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GRAMMAR VERB TENSES (THI DONG TU) ® KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) I, PRESENT TENSES 1. Hign tai don (simple present). Céng thire Cach ding/Tir nhan biét Thanh lap cau khang dinh. Cach ding Dong tir TO BE. - dién ta hanh dng thudng xuyén xay ra. (+): S + am/is/are. - dién ta théi quen. + Déng tir thong. - dién ta thai gian biéu, lich trinh, théng béo. (+): S + Vs/es/V(nguyén mau) - dién ta sy that, chan Ii. Thanh lap pha din va nghi van. - dién ta nghé nghiép, s6 thich, nguén géc, binh + V(doldoes) pham. Q: S+do/does + not + V(bare) Tir nhan biét (2: Do/does + $+ V (bare)? ~seldomy rarely/ hardly Be (am/ is/are) - sometimes/ occasionally (:S + amy/is/ are + not + - often/ usually/ frequently (2 Amfis/are +S tessssessssee - always/ constantly- ever-never- every 2. Hign tai tiép didn (present continuous) Céng thire/Tir nhan biét Cich ding S+ amiis/are + V-ing Cach ding, Thanh lap phit dinh va nghi van - dign ta hanh dng dang xay ra tai thoi diém Q: $+ am/is/are + not + V-ing (2): Am/is/ are+ $+ V-ing? Tir nhan biét - now- at the moment- at present- right now- look /hear (!) néi - dign ta hanh dong sé xay ra trong turong lai (c6 ké hogch tir trade) - dién ta sy thay di ca théi quen. - dién ta sy ca than, phan nan. 3. Hign tai hoan thanh (present perfect) Céng thire/Tir nhan biét Cach ding $+ have/ has + V(pp) Cach ding, (Have: I/ sé nhiéu - Has: s6 it) - dién ta hanh déng xay ra trong qué khtt nhung Thanh lip pha dinh va nghi vin Khong 16 thai gian. (): St have/ has + not + V(pp) - dign ta hanh dong lip di Ip lai nhiéu Tan trong, (2): Have/ Has + $+ V(pp)? qué khit Ta nhan biét - dién ta hanh d6ng xy ra trong qué khie nhung - for ~ since -ever 6 lai dau higu hogc hau qua 6 hign tai. -never - so far = recently - dién ta nhimng trai nghiém. - lately ~ before (dig cudi city) - din ta nhig hanh dong xay ra trong qua khit - up to now/ up to present/ until now ~yet just ~already nhung kéo dai téi hién tai va van con co kha ning sé tiép dién trong tuong lai. IL PAST TENSES. 1.Qué khit don (simple past) Céng thie Cach ding/Tir nhan biét ‘Thanh lap cau khang dinh. Déng tir TO BE. (4): S + was/were & Déng tir thudng. ():5 + V3/ed Thanh lip pha dinh va nghi van + Vidid) ():S + did+ not+ V(bare) (2): Did + S+V (bare) +? & Be (was/were) (5+ was/were + not + (2): Was/were + S+ .. Cach ding, - dién ta hanh dOng da xay ra va da cham ditt trong qua khit, khong edn lién quan t6i hign tai. - dién ta hanh dong xay ra néi tiép nhau trong qua kh - din ta hii ttc, ki niém. Tir nhan biét ~ ago- last- yesterday- in + mt méc thai gian trong qua kh (in 2000...) 2. Qua khit tiép dién (past continuous) Céng thite/ Tix nhan biét Cach ding S + was/were + Ving Cach ding Thanh lap phu dinh va nghi van - dién ta hanh, dong dang xay ra tai m6t thdi (: S+ was/ were + not +V-ing (2): Was/ were + S+ V-ing? Tie nhan bist - gid’ + trang tir qua khté (at 3 pm yesterday...) ~ at this/that time + trang tir qua kht (at this time last week...) diém xée dinh trong qua khtt - dign ta hanh dong dang xay ra thi cé hanh dong khac xen vao, hanh dong nao xay ra trude chia thi qué khit tigp dién, hanh ddng nao xay ra sau chia thi qué khit don, 3. Qua khit hoan thanh (past perfect) THi QUA KHU HOAN THANH Cong thitc/Tir nhan biét Cach ding S+had + Vip) Thanh lap phi dinh va nghi vin (): S+had + not + V(pp) (Q: Had +s + Vip)? Tienhan biét - before/by the time (true chia qua khtt hoan thanh, sau chia qué khtt don) ~ after (trude chia qué khié don, sau chia qua khte hoan thank). Cach ding, - dign ta nhimg hanh dng xay ra va hoan thanh trudc hanh dng khéc trong qua kht. Ill. FUTURE TENSES 1, Twong lai don (simple future) Céng thitc/Tir nhan biét Cach ding S+ will + V(bare) Cach ding, Thanh lip phi dinh va nghi van - dién ta nhimg hanh dng sé xay ra trong tuong, (0:5 + will + not + V(bare) (2): Will +S + V (bare)? Iai - dién ta nhing dy doan. Tir nhan bidt - tomorrow- next- soon- in + mét khoang thoi gian (in an hour...) = dién ta loi hita. 2. Twong lai tiép dién (future continuous) ():S + will + not + be + Ving (2): Will +S +be + Ving? Tir nh§n biét + trang tir tuong lai (at 3 pm tomorrow...) ~ at this/that time + trang tir tuong lai Céng thite/Tir nhan biét ‘Cach ding $+ will + be + Ving Cach ding Thanh lap phi din va nghi van - dién ta hanh dong dang dién ra vao mot thoi diém cy thé trong tuong lai. - din ta hanh d6ng sé dang xay ra trong tuong lai thi cé hanh dng khdc xen vao, hanh dong nao xay ra trude chia thi tuong lai tiép dién, hanh d6ng nao xy ra sau chia thi hién tai don. (at this time next week....) 3. Twong lai hoan thanh (future perfect) Céng thie Cach ding $+ will + have + V(pp) Thanh lap phi dinh va nghi vin (0:5 + will + not + have + V(pp) (: Will +s + have + V (pp)? Cach ding khi m@t hanh déng khac xay dén, IV. KIEN THUC BO TRO. MO6t s6 cau tritc viét lai cdu str dung thi Qué khir don va Hign tai hoan thinh Examples: It Examples: Examples: Itis + thdi gian + since + $+ last + Vpast = The last time S + Vpast + was + thoi gian(ago) +last + Vpast + thoi gian(ago) =S+haven’t/hasn’t + PII + for/ since + thoi gian - din ta hanh dong sé dugc hoan thanh trude is 4 years since I last went to Japan. = The last time I went to Japan was 4 years ago. last went to Japan 4 years ago. = [haven't gone to Japan for 4 years. S + started/ began + Ving/ to V+ thai gian(ago) = S+have/has + PIl + for/ since + théi gian David started working here last year. = David has worked here since last year. $+ have/has never + PII + before + haven’ t/hasn’t + PII + before = This is the first time + $+ have/has + PIL We have never played golf before. We haven't played golf before. This is the first time we have played golf This/ S + so sanh nhat + N + S + have/has ever + PIL S + have/has never + PII + such (a/an) + N(s) + like this(as) +S + (before) Examples: This is the most interesting novel I have ever read. = Ihave never read such an interesting novel like this before. When + did +S + V? = How long isit since +S+ Vpast? Examples: When did you buy this car? = How long is it since you bought this car? @ PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the best answer A, B , C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1, He has been selling motorbikes A.tenyearsago_B. since ten years, C.forten years ago _D. for ten years. 2. Christopher Columbus American more than 500 years ago. A. discovered B. has discovered C. had discovered D. had been discovering 3. Since Thave heard nothing from him. A. he had left B. he left C. he has left D. he was left 4, The man got out of the car, round to the back and opened the book. A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk 5. Her father when she was a small girl A. dies B. died C. has died D. had died 6, Her husband unemployed since they to the countryside. A.was / moved B. was / have moved Chas been / moved D. has been/have moved 7. He fell down when he towards the church. Arun B. runs CC. was running, D. had run 8. While they were laying the table, he to the radio A, was listening B. listened C. has listened D. is listening 9, Henry into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner. A.was going B. went Chas gone D. did go 10. By the age of 25, he two famous novels. A. wrote B. writes C. has written D. had written 1. He always for a walk in the evening. A.go B. is going C. goes D. going 12. ll come and see you before I for the States. A. leave B. will leave C have left D. shalll leave 13, He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he dinner. A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. finishing 14. Her brother in Canada at present. A. working B. works C. is working D. work 15, Tom and Mary for Vietnam tomorrow. A. leave B. are leaving C leaving D. are left 16. We Dorothy since last Saturday. A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen 17. It is blowing so hard. We such a terrible storm before. A. have never known B. have never been knowing C.never know D. had never known 18. [have never played badminton before. This is the first time 1___to play. A.ty B. tried C have tried D. am trying 19, Ask her to come and see me when she her work. A. finish B. has finished C. finished D. finishing 20. Our industrial output from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year. A. rises B. has risen C. was rising D. rose 21. Ted and Amy for 24 years. A. have been married B. married C. were married D. has been married 22. Almost everyone for home by the time we arrived. A. leave B. left C. leaves D. had left 23. I couldn’t cut the grass because the lawn mower a few days previously. A. broke down B.hasbeen broken C. had broken down —_D. breaks down 24. My grandmother __1 years ago. A.had died B. died Chas died D. was dying 25. John a book when I saw him, A. is reading B. read C. was reading 26. Pasteur in the 19th century. A.was living B. lived C. had lived 27.1 at school now. being B. was being C. was 28.1__ to Ho Chi Minh City several times this year. A. have been B. was C. were 29. He __ here three hours ago. Ais leaving B. left C. has left 30. We __ Peter since last Monday. A. don’t see B. haven't seen C. didn’t see 31. Tim a book when I came to his house. A. is reading B. read C. was reading 32, My brother badminton. Avusually play B. is usually playing C. usually plays D. have usually played 33.1 my clothes at 7 o'clock yesterday evening. A. am ironing B. have ironed C. ironed 34, I'm sorry I made you so angry. 