8.MCQ_chemical kinetics (1)

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Multiple Choice Questions
Q. N. Questions
1 Rate law for a reaction A + 2B
2B→ C is found to be
Rate = k[A][B]
Concentration of B is double
doubled keeping the concentration of ‘A’ constant. The rate
of the reaction will get
A. Doubled
B. Halved
C. Quadruples
D. remains same
2 →B, has been found to have rate constant 3.5 molL-1
A reaction 2A→B - -1
s . What is
the order of the reaction
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 0
3 For a reaction 2A → 3B , the rate of decomposition of A is 4 molL-1s-1. The rate
of formation of B will be
A. 2 molL-1s-1
B. 4 molL-1s-1
C. 6 molL-1s-1
D. 2.7 molL-1s-1
4 Which of the plots represents a first order reaction

A. ‘A’’ AND ‘C’


B. B
C. C
D. A and D
5 Half life period of a first order reaction is 4 hours. How many hours will it take
for 20g of the reactant to reduce to 5g.
A. 4hours
B. 16 hours
C. 8hours
D. 1hour
6 This graph represents

A. Exothermic Reaction
B. Endothermic Reaction
C. insufficient information, cannot say
D. None of these
7 For the reaction A+B → C+D, the rate of reaction quadruples when the
concentration of A doubles, whereas on making the concentration of B two times,
the rate doubles up. What is overall order of th
the reaction?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
8 Which of the following is a pseudo first order reaction
1 Hydrolysis of sucrose
2 H2 + I2 = 2HI
3 Dissociation of HI on surface of Au
4 Hydrolysis of ester


A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 and 4 both
9 The slope of the first order reaction graph is

A. k
B. - k
C. 2.303/k
D. k/2.303
10 For the following reaction the rate of decomposition of ozone was found to be
5atm/s. The rate of formation of oxygen will be....
2O3(g) ⇌ 3O2
A. 7.5 atm/s
B. 3.3 atm/s
C. 10 atm/s
D. 2.5 atm/s
11 For a reaction X + 2Y → Z
The Rate law expression is
Rate = k[X][Y]1/2
What is the order of the reaction
A. 1
B. 2
C. 1.5
D. 3


12 Order of the following reaction is

A Zero
B. 1
C. 2
D. infinite
13 A first order reaction is 50% complete in 10s.How much time will it take for
100% completion?
A. 20s
B. 10s
C. 100s
D. infinite
14 Order and units of rate constant for the following reaction are

A. 2, Lmol-1s-1
B. 1, Lmol-1s-1
C. 0, molL-1s-1
D. 1, s-1
15 If the activation energy for the forward reaction is 100 kJmol–1 and that of the
reverse reaction is 80 kJmol–1, and threshold enthalpy is 150 kJmol–1 .what is the
enthalpy change for the reaction ?
A. 20 kJmol–1
B. 50kJmol–1
C. -20kJmol–1
D. -50kJmol–1
16 In a reversible reaction the energy of activation of the
forward reaction is 40 kJ. The energy of activation for the
reverse reaction will be
A. 40 kJ


B. either greater than or less than 40 kJ
C. less than 40 kJ
D. more than 40 kJ
17 When the conc. of reactants is unity, then rate of the reaction is equal to
A. specific rate constant
B. average rate constant
C. instantaneous rate constant
D. None of above
18 Chemical kinetics is a study to find out
A. the feasibility of a chemical reaction
B. extent to which a reaction will proceed
C. speed of a reaction
D. All of the above
19 During different experiments conducted for a reaction it is observed that it takes
the same time to reduce the concentration
i) from 100g to 50g
ii) 10g to 5 g
iii) 500g to 250g
We can infer from the observations that
A It is a slow reaction
B it is a zero order reaction
C it is a first order reaction
D it refers to a radioactive decay reaction
20 A reaction 3A+B→ C, would be a zero order reaction when
A. the rate of reaction is proportional to square of concentration of A
B. the rate of reaction remains same at any concentration of A
C. the rate remains unchanged at any concentration of B and C
D. the rate remains unchanged at any concentration of A and B
21 Which of the following type of rate always remains constant throughout the
A. Instantaneous Rate


B. Average Rate
C. Initial Rate
D. None of these
22 Which of the following is a second order reaction?
A. H2 + I2  2HI
B. N2+ 3H2  2 NH3
C. Disintegration of uranium
D. It can only be predicted experimentally
23 Choose the correct statement
A. The half life of a first order reaction is independent of the initial concentration
B. Order is always equal to molecularity of a reaction
C. The unit of second order reaction is mol L-1 S-1
D. The rate constant of a reaction decreases with temperature.

