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Bio Physics
Unit II : Physics of ion channels.

1. Diffusion, random motion, diffusion equation.

2. Osmosis, osmotic pressure in liquid and gas.
3. Diffusion across membrane.
4. Membrane potential.

1. Diffusion, random motion, diffusion equation.


Diffusion is the process by which molecules spread from regions of high

concentration to regions of low concentration. This phenomenon is driven
by the random thermal motion of molecules and is fundamental to many
biological processes, such as the transport of oxygen, nutrients, and waste
products within cells and across cell membranes.

Key Characteristics of Diffusion:

 Passive Process: No energy input is required.

 Concentration Gradient: Molecules move down their

concentration gradient.

 Equilibrium: Diffusion continues until the concentration of

molecules is uniform throughout the space.

Random Motion:

Random motion, also known as Brownian motion, is the erratic and

constant movement of particles suspended in a fluid (liquid or gas),
resulting from collisions with the fluid's molecules. This concept is critical
in understanding diffusion at the microscopic level.

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Key Aspects of Random Motion:

 Thermal Energy: Molecules in a fluid are in constant motion due to

their thermal energy.

 Collision: Particles change direction frequently due to collisions

with other molecules.

 Probability: The movement of individual particles is unpredictable,

but the overall behavior of a large number of particles can be
described statistically.

Diffusion Equation:

The diffusion equation mathematically describes how the concentration of

a substance changes over time and space due to diffusion. It is a partial
differential equation derived from Fick's laws of diffusion.

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This solution shows that the concentration profile of the diffusing

substance becomes broader and lower over time, indicating the spread of
the substance from the initial point.

Applications in Biophysics:

Diffusion plays a crucial role in various biological processes, such as:

 Respiration: Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli in the lungs into the

 Cellular Transport: Nutrients and waste products diffuse across

cell membranes.

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 Signal Transduction: Diffusion of signaling molecules (e.g.,

hormones, neurotransmitters) enables communication between cells.

Understanding diffusion and the underlying principles of random motion

and the diffusion equation helps explain how molecules move and interact
in biological systems, contributing to the overall functioning of living

2. Osmosis, osmotic pressure in liquid and gas.


Osmosis is a special case of diffusion that involves the movement of solvent

molecules (usually water) across a semipermeable membrane from a region
of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration.
This process aims to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides of
the membrane, achieving equilibrium.

Key Characteristics of Osmosis:

 Semipermeable Membrane: Allows the passage of solvent

molecules but not solute molecules.

 Direction of Movement: Solvent molecules move from low solute

concentration (high solvent concentration) to high solute
concentration (low solvent concentration).

 Equilibrium: Osmosis continues until the concentrations on both

sides of the membrane are equal, or until osmotic pressure
counteracts the movement.

Osmotic Pressure:

Osmotic pressure is the pressure required to stop the net flow of solvent
molecules through a semipermeable membrane due to osmosis. It is a
colligative property, meaning it depends on the number of solute particles
in a solution rather than the type of solute.

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Van 't Hoff's Law: For dilute solutions, osmotic pressure (Π) can be
described by Van 't Hoff's law, which is analogous to the ideal gas law:


 Π is the osmotic pressure,

 i is the van 't Hoff factor (number of particles the solute dissociates

 C is the molar concentration of the solute,

 R is the universal gas constant (0.0821 L·atm/(K·mol)),

 T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.

Osmotic Pressure in Liquids:

In liquid systems, osmosis and osmotic pressure are crucial for various
biological processes:

1. Cellular Osmoregulation:

o Cells regulate their internal environment by controlling the

movement of water and solutes.

o Hypertonic solutions (higher solute concentration outside the

cell) cause cells to lose water and shrink.

o Hypotonic solutions (lower solute concentration outside the

cell) cause cells to gain water and swell.

o Isotonic solutions (equal solute concentration) result in no net

movement of water, maintaining cell shape.

2. Plant Water Uptake:

o Roots absorb water from the soil through osmosis.

o The osmotic pressure in root cells draws water into the plant,
helping maintain turgor pressure (the pressure of the cell

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contents against the cell wall), which is vital for plant structure
and growth.

