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NEET PATTERN TEST Brahmastra Major Test-14

13th NEET - Phase 12

Date: 28-Apr-2024 Duration: 3 Hours 20 Mins Max Marks: 720

Biology - Section A

1. Answer: 4 2. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Underground modification of stem occurs The function of petals in a flower is to

generally for food storage and vegetative attract pollinators.
propagation. Such as in rhizomes i.e.
fleshy and horizontally found below in soil Petals are typically brightly colored and
small nodes and internodes are found often have distinctive patterns or
which are covered by scaly leaves. They markings that help them stand out to
help in storage of food so that plants pollinators like bees, butterflies, and
survive in drought condition. It has one hummingbirds. In addition to color and
or more nodes and internodes with at pattern, petals may also produce
least one growing point. For example: fragrances or nectar that are attractive to
ginger. pollinators.

Wheat is a fibrous root. By attracting pollinators, the petals help

the flower to achieve fertilization and
Groundnut has annual herbaceous produce seeds. This is important for the
nature; it has a fairly well plant's reproductive success and survival.
developed taproot. Some flowers have evolved specific
adaptations to attract particular
Radish is an example of spindle shaped pollinators, such as long, tubular flowers
storage tap root. that are adapted for hummingbird
Hence, the correct answer is Ginger. pollination or flowers that emit odors
similar to those produced by female
insects to attract male pollinators.

3. Answer: 4 4. Answer: 1

To survive, Antarctic fishes have

developed proteins that act as antifreeze.
These antifreeze proteins are a group of
unique macromolecules that help some
polar and subpolar marine bony fishes
avoid freezing in their ice habitats.

Kangaroo rats can extract a half gram of

water out of every gram of seeds

Archaea thrive in many different

extremes: heat, cold, acid, base, salinity,
pressure, and radiation. These different
environmental conditions over time have
allowed Archaea to evolve with their
extreme environments so that they are
adapted to them.

Xerophytes have thick cuticles, lost or

finely divided leaves, reduced stomata,
and CAM photosynthesis.

5. Answer: 4 6. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

There are seven main taxonomic ranks- Photorespiration is the light dependent
kingdom, phylum/division, class, process. At high temperature, RuBP
order, family, genus, and species. carboxylase functions as oxygenase and
instead of fixing carbon dioxide (C3
In the above-given table- cycle), oxidises ribulose 1,5-biphosphate
Family-Muscidae to produce a 3-carbon phosphoglyceric
acid and a 2-carbon phosphoglycolate.



7. Answer: 1 8. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

In pinnately compound leaves, a number To develop into a seed after fertilization

of leaflets are present on a common axis,
the rachis, which represents the midrib of
the leaf as in neem.

In the leaf of silk cotton, the leaflets are

attached at the tip of petiole like fingers
of our palm. Hence the leaf is described
as palmately compound leaf.

9. Answer: 1 10. Answer: 2


a, b, and c

Factor or Genes occur in pairs in

organisms because most organisms are
diploid, meaning that cells contain two
sets of chromosomes, one from each

According to law of dominance only one

of the parental characters is expressed in
a monohybrid cross in the F1 generation
and the expression of both in the
F2 Generation. Therefore, in a dissimilar
pair of factors one member of the pair
dominates the other.

11. Answer: 2 12. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Ernst Mayr proposed the widely used Phosphoenolpyruvate is a 3C structure which has
concept of biological species in 1942. primary C-acceptor nature, RUBISCO is a enzyme
which is found in mesophyll cells of C3 plants but in
Photoperiod directly affects C4 plants it is found in boundle sheath cells.
flowering by regulating secretions of
florigen and vernalin and also affects the Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is the 3-
growth of stem and roots during certain Carbon compound and acts as the
seasons. primary CO2 acceptor in the mesophyll
cells of C4 plants, leading to the
Binomial nomenclature was formation of OAA
established by Linnaeus.

In unicellular organism growth and

reproduction are synonymous. This
mainly because the increase in cell
number and size lead to generation of
new offsprings.

13. Answer: 3 14. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

The mode of arrangement of sepals or Double fertilisation is a process unique to

petals in floral bud with respect to the Angiosperms. After the release of two
other members of the same whorl is male gametes by the pollen tube, in the
known as aestivation. It is of following embryo sac, one male gamete which is
types: near the egg fuses with the egg nucleus
and this is called syngamy which results
Twisted: One margin of the petal in the formation of a zygote. The other
overlaps that of the next one, and the male gamete fuses with the secondary
other margin is overlapped by the third nucleus and this is called triple fusion
one. For example: Cotton, Ladyfinger, which results in the formation of a triploid
China rose. primary endosperm. This simultaneous
occurrence of syngamy and triple fusion
in the embryo sac is called double

Valvate: When the petal of a whorl lies

adjacent to other petal and just touches
it. For example: Calotropis etc.

Imbricate: When both margins of the one

petal are covered by the other two petals
and both margin of another one, covers
other. For example: cassia and Gulmohar

Vexillary: The posterior petal is

outermost & largest. In it standard or
vexillum covers two lateral petals. These
two laterals cover two anterior ones. For
example: Pea and bean etc.

Hence, the correct answer is twisted.

15. Answer: 4 16. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

In bacteria, fungi and lower plants, Birds have ZW-ZZ type, Butterflies have
various kinds of thick-walled spores are ZO-ZZ type, Grasshopper have XX-XO
formed which help them to survive type, Fruitfly have XX- XY type of sex
unfavourable conditions – these determination.
germinate on availability of suitable
environment. Somes nails and fish go
into aestivation to avoid summer–related
problems-heat and dessication. Under
unfavourable conditions many
zooplankton species in lakes and ponds
are known to enter diapause, a stage of
suspended development

17. Answer: 4 18. Answer: 1


The large cells around the vascular

bundles of C2 plants form bundle
sheath. These cells have large number of
chloroplasts to perform calvin cycle.

Penicillium is multicellular fungi and

naturally produces antibodies penicillin.
This is a correct statement.

Neurospora, commonly called pink

bread mould is used in the study of
biocehmical genetics as it can be grown
easily. This statement is correct.

Morals and Truffels are poisnous

mushroom is a wrong statement.As both
of these are highly prized edible
delicacies as these are not easily
available. This statement is incorrect.

Yeast is unicellular and useful in

fementation as it breakdown sugar rich
molecules o produce ethanol and carbon
dioxide.This is a correct statement.

19. Answer: 3 20. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Bulliform cells check the water loss. b, c, d & e

Bulliform or motor cells are modified
epidermal cells present in monocots or
grasses. Under stressed conditions, they
help in shutting down stomata and thus
reduce water loss through transpiration.

It is also show the modification of

trichomes, root hairs and subsidiary cell.