24 4 RCOOR’ + H2O  RCOOH + R’OH

The order of the above reaction is-
A. First Order
B. Pseudo first order
C. Second order
D. Fractional order

25 The half life of a first order reaction is

A. High
B. Low
C. Fractional
D. Constant

26 An endothermic reaction with high activation energy for the forward reaction is
given by the diagram.


A. (a) B. (b) C. (c) D. (d)

27 For the reaction N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3

If Δ[NH3]/Δt = 2 × 10-4 mol L-1s-1, the value of −Δ[H2]/Δt would be-
A. 1 × 10-4 mol L-1s-1
B. 3 × 10-4 mol L-1s-1
C. 4 × 10-4 mol L-1s-1
D. 6 × 10-4 mol L-1s-1

28 For a chemical reaction A→B, it is found that the rate of reaction doubles when
the concentration of A is increased four times. The order of reaction is
A. Two
B. One
C. Half
D. Zero

29 A zero order reaction X →Product , with an initial concentration 0.02M has a

half life of 10 min. if one starts with concentration 0.04M, then the half life is
A. 10 s
B.5 min
C. 20 min
D. cannot be predicted using the given information


30 A substance ‘A’ decomposes by a first-order reaction starting initially with [A] =
2.00M and after 200min, [A] becomes 0.15M. For this reaction t1/2 is
A.53.72 min
B.50.49 min
C.48.45 min
D.46.45 min

31 In the rate equation, when the concentration of reactants is unity then the rate is
equal to
A. specific rate constant
B. average rate constant
C. instantaneous rate constant
D. None of the above

32 For a reaction x + y → z, rate ∝ |X|. What is (i) moleculariiy and (ii) order of
A. (i) 2, (ii) 1
B. (i) 2,(ii) 2
C. (i) 1, (ii) 1
D. (i) 1, (ii) 2

33 Q.13 The unit of rate constant for the reaction

2H2 + 2NO → 2H2O + N2
which has rate = K|H2||NO|², is
A. mol L-1 s-1
B. s-1
C. mol-2 L² s-1
D. mol L-1

34 The half life period of a first order reaction is 100 seconds. Its rate constant is:
A. 0.693 sec–1
B. 6.93 × 10–3 sec–1
C. 6.93 × 10–2 sec–1
D. None of these


35 Which of these does not influence the rate of reaction?
A. Nature of reactant
B. Concentration
C. Temperature
D. Molecularity

36 For a first order reaction A → B the rate constant is x min−1 . If the initial
concentration of A is 0.01M, the concentration of A after one hour is given by the
A. 0.01 e−x
B. 1 x10-2 (1-e-60x)
C.(1x10-2) e-60x
D. none of these

37 The following mechanism has been proposed for the reaction of NO and Br2 to
form NOBr
NO(g) + Br2(g) NOBr2(g)
NOBr2 (g) + NO(g) → 2NOBr(g)
If the second step is rate determining step, the order of the reaction with respect
to NO(g) is
A. 0
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
38 Consider the reaction,2A + B → Products
When concentration of B alone was doubled, the half-life did not change. When
the concentration of A alone was doubled, the rate increased by two times.
The unit of rate constant for this reaction is:
A. no unit
B. S-1
C. mol L-1 s-1
D. Lmol-1 s-1


