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PHONETICS |. PRONUNCIATION (PHAT AM) ® KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) 1. Quy téc phat am cua cac chit cai nguyén am va nguyén am déi [ae] Trong nhimg tir 1 4m tiét, tn cing la 1 hay nhiéu phy Am : lad, dam Trong am tiét mang trong 4m cua tir nhiéu am tiét va diing trudc 2 PA (Phu am) : Candle [ei] Tix mét am tiét c6 tan cing 18: A+ PA( Phu am) + E: Bate - Dong tir 6 tan cling ATE : intimate, deliberate Trong am tiét trudc tan cling -ION va -IAN: Nation, Translation Ngoai Companion [kOm'paenjdn}, Italian _[iteejn], Io) Trong tir m6t Am tiét tn cling 1a “LL” Examples: all, call, tall, small 1 |b) Trong nhing am tiét 6 trong Am ctia mot tir, hoc tir mot Am tiét bat dau bang W: Was, Want [a] Trong nhimg tir 1 Am tiét tan cing bang R hoac R+ PA hoac trong am tit cita tir khi A diing trude R+ PA Examples: Bar, Far Ngoailé: scarce [sked] [i] Trong tan cing - ATE cia tinh tix Examples: Itimate _['intimit], Animate, Delicate __[‘delikit] ‘Trong tan cing - AGE cia danh tir 2 am tiét Examples: Village, Cottage [0] Trong nhiing am tiét khong c6 trong am. Again, Balance [e] Trong nhimg tir 1 4m tiét tan cing bang 1 hay nhiéu PA(trir R).Hodc trong 4m tiét c6 trong 4m cita 1 tir: Bed, get Ngoaj Ie: Her, term. 2 e Khi ding lién truéc tan cing PA+ E va trong nhiing tir be, she, he, me: Cede, Scene li] Trong nhimg tién té BE, DE, RE; begin, become, decide, return, [0] : silent, open | [ei] Khi Al ding trude 1 PA trirR 3 * | Examples: Mail, Sail [ed]: Khi dug trudc R: air, fair [oeJTrong hau hét céc tir chtta AU : Fault, Launch 4 au__| [a:JTrong mét sé tir ma ta phai ghi nho Examples: Aunt, laugh 5 aw _| Tat ca cdc tir chita AW thug doc la [33]: law, draw, crawl, drawn ay [ei] trong hau hét cdc tir chia AY: clay, day, play Ngoai Ié: Quay, Mayor, Papaya ea [e] Head, Bread, Breakfast, Steady, Jealous, Measure, Leather [is] East, Easy, Heat, Beam, Dream, Breathe, Creature [a:] learn, earth, heard... [ea] bear, pear, swear fia] tear, clear [eil great, break, steak ee i:] gee, free lia] beer, cheer, deer ei liz] Ceiling, Deceive, Receipt [ei] eight, weight [ea] Their fe] Leisure, Heifer 10 ex “eks” Khi EX 1 am tiét mang trong am: exercise, Excellent Tks Khi EX 1a Am tiét khéng mang trong am, dtmg truée 1 PA: Explain, Experience “ige” Khi EX Ia Am tiét khOng mang trong am, dung trudc 1 nguyén am hoac am H cam: Examine, Existence u ey “ei” they, prey, grey :" money, key 2 [ail Trong nhiing tir | Am tidt tan cing bing i + PA: Bike, side fi] Trong nhiing tir 1 m tiét tan cing bing i+ PA +E: bit, sit 13 ie [i:] machine, magazine fis] Khi né 1a nguyén am 6 gitta 1 tir: Grief, Chief, Believe [ai] Khi no la nguyén am cudi cua tir 1 am tiét : die, lie, tie 4 [eo] - Khiné dting cudi mot tit: no, go, so - Khi né dg trong tiv 1 m tiét tan ciing bing 2 PA hay PA+ E va trong am tiét c6 trong am cia tir nhiéu 4m tiét: comb, cold Ngoailé: long, strong, bomb [5] Khi no ding trong tir 1 4m tiét tan cling bang 1 PA va trong am tiét cd trong am cia mot sé tir nhiéu am tiét : dot, nod [:] Khi né dting trudc R+ PA : born, north TA] Khi né dung trong tir 1 4m tiét va trong am tiét c6 trong am cla mét sé tir nhiéu am tiét : come, some {o:] / [u:] do, move oa [oo]Trong nhimg tir m6t m tiét tn cling bang 1 hay 2 phy 4m : coal, coat, [o: ] Khi dmg trude R : roar, Board 16 00 [u] : book, look [u:] cool, food [A] :blood, flood [=}] door, floor 7 ou [a0] bound, clound’ [ava] our, hour va] tour, tourist {o:] four, pour [09] Soul, Shoulder 18 ow [au] how, power [ou] grow, know 19 {ul pull, full [u:] blue, lunar [jul tube, humour [joa] Trong nhiing tir cd U+ Rt nguyén am: Cure, pure [a:] Trong ning tir m6t am tiét tan cung bang U+ R hoac U+ R+ PA : fur, burn [AI Trong nhiing ti cé tién t6 1a UM-, UN- hoc 1 sé tix théng dung : but, cup, Unhappy, Umbrella 20 [ai] Trong nhimg tir c6 Ul+ PA+ E: guide, quite fi] built, guitar 2 [ai] Khi né Ia 4m cudi clia tir 0 1 am tigt : dry ; exy 6 céc tiv c6 dudi la ify va cic tte deny , reply, rely, fi] khi no 1a Am cudi cua tir c6 nhiéu am tiét: copy Luu y: Nhéng quy tic trén chi la nhing cach doc phé bién, ngoai ra cé nhiing trudng hop ngoai 18. Khi cé nghi ngo, chting ta phai tra tir dién va ghi nhé cdch phat Am timg tir cho chinh xac. 2. Quy tac phat 4m cua cdc chit cdi phy 4m va phy am cuéi «Mt sé chit cdi phy am thuong gap Chit cai phy am (Cach phat am Vidu fl close, confide c ist certify, cycle A special, ocean a Jas dramatic, demand /a3/ gradual, educate [gl guess, regular 8g /ds/ germ, origin GL beige, garage n Jnl neck, fun fy uncle, drink Isf. secret, optimist lal tose, resume . Ui sugar, ensure 15! usually, occasion It) tutor, pretence t Ui option, initial id culture, question gal exist, exhibit x tks/ box, mixture Ikfi. anxious, luxury % Méts6 nhom chit cai phu am thuong gip Nh6m chit cai phy am | _ Cach phat am Vidu qu Tkw/ queue, require Ik chemist, mechanic ch [7 check, bunch Af machine, parachute sh i shock, smash th 10) theme, depth JO thus, feather gh/ ph Ifl rough, laughter, photo, paragraph * Quy tac phat am dudi “s, -es/-ed” 1.Cach phat am dudi -s, -es Quy tac Ex: cloths, beliefs, books, cups, cats Ex: watches, boxes, buses, buzzes crashes, focuses, resources , bridges Iai___| Ex: robs, bags, pools, costumes, begins, floors , leaves 2. Cach phat am dudi -ed Quy tac td: fin de Ex: wanted , ended fi! | Ngoai lé: Dudi “ed” trong céc tinh tir sau durge doc 1a /id/ naked aged learned wicked dogged blessed beloved crooked k,ss,x,ch,f ,ce,p,gh, sh( ) MW Ex: worked , kissed, faxed , watched, laughed , faced , helped , roughed, washed => s hodc-ss thi ludn duing, nhung -se cé thé dgc /t/ hoac /d/ tixy theo tw. lal bog. Lm,m1,v,y/1, em Ex:played , loved , happened. 3. Quy tac phat 4m cdc tir chira 4m cam M6t sé chit cai trong mét sé tir bao gém phu Am va nguyén am khéng duge phat am thinh tiéng duyge goi la Am cdm (silent sounds). Sau day 18 mOt s6 am cam thudng gap: Chit cai - Trudng hop thudng gip Vidu b dimg cudi trong mOt sé tt (thudng di sau m) b dig trade t climb, dumb, comb doubt, debt ¢ dung trudc k ¢ dig sau s trong mot sé tir snack, dock scene, muscle, science d trong mét sé tir handsome, Wednesday h trong mot s6 tir hour, exhausted gh trong mot s6 tir (dc biét lA sau i) weigh, sight k dig traden know, knee, knife Ltrong mot sé tir half, could nding saum autumn, condemn Pp diing dau mot ti, theo sau 1a mot phy 4m va mot sé) trudng hop khée psychology, receipt dung trude mot phy am khac hoae ding cudi tir dd card, park, farm, burn, neighbour, volunteer ttrong mot sé tir listen, castle w diing truécr hoach trong mot s6 tir wreck, who @ PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others . A. sweater A. document . A. Average A. system |. A. washed A. stream . A. intermediate A. bury 9. A. planted 10. A. beach 11. A. informed 12, A. planet 13. A. hut 14, A. chemistry 