1 itagain A. won't do B.'mnotgoingtodo —_C. '‘mnot doing 35. It's really hot. the window, please? A. Are you going to open B. Will you open C. You going to open D. Do you open 36. Look at those black clouds. It A.rains B. is raining C. is going to rain 37. Tomorrow I my parents. D. reading D. has lived D. had been D. have left D. hadn't seen D. reading D. was training D. won't be doing D. rain going to visit B. will have visited C. have visited D. visit 38. She __ books now. reading B. read C. reads D. was reading 39, doing that, please? I'm trying to concentrate. A. Are you going to stop B. Will you stop C. Do you stop D. Are you stop 40. tonight? There's a new restaurant that looks promising. A. Shall we eat out B. Do we eat out C. Are we eat out D. Are we going to eat out 41. They table tennis when their father comes back home. A.will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play 42, According to schedule, food __ distributed to nine poorest communes in the next project. A. is going to be B. will be Care going to be D. Both A&B are incorrect 43. I'm sure the baby blue eyes, like her mother. going tohave _B. will have having D. have 44.1 in the room right now. being B. was being C.have been being — 45.1 to New York three times this year. A. have been B. was C. were D. had been 46, I'll come and see you before I for the States. A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave 47. My mother __ English for ten years. A-has learnt B. is learning C. learn D. learns 48, you go to the zoo? A. How oftenare _B. How often do C. How often does D. How are 49, The sun in the East. A. is rising B. rose Chas risen D. rises 50. When I was young, I to be a teacher. A. want B. was wanting, C. wanted D. had wanted Correct the mistakes in the following sentences 1. Daisy will sitting on the plane at 5 a.m tomorrow. AB c D 2, What will you doing at 11 p.m tonight? A BC D 3. By this time tomorrow, they will visit Paris with their friends. A B c D 4, By 2030, the number of schools in our city will have double. A B c D 5, Some people are believing that there is life on the Moon. A B c D 6. We will have walked to the bus stop at this time next morning. A B c D 7. My father and I go skiing almost every day last winter. ABC D ‘8. What time has the train to Hai Phong leave? AB c D 9, Someone has been smoking in this room because it is dirty. A B c D 10. Look! Her eyes are red. She had been crying. A B c D ‘11. Don’t worry, I hope everything is going to be fine soon. A B Cc D 112. Last year, my son was lost among the crowd while we have gone shopping. A BOC D 13. They have studied English before they went to London. A B c oD 114. At 6 a.m tomorrow, I will have been climbing the mountain. A B c D 15. They are staying at the hotel in London. At this time tomorrow, they will travel to Thailand. AB cD 16. Bythe end of next month, Lan will be learning English for 5 months. A B c D 17. At this time next month, we will have relaxed on the beach in Thanh Hoa. A B c D 18. He is playing with his son at 8 o’clack tonight. A BOC D 19. We hasn‘t seen Dr. Jim since last Saturday. AB cD 20. We are talking happily when Jane was coming in and shouted at us. A B c D Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. 1 It is a long time since we last met. % We haven't 2. When did you have this computer? % How long 3. My nephew James has never drunk beer before. % This 4. This is the first time he visited Ha Long Bay. 'S He has 5. She started working here last year ' She has 6. We began eating lunch when it started to rain. 'S We have 7.1 last had my hair cut when she left me. % Ihaven't 8. The last time he met me was 5 months ago. ‘S He hasn’t 9. When did they start opening this shopping center? ‘%S How 10. [haven’t been to the 200 for over the year. % The last time 11. Your farewell party was the last time I really enjoyed myself. SI 12. [haven't lived in a luxurious building before. % This is the first 13. This is the first time I had such a delicious meal. % Thaven’t 14. [haven't gone to work for a month. % The last 15. [haven't talked to him for 5 days. % Itis 116. We last celebrated Christmas 2 years ago. % We 17. Linda hasn’t had her teeth checked since last year. % The 18, Michelle began to collect stamps in 2015. % Michelle 19. When did you last ride a motorbike? % How long is it 20. [haven't tided up your bedroom for weeks. %S I's Il. SUBJECT-VERB CONCORD (HOA HOP S-V) ® KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUQ) Mét sé quy tac chung V (s6 it) (Chu ngir 1a danh tir va cum danh tir sé it. Chi ngér la cdc dai lurong chi thai gian, khoang cach, tién bac hay su do hong. ‘Chi ngir ld cdc dai tir bat dinh: someone, anything, nothing, eve-eryone, another.. ‘Chu ngir 1a ménh dé danh tir Ex: All want to do now is to sleep. Chu ngié bat dau bang “to infinitive” hoac “V-ing”. Chu ngié bat dau bang cum tir “Many a” ‘Chu ngir bat dau 1 mt phan s6 cé tur s6 1a 1. Ex: 1/2is larger than 1/3. (Chi ngér 1a mt sé danh tir dc biét cé hinh thitc s6 nhiéu: mdn hge (Physics, Maths), mén thé thao (billards, athletics...), tin ture (news), cac loai bénh (rabies, measles...) , tén 1 so quéc gia va t6 chite (UN, the United States, the Philipines...), loai dng vat (ants, elephants...) ‘Chu ngié bat dau bing: Most of/All of/Plenty of/ + N (khong dém duge/sé it). Chu ngié bat dau bing “The number of + N (86 nhiéu)”. Chu ngié bat dau bing “None of + N (s6 nhiéu)/ No + N (sé it)”. Chu ngir bat dau bang Ni (s6 it) of No. Chu ngir 1a cum danh tir chi nhém dong vat (s6 it) mang nghia “bay, dan”: flock of birds/sheep, school of fish, pride of lion, pack of dogs, herd of cattle. A large amount/A great deal + N (khdng dém duge/ sé it). Neither (of)/Either of + N (s6 niu) Ex: - Neither restaurants is expensive. - Either of them works in this company Cha ngi 1A mot tua dé. Ex: “Chi pheo” is a famous work of Nam Cao. Chit ngit bat dau bang “A pair of + N (s6 nhieu)”. Ex: A pair of pants is in the drawer. Chi ngér la danh tir va. cum dank tir s6 nhiéu. Ex: Oranges are rich in vitamin C MOt s6 danh tir két thc bing “s” nhung ding sé nhiéu: people, police, cattle, children, geese, mice... Ex: People are searching for something to eat. Hai chit ngir néi nhau bang “and” va cé quan hé dang lap Ex: Jane and Mary are my best friends. Tuy nhién, néu 2 danh tir ciing chi mét ngwéi, mot bé phn ho&c 1 mén &n... thi dong tir chia 6 s6 it. (Luu y: khong cé “the” 6 trudc danh tit sau “and”.) Ex: Bread and butter is their daily food. V (sé nhiéu) Cau tric “both Ny and Ny” Ex: Both Betty and Joan are cooking for their dinner party. Chu ngir la 1 dai tix: several, both, many, few, all, some + N (sé nhiéu). Ex: Several students are absent. (Chu ngir la “The + adj”, chi mot tap hop ngudi Ex: The poor living here need help. ‘Chu ngir bat dau 1a mot phan sé cé te s6 tir 2 tro Ién. Ex: 2/5 are smaller than 1/2. ‘Cac danh tir Iudn ding dang sO nhitu (thudng di theo cp): trouser, eyeglasses, jeans, tweezers, shorts, pliers, pants, tongs... Ex: The pants are in the drawer. Chu ngir bat dau bang: Most of/All off Plenty of/Some of/Majority off The last of/ One of/Half of/Part of/The rest of/Percentage of/A lot of/Lots of/A. third of/Minority of + N (sé nhiéu). Ex: Most of people in the factory are male. Chu ngir bat dau bang “A number of + N (56 nhieu). Ex: A number of students going to class decrease. Chu ngiz bat dau bang “No + N (sé nhiéu). Ex: No people understand what he says. Chu ngir bat dau bang “N; (sé nhiéu) of Ny”. Ex: The studies of how living things work are called philosophy. Chi ngér 1a cum danh tir chi nhém dong vat (s6 nhiéu) mang nghia “bay, dan”: flocks of birds/sheep; schools of fish; prides of lion; packs of dogs; herds of cattle. Ex: Flocks of birds are flying to its destination. Chi ngir duge néi véi nhau béi cac lién tiv: “as long as, as well as, with, V chia theo | together with, along with, in addition to, accompanied by”. chi ngér dau | Ex: tién - She, along with her classmates, is going to university this year. - Mrs, Smith together with her sons is going abroad. V chia theo cae danh tir thie 2 ® PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the best answer A, B , C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. All the books on the shelf tome. A. belong B. belongs C. belonging 2. The trousers you bought for me me. A. don't fit B. doesn’t fit fits 3. Mumps usually caught by children. A. are B. was Cis 4, The United States between Canada and Mexico. A. lying B. lies Cain 5. Physics, us understand the natural laws. A helps B. help C. have helped 6. The police the robber. A.were arrested —_B. has arrested C. have arrested 7. Kither you or he ‘wrong. Aare B. were C. have been 8. The doctor with the nurses exhausted after the operation. A.were B. was C.have been 9. Ninety percent of the work been done. Ais B. are Chas 10. Those who to go with me, please raise your hand. A. want B. wants C. wanting 11, Salt and water to wash the wound A. is used B. are used C. was used 12, The news bad last night. A. were B. was Chas 13. Three-fifths of the police in the school near the town. A has trained B. have trained C.has been trained 4. not only you but also he going to Japan? A. Are B.Is C. Were 15. Five miles not very far. Ais B. are C. were D. is belonging D. fit not D. were Dulie D. helped D. was arresting Dais D. are being D. have D. are wanting D. were used D. has been D. have been trained D. Was D. have been 16. Neither his parents nor his teacher satisfied with his result. A. are being B. were Cis D.are 17. Writing a lot of letters her tired. A. makes B. make C. have made D. are making 18. everybody ready to start now? A. Are being B. Is being Cis D. Are 19. None of the butter in the fridge good. A. is being C. have been: D.are 20. Miss White her parents is going to pay a visit to the Great Wall. A. and B both C. as well as D.or 21. The Vietnamese hard-working and brave. Bare D. being 22. 