39 Time required for 100 percent completion of a zero order reaction is
A. 2k/a
B. a/2k
C. a/k
D. ak
40 The elements which are good catalyst and can change their oxidation states are-
A. Noble gases
B. Transition elements
C. Acids
D. Alkalis
41 The role of a catalyst is to change ____________.
A. Gibbs energy of reaction.
B. Enthalpy reaction.
C. Activation energy of reaction.
D. Equilibrium constant
42 In the presence of a catalyst, the heat evolved or absorbed during the reaction
A. Increases.
B. Decreases.
C. Remains unchanged.
D. May increase or decrease.
43 The unit of rate constant for zero order reaction is _______________.
A. mol L-1 s-1
B. L mol-1 s-1
C. L2 mol-2 s-1
D. s-1
44 The molecularity and order of reaction “ 2 + → 2 ” are
A. One and one
B. Two and two
C. Three and three


D. Two and three
45 In a reaction B. the rate of reaction increases two times an increasing the
concentration of the reactant four times, then the order of reaction is__.
A. 0
B. 2
C. ½
D. 4
46 Rate constant of a reaction (K) is 175 L2 mol-2 sec-1, what is the order of reaction
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Zero
47 Which of the following influences the reaction rate performed in a solution?
A. Temperature
B. Activation energy
C. Catalyst
D. All of the above
48 The value of rate constant of a pseudo first order of reaction ________.
A. Depends on the concentration of reactants present in small amount.
B. Depends on the concentration of reactants present in excess amount.
C. Is independent of the concentration of reactants.
D. Depends only on temperature.
49 The following graph show that the reaction is:

A. zero order
B. first order
C. second order


D. fractional order
50 Which of the following statement is/are correct about order of reaction:
A. Order of reaction is determined experimentally
B. order of reaction cannot have fractional value
C. it does not necessarily depend on stoichiometric co-efficient.
D. it is the sum of power of concentration terms in rate low expression
A. A,B and C
B. B,C and D
C. A,C and D
D. A,B and D
51 Match the column and found out correct option.
(A) zero order reaction P. unit of K is Lmol-1 sec-1
(B) first order reaction Q. unit of K is mol-1s-1
(C) Second order reaction R. s-1
(a) A–R, B–Q, C–P (b) A–P, B–Q, C–R
(c) A–Q, B–R, C–P (d) A–R, B–P, C–Q
52 What is the ratio of the rate of decomposition of N2O5 to the rate of formation of
2N2O5(g)→ 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
A.1:4 B. 2:1
C. 4:1 D. 1:2
53 In the first order reaction, the concentration of the reactant is reduced to 1/4th in
60 minutes. What will be its half-life?
A.120 min B.40 min
C. 30 min D. 25 min
54 The rate law for the reaction below is given by the expression
Rate= k[A] [B] for reaction A + B →Product . If the concentration of B is
increased from 0.1 to 0.3 mole, keeping the value of A at 0.1 mole, the rate
constant will be
A.3 k B. 9 k
C. k/3 D. k


55 After five half-life periods for a first order reaction, what fraction of reactant
A. 1/32 B. 1/16
C. 1/8 D. 1/4
56 The first order reaction takes 80 minutes to complete 99.9%. What will be its half-
A.8 min B. 16 min
C. 24 min D. 32 min
57 For a complex reaction ______________.
1. Order of overall reaction is same as molecularity of the slowest step.
2. Order of overall reaction is less than the molecularity of the slowest step.
3. Order of overall reaction is greater than molecularity of the slowest step
4. molecularity of the slowest step is never zero or non integer.
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4
C. 1 and 3 D. 3 and 4
58 Which of the following statements is correct?
A.The rate of a reaction decreases with passage of time as the concentration of
reactants decreases.
B.The rate of a reaction is same at any time during the reaction.
C. The rate of a reaction is independent of temperature change.