15. A.reduced 16. A.breathe 17. A. mor 18. A. speaks 19. A. invite 20. A. award 21. A. candy 22. A. morning 23. A. power 24, A. account 25. A. echo 26. A. naked 27. A. eruption 28. A. dear 29. A. that 30. A. sugar 31. A. treat 32. A. quiet 33. A. cities 34. A. reused SNAaeRene B. slideshow B, stroll B. wave . specify az considered B. leather B. immediate B. hurry B. worked B. clean B. impressed B. fashion B. done B. mechanic B.realized B. derease low, learns faint candidate badly shown decided question hear countries returned SUP ETT ITT T Eee eS C. sure C. buffalo: C. pavement C. unscrew C. booked C. cream C. medium C. hungry C. wanted, C. instead C. installed C. travel C. donate C. character Carrived Clleather patient understand reply stone town shoulder machine hatred tradition bear beat plastics babies mashed ppanasanaAAnAnAnAaA science remote engage medicine thunder needed, leave admired D. nature D. tunnel D. parachute D. compared D.beach cow, knows victim goyog909000ng5 examine many, phone slow sound brochure washed addition near mother sweater bridge flies cleaned sy9ScuDsTDTSSUDIND 35, A. stand 36. A. throw 37. A. watched 38. A. sandcastle 39. A. should 40. A. shop 41. A. disappear 42. A. think 43. A. bucket 44. A. supposed 45. A. lunch 46. A. appalled 47. A. allowed 48. A. smells 49. A. maximum 50. A. wants Il STRESS (TRONG AM) B. badly B. though B. matched, B. entrance B. shout B. problem B. head B. throw B. underline B. reduced B. umbrella B. surprised B. passed B. cuts B, category B. looks ® KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) 1. Trong am voi tir cé 2 am tiét * Déi voi dong tir cd 2 am tiét, trong 4m thudng roi vao am tiét thet hai, Example: C. sandy C. thrilling C. washed C. understand about top instead theatre multiple encouraged fun raised argued opens dictation arrives aaepeesanaana Verb Pronunciation invite fin'vait/ appeal /a'pil/ support /se'po:rt/ surprise /se'praiz/ prepare /pri’pea(t)/ decide [di’said/ drrive Jo'raiv/ advise fed’ vaiz/ D. many D. through D. returned D. banyan’ D. amount D. glove D. health D. although D. sugar D. dissolved D. tutor D. hated D. raised D. plays D. battery D. stops Exception: Déng tit cé hai am tiét nhung am tiét thit hai chtta nguyén am /i/, /o/, /ou/: trong am thudng roi vo am thir nhat. Verb Pronunciation borrow I’borev! loosen Au:s(a)n/ tighten ‘tait(o)n/ enter Fenta(r)/ offer fvfa(n)/ finish 7 fuf/ widen /'waid(e)n/ * D6i v6i danh tt, tinh tir va trang tir cé 2 am tiét, trong 4m thuong roi vao am tiét thir nhat. Word (N, Adj, Adv) Pronunciation people pip mother Imada()/ student ['stju:dnt/ ready lredil happy ‘heepi/ easy Tivzil seldom I'seldam/ often Pvftan/ Ngoai lé: Khi am tiét dau tién cé nguyén 4m /i/ hoac /a/ > trong am thwong vao am tiét sé 2 IL, Trong 4m véi tir c6 3 am tigt * Trong am thudng roi vao Am tiét thit ba tinh tir Am tiét cudi trd ngugc lén. (Clning ta o6 thé ding phuong phap dém ngugc. Vi du: Ba-micly /1<-2<<3 (Cling ta dém ngugc tix 3->2->I, trong Am sé roi vao am duge dém sé 1 (trong vi dy la ‘FA’) Example: Word Pronunciation family [feemali/ internet /intarnet/ dedicate Pdedikeit/ satisfy [sovtistai/ qualify kwolifai/ * D6i voi cdc tir tin cling bang: ian, ic, ience, ient, ial, ual, al, eous, ion, iar, trong am thuong roi vao Am tiét ngay phia truée ching. Example: Word Pronunciation athletic [ee0letik/ essential Hiseni/ familiar Hia'milia(n)/ delicious [ailifos/ physician