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New Blood Awards 2018

Background understand the full, broad BBC audience,

The BBC is the world’s leading public whereas your user will vary if you’re looking
service broadcaster. Its mission is to enrich at a particular product or programme.
people’s lives with programmes that inform,
educate and entertain. It’s unparalleled in What to Consider
delivering digital experiences beyond • Know your audience, and put them first.
expectations, on mobile, tablet, desktop Understand their user needs, their
and TV across 10 digital products: BBC behaviours, patterns and routines. Think
Brief set by Homepage, Search, News, Sport, Weather, about their relationship with the brand,
Knowledge & Learning, CBeebies, CBBC, how they access these services at the
BBC iPlayer and Radio & Music. moment, and how they might want to do
so. Use this to find insight, and let that
In collaboration with Technology shapes our relationship with the drive an exploration of how new
Cheyney Robinson, brand through these platforms, our technology could lead to a whole new
interactions mediated through remote look, feel and mode of interacting.
Consultant controls, keyboards, touchscreens. But as
the tech landscape rapidly evolves, so too • This is a chance for bold and playful
will the way we connect with brands and thinking, but do stay grounded in reality.
content. Think conversational user Think near future – the next one to two
interfaces (eg chatbots or services like years – rather than heading into the
Alexa and Siri), gestural interfaces, wearable realms of science-fiction.
tech, or the possibilities offered by data and
hyperpersonalisation. • People can be averse to change, so how
could you make your solution seamless
To quote designer and author Golden Krishna, and intuitive? How might it integrate with
“the best interface is no interface.” What their existing habits, or other products
might that mean for the BBC? How can its and platforms they use?
next generation experiences use technologies
like voice, gesture and new forms of What’s Essential
Reimagine our interactivity in a way that will bring stories and There’s no need for code, just compelling
experiences to life for its audience? communication. If you can create a
relationship with the BBC prototype, do. Otherwise use animatics or
using new and emerging The Challenge other tools to show your concept in action.
Create an innovative vision of a BBC
technology experience shaped by current or emerging Present:
technologies. You can take an entire look • Your solution. Clearly explain your idea,
across the breadth of the BBC offering, how it would work, and the current /
choose a particular product or programme, emerging technologies used.
or focus in on a specific demographic.
• Your creative process: How you arrived at
This might be about tech, but it’s not just your solution; key insights from your
for digital thinkers. It’s about human-centred research; a convincing rationale for your
design, and how developments in focus and design decisions.
technology can enable this.
What and How to Submit
So start human. First, identify your Read Preparing Your Entries before you get
audience. What are their wants, needs, started for full format guidelines – we won’t
expectations, capabilities? Then it’s time to accept work that doesn’t meet these specs.
start thinking about emerging (or existing,
Related Disciplines but unexplored) technologies, and how they Main (essential):
Product & Service Design could enable a seamless connection and Present your solution and process using
Technological Innovation conversation between the person and the either presentation video (max. 2 min) OR
brand. The most important thing is the annotated JPEG slides (max. 8).
UX, UI & Digital Design person at the heart of the experience. The
tech is just a tool, and the better a job it Optional (judges may view this if they wish):
Deadline does the less noticeable it will be. Prototypes or mockups as interactive work
20 March 2018, 5pm GMT (websites, apps, etc) or physical supporting
Design a new way to interact with the BBC. material. If your main piece is video, you
can also submit JPEG slides (max. 4).
Who is it For?
A full-spectrum approach will need to | @DandADNewBlood | #NewBloodAwards

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