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NEW EDITIO ee aCe nn Cente cue ci Dr Evelyn Ton has taught English Language, Mathematics and Science in primary schools in Singapore for 20 years. As an educator, she specialises in teaching pupils from the upper primary levels ond has taught a wide spectrum of pupils from these levels. Dr Tan holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education |Hons) accredited by the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and an Advanced Diploma in the Teaching of Primary Science from the National Institute of Education, Singapore. She was also conferred a Docioral Degree in Science Education by Curtin University of Technology, Australia, Neo Seow Ling has tought Mathematics for 11 years to primary school pupils in Singapore. She hos a vast amount of experience teaching pupils of different abilies ranging from higher ochievers to siruggling learners. As an experienced Mathematics teacher, Seow Ling is well versed in lesson planning and in formulating papers for internal examinations for the subject. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the National University of Singapore, anda osigraduate diploma in primary education from the National Insitute of Education, Singapore. Katharine Edgar has 19 yeors of experience teaching mathemats to pupls across the whole ably range Her vst experience n bof he teaching ofthe curd and assessment of pupils earning has ldo an in-deph knowedge fe msconcepon ha con be presen pupls Understanding of bask materiel concep. Katharne hold a degreein pure mathemots and oPGCEn matheraicsedvcatlon, ond held senior ‘ leadership post of asssiant head teacher for many years Her expertise was recognised by an appointmentin 2002othe Qualifications ‘and Curriculum Authoriy (QCA, where she was entrusted fo work on the {development of assessment for the English Notional Curriculum in both the ‘reas of mathematics and English. From 2002 to 2009, Katharine held various high profile roles within the QCA, in both the Assessment and Curriculum divisions, Ths included being a director of the National Assessment Agency, which is a subsidiary of CA. As such, sheisknowledgeable about ‘he various primary curriculum reviews that have taken place in England in recent years, Katharine 'sastrong supporter of the Cambridge approach. She views the Cambridge Primary Prograrwme as ‘a sound foundation on which fo build secure mathematical knowledge and understanding Katharine is currently an independent education consultant working with schools specialising in ‘monitoring and quality assurance, and with the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER! in England in the assessment of mathematics and English, The TOP Maths series covers comprehensively the learning objectives inthe lates! Cambridge Primary ‘Mathematics curiculum framework Concepts and key skils within each chapter are developed in a structured ond step-by-step manner following the popular Concrete - Pictorial -» Abstract approach to help pupils gain a firm foundation in ‘mathematics. Well-crafted questions and acivties are infused throughout the package fo allow pupils to reinforce concepis learnt and enable themn o acquire key 21" century skills such as creativity, cfical thinking cond problem-solving sil. Hilf Smary, These are my fiends, ‘Min, Ari Rilo ond Tom. Join us ‘as we embark on a fun-filled Journey through the exciting ‘world of mathematics! "Consist of gradated ond differentiated © exercises and activites to allow pupls of iferentoblty levels io reinforce learning Putting it Together 1." Comprises questions ‘hat consolidate and test concepts ond skis learnt In he eater worksheets | i i Key Used fo indicate {questions for higher bity pupils ‘The questions, example onswes, marks eworded and/or camment ha appear in his book were wien By In ezaminaton, the way marks would be awarded ie answers ia hase may be diferent. Putting Together 2 Comprises three sections — Problem-Solving, ‘My thoughts and SelF-check Provides challenging ‘questions 10 ‘develop creative ‘and ical thinking sklls ‘Mid-Year Review Poper Comprises questions fo prepare. pupils wel for key examinations ‘My thoughts Provides journal witing activites that ‘encourage relcion af mathematical thinking ‘and development of matacagniive skils. Provides a review chacklst of concepts ‘and sis required for mastery ofthe {pic fo alow pupis fo idenity and ‘communicate their areas of strengths ‘ond weaknesses: 49 000 00 Worksheet 1 = Numbers fo 1 million a Worksheet 2. Place value of numbers up to 1 million 3 Worksheet 3. Comparing and ordering numbers 5 Worksheet 4 Number sequences 7 Worksheet § Rounding numbers 9 Worksheet 6 Negative numbers mu Worksheet 7 — Factors 14 Worksheet 8 Common multiples a7 Worksheet 9 Odd and even numbers 19 Worksheet 10 Prime numbers 20 Worksheet 11 Multiplication by tens, hundreds or thousands. 22 Worksheet 12 Multiplication by single-digit numbers 24 Worksheet 13. Multiplication by two-digit numbers 26 Worksheet 14 Division by tens, hundreds or thousands 30 Worksheet 15 Division by single-digit and two-digit numbers 32 Worksheet 16 Solving word problems 36 Worksheet 17 Historical origins of our number system 40 Putting it Together 1 000 a2 Putting it Together 2 si yar 94.97 Me 407 Worksheet 1 Finding equivalent fractions ss Worksheet 2 Finding fractions in their simplest form 59 Worksheet 3. Comparing and ordering fractions x Worksheet 4 Mixed numbers 6 Worksheet § Converting fractions Worksheet 6 Fraction of a quantity Worksheet 7 Fractions and division, Putting tt Together 1 Putting tt Together 2 ysess 2-0 -w - 7 “woe Worksheet 1 Mental addition 7s Worksheet 2. Mental subtraction 63 Worksheet 3 Multiply poirs of multiples of 10. and 100 ox Worksheet 4 Multiply neor pairs of multiples of 10 2 Worksheet 5 Find doubles and halves quickly 93 Worksheet 6 Multiply by halving and doubling 97 Worksheet 7 Divisibilty rules 98 Worksheet 8 — Mental division by single-digit numbers. 100 Putting It Together 1 103 Putting It Together 2 109 ‘Tens Units . | Tenths ose. oO oo 66 }-|C0° Worksheet 1 Place value Worksheet 2. Comparing and ordering decimals Worksheet 3. Number sequences Worksheet 4 — Rounding decimals (1) Worksheet 5 Rounding decimals (2) Worksheet 6 Addition Worksheet 7 Subtraction Worksheet 8 Multiplication by single-digit numbers Worksheet 9 Multiplication by 10 and 100 Worksheet 10 Division by single-digit numbers Worksheet 11 Division by 10 and 100 Worksheet 12 Converting between fractions and decimals Worksheet 13 Fractions and decimals in division Worksheet 14 Using a calculator Putting It Together 1 Putting It Together 2 1 116 118 122 124 127 130 132 134 138 140 146 447 155 35K Worksheet 1 Understanding ratio 159 Worksheet 2 Ratio and proportion x61 Worksheet 3 Solving word problems x62 Putting tt Together 1 167 Putting tt Together 2 171. Worksheet 1 Percentages of shapes and whole numbers Worksheet 2. Percentages and fractions Worksheet 3. Solving word problems Putting It Together 1 Putting It Together 2 173 277 178 182 190 193 1 Nome: Closs: Date: Write the numbers in numerals and in words. (a) tb) Trane | howands | Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Units oO Oo OO |}O000JO00}]OOO| O COO] OO | COO }OCOOI/OOO] O Numerals Words: tran’ | chowcands| Tousonds |Hundreds| Tens | Units QO O00 OQ O00 O00 000 O° OOCOsOOOJOOOJOO0O Numerals Words Write these numbers in numerals. [0] Eight hundred and thirty-nine thousand, one hundred and sixty-eight (b) Three hundred and eighty thousand, five hundred and twenty Write these numbers in words. fa) 606 045 (bo) 857203 Fill in the correct amount of money in numerals or in words. (al 1 SMART BANK pate DO RRTT PAY Furniture Mall (Pty) Ltd ORBEARER Douars _One hundred and fifty thousand, six hundred and thirty-five $ Cmyennbs tnk/baeh sane taanpab fe 9 6654022789 - 64 672455092 (b) SMART BANK Date | DOMmTY pay ___XYZ Property (Pty) Ltd __ op gearer DOLLARS. iS 621548 egernbe takitond sane Paxapaneti = 665499 ~ 2789 — 364 672455802 ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 Nome lass: ates Cee 1. fillin the blanks. (a 271856 = hundred thousands thousand 8 fen thousands tens units (ob) 972539=__ +2000 + 500 + () 70.000 + 5000 +100 + 40 +5 (d) 4 hundred thousands 7 thousands 5 tens 9 units = 2. Look at the number shown. In this number, {al the is in the ten thousands place and has a value of __. (bo) the digit 8isin the _____place. {)_ the digit 7 hos a value of, (d) the digit____ isin the hundreds place and has a valve of. lel the digit 4isinthe___ place and has a value of (the digit lis inthe ___ place and has a value of ___. 