21. Answer: 4 22. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

The length of the DNA can be calculated Chrysophytes are placed under the
by taking into consideration the total kingdom- Protista.
number of base pairs and the
distance between two base pairs. We In diatoms, the cell walls form two thin
know that in one turn of DNA 10 base overlapping cells, which fit together as in
pairs are present and they are separated a soapbox.
from each other by a distance of Their cell wall is made up of two halves,
0.34nm. which are arranged like soap case. Their
Length of DNA = No. of base cell wall have silica in very large quantity.
pairs × distance between two base Due to this reason their cell wall is hard
pairs and indestructable. The cell wall does not
get destroyed after their death so at the
Length of DNA = 6.6 x109bp × 0.34 x bottom of sea, very huge rocks of dead
10-9mt. diatoms are formed which are known as
"diatomite" or "diatomaceous earth" or
Length of DNA = 2.2 mt. "keiselguhr.
Hence, the length of DNA molecule is 1.1
mt (given), then Number of base pairs is
1.1 (2.2 /2 = 1.1).

23. Answer: 4 24. Answer: 4


ii and v

Respiratory quotient is the volume of

carbon dioxide released the volume of
oxygen taken at the time of respiration.

2(C51H98O6) + 145O2 →102 CO2 + 98

H+ + Energy

RQ = 102 CO2/ 145 O2 = 0.7.

25. Answer: 1 26. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

1. Histone ( a family of basic protiens that In gymnosperms, ovules are not enclosed
by an ovary wall and remain exposed,
associate with DNA in the nucleus and help both before and after fertilization. This is
because gymnosperms are plants that
condense it into chromatine ) is a structure
produce seeds but lack an ovary. The
which is positively charge in nature and seeds that develop after fertilization are
not covered, i.e., are naked.
wrapped by negatively charged DNA to
Horsetails are seedless vascular plants
form nucleosome, Histones are rich that reproduce with spores and are found
in lysine and arginine Amino Acids , in moist environments. They are
a typical nucleosome contains 200 bp of
In cycas, the stem is erect, stout and
DNA helix. unbranched. However, in Pinus and
Cedrus, the stem is branched.

Selaginella and Salvinia are

heterosporous. They have spores of two
different sizes, microspores and

2. Heterochromatine is
transcriptionally inactive in nature
and Euchromatine is loosly arranged
chromatine which is transcriptionally
active .
Extras:--1. Heterochromatin is defined
as the area of the chromosome which is
darkly stained with a DNA specific stain
and is in comparatively condensed form.
2. Euchromatin is defined as the area
of the chromosome which is rich in gene
concentration and actively participates in
the transcription process.

27. Answer: 1 28. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

During Krebs' or citric acid cycle, Pyramid of biomass is an ecological

succinyl-CoA is acted upon by enzyme pyramid, which represents the biomass at
succinyl-CoA synthetase to form various trophic levels. It represents the
succinate (a 4C compound). The reaction living material produced at each level
releases sufficient energy to form ATP (in from the food obtained from the previous
plants) or GTP (in animals) by substrate- level. It is upright except for the aquatic
level phosphorylation. GTP can then be food chain, which involves planktons. .
used to form ATP. Pyramid of numbers represent the
number of individuals in each trophic
level of a food chain. Pyramid of energy
represents the amount of energy at each
trophic level of a food chain.

The amount of living organic matter is

called biomass. The pyramid of biomass
is a graphic representation of biomass
present sequence-wise per unit area of
different trophic levels with producers at
the base and top carnivores at the top.

29. Answer: 1 30. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Semi conservative mode of D.N.A. Incorrect

replication was experimentally proved by
Meselson & Stahl (1958) on E - Coli and In phaeophyceae or brown algae, food is
Taylor on Vicia faba (1958).To prove this stored as complex carbohydrates, that
method, Taylor used Radiotracer may be in the form of laminarin or
Technique in which Radioisotopes mannitol.
(tritiated thymidine = 1H ) were used.​ Correct
A use of radioactive thymidine to detect
distribution of newly synthesised DNA in Agar- Agar is one of the commercial
the chromosomes was performed on Vicia products obtained from Gelidium and
faba (faba beans) by Taylor and Gracilaria are used to grow microbes and
colleagues. The experiments proved that in preparations of ice-creams and jellies.
the DNA in chromosomes also replicate
semiconservatively. Chlorella and Spirulina is a unicellular
alga rich in proteins is used as food
This process can be made possible if out supplement even by space travellers.
of the two strands strands of a
chromosome in the next generation, Certain marine brown and red algae
where one is old and one is new. produce large amounts of hydrocolloids
(water holding substances), e.g., algin
(brown algae) and carrageen (red algae)
which are used commercially.

31. Answer: 4 32. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Chemiosmosis requires a membrane, a An ecological pyramid is a graphical

proton pump, a proton gradient, and representation of the relationship
an ATPsynthase. between the different living organisms at
The transport of electrons via the different trophic levels.
electron transport chain causes the
pumping of protons from the stroma into The three types of ecological
the lumen of the thylakoid. This creates a pyramids that are usually studied are
proton gradient across the membrane. (a) pyramid of number; (b) pyramid of
The accumulated protons in the lumen biomass and (c) pyramid of energy.
cause the protons to flow back to the Pyramid of biomass shows a sharp
stroma, thus breaking down the proton decrease in biomass at higher trophic
gradient. The energy from this gradient levels and hence is upright.
breakdown is used by synthase to
synthesise .
11th NCERT Page No – 233, 234
33. Answer: 1 34. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

In eukaryotes, there are three major Plant hormone auxin helps to initiate
types of RNA polymerases. rooting in stem cuttings, and induces
RNA polymerase I transcript the 5.8S, flowering in pineapples.
18S, and 28S rRNAs.
RNA polymerase II transcripts hnRNAs Ethylene is used to initiate flowering and
(precursors of mRNA). for Synchronization fruit set up in
RNA polymerase III transcripts tRNA, pineapples.
5S rRNA, and SnRNA.

35. Answer: 1


Spraying juvenile conifers with

gibberellins (GAs) hastens the maturity
period, thus leading to early seed

Zeatin is a plant growth hormone in the

cytokinin family. Zeatin can also be
applied to stimulate seed germination
and seedling growth.

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone

that regulates numerous aspects of plant
growth, development, and stress

Indole-3-butyric acid is used on many

crops and ornamentals to promote the
growth and development of roots,
flowers, and fruits and to increase crop
yields. It is a natural plant growth
Biology - Section B

36. Answer: 1


a–Connective tissue, b–Endothecium, c–

Pollen grain
The T. S. shows a dithecous
tetrasporangiate anther wherein each
anther lobe has two long microsporangia
which are separated from each other by
shallow groove on the outside, called as
stomium. The middle parenchymatous
tissue that joins two anther lobes
together is termed as connective tissue.
Each microsporangium has two parts, the
outer wall and inner homogenous
sporogenous tissue. The wall has four
types of layers namely epidermis,
endothecium, 1-3 middle layers and
tapetum. Endothecium consists of larger
cells and develops thickening of cellulose
on inner and radial walls during
differentiation The inner sporogenous
tissue of each microsporangium
differentiates into microspore/pollen
mother cell and undergoes
microsporogenesis to produce
microspores/pollen grains that remain
suspended in central of each

37. Answer: 1 38. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Mesophyll is not differentiated into 1 is leaf

palisade and spongy tissues in isobilateral
leaves and thus the tissue are composed 2 is shoot apical
of mainly isodiametric cells with 3 is axillary bud.
intercellular spaces (mostly spongy type).

