tax burden
ad valorem
■ Example: Value-added
■ Cited as a tax code; kind
tax, percentage taxes,
of property tax applicable
excise taxes, customs
to particular articles
○ Case: Withholding Tax
■ Real estate tax →
■ Incidence and burden of
ad valorem tax but
taxation falls on the same
entity also a property tax,
■ Burden of taxation is although it is not an
not shifted to the excise tax
withholding agent ● As to purpose
who merely collects ○ General, fiscal, or revenue → tax
imposed for general government
by withholding the
tax due from income
■ Example: Income tax,
payments to entities VAT, almost all kinds of
arising from certain taxes
transactions, and ○ Special or regulatory → tax
remits the same to imposed for special
the government purposes, such as some
● As to determination of amount social or economic ends
○ Specific → tax of a fixed irrespective of whether the
amount imposed by the revenue is raised or not
head or number; requires ■ Example: Protective
no assessment (valuation) tariffs or customs
other than a listing or duties on import
classification of objects to goods to enable
be taxed locally manufacturing
■ Example: Taxes on goods or similar
liquors, cigars and products to compete
cigarettes, etc. domestically
○ Ad valorem → tax of a ● As to scope or authority
fixed proportion of the value ○ Natural → imposed by the natural
of the property with respect environment
to which the tax is
■ Example: NIR taxes, Tax vs. Penalty
customs duties, or those ● Penalty → sanctions imposed as
imposed by special laws punishment for violation of law
○ Municipal or local → imposed by
municipal corporations or LGUs
■ Example: Real estate tax,
professional tax
● As to graduation or rate
○ Proportional → based on
a fixed percentage of the or acts deemed injurious;
amount of the property, violations of tax laws may give rise
receipts, or other basis to to imposition of penalty
be taxed; also known as flat Tax vs. Special Assessment
or uniform tax ● Special assessment → enforced
■ Remains constant for all proportional contribution from
levels of the tax base or owners of lands especially or
any given income level peculiarly benefited by public
■ Example: Real estate tax, improvements
VAT, and percentage tax
● Levied only on land
○ Progressive → tax rate increases
● A charge is imposed only on
as the tax base or bracket
increases property owners benefited is a
○ Regressive → tax rate special assessment rather than a
decreases as the tax base tax notwithstanding that the statute
or bracket increases; not calls it a tax
applicable in the Philippines ● An exemption from taxation doesn’t
include exemption from special
Regressive/Progressive System of Taxation assessment
● Regressive tax is not the same as ○ Power to tax carries the power to
regressive system of taxation levy a special assessment
○ This system exists when there are
more indirect taxes imposed than
direct taxes Tax vs. License or Permit Fee
○ Burden of indirect taxes ● License or permit fee → charge imposed
rests more on the low- under the police power for regulation
income sectors than the ● License → nature of a special
affluent groups because privilege, of a permission or
they consume more goods authority to do what is within its
which are taxed indirectly terms

Tax Distinguished from Others

Tax vs. Toll
● Toll → sum of money for the use
of something; applied to the
consideration which is paid for the
use of a road, bridge, or public

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