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3. Kidney Function:

o The kidneys use osmosis to reabsorb water from the filtrate in

the nephrons, concentrating urine and maintaining body fluid

Osmotic Pressure in Gases:

Osmotic pressure in gases is less commonly discussed than in liquids, but

similar principles apply when considering gases separated by a
semipermeable membrane. However, gas molecules generally move freely
and mix rapidly, so osmosis in gases is not as pronounced or significant as
in liquid systems.

1. Gas Separation:

o In some industrial and scientific applications, semipermeable

membranes are used to separate different gases based on their
partial pressures and molecular sizes.

o The concept of osmotic pressure can be extended to explain the

movement of gas molecules across these membranes.

2. Respiratory Gas Exchange:

o While not typically described in terms of osmosis, the

movement of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) across
respiratory membranes in the lungs involves differences in
partial pressures, which can be conceptually linked to osmotic

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Detailed Mechanism of Osmosis:

1. Solute-Solvent Interaction:

o Solvent molecules interact with solute particles, reducing the

number of free solvent molecules available to move across the

o This creates a concentration gradient, driving the movement of

solvent molecules toward the higher solute concentration.

2. Energetic Considerations:

o Osmosis is driven by the potential energy difference between

the solutions.

o Solvent molecules move to equalize the chemical potential (a

measure of potential energy) across the membrane.

3. Dynamic Equilibrium:

o Once equilibrium is reached, the osmotic pressure balances the

hydrostatic pressure, preventing further net movement of
solvent molecules.

o At this point, the system is in a dynamic equilibrium, with equal

rates of solvent movement in both directions.

Importance in Biological Systems:

1. Homeostasis:

o Osmosis is essential for maintaining the balance of fluids and

electrolytes within cells and tissues.

o It plays a key role in processes such as nutrient absorption,

waste removal, and cellular hydration.

2. Medical Applications:

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o Understanding osmotic pressure is crucial for developing

treatments like intravenous fluid therapy, dialysis, and the
formulation of isotonic solutions to prevent cell damage.

3. Biotechnology:

o Osmosis is utilized in various biotechnological applications,

including desalination, water purification, and drug delivery

3. Diffusion across membrane.


Diffusion across membranes is a critical process in biological systems,

enabling the movement of molecules such as gases, ions, and small organic
molecules between the interior and exterior of cells, as well as between
different cellular compartments. This process is essential for maintaining
cellular homeostasis, nutrient uptake, waste removal, and signal

Key Concepts:

1. Membrane Structure:

 Phospholipid Bilayer: Biological membranes are primarily

composed of a phospholipid bilayer, with hydrophilic (water-
attracting) heads facing outward and hydrophobic (water-repelling)
tails facing inward.

 Proteins: Membranes also contain various proteins, including

integral proteins (which span the membrane) and peripheral proteins
(attached to the membrane surface). These proteins serve as
channels, carriers, and receptors.

2. Types of Diffusion Across Membranes:

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 Simple Diffusion: The passive movement of small, nonpolar

molecules (e.g., O2, CO2) directly through the phospholipid bilayer
without the need for energy or transport proteins.

 Facilitated Diffusion: The passive movement of molecules down

their concentration gradient through specific transport proteins
embedded in the membrane.

Simple Diffusion:


 Molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of

lower concentration directly through the lipid bilayer.

 This process does not require energy (ATP) and is driven by the
kinetic energy of the molecules.


 Nonpolar Molecules: Only small, nonpolar molecules, such as

oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and lipid-soluble molecules, can
diffuse through the lipid bilayer.

 No Saturation: The rate of simple diffusion increases linearly with

the concentration gradient and does not saturate.

Facilitated Diffusion:


 Involves specific transport proteins that facilitate the movement of

larger or polar molecules across the membrane.

 Two main types of transport proteins are involved:

o Channel Proteins: Form hydrophilic channels that allow

specific ions or molecules to pass through.

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o Carrier Proteins: Bind to the molecule on one side of the

membrane, undergo a conformational change, and release the
molecule on the other side.