39. Answer: 3 40. Answer: 4


If both assertion and reason are false.


1)According to two kingdom

classification, cell walls are absent in
animals but are present in most other
eukaryotes including algae(cellulose),
fungi(chitin) and plants and in most
prokaryotes(peptidoglycan). So these
statements are correct.

2)Mushroom or toadstool is the fleshy,

spore-bearing fruiting body of a
basidomycetes fungus.

3)Members of class Sporozoa are all

parasites and they do not have
locomotory organs. Hence this statement
is incorrect.

4)Prokaryotes, found in both Domain

Archaea and Bacteria, are unicellular
organisms that lack membrane-bound

41. Answer: 4 42. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

When Mendel studied the inheritance of Isogamy is the fusion of morphologically

two characters together, it was found that similar gametes. Spirogyra is a
the factors independently assort and filamentous gree algae that is found in
combine in all permutations and fresh water habitats and shows isogamy
combinations (Law of Independent with non-flagellated gametes.

Mendel's law of independent assortment

does not hold true for the genes that are
located closely on the same chromosome.
All the genes present on the same
chromosome are inherited together
generation after generation retaining the
parental combination, which leads to lack
of independent assortment.

43. Answer: 2 44. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

If both assertion and reason are true but The production of gametes by the
reason is not the correct explanation of parents, the formation of the zygotes, the
assertion. F1 and F2 plants can be understood from
a diagram called Punnett Square. It is a
graphical representation to calculate the
probability of all possible genotypes of
offspring in a genetic cross. The possible
gametes are written on two sides, usually
the top row and left columns. All possible
combinations are represented in boxes
below in the squares, which generates a
square output form.

45. Answer: 2 46. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

C4 plants have double the water-use The following uses of biodiversity are
efficiency of C3 plants because related to the narrow utilization
photosynthesis can operate at low arguments for conserving biodiversity:
intercellular concentrations of CO2, and
hence hence lower stomatal 1) Economic benefits from natural foods
conductances. Nitrogen-use efficiency is (cereals, pulses, fruits).
also improved in C4 plants because 2) Economic benefits from firewood,
Rubisco is used more efficiently, due to fibre, and construction material.
the suppression of photorespiration. C4​
plants have the special type of leaf 3) Economic benefits from industrial
anatomy called Kranz anatomy for low products (tannins, lubricants, dyes,
CO2. resins, perfumes, etc.).

4) Economic benefits from products of

medicinal importance.

47. Answer: 3 48. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

In prokaryotes, the negatively charged a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv

DNA is held with some positively charged
proteins in a region termed as nucleoid.
In eukaryotes, the negatively charged
DNA is wrapped around the positively
charged histone octamer to form a
structure called nucleosome.

49. Answer: 3 50. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Robert May was a theoretical ecologist In a lac operon, Gene a codes for enzyme
the established, who field of theoretical transacetylase. Gene y codes for enzyme
ecology and population biology. According permease. Gene i codes for repressor
to him the global species diversity is protein Gene z codes for enzyme β-
about 7 million. galactosidase.
Biology - Section C

51. Answer: 4 52. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

With increase in substrate concentration A stage in cell division is shown in the

the rate of reaction increases due to two figure is Telophase.
factors : (i) occupation of more and more
active sites by the substrate molecules;
(ii) higher number of collisions between
substrate molecules. The rise in velocity
is quite high in the beginning but it
decreases progressively, with the
increase in substrate concentration. If a This is the stage that shows the following
graph is plotted, for substrate key events:
concentration versus reaction velocity, it
appears as a hyperbolic curve. Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle
poles, and their identity as discrete
A stage is reached where velocity is elements is lost.
maximum. It does not increase further by The nuclear envelope develops around the
increasing the substrate concentration. At chromosome clusters at each pole,
forming two daughter nuclei.
this stage the enzyme molecule becomes nucleolus, golgi complex, and ER reform.
fully saturated and no active site is left
free to bind additional substrate In anaphase, centromeres split and
molecules. chromatids separate. Chromatids
move to opposite poles.

In cytokinesis, the cell plate forms,

and mitochondria are distributed
between two daughter cells.

53. Answer: 1 54. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

11th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 333 11th NCERT, Page No.- 45

55. Answer: 1 56. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Workers in grinding and stone-breaking Oligodendrocytes-neuroglial cells

industries may suffer from lung fibrosis. that produce myelin sheath in central
Exposure to environmental pollutants like nervous system.
silica, metal dusts, bacteria and animal
proteins can lead to lung fibrosis. Schwann cell-produces in peripheral
nervous system.
Cigarette smoking causes an
immunogenic response. It results in
increased levels of inflammatory markers.
It may result in the development of
irreversible narrowing of bronchial tubes
due to inflammation and scarring. It
causes cancer, chronic lung disease.

The pneumotaxic center in the pons

region of the brainstem moderate the
functions of the respiratory rhythm
centre. It reduces the duration of
inspiration and therefore alters the
respiratory rate.

Carbon dioxide is carried in blood as

bicarbonate, dissolved CO2 ​ and
carbaminohemoglobin. About 29% of it
is carried as carbaminohaemoglobin.

57. Answer: 1 58. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

A eukaryotic cell goes through three a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(v), d-(ii), e-(i)
checkpoints to ensure regulated way of
cell division without in damage or fault. 11th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 336, 337, 340

G1/S phase is checkpoint is the primary

point where at which decision to divide
the cell is taken.It checks for cell size,
nutrient, growth factors and DNA

G2/M phase is the checkpoint for

enusring smooth cell division , it checks
for DNA damage and DNA replication

Spindle chekpoint ensures correct

attachment of sister chromatids at
metaphase plate.

Since DNA replication has stalled

(suddenly stopped) leading to
incomplete replication will mostly
activate G2/M phase.

59. Answer: 3 60. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

11th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 49, 50 Tourists visiting high-altitude areas such
as Rohtang Pass experience altitude
sickness. Its symptoms include nausea,
fatigue, and heart palpitations.

The reason for this sickness is that

persons living in the lower altitude areas
have more RBCs and their hemoglobin
has a higher binding affinity to oxygen.

At high altitudes, the body fights for low

oxygen availability by increasing red
blood cell production, & decreasing the
binding affinity of hemoglobin,
thus increasing breathing rate.

61. Answer: 3 62. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Meiosis involves two sequential cycles

of nuclear and cell division called
meiosis-I and meiosis-II but only
single cycle of DNA replication. The
stage between two meiotic divisions is
called interkinesis and is generally short
lived and involves no DNA replication

Pre-synaptic membrane- it involves

the release of neurotransmitters in
chemical synapse.

Post synaptic membrane-Contain

receptor sites for neurotransmitters.