D.The rate of a reaction decreases with increase in concentration of reactant(s)

59 Radioactive decay is an example of:

A. first order B. second order
C. 0.5 order D. zero order
60 second order reaction between A and B is elementary reaction:
A+B → Product
Rate law expression of this reaction will be:
A.Rate = K[A][B] B. Rate = K[A]0 [B]2
C. Rate = K[A]2 [B]0 D. Rate = K[A]3/2 [B]1/2
61 t1/4 can be taken as the time taken for the concentration of a reactant to drop to ¾


of its initial value. If the rate constant for a first order reaction is K, the t1/4 can
be written a
A.10 / K B. 0.29/K
C. 0.69 / K D. 0.75 / K
62 A catalyst, alters which of the following in a chemical reaction?
A. Entropy B. Enthalpy
C. Internal energy D. Activation energy
63. A first order reaction is 20% complete in one hour. At the end of 3 hrs the
extent of the reaction is:
A. 60%
B. 52.2%
C. 48.8%
D. 44.4%
64 The rate constant of a reaction becomes equal to the pre-exponential factor when:
A. the absolute temperature is zero
B. the activation energy is infinity
C. the absolute temperature is infinity
D. the activation energy is zero
65. A large increase in the rate of reaction for rise in temperature is due to:
A. Increase in the number of collisions
B. Increase in the number of activated molecules
C. Lowering of activation energy
D. Shortening of the mean free path
66. For a reaction, the following data were obtained:
Concentration (mol/L) 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.0125
Half life in (sec) 30 29.9 30.1 30
the order of reaction is:
A. 2
B. 1
C. 0
D. Fractional


67. Which of the following is pseudo first order reaction?
A. 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2
B. 2O3 → 3O2
68 At 227°C, the presence of catalyst causes the activation energy of a reaction to
decrease by 4.606 KCal, the rate of the reaction will be increased by:
A. 2 times
B. 10 times
C. 100 times
D. 1000 times
69. Which of the following influences the reaction rate performed in a solution?
A. Temperature
B. Activation energy
C. Catalyst
D. All of the above
70 Chemical kinetics is the study to find out:
A. The feasibility of a chemical reaction
B. Speed of a reaction
C. Extent to which a reaction will proceed
D. All of the above
71 A catalyst increases the reaction rate by:
A. decreasing enthalpy
B. increasing internal energy
C. decreasing activation enthalpy
D. increasing activation enthalpy
72 The half-life period for a first order reaction is 69.3 second. Its rate constant is-
A.10-2 s-1
B.10-4 s-1
C.10 s-1
D.102 s-1


73 The t1/2of a first order reaction is-
(A) directly proportional to the initial concentration of the reactants.
(B) half of rate constant.
(C) same for all reactions.
(D) independent of initial concentration of reactants.
74 For the first order reaction, the half-life period is-
(A) ln2/k
(B) 1/k
(C) lnk/2
(D) logk/2
75 For the first order reaction, time required for 99% completion is-
(A) X t90%

(B) 2 X t90%
(A ) 3 X t90%
(A ) X t90%

76 For zero order reaction, the integrated rate law is-

(A) kt =

(B) kt =[R]-[R]0
(C) kt =[R]0-[R]

(D) kt =

77 The rate of a first order reaction is 1.8 X 10-3 molL-1 min-1 when the initial
concentration is 0.3 molL-1. The rate constant in the unit of seconds is-
(A) 1 X 10-2 S-1
(B) 1 X 10-4 S-1
(C) 6 X 10-2 S-1
(D) 6 X 102 S-1
78 Which of the following relation is correct for zero order reaction?
(A) t3/4 =2 X t1/2
(B) t3/4 =1.5 X t1/2


(C) t3/4 =0.5 X t1/2
(D) t3/4 =2.5 X t1/2
79 If 60% of a first order reaction was completed in 60 minutes, 50% of the same
reaction would be completed in approximately.
[ log4=0.60 log5=0.69]
(A) 45 minute
(B) 60 minute
(C) 40 minute
(D) 50 minute
80 If the initial concentration of the reactant is doubled, the time for half-life of
reaction is also doubled. Then order of reaction is-
(A) Zero
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
81 In a first order reaction, the concentration of the reactant is reduced to 1/8 of the
initial concentration in 75 minutes at 298K. What is the half- life period of the
reaction in minute?
(A) 50
(B) 15
(C) 45
(D) 25
82 Half-life period of a first order reaction is 1386 sec. The rate constant of the
reaction is-
(A) 0.5 X 10-2 S-1
(B) 0.5 X 10-3 S-1
(C) 5.0 X 10-2 S-1
(D) 5.0 X 10-3 S-1
83 For first order reaction, the integrated rate law is-

(A) kt = ln


(B) kt = ln

(C) kt = log

(D) kt = log


There is plot of rate of a reaction vs concentration of reactant. What will be the

order of reaction?
(A) 1
(B) 0
(C) 2
(D) A & B both
85 For a first order reaction, linear plot was obtained for log vs t. The slope of

the line is equal to-

(A) k
(B) -k
(C) 0.693/k
(D) k/2.303

Identify the order of reaction.