3. lam a five-digit whole number. My ten thousands digit is the smallest odd number and my thousands digit is the srnallest even number. The digit in my hundreds place has a value of 300. | have the digi 5 in ail the other places. What number am I? What is the valve of the digit 8 in each number? Match. ‘<=> Name: Fillin the boxes with > or <. (a) 645.098 654 015 to (cl 204999 240 619 (a fel 128915 281.000 a (9) 931.400 913-741 tH Circle the greatest number in each set. (9) 451060 451.600 51514 835 145 760100 791.400 Circle the smallest number in each set. loss: 479123 649 081 690 000 751000 Date: Tet Tboak pan? ne 794321 631 250 649 810 571426 145 600 835 415 791500, (130999) Arrange these numbers in increasing order. la) 179 618, 719 816, 17 999 lb] 235 015, 998 007, 989 400, 899 100 ‘Arrange these numbers in decreasing order. lo} 554.960, 54 898, 118 950 (b] 468 176, 375 469, 864 673, 673 941 (a) Use the digits 6, 2, 4, §, 3.and 8 to make five different sic-digit numbers. Use each digit only once in each number. (b] Arrange your numbers in order. Begin with the greatest. ‘greatest ‘Ari, Tom, Rita and Min participated in a competion. They each won some money. Ari won $179 185. Tom won $179 961. Rita won $179 581. Min won $179 851, (a) Who won the most amount of money? {b)_ Who won the least amount of money? Nome ass: ate 1. Count on or back. Then fill in the blanks. (al 165 354, 157 354, 149 354, 125 354 (b) 138 450,148 450,________178.450 2. Counton or back. Then fill in the blanks, (a) 594078, 612.078, 618 078 (b) 342 670, 336 670, 330 670, Filln the boxes. One has been done for you. Then solve the riddle What gets wetter the more it dries? fa) 100.000 more than 126 750 WY {b) 10.000 less than 704 316 E {cl} 10.000 more than 188 419 WHS {d) 100 000 less than 831 415 (wy (e] 100 000 more than 394 500 (yo 4, *6, Look at the number sequences. Then fil in the blanks. {a} 493 720, 493 740, 493 800, This number sequence starts with To find the next number, we count___in 92 225, 292 220, (b} 292.235, This number sequence starts with To find the next number, we count___in (423718, 423128, 423 158. This number sequence starts with To find the next number, we count_____in (d) 653.251__ 653 263, 653 269, This number sequence starts with To find the next number, we count____in ‘Mr Lim bought a car for $419 750. Mr Goh bought a car for $100 000 less. How much did Mr Goh pay for his car? 8. Fillin the missing numbers. (a) 153 417, 153.419, 153.422, __,__, 153 437 (b] 248 147, 248 152, 248 162, 248 177, (cl 293 564, 293 568, __, 293 588, 293 604, (a) 517705, 517 855, 518 005, 518 205, ) TOP mache Stage Name: Complete the table. lass: ___. Date: Number Rounded to the nearest ten Rounded to the | Rounded to the nearest hundred | nearest thousand 16.299 23.051 59.607 65.984 471 905 258 819 889 647 945.197 Colour the number(s) hat gives 500 000 when rounded to the nearest hundred in red, Look at the remaining numbers. Colour the number's] that gives 500 000 when rounded to the nearest thousand in blue. 500 316 Tick iv) the boxes next to the correct sentences, (a) 53219 ~ 53 300 when rounded to the nearest ten, lb) 782 661 = 783 000 when rounded to the nearest thousand, {cl} When 47 261 is rounded to the nearest fen and the nearest hundred, the answer is the same, (dl When 261 953 is rounded to the nearest hundred and nearest thousand, the answer is the same. There are 320 615 trees in a forest. [a] What is the number of trees in the forest when rounded to the nearest hundred? {b) What is the number of trees in the forest when rounded to the nearest thousand? team of chefs is preparing a feast for 36 298 people (a) What is the number of people when rounded to the nearest thousand? (b)_ Ifthe chefs are preparing food that is enough for this number of people when rounded fo the nearest thousand, do you think the amount of food they are preparing is enough? David has $146 000 in his bank account when rounded to the nearest thousand. Cross out [x] the amount{s) that David is not likely to have in his bank account. $146 408 $145 215 $146 971 $145 862 ‘TOP Maze Stage 6 Nome: ass; __ ate: Cc eer Tonk page a - ‘Mark each number with a cross (x! on the given number (a) -2 to 4 la ~16 The temperature in Rome today is 18°C. The temperature in Helsinki is, -2°C. What is the temperature difference? °C The temperature in New York today is ~4°C. The temperature was ~6°C yesterday. What is the temperature difference? “ Fillin the boxes with > or <. (al -25 25 (19 “19 ( -23 -32 (a) 312 10 The temperature readings for five months are shown in the table below. Month June | July | August | September | October Temperature (C) | -10 2 ° 3 9 (al__Inwhich month was the temperature the lowest? (bl In which month was the temperature the highest? (cl Arrange the temperatures in decreasing order. ——" Whte Ni bere © Workshest 6 6. Look at this number line. z wx y sh EE EEE te {o) _ Which letter represents the greatest number? — {b] Which letter represents the smallest number? — (cl _Fillin the boxes below with > or < 1 w Y Zz w x x Y 7. Shelly is a snail who fell into a deep well. She tries fo crawl up the side of the well fo escape. Fill the blanks with Shellys new position as she crawls up the well Shelly starts at 0 (a) First, she crawls 3 units up. a (b) Next, she slips down 5 units. — (d) She sips down another 2 units. _ (d)_ Next, she crawis 3 units up. — (e) Finally, she crawis Tunit up only, = _ (Mark Shelly's final position with a cross (x1 8 ‘The number line below shows Tom running from one position to another. Mark with a cross (x) on the number line fo show where Tom has run to. [a] Tom runs 7 units to the left tb) Tom runs 8 units to the right “(cl Tom runs 3 units to the right, then 7 units to the left. J 6 5 4 3 21 0 12 3 4 5 6 *(d)_ Tom runs 5 units to the left and then 9 units to the rights. we 0 8 4 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 W A pilot flying in a plane reported that the outside temperature was ~14°C. Half an hour later, he reported that the temperature had fallen by 8°C. 1 hour later, the pilot reported that the temperature had increased by 15°C. Upon landing, he stated that the temperature had increased by 12°C. What is the final temperature on arrival? °C & Whote Numbers + Worksheet 6 Nome, ass: __ ate: aaa 1. Find the factors of the following numbers. lo) 4=1x The factors of 14 are 4=2x a {b) 24=1x - Pao The factors of 24 are ; 24 =3x nr and 2=4x () 52=1x The factors of 52 are 52=2x 52= x rae 2. What are the factors of these numbers? fo) 39 (b) 63 3 Divide. Then write True or False in the boxes below. (al (b) 797 aloo 7is a factor of 91. Bis a factor of 99. Complete each table and then fill n the blanks. (a Number Factors 10 20 The common factors of 10 and 20 are ul Number Factors 8 45 The common factors of 18 and 45 are Complete the table and then fil in the blanks. Number Factors 4 15 30 53 7 (a) Does a greater number always have more factors than a smaller number? (b| What is the common factor of all he numbers shown above? (c)_ The even numbers are (dl What are the common factors for the even numbers? The number on each apples a factor of the number on its basket Filin the missing numbers on the apples. TOP Maths Stage 6 1 Complete the table and then fill in the blanks below. umber |e | 2m. | te | ts | ite | ant multiple | muttiple | multiple | muttiple | multiple | muttiple 2 5 8 9 {a} The 3rd mutiple of Sis (b} The 6th multiple of 2is (cl The first four multiples of 8 are (d)_ What do you notice about the sum of the digits of each multiple of 92 Tick \V1 the correct sentences. (a) (b) fa ia lel 135s a mutiple of 5. 550 is a multiple of 25 820 is a common multiple of 5 and 10. 980 is a common multiple of 5 and 100. 700 is a common multiple of 25 and 100. Whote Numbers + List the first fen multiples of each number and then fill in the blanks. | Number Mubtiples 3 5 Some common multiples of 3 and 5 are ©) | Number ‘Multiples 7 8 ‘common multiple of 7 and 8 is [Number ‘Multiples 6 9 Some common multiples of 6 and 9 are Divide. Then write True or False in the box. Show your workingsin the spaces below. ( 2)3 6 7)3 6 36 is a common multiple of 2 and 7. ‘TOP Maths Stage ¢ a 1. Fillin the blanks with ‘even’ or ‘odd’ (a) 2 more than an even number 2 more than an odd number 5 times an odd number 3 times an even number {b) Amuttiple of an number will aways be even, (|The difference between an odd and even number is aways 2. Circle the number sentence that will make an odd number. a Nome; lass: ___ bat: 1. list the factors of each number and then fill in the blanks, Number Factors 5 12 25 a (a) Which of the numbers in the table are prime numbers? (b) What do you notice about the factors of the prime numbers in the table? [d)_ Are the prime numbers you have found odd or even numbers? [dl Whyare the other numbers in the table not prime numbers? 2. Circle the prime numbers. 9990998 ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 3. Help the dinosaur find the path to his friends by colouring all the prime numbers on the grid. 1 | 4 | 2] 6 | 55) 5a ae 5 W 23 1 2 32 | 42 62 77 42 33 4 76 7 100 84 81 54 25 75 58 67 36 48 68 99 15 100 89 76 88 sa | 03 | a7 | 3 | 53 | 43 | 97 as 2 e|/ 3] 82 | 45 1 4 52 61 93, 49 81 4 4 31 7 79 Bas a | 73 | 29 | a | 47 9 | as Name: 1. Fillin the blanks. (a) 67x 10= (4081 x10=__ lel x10 = 8450 2. fillin the blanks. (al 53x 100=__ () 3275 x100=__ fe x 100 = 60 600 3. Fillin the blanks. fo) 49x 1000=__ (3) 2371000 fe x 1000 = 16 000 4, fillin the missing numbers. @ sto 32 100 (b) (a) (b) a (b) @ (o) Class: Date: =e 392x10= 5634 x 10=__ x 10=72190 248 x 100 = 7695 x 100=__ x 100 = 423 100 65 x 1000 = 874 x 1000=__ x 1000 = $28 000 x10, 7430 x 100 1000 5. Filin the blanks. fo} 30x40 tb} - x a (6) 50x90 x 6. Fill in the blanks. (al 38x60 (b) 423 x 50 = 38x x10 x10 x10 x10 {c) 81x 90=__ (d) 679x70=___ 7. Filin the blanks. (a) 24% 400 (b) 536 x 300 4 x 100 36 x 100 = x 100 = x 100 fl 72x 200=___ (d) 491x500 =__ 8. Mingli drinks 250 mi of milk each day {a} How much milk will she drink in 20 days? — {b} How much milk will she drink in 300 days? me Whole Numbers + Worksheet #3 Nome: lass: te Gaam- 1. Find the product. 