63. Answer: 1 64. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

11th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 156 11th NCERT, Page No.- 47

65. Answer: 4 66. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

During each cardiac cycle two The spontaneous interaction of the

prominent sounds are produced which molecules present in the early earth's
can be heard by stethoscope. The first atmosphere formed more complex
heart sound (Lub) is associated with organic molecules, such as amino
the closure of bicuspid and tricuspid acids, sugars, fatty acids, and
valves while the second heart sound nitrogen bases—the building blocks
(dub) is associated with a closure of of life as we know it today. As these
the semilunar valves. organic compounds accumulated, they
formed an "organic soup" in which
additional reactions could take place. The
energy needed to drive the formation of
these organic molecules was derived from
the sun's radiation, electrical discharges
in the form of lightning, and heat from
the cooling earth.

67. Answer: 1 68. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

During pachytene stage of cell cycle , 12th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 150, 151, 152,
exchanges of chromosome material 153
between maternal and paternal
homologous chromosomes occur by
crossing over. At the points of crossing
over, bridges (chiasmata) are seen in
variable numbers.Crossing over is the
swapping of genetic material that occurs
in the germline.

69. Answer: 4 70. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

11th NCERT, Page No.- 291 Both statements I and II are correct.

71. Answer: 3 72. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

The idea of spontaneous generation is an

obsolete theory that states that living
organisms can originate from inanimate
objects. Other common examples of
spontaneous generation were that dust
creates fleas, maggots arise from rotting
meat, and bread or wheat left in a dark
corner produces mice. The theory of
spontaneous generation was hotly
debated for hundreds of years. During
this time, many experiments were
conducted to both prove and disprove the
Part - B :- It is pointing toward inner theory. In 1668, Francesco Redi published
membrane and it forms a number of the first set of experiments challenging
infoldings called the cristae (sing.: crista) spontaneous generation. In these
towards the matrix. experiments, he demonstrated that
Part - A :- It is pointing toward matrix, maggots arise from the eggs of flies
but the enzymes of the respiratory chain rather than directly from rotting meat. He
are embedded in the inner mitochondrial did so by taking several jars and placing
membrane. raw meat inside of them. Half the jars he
left open to the environment, and the
Part C :- It is pointing toward crista other half, he covered with gauze. John
correctly but the description is wrong, Needham, however, was not convinced.
circular double-stranded DNA is present He argued that Redi did not fully disprove
in the matrix of mitochondria not on the theory of spontaneous generation.
cristae. Needham maintained that while
spontaneous generation did not occur in
Part - D :- It is pointing toward outer larger organisms, for smaller organisms,
membrane, it give rise to pore-forming it could still take place under the right
protein termed mitochondrial porin. circumstances. In 1745, he set out to
prove this by boiling broth in a flask,
leaving it open to cool and then sealing it.
In several days' time, the broth was
teeming with bacteria and mold. He
claimed that this was proof of the
existence of spontaneous generation for

73. Answer: 3 74. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

The secondary oocyte is arrested at the Sol. 11th NCERT, Page No.- 295, 296
metaphase - II state and meiosis - II is
completed only when the sperm enters
the mature egg cell.

Hence, the correct answer is option


75. Answer: 3 76. Answer: 3


Only statement I is correct


The opening of the vagina is often

covered partially by a membrane called
hymen. The hymen is often torn during
the first coitus (intercourse).

The fimbriae of the uterine tube, also

known as fimbriae tubae, are small,
fingerlike projections at the end of the
fallopian tubes, through which eggs move
from the ovaries to the uterus.

The presence of mammary glands is

characteristic of mammals and they are
modified sweat glands that produce milk
to nourish the young offsprings. The milk
is produced by alveoli after which it
passes through many ducts and tubules
before it is finally ejected out.

The clitoris is defined as a tiny finger-like

structure which lies at the upper junction
of the two labia minora above the
urethral opening.

77. Answer: 4 78. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

11th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 114, 115 11th NCERT Page No – 297

79. Answer: 2 80. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Assertion is correct, but reason is false, During the isolation of the genetic
as in gymnosperms, the pollen grains material, purified DNA ultimately
are released from the microsporangium precipitates out after the addition of
and carried in air currents. They come chilled ethanol. Ethanol promotes the
into contact with the opening of the formation of strong ionic bonds between
ovules borne on megasporophylls. The the Na+ ions (in the salt coming from the
pollen tube carrying the male gametes buffer; refer to the last step in the figure)
grows towards the archegonia in the and the phosphate molecules (in DNA),
ovules and discharges its contents near therefore precipitating the DNA.
the mouth of the archegonia.
Proteins can be removed by treatment
A is true but R is false. with proteases.

RNA can be removed by treatment with


81. Answer: 2 82. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

12th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 204 Retrovirus is commonly used as vector

for introducing a DNA fragment in human

Gene therapy : Lymphocyte from blood of

patient are grown in culture outside the
body, a functional gene is introduced by
using a retroviral vector, into these

83. Answer: 3 84. Answer: 3


12th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 179


Gene therapy involves altering the

genes inside your body's cells in an effort
to treat or stop disease.It is the
introduction of genes into existing cells to
prevent or cure a wide range of diseases.

Biopiracy is defined as 'theft of various

natural products and then selling them by
getting a patent without giving any
benefits or compensation back to the
host country'.

Molecular diagnosis is process of

identifying a disease by studying
molecules, such as proteins, DNA, and
RNA, in a tissue or fluid.

85. Answer: 2


Mice are the most common transgenic

animals in the world. In Great Britain,
GM animals are used in 53 percent of
all experiments, with mice representing
91.4 percent of all GM animals used.

The reasons why mice are used are

as follows:
The mouse genome is very similar to
our own or humans', making mouse
genetic research particularly useful for
the study of human diseases. Mice are
cost-effective because they are cheap
and easy to care for. Adult mice
multiply quickly. They can reproduce as
often as every three weeks (they mate
on the day they give birth), so scientists
have lots of mice to work with.
Biology - Section D

86. Answer: 2


Class 11th NCERT Page No. 317

87. Answer: 3 88. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Both the chloroplast and the A chemosensitive area is situated

mitochondrion are organelles found in the adjacent to the rhythm center which is
cells of plants, but only mitochondria are highly sensitive to CO2 and hydrogen
found in animal cells. The function of ions.
chloroplasts and mitochondria is to
generate energy for the cells in which So, when we hold our breath, an increase
they live. Both are bounded by a double- in carbon dioxide concentration is
membrane envelopes. Both mitochondria detected in this area which is
and chloroplast are semi-autonomous chemosensitive and it will send signals to
organelles they can replicate by own. the medulla oblongata inspiratory center
Mitochondria and chloroplast both have to have an urge in breathing.
their own genome (DNA) i.e genetic Hence, the correct option is "1"- Rising
material. They have their 70s ribosome CO2 concentration.
for protein synthesis.

89. Answer: 3 90. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

NCERT Class 12th Page No. 129 Ribosomes

91. Answer: 1 92. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

11th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 337, 338 (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)

93. Answer: 2 94. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

12th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 158, 159 11th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 44, 47, 48, 49,

95. Answer: 4 96. Answer: 4


12th NCERT Page No. - 156, 157, 158


IUDS especially Copper T is one of the

most popular and common contraceptive
used in India and it is considered to be
better than other contraceptives like
condoms, pills etc.

They are the best way to avoid pregnancy

by stopping sperm to enter inside.
Copper T prevents fertilization in two
ways, the copper in the IUD kills the
sperm mobility by acting as a spermicide,
and it also hinders the ability of the egg
to implant into the womb.