 Specificity: Transport proteins are specific to particular molecules

or ions.

 Saturation: The rate of facilitated diffusion can reach a maximum

(saturation point) when all transport proteins are occupied.

 No Energy Required: Like simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion

does not require energy input and relies on the concentration

Factors Affecting Diffusion Across Membranes:

1. Concentration Gradient:

 The difference in concentration of a substance on either side of the

membrane is the primary driving force for diffusion. A steeper
gradient results in a faster diffusion rate.

2. Membrane Permeability:

 The permeability of the membrane to a particular substance depends

on the substance's size, polarity, and the presence of specific
transport proteins.

3. Temperature:

 Higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of molecules, leading

to faster diffusion rates.

4. Surface Area:

 The greater the surface area of the membrane, the more molecules
can diffuse across it simultaneously.

5. Thickness of the Membrane:

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 A thinner membrane allows for faster diffusion, as molecules have a

shorter distance to travel.

Biological Examples of Diffusion Across Membranes:

1. Gas Exchange in the Lungs:

 Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli (high concentration) into the blood
(low concentration), while carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood
(high concentration) into the alveoli (low concentration).

2. Nutrient Uptake in the Gut:

 Nutrients like glucose and amino acids are absorbed into intestinal
cells via facilitated diffusion through specific carrier proteins.

3. Ion Transport in Neurons:

 Ions such as sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) move across the
neuron's membrane through channel proteins, essential for
generating action potentials and nerve impulses.

4. Water Balance in Cells:

 Water moves across cell membranes by osmosis, a form of facilitated

diffusion through specialized water channels called aquaporins.

Diffusion and Cell Function:

1. Homeostasis:

 Diffusion is crucial for maintaining the internal environment of cells,

ensuring that nutrients are delivered and waste products are removed

2. Signal Transduction:

 Many signaling molecules, such as hormones and neurotransmitters,

rely on diffusion to reach their target cells and elicit responses.

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3. Energy Production:

 The diffusion of oxygen into cells is vital for cellular respiration, a

process that generates ATP, the cell's energy currency.

Pathophysiological Implications:

Disruptions in diffusion processes can lead to various medical conditions:

 Cystic Fibrosis: A genetic disorder that affects the chloride ion

channels in epithelial cells, impairing diffusion and leading to thick
mucus buildup in the lungs.

 Diabetes: Altered glucose transport due to insulin resistance affects

facilitated diffusion of glucose into cells, leading to high blood sugar

 Edema: Excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues can result from

impaired osmosis and diffusion of water across cell membranes.

Membrane Potential in Biophysics


Membrane potential is the electrical potential difference across the cell

membrane, resulting from the distribution of ions between the intracellular
and extracellular environments. It is a critical aspect of cellular function,
particularly in nerve and muscle cells, where it plays a central role in the
transmission of signals and the initiation of action potentials.

Key Concepts:

1. Cell Membrane Structure:

 The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with

embedded proteins, which include ion channels, pumps, and
transporters. This structure is selectively permeable, allowing specific
ions to pass through while maintaining a separation of charge.

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2. Ion Distribution:

 Ions such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), and

calcium (Ca2+) are unevenly distributed across the cell membrane.
Typically, K+ is more concentrated inside the cell, while Na+ and Cl-
are more concentrated outside.

3. Resting Membrane Potential:

 The resting membrane potential is the voltage difference across the

cell membrane when a cell is not actively transmitting a signal. For
most cells, this potential is around -70 mV (inside of the cell is
negative relative to the outside).

Mechanisms Contributing to Membrane Potential:

1. Diffusion of Ions:

 Ions diffuse across the membrane through ion channels, moving

down their concentration gradients. This movement is influenced by
both the concentration gradient and the electrical gradient
(electrochemical gradient).

2. Selective Permeability:

 The cell membrane is more permeable to K+ ions than to Na+ ions

due to the presence of more K+ channels. This permeability
difference is a key factor in establishing the resting membrane

3. Sodium-Potassium Pump (Na+/K+ ATPase):

 This pump actively transports 3 Na+ ions out of the cell and 2 K+ ions
into the cell against their concentration gradients, using ATP for
energy. This action maintains the concentration gradients of Na+ and
K+ and contributes to the negative resting membrane potential.