(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) fractional
87. Consider the following in respect of zero order reaction
I. t1/2 is directly proportional to the initial concentration.
II. Time taken for the completion of the reaction is twice its t1/2.
III. Concentration of the reactant decreases linearly with time.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(A) I & II only
(B) I & III only
(C) II & III only
(D) I, II & III
88. For a Ist order reaction, a straight line is obtained if you plot
(A) log conc. vs. time
(B) Conc. vs. time
(C) 1/conc. vs. time
(D) log conc. vs. 1/time
89. When initial concentration of a reactant is doubled in a reaction, its half-life
period is not affected. The order of the reaction is
(A) More than zero but less than first
(C) First
(D) Second
90. Diazonium salt decomposes C6H5N2Cl → C6H5Cl + N2 at 00C. The evolution of
N2 becomes two times faster when the initial concentration of the salt is doubled.
Therefore it is :
(A) a first order reaction
(B) a second order reaction
(C) independent of the initial concentration of the salt
(D) a zero order reaction 1.


91. The rate of a first-order reaction is 0.04 mol L –1 s–1 at 10 seconds and 0.03 mol L
–1 –1
s at 20 seconds after initiation of the reaction. The half-life period of the
reaction is
(A) 54.1 s
(B) 24.1 s
(C) 34.1 s
(D) 44.1 s
92. When the rate of the reaction is equal to the rate constant, the order of the
(A) First order
(B) second order
(C) third order
(D) zero order
93. If initial concentration is reduced to 1/4th in a zero order reaction, the time taken
for half the reaction to complete
(A) Remains same
(B) Becomes four times
(C) Becomes one fourth
(D) Doubles
94. For a chemical reaction R → P, the variation in the concentration (R) vs. time (t)

plot is given as
The slope of curve is
(A) -k
(B) ln[R0]
(C) log [R]
(D) k


95. For a zero order reaction, K = 1 × 10–3 mol L–1 s–1. If initial concentration of the
reactant is 1.0 mol L–1, the concentration after 10 minutes would be
(A) 1 × 10–2 mol L–1
(B) 0.6 mol L–1
(C) 0.4 mol L–1
(D) 1.0 mol L–1
96. Which of the following graphs is correct for a zero-order reaction?

(A) i and ii
(B) i and iii
(C) ii and iii
(D) ii and iv
97. The rate constant of a first order reaction is 60 s-1 . How much time it will take to
reduce the concentration of the reactant to 1/10th of its initial value
(A) 3.8 x 10-2 s
(B) 3.8 x 10-1 s
(C) 4.8 x 10-2 s
(D) 2.8 x 10-2 s
98. Which of the following graphs is correct for a first-order reaction?


(A) i and iii
(B) i and iv
(C) ii and iii
(D) i and ii
99. Which of the following is affected by catalyst?
(a) ∆H
(b) ∆S
(c) ∆G
(d) Ea.
100. The activation energy of a reaction can be determined from the slope of which of
the following graph:

101. If the initial concentration of reactant is doubled, t1/2 is also doubled, the order
of reaction is
(a) zero
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
102 The rate constant of a reaction A → B is 0.6 × 103 mole per second. If the


concentration of [A] is 5 M, then what will be concentration of [B] after 20
(a) 0.36 M
(b) 0.72 M
(c) 1.08 M
(d) 3.60 M
103 If the rate of a reaction is expressed by, rate = A [A]² [B], the order of reaction
will be
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) 0
104 The order of reaction is decided by:
(a) temperature
(b) mechanism of reaction as well as relative concentration of reactants
(c) molecularity
(d) pressure
105 A first order reaction has specific reaction rate 10-2s-1. How much time it will
take for 20g of reactant to reduce to 5g?
(a) 138.6 s
(b) 346.5 s
(c) 693.0 s
(d) 238.6 s
106 A first order reaction takes 40 min for 30% decomposition. What will be t1/2?
A. 77.7 min
B. 52.5 min
C. 46.2 min
D. 22.7 min
107 If concentration of reactant ‘A’ is increased 10 times and rate of reaction
becomes 100 times. What is order with respect to ‘A’?