1346 x 2 \We mutiply the units, Regroup the units into tens and units We multiply the fens We add the tens, \We multiply the hundreds. \We multiply he thousands, D units x units units = ten units tens x2 tens { ten + tens = fens e hundreds x 2 = hundreds thousand x 2 = thousands So, 1346 x 2=__. ror ms sage 2 Find the product of each of the folowing, Estimate the value of each of the following by rounding the four-digit number to the nearest thousand, Then multiply the numbers to find the aclual product. ‘One has been done for you fo) 3104x5= x5 3104 = 15.000 x 5 3104 x 5 Ib) 6948 x4= x4 6948 - x 4 6948 x4=_ [cl 7296 x9= x9 7296 x 9 7296 x9 = Fred can type 1680 words in one hour. if he types the same number of words each hour, how many words can he type in 3 hours? He can type. words in 3 hours. Nome: Class: ___ Date: 1. Find the product of each of the following, (a) 35x18=__ (b} 85 x75=__ 5 85 x 18 x 75 on a) 2, Estimate the value of each ofthe following by rounding each number to the nearest ten, Then multiply the numbers fo find the actual product. (a) 49x31= x30 b) 87x 57= x 87x57 =__ ( 73x29=__x TOP Mache Stage © 73 29 3. Find the product of each of the following (a) 512x13=2___ (b) 512 3 O00: (422 65=__ ia . 422 x 65 7) 4, _ Estimate the value of each of the following by rounding the greater number to the nearest hundred and the smaller number to the nearest ten. Then multiply @ the numbers to find the actual product. (a) 325x78= x80 Ib) 691x 5: 325 x78 =__ 691 x 53 325 691 x 78 x 53 Whete Numbers + Worksheet 23 {/ ‘Match. One has been done for you. 5, 19101 602 x 27 48 x56 i i i : Mr Kim bought 94 boxes of oranges. There are 36 oranges in each box. How many oranges did he buy altogether? He bought ‘oranges altogether. ‘big packet of sugar has a mass of 29 kg What is the total mass of 75 packets of sugar? The total mass is kg. Brandon has a stamp collection, He puts his stamp collection in 33 similar albums. if he puts 512 stamps in each album, how many stamps does he have altogether? He has. stamps altogether. A company sold 957 sets of power tools in one month. IFit sold each set of power tools at $68, how much money did it make? ltmade $. Name 1. Fillin the blanks. (a) 280210=___ fc) 6540.+1 () —__+10=9410 2. fillin the blanks. {a} 8400 = 100 = ___ [236000 + 100 = ___ le) —__+100=768 3. fillin the blanks. (a) 13.000 + 1000 = ____ (c) 272.000 + 1000 = __ fe) ___+ 1000 = 65 4. Fillin the missing numbers. ‘a 58.000 +100 ‘TOP Mathe Stage 6 (b (a) (b) @i (b) ‘a (o Date: =m 5970 + 10= 85450 +10=__ ——+10=7108 49700 + 100 = __ 868 000 + 100=__ +100 = 5680 84.000 + 1000 = _ 591000 + 1000 = +1000 = 947 46 700 #10 100 +1000 Fillin the blanks. (a) 720+40 = 720+ 10+ __ fc) 5220290=__ Fill in the blanks. (a) 3600 +600 = 3600 = 100 = fc) 75000+600=___. Fill n the blanks. (a) 35000 +7000 tc) 74 000 oranges were picked at an orchard, (ol (a (o) (a) (b) ‘a 63 200 + 800 = 63200 +100 = 28 58 500 + 900 =__ 136 000 = 4000 = 136 000 + 1000 = =——+4 702.000 = 9000 = (a) How many cartons will here be if the oranges are packed in boxes ‘of 400 oranges? (b) How many oranges will there be ifthe oranges are packed in boxes of 500 oranges? Nome, lass; ____ Date: _______ 1. Find the quotient and remainder. We divide the hundreds. \We divide the tens. ‘We divide the units ) Write dawn the remainder. a ‘hundreds tens = 2 tens units + 2 unit remainder unit So, 643 +2= — 2. Find the quotient, wee Wereyoup nehundeds end -00 ©) Wie divide the ons OO Regroup the remaining tens into units. - 00 We divide the unis: 0 hundreds fens = tens tens +12 tens remainder tens tens. units = units units =1 units So, 864 +12= ____. ¢ TD) ror metus stages § Find the quotient and remainder for each of the following, 4)530 5)317 7/858 pt pp Quotient: Quotient: Quotient: Remainder: Remainder: Remainder: 6)913 9)924 4)544 po pt te Quotient; Quotient: Quotient: Remainder: Remainder: Remainder: Whote Numbers + Worksnese x5. 4. Match the division problems to their correct quotients and remainders. 385+5 | (case) ar Estimate the value of each of the following. Then divide the numbers to find the ‘actual quotient and remainder. (a) 81229~___=9 9)e12 812+9=___ rR (b) 7387 =___ 73738 equal number of pages each day for 8 days and finished reading Kate borrowed a 256-page novel from the library. If she read an the book, how many pages did she read each day? ee She read pages each day. Mr Bala has a piece of wire 540 m long. He divides it equally into 15 shorter pieces. What isthe length of each short wire? Each shor wire is miong, Halim had 839 marbles. He packed the marbles equally into packs of 6 marbles each and gave away the remaining marbles {o his brother. (o} How many packs of marbles did he get? (b] How many marbles did he give away? ‘Check whether your answer is reasonable. {o) He got packs of marbles. {b]_ He gave away marbles. note Mummers + wortaneets (ED Nome; lass: ate: Lee Solve the word problems. 1. Roy and Shawn had 1850 game cards. After Roy gave 220 of his game cards to Shawn, Roy had 4 times as many game cards as Shawn. How many game cards did Roy have at first? Roy had game cards at first. 2. 7651 people went to a food exhibition. There were 160 children and twice as many men as women. How many men were there at the food exhibition? There were men at the food exhibition. ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 3.2 Madam Yaw had 34 boxes of cookies. Each box contained 148 cookies. She gave 2657 cookies to her family and friends. She then repacked the remaining cookies into packets of 25 cookies, How many packets did she have? She had packets, Cindy bought 2 dresses and 6 blouses. She gave the cashier $1500 and received $348 in change. ED if each dress cost 6 fimes as much as a blouse, how much did each dress cost? Each dress cost $___. Whote Numbers + Workshe 5{@ A stadium has 71 324 seats. There are 18 rows of grandstand seats, with 1640 seats in each row. The rest of the seats are gollery seats that are arranged in 28 rows, How many gallery seats are there in each row? ———— Seer eee There are gallery seats in each row. 6.538 Eday bought an opartinent for $369 650. He made an initial payment of $45 000 and paid the balance in equal payments each month. After making 36 payments, he still had to pay $137 450, How much did Eddy have fo pay each month? each month Eddy had to pay. TL) ror mane stages 7.§@ A basket with 42 watermelons has a mass of 81 950 g. The same basket with 31 watermelons has a mass of 61105 g. If each watermelon has the same mass, what is the mass of the basket? The mass of the basket is 9 8. Sonia bought 85 packs of bookmarks. She repacked them into smaller packs of 25 bookmarks each. She then sold each smaller pack for $14 and collected a total of $2618. Find the difference in the number of bookmarks in one original pack and one smaller pack. The difference in the number of bookmarks is Whole Numbers + Worksheet 16 Name: v set * Gye 1. Look at the number systems below. Fill the blanks. Use the symbols given in each of the following questions to help you lass: Date: (ol Egyptian umber || GS ds cen ame shen r ssem | We draw; to represent 700. to represent 70. to represent 7. So, the number 777 is writen —__ “io use this system, writing a big number takes up a lot of 1 ands__. ) Eon errTTTe reece rT eee system |? 2 845 6 7 8 9 10-20.30405060 70 60.99 100 100 We draw; ________ to represent 700. —________o represent 70. {0 represent 7. So, the number 777 is written as To use this system, we need fo remember how to draw different symbols, Modern 10123456789 umber — | with the invention of zero ‘0’ as a place holder, we now system —_| have a place value system. In the number 777, the symbol 7" stands for: 7 7 7 L (} We only need to remember: number, symbols to write any ‘TOP Mache Stage 6 2. Mark all the angles that are smaller than 180° in each symbol. Then fillin the table. 1Z 4S : 6789 smo | 1 4 Ln Number of angles marked Whote Numbers © Werksheet 17 {f Nome; lass: ate aeEa 1 2 Write the numbers in numerals and in words. Hundred Ten Thousands | Thousands Thousands | Hundreds. Tens Units ea Jo. Joo0e 2Q00 5600] 600/600} 9° JOS~~ ]O° Numerals Words: Fill in the blanks. {a} 75453 =70000+ + 400+ + (b} 947 582 = hundred thousands, ten thousands 7 thousands. hundreds 8 2 units. tc) In the number 824 715, = 600 000 + 50 000 + 2000 + 900 + 70 (a) the digit 8 has a value of (b) the digit 4 isin the place. (cl__ the digit in the ten thousands place has a value of. ‘TOP Maths Stage Fill in the boxes with > or <. (al 79085 790.085 {b) 67188 67128 () 936591 936 519 (a) 20914 200 941 Fill in the blanks, Then solve the riddle. What is orange and sounds like parrot? (al Round 38 978 to the nearest ten (b] Round 49 024 to the nearest thousand (c)_ Round 61327 to the nearest hundred (dl Round 430 430 to the nearest thousand (e] Round 715 277 to the nearest hundred 715300 430000 49000 49000 6130038 980 Whole Numbers + Putting It Together x 6. Fillin the boxes with > or <. fo) 6 8 (ob) -22 7 fa 73 3 (a -9 “4 ll 75 9 o 8 4 7. The ternperature readings for five months are shown in the table below. ‘Month July | August | September | October | November Temperature (°C)| 17 7 10 3 4 {a} In which month was the temperature the lowest? {b) _Inwhich month was the temperature the highest? {cl Arrange the temperatures in decreasing order. £C, °C, 7 °C, __*C, __°C 8. find the difference between each pair of numbers. Use the number line to help you. 5-20-15 rr) fa) Sand-5 — (b) 2and-3 — { -3.and—11 — (d) Vand 10 — ‘TOP Maths Stage 0 (e]_ Oand-24 — (i 7and-14 9. Complete the table and then fill in the blanks, (a) Number Factors 32 90 The common factors of 32 and 90 are eo Number Factors 56 35 The common factors of 56 and 35 are 10, Divide. Then write Yes or No in the box. } 784 7)98 |s7 a common factor of 84 and 98? Whole Nambers + Putting It Together £ Tl. List the first eight multiples of the numbers in the table and then fill in the blanks, Number ‘Multiples 4 6 7 (a) The 6th multiple of 4s. {b} The Sth multiple of 6s. fc) The 3rd multiple of 7 is {d) The first wo common multiples of 4 and 6 are. fe] The first common multiple of 4 and 7 is 12, Use the numbers in the triangles below fo complete the table. 