200 tons of water, last month. A. was used B. had been used C. were used D. is used 23. In the hotel, the bread and butter for breakfast. A. is served B. are served C. serves D. serve 24, were nice to me when I was in England. A. The Brown’s B. Brown's C. The Browns D. Browns 25. A good deal of money spent on the books. A. have B. has C. have been D. has been 26. The manager or his secretary to give you an interview. Ais B. are C. were D. have 27. Mary is one of the girls who often late for school. Bare C. comes D. get 28, Two hours not long enough for this rest. A. have B. has Cis D.are 29. None of the students the test yet. A. have finished B. has finished C. finished D. is finishing 30. A pair of shoes under the bed. A. have been B. are C. are being, Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B, C or D that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct. 1. One hundreds eight thousand miles is the speed of light A B c D 2. The guest of honor, along with his wife and children, were sitting at the first table A B c when we had a party yesterday. D 3. The audience was enjoying every minute of the performance. A B c D 4. All the books on the top shelf belongs to me. A B c D 5. Five thousand pounds were stolen from the bank. A B cD 6. Neither his parents nor his teacher are satisfied with his result when he was at high school. A B c D 7. Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money. A B c D 8. Either the doctor or the nurses takes care of changing the patients’ bandages. A B c D 9, Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in the contest. A B c D 110. The guest of honour, along with his wife and children, were sitting at the first table when we A B Cc D had a party yesterday. 11, Five thousand pounds were stolen from the bank. A B cD 12. The future of her daughter and sons were too much for her. A B Cc D 13. David and his brother were indicted yesterday on charges of grand theft. A BOC D 14. Current research on AIDS, in spite of the best efforts of hundreds of scientists, leave A B Cc serious questions unanswered. D 15, Everyone have to plan a program that fits into the day’s schedule and that allows for good A B Cc exercise and appropriate rest. D Ill. MODAL VERBS (DONG TU’ KHUYET THIfU) ® KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) Nhiing déng tir khuyét thiéu thuong ding CAN BE ABLE TO “be able to” va “can” dé dién ta mot kha nang hay sy cé thé. Tuy nhién, “can” khong 06 dang tuong lai nén ta sir dung “will be able to” Ding dé dién ta nhing diéu c6 thé lam do kha nang, ming khiéu ctia ban than Vidu: Ican swim. (= I have the ability to swim). Dung dé dién ta nhiing diéu c6 thé lam do cé’ ging, xoay x6 méi lam duge Vidu: In spite of his broken leg, he was able to get out of the burning house. MUST HAVE TO. Ca “must” va “have to” déu c6 nghia la “can phai/ phai” Dién ta sy can thiét phai lam gi nhung la do chit quan (ty ban than nhan thtic thay) Vidu: I must phone my sister. (=> I am aware that this is necessary). Dign ta sy can thiét phai lam gi nhung la do Khuéch quan (ndi quy, quy dinh...) Vidu: Students have to go to school on time. (© It's school's regulation). NEED (can) “Need” vita la dng tir thudng, vita la ddng tir Khuyét thiéu Need 1a déng tir thong - Né phai dimng tro dng tir khi thanh lap cau phu dinh va nghi vén - Dong tir theo sau né phai ding dang “to infinitive” Need 1a dng tir khuyét thiéu - Khi la d6ng tir khuyét thiéu NEED chi c6 hinh thifc hién tai va cé day dit dc tinh ctia mét dong tu khuyét thiéu. Vi du: Vi du: Need he work so hard? She needs to see you. You needn't go yet, need you? She doesn’t need to see you. MUSTN'T NEEDN'T MUSTN'T (khéng duge phép): mang ¥ cim | NEEDN'T (khéng can thiét): mang y nghia doan. Vi dy: You mustn't drink it. It is poisonous. khong bat bude. Vi dy: You needn't hurry. We still have a lot time to do it. SHOULD OUGHT TO “should” va “ought to” déu cé nghia la “nén” diing dé dua ra loi khuyén, y kién Chi sur bat bude hay bén phan nhung 6 mete 40 nhe hon “Must”. Vidu: - You should send this report by 8 September. Chi sy bit buéc. Manh hon “Should” nhung, chua bing “Must”, Vidu: She really ought to apologize. WILL SHALL “shall” va “will” déu cé nghia la “sé” ding dé dua ra m6t quyét dinh tai thoi diém noi. “will” © thé di duge vai tat ca cde ngéi, con “shall” chi duge ding voi ngoi I/ we. - Ding dé xin ¥ kigh, dua goi y. Vi du: Where shall we eat tonight? - Nguoi ta diing céiu trite “Shalll 1.” dé dé nghi - Dién dat, dy doan sy viée xay ra trong tuong lai. Vi dy: Tomorrow will be sunny. - Ngudi ta ding cau tric “Will you...” 46 dé gitip ai. nghi ai gitip minh Vi du: Vi du: Shall I carry the luggage for you? Will you give me her address? MAY MIGHT “may” va “might” déu cé nghia la “c6 18” ding chac. “Might” la qué khit cia “may” dé dién ta diéu gi cé thé xay ra nhung khong - Dién ta diéu gi c6 thé xay ra 6 hién tai. - Dién ta diéu gi c6 thé xay ra 6 qua kit. - Might” duge ding khong phai la qué khit cba “may” voi mite dé “6 thé” thp hon “may”. CAN COULD, “ean” vai “could” dugc dimg trong cau héi dé nj hi, xin phép, yeu cu. Dién ta kha nang hién tai hodc twong lai ma Ot ngudi cé thé lam duge gi, hofe mot swe iéc c6 thé xay ra. Vi dy: I can swim,/ It can rain. Dién ta kha nang xay ra trong qua khit ‘Vi du: My brother could speak English when he was five. ® PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the best answer A, B , C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The children spend too much time playing computer games. A. mustn't B. ought to not C. shouldn't D. Both B and C 2. In case you're suffered from the injury, you see the doctor today. A. had better B. must C. ought D. have better 3. We stop when traffic lights are red. A. might B. should C. must D. can 4, Remember to bring your raincoat. It rain, A. should B. might C.need D. must 5.1 find my own way there. You wait for me. A.should/can't- —_B. have to/ must C.can/ needn't D. might / mustn’t 6. All students wear uniforms at school because it is a rule. A. should B. have to C. ought to D. must 7. You finish your homework before you go to bed. A. must B. have to C. should D. ought to 8, This drink isn’t beneficial for health. You drink it too much. A. should B. ought to not C. ought not to D. mustn't 9. This warning sign indicates that you step on the grass. A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. don’t have to D. ought not to 10.1 think you do exercise regularly in order to keep your body in good shape. A. must B. should C. ought to D. Both B and C 11. Iwill lend you some money, but you pay it back to me next week. A. should B. have to C. must D. mustn't 12. Hoa feed the cats because her mother has done it already. A. has to B. doesn’t have to C. must D. Both A and C 13. Those audiences show their tickets before entering the concert hall. A. have to B. must C. ought to D. don’t have to 4. You're having a stomachache. You had better to the doctor. A. to go B. went C.go D. going 15. You ring the bell because I have a key. A. mustn’t B. needn't C. couldn't D. should 16. It's a hospital. You smoke here. A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. don’t have to 17. Water park is free for kids under 6 years old, so you pay money for your son. A. have to B. mustn’t C. should D. don’t have to 18. You look totally exhausted. You take a rest instead of working overtime. A. should B. ought C. must D. has better 19, Anyone have a passport, even a visa when travelling all around the world. A. ought to B. must C. should D. has to 20. In the peak season, travellers book their accommodation in advance. A. have to B. must C. should D. ought 21. You pick those flowers. Don’t you see the sign? A. mustn’t B. don’t need to C. can't D. needn't 22. It's late. I think we better go now. A. had B. have . should D. would 23. We take a bus to the school. It’s too far to walk. A. have to B. has D. may D. ought 24. You be very tall to play football. A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. may not D. can't 25, My car broke down yesterday, so I catch a taxi to the office. A have to B. had better C.had to D.has to 26. We eat as much fruit as possible in order to get enough vitamins for our bodies. A. had better B. should C. ought to D. Allare correct 27. You tell anyone what I’ve revealed to you. It's still a secret. A. mustn’t B. had better not C. ought not to D. don’t have to 28. If you still want to maintain this relationship, you behave improperly like that. A. ought to not B. ought not to C. mustn’t D. don’t have to 29. When playing or swimming in the pool, children ‘be accompanied by their parents. A. should B. must C. don’t have to D. have to 30. We go to work by car. Sky train is a wise choice during rush hour. A. ought to B. mustn’t C. shouldn't D. have to Rewrite the following sentences keeping the same meanings of the given sentences: 1. My sister gives me a piece of advice to cook a tasty meal. 2. Let’s make some cupcakes! % 3.It's compulsory to fill in this farm if you want to join our club. 4. It is forbidden for them to drink while driving. % 5. Possibly, they won't come to our party tonight. % 6. It isn’t necessary for you to water these plants. 7. You are not allowed to park here. 8. We aren't allowed to drive on the left hand in this country. 9. Children are able to help their parents with housework. 10. It is better for parents to take time to understand their children. % 11. Opening the lion’s cage is against from the zoos regulation. 12. If [were you, I would go and see that film. 13. It is likely that she will come here tonight. % 14. You'd better take care of your parents when they get older. 15. 1am sure that she is at school now. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences 1. You needn't solve a problem until you identify it correctly. AB c D x - Be careful with the knife! It’s very sharp, you must cut your finger. A B c D . Pam can’t have cooked since we ordered some pizzas A B Cc D . They said that you shouldn't use your mobile phone at the cinema. A B c D 5. Henry, will I borrow your camera tonight? A BC D . You should be careful when using chemicals. AB cD . She hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday. She can be very hungry. A B cD . His teacher was very angry with him. He mustn’t have said that to her. A B c D . Children should obey their parents and teachers. A BC D 10. You might try the cheese souffle .It’s really good. AB Cc D wo - a _ oo © IV. VERB FORMS (DANG CUA DONG TU) # KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) 1. To infinitive (to V) - Déng tir nguyén mau cé to duc ding lam: + Cha ngé cita céu Ex: to become a teacher is my dream, + BO ngit cho chu ngit Ex: What she likes is to swim in the sea and then to lie on the sand +Tan nga cua déng tir Ex: It was a boring holiday, so we decided to take a trip to Singapore. + Tan ngé cita tinh tir Ex: I'm very happy to go to school after Tet holiday. Nhimg déng tir theo sau la “ to V” sTT Cau tric Nghia 1__ | Decide to V Quyét dinh lam gi 2 | WanttoV Muén lam gi 3 | Agree toV Dong ¥ lam gi 4 Expect to V Mong muén lam gi 5 Fail to V That bai lam gi 6 Hope to V Hy vong lam gi 7 Promise to V Hitta lam gi 8 | Manage to V Xoay sé lam gi 9 Prepare to V Chuan bj lam gi 10 _| Would like to V Muén. thich lam gi 1 Pretend to V Gia vo lam gi 12 Plan to V C6 ké hoach lam gi 13 | AsktoV Yéu cau lam gi 14_| Afford to V Cé dui kha nang lam gi 15 _| Choose to V Chon lam gi 16 | Intend toV Dy dinh lam gi 17__| Refuse to V Tw chéi lam gi 18 Attempt to V NG Iyc lam gi 19 _ | OffertoV Dé nghi lam gi 20 Vow to V Thé lam gi - Trong cdc céu trae: + Mat bao lau dé lam gi: Ex: It takes me 30 minutes to go to school. + Cau tric nhu thé nao dé lim gi d6 (nhén manh: adj + to V) It + be + adj + (for sb) + to V: that ...( cho ai) dé..... Ex: It is very useful for you to learn a foreign language. + Chi myc dich Ex: I go to market to buy something for my birthday party. 2. Bare infinitive (V nguyén thé) - Dang sau cdc déng tir khuyét thiéu : can, may, shoul Ex: Ican speak English and France. - Dung sau cac dong tir: had better, would rather, had sooner. Ex: You had better study harder. = Diing sau cae déng tir: let/ make Ex: He made me cry. 3. Gerund (Ving): danh déng tit: - Danh déng tir duge dung lim: + Chit ngir cia cau Ex: Skiing is my favorite sport. + B6 ngit cua déng tir Ex: My hobby is collecting coins. + Tan ngir cia dong tir Ex: I like travelling. - Nhimg déng tir di véi V ing: STT Cau trite Nghia 1_| Car'thelp/ can’t stand/ can’t bear | Khong thé chju dung duge 2__| enjoy/ fancy Ving Thich lam gi 3__| Delay/ postpone/ put of Ving, Tri hoan lam gi 4__| Hate Vin, Gheét lam gi 5 __| Admit Vinj Thu nhan lam gi 6 | Advoid Ving Tranh lam gi 7_| Deny Ving Tir chdi lam gi 8_| Mind Ving Ngai/ phién lam gi 9 Miss Ving L6 lam gi 10_| Risk Ving Ligu lam gi 11_| Suggest Ving Goi ¥ lam gi 12_| Be busy Vin; Ban lm gi 13 _| Feel like Ving Thich/ mudn lim gi 14 _[ Tolerate Ving Chiu dung lam gi 15 Recall Ving. Nhé lai da lam gi 16 | Keep Ving Tiép tuc lam gi 17 _| Resist Ving Phan déi lam gi 18 _| Practice Ving Thyc hanh lam gi 19 _| Look forward to Ving Mong dgi lam gi 20_[ Imagine Ving Tung twong lam gh 21_ | Involve Ving Cé lien quan |; gi 22 | There is no point in Ving Khéng dang lam gi = It is_no use/ good Ving 23 _| Have difficult in Ving Gap khé khan trong vigc lam gi 24 | Get/ be accustomed to Ving Quen lim gi 25 | Detest Ving Gheét lam gi - Trong cau tris Ex: I spend 2 how - Sau cac gi Ex: [have to finish my homework before going out. Cc: S + spend/ spent + théi gian + Ving — danh bao lau dé kim gi us learning Math every day. on/ for ..... Ex: He allowed me to use his pencil. He didn’t allow smoking in this room ['S+have + O (chi ngwai) + V. Ex: I have my sister do housework. = S + get + O ( chi ngudi) + to V: bao ai lam gi dé Iget my sister to do housework - Cac dong tir chi tri gidc: hear, sound, smell, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find, + O + Ving: thay ai dé dang lam gi. +0+V: thay ai lam gi do Ex: saw her get off the bus. I smell something burning in the kitchen - Mét sé truong hop khac nhau vé nghia gitta to V va Ving: SIT Cau trie Nghia 1 | Remember + to V Nho phai lam gi Remember + Ving Nh la da lam gi 2 | Forget + to V Quén phai lam gi Forget + Ving Quén da lam gi 3 | Try+toV C6 ging lam gi Try + Ving Thr lam gi 4 | Mean+toV Dy dinh lam gi Mean + ving C6 nghia la 5 | Stop+toV Dung dé lam gi Stop + Ving Dig han lam gi ® PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the best answer A, B , C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. We regret. you that you haven’t been selected for the post of senior manager. A. informing B. inform . informed D. to inform 2. Ted managed. my mind. A. to change B. changing C. having changed D. change 3. Ican't afford, anew car. A. buying B. to buy C. bought D. buy 4, [finally finished at 7:00 pm and served dinner. A. cooking B. being cooked C. to cook D. to be cooked 5, The president agreed. the Agreement. A. to sign B. sign C. signing D. to have signed 6. Would you mind. the door? A. close B. have closed C. closing D. to close 7.1 want because I enjoy people and new places. A. travel/meet/see B. to travel/meeting/seeing C. travelling/meeting/to see D. to travel/to meet/to see 8, She wanted home but the boss made her. until she finished those contracts. A. to go/stay/typing B. going/to stay/to type C. to go/staying/type D. go/stay/typed 9. We decided. at home. A. to stay B.stay C. staying D. having stayed 110. Frank tends, too much. A.tohave drunk B. drinking C. drink D. to drink 11. They spent two months. their house. A. renew B. renewed C. renewing D. to renew 12, It takes three hours, to Paris. A. getting B. get C. got D. to get 13, I suggested, a suit and tie when we went to the interview. A. to wear B. wear C. worn D. wearing 14, She admitted, the money. A. stolen B. be stealing C have stolen D. having stolen 15. Your shoes need A.tobecleaned —_B. cleaning C.toclean D. A&B are correct 16. We should avoid our environment. A. to pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. being polluted 17. [prefer to A.walking-cycle —_B. walk-cycle C. walking-cycling D. to walk-cycling 18. The captain chose. with his ship. Adie B. to die C. to have died D. dying 19. Vietnam failed, Tiger Cup 2004! A. winning, B. win C. to win D. to have won 20. natural resources is of great importance. A. Be preserve B. Preserving C. Preserved D. Presevered 21. It's very kind of you, me how to start this engine. A. show B. showing C. to show D. shown 22, Those tourists were too tired their journey. A. continue B. to continue C. continuing D. continued 23. She is patient enough that disabled child. A help B. helping C. to help D. helps 24, Please show me how. this. Ado B. todo C. doing D. to have done 25. The exam is coming, so the teachers make their students, alot. A. working B. worked C. to work D. work 26. These employees are made. overtime. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked 27. The council considers, vehicles from the city center to relieve traffic jams and air pollution. A.ban B. banning C. banned D. to banning 28. Loyalty is considered, one of the important qualities for true friendship. A. being B. been C.tobe 29, The teacher never lets us out when, the lesson. A. to go- explains —_B. go-explaining C. go-to explain D. gone-explained 30. I ran ten kilometers without A. stop B. stopping C. stopped D. be stopping 31, Nobody will approve of your, that way, A-havebehaved —_B. behaving C.having tobehave —_D. behave 32, She did nothing but. * Ay B. to cry C. to have cried D. crying 33. Everyone likes when they have got some success. A. to congratulate B. to be congratulate C. to be congratulating D. being congratulated 34. I don’t feel like, to the cinema now. A. go B. going C.togo D. to have gone 35. Would you like me some tea? A. make B. making C.made D. to make 36, Tourists are not allowed in the Temple. A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. being talked 37. The teacher doesn't allow. dictionaries in the final examination. A. being used B. use C. using D. to use 38, He didn’t permit them, through the military zone. He forced them, another way. A. going/to go B. to go/to go C. to go/going D. go/go 39, He advised me the facts before I made a decision. the job. A. considering-accept B. to consider- accepting C. to consider- accept D. to consider-to accept 40. I caught her. my diary. A. reading B. read C. to read D. have read 41, She keeps. to visit us ,but she never does. A. to promise B. promise C. promises D. promising, 42, Sorry to keep you, so long. A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. to have waited 43. Due to having a lot of things last night,we missed. the film. A. for doing/to see B. done/saw C. doing/see D. to do/seeing 44, "It’s warmer in her now". "Yes, I had Karen the window." A. dosed B. closing C. to close D. close 45. His doctor advised him, but he found it impossible. his habit. A. stopped smoking/quit B. to stop to smoke/quitting C. stopping smoking/for quitting D. to stop smoking/to quit 46. They reminded me. late. A. to not come B. not coming C. not to come D. to come not 47. He risked his house when his company went bankrupt. A. lose B. to lose C. losing D. lost 48. They will have some workers. their house. A. redecorate B. to redecorate C redecorating D. redecorated 49, He warned anything. A. not to touch B. me to not touch C. me not to touch D. not touching, 50. They all denied. her. A. being seen B. of seeing C having seen D. to see Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the bracket. 1. The boy seems very polite. (be) 2. 1can't bear for people when it’s raining. (wait) 3. They were fined for the bil (not pay) 4, The teacher ordered us in pair. (work) 5. He went on for 5 years. (study) 6. Lregret you that your proposal hasn’t been accepted —_ (inform) 7. Lwould like dinner with you (have) 8. This exercise is difficult . (understand) 9, [forgot you yesterday. (phone) 10. Before the questions, please read the text carefully. (answer) 11. Lused to to school on foot when I was a primary student. (go) 12. Ihave just invited my friends dinner in my house. (have) 13. He wants me him the truth, (tell) 14, fruit and vegetables everyday is necessary . (add) 15. The company postpones a meeting. (have) 16. Do you regret English when you were at school. (not learn) 17. 