B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
108 The half-life of the first order reaction having rate constant
K = 1.7 x 10-5s-1 is-
A. 12.1 h
B. 9.7 h
C. 11.3 h
D. 1.8 h
109 The rate of a first order reaction is 1.5 × 10-2 mol L-1 min-1 at 0.5 M concentration
of the reactant. The half-life of the reaction is-
A. 0.383 mm
B. 23.1mm
C. 8.73 mm
D. 7.53 mm
110 The half-life period of first order reaction is 1386 seconds. The specific rate
constant of the reaction is:
A. 0.5 × 10-2 s-1
B. 0.5 × 10-3 s-1
C. 5.0 × 10-2 s-1
D. 5.0 × 10-3 s-1
111 What is the time required for 75 percent completion of a first-order reaction?
A. 3 t½
B. 2 t½
C. 1 t½
D. 4 t½
112 The half-life of a given reaction is doubled if the initial concentration of the
reactant is doubled. What is the order of the reaction?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2


D. 3
113 What is the formula to calculate the time taken for the completion of a zero-order
A. t100% = [R]0/k
B.t100% = [R] 0/2k
C. t100% = 2[R] 0/k
D.t100% = [R] 0/3k

114 For a chemical reaction A→B, it is found that the rate of reaction doubles when
the concentration of A is increased four times. The order of reaction is
115 Adsorption of gases on metal surface is an example of which order reaction
A. Third order reaction
B. Second order reaction
C. First order reaction
D. Zero order reaction
116 A first order reaction is 75% completed in 100 min. How long will it take for its
87.5% completion?
A. 125 min
B. 150 min
C. 175 min
D. 200 min
117 The doubling the initial concentration of a reactant doubles t½ of the reaction,
then order of the reaction is-
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 0


118 For which of the following, the unit of rate and rate constant of the reaction are
identical :-
A. First order reaction
B. Second order reaction
C. Zero order reaction
D. Half order reaction
119 Half life of a radioactive decay of C 14 is 5730 years. How much time it will take
so that 25% of C 14 was found in sample?
A. 5730 years
B. 11460 years
C. 22920 years
D. 930 years
120 A zero-order reaction is 25% complete in 30seconds. What time does it take for
50% completion?
A. 40 s
B. 50 s
C. 70 s
D. 60 s
121 The rate of a certain hypothetical reaction A+B+C  products is given by
rate = K[A] 1/2[B] 1/3 [C] 1/4 The order of the reaction is
B. 13/14
C. 12/13
D. 13/12
122 The rate of a chemical reaction tells us about
A.the reactants taking part in the reaction
B. the products formed in the reaction
C. how slow or fast the reaction is taking place
D. none of the above
123 A first order reaction has a half-life period of 34.65 seconds. It rate constant is
A.2 x 10-2 sec -1


B. 4 x 10-4 sec -1
C. 20 sec-1
D. 2 x 10-4 sec-1

124 The half-life period of a radioactive element is 20 days. What will be the
remaining mass of 100g of it after 60 days?
A. 25 g
B. 50 g
C. 12.5 g
D. 20 g
125 For the reaction 2 A + B →3C + D
which of the following does not express the reaction rate?

A. −


C. −

D. −

126 Consider the reaction :N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) →2 NH3 (g)

The equality relationship between − !"