2 LX ZX ZX AX Number Multiples 4 10 13. _ List all the prime numbers between 10 and 20. 14. Find the products of each of the following to solve the puzzle. > ‘Across Down 137 360 12 x 24 } Down Down 88 49 > Across x 23 || x 13 @Across 96 498 x 52 x 37 { Whote Numbers + Putting It Together 2 15, _ fillin the missing numbers. {a} x10 x 100 730 tb) 16. Divide. W, 18. Fill in the missing numbers. (al +20 100 46 000 (bo) +50 +200 900 000, Mr Lee sold 356 tins of biscuits. If each tin of biscuits was sold for $12, how much did Mr Lee get from the sales? MrLee got $. from the sales. tub has a capacity of 27 7. What is the capacity of 53 tubs? The capacity of 53 tubs is L Whole Numbers + Putsing retogetnors (7) 20. Mrs Robin bought 637 cm of cloth to make 8 pillow cases. She used the same amount of cloth for each pillow case. a) How much cloth did she use for each pillow case? [b} How much cloth was left over? la) She used ‘cm of cloth for each pillow case. (b) There was: cm of cloth left over. 21. Ashop sold pies in boxes of 12. Hannah bought 187 boxes ‘of pies and gave away some of the pies to her 4 friends, Each friend received the same number of pies. She then had 2128 pies left. How many pies did she give to each of her friends? She gave piles fo each of her friends. 22, Sam soved $8250 in 2 years, For the first 18 months, he saved $425 each month, He saved an equal amount of money during the remaining months. How much did he save in the last month? He saved $____in the last month TOP Maths Stage 6 Nome: lass: ate eae 1. Write any sb«digit number in the space provided below. |® Next, write four clues that will lead your friends to guess your number. Clue Clue 2 Clue 3 Clue 4: 2. — Mrs Lam has 45 pencils, 30 rulers and 18 erasers, She wants fo put the items into groups such that in each group, the number of pencils is the same, the number of rulers is the same and the number of erasers is the same. What is @ __the most number of groups she will get if she arranges the ites in this way? The most number of groups she will get is Whole Numbers + Putting Ie Together 2. 3, Siti goes fo the library every 4 days and goes to the park every 6 days. ifshe {g0es fo both places ioday, how many days later will she go to both places on the some day again? She will go fo both places again on the same day ___ days later. ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 Is Ari correct? Explain your answer using a number line. 7>6 50,-7>-6 e What is the difference between factors and muttiples? : veteran «mang pees QS a Can you read and write numbers up to 2 million and tell the value of each digit? Can you compare and order numbers uy fe Rllion? Py Can you round whole humbers to the nearést ten, hundred or thousand? Con, you find the difference belween a positive and negative integer? Can you compare and order positive and wregetlve numberst | Can you describe and continue number sequences? Can you find factors of tno-digtt umbiers? Can you find common multiples of two numbers? Can you find prime numbers up to 2007 Can you multiply and divide a number by £0 Rindedd Mousa? J Can you divide three= digit numbers by | singlé-digit and boo~ digit numbers? Can you multiply bwo-digit, three-digit or four-digit heimbers by 0 single-digit humber and bwon or thrée-digit numbers by toondigit numbers? Can you solve simple and multi=step word problems? ‘TOP Matns Stage 6 Name: lass: tes 1. Fillin the missing numerators and denominators, (a) @ ® See i} ia 2. Use the chart fo help you find the equivalent fractions. whole 1 1 2 2 os 1 1 z 3 3 as 1 I 1 a a a a € 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 é é 3 é é ab 1 i i 1 1 i ea a it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sidfefalefajlala 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 steals] sfafaftats]s dyad dyida 1 ijdi | wo | 0 | | w | 0 LiiPPrpr yey ryrirzizyays blalelelelelwlalelele|e 1 4 ia 2 a cl fa} 4772 tb) 3 = 10 td 2 2 a {d) 3 te) fh 3. Fillin the boxes. la) x2 tb) z 0 9 7 18 x2 tL 1 8 24 5 = + 3 3 5 2 = 4 700 = Shade the part(s) fo show the equivalent fraction for each given fraction. Then write the equivalent fraction. (al o & 16 Which of these fractions is not equivalent to the other fractions? Circle it. *6. Find the pairs of equivalent fractions. A pair has been done for you. (al ‘ond o) ond (a and. (@) and: lel and ) ‘and Nome: ass: ate Worksheet 2 Finding fractions in _ their simplest form 1. Write each fraction in its simplest form. fal +2 tb) 43,58 A @ $= fel *3. Help the bee find its sunflower. Circle the sunflower that shows the simplest form of he fraction on the pot. @ Fractions: Workshest 2 The things I hold have ines but thay are ot tins things. What am 1? ‘Match the fraction in each book to the bookmark which contains its simplest form. Then write the letter that matches the number on the book to solve the riddle. One has been done for you. fi] 7 ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 loss; __ Date hee c 7 =e Circle the greater fraction. (a) (b) 3 4 3 3 10 10 5 10 Fillin the blanks with the smaller fraction. 15 35 @ 33 o 2% ‘Arrange the fractions in order. Begin with the smallest fraction, (al Which fraction is smaller, ¢or 2? (bl Which fraction is smaller, ¢ or 3? 47 to anonge$.5 cond 3 in order. Begin with the greatest fraction "5, Arrange the fractions in order. Begin with the smallest fraction. smallest 6 (al (bl Arrange 2, Z and 3; in order. Begin wih the greatest fraction, greatest 7. Colour the part of each bow tie that shows the greater fraction, TOP Mathe Stage 6 Narne: Wor 1 "4, Class: _____ Date: heet 4) Mixed numbers What mixed numbers do the letters A, B, C and D represent on the number line? 1 2 3 4 5 ef pte A BOC ° Arepresents Brepresents C represents D represents What mixed numbers do the letters E and F represent on the number line? Write your answers in the simplest form. o 1 2 3 ap E F E represents. F represents. ‘Mark 17-ond 27. on the number line below with a cross x} each ‘ond label them 0 1 2 3 es ‘Mark 1324 and 370 on the number line below with a cross ix] each and label them. B Fractions + Worksh Circle the greater mixed number. cc) (cl rn ‘i {d) [2 3 f Vie La (a yee} S45 ‘Arrange the fractions in order. Begin with the smallest (a) smallest a smallest Nome lass;___ ate: 1. Write each improper fraction as a mixed number (al 2 ~ a7 tourhs fourths + fourths tb) sixths a a = 37 eighths = eighths + eighths jone + Worksheet 5 \Write each ofthe improper racions as a mixed number nits simplest form. ‘Show your working clear inthe space below. One has been done for you. WL 36 @ 3 oo al 59L a 4 B= a. 108 _ (el fh Fillin the boxes with the correct numerator for each improper fraction or mixed number. (a) “(ol ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 Name: Closs: Date: Worksheet @ Fraction of a quantity 1. fillin the missing numbers. (a) Whatis 3 of 427 6 parts —> 1 part —+. 5 parts —> 5 Got a2is z (b]_ What is 5 of 100? 10 parts —> V part —»__ 7 pars —> z Fort00 is 2. Find the value of each of the following. (a) Jofte=__ (b) Zof25=___ (a) =3;0f200=___ *3 _fillin the missing numbers. i of | (a) jof24= tb) SL of100=2of 0 a a Fractions + Worksheet 6 (LE a Gam 1. Write each of the improper fractions as o mixed number in its simplest form. ‘Show your working clearly in the space below. ‘One has been done for you. (a) 2 (b) 9 57 5° —— 4 9 (d (a) (el = a Name: gas Filln the boxes, class: @ x2 tb) s3 Le a ae 9 x2 . 2 3 _Se 5 i= i ic} fel @ (b) id) cl “th Date: 4, Mark each of the mixed numbers on the number line below with a cross (x) and label it 5 @ @ & & & ‘TOP Matne Stage 6 ‘Mike bought 36 apples from the market. + of the apples are green apples and the rest are red apples. How many red apples did Mike buy? ‘Mike bought red apples. Jane baked sore cupcakes. She sold * of cupcakes and had 50 cupcakes left How many cupcakes did Jane bake? Jane baked ‘cupcakes. Change the improper fraction into a mixed number. Then arrange the fractions in order. Begin with the smallest fraction. + Pucting teTogetner x (| Fill in the boxes with the correct mixed numbers. Write your answers in the simplest form, i) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 De ee aed t t t ‘bl 3 4 5 6 7 at t t t “(cl 0 1 2 3 a t t “a 1 2 3 4 5 tt t t t t fe 2 + 43 44 5 t t t ] 0 1 2 3 ep t t t t Name: a 1. Arrange? ond from the smallest to the greatest. Then draw number line and mark their positions on the number line using the ) following symbols ——) | derepresents 2 | A represents 13 | | Orepresents 3 \ } | |@ g 4 B % : & sone tntaenrs Your friend wos absent from school when your teacher taught your class how fo convert mixed numbers to improper fractions. Explain fo your friend why 3¢ = 12. as con you find equivalent fractions? write a fraction in its | simplest form? poorer and order Can you order mixed numbers on o number Line? Can you change ai improper fraction to a ined number? yu relate Fraction to SERS face’ o Fraction of a quantity? ‘TOP mathe Stage 6 Nome; ass; ate 1. fillin the missing numbers, Use the number lines to help you count on. (a) 58+ =92 +10 +10 + 4) 4) 4) at ) (a 58 7% 8B 90 92 lb) 473+ = 800 + $100 #5 +10 #0 HTH HD el tte 41 ese 473 $73 73 783 793794 795797799 » (58974 7000 + 4100 414 41 EEE OSEEEEEREeeeesoreaT 5897 6897 6999. 