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Create a code generator

def generate_factorial_function():
Generate a Python function that calculates the factorial of a number.
function_name = input("Enter a name for the function: ")
argument_name = input("Enter a name for the argument: ")
code = f"def {function_name}({argument_name}):\n"
code += f" if {argument_name} <= 1:\n"
code += f" return 1\n"
code += f" else:\n"
code += f" return {argument_name} * {function_name}({argument_name}-1)"

2.Build a countdown calculator

import time

def countdown(t):
while t:
mins, secs = divmod(t, 60)
timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)
print(timer, end="\r")
t -= 1
print('Time is up!')

t = input("Enter the time in seconds: ")


3.Write a sorting method

def bubble_sort(arr):
n = len(arr)
for i in range(n):
# Last i elements are already sorted
for j in range(0, n-i-1):
# Swap if the element found is greater than the next element
if arr[j] > arr[j+1] :
arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j]
return arr

6. Make a temperature/measurement converter

def convert_temperature(temp, unit_in, unit_out):
if unit_in == "C" and unit_out == "F":
return (temp * 1.8) + 32
elif unit_in == "F" and unit_out == "C":
return (temp - 32) * 0.5556
elif unit_in == "C" and unit_out == "K":
return temp + 273.15
elif unit_in == "K" and unit_out == "C":
return temp - 273.15
elif unit_in == "F" and unit_out == "K":
return (temp + 459.67) * 0.5556
elif unit_in == "K" and unit_out == "F":
return (temp * 1.8) - 459.67
return temp

def convert_measurement(val, unit_in, unit_out):

if unit_in == "m" and unit_out == "km":
return val / 1000
elif unit_in == "km" and unit_out == "m":
return val * 1000
elif unit_in == "m" and unit_out == "ft":
return val * 3.28084
elif unit_in == "ft" and unit_out == "m":
return val / 3.28084
elif unit_in == "cm" and unit_out == "in":
return val / 2.54
elif unit_in == "in" and unit_out == "cm":
return val * 2.54
return val

print(convert_temperature(100, "C", "F")) # should print 212.0

print(convert_temperature(212, "F", "C")) # should print 100.0
print(convert_temperature(0, "C", "K")) # should print 273.15
print(convert_temperature(273.15, "K", "C")) # should print 0.0
print(convert_temperature(-40, "F", "K")) # should print 233.15
print(convert_temperature(233.15, "K", "F")) # should print -40.0

print(convert_measurement(1000, "m", "km")) # should print 1.0

print(convert_measurement(1, "km", "m")) # should print 1000.0
print(convert_measurement(1000, "m", "ft")) # should print 3280.84
print(convert_measurement(3280.84, "ft", "m")) # should print 1000.0
print(convert_measurement(10, "cm", "in")) # should print 3.937007874015748
print(convert_measurement(3.937007874015748, "in", "cm")) # should print 10.0

7. Build a counter app

# Define a counter variable

counter = 0

# Loop until the user chooses to quit

while True:
# Print the current count
print(f"Count: {counter}")

# Ask the user what they want to do next

choice = input("What would you like to do? (q to quit) ")

# Check if the user wants to quit

if choice == "q":

# Increment or decrement the counter based on user input

if choice == "+":
counter += 1
elif choice == "-":
counter -= 1
print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")

8. Build a number-guessing game

import random

def play_game():
# Generate a random number between 1 and 100
number = random.randint(1, 100)
guesses = 0

# Loop until the player guesses the correct number

while True:
# Get the player's guess
guess = input("Guess a number between 1 and 100: ")
guesses += 1

# Convert the player's guess to an integer

guess = int(guess)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")

# Check if the player's guess is correct

if guess == number:
print("Congratulations, you guessed the number in", guesses,
elif guess < number:
print("The number is higher. Try again.")
print("The number is lower. Try again.")

# Call the play_game function to start the game


9. Build an alarm clock

import datetime
import time
import winsound

def set_alarm(alarm_time):
while True:
time_now ="%H:%M:%S")
if time_now == alarm_time:
print("Time to wake up!")
winsound.PlaySound("sound.wav", winsound.SND_ASYNC)

alarm_time = input("Enter the time for the alarm in HH:MM:SS format: ")

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