1am getting used to early to go to work. (get up) 18, I don’t remember that city. (visit) 19. [heard my brother in his room. (sing) 20. Doctors hope a cure for cancer. (find) Correct the mistakes in the following sentences 1. There is no point in to invite him ; he won't come to the party. A BOC D 2. Do you fancy to have fish for dinner tonight? A B Cc D 3, Some people are forced leaving their home since they can’t pay for their mortgages. A B c D 4. I’m afraid the sweater isn’t big enough for me to be wear. A B c D 5, To argue with your parents won’t make thing work. AB c D 6. Adam promised to be sent us a postcard from London, but he didn’t. A B c D 7. It takes 2 hours flying to Singapore A BC D 8, Would you like your parents coming home at once? A B Cc D 9, Don’t forget turn off the light before leaving the classroom. A B cD 10. My sister practices speaks English with her friends every day. A B Cc D 11. I suggest go to the market to buy a washing machine. AB c D 12. Before go to the bed, I clean my teeth. A BOC D 13. Would you mind to water these flowers in the garden? A B c D 14. My father wants me post this letter before 5 p.m. AB c D 15. He stopped to smoke because it is harmful for his health, A B c D Rewrite the following sentences using the word in brackets. 1. Living in a foreign country was not easy. ay 2. The coffee was very hot. I couldn’t drink it . (too) 3. Lhaven’t got much money. I cannot go on holiday this year. (enough ) 4, My father prefer listening to the radio to watching TV. (rather) 5. she washed her hair before she went out. (going) 6. Henry had better not buy too many trainers. He spent alot of money. _ (spent ) 7. Teaching children at this age is extremely difficult. (at) 8. My brother is very strong, He can lift a horse. (enough) 9. That car is quite expensive . I cannot buy it . (too) 10. My son prefer playing chess than flying kites. (would) 11. You shouldn’t watch TV too much. You wasted a lot of time. (wasted) 12. This movie is extremely interesting. You must see it . (worth) 13. [had difficulty (in) getting a visa. 14. ta managed to get a job without difficulty. (no) 15. My sister is not clever . She cannot solve this problem. (enough) V. TAG QUESTIONS (CAU HOI BUG!) KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) Cau héi dudi (tag question) la dang cau hoi rat hay duge str dung trong tiéng Anh, dic biét la ting Anh giao tiép. Cau hoi dudi la cu hoi ngdn 6 cuéi cau tran thudt. Cau hoi nay dugc ding khi ngudi ndi mudn xdc minh thdng tin la ding hay khong hodc khi khuyén khich mt sy hi dap ttr phia ngudi nghe. ‘Vi dy:She is learning English now, isn't she? (Cé ay dang hoc tiéng Anh bay gid phai khéng?) Céng thitc chung: $+ V +. ro dong tir+ S( DAI TU)? -Néu cdu noi trudc du phay lA khang dinh thi cau héi dudi la phu dinh va ngugc lai. Dusi day 14 bang tom tac céch thanh lap cau héi dudi. ‘Statement ‘Tag questions lam.. aren’t 1? Tam not... am? Dong tir khiém khuyét Can’t/couldn’ shouldn’Ywon't +5 S + can/could/should/will...... 2 Dong tir thuong, Str dung trq dong tir: Do/does/did S+VI Don't +5? S+ Vs/es. Doesn't + $? S+V2Jed. Didn't +8? S + have/has/had + V3/ed. Haven't/hasn’tfhadn't +S? S + is/are/was/were...... Isn’/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t + S? S+used to+V.... wm Didn’t+S? $d better/had better + V.. Hadn't +S? $d rather/would rather/would like + V.........., | Would +S? There + is/are/was/were...----- Isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t + S? Let's + Vevvscenny Shall we? Cha tir la : No one/nobody/anyone/anybody/ sesceressseeet they ? everyone/everybody/someone/somebody Cho tir la: nothing/anything/something/ . +i? Everything, Cho tir la this/that. Chu tir la these/those.. Trong cau 6 cac tix phit dink:no/none/without ‘C4u hoi dudi hang dinh khong cé N’T Neither/hardly/seldom/rarely/little/never/few. S+ ought to. Shouldn’t +S? Cau ménh lénh Will you? => Ciu tries” I+ think/believe/suppose/. phy dé xac dinh déng tir cho cau hoi duéi Ex: I think she will meet him, won't she? +ménh dé phy thi ta diing déng tir trong ménh dé Cang miu céu tric nay nhung néu cha tir khéng phai 1a "I thi ding déng tir chinh trong cau (think/believe/suppose/...) dé xac dinh dong tir cho cau hoi dudi. Ex: She thinks he will come, dosen’t she? ® PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the best answer A, B , C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Lucy can speak Chinese, 2 A. can she B. can’t she C.she can D. she can't 2. They won't go to the hairdresser's tomorrow, 2 A. won't they B. will they they will D. they won't 3. Your brother goes to school on foot, ~ 2 A. does he B. he does C. doesn't he D. he doesn't 4, Let's sing a funny song, 2 A. don't we B. don't you C shall we D. shan't we 5. Your baby is very lovely, 2 Aishe B. isn’the Cisit D.isn'tit 6. These books aren't yours, 2 A. are these B. aren’t these C. are they D. aren’t they 7. You don’t have a ticket to the game, 2 A. have you B. don't you C haven't you D. do you 8. Tom knows Alice, 2 A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D.isn’the 9, Sally turned her report, 2 A. didn’t she B. did she C. hadn’t she D. didn't Sally 10. We should call Rita, 2 A, should we B. shouldn’t we C. shall we D. should not we 11. He hardly knows anything about that scandal, 2 A. hasn't he B. knows he C. doesn’t he D. does he 12. You've never been in Italy, 2 A. have you B. haven't you C. been you D. had you 13, Everybody likes beauty, 2 A. doesn’t he B. do they C. don’t they D. does he 14, I'm your father, 2 A. aren’tI B. am I not C. are you D.amI 15. This is the second time she’s been here, 2 A. isn’t this B. isn’tit Chas she D. hasn’t she 16. Come into the kitchen, 2 A. do you B. will you C. won't you D. don’t you 17. Let's go out for dinner tonight, 2 A.letwe B. shall we C. shan’t we D. let’s not 18. You think that she told lies, 2 A. do you B. don’t you C. did she D. didn’t she 19. I believe that we can do it, 2 A.dol B. don’t C. can we D. can’t we 20. All of us have to hand in the assignments on time, 2 A. have we B. haven't us C. do we D. don’t we 21. You needn't make my bed, 2 you B. need you she D. isn't she 22. Give me the remote control, 2 you B. need you C. will you D. don't you 23. None of us know the way out, 2 A.dowe B. don't we C. do they D. don't they 24, Don't forget to give Anna my message, 2 A. do you B. are you C. don't you D. will you 25. Let me ask him for more information, -.. 2 A. shall B. will you C. shall we D. will he 26. I don't think the children have finished their homework, A. dol B. don't I C. don'tI D. haven't they 27. She used to be our boss, 2 A.used she B. did she C. didn't she D. wasn't she 28. This is a beautiful day,, 2 Av is it B. is this C. isn't this D. isn't it 29. She has never been to Thailand before, 2 A. has she B. hasn't she C. does she D. never been she 30. Monkeys can’t sing, 2 A. can they B. canit C. can’t they D. can’tit 31. That book is Bod'’s, 2 A. is that B. isn’t it C. isn’t that D. is it 32. No one died in the accident, 2 A. did they B. didn’t they C. did he 33. The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, 2 A. does she B. isn’tit C. doesn’t she 34, Everything seems all right, 2 A. isn't it B. doesn't it C. don't they 35. 1am your new manager, A, don't B. am not isn't 36. Everyone hopes to get a good job, 2 A. does he B. do they C. doesn't he 37. Anyone can answer my question, 2 A. can he B. can they C.can'the 38. There is no food in the fridge, 2 A. isn't it B. is there C. does it 39. John was d pilot, - 2 A. was he B. was not he C. wasn’t he 40. Mary and her sister weren ‘tin Australia many years ago, 2 A. were they B. were not they C. weren't they Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. David and Peter love playing football in their free time, do they? A B Cc D 2. Peter will help you with your homework, shan’t he? A B Cc D 3. Nobody helped her with her work, do they? A B Cc D 4, You won't be leaving for another hour, won't you? A B c D 5. They enjoy watching soccer on television, do they? A B c D 6. There are ten children playing in the yard near her house, aren’t they? A B c D 7. Don’t tell my secrets to anyone, do you? A BC D 8. It has been a Jong time since we talked to John, isn’t it? A B c D 9. There's a new Orient restaurant in town, isn’t it? AB c oD 10. They hardly went to the beach with their close friends, didn’t they? A B c D D. didn’t he D. did she D. hasn't it D.aren'tI D. don't they D. can't they D. isn't there D. he wasn't D. they were VI. ACTIVE & PASSIVE (CHU DONG & BI DONG) ® KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) CAU TRUC CHUNG Vvi+oO Cau cha dong: + Cau bi déng: S° + BE+PI+ [by 0] Can chi y khi chuyén tir chit dong sang bi dong Dong tir BE trong cau bj dng phai duge chia cing thi dong tir véi cau chit dong. Trong cau chi: ding, néu chit ngit $1a I, you, we, they, he, she, it someone, everybody, people... (chu thé khéng 16 rang) thi khi chuyén sang céu bi déng khong dimg [by +O] [by + O} dting sau trang tir chi tin xuat, dia diém; dimg trudc trang tt chi thai gian. 1. Bj dong cae thi trong tiéng anh (Bang quy déi) TENSES ACTIVE(Chi: dng) PASSIVE(j dong) 1 Present simple S+V(inf/ V-sles +O S +am/is /are + PP (V3/ V-ed) 2 Present minuons S+am/is/ are + v-ing +O S+ am/is / are/ + being + V3/ V-ed 3 Present aa S+have/ has + V3/V-ed+O | S + have/ has + been + V3/ V-ed 4. Past mo , S+V2/V-ed+O S + was/ were + V3/ V-ed 5. Past SOKID). S +.was/ were + V- ing +O S + was/ were + being + V3/ V-ed 6. es S+had+PP+O S+had+been+ V3/V-ed 2. Future simple S$ +will/ shall+ V(inf)+O S + will/ shall + be + V3/ V-ed 8, Near future S+ am/ is/ are going tot V(inf)_| S+amviis/are going to be + V3/ V-ed [ (LG) ] 9. Modal verbs (DT KK) 2. Cac dang bi déng dac biet ® Causative Forms: ( Thé sai khién) S+can/could/may...+ V(inf) | S + can/could/may ...