Diaphragms, cervical caps are also

barriers made of rubber that are inserted
into the female reproductive tract to
cover the cervix during coitus. They are

Tubectomy is to cut fallopian tubes. This

technique highly effective but their
irreversibility is poor.

Hence, the correct option is D i.e. IUD's

(intra uterine devices).

97. Answer: 1 98. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Although starfish are invertebrates, they 12th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 53

do have a kind of skeleton. The bodies of
starfish are composed of calcium
carbonate plates, known as 'ossicles'.
These form the endoskeleton, which
takes on a variety of forms such as
spines and granules. They have a
primitive nervous system, but not a brain
their body are not segmented.

99. Answer: 2 100. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

12th NCERT, PAGE NO.- 198 (A) Rosie was the first transgenic cow
and its milk was rich in human alpha-
lactalbumin protein.

(B) Restriction enzymes are used in the

isolation of the specific segment of DNA
from the DNA of the organism because
these enzymes are capable of cutting the
DNA at the specific location.

(C) Downstream processing is one of the

steps in the r-DNA technology. It involves
the extraction and purification of the
desired product.

(D) Disarmed pathogens like

Agrobacterium tumifaciens, phage
viruses are also used in the transfer of r-
DNA into the host.
Physics - Section A

101. Answer: 2 102. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

The frequency of a tuning fork is given v =


by, f = 500 Hz
60 =
A resonance tube is a tube with one end .1

closed and one end open. The length for kQ = 6

which the tuning fork resonates is given

by, ......
kQ 6
E = 2
= 2
r r

Taking end correction as e, we can take

first and second resonances as


= 52 + e ...... (2)

Subtracting (1) from (2),

= 35 ⇒ λ = 70 cm

λ = 0. 7 m

The speed of sound, v can be calculated

v = f × λ

= 500 × 0. 7

= 350 ms

103. Answer: 2 104. Answer: 1


Impulse = ∫ Fdt = area under F − t graph

∴ Total impulse from t = 4μs to t = 16μs

= Area EBCD

= Area of trapezium EBCF + Area of

triangle FCD


(200 + 800)2 × 10

× 800× 10 × 10–6
= 5 × 10 N − s

Given that

Figure shows three cases, in all cases the

circular part has radius r and straight
ones one infinietly long. For the sane
current the ratio of field B at centre P in
the three cases is B : B : B 1 2 3

∴ Magnetic field due to all three figure


(outward direction)
μ0 I
B1 = ⊙


μ0 I
B2 = ⊗

(inward direction)


μ0 I 3 μ0 I
B3 = ( ) ⊗ + ⊙
2r 4 4πr

μ0 I 3 1
= [ ⊗ + ⊙]
4r 2 π

μ0 I 3π−2
= [ ]⊗
4r 2π

μ0 I 2 3π 1
= ( )( − )⊗
4r π 4 2

π π 3π 1
∴ B1 : B2 : B3 = − ( ) : ( ) : ( − )
2 2 4 2

105. Answer: 1 106. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

If both Assertion and Reason are true P = P1 + P2

and the Reason is correct explanation of 100

=– 2x + 3x

the Assertion. 10 1 3
= x = ⇒ f =
3 f 10

1 f –3
P1 = = = m =– 15 cm
–2x –2 20

1 f 3
P2 = = = m = 10 cm
3x 3 30

107. Answer: 1 108. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:
nR(T1 –T2 ) Length = M. S. R. + V. S. R. × L. C.
W =

M.S.R. = 4 mm V.S.R. = 5 division

TVγ–1 = const.
2/3 2/3
L.C = 1M.S.D - 1V.S.D
T1 V = T2 V
1 2
7 1
2 2
L.C. = (1 − )M. S. D = mm = 0. 125 mm
8 8
T1 (5 .6) 3 = T2 (0 .7) 3

2 ∴ Length of the rod

T2 = T1 (8) 3 = 4T1
L = 4 mm + (L. C. ) × 5 mm
nR(T1 –T2 ) ×R(T1 –4T1 )
W = = 2
γ–1 = 4 mm + × 5 mm
3 8

×R×(–3T1 ) 37
4 –9 = mm
= = RT1 8
2 8

L = 4. 625 mm

109. Answer: 1 110. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

Total charge = 4πr

× 1 electron /m

= – 4πr e

KQ −K4πr e − re
V = = =
r r ε

6 −19
−6.4×10 ×1.6×10
= =– 0. 115 V

≃– 0. 12V

Apply Mirror formula

1 1 1
+ =
v u f

1 1 1
⇒ = − +
v u f

putting the sign convention properly

1 −1 1
= +
(−v) (−u) (−f )

1 −1 1
⇒ = +
v u f

Comparing this equation with y = mx + c

m = tan (θ) = −1

θ = 135° or − 45°

and intercept C =

111. Answer: 1 112. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Magnetic field B at the centre of a coil Given :

carrying a current, I is
mass M = 25 kg ,
μ0 I
Bcoil =
Diameter d = 0. 4 m

B due to wire, (inwards)

μ0 I
Bwire =
2πr radius R = 0. 2 m

Magnetic field at centre C, t = 20 sec

BC = Bcoil + Bwire 240
f1 = 240 rpm = rps = 4 rps

(outward) (inwards)
μ0 I μ0 I
= +
2r 2πr

(outward) ​
μ0 I μ0 I μ0 I 1
= − = [1 − ]
2r 2πr 2r π

Given I = 8A, r = 10 × 10

Moment of inetia of disc is

4π×10 ×8 1
= −2
[1 − ]
2×10×10 3.14

1 2
I = MR
= 3. 424 × 10
1 2 2
I = 25 (0. 2) = 0. 5 kg m

Angular frequency,
ω1 = 2πf = 2π × 4 = 8π rad/

and ω = 0 at 2 t = 20 s

(ω1 −ω2 )
τ = Iα = I

τ = = 0. 2π

If F is the tangential force applied, then,

→ →

τ = R × F

∣ ∣ τ 0.2π
⇒ τ = FR ⇒ F = = = πN
∣ ∣ R 0.2

So, the correct answer is option 1.

113. Answer: 2 114. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:
f =
2π mean free path = (λ =


y = 02 sin (500πt) cos (4.5 x) 1

λ1 =
√2πn1 d2

w = 500 π

λ2 =
√2πn2 d
ω 500π 2

f = = = 2 .50 Hz
2π 2π 2
λ1 n2 d
λ2 n1 d

n1 3
n2 5

n2 3
n1 5

d1 4
d2 5

d2 5
⇒ =
d1 4

λ1 3 5 5 15
= × × =
λ2 5 4 4 16

λ1 : λ2 = 15 : 16

115. Answer: 4 116. Answer: 1

0–4 2
a = =– 1m/ sec

As both resistors are in parallel

combination so potential drop (V) across
both are same
P =

V same in parallel

Therefore, P ∝

P1 R2 200 2
= = =
P2 R1 100 1

117. Answer: 4 118. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

Mnet = 0 work done for adiabatic process is

nRΔT Pf Vf −Pi Vi 200×3−4×100
WCD = = =
1−γ 1−γ 1−1.4

600−400 2000
WCD = = − = −500 J
−0.4 4

Therefore correct option is (2).