Hizigin! Word Pronunciation afraid /o'freid/ polite pa lant! today ta’ dei! surround Jsa'raond/ career Tka'ria(s)/ around Ja raond/ tonight Ita’ nait/ Notice: Cé mét sé tir cé nhiéu chitc nang, trong am sé thay déi theo chiic nang trong cau cia tir 46. Trong am thudng roi vao am tiét tht: hai véi dng tit va roi vao am tiét thi: nhat véi cdc tir loai con lai, Verb Pronounciation Others Pronunciation record irikod/ record Prekard/ import Jim’ pa:rt/ import Fimpa:rt/ perfect [pa'fekt/ perfect Tpafikt/ export Jiks'po:t/ export Fekspo:t/ progress /pro'gres/ progress [prougres/ conflict ‘Akon’ flikt/ conflict Ukonflikt/ suspect /s0'spekt/ suspect ['saspekt/ * Doi voi cac tir ta chita cae dudi nay. cing bing: ee, eer, ese, ier, ette, 00, esque, trong am thudng roi vao am tict Example: Word Pronunciation refugee /refju'dsi:/ engineer Jendsi’nia(r)/ kangaroo Lee nge'ru:/ volunteer Lyvlan’tia(t)/ Vietnamese iviretna'mi:z/ PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the word whose stress is different from the others 1. A. below B. bathroom C. body 2. A. country B. early C. husband D. cartoon 3. A. river B. paper C. lesson D. collect 4. A. sometimes B. locate C. student D. tired 5. A.under B. very C. behave D. yellow 6. A. bamboo B. winter C. weather D. after 7. A.improve B. study C. sugar D. summer 8. A. window B. table C. sorry D. repair 9. A.ready B. player C. person D. believe 10. A. become B. shopping C. travel D. website 11. A. economy B. suggestion C. detective D. interest 12. A. prefer 13. A. forecast 14, A. national 15. A. encourage 16, A. begin 17. A. teacher 18. A. many 19. A. operate 20. A. tender 21. A. ongoing 22. A. helpline 23. A. dialect 24, A. economic 25, A. entertainment 26. A. account 27. A. telescope 28. A. faucet 29. A. paradise 30. A. invent 31. A. witness 32. A. attack 33, A. environment 34, A. departure 35. A. campaign 36. A. content 37. A. confident 38. A. sector 39. A. about 40. A. before 41, A. between 42, A. hungry 43. A. email 44, A. letter 45. A. bedroom 46. A. illustrate 47. A. comment 48. A. innovation 49. A. volunteer 50. A. behave B. B. B. B. B. B. B, B, B. B. B. B. B. B. B, B, B. B. B. B. B. B. B, POP Tee W oS . borrow . predict . possible . adventure better picture . only . immersion . applied . universe . hyphen . contestant limitation identify . compare . universe . hobby . confident . improve . decide believe development . recognize B. control B. vision B. citadel B. garnish B. above B. morning }. sister . minute . goodbye . again kitchen . cholera command . separation . contribute . success C. forget C. depend necessary understand player behind music breadwinner rubber stalagmite tunnel marinate reputation emergency conserve safari household experience explore reduce happen nutrition waterfall C. concert C. burden C. determine C. starter C. tonight C. little pananannnaanaangannnaannana second address father never number aquatic compose installation suggestion confide paannnanan D. pollute D. prepare D. convenient D. remember doctor mother today visit sprinkle breathtaking annoyed manual infrastructure continuous chopstick dialect install poisonous patent complete contain government institute D. career D. setting D. fabulous D. explore D. ticket D. people SeSDDNUSSDNNONNOSCSS D. never D. movie D. happy D. parent D. enjoy D. woodeutter D. machine D. environment D. awareness D. practice

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