%&' 2 &*
A. =−
( 3 (
%&' &*
B. −
( (
%&' 3 &*
C. −
( 2 (
%&' 1 &*
D. −
( 3 (
127 For a reaction A + B →C + 2D, experimental results
were collected for three trials and the data obtained are
given below:


The correct rate law of the reaction is
A. rate = k[A]0 [B]2
B. rate = k[A] [B]2
C. rate = k[A] [B]
D. rate = k[A] [B]0
128 life of a substance is 5 years, then the total amount of
If half-life
substance left after 15 years, when initial amount is 64 grams
A. 16 grams
B. 8 grams
C. 32 grams
D. 2 grams
129 Match the columns
Column-I Column-II
(a) Catalyst alters the rate of (p) cannot be fraction or
reaction zero
(b) Molecularity (q) proper orientation is
notthere always
© Second half-life
life of first (r) by lowering the
order reaction activation
(d) Energetically favourable (s) is same as the first
reactions are sometimes slow
A. a– (q), b– (r), c – (s), d – (p)
B. a – (r), b – (s), c – (p), d – (q)
C. a – (r), b – (p), c – (s), d – (q)
D. a – (p), b – (r), c – (s), d – (q)
130 The conversion of molecules X to Y follows third order kinetics. If concentration


21 28
of X is increased to three times how will it affect the rate of formation of Y?
A. the rate of formation will increase by 9 times
B. the rate of formation will increase by 27 times
C. the rate of formation will increase by 4 times
D. the rate of formation will increase by 3 times
131 A reaction is second order in A and first order in B and third order in C. Write the
differential rate equation

A. − = k[A]2 [B]1 [C]3

B. − = k[A]2 [B]1 [C]3
C. − = k[A]0 [B]2 [C]3

D. − = k[A]1[B]1 [C]0

132 Calculate the half-life of a first order reaction where the rate constants is 0.231 s-1
A. 13 s
B. 10s
C. 3 x 10-2s
D. 3 s
133 Time required to decompose SO2Cl2 to half of its initial amount is 30 minutes. If
the decomposition is a first order reaction, calculate the rate constant of the
A. 2.31 x 10-2 min-1
B. 1.31 x 10-3 s-1
C. 2.0 x 10-1 min-1
D. 2.15 x 10-2 min-1
134 For a reaction, A + B→ Product; the rate law is given by,
r = K[A]3/2[B]2. What is the order of the reaction?
A. 2.5
B. 3.5
C. 1.5
D. 4.5


135 In a reaction, 2A→ Products, the concentration of A decreases from 0.4 mol L-1
to 0.2 mol L-1 in 5 minutes. Calculate the rate during this interval?
A. 5 x 10-3 Mol L-1 min -1
B. 4 x 10-2 Mol L-1s-1
C. 3 x 10-3 Mol L-1 min -1
D. 2 x 10-2 Mol L-1 min -1

136 The rate of a reaction is

(A) Change in concentration of a reactant with temperature
(B) Change in concentration of a reactant with time
(C) Change in concentration of a reactant with pressure
(D) Change in concentration of a reactant with volume
137 The unit of rate of a reaction is
(A) mol L4 s 4
(B) mol L4
(C) mol bar 4
(D) mol4 L
138 Molecularity of the following reaction is
2NO + O → 2NO
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
139 Which of the following is not true for rate of a reaction?
(A) Any one of the reactants can determine the rate of a reaction
(B) Any one of the products can determine the rate of a reaction
(C) For gaseous reaction the unit of the rate equation is expressed by atm s 4
(D) For gaseous reaction the unit of the rate equation is express by
mol L4 s 4
140 Which of the following statements is not applicable for molecularity of a


(A) It is applicable only for elementary reaction
(B) For complex reaction molecularity has no meaning
(C) It cannot be zero
(D) It is applicable for elementary as well as complex reactions
141 A reaction is second order with respect to a reactant. If the concentration of the
reactant becomes double, the rate of the reaction is
(A) 4 times
(B) 6 times
(C) 8 times
(D) 2 times
142 The thermal decomposition of HI on gold surface is an example of
(A) First order reaction
(B) Second order reaction
(C) Zero order reaction
(D) Third order reaction
143 Which of the following catalyst is used In the Haber process for the manufacture
of ammonia?
(A) Platinized asbestos
(B) Alumina
(C) Copper oxide
(D) Iron with molybdenum as a promoter
144 Inversion of cane sugar is an example of
(A) First order reaction
(B) Pseudo first order reaction
(C) Zero order reaction
(D) None of these
145 Which of the following observations is incorrect about the order of a reaction?
(A) The stoichiometric coefficient of the reactants doesn’t affect the order
(B) Order of reaction is the sum of power to express the rate of reaction to the
concentration terms of the reactants.
(C) Order can only be assessed experimentally