119. Answer: 2 120. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:
λ c
λm = =
μ fμ

= 14
5×10 ×1.5

2 –6
= × 10

= 0. 4 × 10 m

4000 Å
Gravitational potential energy
GMe m
U = −

GMe m
|U| =

GMe m
F =

GMe m 1
F = ×
r r

F =

Therefore, the correct answer is (2).

121. Answer: 1 122. Answer: 1

1 2
μ = CV

1 ε0 AK
= V
2 d

= 1. 2 × 10 (J)

The apparent weight of a person on the

equator (Lattitude α =0) is given by
The effective weight at equator is given by

2 2
W' = W − mRe ω cos α

at equator α = 0, so cos α = 1

g' = g − Re ω

here g' = 0 (given)

so, g = Re ω

ω = √

ω = √ 3

ω = 1. 25 × 10 rad / sec

123. Answer: 1 124. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Finding relation between H&T Magnetic flux through the coil changes
due to the relative motion between
we get by given condition magnet and coil.
H=T2 Therefore on emf (E) will be induced, a
current (I) will be induced and a charge
× 100 = 2 ( × 100)
H T (Q) will be induced in the coil.

All these depends on the velocity of the

10 ΔT
= × 100
2 T

= 5 %
introduction and the strength of the
magnet. Induced charge not depends on
relative speed or time.

125. Answer: 3 126. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:
ΔU = nCv Δ T
Change in momentum,
For isothermal process T is constant Δp = ∫ Fdt

So ΔU = 0
= Area of F-t graph
A → II
= 1

× 2 × 6 − 3 × 2 + 4 × 3

Adiabatic process
ΔQ = 0 = 12 N-s
Δ Q = ΔU + ΔW

Δ U =– ΔW

Work done by gas is positive

So, ΔU is negative
B → I

For isochoric process ΔW = 0

C → IV

For Isobaric process

ΔW = P Δ V ≠ 0

Δ U = nCv T ≠ 0


Heat absorbed goes partly to increase

internal energy and partly to do work.

127. Answer: 2 128. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Y =

or Δl ∝

Current will be induced in a conductor
only when there is a change in the
A = area, l = length of wires, Δl = magnetic field associated with it. If we
elongation in length rotate the bar magnet along the axis of
the circular coil, there is no change in the
Since the material (means Y will be same magnetic field associated with it.
for both), force and lengths are same. Therefore, current will not be induced.
Thus ratio extensions will be inversely
proportional to ratio of areas.

m1 3
m2 2

(Density×Volume) 3
(Density×Volume) 2

thus, A1


because Volume = Area ×

length and length is same.

Since areas are in ratio 3 : 2, thus

extensions will be in ratio 2 : 3

129. Answer: 4 130. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

By the Work Energy Theorem

WD(by all the forces) = Change in KE

WDall forces = Δ KE

1 2 1 2
−fS . S = . m(0) − mV
COM of the rod A at a 2 2 0
→( , 0)

1 2
μmg. S = mV0
COM of the rod B at →(0,



COM of the rod C at

a a S =
→( , ) 2μg
2 2

∴ The COM of the system

m1 x1 +m2 x2 +m3 x3

m1 +m2 +m3

a a
m( )+m(0)+m( )

= 2

= a

m×0+m( )+m×( )

YCOM = =
2 a
( )
3m 3

YCOM = a

131. Answer: 2 132. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

In an Ideal transformer, 2 2
ΔV = √V1 + V2 – 2V1 V2 cosθ

Power loss = 0 ΔV = √2u

(1 – cosθ)

Power input = Power output 2

ΔV = √4u sin θ/2
η = 100%

ΔV = 2u sinθ/2
Power = V × i

Δt =

VP × IP = Vs × Is
Δv 2u sin θ/2

220 × IP = 44 aavg = =
Δt r θ

44 1
IP = = A
220 5

IP = 0. 2 A

133. Answer: 3 134. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

In photoelectric experiment. r ∝ A

hv = ϕ + (KE)
max 1/3
r1 135 1/3
hv = ϕ + eV0 = [ ] = (27)
r2 5

where v = Incident radiation frequency = 3

...... (1)

ϕ = Work function

Kinetic energy of the emitted

V = Stopping potential

On doubling the frequency of the incident

radiation while keeping the intensity
same, the number of photoelectrons
emitted per second will remain same but
the kinetic energy of these emitted
photoelectrons will increase.

h (2v) = ϕ + (KE) 'max

2hv = ϕ + eV0 ' ........ (2)

From (1) and (2),

eV0 ' = 2 eV0 + ϕ,

So the stopping potential increases and is

more than two times the initial stopping

But the saturation current will remain

constant as it depends upon the number
of electrons ejected per second.

135. Answer: 3


Physics - Section B

136. Answer: 3


y1 = sinωtA

ωt = 30°

y2 = sinωt(ωt +



⇒ ωt+ =150° π

∴ Phase difference

φ = 150°-30°

= 120°

φ= 2π


Therefore, the correct answer is (3)

137. Answer: 1 138. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Due to induction process,

Charge inside B is negative. Hence flux
will be negative.

Path difference = Δx =


In front of one of the slits -

x = but d = 5λ

x = and D = 10 d

So from equation (1)

2 (5λ)
dx d
Δx at P = = =
D 2D 2×10×d

Δx = =
2×10×5λ 4

So corresponding phase difference

2π 2π λ π
ϕ = (Δx) = × =
λ λ 4 2

I = I0 cos ( )

So, 2 π I0
I = I0 cos ( ) =
4 2

139. Answer: 3 140. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

According to principle of diffraction, Work done

asinθ = nλ
W = Fx
for I minima

1 YAx YAx
= x =
2 L 2L
asin 30° = 1 × (6500)

a = 1 .3 ×10 m
141. Answer: 4 142. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Mg = Kx + B

Mg = Kx + σ


As potential difference across 5 kΩ and x=


10 kΩ will be same.
K 2K

Mg σAL

So using i =

⇒ i ∝

(1 −

i1 R2 10 2
= = =
i2 R1 5 1

i1 = × 15mA = 10 mA

Now Using KVL for open loop

VA – 15 × 5– 10 × 5– 15 × 10 = VB

VA – VB = 275 V

143. Answer: 2 144. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Inital velocity of the particle, ν1 = 20 m/s Angular velocity

Final velocity of the particle,

3 2
dθ d 3t t
vf = 0 ω = = [ – ]
dt dt 20 3

From work energy theorem 3 2 1

= × 3t – × 2t
20 3

Wnet = ΔK. E = Kf – Ki 9t
= –
1 2 2 1 20 3
= m (ν –ν ) = (2)(0– 400) =– 400J
2 f i 2

Angular velocity at the end of 5 seconds

= 9

× 5 × 5–

× 5 =



= 11. 25– 3. 33 = 7. 92 rad /s

145. Answer: 2 146. Answer: 1


Normal force,

N = (10 − 4) ĵ = 6 ĵ

Maximum frictional force,

f=μN (− î ) = 0. 3 × 6 (− î ) = 1. 8 (− î )

Maximum frictional force is f > 1N, so

that the frictional force act only equal to
the force in (+ î ) direction but in opposite
direction ;

f = 1 (− î )

Minimum velocity of bob at lowest point

to complete the verticle circle

v0 = √5 gl =√5 × 10 × 1 = √50

v0 ≈ 7m/s

Minimum velocity of bob at lowest point

to reach horizontal position.

v0 = √2 gl = √20

v0 ≈ 4 .5 m/ sec.