+ be + V3/ V-ed S+havet Sb+V+O Ex: [have Peter to fix my bike ™ S+ have + 0 + PII + by Sb S Ihave my bike fixed by Peter S+get+Sb+toV+O Ex: I got Peter fix my bike ™S+have/get+o+PI+bySb — I got/ had my bike fixed by Peter. S+employ/ hire + Sb + to V+O Ex: I will hire Peter to fix my bike. © S+have + 0+ PI + by Sb % Iwill have my bike fixed by Peter. ® Verbs with two subjects ( Déng tir di kem 2 tan ngii) S+V+0+ 0, Ex: The student gave me a book (Cl) $+ be+V3/ed +O; + (by +0) % Iwas givena book by the student. © (C2) $ + be + V3/ed + toffor +O; + (by +O) A book was given to me by the student ~ Ca tn ngét chi ngudi va chi vat déu c6 thé duge ding lam chit ngir 6 cdu bi dong, - MOt sd dOng tir thudng di kém 2 tan ngit. give, buy, make, send, get, write, tell, teach, show, ete... ® Verbs follow by V ( Déng tir theo sau bai V nguyén thé) make, hear, help, see, etc... V ® (be) made, heard, helped, seen, + etc... + to V Ex: John made me leave % Iwas made to leave. ( by John) ® Let+V (Cho phép) S+let+O+V = S+BE+ ALLOWED +to V Ex: They didn’t let me go out. % [wasn’t allowed to go out. ® Verbs with prepositions ( Déng tir di kém gidi tit) * Cau chit dong, dong tir di kem véi gidi tix (V + O + prep) * Cau bj dng, gidi tir phai ding ngay phia sau déng tit.( V + prep) Ex: A car has knocked me down. ‘S Thave been knocked me down by a car. ® Complex sentences (Cau phitc) * Cau phtic 6 dang chi: déng gém 2 ménh dé va nhiing dng tir chi quan diém: think, say, believe, consider, expect, find, hope, know, report, understand, ete... Cau trac cha déng: S1 + V1 ( think, say, ....) that S2 + V2 Cau phic 6 dang bi déng c6 2 céch chuyén. 1-Cach chung: It + be + PIT ( Vi) + that $2 + V2 2- Néu dong tir & 2 ménh dé tuong duong thi dong tir $2. + be + PII (V1) + to V (V2) 3- Néu dong tir 6 2 ménh dé khéng twrong dirong thi déng tir $2 + be + PII ( V1) + to have PII (V2) Cach nh4n biét trong duong/ khong tuong duong thi déng tir. * Tuong duong: HTD - HTD/HTTD/ TLD/ TLG QKD- QKD/ QKTD + Khéng tuong duong: HTD - QKD/HTHT QKD- QKHT/ TLD Ex 1. They say that Mr David lives in New York. % Itis said that Mr. David lives in New York.(Cach 1) % Mr. David is said to live in New york. (Cach 2 tuong duong thi dng ti) Ex 2, They say that Mr. David lived in New York many years ago. % Itis said that Mr. David lived in New York many years ago. (Cach 1) % Mr. David is said to have lived in New York many years ago. (Cach 3 khéng tuong duong thi déng ter) ® Need (Can lam gi) S+need+V/toV+0 S + need + V-ing/ to be PII + (by O) Ex: I need wash/ to wash my hat. ' My hatneed washing. ‘S My hat needs to be washed. ® Be supposed + to V * C6 bén phn tréch nhigm lam gi Itis one's duty +To V+O. Ex: It is your duty to clean the room. = S+be+supposed+toV+O You are supposed to clean the room. * Durgc cho la, duge ndi la... (= be said to V) Ex: Jack is supposed to be very rich §Jack is said to be very rich. ® PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the best answer A, B , C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Those people always get their house__ whenever they go away for a few days. A. be looked after B. look after C. to look after D. looked after 2. A red ros the beautiful girl by her old school boyfriend. A. gave to B. was given C. was given to D. gave 3. Last night a tornado swept through Rockvill. It everything in its path. A. destroyed B. was destroyed C. was being destroyed D. had been destroyed 4 this work before you went to Moscow? A. Will/ have been done B. Has/ been done C. Will/ be done D. Had/ been done 5. Ifyou about it, will you be able to answer? A.are asked B. ask C. will be asked D. asked 6. “Can't we do something about the situation?”- “Something right now. doing B. is do being done D. has been doing 7. The money to him 2 months ago, but it back yet. A. was lent/ had not been given B. has been lent/ was not given C. was lent/ has not given D. was lent/ has not been given 8, Education. to be the most important element to develop a country. A. often be considered B. can often consider C. often considers D. can often be considered 9. This exercise may with a pencil A. be written B. be to write C. be writing D. write 10. She could easily for a top model. A. be mistaken B. have mistaken C. been mistaken D. to be mistaken ‘LL. The cutting down of trees to prevent forest destruction A. should control B. should be controlled C. would control D. controlling 12. All the students finish their assignments before they went camping, A. had made B. had made to Chad been made D. had been made to 13. Mr. Pike the most famous archaeologist in our city. A. thinks to be B. is thought to be C. is thought that D. thought to be 14, The X-ray. in 1895, Ais believed to have been discovered B. is believed to be discovered C. believed to have been discovered D. believed to discover 15. Reagan an actor years ago A.issaid to be B. was said being C. was said have been D. is said to have been 16. Tt that learning a foreign language. alot of time. A.says /is taken B. is saying / has been taken said / takes D. was said / was taken. 17. The telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. A. invented B. is inventing C. be invented D. was invented 18. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony next weekend. A. is going to be performed B. has been performed C. will be performing D. will have performed 19. English has become a second language in some countries where for administration, broadcasting and education. A.isused B. itis used C.used D. being used 20. In the US, the first stage of compulsory education as elementary education. A. to be generally known B. is generally known C. generally known D. is generally knowing 21. English as an official language in this city for three hundred years. ‘A. has always been spoken B. has been spoken always C. has always spoken D. had always spoken 22. I don’t understand why the students didn’t keep silent while the speech A.has been made —_B. was made C. would be made D. was being made 23, There's somebody walking behind us. I think . A. we are following B. we are being followed C. we are followed D. we are being following 24. We're late. The film by the time we get to the cinema. A. will already start B, will be already started C. will already have started D. will be starting 25. Ihate personal questions by newly-acquainted friends. A. to be asking B. be asked C. being asked D. of asking 26. lexpected _to the party, but I wasn’t. A. to invite B. to be invited C. being invited D. inviting 27. Her watch needs A.tobe repaired —_B. to repair C. repairing D. A & Care correct 28. I can’t bear thinking back of that time. I'd rather equally. A. treat B. be treated C. have treated D. treating 29. More schools are hoped in rural areas in the coming years. A. to have been built B. to build C. to have built D. to be built 30. Lam going to have my car A. service B. to be serviced C. serviced D. servicing D. People believed that Miss. Stone murdered. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. My shirts by my mother when I enter the room. (ixon) 2. The police appeared while a young man by two hooligans. (beat) 3. The letter by the secretary at 9.00 yesterday. (write) 4, The trees by the kids at the moment. (water) 5. Look! The big truck by the customs officer. (check) 6. by the police car now. (follow) 7. Paper by the Chinese many year ago. (invent) 8. The conference due to the president's absence yesterday. (not, hold) 9.1 a piece of advice by my mother every day. (give) 10. The Internet all over the world. (use) 11. Laura to go out after 10 p.m. (not, allow) 12. They by their teacher every day because of their laziness. (punish) 13. by the doctor yearly? (examine) 14. All the rooms in my house before Tet holiday last month. (decorate) 15. The exam papers by the teacher this morning (mark) Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1, Breakfast is serving in Pierrot’s Restaurant between 7 and 9:30 a.m. AB c oD 2. Jose had her passport steal on a train in Italy. A B Cc D 3, Some trees have planted by the gardener already. A B Cc D 4, Some days ago I had my teeth checking by the dentist. AB c oD 5. These pills should be taked every four hours. A B c D 6. The letter should been delivered in the afternoon. A B c D 7. The mail has sent to the wrong address. AB c oD 8, When he arrived at the furniture shop, they had been sold the table he wanted. A B Cc D 9. The first May Day celebrated in England in 1890. A B c D 10. Inmany universities, classes taught in English though the native language isn’t English. A B c D ‘11. Hamlet was wrote by William Shakespeare. A BC D 12. Every possible effort were made by the orphanage to find the boy's parents. A B c D 13. This class has canceled because few students had registered before registration closed. A BOC D 14. The students got the librarian buy books for them. A B cD 15. I see that chopsticks are widely use in China. AB ¢ D 16. 1 like your photos of wide animals. Where did they taken? A B ¢ D 17. Doctor Brown will be given you some useful advice. AB e D 18. I think you should be water this plant daily. A BOC D 19. Harry is going to send a postcard for Tom tomorrow. A B c D 20. Lunch is now be served in the restaurant. AB CD Choose one sentence that best rewrites the given sentence: 1. He broke my watch. A. My watch were broken. B. My watch be broken. C. My watch is broken. D. My watch was broken. 2. The teacher explained the rule to the students. A. The rule was explained to the students. _B. The students were explained the rule. C. The students were explained the rules. D. A and Bare correct. 3. He often asks me to help him. A. He is often asked to help them. B. They are often asked to help me. C. am often asked to help him. D. Lam often asked him to help me. 4, His friends never forgave his betrayal. A. His betrayal were never forgiven by his friends. B. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends. C. His betrayal was never forgave by his friends D. His betrayal never forgave by his friends. 5. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. ‘A. The man is believed to escaped in a stolen car. B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car. C. The man is believed to escaped in a stolen car. D. They believed that the man stole the car. 6. 1am sure we 'Il settle the matter easily. A. I'm sure the matter will settle easily. B. I'm sure the matter will be settled easily C. I'm sure the matter will settled easily. D. I'm sure the matter won't be settled easily. 