Nernst Equation:

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The Nernst equation calculates the equilibrium potential for a specific ion
based on its concentration gradient across the membrane. For potassium,
the equation is:

Action Potentials:

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In excitable cells like neurons and muscle cells, the membrane potential can rapidly change in
response to stimuli, leading to action potentials.

1. Depolarization:

 A stimulus causes Na+ channels to open, allowing Na+ ions to flow into the cell, making
the inside more positive and depolarizing the membrane.

2. Repolarization:

 After reaching a peak, Na+ channels close and K+ channels open, allowing K+ ions to
flow out of the cell, restoring the negative membrane potential.

3. Hyperpolarization:

 The membrane potential temporarily becomes more negative than the resting potential
due to the continued efflux of K+ ions before stabilizing back to the resting potential.

4. Refractory Period:

 During this period, the neuron is less responsive to stimuli, ensuring unidirectional
propagation of action potentials.

Biological Importance of Membrane Potential:

1. Signal Transmission in Neurons:

 Membrane potentials enable the generation and propagation of electrical signals (action
potentials) along neurons, facilitating communication within the nervous system.

2. Muscle Contraction:

 Changes in membrane potential trigger muscle contraction through the excitation-

contraction coupling process.

3. Cellular Homeostasis:

 Membrane potentials are essential for maintaining the balance of ions and nutrients
within cells, supporting various cellular processes.

4. Sensory Perception:

 Sensory cells convert external stimuli into changes in membrane potential, allowing the
perception of environmental signals (e.g., light, sound, touch).

Pathophysiological Implications:

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Disruptions in membrane potential can lead to various medical conditions:

 Hyperkalemia: Elevated blood potassium levels can alter membrane potentials, affecting
heart rhythm and muscle function.
 Hypokalemia: Low blood potassium levels can lead to muscle weakness, cramps, and
cardiac arrhythmias.
 Channelopathies: Genetic mutations in ion channels can cause diseases such as cystic
fibrosis, epilepsy, and periodic paralysis.

Action Potentials:

In excitable cells like neurons and muscle cells, the membrane potential can
rapidly change in response to stimuli, leading to action potentials.

1. Depolarization:

 A stimulus causes Na+ channels to open, allowing Na+ ions to flow

into the cell, making the inside more positive and depolarizing the

2. Repolarization:

 After reaching a peak, Na+ channels close and K+ channels open,

allowing K+ ions to flow out of the cell, restoring the negative
membrane potential.

3. Hyperpolarization:

 The membrane potential temporarily becomes more negative than

the resting potential due to the continued efflux of K+ ions before
stabilizing back to the resting potential.

4. Refractory Period:

 During this period, the neuron is less responsive to stimuli, ensuring

unidirectional propagation of action potentials.

Biological Importance of Membrane Potential:

1. Signal Transmission in Neurons:

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 Membrane potentials enable the generation and propagation of

electrical signals (action potentials) along neurons, facilitating
communication within the nervous system.

2. Muscle Contraction:

 Changes in membrane potential trigger muscle contraction through

the excitation-contraction coupling process.

3. Cellular Homeostasis:

 Membrane potentials are essential for maintaining the balance of ions

and nutrients within cells, supporting various cellular processes.

4. Sensory Perception:

 Sensory cells convert external stimuli into changes in membrane

potential, allowing the perception of environmental signals (e.g.,
light, sound, touch).

Pathophysiological Implications:

Disruptions in membrane potential can lead to various medical conditions:

 Hyperkalemia: Elevated blood potassium levels can alter

membrane potentials, affecting heart rhythm and muscle function.

 Hypokalemia: Low blood potassium levels can lead to muscle

weakness, cramps, and cardiac arrhythmias.

 Channelopathies: Genetic mutations in ion channels can cause

diseases such as cystic fibrosis, epilepsy, and periodic paralysis.

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