(A) when v0 = 2m/sec, v0 = 4m/sec.

Bob oscillates between its lowest position

to Horizontal position, (not reach to
Horizontal position of string)

Therefore its path always circular

A → Q
{ }
B → Q

(C) when v0 = 6m/sec.

Bob will cross the horizontal position but

not reach at highest position. and Tension
become zero at some point in motion and
string will slacks
{C → P, R}

(D) when v0 = 8m/sec.

The bob will complete verticle circle

Therefore D→ Q,R,S

147. Answer: 2 148. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Property of n type semiconductor The number of carriers reaching the

collector will be very less. Therefore, the
output collector current will be low.
Hence, the base is very lightly doped as
compared to the emitter because by
doing so recombination is decreased in
the base region.

149. Answer: 1 150. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

NOR gate When two inputs of NAND gate are joined

together so that it has one input, the
resulting circuit is NOT gate.

The boolean expression for a NAND gate

T = A + B
Y = A. B

Setting B = A

Y = A. A

∴ According to question NOR gate is Y = A

correct It is the boolean expression for NOT gate

Therefore, the correct answer is (1) NAND gate :

according to question,


So, Truth table will be,

So, this is NOT gate.

Chemistry - Section A

151. Answer: 3 152. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

(33 Atomic No.) ⇒ ∵ Atoms are neutral, (1) Primary Amines give a bad-smelling
Hence number of proton equal to number compound, called carbylamine, with
of electron. alcoholic KOH and CHCl3.The reaction is
called the carbylamines reaction.
∴ Electronic configuration ⇒
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d104p3
2 2 6 2 6 2 CHCl3 +alc.KOH

CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 NH2 −−−−−−−−−→

∵ Here last e⊖ entered in P orbital, Hence bad smelling

it is an p block element.
(2) Terminal alkynes like CH C ≡ C − H 3

(3A) (4A) (5A) gives white precipitate with ammoniacal

∴ Group number ⇒ 13 14 15 16 17 18 AgNO3.
– – – – – –
P electron ⇒ 1e 2e 3e 4e 5e 6e
CH3 C ≡ C − H + AgNO + NH4 OH →

CH3 C ≡ C − Ag + NH4 NO3 + H2 O

(white ppt)

(3) CH CH COOCH (ester) undergo

3 2 3

alkaline hydrolysis.

(4) Secondary alcohol gives cloudiness

with Lucas reagent.

(anhy. ZnCl2 + conc. HCl) within 5


Therefore, the correct option is (2)

153. Answer: 2 154. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

ZnS → White Given: Mass of NH3 = 4.25 gm

MnS → Buff or Pink
Nis → Black Mole = mass

mol. mass
= No. of molecules


Cds → yellow
No. of NH3 molecules = 4.25

× NA = 1.505
× 1023

155. Answer: 1 156. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Ca → Brick red
Sr → Dark red or Crimson red
Na → Golden yellow

non-super imposible mirror image


157. Answer: 1 158. Answer: 3


Nitrogen Family (VA)

Contains metals like

Bi, Non-metals like N & P and metalloids

like As & Sb

For first line of paschen series e–

transition is­4 → 3

Sor 1

= RZ

n n
1 2

1 2 1 1
= 109700(1) ( 2
– 2
λ 3 4

1 1 1
= 109700 ( – )
λ 9 16

1 16–9
= 109700 ( )
λ 144

= 109700 (
) cm

For λ =


λ = 18750 Å

159. Answer: 1 160. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

4−nitro−phenylacetate, in the present Reaction of SO2 with K2Cr2O7 follow as

nitro group −NO2 ​ is a strong electron- SO2 + K2Cr2O7 →Cr2(SO4)3
withdrawing group this group show -M
effect that pulls electron density from +6 +3
phenyl ring and makes it an electron- → K2Cr2O7 → 2 × (+1) + 2x +(–2 × 7) =
deficient ring that easily gets hydrolyzed 0 ⇒ x = +6
under alkaline conditions. The hydrolysis → Cr2(SO4)3→ 2x – 6 = 0 ⇒ x = + 3
reaction is ; Change in oxidation state of Cr → +6 to

161. Answer: 3 162. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

As we more across a period, acidic nature

of oxide increases.

163. Answer: 1 164. Answer: 3


According to given atomic numbers A is

N, B is O, C is F and D is Mg. Hence the
element with smallest size and highest IE
is C.

Kp = Kc (RT)Δn
PCl5 ⇌ PCl3 + Cl2

Δn = 2 − 1 = 1

R = 0.0821 L-atm-K-1mol-1

Kp = 0.625×(0.0821 × 573 K )

T = 300 + 273 = 573 K

Kp = 29.40 atm.

165. Answer: 2 166. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Dissociation equation of HCl in solution

The compound or group + −
HCl → H + Cl

give yellow ppt of iodoform (CHI3) when HCl is strong acid and dissociate
react with iodine and alkali completely in aqueous solution

] = [HCl] , then
= -log 10

If pH = 2 [HCl] = 10 mol /l

If pH = 3 [HCl] = 10 mol /l

It should be removed [HCl]

− [HCl]

−2 −3
= 10 − 10 = 0 .009 moles

–ve idoform [Acid derivatives do not give


167. Answer: 2 168. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Li2O ⇒ 2Li+ O2– i, ii, and iii

MgO ⇒ Mg2+ O-2

CaO ⇒ Ca2+ O2–

K2O ⇒ 2K+ O2–

Na2O2 ⇒ 2Na+ O

KO2 ⇒ K+ O


⇒ Complete octet, diamagnetic

O2– ⇒

2 *2 2 *2 2 2 2 *2 *2
σ σ σ σ σ π ≃ π π ≃ π (dia)
1s 1s 2s 2s 2 px 2 py 2 pz 2 py 2 pz

O ⇒

2 *2 2 *2 2 2 2 *2 *1
σ σ σ σ σ2 pz π ≃ π π ≃ π (para)
1s 1s 2s 2s 2 py 2 pz 2 py 2 pz

169. Answer: 3 170. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

The solubility of BaSO4 in water is In SF4 the lone pair is in an equatorial

2. 42 × 10
position, and there are two lone pair-
bond pair repulsions. It has a see-saw
-1 molar mass of BaSO4 = 233 gm mol shape
−3 −1
2.42 ×10 gL
S = −1
233 gmol

−5 −1
= 1. 04 × 10 mol L

Solubility product (Ksp) = [Ba2+ ] [

KSP = S × S

−5 −1 −5 −1
= 1. 04 × 10 mol L × 1. 04 × 10 mol L
−10 2 −2
= 1. 08 × 10 mol L

171. Answer: 2 172. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

For reaction

H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl.