7. We sent for the police. A. The police was sent for B. The police was sent. C. The police were sent for D. The police was sent for us. 8, They speak much about this book. A. This book is much spoken about. B. This book is much spoken. C. This book is much about spoken. D. This book are much spoken about. 9, How many slums are they going to clear? A. How many slums are being gone to clear? B. How many slums are being cleared? C. How many slums are going to clear? D. How many slums are going to be cleared? 10. People say that Mary is a good worker. A. Mary is said that she isa good worker, _B. Mary is said to be a good worker. C. Itis said to be a good worker. D. Mary is said that to be a good worker. 11, It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. A. The man is believed to escape in a stolen car. B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car. C. The man is believed to escaped in a stolen car. D. They believed that the man stole the car. 12, It was thought that the building had been destroyed. A. The building was thought had been destroyed. B, The building was thought to have been destroyed. C. The building thought to be destroyed. D. They have destroyed the building. 13. Have they tested all the machines? A. Have all the machines be tested B. Have all the machines been testing? C. Have all the machines been tested? D. Have all the machines been being testing? 14, Does he realize that they are laughing at him? A. Ishe realized that he is laughing at? B. Is he realized that he is being laughed at? C. Does he realize that he is laughing at? D. Does he realize that he is being laughed at? 15. The manager offers me several jobs. A. Iwas offers several jobs. CC. Several jobs are offered to me. 16. He often asks me to help him A. He is often asked to help them. C.Lam often asked to help him. 17. The teacher explained the rule to the student. A. The rule was explained to the student. C. The students were explained the rules. 18. Have they tested all the machines? A. Have alll the machines be tested? C. Have alll the machines been tested? 19, The manager offers me several jobs. A. Lwas offers several jobs. C. Several jobs are offered to me. 20. Did Shakespeare write this play? A. Did this play be written by Shakespeare? C. This play was written by Shakespeare. 21, We should send their complaints to the boss. A. Complaints should sent to the boss. B. Iam offered several jobs. D. Band Care correct. B. They are often asked to help me. D. 1am often asked him to help me. B. The students were explained the rule. D. A and Bare correct B. Have all the machines been testing? D. Have all the machines been being testing? B. Lam offered several jobs. D.B and C are correet. B. Was this play written by Shakespeare? D. Did this play Shakespeare write? B. Complaints should be sent to the boss. C. Their complaints should be sent to the boss. D. Their complaints to the boss should be sent. 22. They will give you a lot of questions at the interview. A. You will be given a lot of questions at the interview. B. You will given a lot of questions at the interview. C. A lot of questions will be given you at the interview. D. A lot of questions will be given at the interview. 23. Nobody told me that Tim was ill. A. I was told that Tim want ill. B. I wasn’t told that Tim was ill. C. Tim wasn’t told to be ill. D. Tim was told not to be ill. 24. We will send you the results soon. A. You will be sent to the resulls soon. B. You will send the results soon C. The results will be sent you soon. D. The results will be sent to you soon. 25. My sister can sing English songs well. A. My sister can sing English songs better than me. B. English songs can are sung well by my sister. C. English songs can be sung well by my sister. D. English songs can sung well by my sister. 26. They have changed the date of the meeting. A. The date of the meeting has been changed. B. The date of the meeting have been changed. C. The meeting has been changed the date. _D. The date of the meeting has changed. 27. They built a hotel near the airport. A. A hotel built near the airport. B. A hotel near the airport was built. C. A hotel was built near the airport. D. Near the airport a hotel was built by them. 28. People don’t use this road very often. A. This road is not used very often. B. Not very often this road is not used. C. This road very often is not used. D. This road not very often is used. 29. It was thought that the building had been destroyed. A. The building was thought had been destroyed. B. The building was thought to have been destroyed. C. The building thought to be destroyed D. They have destroyed the building 30. People say that Mary is a good worker. A. Mary is said that she is a good worker. B. Mary is said to be a good doctor. C. It is said to be a good worker. D. Mary is said that to be a good worker. Change the following sentences into passive voice. 1. They will send him abroad to study. % 2. She used this room. 3. someone stole my bike yesterday. 4, i received a letter from his parents. 5. she will buy anew house. 6. The aren’t building my house. 7. He could solve the math problem easily. » 8. Iclean the floor every day. % 9. My mother bought this dress this morning % 110. She did this exerci % two days ago. LL. My mother waters these flowers every morning. » 12, They are going to buy this house. s& 13. He will visit his parents next month, % 114. The director didn’t phone the secretary this morning. % 15. Nam broke the window yesterday morning, % 16. They were doing the test at 3 p.m yesterday. % 17. Nam invited Hoa to his birthday party last night. % 18. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. % 19. We should clean our teeth twice a day. > 20. Our teacher has explained the problem carefully. % Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice 1. Jounalists reported that four people had been injured in the fire. Slt % Four people 2. People don’t expect that the new party will win the election. St % The new party 3. The detective knows that the robber has left the city. It % The robber 4, We know that Henry has been unemployed for a long time. Sit & Hemy 5, People say that he was a spy during the Cold War. %SIt ‘He 6. People believe he may be guilty of murder. Sit ‘He 7. Someone said the boss was retired because of his scandal. Sit % He 8. Many people expect that robots will take people's jobs. Sit ‘S Robots 9. [believe Bob spent all his money on lottery last month. ‘It % Bob 110. We think that technologies are changing the way we work. SIt % Technologies VII. CONDITIONAL SENTENCE (CAU DIEU KIEN) ® KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUG) 1. Cac loai cau diéu kign Cu diéu kién c6 that, c6 thé xay ra 6 hign tai/ tuong lai @antiica If +S + V(hién tai), S+ will/ won't + Vinguyén) Sentence Type 1 If \ it rains tomorrow, we won't go out. Cau diéu kién khéng cé that khéng thé xay ra 6 hign tai If +S + Vqua khi), S+ would(not) + Vinguyén) Conditional _| If [had money, I would buy that car. Sentence Type2 | Luu y: Trong cau diéu kign loai 2, chi ding “to be” la “WERE” If Lwere you, I wouldn't behave like that. Conditional —_| Cau diéu kién khong cé that khong thé xay ra 6 qua khit Sentence Type 3 If+S+had + VP2, S + would(not) + have + VP2 If you had finished your homework, you wouldn't have been punished. Conditional | Cau diéu kign dién ta tinh hudng trong qua kh khéng thyc té va két qua Sentence Mixed 3 6 thé xay ra trong hién tai. 2 1f+S + had + VP2 (+ yesterday, last night,)., Stwould(n't) + Vinguyén) + now/ right now/ today/... If you had gone to bed earlier last night, you wouldn't be tired now. . 2, Mot sé cach dign dat digu kign khac. 1. Unless Unless = if... not (trix phi) c6 “not”, ta thé “Unless” vao vj tri ciia “If” va bo “not”, ~ Néu ménh dé “ vé kia gitr nguyén. . Eg : If you don't speak loudly, he won't hear — Unless you speak loudly, he won't hear Néu ménh d “If” khéng 6 “not”, ta van thé “Unless” vao vi tri cia “If” nhung thém hoae bét “not” 6 ménh dé sau. Eg :If you give me money, I won't kill you. — Unless you give me money, I will kill you 3. In case In case + ménh dé, .... (Phong khi) Eg:: In case we stay longer, take some more money. 4. Should If +S + should +V, ménh dé. (dién ta 1 sur viée khé cé thé xay ra) Eg: If you should see Ann, could you ask her to call me? 5. Happen to V If+Shappen to +V, ménh d&. (nhin manh su tinh cb co hdi cia 1 sy vide) Eg::If you happen to see Helen, could you ask her to call me? 6.If + adjective If tinh tir, ménh 8. Eg : If necessary, you can take a taxi. 7. Were to V S + were + to V,... (dién tA 1 canh tong tong 6 tuong lai/ dé nghi Eg : If the government were to cut V.A.T, prices would fall. Luu y : Cong thtic nay khong 4p dung cho cdc dng tir chi tinh trang nhu: know, like, remember, understand. 8. Without/ But for Without But for (néu khéng cé ...) Without/ But for + danh tir, ménh dé. (thay thé cho cau tric “IF... NOT”). - If it werent for + danh tir, ménh dé. KL2) - If it hadn't been for + danh tir, ménh dé. (DKL3 ) Eg : If you hadn't helped us, we would have been in trouble. — But for your help, we would have been in trouble, Eg : If it were not for Jim, this company would be in a mess. — Without Jim, this company would be in a mess. 9. Supposing Suppose Supposing/ suppose (gia sir) Eg : Supposing you won the football match, what would you do? 10. Otherwise Otherwise (néu khong thi) Otherwise + real condition ; (diéu kién 6 thé thyc hign duge) Eg: We must be back before midnight, otherwise I will be locked out. Otherwise + unreal condition : (diéu kién khdng thé thie hién je supports her finance, otherwise she couldn't conduct these surveve + Qué khir: | used a computer, otherwise I wouldn't have finished this report. 11. Provided/ as long as Provided that/ providing that = as long as/ so long as = on condition that + ménh dé, ménh dé (mién 1a) Eg : You can go home late provided that you do the homework. 