(D) Order of a reaction is always a whole number
146 Which of the following statements is false in relation to enzyme
A. pH affects their functioning
B. Temperature affects their functioning
C. They always increase activation energy
D. Their reactions are specific
147 The rate of reaction is determined by slow step reaction. The step is called
A. Reaction rate
B. Activation step
C. Rate determining step
D. None of the above
148 2. The data for the reaction ABC is

Exp. [A]0 [B]0 Initial rate

(1) 0.012 0.035 0.10

(2) 0.024 0.070 0.80

(3) 0.024 0.035 0.10

(4) 0.012 0.070 0.80

The rate law corresponds to the above data is

 k [B ]3
A. Rate
 k [B ]4
B. Rate
 k [ A ][ B ] 3
C. Rate
 k [ A ] 2 [ B ]2
D. Rate
149 In the reaction AB Products, if B is taken in excess, then it is an example of

A. Second order reaction

B. Zero order reaction
C. Pseudo unimolecular reaction


D.First order reaction
150 75% of a first order reaction was completed in 32 minutes when was 50% of the
reaction completed
A. 16 min.
B. 24 min.
C. 8 min.
D. 4 min.
151 A  product, [ A ]  0 . 2 mol l 1
For a first order reaction the rate of reaction at is
1 . 0  10 2 mol l 1 min 1
. The half life period for the reaction is
A. 832 s
B. 440 s
C. 416 s
D. 13.86 s
152 For a given reaction 3A  B  C  D the rate of reaction can be represented by

1 d[ A] d [ B]  d [C ]  d [ D]
   
A. 3 dt dt dt dt

1 d[ A] d [C ]
   K[ A]m [ B]n
B. 3 dt dt

1 d [ A] d [C ]
   K[ A]n [B]m
C. 3 dt dt

D. None of these

Q. No.(MCQ) Answer
1 A
2 D
3 C
4 A
5 C
6 B


7 B
8 D
9 D
10 A
11 C
12 B
13 D
14 C
15 A
16 B
17 A
18 C
19 C
20 D
21 C
22 D
23 A
24 B
25 D
26 C
27 B
28 C
29 C
30 A
31 A
32 A
33 C
34 B
35 D
36 C
37 C
38 D
39 C
40 B
41 C
42 C
43 A
44 C
45 C
46 C
47 C
48 D
49 B
50 A
51 C


52 D
53 C
54 D
55 A
56 A
57 B
58 A
59 A
60 A
61 B
62 D
63 C
64 A
65 C
66 B
67 D
68 A
69 D
70 D
71 C
72 A
73 (D)
74 (A)
75 (B)
76 (C)
77 (B)
78 (B)
79 (A)
80 (A)
81 (D)
82 (B)
83 (A)
84 (B)
85 (D)
86 (B)
87 (D)
88 (A)
89 (C)
90 (A)
91 (B)
92 (D)
93 (C)
94 (A)
95 (C)
96 (D)


97 (A)
98 (B)
99 D
100 A
101 A
102 B
103 B
104 B
105 A
106 A
107 B
108 C
109 B
110 B
111 B
112 A
113 A
114 C
115 D
116 B
117 D
118 C
119 B
120 D
121 D
122 C
123 A
124 C
125 D
126 A
127 A
128 B
129 C
130 B
131 A
132 D
133 C
134 B
135 D
136 B
137 A
138 B
139 D
140 C
141 A


142 C
143 D
144 B
145 D
146 C
147 C
148 A
149 D
150 A
151 A
152 A

Questions submitted by the PGTs (Chemistry) of KVs of Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Kolkata,

Ranchi, Silchar and Tinsukia Region.

Vetted by: Silchar Region


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