ΔH = −185 kJ / Mole for 3 moles of H2 and

3 moles of Cl2.
Decomposed by conc. HNO3, hence No
side reaction takes place H2 + Cl2 → 2 HCl

3 3 6

173. Answer: 2 174. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:


Number of electron = 6 + 4 =10

Hyb ⇒

= 4 → sp

(carbonic acid) while 2.4.6-Trinitro

GEO ⇒ Tetrahedral phenol, benzoic acid and benzene
+ sulphonic acid are soluble in NaHCO3 .

Number of electron = 7 + 4 – 1 = 10
Acid + NaHCO3 → salt + H2 CO3
Hyb ⇒

= 4 → sp

Reaction is possible in forward direction if

GEO ⇒ Tetrahedral acid is more acidic then H CO 2 3

O-nitrophenol is less acidic than H2 CO3 ,
Number of electron = 5 + 4 + 1 = 10 hence does not soluble in sodium
hydrogen carbonate.
Hyb ⇒

= 4 → sp

Therefore, the correct option is (3)

GEO ⇒ Tetrahedral

⇒ They are isoelectronic and all have

tetrahedral structures.

175. Answer: 3 176. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

C( s ) + O2( g ) → CO2( g ) ; Δf H = − (A) NF3 has triangular pyramidal

393.5 kJmol−1 structure.

(1 mole = 44 g)

Heat released on formation of 44 g CO2 =

– 393.5 kJmol–1

∴ Heat released on formation of 35.2 g


CO2 = − 393.5 kJ mol

× 35. 2g
(B) Higher the bond order, shorter is the

= – 314.8 kJ mol−1 bond length.

Molecule : N2 O2

B.O. 3 2

B.L. N2 < O2

(C) The molecules which have the same

number of electrons are called
isoelectronic molecules.

Thus, the same number of electrons

means there will be no change in bond

(D) In H2S and H2O due to

unsymmetrical structure net +ve dipole is
there. H2O has a higher dipole due to the
higher electronegativity of oxygen than

177. Answer: 2 178. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

'A' gives a positive silver mirror test t1/2 = 4 hours n = T


= 6 ;

therefore, it must be an aldehyde or α-

Hydroxyketone. N = N0 (

Reaction with semicarbazide indicates


that A can be an aldehyde or ketone. N = 200 × (


Reaction with OH– i.e., aldol


condensation (by assuming alkali to be N = 3.125g

dilute) indicates that A is aldehyde as
aldol reaction of ketones is reversible

179. Answer: 2 180. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

(A) [PtCl4]2– involves dsp2 hybridization

and has square planar geometry.

(B) BrF5 involves sp3d2 hybridization and

has square pyramidal geometry.

(C) PCl5 involves sp3d hybridization and

has trigonal bipyramidal

(D) [Co(NH3)6]3+ involves d2sp3

hybridization and has octahedral

181. Answer: 2 182. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Given: [Fe(CO)4(C2O4)]+

C2 H6 O2 is 28% by mass of H2 O .

Let the total mass of the solution is .


The mass of C2 H6 O2 will be = 28 g

The mass of H2 O ​ will be

= 100 − 28 = 72 g

Molar mass of C2 H6 O2 = 62 g
One unpaired electron
Molar mass of
Spin only magnetic moment
H2 O = 18 g

moles of C2 H6 O2 : μ = √n(n + 2)

2 6 2 28
nC = = = 0. 45
2 H6 O 2 MC H O 62 μ = √1(1 + 2)
2 6 2


= B.M. = 1.73 BM
2 72
nH = = = 4 √3
2O MH O 18 μ

nC H O
2 6 2
χC =
2 H6 O 2 nC + nH
2 6 2 2

0.45 0.45
= = = 0. 101
0.45 + 4 4.45

183. Answer: 3 184. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:
i i × concentration Given,
NaCl 2 2 × 10 M

SOP value E

= +0. 44 V
Fe / Fe
urea 1 1 × 10 M

So SRP value

MgCl 3 3 × 10 M E = −0. 44 V
2 2+
Fe /F e
NaCl 2 2 × 10 M

and SOP E

= −0. 32 V
As concentration is increased B.P. of the
Cu / Cu

solution also increases. SRP E

= +0. 32 V
Cu / Cu

Van't off factor more, boiling point more.

So SRP value of Cu is greater than Fe
The order of their increasing boiling
points :- (ii) < (i) < (iii) < (iv) So Cu has higher tendency to get

It will be better oxidising agent.

So Cu
oxidises Fe
2+ 2+
Cu + Fe −
→ Fe + Cu
185. Answer: 1


From Faraday's IInd law :


Given that:

The atomic mass of Ag = 108

Equivalent mass of Al in AlCl3 = 27

= 9

WAg = 54

from (1) equation, we get

54 108
WAl 9

WAl = 4.5g
Chemistry - Section B

186. Answer: 3


187. Answer: 4 188. Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

1º amine reacts with hinsberg reagent to Iodine oxygen bond is stable due to the
give ppt. that is soluble in alkali. greater polarity of bond and stability of
CH3–CH2–NH2 chlorine oxygen bond is due to multiple
bond formation with orbital of chlorine
atom Br lies in between I and Cl, so it
lacks both characteristics.

The stability of oxides of halogens is

I > Cl > Br

189. Answer: 3 190. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

In the presence of halogen carrier, TlI3 is Tl+ I3–

electrophilic substitution occurs while in
the presence of sunlight, substitution CsI3 is Cs+ I3–
occurs. Thallium shows Tl+ state due to inert pair

Tl = [Xe]4f145d106s26p1

(∵– CH3 is an o/p directing group.)

191. Answer: 4 192. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Glucose reacts with hydroxyl amine to (A) Zn –0.76V

form an oxime.
(B) CO –0.28V

(C) Fe –0.44V

(D) Cu +0.34V

Only copper shows positive value for

electrode potential of M2+/M of 3d-series

The rest of the metals are good reducing

Therefore, the correct option is (4) agents with E < 0.∘

193. Answer: 4 194. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Heat(q) & work(w) are path function

Lindlar's Catalyst give Cis-product (syn


195. Answer: 2 196. Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:
ΔH = Ef − Eb

−200 = 80 − Eb

Eb = 280 kJ / mol

197. Answer: 1 198. Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

In the first step, a molecule of glycerol

XN aCl =
nN aCl +nH O

reacts with 3 HI molecules to form




unstable 1, 2, 3-triodopropane.
1+( )

This loses a molecule of iodine to form

= 0.0177 allyl iodide.

Allyl iodide adds a molecule of HI to

obtain an unstable molecule which loses
a molecule of iodine to form propene.

A molecule of HI is added to propene to

form 2-iodopropane.


199. Answer: 2 200. Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Preparation of anisole λ

+ = 315, λCH3 COO

= 35 mhocm

∞ ∞
λCH COOH = λ + λ –
3 H+ CH3 COO

= 315 + 35

= 350

Therefore, the correct option is (2)

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