12. Wish’ If only If only/ $ wish + S+V(qua khit) (wdc ngugc voi hién tai) Eg :If only had today off. If only/$ wish + $ + V(qua khit hoan thanh) (uéc nguge véi qué khit) Eg : They wish that they hadn't spent $500. 13. It's time It’s (high/ about) time + $ + V(qua khif) (4a dén lic phai lam gi) Eg : It's time we did our homework. 14. Would rather | S + would rather + S + V(qua khiz) (muén ai dé lam gi) Eg :I'd rather you didn't smoke here. ® PRACTICE (LUYEN TAP) Choose the best answer A, B , C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1, If Lwere a better conversationalist,___ to parties more often? A. [would be invited B. [ would have been invited C. would Ibe invited D. would I have been invited 2. Should she have some more money, she a better car. A. would buy B. will buy C. buys D. bought 3. Had you been more careful, such typing mistakes___ avoided. A.canhave been B. would be C. might have been —_D. should be 4. Don’t worry ___ home late tonight A. when I'll be B. if 'll be C. unless I'll be D.ift'm 5.1f1____ you, I wouldn’t buy that book. A.are C. were D. aren't 6. If she____ harder, she can pass the exam. A. study B. studies C. studied D. studying 7. Unless it rains soon, a lot of plants A. die B. will die C. won't die D. would die 8.161 an Angel, I would try to make happy all the children. A. am B. have been C. were D. had been 9.Ifshe____ the truth, she'd never want to see you again A.would know —_B. knows C. will know D. knew 10. If the wall weren't so high, he ___it up to take his ball down. A. climbed B. could climb C. is climbing D. dimb 1 I think he is not at home. Ife _in, he the phone. A.was / answered B. were/ would answer C. were / would have answered D. had been / would have answered 12. You would study Italian if it ___here. A. wasteaching —_B. were taught C. would be taught —_D. is taught 13. 14, . Lwould have visited you before if there a lot of people in your house. A. hadn't B, hadn't been C. wouldn't be D. wasn't . You made a mistake by telling her a lie. It____better if you to her. A. would have been / hadn't lied C. will be / don't lie B. would be / didn't lie D. would be / hadn't lied 15. John would take a great risk now if he ____his money in that business last year. A. would invest _B. invested C. had invested D. invests 16. If you waited, he__. A. will come B. would come C. comes D. wouldn’t come 17. Ifyou ___ the bell, the servant would come A.ring B. rings C. don’t ring D. rang 18. If you press that button what A. would happen B. would have happened C. will happen D. happen 19.1 ___ one of my special desserts for dinner if you like. A. make B. will make going tomake —_D. am making 20. The car if somebody takes it there. 21. The room A. willbe repaired _B. would be repaired if it is not empty. A. couldn’ t be repainted C. could be repainted C. will been repaired _D. is repair B. cannot be repainted D. can be repainted 22. If you Mary by chance, please give her my phone number A.met B. meet C. could meet D. will meet 23. If you put salt in water, it . A. dissolves B. would dissolve C. could dissolve D. dissolved 24, Carol was late for work this morning. But for the traffic jam, she ___ half an hour earlier. A. could come B. could have come Chad come D. can have come 25. If it___a lot, the rice crop wouldn't grow. A. don’t rain B. didn’t rain C. rained D. didn’t rained 26. If I steal her pocket dictionary, she__ angry. A. will be Bis Care D. won't be 27. Ifyou press that button what__? A. happen B. happened C. will happen D. would happen 28. If [had free time, I____ some shopping with you. A. would do B. did D. will do 29. lf she _ she will be late for school. A. hurry B. hurries C. doesn’t hurry D. don’t hurry 30. If [were you, I_____ that job. A. will accept B. would accept C. won't accept D. accepted Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. Provided you kept quiet, we'll allow you to play here. A B ic D 2. We will help you realize your dream unless you don’t cheat us. A B c D 3. If Dave doesn't invite me to his birthday party today. I would feel disappointed. A B c D 4, If [hadn't got up earlier this morning, I would miss my flight to Seoul. AB c D 5. We stay at home if it snows tomorrow. A BOC D 6. If we earned enough money, we'll buy a new hi-fi system. A B cD 7. What would you do if you will get lost in a forest at night? A B c oD 8. Mr. Will wouldn't have moved to London if he would found a job here last week. A B c D 9.What do you do if you won the first prize of the lottery? AB c D 10. Would people be able to fly if they have feathers instead of hair? AB c D 11, [would do it if I could, but I can’t so I wouldn’t even try A B c D 12. If Peter had been more careful, he wouldn’t break the camera I lent him. AB c D 13. Roger wouldn’t have made such a lot of mistakes if he hasn’t been so tired. A B c D 14, How nice it would be for our parents if we could built a house for them. A B Cc D 15. If your son were old enough, he could be able to take the competition next week. A B Cc D 16. I would have called you if I could have known your number. A B c D 17. If knew Linda's address, I would sent her a Christmas card now. AB c oD 18. What does Jane do if she fails the university entrance examination? A B c D 19. If John’s parents know French, they could help him with his project. A B c D 20. If Laura apologized to me for his bad behaviour yesterday, I would have forgiven her. A B c D Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. If Sarah her teacher, she'd have answered her questions. (ask) 2. If you spoke louder, your classmates you. (understand) 3. David there on time if he left early. (arrive) 4.You no trouble at school if you had done your homework. (have) 5. If we to the cinema earlier, we the start of the film. (get)/(not miss) 6. They the exam if they studied harder. (pass) 7. If Nick a bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us. (have) 8. Ifyou in this lake, you'll shiver with cold. (swim) 9. The door will unlock if he the yellow button, (press) 10. If you me, 1 you my pen. (ask)/ (lend) 1, What she that new laptop? (Lina/ do)/(not buy) 12, Tom his mother do the gardening if she tells him a story this evening. (help) 13. Ifit , Twill stay at home. (rain) 14. If they had enough money, they anew house. (buy) 15. If [were you, I John to the party. (invite) 16. If the weather fine, the children can walk to school, (be) 17. If we meet at 8.30, we a plenty of time. (have) 18, Lisa would find the milk if she in the fridge. (look) 19. Ifyou me for the tickets, I yousome. —_(aski/(get) 20.1 this flat if 1 how expensive it was. (not hire)/ (know) Complete the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the given one. 1. They weren't listening carefully so they didn’t understand what she was saying. % They might 2. You took me to your friend’s party and I met Hung. % Ifyou 3. If you don’t wear helmet, you can't ride your bike. % Unless 4, Lwould visit my grandpa, but it’s raining. Sf 5. It's a pity that I don’t have enough money, so I can't buy that dress. SIF 6. Sue didn’t miss the train because I woke her up in time. SIF 7. Dan got so angry because we were an hour late. % Dan wouldn't 8, Julia didn't take her umbrella yesterday, so she got wet. S If Julia 9. Study hard or you’ll fail the exam. SIf 10. I don’t see you very often because you live so far. S If 11. I don’t have enough money, so I’m not going to buy that skirt SId 12, We don’t practice English very often. We can't communicate with foreigners. '% We could 13. I can't meet you now. I have to work. SIE 14. The weather was bad so we didn’t go camping yesterday. % If the weather 15. You didn’t phone us so we didn’t get there in time, *% We would 16, I wasn’t able to help you because you didn’t explain the problem to me. ‘I might 17. He didn't go to a university because he didn't pass the exam % Had 18. wouldn't have succeeded if my parents hadn't encouraged and supported me. % I wouldn't have succeeded but 19, If he didn’t help me, my children wouldn't enter primary school. % Without 20. Peter left his job yesterday because of his low salary. % If Peter's salary VIll. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (GIA DINH) @ KNOWLEDGE (KIEN THUC) Subjunctive Mood (Thitc gia dinh) Present Subjunctive Past Subjunctive Past perfect Subjunctive (HTCP) (QKGD) (QKHTGD) 1. Hign tai gia dink Hinh thite: Vinguyén) (6 tat ca cdc ngéi) ~ Ti “that” phai luén xuat hign trong cau gia dinh hign tai ngoai trix mOt s6 thanh ngir I suggest that he ask for her help. - Néu “that” bi luge bé thi hau hét céc déng tir duge theo sau béi “to infinitive” Eg:We urge that he leave now. 2a We urge him to leave now. Cach ding } Ding trong 1 sé cu thanh ngii/ cau cam than dé thé hign 1 ao ude, hy vong hay 1 1di cau chite (thudng c6 lién quan dén cade site manh siéu nhién) If this be (Khong chic chan lam vé kha ‘Come what may: Di cé chuyén gi di nia. nang) Come what may we will stand by you If this be proven right, you would be (God) bless you! (Chua phi hd ban) considered innocent May (Dién ta Idi chu chic) If need be: Néu cin May you be happy all your life. If need be we can take another road. So be it: Thé ciing duge Far be it from me to do sth: Khéng déi nao If he doesn’t want to be involved, then so be | t6i.. it. Far be it from me to tell you what to do! but 1 God be with youl= good bye (Chia tay think.. nhau) Long live Vietnam! (Viét nam mun nam) _| God save the queen ! ‘Success attend you! (Chiic ban thanh céng) | God save the queen! (Thuong dé hay phit ho cho Nit vrong) Heaven forbid! (Lay trai) Heaven help us! (Cau Chia phi h§ ching ta) 4 Ding sau mot s6 dong tir dé thé hién y muén, yéu cau, dé nghi S + V(any tense) + that +S + (not) + Vinguyén) advise demand prefer require propose insist command stipulate order recommend suggest decreet request urge move ask The doctor suggested that he stop smoking. ‘Congress had decreed that the gasoline tax be abolished. We proposed that he take a vacation. 4 Ding sau mét sé tinh tir

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