7000 (a) 6974+ 9000 + +1000 +10 #10 HTH | 6974 7974 9748984 8995 8996 8998 9000 2 Fillin the blanks. Find the answers using the counting on method. fo) 9 344+ =50 ld 737+ = 900 fe) 3621+ = 7000 ig) 2949+ = 10000 ‘Add these numbers mentally. (al td) lel ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 (ol 294+ 500 id 341+ = 1000 i 3408 + = 8000 hl 7675 + = 10000 tb) 4, ‘Add these numbers mentally. (ol 3657+58 58 60 (b) 4768 + 697 697 700 (c) 5934+ 2997 2997 3657 +58 3657+ 60-__ SS 4768 + 697 4768 + 700- __ ae 5934 +2997 = 5934+ Mental Site + Wovkeshast ¢ (a) 3624473 — “5 — | (3624 + 73 3624473 ’ \ 624 + Se ° — a lel 5475 + 602 ( 5475 + 602 | = S475 + + | ff 6349+ 3001 Eas) <6349 + 3001 6349 + 3001 \ aerin = 6349+ 4 5, ‘Add these decimals mentally fo) 26427 26 + 27 lb) 34+46 34 + 46 () 0.614088 os + 088 2.6427 =2+__+0.6+__ 0.61+0.88 =__+__+__+- VTS oe 6. Add these decimals mentally. (ol 43428 2434 - lb) 65447 ( 13.5439 21354 — © orreins sees 65+ — 28 47 ‘Add these numbers mentally. Match each sum to its correct answer. One has been done for you, R306 +280 4 Wa op 3165+121 IP 4 pens ae AY cr iG fh 0.654033 Jf ° Monza sus « wortsneves (EBD Add these numbers mentally. (a) la ‘el ‘al fo} 944282 (di fl 2976 + 101=__ th) 3848 + 133=__ 0 5824 + 3997 6445 +1005 =__ Which method should | use? 5.642, 8244, 47+399=___ 50.7+41=___ 0.24+0.98=__ 0.29+0.2= Nome; ss Date: 1. Fillin the missing numbers. Use the number lines to help you count back fa) 73-___=50 (b) 500 501 502 513 613 73 as fc) 4122-____ = 3000 - <1 0-100 = 4 STIS 3000 3001 3022 3122 4122 (a) 6130-____ = 4000 ) 7 7 7 = ~ 1000 a 4000 4010-4020 4130 6130 (eo) 73-____= 5000 el 7 100 1000 : 5000 5003 S013, sn3, one, m3 Mentat Gkitis + Worksheet 2 2, fillin the blanks . Find the answers using the counting back method. a) | 387-___= 200 tb) | 598-___ = 400 fa 743-___ = 700 8 | 866-___ = 800 la ) 1912-___= 1000 1 | 2456-—__ = 2000 ) | 8743-___= 4000 thi_| 9870-__ = 5000 3. Subiract these numbers mentally. (ah (b) 320-190 =__ lel © wrens 4, Sublract these numbers mentally. (al 374-78 (ol 1556-299 | 6-299 7 299 eee ~ = 1556-300 +. | 300 — | = + | : - (| 7620-3996 ( 7620-3996 = 7620- + (a) 2798-31 2798-31 2798-31 2798 le} 6430-304 6430 - 304 6430-304 6430 ae 9876-2003 9876 - 2003 9876 - 2003 9876-____- ___ ae ‘TOP Mache Stage 6 5. Subtract these decimals mentally. () 217-34 nr - 34 27-34 = 2-__+07-__ . + (b) 96-42 96 - 42 96-42 =9-—_+06-__ = + ( 089-0.56 089 = - (056 0.89 -0.56 6. Subtract these decimals mentally. fo) 31-18 are fb) 114-69 () 85-57 + 18 69 ST 7 Fillin the boxes with the correct operations and the blanks with the correct, numbers. One has been done for you. (a) 1624-38 = 1624-40 ae (bl 3285-41 = 3285-40 — (c) 5164-297 = 5164-300 — (d) 8713 - 502 = 8713 —— -2 le) 6502-1999 = 6502- ___ 1 (7766 - 2004 = 7766 —— —_— (g) 9889-5008 = 9889- ___ — th) 5670-4998 = 5670- __ 2 Look at the following number sentences. Put a tick [/ in the box ifthe working is correct and a cross (x1 ifthe working is wrong, to) we 3487 - 61 = 3847-60 +1 tb) wa 5178 - 498 = 5178 - 500 +2 7302 - 4001 = 7302 - 4000 +1 Mental Skitls + Workcnese = Subiract these numbers mentally. ta) to} 974-48 — to) (d) 6268 - 31 = 87-54= i} i) — 65-29= @ (hl 5763-304 = ___ 9.2-71=___ fi ii 8728 - 1997 = ___ — i 0 7047 ~ 2134 =__ 0.98 -0.27 = __ Which method should | use? ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 - 1. fillin the blanks. (a) 60x10=____ {b} 300 x 40 =__ () 40x 20=___ [d) 500 x 60=__ (a) x 40 = 2400 ti} x 30 = 900 2. fillin the blanks. ) fa) 50x 80=__ (b) 70x 90=___ fc] 30x 100 = ____ {d) 700 x 20 =___ le} x 60 = 3600 o x 300 = 21000 3. Fillin the missing numbers. (09 xo "x7 490 x10 3 200 700 4, Ming saves $20 each day, (o} How much money will she save in 20 days? — (bd) How much money will she save in 300 days? — { Mental Skitts + Worksheet > Nome: 1 fill in the missing numbers. loss: __. Date: 10x34= 18x34 + 8x34=___ a 50x 48 x 24 = 2x___= . 51x26 + x a 39x12 = Multiply these numbers mentally. a 59x14=__ a 25x 49=___ (o) ‘d) Gua 36x43 = 45x19 = Nome: ___ loss: Date: 1. Find the doubles of the following numbers. fa} tb) How can I find the double of a number? . What has a single eye but cannot see? | Find the halves of the following numbers. Then match the answers to the numbers given below. If you are correct, you will be able to solve the riddle. Halt of 120 fy Half of 4.6 Half of 17 60 6.1 61 85 23 61 aa> SD ~ =) - SS Ga> gy Ga> e , 4 ) 5. 6. Double these numbers quickly. fa) 64 Sole (bo) tq a) Sole, (a fe) 93 Sobe, Ig) 0.45 Coble (hy Halve these numbers quickly i 7 —o, (bo) 0 s4—t (a) te) 63 hot 0 tig) 17.6 hot “(hl Find the answers fo these quickly {o) Double 4.2 - Double 0.8 = ___ {b) Half of 17 — Half of 11.8 = ___ () Double 2.7 + Double 6.7 = ___ (d)_ Half of 5.4 + Half of 13.4 =__ (e) Double 23 - Half of 10.8 = ___ (Half of 18 + Double 8.7 = ___ (gl Half of 9.8 - Double 1. (bh) Double 4.5 + Half of 1.8 = ___ ‘TOP Mache stage 6 75 89 0.05 36 62 72 136 double double double double halt halt halt hai Nome; ass; ___ ate: Sea 1. Find the product of these numbers mentally by halving and doubling, @ 6x 4 = 19 x 1 = halt double double half i) 2) 2) a (45x 18=__ (@ 63x12=___ 2. Multiply these numbers mentally. Match each product to the correct answer. x12 . . 240 16x15 . . 304 : 9x16 . . 168 ya 45 . . 330 22x15 . . 540 Date: Nome: ss: 1, Tick) the boxes next fo the correct sentences, {a} 246 is divisible by 2 {b) 584 is divisible by 2 ond 4. c 670is divisible by 2 [d)_ 402 is divisible by 10, ‘and 10. le} 700is divisible by 10 () 750s divisible by 25. and 25. 2. (al Circle the numbers that are divisible by both 4 and 5. {c}__ Circle the numbers that are divisible by both 10 and 100. ‘TOP Maths Stage 3. Complete the number puzzle, One has been done for you. 2) (3) (4) (5) ) Divisible by 2, 5, 10, 25 and 100. All the digits add up to 8 Divisible by 2 and 4. The digit in the units place is double the digi in the tens place. Both digits are multiples of 3 Odd number that is divisible by 5. The digits in the tens and units places are the same. Divisible by 2, 4, 5 and 10. All the digits have a sum of 9. Divisible by 2 and 4. Gives a remainder of 3 when divided by 5, andis between 30 to 50. (ol to) (a (el Across Down (1) Divisible by 2. The product of the | (a) Divisible by 5 and 25. The digit in two digits is 12 the units place is 2 ess than the digit in the tens place. (Odd number that is divisible by 5. Divisible by 5, 10, 25 and 100. Even number smaller than 50 but greater than 30 that is divisible by 2, 4, 5 and 70 Divisible by 2. The sum of the digits in the hundreds and tens places is the same as the value of the digit in the units place. The digi in the hundreds place is 1 less than the digi in the units place. Moneat Siitts - Worksheet 7 Nome: lass: te: 1. Divide each of the following numbers by 2 quickly 12+2=__ 25+ Quotient Quotient Remainder = ___ Remainder = 2. fillin the blanks with odd or even. (a) An____ number, when muttiplied by an odd number, gives. an even number. (bo) An___number, when mutiplied by an odd number gives ‘on odd number. 3. Find the quotient and remainder, if any, for each of the following, lal 46+2=? rn ate? We divide he ten. aK We die he units Fal ne 8 tens + tens units + 2= units remainder units So, 46+2= R. We find « multiple of 3 nearest fo 38. We divide the fens, We divide the units. tens +3 =. tens units + 3 =. units remainder. ‘units So, 38 +3=____R___. tc ‘We find a multiple of 2 oh tens tens remainder ten fen units ‘units + ‘units = units ‘units + 2. units remainder. unit So, 57+ ——_ rk. Find the quotient and remainder for each of the following, ‘@) (b) 786 Quotient Remainder = Remainder = __ Moneat Skills + Worksnest ® 5. Solve the riddle. What goes up when the rain comes down? wer q@— @ _——~_ © g—_) | &——) 6 Gg) a G I3R1 18RI BRI 12R1 BRS 12 12 35 ‘TOP Maths Stage 1. Fill in the blanks by counting on or back. fa} 55+. =80 lb) 386+ = 900 (ce) 1609 + 3000 (d) 1224+. = 4000 fe) 62-__= 40 ( 917-___ = 500 {g) 333-_____=200 th) 83n- = 7000 ti) 8230-___= 1000 ) 6079-____ = 4000 2. Find the answers to these mentally. (a) (ob) 7.64+19=— 3 314275 SS Fy td td) 213 +150 =___ ee 430-270 =___ (> Res le] {fl 692-340 =___ a 897-680=__ s Show how you would add these mentally (o) 874+98=___ (b) 1453 + 612 =____ le 9644+ 2017 = ___ (d) 7981+3434=___ Show how you would subtract these mentally. {a} 8913-103 =. (bo) 4735-369 =___ (6982-1465 — (a) 9738-5014 =__ ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 5. Show how you would double these numbers mentally (a) Double 63 = ___ {b) Double 87 =___ fc) Double 3.5 = {d) Double 0.44 =__ 6. Show how you would halve these numbers mentally (a) Half of 4.4 =___ (b) Half of 9.6 = ____ (cl) Half of 15.2 = ___ (a) Half of 29.4=__ Mental Skitle » Putting te Together x (EL ‘Multiply these numbers mentally. (@ 30x 80=___ (1 30 x 800 = ___ (50x90 =—___ (d) 50x 900=___ (e) 70x70 =__ {fl 70x 700=___ Show how you would multily these numbers mentally by breaking the numbers into its factors and multiplying, (a) 40x 40=___ b] 70x 60=—__ () 60x 900 = ___ {) 220 80=___ Muttipl these numbers mentally using any of the methods you have learnt (a) tb) 60x70=__ 40 x 80 = (c) ‘a 50 x 700 =__ 500 x 120 = ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 10. Tick (Jin the boxes that show the divisibilty of the numbers. Divisible | Divisible | Divisible | Divisible | Divisible | Divisible Number | “by2 | by4 | by5 | by10 | by25 | by100 64 195 290 510 600 725 800 1075 [a] What do you notice about the numbers that are divisible by 25? They are also divisible by _. (b] What do you notice about the numbers that are divisible by 100? They are also divisible by —_,__, ___, and. (c)_ What do you notice about the numbers that are divisible by 10? They are also divisible by ‘and Montat Skitts - Pustiag Te Together + n ' DOWEL SS Quotient: 28 Remainder: 1 SS) Quotient: 4 Remainder: 4 SS) Quotient: 3 Remainder: 2 eS Quotient: 3 Remainder: 1 eS) Quotient: 7 Remainder: 5 oe eer Nome: Class: _____ Date: 1 Consecutive numbers are numbers that follow in order. For example, 4 and 5 are two consecutive numbers, 8 and 9 are another two conseculive numbers, [a] Which two consecutive numbers have a product of 182? and (b} Is the product of two consecutive numbers always divisible by 2? Explain your answer. ‘Mr Toh’s current age is an even number between 60 and 70 and is divisible by 4. In 6 years’ time, his age will be divisible by 5 and 10. How old is Mr Toh now? ‘Mr Toh is. years old now. Fillin the missing numbers. (al 7822-2990 = 7822 - 3000 + (bl Half of 8.6 = 4.4 Half of 0.4+ [c) 34.7 =Double 15 + Double 0.35 + Double Montat kitts - rusting te Togeener 2 ED) ‘eee? Cr e® ‘Ati wrote the following: 8467 - 2994 = 8467 - 3000-6 Is he correct? Explain why. Ez OeE Can you count on or back in| thoudands, hundreds, tens and ones to add or subtract mentally? Can you add oF, subtract boo-digit numbers, three-digit multiples 10 and pairs of decimals? Can you add or subtract near mulltples ‘of 10, 100 and 1000 to four-digit mumbers mentally? Can you add or subtract near multiples of 1? Can you find doubles multiples Spe peu fend deubles Raa decimals, and their related halves quictely? Can you mulliply by halving one Carle onek btibe the cert Can you mulliply pairs of multiples of 18 Sukcietyt Can you mulkiply near pairs of | alipies” of 2872 “oT Can you use divisibility rules to test tf a number is divisible by 2, 4, §, 10, 26 or 100? Can you divide boo-digit wumbers by swdglesdigte anberS euelit a ‘TOP Mache Sease 6 Nome; as Date: am 1. Write a decimal number for each of the following, (1 {Units |] tenths CoO — oO © [units |. | tenths OO — 3 . Oo (1 [tens [units |] tenths CoO —— 607 | 2 ) [tens | units |. tenths O00 oO a 0000 oO sai 2 Fillin the missing numbers. fo) 4i= units tenths 44 =4+. tb) 70.9 fens. units. tenths 70+ +7 =70+ (d 80.7= tens units tenths: = 80+ WW =80+ Filin the blanks. In the number 907.4, (ol the digi 9isin the _______place and has a vaive of (b} the digit. is in the units place and stands for (d_ the digit 0 stands for___and has a valve of, (a) the digit 4is in the place and has a value of 1 The mass of a crab is 8 kg. Write its mass os a decimal —k9 5, Write a decimal number for each of the following, (a) (o) (o @ “el Write each of the following as a decimal. Units Tenths Hundredths 000 000 — 000 Units Tenths Hundredths 90 2000 — O° 0000 Units Tenths Hundredths 900 20 ae oo 00 Units Tenths Hundredths 2000 0000 —— 000 0000 Units Tenths Hundredths 000 — 000 oO Q0000 O00 00000 000 la) 9 hundredths = [87 hundredths = le] 3tenths 4 hundredths (b) 34 hundredths = (d) 260 hundredths = 10 tenths 91 hundredths pains wetness BS 7. fillin the missing numbers. (a) 9.27 units, tenths hundredths =9+ 0 + 00 =9+ + (b} 2017= tens units tenth hundredths =20+ + =20+ + (cl) 64,05 fens. units, tenths. hundredths =60% woe = 60+ + + 8 fillin the missing numbers, la) 879.89 = hundreds tens. units tenths. hundredths = +704 +a. = +704 +084 Yea 9. {b}__ Inthe number 495.18, (the digit 4 isin the of {ithe digit 1 stands for li) the digit § is in the. for (ivi the digit stands for of 90. the digit. value of tenth and has a value of. place and has a value place and stands and has a value is in the hundredths place and has a Write each amount of money in decimal form. é Sy Pa a A’ ‘ a wh \ 95 ¢=$ wi, ly x ae (wee) wh \ g “6 74 dollars 40 cents = $. Decimals + Worksheet + Nome; —_________ ass: Date: 1. Circle the smaller decimals. Use the place value tables to help you. fa) 19 0.94 " “ tens | units | | tenths | Hundredths 1 9 o |-{ 9 4 ib} 6.78 7 ® o 88 Tens | Units Tenths | Hundredths 6 7 8 6 8 7 Id 16.39 16.9 " “ tens | Units | | tenths | Hundredths 1 6 9 1 6 2. Filinthe boxes with >, Workeheats (EEE) Name: lo: 1, Fillin the blanks. a) more than 10.02 is 10.52. lb) 20.75 is 0.5 less than ld 45.118 less than 46.26. @ less than 31.12 is 30.32. [e} 55.58 is 0.09 more than “th is 0.42 less than 67.88, 2, fillin the missing numbers in the number line below. 43.67 43.75 43.91 Date Go ee Sh less more 3. Continue the number sequences. Use the number lines fo help you, fg) 5 55 6 53, —_, __, __ 69, 73 65 7 Bt 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.52, 2.56, —. 26 2) tor mane stages 2.60 2.65 4, Look at the number sequences. Then fill in the blanks. G 6.69, 6.79, 6.89, This number sequence starts with _ tenth, To find the next number, we count on in. i 49.81, 49.41, 49.01, This number sequence starts with __. To find the next number, we coun! —______in a 73.12, 73.09, 73.06, This number sequence starts with ___ To find the next number, we count____in 5. Complete the number sequences below. BES a= "BOB aS *6. Write the correct decimal that comes next in the number sequence. Dectaials + Worksheet 3 lass: ___. Date: 1. Round each number to the nearest tenth. Nome: (a 7.62 ft 4 tt tt ttt 76 7.65 77 7.628 when rounded to the nearest tenth. (o) 10.48 ( 10.4 10.45 105 10.48 is when rounded fo the nearest tenth. ta 0.67 ft tt 06 0.65 67's when rounded to the nearest tenth. @ ee 34.45 34.45 is when rounded to the nearest tenth, CD ror metneseaces ‘Mark each given decimal on the number line with @ cross (x) and label it. Then, round it to 1 decimal place. fo) p++ + + ++ ++ + > 1 92 912 =_ 917 = (ob) <—}—+-—+—+-—+-—_} +++ +} + 13.4 13.5 13.47 ~ 13.45 = Round each of the following to 1 decimal place. fo) 1.67=__ (bo) 3.54= Id 23.48= (a) 20.06 =___ le] 54.95 = (47.03 =—__ David's house is 67.93 km away from the beach. Round this distance to | decimal place. 67.93 km =__km Atank has a capacity of 28.25 /. Round its capacity to 1 decimal place. 28.25 l=. L Complete the table below. Rounded to the nearest | Rounded to the nearest ee whole number tenth 0.79 8.35 42.99 Dectmats + Werkenect 4 1. Round each number to the nearest whole number or nearest tenth, (a) 908 re 90 905 v 90,8 is when rounded tothe nearest whole number, ib) 655 ( re 65 65.5 66 65.5 is __ when rounded tothe nearest whole number, ‘a nas re AS nS TAS is, when rounded to the nearest tenth. ‘8 89.69 tt tt ttt 89.85 89.89 is when rounded to the nearest tenth. Round each of the following fo the nearest whole number. () 43~ (bo) 472~ () 69.5=— (i) 44.39= (e) 60.05~= __ Mh 240.99 = Fil in the blanks. (0) Acabinet has a mass of 62.8 kg. Round its mass to the nearest kilogram. 62.8kg~—___kg (b) The length of a table is 1.24 m, Round its length to the nearest metre. 1.24m=—__m {c)_Avase has o capacity of 8.97 /. Round its capacity to the nearest tenth. 8.97 1~__1 Round the cost of each of the following items to the nearest dollar. (al o) Cost $. Round the length of the pencil fo the nearest centimetre. repro erp Length of the pencil = cm Decimate © Worksheet = Nome ass; ate 1. Find the sum, We add the hundredths. Regroup the hundredths nto tenths ‘ond hundredths. ‘We add the tenths Regroup the tenths into unis, cond tenths. We add the units, a hundredths + hundredths = hundredths hundredths = tenth hundredths tenth + tenths + tenths unit units + So, 6.85 +1.65=___. 2 Find the sum of each of the following. (a) td te ig) 1.2445.72=___ Paz | 4 45.72 = 0.42 +6.13=__ | J 254592= __ SO 5.27 +429 = (b) (a) (hh 7.43 +6.30=—__ las ok | Fe 807+6=___ O71+8.55=___ 3.48 +7.67=__ __| panes menses GB Fill in the missing numbers in the number pairs below. (a (o) 072 0.35 (c} a 87 10 10 43 Circle the pairs of numbers that will make 1. 0.38, 0.62 0.21, 0.89 Circle the pairs of numbers that will make 10. ca a @ ED Nome: lass; ___ ate: _ 1. Find the difference for each of the following, (a) far este nes Meso ne oe hundredths —. hundredth = hundredths tenths —. tenths = tenths units — units = units | So, 4.47-2.21=__. | {bo} 6.52-201=____ fd) 4.34-125=—___ 6.52 -2.01 (d) 7.95-47=__ le} 9.07-3=___ , wanes wanes 2. Find the difference for each of the following, (a) 0.90 -0.83 {© Regroup the tenths ino tenths —_—— and hundredths © We subtract the hundredths. We subtract the tenths ‘We sublroc the units 9 tenths = tenths hundredths hundredths — hundredths = hundredths @ tenths - tenths = tenths ( | units ~ units = units So, 0.9 - 0.83 = ____. (bo) 0,96 -0.48 =__ Id 8.97-2.98=___ 0.96 0.48 (@) 3.63-0.59=___ fe) 7-137=___ 3. __fillin the blanks. (a) 0.38and moke 1 (o) ‘and 0.24 make 1. ( 49and make 10, (a ‘and 5.2 make 10. 4. Subtract and match. 1-04 . . 0.24 1-0.76 . . 85 10-15 . . 87 10-13 . . 06 5. Find what CY and /\ each stands for. Oo + A =10 QO 10 O-A» A OQ Name: 1. Find the product 49 a tenths x 4 = —— tenths = $0,4.9x4=_ units x 4= units + units = loss: ___. Date: > We multiply the tenths. egroup the tenths into units and tenths. We mutiply the units. & We odd the units, Regroup the unis into tens ond units. tenths units tenths units units units ten units 2. Find the product of each of the following, 3 Fillin the blanks. (ol Double 1.5is {b) Double 7.6 is, Fillin the missing numbers, o2| x 06 x15 25 x x x x x x x|7 4 20] x |o4i| = oa| x | 2 10 | x = [205 The capacity of 9 such cans is A bowl of mangoes has a mass of 4.5 kg. A basket of watermelons has a mass of 6.7 kg, What is the mass of 10 baskets of watermelons and 4 bowls of mangoes? 10 boskets of watermelons and 4 bowls of mangoes have a mass of kg. Nome;—__________lass;____ ate: 1. Fillin the blanks. (a) 18x10=__ (b) 9.85x10=__ (cl 56.2x10=__ (d) 79.61x10=__ rc) x10=194 © x10 = 326.3 2. fillin the blanks, (a) 03x100=___ (b) 44.67 100=__ fc) 45x100=__ (a) 1.52 100=__ i} x 100 = 240 @ x 100 = 4126 3. fillin the missing numbers, . (a) ‘TOP Mathe Stage 6 4, Maich the numbers on the left to its product on the right when multiplied by 100. 5. The mass of one bead is 1.2 9, [a] What is the mass of 10 beads? (b] What is the mass of 100 beads? *Icl_ Whats the mass of 200 beads? 6. The distance between Dan’s house and the petrol station is 5.6 km. He drove to the petrol station and back to his house 10 times last week. What was the total distance he covered last week? The total distance he covered last week wos km. Name: 1. Find the quotient Ttens = ten units + units + 6= units = tenths + tenths + 6 = So, 76.2 + ‘TOP Mathe Stage 6 We divide the fens, Regroup the remaining fens into unis. We add the units We divide the units, Regroup the remaining units into tenths, We add the tenths We divide the tenths ten remainder ten units units = units units remainder tenths tenths = tenths tenths Class; —__ Date: ao aol ape a V 5 units @ + ul 2. Find the quotient for each of the following. fo Ch fF fo 7)29.4 4)90 | 3. Fillin the blanks. (a) Half of 8.4is (b) Half of 20.2is 4, Find the quotient for each of the following, Round your answers 10 decimal place. (al (b) 3)11.8 9)55.2 1823 55.229 5. Find the quotient for each of the folowing, sl ajo a7 29 ‘Mrs Kumar bought 48.5 kg of vegetables, She shared them equally with 4 of her neighbours. What was the mass of vegetables each person received? The mass of vegetables each person received was kg. ‘The length of 3 similar trays is 109.2 cm, What is the length of each tray? The length of each tray is cm. Dave filled 7 cups with 12.4 1 of soda. How much soda was there in each cup if they each had the sarne amount of soda? Round your answer fo I decimal place. There was about of soda in each cup. Nome: Yorkst 1. Fillin the blanks. (a) 62+10=—___ () 56+10=___ () —_+10=817 2. fillin the blanks. (a) 887+ 100=___ () 4820+ 100 =___ (e] —__+100=0.06 3. fillin the missing numbers. fo} 100 CaP tb) (di (bl (di i} qin 9901 + 10 52+100=__ = 100 =0.83 4 *6, ‘Match the numbers on the left fo its quotient on the right when divided by 100. 100 envelopes cost $24, [o) What is the cost of 10 envelopes? $_ |b] Whats the cost of | envelope? S. ‘Awatermelon is 30 times as heavy as an orange. If the mass of the watermelon is 2043 g, what is the mass of the orange? ey Hoo The mass of the orange is g Nome; lass: ate: == 1. Write each fraction as a decimal, Then complete the place valve table below i One has been done for you 7 8 fo) i= (ol io= Units | . | Tenths Units | . | Tenths 25 ‘6 Units | . | Tenths Units |. | Tenths i Units | . | Tenths | Hundredths | | Units | . | Tenths | Hundredths 8 oa (9) 5y05 = hh 4¢0 = Units}. | Tenths | Hundredths | | Units | . | Tenths | Hundredths 2. Fil in the missing numerators, Then write each fraction as a decimal @ tbl 2-0 5 dg 3 = a= 70 (el 9 75 = 100" Fill in the missing numbers. Then write each decimal as a mixed number in its simplest form. fa) 9.5 (b) 18.6 = —— units ___ tenths = —— units tenths = 180 id 285 (dd) 16.25 = —_units —__ hundredths = _—_units hundredths 100 = 16-05 = Express each of the following fractions as a decimal. 9 fl 5 b) 0 aT ae i Z- Express each ofthe following fractions as a decimal. Round your answer {0 1 decimal place. 3 a fo) $-__ (ble 9 5 a ge (dl 8E~ (bo) 35=___ ( 055= (@) 428=___ Write True or False for each of the following sentences. (a 4s is 0.15 when expressed as a decimal. tb) 0.24is z when expressed as a fraction in its simplest form, (©) 7187.4 when expressed as a decimal rounded to 1 decimal place. # and 0.34 have the same valve i le) 4.75 is 12 when expressed as a fraction. ‘TOP mathe Stage 6 080 8 9. Jane and her mother went fo the market fo buy some strawberries. Two fruit stalls were selling the strawberries on the scales shown below al the same price. Sia Sia fa) Complete the table. Stall ‘Mass in decimals (kg) ‘Mass in fractions (kg) A B |b] Which stall offered a better price for the strawberries? Stall Id) Stall C sold 0.8 kg of strawberries at a certain price. Stall D sold aa kg of strawberries at the same price as stall C. Which stall, C or D, offered a better price? Sally ran 0.75 km around the running track. Express the distance she ran as a fraction, She ran km. ) Top Masne stage Stall 0. 12. "13. ‘Mr Ali bought 4 m of wire and cutit into 10 equal pieces. What was the length of each piece of wire? Give your answer as a decimal. The length of each piece of wire was m, Cindy bought 45 g of sweets and packed them into 4 equal packets What was the mass of each packet of sweets? Give your answer as a fraction. The mass of each packet of sweets was g watermelon had o mass of 1 kg. 4 fruit seller cut the watermelon into 16 equal pieces. Paul bought 2 pieces. What was the mass of the watermelon that he bough'? Give your answer as a decimal. Round your answer to | decimal place. The mass of the watermelon he bought was about kg Declmate + Worksheet 22 Nome lass: ___ bate Gane 1. Express each division sentence as a fraction and as a decimal fo) 425= or (b) () 15+2= or Id) 35=10= or 2. Express each fraction as a division sentence. Then express the answer to the division as a decimal 2 9 fo) $=___+___=____ = ———— 6 “ 2 (q §=—__+—__=___ “td 33= 3. Jasmine has a wire that is 5 m long. She bends the wire to form a regular ‘octagon. What is the length of each side of the octagon? Each side is m 4, Amold has 10 chocolate bars. {a What fraction of the chocolate bar will there be in each jar if he divides the ( chocolate bars into 18 jars equally? (b) How many chocolate bars will here be in each jor if he divides the chocolate bars into 6 jars equally? (a) There will be of a chocolate bar in each jar. (b) There will be chocolate bars in each jar. Name: Closs: {Bi Use a calculator to find the answers in this worksheet. 1 Add. (a) 30.15 + 78.352 = (96.403 +2377 = Subtract. (al 76.509-4.724=__ (93.95 -1.25: Multiply (o} 48.193 x 5 =__ Id 81.242 x 46= Divide, la) 274.96 + — [cl 58.962.6+24=__ tb} (a) (b) i (o) (a (o (a) Date: Gere 2.218 + 0.692 = 83.802 + 4320=__ 66.692 - 58.04 = 17 000 - 813.61 55.69 x 68 = _ 24,865 x 24=___ 95.4 36= 13.815, 5. Find the value of each of the following. Round your answer to 1 decimal places. 353.32 + 802.07 507.87 = 81 60.08 - 53.09 thinking of a digit. The digit does ‘nol appear in any of he answers ‘above. What digi am thinking of? Name: wget 1 Write each of the following as a decimal. fa] Stenths =. tb) [cl 8 hundredths (d) "(el Tunit 2 tenths 15 hundredths *tf) Write each of the following as a decimal, fo) 3 _ tb) 10 =—— () w2=__ (a 70 fe) 250 “ti 5400 =—— Class: 105 tenths = _ 210 hundredths ten 9 units 8 tenths 30 hundredths pein momentos QS 3. Write a decimal number for each of the following, Tens units |] Tenths 5 Q00 oo al|ieacs “b) Tens Units: . Tenths 000 900000 006 | 600006 “0 [Tens units |.] tenths | Hundredths 0000/0000 6006]O099}.] ooo | 888° | — 0066 o Write the value of each digi in the following decimals, fa) 44.05 tb} 90.78 Fill in the blanks. (al In 40.8, the digit 8 isin the place and has a value of (b| In 69.90, the digit. is in the hundredths place and has a value of (c}_ In 80.64, the digit 0 is in the place and hos a value of ‘TOP Mache Stage 6 6 10. W, Fillin the blanks with <, > or =. ol bl 10.9 10.99 2432433 a tal 1105 ny 6y 167 Flin the blanks la) Nis more than 1.7. (b] 34.01 is 0.01 less than ld 66.65is ‘a more than 29.7, is 1.08 less than 94.50. Fillin the missing numbers in the number line below. 22.2 23 23.4 ee less more Arrange these decimals in order. Begin with the greatest. 79.6, 67.9, 79.9, 76.9 Complete the number sequence below. 145, 15, ——. 16.5 (al Round $50.49 to the nearest dollar. — (| Round 98.06 g to 1 decimal place. —9 Declmate + Putting Ie Together s 12. Write each ofthe following as a decimal i 33 tb) 2 (d) 2375 = 13. Write each of the following as a mixed fraction in its simplest form. a) 13.60= lb) S12= (cl 25.75= (d) 70.45 = 14, Circle the snowman with the smallest value. 15. _ Express each division sentence as a fraction. bo) (a 5 () S1z8=—__ (d) 3423=___ 16. Express each fraction as a division sentence. Then express the answer to the division as a decimal. Round your answers to 1 decimal place. (b) (al ) TOP Mate Stage 6 v. 18. 9, 20. Express each ofthe following fractions as a decimal @ } to} 3= ie a o 2 Express each ofthe following fractions as a decimal using division. Round your answer to 1 decimal place. (al to 3— 1 6 td 3 (3) 53m Express each of the following decimals as a fraction in its simplest form. fa) 0.2=__. (bo) 84= ld 078=___ (@) 316=__ Solve the riddle by expressing each fraction as a decimal, Then write the letter that matches each fraction with its decimal. What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands? 2 22, kit made 7 ! of soup. She filed 10 identical bowis completely How much soup did each bow! hold? Give your answer as a decimal. Each bow! held Tof soup. ‘Mis Lee bought 24 kg of grapes. She put them equally into 5 bags. What was the mass of each bag of grapes? Give your answer as a fraction The mass of each bag of grapes was kg TOP mathe Stage 6 Nome lass: ate 1. Harry is thinking of a number which has 2 decimal places. 2 When rounded to 1 decimal place, it has the same value as 125 What is the biggest and smallest possible decimal it could be? The biggest possible decimal is The smallest possible decimal is Decimals + Putting te Together 2 | — 50 scouts went for a hike. Each scout had to carry either a 1/or 1.5 [bottle of water. f the total amount of water they carried was 59 /, how many scouts carried the 1.5 / bottle of water? Hint: Draw a table, scouts carried the 1.5 / bottle of water. ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 Is the value of 6.70 the same as 6.07 or 6.7? Explain your answer. Can you bell the value of each digit’in a number up to bwo decimal places? Can you write the value of each digit“in a decimal number with 2 or 2 decimal places? Can you compare and order decivnals with up to 2 decimal places? Can you count on and back in decimals? Cah you find the number that is 0.1 or 0,01 more or Less than any decimal with 1 or 2 decimal places? Can you describe and continue number sequences by counting on or back from decimals with 1 or 2 decimal. places? Can you round a decimal with 2 or 2 decimal places to the nearest whole number? Can you round a decimal with 2 decimal places to the nearest benth? Can you add and subtract decimals? Can you find pairs of one-place decirmals totaling 10 and bso- place decimals totalling 1 quickly? Can you multiply and divide decals by tihele- agit numbers? San you multiply and divide dechiaals by 16 and 100? Can you solve word problems involving decimals? Can you write Fractions os decirmals, and vice versa? ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 Name: ass; ___ ate: a ge } ee B& @ pretzels cupcakes The ratio of the number of pretzels to the number of cupcakes is The ratio of the number of cupcakes fo the number of pretzels is (b) pos pos The ratio of the number of pineapples to the number of pears is, The ratio of the number of pears to the number of pineapples is the + Worksheet 2 3 Fillin the blanks. 36 te Ig The cost of 2 kg of watermelons to the cost of 3 kg of mangosteens is inthe ratio Look at the picture b .elow. Then fil in the blanks. @ © @ @ @ ee @ (a) The ratio of the number of triangles to the number of squares is, @ {b) The number of squares to the number of pentagons is in the ratio [d__ The ratio of the number of 9:2. to the number of {d)_ The ratio of the number of pentagons to the number of triangles is ‘TOP Maths Stage 6 There are some peanuts and almonds in a packet. The proportion of peanuts is 3 ofthe fotal number of nuis in the packet (a) What proportion of nuts in the packet are almonds? — (b] What is the ratio of the number of almonds in the packet to the total number of nuts in the packet? — (6) What is the ratio of the number of peanuts to the number of almonds in the packet? To make muffins, Mrs Chan mixed 3 cups of flour with every cup of milk. flour (a) Whats the ratio of the number of cups of flour to the total number of cups of flour and milk? — (b]_ What proportion of the mixture is milk? — (cl Complete the table below. ‘Total number of cups of flour and milk Number of cups of flour | 3 6 12 [dl firs Chan used a total of 20 cups of flour and milk, how many cups of milk did she use? Ratio + Worksheet 2 Nome; lass: ate: Worksheet 3 Solving word problems (Geckmaiaamzy Ilona 1, There are 54 paintings in the National Museum, The ratio of the number of sculptures to the number of paintings in the museum is 7: 9 (a) Express the number of sculptures as a fraction of the number of paintings. {b] How many sculptures are there in the museum? fa) The number of sculptures is. of the number of paintings. (b) There are sculptures in the museum. 2. There are 3 times as many novels as comic books in a bookstore. Ifthere are 2480 books altogether, how many comic books are there in the bookstore? There are ‘comic books in the bookstore. ‘TOP Maths Stag0.6 3, Thenumber of stamps that Ming has is ‘fof the number of stomps that Fiona has. If Ming has 22 stamps, how many stamps does Fiona have? Fiona has stamps. 4, Clara and Sue saved some money. The proportion of Clara's savings is $ of their total savings. (a) Find the ratio of Sue's savings to Clara's savings. (b}__ ff Sue saved $60 more than Clara, how much did they save altogether? (a) The ratio of Sue's savings to Clara's savings is. (o They saved $____ altogether. 85 in every $20 that Benjamin and his father donate to charity is donated by Benjamin, (al _ Ifthe total sum of money Benjamin and his father donates is $240, how much money is donated by Benjamin's father? (bl) Benjamin donates $25, how much does his father donate? E 7 (El (a) The amount of money Benjamin's father donates iss. to} Benjamin's father donates $__. ‘TOP Maths Stage¢ 6. The map below shows the location of some animals in a wildlife park. The scale of the map is 1: 700. ifthe distance between Sun Bear Den and Hedgehog Haven on the map is 9 cm, what is the actual distance between these two locations? Express your answer in metres. The actual distance between Sun Bear Den and Hedgehog Haven is. 7.§@ Ethan used a microscope to magnify a grain of rice. The length of the magnified fice grain is 3 cm. ithe actual length ofthe rice grain is 2 ofthe length of the magnified rice grain, what is the actual length of he rice grain? The actual length of he rice grain is em "8.1 A piece of wire is bent to form a square and a triangle. The ratio of the perimeter ofthe square to the perimeter ofthe triangle is 8:7. Ifthe length of the wire is 60 cm, what is the length of one side of the square? cm. The length of one side of the square is. *9, _% of he amount of money Jerry has is } ‘of the amount of money Don has. (a) Find the ratio of the amount of money Jerry has to the amount of money Don has. (b) IWJerry has $20 less than Don, how much does Don have? (a) The ratio of the amount of money Jerry has to the amount of money Don has is (b) Don has S. ‘TOP Maths Stage 8 Nome: lass: ate Putting It Together I ed 1. MrPangis 36 years old. Mr Tan is 42 yeors old. (a) What s the ratio of mtr Pang's age to Mir Tan's age? — {b) Express Mr Tan's age as a fraction of Mr Pang’s age. — [cl Express Mr Pang’s age as a fraction of their total age. — 2.@ Foridah buys 135 cm of lace, She cuts the lace into two pieces in the ratio 5 : 7. {o) What proportion of the total length of the lace is the length of the shorter piece? {b) What is the length of the longer piece of lace? (a The length of the shorter piece is of the total length of the lace. (b The length of the longer piece of ace is. cm. Ratio + Pusting re Together x ( Angela and Betty shared a bag of marshmallows. Angela got 2 of the marshmallows and Betty got the rest. [a] Whats the ratio of the number of marshmallows Betty received to the number of marshmallows Angela received? tb) ff Betty received 15 more marshmallows than Angela, how rnany marshmallows did Angela receive? la) The ratio of the number of marshmallows Betty received fo the number of marshmallows Angela received is tb) Angela received marshmallows. The diagram on the right shows the plan of a garden. 1 cm on the plan represents 150 cm in the ‘actual garden. i the length of the garden in the plan is 10 cr, what isthe actual length of the garden? Express your answer in metres. The actual length of the garden is 5.{@ 100 kg in every 310 kg of biscuits « factory produces are filed with chocolate cream. The rest are filed with vanilla cream. Ifthe factory produced 4030 kg of biscuits last month, what was the mass of biscuits produced that were filed with vanilla crearn? —— kg of he biscuits produced were filed with vanilla cream, 6.@ The pupils in Class A painted a mural, For every 1500 cm? of wall area they painted, they used 130 m/ of red paint and 150 mi of blue paint. (a) What was the ratio of the amount of red paint used to the amount of blue paint used? (b) Ifthe pupils painted the mural on a wall with an area of 4356 cm®, how much blue paint did they use? (a) The ratio of the amount of red paint used to the amount of blue paint used was tb) The pupils used ml of blue paint te Together + a7 *8. Penny and Yati had some seashells in the ratio 5 : 3. After Penny gave 12 seashells fo Yai, they had the same number of seashells, How many ‘seashells did Penny have to begin with? Penny had seashells to begin with. 3 ‘of the number of zebras in a safari park is twice as many as the number of, rhinoceroses in the safari park. {a)_ Whats the ratio of the number of zebras to the number of rhinoceroses in the safari park? (b) there are 45 more zebras than rhinoceroses in the safari park, how ‘many thinoceroses are there in the park? (a The ratio of the number of zebras to the number of rhinoceroses is (b) There are thinoceroses in the safari park. ‘TOP mathe Stage 6 Nome; lass: ate Putting It Together 2 beens The circle below is divided into 3 parts. ‘The areas of A and B are in the ratio 5: 7. The areas of B and Care in the ratio 3 : 1. What fraction of the area of the whole circle is the area of B? Bis of the whole circle. + Pueting t Together 2 e ‘© Torn has two pieces of string, A and B. the rat ofthe length of A to the length of B is 4: 5, use a bar diagram to explain to a friend why the length of Ais 4 of heir total length. find the ratio of two ies? ee con a ee one Cah gon solve single word problene Zing ratio onde proporti ‘TOP Mathe Stago6

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